
denza242any packagers online?00:31
denza242guess not01:39
Logansmb: are you planning on merging dahdi-tools?05:50
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Loganwow, this package gives a complete history of Ubuntu architectures: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empire-hub/
mwhudsoni think as far as i can see https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/subversion/1.8.13-1ubuntu3/+build/8382232 is basically a missing dependency, can someone retry it?08:36
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=== juliank0 is now known as juliank
=== juliank is now known as Guest14972
=== juliank0 is now known as juliank
=== juliank0 is now known as juliank
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cjwatsonmwhudson: Done, but made no difference.  On investigation (it's not at all clear from the build log), it's not going to get anywhere until qtbase-opensource-src has built.22:50
mwhudsoncjwatson: heh thanks22:50
mwhudsoncjwatson: and you're right that that was not clear from the build log :-)22:51
cjwatsonappears to be a load of failures in tst_QLogging22:53

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