
daftykinsBashing-om: morning o/03:25
Bashing-omdaftykins: o/ .. been kinda slow ,,, and missing ya .03:27
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:10
daftykinsmornin' o/05:13
lotuspsychjehey daftykins :p05:16
lotuspsychjeall ok?05:16
daftykinsyip all good here thanks, just kicking back and gaming after an early morning :) yourself?05:16
lotuspsychjefine here, drinks n bites yesterday :p so it will be lazy sunday05:17
lotuspsychjebbl :p08:05
daftykinsOerHeks: morning sir o/08:23
OerHekseasy sunday morning :-)08:26
OerHekscfhowlett is here to the rescue!09:12
cfhowlettoh, hell, what did I just walk into?09:13
OerHeksoh nothing, we were just 1 person short09:13
daftykinsone of us... one of us...09:23
lordievaderGood morning.09:37
daftykinsheya \o09:38
daftykinshow's lordievader today?09:38
lordievaderDoing okay.09:38
lordievaderHow are you?09:38
daftykinsmm all good here thanks09:39
daftykinsshould be having a visit from the person i got that cheap laptop and 27" screen for today :O09:39
lordievaderWhat kind of 27" screen?09:40
daftykinsa HannsG with an IPS panel and 2560x1440 res09:40
lordievaderThat is a lovely screen resolution, lots of screen estate :)09:41
cfhowlettI played with a 27 incher down at my coffee shop.  WAY cool!09:42
OerHekshe walked off the screen ?09:45
lotuspsychjereceived an old p3, so im gonna put lubuntu on it10:11
lotuspsychjemeurning OerHeks10:11
daftykinshow bad's the RAM? :)10:11
lotuspsychje512 xp default box10:11
lotuspsychjelubuntu and sell the the box :p10:12
lotuspsychjeits gonna be lil low specs for unity10:12
lordievaderWhy? Just why?10:13
lotuspsychjewhy what lordievader and good morning :p10:13
lordievaderWhy spend time on an old p3...10:13
daftykinsi'm afraid i'd say that selling that as usable is just wrong :(10:14
lotuspsychjei get it for free10:14
lotuspsychjefree hardware needs ubuntu :p10:14
daftykinsnot even lubuntu can bring that kind of museum piece back :>10:14
lotuspsychjehow about a lubuntu kids mess box :p10:15
lordievaderThat is child abuse...10:15
lotuspsychje..or early linux learning :p10:16
lordievaderThen they'll think Linux is slow...10:16
lotuspsychjebetter then a bloody ipad10:16
lotuspsychjeill make it fast youl see10:16
lordievaderA 'bloody' ipad is so much faster...10:17
lotuspsychjebut blurs the childs mind10:17
lotuspsychjelinux is creative :p10:17
lotuspsychjemorning cfhowlett10:20
lotuspsychjehi SeriouslyLaugh10:35
SeriouslyLaughhey lotuspsychje10:36
OerHeksLotus, 2nd hand shops here refuse sinle core pc's, crt monitors and printers.. why do youwant to revive that p3?10:37
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: im not a shop yet10:38
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: i think all hardware should be revived10:38
lotuspsychjewhy throw away when it still works?10:38
OerHeksmeh, .. untill fire breaks out :-(10:39
OerHeksi would not run such old hardware in my house.10:39
lordievaderlotuspsychje: Because it is terrible?10:39
lordievaderNot to mention power hungry/10:39
OerHekshop on your bicycle and grab some hardware here10:39
lotuspsychjei dont throw away working stuff, even if its teriible10:40
lotuspsychjeim not gonna use it myself10:41
lotuspsychjejust refresh and give it another purpose10:42
lotuspsychjefor all the boxes i installed, i had 1 old compaq that doesnt liked lubuntu and xubuntu10:56
lotuspsychjeso i leaved xp on it10:56
lordievaderUgh, XP.11:16
cfhowlettstill in use ...11:17
lotuspsychjefr | Casper-11:45
ubot5Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.11:46
SeriouslyLaugh!cookie | lotuspsychje11:46
ubot5lotuspsychje: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!11:46
OerHeks!bonbon | lotuspsychje11:46
SeriouslyLaugha for effort11:46
SeriouslyLaughi'm very hung over and i hate it.11:48
Casper-SeriouslyLaugh: drink water for ur hangover,  or next time chug water b4 u go to sleep11:50
SeriouslyLaughyeah i even thought of that as i was drinking yesterday. "i should stay hydrated"11:50
SeriouslyLaughbest laid plans11:51
lotuspsychjeOerHeks, lordievader you guys are just so jaleous: http://oi68.tinypic.com/5mn8cz.jpg of my turbo hardware :p11:59
lordievaderWow O.o11:59
OerHeksyou better start a computer museum12:00
lotuspsychjei think even daftykins drools now12:00
OerHekshe will buy it.12:00
lotuspsychjeand it boots under 30 sec!12:01
daftykinsthere seems to be some funny text on screen o012:02
lotuspsychjedaftykins: its dutch12:03
lotuspsychjedaftykins: welcome to lubuntu...12:03
daftykinsi can't see any spaces XD12:03
lotuspsychjeits because the hardware blings so much12:04
lotuspsychjetoo shiny for eyes :p12:04
daftykinsl...o...t...u...s... its... slow...12:10
lotus|PIIIlets check some system specs here12:11
OerHekspress power, come back 2 hrs later ..12:11
OerHeksjust joking, have fun with it, lotus|PIII12:14
lotus|PIIIhey ioria12:14
ioriahi Lotus.... what is |PIII  :þ12:14
OerHeksi am off, on my bicycle with drabber to my mum, sunday dinner.12:14
lotus|PIIIioria, my new old free hardware box pentium 312:15
lotus|PIIIspecs :p12:16
iorialotus|PIII, ram ?12:16
lotus|PIIIlets c12:17
daftykinsOerHeks: safe cycle o/12:17
iorialotus|PIII, i'm running an ubuntu server with a pentium M with 215 mb - (hp nc 6000)12:19
lotus|PIIInice nice12:19
iorialotus|PIII, with lxde and you can't believe how good youtube videos  play12:20
lotus|PIIIofcourse i just refuse to throw away hardware that works12:21
ioriait can be useful for experiments .... :þ12:21
iorialotus|PIII, today if it'll be possible, i'd like to compile and install the Amd driver for its card12:23
daftykinsmy system like that is quad core ;)12:24
ioria:þ.... yeah12:24
lotus|PIIIok shutdown here12:25
BluesKajHiyas all12:46
daftykinsthey PM you for help, you say don't do that it's rude... then immediately reply again in PM o015:18
* lordievader misses backstory...15:39
daftykinsjust that they reply with "sorry" still in a PM :D15:47
BluesKajthey don't want to apologize in the chat i reckon15:51
daftykinsoh lawd motaka is back16:26
BluesKajdaftykins, he's already chosen his target and it's not you...yet :-)16:29
daftykinsnah, he knows i won't take any of his bs games ^_^16:29
BluesKajTJ was helping some iirc16:31
daftykinsyeah, motaka goes around everyone when he/she doesn't get their hand held sufficiently :D16:31
daftykinsi suggested an ISO hash last, never did see that get done16:31
pauljwhi everyone16:57
daftykinsheya o/16:57
daftykinsooh two more to rejoin the party! excellent :>16:57
Bashing-omstrap in tight for a wild ride ?16:58
Bashing-omGuys, I see that motaka2 Is back on .. have to admire his persistence to get that perfect systrem .17:01
daftykinsyeah and managed to hit a bug with nvidia turbocache cards on 14.04 it seems!17:01
daftykinsthat kit is just too old17:01
Bashing-omold hardware is a concern to me also . So far so good, just hope I can keep this ole box alive in 16.04 .17:03
BluesKajBashing-om, how old ?17:12
daftykinsseems to me you have to run middle of the road to get by in Linux land :) you see these folk come in with the latest hardware and so many things don't work17:13
BluesKajrunning 16.04 here on HP amd64 5200+ dualcore cpu. with GT218 Nvidia card and 6Gb RAM on Samsung EVO 859 256Gb SSD, and it runs fine except for the systemd boot delay bug17:15
daftykinsoh what's that bug about?17:16
BluesKajcorrection EVO 85017:16
BluesKajdaftykins, take 90secs to search for drives while booting17:17
BluesKajapparently it also affects ubuntu, not just kubuntu with plasma517:19
BluesKaji was told it was a plasma problem , but now that I haver the boot list enabled I don't see any plasma related delay there17:21
Bashing-omBluesKaj: I too run an old dual core Athlon mainboard from 2007, so far 15.04 ubuntu performs well. Hope the same can be said for 16.04 systemd in a minimal install situation .17:28
BluesKajyeah Bashing-om my system is from 2008, so not much difference17:29
Bashing-omBluesKaj: I really like my box .. but an 8 core Athlon sure would be nice !17:32
BluesKajBashing-om, well, super fast is ok, but I have patience, and I'm cheap :-)17:35
Bashing-omBluesKaj: Uh Huh .. on cheap .. I do not game .. so an old ATI $15 graphics card fits my needs .. What works is 'good nuff' .17:38
BluesKajBashing-om, being retired makes one appreciate old stuff that still works and doesn't cost money17:39
Bashing-omBluesKaj: I also .. retired on a fixed income .. and ... well I like it that-a-way ! 1st time in my life I get to expend as much time as I want to learn an operating system .17:42
BluesKajBashing-om, exactly! :-)17:43
Bashing-omwhen it is all said and done .. my overwhelming choise - after messing about a lot - is ubuntu as my operating system of choice .17:44
BluesKajthis old pc is mostly used as a media center pc. I'm a kde guy since 2005 and kubuntu is my OS of choice , alth I do dabble in other OSs from time to time on a pe=rtition i have set aside for experimental stuff17:47
BluesKajpartition even17:47
BluesKajtried fedora 23 the other day, but it doesn't like my gpu much, so the "hat" loses17:48
OerHeks /clear17:49
OerHeksdid i miss something?17:49
BluesKajOerHeks, to do with?17:50
daftykinsmust be the foreign distro speak :D17:50
OerHeksjust joking, my dear BluesKaj17:50
OerHeksi am so happy, it rained during the way home17:51
BluesKajok OerHeks humour doesn't come thru in plain text very well :-)17:51
BluesKajOerHeks, did you sing in the rain?17:53
OerHeksYea, and Drabber barked with me17:55
TJ-What do we recommend for a lightweight desktop for lower power CPUs18:00
BluesKajhey TJ- , xfce maybe, I hear it's very light and usable18:01
TJ-for some reason I had it in my head its usually lubuntu-desktop18:02
OerHeksI would try Xubuntu too, much nicer than lubuntu18:03
TJ-I was messing about with an 16.04 install, and noticed that lubuntu-desktop wants to pull in things like libunity, and at least 1 scope, plus loads of gnome. Totalled 1GB and 700+ packages with --no-install-recommends. I hate to think what it'd be with the default recommends18:03
BluesKajwhat DE does lubuntu use?18:04
daftykinsyeah lubuntu is when you're desperate and don't mind your eyes being offended in the process ;)18:04
daftykinsLXDE afaiui18:04
TJ-For some reason I had it in my head the usual recommendation was lubuntu so I was confused when I compared it to the xubuntu-desktop18:04
OerHeksor Openbox, if you don't mind the 3d sizzle18:04
TJ-Thought I'd discovered some major bloat going on18:05
TJ-I was messing about with a debootstrap 16.04 install earlier, very bare-bones, and got very annoyed and sensitive when I found that cryptsetup now *depends* on plymouth, which pulls in all the graphical boot splash 'crap'18:05
TJ-I actually went so far as to edit the apt package list, and then the dpkg status file, to change that from a Depends to a Recommends, so I could avoid it, but it made me hyper-sensitve about this dependency/recommends creep18:06
TJ-I'm going to file that as a bug against cryptsetup, but I doubt it'll be accepted18:07
daftykinsworth a go :)18:08
Bashing-omTJ-: Have you given consideration to xfce ? Light and very configurable : https://wiki.xfce.org/ .18:09
TJ-Looks like its been that way since at least 14.0418:09
BluesKajthat's sort of how I feel about the kde-pim and associated packages , all kinds of stuff I'll never use, but if aI remove any of it, except for kmail and kontact, I dump the whole desktop18:09
TJ-Bashing-om: yes, that's where I headed. I just had Lubuntu in my head as the more lightweight for some reason, which confused me18:09
TJ-BluesKaj: it's annoying when it's a dependency, not just a recommends, isn't it?18:09
BluesKajyeah, dependencies galore TJ-18:10
TJ-BluesKaj: maybe we need to simply create alternative 'virtual' desktop packages with our preferred Depends/Recommends, and put them in a PPA?18:10
TJ-how about blueskaj-desktop ?18:10
TJ-apt-get install blueskaj-desktop --no-install-recommends :)18:10
BluesKajTJ-, thatsounds great , but I haven't the skills to do it myself ;P18:11
TJ-BluesKaj: I think I'll write a script to do it; creating a virtual package (basically just a debian/control text-file with the preferred "Depends: ..." and "Recommends: "18:12
BluesKajif you could accomplish that , alot of kde users would love you for it , noakonadi server, baloo file indexser/search etct etc\18:14
BluesKajevebn if I purge ceratin pulseaudio libs ...goodbye kubuntu-desktop18:15
BluesKajscuse my spelling , think the allergy meds are kicking in18:15
TJ-I've been working on some neat packaging tricks which achieve what snappy is doing without throwing out the standard .deb package system, and one of those things is providing a way for users's to personalise their packages to a particular system or class of systems (think kernel's built for specific hardware with no never-required modules, and the always-required modules in the vmlinuz image) and18:16
TJ-libraries built for the particular CPU capabilites rather than lowest-common-denomintator18:16
TJ-I agree, there's no longer enough granularity for users, it's becoming all-or-nothing18:17
TJ-I'm also working on adding binary diff updates into .debs which'll allow much smaller/faster downloads, and still be compatible with apt/dpkg that don't understand the bindiff additions18:19
daftykinstime to scoot for now, catch you later, team! o/18:20
TJ-same here! din-dins18:20
Bashing-omTJ-: Water is fine, and we have your back / Is that good nuff for testing ?21:25
TJ-haha thanks yes. I'm on a remote ssh session using Enlightment/Eterm from the test PC, and the background/terminal emulator are making it hard to read the display21:25
TJ-oh that's better: toggle transparency off :)21:26
Bashing-omTJ-: Ho kay .. change the background color ? my exterm changed to black - alias xterm='xterm -rv' - in my .bashrc file .21:28
TJ-ETerm (the E17 terminal emulator) sets a fancy theme; I just had to toggle the transparency in the Background menu21:29
Bashing-om^ Yeah was not to show Gramps how to suck eggs .21:30
TJ-So far got a nice minimal GUI install, although I had to cut plymouth out of the lightdm package dependencies again, like with cryptsetup - that's really getting annoying now :)21:30
TJ-funniest part so far was finding the mouse was sticky ... literally, my fingers were sticking to the buttons! Had to deploy the IPA to clean some kind of glue substance away21:31
Bashing-omTJ-: Personaly, I would rather see the boot messages as a pretty color while waiting to boot up .21:31
TJ-I prefer to see what the kernel and init are up to; very useful to know what to expect so when things go wrong they're easy to recognise instinctively21:32
TJ-same with reading the log files... read them when everything is working well, that way you'll spot clues when problems occur21:33
Bashing-omUh huh, guilty ,, can think of nothing to tweak or do .. read a log file !21:34
OerHeksDONT !! dont sudo apt-get install phlipple , it is a nasty addictive 3d puzzle game22:08
Bashing-omOerHeks: Does phlipple intrude on responding on irc ?22:11
OerHeksno, there is no time involved22:11
Bashing-omOerHeks: I may have to test ! Size: 35918 , fairly heavy on the graphics ?22:16
OerHeksno, i think it should be portable to ubuntu phone too.22:18
Bashing-omOerHeks: K; IF I do this, will you volunteer to save my sanity ?22:20
OerHeksi am sure you would not be the same :-D22:26
OerHeksmeh, just a funny game you should see :-)22:27
OerHeksit gives a sense of space and movement and logic22:28
Bashing-omLOL, I just may as Solitair is getting old .22:30

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