
samsrutihey everyone :)14:58
samsrutii think we are going adding up many beginner tasks14:58
samsrutiso if we add manyy beginner task then we cant determine the capability of students ( i.e choosing the Grand Prize Winners )15:04
samsrutiso we should add some intermediate tasks15:05
balloonssamsruti, yes we need a good mix. I think we are doing OK on the mix at the moment. Most of the tasks we are adding from now on will not be beginner tasks16:47
balloonssamsruti, I added you to the tasks17:04
flocculantadded 3 tasks which need approval - thanks20:47
wxljust added my first task if someone can check it over https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/5490678339469312/20:57
wxli wrote it for lubuntu but perhaps it would be better to add instances of a more common task (to improve bugs)20:58
wxlhowever going through lubuntu packages team is the canonical way to find lubuntu bugs so that's sort of unique20:58

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