=== cpaelzer is now known as cpaelzer_afk | ||
=== howefield_afk is now known as howefield | ||
howefield | o/ | 18:02 |
bapoumba | Hey howefield :) | 18:03 |
slickymaster | \o | 18:03 |
slickymaster | hi howefield | 18:03 |
howefield | #startmeeting | 18:03 |
meetingology | Meeting started Sun Dec 6 18:03:59 2015 UTC. The chair is howefield. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. | 18:03 |
meetingology | Available commands: action commands idea info link nick | 18:03 |
howefield | #chair bapoumba cariboo howefield slickymaster | 18:04 |
meetingology | Warning: Nick not in channel: cariboo | 18:04 |
meetingology | Current chairs: bapoumba cariboo howefield slickymaster | 18:04 |
howefield | #chair cariboo907 | 18:04 |
meetingology | Current chairs: bapoumba cariboo cariboo907 howefield slickymaster | 18:04 |
howefield | #meeting topic Forum Council Meeting | 18:04 |
howefield | #subtopic Forum Staff renewals | 18:04 |
cariboo907 | I'm going to hve to get my nick changed one of these days :) | 18:05 |
slickymaster | lol cariboo907 | 18:05 |
howefield | dang the 907 :) | 18:06 |
howefield | #chair coffeecat | 18:07 |
meetingology | Current chairs: bapoumba cariboo cariboo907 coffeecat howefield slickymaster | 18:07 |
bapoumba | I cannot log into the wiki /o\ | 18:07 |
howefield | ok, agenda topic Forum Staff renewals is our only point noted for discussion. | 18:08 |
bapoumba | We have a few points in the current report | 18:08 |
slickymaster | that's normal bapoumba. wiki is always acting up :P | 18:08 |
bapoumba | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ForumCouncil/TeamReports | 18:08 |
bapoumba | I’m finally logged in \o/ | 18:09 |
bapoumba | will update the report during the memting > one thing done | 18:09 |
bapoumba | *meeting | 18:09 |
slickymaster | thanks for doing that bapoumba | 18:10 |
bapoumba | welcome. I do things I do not like ;) | 18:10 |
slickymaster | :) | 18:11 |
bapoumba | I do not recall why I had “Forums Structure”. What did we change last ? | 18:11 |
cariboo907 | Didn't we move around some sub-forums and close some others? | 18:12 |
bapoumba | well, which ones ? :D | 18:13 |
slickymaster | bapoumba, I think one of them was the Multimedia Software sub-forum | 18:14 |
cariboo907 | We closed Asus, Dell support and Ubuntu One | 18:14 |
howefield | can't remember one after http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2235063 | 18:14 |
bapoumba | Oh yeah, Multimedia | 18:14 |
slickymaster | cffeecat fiddle with it | 18:14 |
slickymaster | * coffeecat | 18:14 |
bapoumba | yeah | 18:15 |
bapoumba | but I cannot seem to find the latest thread | 18:15 |
slickymaster | me neither | 18:17 |
slickymaster | but I'm almost sure coffeecat wrote something in a thread regarding it | 18:18 |
bapoumba | yep | 18:19 |
coffeecat | As far as I remember I just tidied up Multimedia and Art & Design to reduce the number of misplaced threads. | 18:20 |
cariboo907 | there is this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2287393 | 18:20 |
cariboo907 | but it's related to wine and gaming | 18:20 |
coffeecat | People were asking how do I use GIMP type questions in Art & Design and video card driver problems in multimedia. | 18:20 |
slickymaster | yeaps, that's the one I was talking about, cariboo907 | 18:20 |
bapoumba | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ForumCouncil/TeamReports/15/December | 18:25 |
cariboo907 | looks good so far :) | 18:28 |
bapoumba | Please check again | 18:38 |
bapoumba | the Staff Team part was writen a month ago when we talked about it | 18:38 |
cariboo907 | I just did :) | 18:39 |
bapoumba | should we discuss it now ? (I’m +1 on that) | 18:39 |
slickymaster | +1 | 18:40 |
cariboo907 | I'll add my +1 | 18:41 |
bapoumba | Execpt for the User account number, and Staff Team parts, I’m done with the wiki page | 18:43 |
slickymaster | I think it's alright bapoumba | 18:46 |
bapoumba | OK :) It’s a wiki page. Anyone can edit (provided you can log in :p) | 18:46 |
cariboo907 | which user account numbers are we going to use, what's on the front page, or howefield 's number? | 18:46 |
bapoumba | well, that was for howefield’s one | 18:47 |
bapoumba | whe nwe talked about it | 18:47 |
bapoumba | it item can go, not sure where we al stand on that | 18:48 |
bapoumba | *all | 18:48 |
cariboo907 | we are at 2012230 with the latest new member | 18:48 |
cariboo907 | or 2,002,182 if we go by the front page :) | 18:49 |
slickymaster | I'd go with the former one cariboo907 | 18:50 |
bapoumba | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2289623 | 18:51 |
cariboo907 | maybe we should move on to the only agenda item | 18:58 |
bapoumba | +1 | 18:59 |
slickymaster | that would be the restaffing activities, right cariboo907? | 19:00 |
cariboo907 | Yes | 19:00 |
slickymaster | shall we proceed the, or wait for howefield? | 19:01 |
slickymaster | s/the/then | 19:01 |
cariboo907 | I've forgotten how it was done, if we have to individually have to email the Community Council or we can do it in one email | 19:01 |
bapoumba | If howefield is having trouble, I’m +1 on waiting | 19:01 |
cariboo907 | +1 to that | 19:01 |
coffeecat | We could discuss restaffing in a thread in admins, I suppose. | 19:02 |
bapoumba | yes | 19:02 |
slickymaster | there's already one -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2305290 | 19:02 |
coffeecat | thanks slickymaster . I suggest we cary the discussion on in that thread. | 19:04 |
slickymaster | works for me | 19:04 |
coffeecat | *carry* | 19:04 |
bapoumba | +1 | 19:04 |
cariboo907 | +1 seeing as I started the thread :) | 19:05 |
slickymaster | ) | 19:05 |
cariboo907 | So if there is nothing else to discuss we can end this meeting? | 19:07 |
coffeecat | +1 to that. | 19:07 |
bapoumba | fine with me, please edit the team report if I’m away :) | 19:07 |
slickymaster | +1 also | 19:07 |
cariboo907 | #endmeeting | 19:08 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | ||
meetingology | Meeting ended Sun Dec 6 19:08:42 2015 UTC. | 19:08 |
meetingology | Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2015/ubuntu-meeting.2015-12-06-18.03.moin.txt | 19:08 |
slickymaster | thanks all | 19:08 |
bapoumba | thanks :) | 19:09 |
cariboo907 | Thanks to all :) | 19:09 |
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