thecolorsduke | how very canonical | 00:00 |
k1l | m( | 00:00 |
adamt | What a silly guy. "let's assume". Seriously. :P | 00:01 |
tinywattz | Assume makes an ass out of u n me | 00:02 |
tinywattz | And i like ass | 00:02 |
tinywattz | But not anal fissures | 00:02 |
k1l | tinywattz: wrong channel | 00:03 |
tinywattz | Idk | 00:03 |
OnkelTem | how to connect an android phone to ubuntu 14.04? it doesn't work | 00:06 |
OnkelTem | and actually, this is weird | 00:06 |
k1l | OnkelTem: connect the usb cable? | 00:06 |
OnkelTem | done next | 00:07 |
bprompt | OnkelTem: plug in cable, plug cable to pc, done :) | 00:07 |
k1l | might choose to share the usb connection on the phone, called MTP or such | 00:07 |
OnkelTem | k1l: it is by default on android 6.x (i guess) | 00:07 |
Vader | i have a problem with pure-ftpd | 00:07 |
johndoe__ | How can I get aces to the CPU power consumption (should be computed by intel_rapl) | 00:07 |
johndoe__ | ? | 00:07 |
Vader | i get 530 | 00:07 |
=== tinywattz is now known as Fuchs | ||
k1l | OnkelTem: i use cm13 where i need to set it to allow the connection on the phone | 00:08 |
OnkelTem | k1l, bprompt: ubuntu informs me that ,my nexus 5 is connected, suggests to open Files, but then nothing | 00:08 |
OnkelTem | nothing - no files in Dolphin | 00:09 |
bprompt | OnkelTem: hmmm I use pcmanfm, and the android device(5.0 or 4.4.2) show up there, dunno on 6.x, but latest IIRC is 5.0.1 | 00:09 |
mcphail | OnkelTem: is the phone screen on and unlocked when you connect? | 00:10 |
* mcphail hasn't used an android 6 device | 00:10 | |
OnkelTem | mcphail: it is | 00:11 |
mcphail | OnkelTem: and the USB cable is a proper USB cable, and not just a charging cable? | 00:12 |
princer1 | old times irc | 00:12 |
princer1 | yeaaah!! | 00:12 |
bprompt | OnkelTem: hmm nope, I use dolphin as well, it doesn't quite show.... IIRC, but that's just the DCOP connection I think, tried another file manager? | 00:12 |
OnkelTem | mcphail: well, let me try another one, I'm not sure | 00:12 |
Vader | fuck it | 00:13 |
bprompt | OnkelTem: as aforementioned, it does show for me in pcmanfm, it does not in dolphin though, or konqueror | 00:13 |
Finetunrda_ | what should I install for an ssh server? | 00:15 |
johndoe__ | There is the energy in /sys/devices/virtual/powercap/intel-rapl/subsystem/intel-rapl:0/energy_uj that I could use to compute the power, but I think it should be already computed somewhere. | 00:16 |
OnkelTem | mcphail: changed cable, I'm sure it is just ok (according to syslog). bprompt: just installed pcmanfm - there are mtp and Nexus 5 entries - still no files | 00:17 |
bprompt | hmmm | 00:17 |
mcphail | OnkelTem: sorry, then, because I'd be shooting in the dark as I don't have a 6.x device. Perhaps the udev rules don't exist for these things yet? | 00:18 |
bprompt | hmmm something tells me it isn't a 6.x android | 00:18 |
bprompt | OnkelTem: hold the mayo, I know that mtp drivers get kinda slacky somewhere, I use 12.04, thought 14.04 had better support or such, one sec | 00:19 |
bprompt | OnkelTem: usually though, those entries in pcmanfm ARE the card and internal storage in the device | 00:19 |
k1l | OnkelTem: what ubuntu is it exactly? | 00:19 |
bprompt | OnkelTem: and you can drag and drop to them | 00:19 |
k1l | Finetunrda_: openssh-server | 00:20 |
bprompt | OnkelTem: one sec... I use something, lemme poke the repositories, to see if they have it | 00:21 |
k1l | and i am not sure if the doplhin can use mtp by default like nautilus does | 00:22 |
OnkelTem | bprompt: when I've tried to copy a file into there (in PCManFM) it said - Cannot write to this location | 00:22 |
OnkelTem | k1l: Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS | 00:22 |
OnkelTem | k1l: I'm sure it should | 00:22 |
phat3 | test | 00:23 |
OnkelTem | phat3: not passed | 00:24 |
bprompt | OnkelTem: <---- add that ppa, it has the package I use, works very well, tis go-mtpfs, it also has a go-mtpfs-unity which is a utility that shows up the mtp devices on the desktop in Unity, if using the file manager, you can use the devices under /media/MyAndroid it has two directories, Card and Phone, or Card and Tablet | 00:25 |
shomon | hi, I've been trying to switch to a static IP in ubuntu 14.. but getting no-where.. I've tried it on networkmanager and using etc/network/interfaces.. | 00:26 |
OnkelTem | bprompt: doing | 00:26 |
bprompt | OnkelTem: I did see it in the repositories, but only for "xenial" or 15.04 I think, but not for others like 14.04, though the ppa has versions for 12.x and up IIRC | 00:27 |
shomon | if I go to edit connections, it won't let me save the edited thing.. is there some permission that isn't working? | 00:27 |
OnkelTem | bprompt: unfort there is not go-mtpfs exactly for 14.04 (trusty) :( | 00:28 |
shomon | to get a static IP I thought you had to go to edit connections/ip4/method manual then fill in an ip and regular gateway and netmask. how can I tell what is going wrong? | 00:28 |
shomon | the save button is always greyed out | 00:28 |
bprompt | OnkelTem: I run it in 12.04, so.... I'd think they have it for 14.04 surely | 00:28 |
OnkelTem | bprompt: btw, when I was on 12.04, I remind now that I used exactly go-mtpfs to connect android, I even have MyAndroid dir still | 00:29 |
OnkelTem | bprompt: no, they don't. I think this is because it is supposed to work out of the box | 00:29 |
OnkelTem | crap, I think that healing restart could be needed | 00:30 |
bprompt | OnkelTem: yes, so I understood as well, for 14.04 mtp support would be improvied | 00:30 |
bprompt | improved even | 00:30 |
k1l | mtp works on 14.04 ootb for gnome based desktops | 00:31 |
k1l | OnkelTem: make sure mtpfs is installed | 00:31 |
OnkelTem | it is of course | 00:32 |
anew | so i have a proxy set up in my webrowser, is it possible for my entire machine to use the proxy? | 00:32 |
OnkelTem | 1.1-4.1 | 00:32 |
k1l | anew: yes | 00:32 |
k1l | !proxy | anew | 00:32 |
anew | ? | 00:33 |
k1l | | 00:33 |
bprompt | OnkelTem: other than that, the entries you saw in pcmanfm, should allow you to drag and drop stuff to them, keeping in mind that, google has included some restrictions by default from 4.4.2 and up, like, if you try to copy files to a folder you didn't make, it wont' let you, or if you want to delete files in a microsd card from android, it won't let you either | 00:33 |
OnkelTem | k1l: (about gnome) - maybe it would work, I can't check that. Had to switch to KDE (which I dislike actually) because of braindeads in the gnome team who released gnome with broken locale support :( | 00:33 |
anew | ah thanks will bookmark for tomorrow | 00:34 |
bprompt | OnkelTem: you could try this... hmmm open pcmanfm, go to your android entries, make a new folder, and then dump your files there, since it's a folder "you" made, then you have ownership to it, and thus, it'd let you | 00:34 |
MrCee3 | hello where shall i go to get help with play on linux and installing battlenert | 00:36 |
MrCee3 | battlene | 00:36 |
MrCee3 | battlenet | 00:36 |
k1l | MrCee3: wine or playonlinux guys can help | 00:37 |
MrCee3 | how do i find them.. are they here? will teh wine folks please stand up | 00:37 |
k1l | !wine | MrCee3 | 00:37 |
ubottu | MrCee3: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu | 00:37 |
MrCee3 | !wine | 00:38 |
k1l | MrCee3: read the bots message | 00:38 |
MrCee3 | that didnt work | 00:38 |
Finetunrda_ | Hey folks, can anyone help me with forwarding audio over ssh? | 00:38 |
OnkelTem | bprompt: nah, the same crap - Cannot write to this location | 00:38 |
bprompt | OnkelTem: as aforementioned, bear in mind that, google has added some access restrictions from 4.4.2 and up | 00:39 |
OnkelTem | bprompt: also when I try to create a folder it warns: Cannot make directory in this location | 00:39 |
MrCee3 | that didnt help | 00:39 |
bprompt | OnkelTem: how many android entries do you see there? | 00:39 |
MrCee3 | i want to load battlenet application and within playon linux i cant find it | 00:39 |
k1l | MrCee3: come on. the bots message names the channel | 00:39 |
OnkelTem | bprompt: emtpy | 00:39 |
MrCee3 | i would say the bots more helpful than you ever are | 00:40 |
inteus | MrCee3: join #winehq for wine help | 00:40 |
Yuken | I see many things showing how to get rid of PulseAUdio & use ALSA. HOw would I do the opposite; stop using ALSA and begin using PulseAudio? | 00:40 |
MrCee3 | anyone else? | 00:40 |
OnkelTem | bprompt: | 00:40 |
MrCee3 | join #winehq | 00:40 |
MrCee3 | that didnt work | 00:40 |
MrCee3 | #winehq | 00:40 |
inteus | put a / in front of join | 00:41 |
bprompt | OnkelTem: hmmm unplug, replug, relaunch pcmanfm, try making the folder, IIRC the issue is if you try to copy or drop files to the microsd or removable disk | 00:41 |
shomon | hi, does anyone know a bit about static ip addresses? | 00:41 |
OnkelTem | bprompt: well, let me try with an usb stick flash drive | 00:41 |
k1l | MrCee3: "/j #winehq" or just use your mouse, click on the channelname and press join. but that is all very easy task and you should think about offending others that may help you | 00:42 |
bprompt | OnkelTem: if you drag/drop files to the internal though, it doesn't have that access restriction, then again, bear in mind, those were added by google after 4.4.2 | 00:42 |
MrCee3 | inteus... thanks Im sure that will help out a lot... better help than i get from the @sshole k1l | 00:42 |
inteus | MrCee3: stop with the name calling | 00:43 |
frew | does anyone know if there is an ubuntu variant that comes with as little as possible out of the box? I just hate that I have a list of packages thta I install already but then there are a ton of things I never use already installed as well | 00:43 |
OnkelTem | bprompt: just checked - works like a charm: successfuly created a dir, then removed it. I mean with usb flash drive | 00:43 |
SchrodingersScat | shomon: are you the admin? not sure why 'save' would be grayed out, works on my machine | 00:43 |
frew | I was thinking either the server version or maybe just using debian 8 | 00:43 |
shomon | aaah maybe it's running as my user not as root... | 00:43 |
inteus | frew: try the net install? | 00:43 |
bprompt | OnkelTem: with hmm w0t? you mean using OTG? | 00:43 |
shomon | nope, it's root.. | 00:44 |
SchrodingersScat | shomon: you shouldn't have to run it as root though | 00:44 |
OnkelTem | bprompt: what is OTG? | 00:44 |
frew | inteus: yeah, maybe I will next time around | 00:44 |
SchrodingersScat | shomon: I was just thinking maybe there's a group that can't alter that, guessing | 00:44 |
shomon | I'll try as me.. well it ended up that way now trying to fix the lack of a static ip actually | 00:44 |
inteus | frew: I think that's the bare minimum installer | 00:44 |
bprompt | OnkelTem: I guess it wasn't OTG =) then... anyhow... so... I'd expect ubuntu to copy to usb... that is not the issue with the android, what I've said is that, google added some restrictions to the mounted devices, not ubuntu :/ | 00:45 |
Jaguar | hello | 00:45 |
=== Jaguar is now known as Cyril | ||
OnkelTem | bprompt: I'm pretty sure the problem is at ubuntu side. Let me check my restricted phone with macbook :) | 00:46 |
Bashing-om | !minimal | frew | 00:46 |
ubottu | frew: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want. The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See | 00:46 |
=== Cyril is now known as Figgis | ||
showaz | apt-get install krb5-user samba (make /etc/samba/tls directory), but crash TLS failed to initialise cafile /var/lib/samba/private/tls/ca.pem - Error while reading file. | 00:48 |
showaz | incorrect symlink ? | 00:48 |
bprompt | OnkelTem: if you have files, in the microsd, that you copied over, not in android, but say in the pc, once in android, it won't let you delete, that's one restriction, but that's google that added after 4.4.2, nothing to do with the desktop OS mounting the mtp device | 00:49 |
showaz | 2:4.1.17+dfsg-4ubuntu3 | 00:49 |
shomon | actually if I run NetworkManager as me, I get "you must be root to run networkmanager" !! | 00:49 |
stan_ | hi | 00:54 |
=== stan_ is now known as Guest59526 | ||
Guest59526 | hi | 00:55 |
OnkelTem | bprompt: holy crap, I figured out finally the reason | 01:01 |
frew | inteus / Bashing-om: perfect, thanks | 01:02 |
Bashing-om | frew: I like :) | 01:04 |
frew | Bashing-om: you know if it has the same basic instal options? like I don't want to set up my own encrypted disk if I can avoid it | 01:05 |
Bashing-om | frew: Just make sure you have a wired commenction when installing . All you get it a booting kernel, wired network - and nothing else ! | 01:05 |
Bashing-om | connection* | 01:05 |
frew | sure | 01:07 |
OnkelTem | I take my words back | 01:08 |
OnkelTem | I was wrong claiming Ubuntu | 01:09 |
OnkelTem | *claimin that Ubuntu was the bad guy | 01:09 |
OnkelTem | the bad guys are Google as always | 01:09 |
diaegouD | Eyyy, I'm back. | 01:10 |
daftykins | OnkelTem: keep the off topic chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please; support only here | 01:10 |
OnkelTem | daftykins: sure | 01:10 |
TwistByrn | lol | 01:10 |
diaegouD | The VirtualBox manual says to "mount this ISO file in your VM," but I can't find a way to get to its installation directory within Uguestu. | 01:11 |
diaegouD | Ah, that's to install Guest Additions. | 01:12 |
daftykins | learning to use virtualbox? they have a channel at #vbox | 01:12 |
diaegouD | Yeah, but this particular question is about mounting. | 01:12 |
diaegouD | And how to it. | 01:13 |
johndoe__ | diaegouD, yes, but you mounta disk image for virtualbox thanks to virtualbox | 01:13 |
daftykins | diaegouD: vbox guests can have an ISO mounted directly for installation by selecting it within the VM properties... | 01:13 |
diaegouD | Eh, OH! You mean in VB, when you select a Box and hit Settings you mount it there? | 01:14 |
diaegouD | in Storage? | 01:14 |
bekks | diaegouD: Look at #vbox | 01:15 |
showaz | nice hack for ubuntu-stable "apt-get install samba"... "ln -s /etc/samba/tls /var/lib/samba/private/tls"... | 01:15 |
diaegouD | ohibekks | 01:15 |
johndoe__ | diaegouD, When you open the vbox, in the tab at the up, usually there are options like mount this specific iso, but as says, in #vbox they may have more precie knowledge of where it is | 01:16 |
bekks | johndoe__: you still have to mount the virtual cdrom device manually. | 01:16 |
bekks | johndoe__: I just explained that him in #vbox | 01:16 |
diaegouD | Right on. Thanks mountains, allayalls. | 01:16 |
johndoe__ | bekks, pm (as I consider offtopic). | 01:22 |
bekks | johndoe__: read it so far, and just can link to chapter 4 of the vbox manual. :) | 01:22 |
Staticsn0w | Hey all | 01:23 |
Staticsn0w | im having a problem installing Ubuntu 14.04.3 | 01:24 |
Staticsn0w | LTS | 01:24 |
bekks | Staticsn0w: Which issue? | 01:24 |
Staticsn0w | Ok, so im booting Ubuntu from a 2g usb flash drive with no persistent storage or whatever it is, I go to the install Ubuntu program and it said install alongside Windows 8 one time but now it won't, I tried rebooting, I'm lost :/ | 01:26 |
Staticsn0w | im in Windows 8 right now | 01:26 |
greg | dual boot | 01:26 |
greg | have you done partition? | 01:26 |
bekks | !dualboot | Staticsn0w | 01:26 |
ubottu | Staticsn0w: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: - Macs: | 01:26 |
Staticsn0w | but when I had the option to install along side win 8 it took me through an easy partitioning wizard | 01:27 |
Staticsn0w | but the manual one gets me confused, because it isn't just the "drag for how much storage you want on each os" thing | 01:28 |
johndoe__ | Staticsn0w, Maybe you did already change partitioning and it wants you to run chkdsk on windows to be sure everything is safe on that side? | 01:29 |
Staticsn0w | i did | 01:29 |
Staticsn0w | but Windows (when I try to resize partition) said my disk is corrupted | 01:29 |
Staticsn0w | (even though Windows is flawless as usuall) | 01:30 |
Staticsn0w | running win 8.1 to be exact | 01:30 |
johndoe__ | Staticsn0w, If you did change the windows partition yet, it wont allows to do it again if you don't make a checkdist under windows before. | 01:30 |
greg | why u r resizing? | 01:30 |
Staticsn0w | because I don't know how to split one partition in to 2 different sized partitions | 01:31 |
johndoe__ | Staticsn0w, (At least it is how it worked for me before). | 01:31 |
Staticsn0w | should I try rewriting the live usb? | 01:31 |
greg | thats done via contrl pannel in window | 01:31 |
staticsn0w | sorry guys my ipad died, im back on the computer im trying to install ubuntu on | 01:34 |
johndoe__ | staticsn0w, I think doing the windows checkdisk is the only thing you have to do before having again the option you want. | 01:34 |
staticsn0w | trying it rn | 01:34 |
xii | d | 01:35 |
staticsn0w | and it closed automatically | 01:35 |
xii | exit | 01:35 |
staticsn0w | is that supposed to happen | 01:35 |
staticsn0w | it showed some stuff on the screen (deleting shit, etc) and closed | 01:35 |
johndoe__ | staticsn0w, It needs a reboot and can be quite long on some hard drive (particularly if there are mistakes). | 01:35 |
staticsn0w | reboot back in to windows? | 01:36 |
staticsn0w | or in to ubuntu? | 01:36 |
johndoe__ | staticsn0w, Windows | 01:36 |
staticsn0w | kk | 01:36 |
staticsn0w | hard reboot or no | 01:36 |
staticsn0w | and my harddisk is generally fast for me because i have an ssd | 01:37 |
Quinn | ok | 01:37 |
staticsn0w | dont hard reboot? | 01:37 |
staticsn0w | im back from reboot | 01:39 |
staticsn0w | now what | 01:39 |
johndoe__ | staticsn0w, this in a command: chkdsk /f /r C: | 01:40 |
staticsn0w | ok | 01:41 |
staticsn0w | run as admin? | 01:41 |
johndoe__ | staticsn0w, than the reboot (it will display some lines, but will be fast thanks to the ssd) | 01:41 |
staticsn0w | ok | 01:41 |
johndoe__ | staticsn0w, I think it needs to be an admin windows prompt | 01:41 |
johndoe__ | staticsn0w, It should say is you don't have the right. If the command works, it should say that it can't do it now, but it is scheduled for the next reboot | 01:42 |
=== ariel_ is now known as JillyJ | ||
johndoe__ | if* (not is) | 01:43 |
staticsn0w | i got the second thing | 01:43 |
johndoe__ | staticsn0w, Ok, so only need the reboot to windows | 01:43 |
staticsn0w | actually | 01:43 |
neogineerbot67 | ubuntu ! | 01:43 |
staticsn0w | it asks if i want to schedule it | 01:43 |
johndoe__ | staticsn0w, after that reboot to windows, you can reboot again on your usb | 01:43 |
staticsn0w | so i say yes? | 01:43 |
staticsn0w | ok | 01:44 |
johndoe__ | yes, say yes | 01:44 |
pc1 | im trying to install ubuntu 10.10 netbook on my acer aspire and keep getting this error input/output error during write on/dev/sda | 01:44 |
staticsn0w | now do i hard reboot or no | 01:44 |
johndoe__ | I don't know how you do it soft, but I guess yes ^^ | 01:44 |
staticsn0w | soft is going to power down option in settings charm | 01:45 |
johndoe__ | and hard? | 01:45 |
staticsn0w | ill do it hard | 01:45 |
Bashing-om | !10.10 pc1 | 01:45 |
pc1 | im trying to install ubuntu 10.10 netbook on my acer aspire and keep getting this error input/output error during write on/dev/sda .. any suggestions? | 01:45 |
staticsn0w | hard is holding down power | 01:45 |
johndoe__ | no | 01:45 |
staticsn0w | ok | 01:45 |
staticsn0w | so soft | 01:45 |
johndoe__ | Just ask windows to reboot kindly | 01:45 |
staticsn0w | ill do that | 01:45 |
staticsn0w | lol | 01:45 |
johndoe__ | yes, soft :p | 01:46 |
johndoe__ | You need to be soft with computers :p | 01:46 |
Bashing-om | !10.10 | pc1 | 01:46 |
ubottu | pc1: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see for details. | 01:46 |
JillyJ | Hi Everyone, I'm looking at new laptops and trying to figure out if Ubuntu will run on something with a braswell chipset. | 01:46 |
k1l | pc1: scrap that 10.10. that is dead a long time and no one is fixing any errors for that | 01:46 |
pc1 | its brings up that error no matter what os i try | 01:46 |
JillyJ | I'm looking at one of the HP x360's | 01:46 |
pc1 | hard drive is good i tested it | 01:46 |
JillyJ | Do you think the wi-fi driver will be there? | 01:47 |
* m3n3chm0 nasZ | 01:47 | |
pc1 | anyone?? | 01:49 |
johndoe__ | k1l, Why not? This is a modern Intel processor, it should have all the driver for the processor. | 01:49 |
k1l | johndoe__: ? | 01:50 |
johndoe__ | pc1, How did you tested the hard drive? | 01:50 |
johndoe__ | k1l, sorry, mixed with JillyJ 's message | 01:51 |
k1l | johndoe__: ubuntu 10.10 is dead. even installing it will not help anything . so there is no point in installing it in the first place. start with a propt ubuntu that actually is still supported | 01:51 |
JillyJ | I just had to return a brand new skylate chipset laptop because I couldn't get the wi-fi drivers. How are you supposed to get wi-fi drivers if you don't have any wi-fi drivers? | 01:51 |
johndoe__ | JillyJ, Why not? This is a modern Intel processor, it should have all the driver for the processor. | 01:51 |
back | ok | 01:52 |
=== back is now known as Guest66385 | ||
JillyJ | johndoe, yes, well that one I just returned...everything worked...but no wi-fi and I spent around 8 hours trying to make it work. | 01:52 |
Guest66385 | gamare12 | 01:52 |
pc1 | with the live cd | 01:52 |
Guest66385 | hello | 01:52 |
johndoe__ | JillyJ, This is in deed not always easy when you don't have wifi driver (sometimes ethernet can be an option). But still possible to download from an other computer than transfer with an USB stick | 01:53 |
=== Monthrect is now known as Piper-Off | ||
JillyJ | yes with the live CD. And no ethernet port. | 01:54 |
johndoe__ | JillyJ, The last wifi chip I had working out of the bow went Intell ones, but I don't know if this is a good general rule. | 01:54 |
JillyJ | It's a laptop. I hope they can do a better job of getting wi-fi to work out of the box...because I'm fairly good at this stuff and I couldn't make it work. | 01:54 |
johndoe__ | Intel* | 01:54 |
pc1 | it gives you that option with the live usb | 01:54 |
pc1 | doesnt it? | 01:55 |
JillyJ | This one had an intel 3165 maybe. something like that. | 01:55 |
JillyJ | | 01:56 |
JillyJ | this is what I'm looking at. | 01:56 |
k1l | pc1: why do you use a 10.10 iso? use a 14.04 iso, that still gets support | 01:57 |
pc1 | ive tried it still gives the same error | 01:57 |
pc1 | input/output error during write on/dev/sda | 01:57 |
johndoe__ | k1l, I agree that he should do with a supported Ubuntu version, I did react in the ' no matter what os i try' idea, but he should continue with ether the LTS or 15.10 of course. | 01:58 |
pc1 | ?? | 01:59 |
johndoe__ | pc1, How did you try the hard drive defects to be sure that is not the cause? | 01:59 |
pc1 | check hard disk for errors | 01:59 |
johndoe__ | pc1 tools? | 01:59 |
k1l | pc1: start a live-usb with an non-dead ubuntu. use the live mode. come here if you get errors in the install then | 01:59 |
pc1 | the option before installing | 01:59 |
Staticsn0w | Hey I'm on my ipad | 02:00 |
pc1 | k | 02:00 |
johndoe__ | Staticsn0w, I would have prefered on a working Ubuntu ;) | 02:00 |
Staticsn0w | chkdsk is running after I rebooted, but is stuck on 29% :( | 02:00 |
Staticsn0w | what do I do | 02:00 |
pc1 | 15.10? | 02:00 |
pc1 | or 14.04 | 02:01 |
k1l | 14.04 | 02:01 |
k1l | and since its a netbook start with Lubuntu | 02:01 |
pc1 | k | 02:01 |
johndoe__ | Staticsn0w, I can takes more time on some parts than other, but should go at the end. | 02:01 |
Staticsn0w | wait | 02:01 |
Staticsn0w | its fine now | 02:01 |
Staticsn0w | just rebooted and went to 100% | 02:02 |
Staticsn0w | so now Ubuntu live use time? | 02:02 |
JillyJ | Ya was intel wireless 3165 (rev 81) with skylake chipset...I'm hoping the braswell has been out longer and may work. | 02:02 |
area51pilot | welcome | 02:02 |
johndoe__ | Staticsn0w, Don't do 'hard reboot' too often, this is not that good (some data can be corrupted if not written when you do it). | 02:03 |
Staticsn0w | Ok | 02:03 |
Staticsn0w | im using the reboot to Ubuntu for windows tool now | 02:03 |
shadowl143 | hola | 02:05 |
shadowl143 | estoy estudiando sistemas y necesito una aplicacion que sea lo mas compatible con visual estudio | 02:06 |
shadowl143 | conoceran alguno | 02:06 |
shadowl143 | ? | 02:06 |
vranas | My RPi2 with Ubuntu MATE is faster than the Ubuntu computer I was using as my primary PC in 2005... | 02:06 |
robotti^ | is it suprise? | 02:07 |
robotti^ | is acceleration when using xorg on rpi2? | 02:08 |
robotti^ | is there | 02:08 |
vranas | It's a decently powerful computer. I'm jaded by the beefy workstations I am used to working with, but It's about a usable as my smartphone for basic tasks. | 02:10 |
pc1 | same error ubuntu 14.04 32 bit input/ output error during write on/dev/sda | 02:11 |
vranas | xorg isn't great, but judging from the video performance on OPENELEC and OSMC, there's plenty of room for improvement | 02:14 |
robotti^ | there is hardware acceleration for video, but I am wondering about 3D-desktop/accelerated desktop | 02:16 |
jon__ | hello. im trying to set up deluge on headless 14.04 server, i am unable to seed and get this error: jon@jonserver:~$ [ERROR ] 20:04:18 rpcserver:376 Couldn't listen on any:58846: [Errno 98] Address already in use. | 02:18 |
jon__ | any suggestions? | 02:18 |
keivan | hey | 02:20 |
=== Andy_ is now known as Guest94542 | ||
Guest94542 | can i ask a graphics question for lubuntu | 02:31 |
Bashing-om | Guest94542: Yes, ask it . | 02:32 |
Guest94542 | so i just installed the latest version of lubuntu 15 | 02:33 |
Guest94542 | on a dell latitude 530 | 02:33 |
Guest94542 | i want to make sure i have all the necessary graphics card | 02:33 |
Guest94542 | how do i check to make sure i have all the graphics drivers for my laptop? | 02:34 |
=== admins is now known as hanshenrik | ||
Bashing-om | Guest94542: There is no straight forward answer to that . You can see your options from softwaresources -> Additional Drivers . | 02:36 |
Guest94542 | i only see one item in the additional drivers tab | 02:39 |
Guest94542 | unknown:unknown | 02:39 |
Guest94542 | this device is not working | 02:39 |
Guest94542 | 2 choices | 02:39 |
Guest94542 | using processor microcode firmware for intel cpus from intel-microcode (properietary) | 02:40 |
Guest94542 | do not use the device | 02:40 |
Guest94542 | that's all i see | 02:40 |
Guest94542 | that was under the additional drivers item | 02:41 |
Bashing-om | Guest94542: If this is an Intel graphic's card, Intel proves in the kernel the best they have to us . Maybe a laptop here with hybrid graphics ? Now that takes a bit of tweak'n . | 02:41 |
Guest94542 | but under the software & updates. there's also a additional drivers tab and there's nothing underneath it | 02:41 |
Bashing-om | prove/provides * | 02:42 |
Guest94542 | how do i find out what graphics card type i have? | 02:42 |
spark010 | I got a fuse mount point error (no mount point ) for my motog on Ubuntu | 02:43 |
Bashing-om | Guest94542: Activate a terminal .. and ' lspci -nnk | grep -iA3 vga ' to see the video hardware . and ' sudo lshw -C display ' to see what driver if any is loaded . | 02:44 |
zykotick9 | Bashing-om: thanks for that lscpi command! fyi, it also shows the "Kernel driver in use" ;) | 02:45 |
Guest94542 | for the first command, i got | 02:45 |
Bashing-om | zykotick9: True .. but I generally want to see the additinal info that 'dispaly' shows . | 02:46 |
Guest94542 | VGA compatiable controller [0300] intel corporation obmile gm965/gl960 integrated graphics controller (primary) | 02:47 |
Guest94542 | subystem: dell device | 02:47 |
Guest94542 | kernel driver in use i915 | 02:47 |
Guest94542 | there's another one for secondary | 02:47 |
Guest94542 | for the 2nd command i got | 02:47 |
Guest94542 | vga compatible controller | 02:48 |
zykotick9 | Bashing-om: i know it's silly, but i'm not a fan of lshw (because of the need for sudo)... | 02:48 |
Guest94542 | product mobile gm965/gl960 integrated graphics controller (primary | 02:48 |
Guest94542 | display:0 | 02:48 |
Guest94542 | and the 2nd one, display1 unclaimed | 02:49 |
Guest94542 | same product as the previous one except this is secondary | 02:49 |
Bashing-om | Guest94542: use our pastebin for the info . look'n so far like hubrid graphocs . may enat a different 'lspci' to see . | 02:49 |
Guest94542 | how do i use the pastebin? | 02:49 |
Bashing-om | hybrid* | 02:50 |
Bashing-om | !paste | Guest94542 | 02:50 |
ubottu | Guest94542: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 02:50 |
Bashing-om | Guest94542: ' sudo apt-get install pastebinit ' lspci | grep "VGA\|3D" | pastebinit ' . the result is a URL back in terminal. Pass that link back here . | 02:52 |
spark010 | how do I fix a fuse mountpoint error ? I can't connect to my phone using mtp. I'm using a ubuntu-minimal install | 02:53 |
Guest94542 | let me switch computer to the lubuntu one. i'll be right back | 02:54 |
zykotick9 | Bashing-om: you might have more success adding a -v to the lspci for hybrid graphics YMMV | 02:55 |
Andy1 | hi, this is Andy, i'm back | 02:58 |
routed | welcome back andy | 02:58 |
Bashing-om | zykotick9: Undoubtably you are right ! .. I will have to try that - inquiring minds want to know . | 02:59 |
Bashing-om | Andy1: Show is what we are wotking with in that paste of the 'lspci' command . | 03:01 |
Andy1 | i got this after putting the sudo apt-get install pastebinit | 03:02 |
=== z_ is now known as Guest4594 | ||
Andy1 | how do i copy text from xterm? | 03:02 |
routed | oO | 03:02 |
Hu4x3r1980 | 24 clones in the chan :O | 03:03 |
Bashing-om | Andy1: What we ant is the link .. just gold the left mouse button and drag what you want to copu to clipboard +1 . paste by middle button . | 03:04 |
Bashing-om | gold/hold* | 03:04 |
zykotick9 | Andy1: fyi, an alternative to middle mouse click (for paste) is shift+INS | 03:05 |
staticsn0w | it worked :D | 03:05 |
Andy1 | how do i copy it? i hightlight the text in Xterm already | 03:06 |
zykotick9 | Andy1: the hightlight _is_ the copy, now just paste. | 03:07 |
spark010 | Ctrl+Shift+C Andyl | 03:07 |
Andy1 | i hit shift+ins but nothing happened hmmm | 03:08 |
Andy1 | sorry i'm a newbie | 03:08 |
staticsn0w | johndoe_ it worked!!! | 03:08 |
zykotick9 | Andy1: was it still highlighted? | 03:08 |
spark010 | Ctrl+V here | 03:08 |
Hu4x3r1980 | how could i install teamviewer? | 03:08 |
Andy1 | it's still highlited | 03:09 |
spark010 | grab the deb file from the website :p Hu4x3r1980 | 03:09 |
Bashing-om | Andy1: Being new is not a sin . We were all new at this at one time . | 03:09 |
Andy1 | i clicked on it and now it's not highlited anymore | 03:09 |
Andy1 | and i hit ctrl-v here but nothing | 03:10 |
zykotick9 | Andy1: what application are you trying to paste into? from xterm to what? | 03:10 |
Andy1 | neither shift-ins | 03:10 |
Andy1 | to this chat place | 03:10 |
Hu4x3r1980 | spark010 thats mean i cant do it form Terminal ? | 03:10 |
Hu4x3r1980 | aha | 03:10 |
staticsn0w | guys can you help me, when i try to install wine1.7 ubuntu says dpkg locked | 03:10 |
staticsn0w | what do i do? | 03:10 |
zykotick9 | Andy1: none of what spark010 suggested works for me... re:copy/paste from xterm | 03:10 |
Hu4x3r1980 | or even from USC | 03:10 |
Hu4x3r1980 | ? | 03:10 |
Hu4x3r1980 | i do not like to go to web-sites to get soft's :O | 03:11 |
Hu4x3r1980 | brb | 03:11 |
Bashing-om | Andy1: I also run xterm. I find it easier to highlight what I want copied .. and click where I want to paste and to paste use the middle mouse button . | 03:11 |
staticsn0w | here is the output: | 03:12 |
staticsn0w | staticsn0w@staticsn0w-Inspiron-3520:~$ sudo apt-get install -y wine1.7 | 03:12 |
staticsn0w | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) | 03:12 |
staticsn0w | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 03:12 |
staticsn0w | staticsn0w@staticsn0w-Inspiron-3520:~$ sudo apt-get install -y wine1.7 | 03:12 |
staticsn0w | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) | 03:12 |
staticsn0w | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 03:12 |
spark010 | Hu4x3r1980 you can try by sudo dpkg -i DEB_PACKAGE | 03:12 |
Hu4x3r1980 | ok THX SPARK010 :) | 03:13 |
Andy1 | sorry i use logitech track ball mouse so there's no middle mouse button | 03:13 |
Xuli | staticsn0w; ps -ef |grep dpkg | 03:13 |
staticsn0w | xuli what? | 03:13 |
staticsn0w | thats how to unlock dpkg? | 03:14 |
zykotick9 | Andy1: both buttons at once might simulate middle mouse click | 03:14 |
Xuli | staticsn0w: No, get PID then kill -9 <pid> | 03:14 |
Bashing-om | StathisA: Can only have once instance of the package manager open at any given time . Close all out but one . Or wait for the update to complete before running another command . | 03:14 |
staticsn0w | oh ok | 03:14 |
=== kat is now known as Guest69224 | ||
Andy1 | when i hit both buttons at the same time, the option menu came up with copy but not paste | 03:15 |
zykotick9 | Andy1: are you sure u | 03:15 |
Andy1 | wow, i did not know copy and paste can be this difficult :) | 03:15 |
Andy1 | in XTERM, i hightlighted the text | 03:16 |
zykotick9 | Andy1: sorry, are you sure you are using "xterm" | 03:16 |
staticsn0w | xuli you are amazing thanks | 03:16 |
Xuli | staticsn0w: Glad it worked. | 03:16 |
Andy1 | under other -> i have XTERM and UXTERM | 03:17 |
Guest69224 | hi, guys, got problems with a laptop that has nvidea everything, seems like. I have windows 8.1 on it, and sound go on and off with it. I would put ubuntu on it in a minute, but when I stick the live cd in, I have to hit the "e" key to make it load, and then I can't get any internet connection, like a laptop should do naturally! Oh! this has been so irritating! What should I do? | 03:17 |
Guest69224 | I can get the linux to load, but no internet connection, and i don't have an ethernet cord. | 03:18 |
Guest69224 | Do I have to get an ethernet cord to get on the internet to get the drivers,once I download ubuntu? | 03:20 |
spark010 | Guest69224 You will need drivers | 03:20 |
Juggie | Guest69224, is it a nvidia ion based laptop? | 03:20 |
Juggie | atom + ion? | 03:20 |
Guest69224 | I think so. I don' | 03:21 |
Guest69224 | oops don't know what "ion" means, but it seems to have nvidea everything. | 03:21 |
Andy1 | i switched to use lxterminal and i can copy and paste now | 03:21 |
Juggie | cat /proc/cpuinfo | 03:21 |
spark010 | I'll be back | 03:21 |
Andy1 | so here's the command i used | 03:21 |
Andy1 | sudo apt-get install pastebinit ' lspci | grep "VGA\|3D" | pastebinit ' | 03:22 |
Andy1 | this is what i got | 03:22 |
Bashing-om | Andy1: Tp paste .. maybe one of these : ctl+shift+v , shift+insert , ctl+insert . | 03:22 |
Juggie | Guest69224, i had a similar problem with fedora and a nvidia ion machine | 03:22 |
Andy1 | Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package lspci | grep "VGA\|3D" | pastebinit E: Couldn't find any package by regex ' lspci | grep "VGA\|3D" | pastebinit ' | 03:22 |
Juggie | the network drivers are gone from default install | 03:22 |
Juggie | so i had to get the package | 03:22 |
Guest69224 | so, juggie, what did you do? | 03:22 |
Juggie | i am sure you can do the same | 03:22 |
Juggie | i installed the rpm | 03:22 |
Juggie | do a lspci | 03:22 |
Juggie | in shell type 'lspci' | 03:22 |
Juggie | to see what your network drivers are | 03:23 |
Juggie | er, network card is | 03:23 |
Juggie | i mean | 03:23 |
staticsn0w | ok so i need more help | 03:23 |
Juggie | and then get the drive for it | 03:23 |
Juggie | *driver | 03:23 |
Juggie | cant type today | 03:23 |
Guest69224 | what do you mean, "in shell" type lspci? I am not too smart here with all this. | 03:24 |
Juggie | Guest69224, are you in the ubuntu desktop? | 03:24 |
staticsn0w | only have a few more MiB in my ubuntu partition and i want to transfer about 3 gigs from my windows 8 partition to my ubuntu one | 03:25 |
daftykins | Andy1: no that is a command to find info, not a package.. | 03:25 |
Bashing-om | Andy1: Rin the command with out the quite marks , these marks are only to diffentiate to you this is a coomand . Not to the system . the result is a URL back in terminal . my result form the command : " " . | 03:25 |
Guest69224 | I haven't installed it on that machine yet. Just wondering how I'm going to do it if I do (with the internet anyway) | 03:25 |
Juggie | Guest69224, oh LOL, if the bootdvd/usb doesnt detect the wifi/network by default you can just download the drivers on another machine and copy them over with usb and install them | 03:26 |
Juggie | you can also dual boot windows and linux which in your case is what I would suggest | 03:26 |
Juggie | google for information on that! | 03:26 |
Juggie | you should also consider upgrading your windows 8.1 to windows 10. | 03:27 |
Andy1 | | 03:27 |
staticsn0w | how can i transfer space from one partition to another? | 03:27 |
Guest69224 | I can install it alright, but how am I going to get the internet? I will probably have to connect it with a ethernet cord and go online that way to get drivers. oh copy them on a usb humm ok. So, booting it in live usb/cd doesn't necessarily connect it to the internet? | 03:27 |
Andy1 | can you tell me if i need to install any graphics driver for my laptop or i have everything already please? | 03:27 |
Bashing-om | Andy1: :ppk'm at your . Will advise on drivers . | 03:28 |
spark010 | back | 03:28 |
Hu4x3r1980 | WB, <spark010> | 03:28 |
Andy1 | thanks | 03:29 |
spark010 | so here is my problem | 03:29 |
Guest69224 | Sooo, I get the drivers from another linux, download it to a usb, and put it in the one I'm having trouble with? | 03:29 |
Hu4x3r1980 | 0 | 03:30 |
Guest69224 | What did you do with your Fedora on that kind of computer? | 03:30 |
Juggie | Guest69224, forget about that i'm just saying on some old nvidia stuff, drivers may not be included | 03:30 |
Juggie | but i dont know what your laptop is | 03:30 |
Juggie | so just install it as dual boot and have at it | 03:30 |
Juggie | if you need a driver you can reboot into windows | 03:31 |
Juggie | get the .deb and then boot into ubuntu and install it | 03:31 |
Juggie | no big deal | 03:31 |
Juggie | jump into the deep end, be brave :P | 03:31 |
spark010 | erf it forgot the last line ... fuse: missing mountpoint parameter | 03:31 |
staticsn0w | hello? | 03:31 |
Bashing-om | Andy1: That (primary) makes we want to insure this is not some kind of hybrid (optimus) graphics . so do ' sudo lshw -C display | pastebinit ' let's see what the grapics sets is doing . | 03:31 |
Guest69224 | holy cow! haahahaha | 03:32 |
Andy1 | | 03:33 |
Guest69224 | So, when I put a live cd into my windows machine, how do I do a dual boot? I have no idea. | 03:34 |
Bashing-om | Andy1: look'n . | 03:34 |
staticsn0w | boot in to bios | 03:34 |
zykotick9 | Bashing-om: re: Andy1 well, that's a new one for me... dual intel chips?!?! | 03:34 |
Andy1 | i just bought this old laptop today | 03:35 |
spark010 | <zykotick9> I think it is just the vga port | 03:35 |
Bashing-om | Andy1: zykotick9 Concur ,, looks to be dual head and no ,omotir connected to the second display port . Andy I think you are in good shape . | 03:36 |
=== |i|am|isReKT2000 is now known as isReKT2000 | ||
Andy1 | thanks. because when i used Windows, after installing the OS, i have to download additional drivers from dell for graphics | 03:37 |
Andy1 | but it looks like lubuntu installed all the necessary graphics cards for me | 03:37 |
spark010 | I corrected my pastbin if some want to help :/ this does not happend on windows | 03:37 |
Andy1 | since we're talking about just graphics cards drivers, i just want to make sure i have all the necessary drivers. | 03:38 |
Andy1 | for other things as well | 03:38 |
Bashing-om | Andy1: Intel provides us the best they have and it is included in the kerenl . In ubuntu we do not have to go hunting up drivers. If another driver is required generally they are in our software repository . | 03:39 |
Andy1 | cool thanks guys | 03:39 |
Andy1 | i learn alot today :) | 03:39 |
Andy1 | i'm switching to lubuntu just today | 03:39 |
Andy1 | :) | 03:39 |
Bashing-om | Andy1: The kernel takes care of drivers . 95% of the time . | 03:40 |
Andy1 | awesome, thanks | 03:41 |
spark010 | my realteck wifi/bt does not work correctly :/ so i am in the 5% that it does not work | 03:41 |
Bashing-om | Andy1: np. enjoy .. We are here as you have other questions . just ask . | 03:42 |
sciiam | Hi, Is LVM over USB stick supposed to be incredibly slow? | 03:42 |
nicomachus | sciiam: define "incredibly slow"? the answer is likely no | 03:42 |
Andy1 | thanks so much | 03:43 |
Andy1 | bye | 03:43 |
spark010 | aah I just found that my adb says my device is offline while it is online ?!? | 03:44 |
sciiam | so slow that as soon as i start accessing drive like while copying or upgrading system it almost freeze! | 03:44 |
sciiam | i had system on this lvm on usb stick but data was on a regular partition on a disk but as soon as i put the data on the lvm too... its so slow that every single process hang | 03:50 |
spark010 | sciiam I think the usb speed might be a factor | 03:51 |
sciiam | spark010, ya... i havent checked if it was usb 1 or 2.0 ... its an old proliant ml150 g5 | 03:54 |
sciiam | ill check later | 03:55 |
sciiam | thanks | 03:55 |
jabbaThutt | why is there no cinbuntu | 03:55 |
jabbaThutt | cinnabuntu | 03:56 |
daftykins | jabbaThutt: niche DE, they're waiting for you to make one... | 03:56 |
spark010 | just as why there is no i3Buntu | 03:56 |
jabbaThutt | ok, version 1 will be called Minibon | 03:57 |
nicomachus | aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand sued by cinnabon | 03:57 |
daftykins | as always folks, keep the chat to #ubuntu-offtopic and support only here :) | 03:57 |
spark010 | well I do need support :( | 03:58 |
daftykins | spark010: i see you asking 3 things, what are you after exactly? | 03:58 |
spark010 | I can't mount my cellphone by mtp | 03:59 |
daftykins | can't help you there, maybe someone else can. | 03:59 |
daftykins | or maybe even the android channel | 04:00 |
nicomachus | spark010: did you try enabling USB debugging in the developer options? | 04:00 |
daftykins | that doesn't bear any relevance toward MTP access | 04:00 |
nicomachus | daftykins: it does. | 04:00 |
spark010 | yep, the phone is rooted too | 04:00 |
daftykins | no it does not | 04:01 |
spark010 | if you saw my pastebin the problem is with fuse that cannot assing a mountpoint | 04:01 |
nicomachus | ok, daftykins, well try to connect an android device to a linux PC without it and let me know how that goes. I've done this once or twice. | 04:02 |
sciiam | i3 <3 :) | 04:02 |
daftykins | ugh that guy always ragequits after being disagreed with | 04:02 |
spark010 | O.o | 04:03 |
andy_ | hi | 04:03 |
=== andy_ is now known as Guest77778 | ||
Guest77778 | i want firefox to start up when i start up my laptop | 04:03 |
Guest77778 | can i do that? | 04:04 |
daftykins | add it to your startup apps then, used to be a common area to add things | 04:04 |
Guest77778 | i use lubuntu | 04:05 |
deweydb | hmmm. so i tried to upgrade from 5.5 to 5.6 on ubuntu, and the installer is just hanging on: 2015-12-05 22:54:36 0 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld (mysqld 5.6.27-0ubuntu0.14.04.1-log) starting as process 1510 ... | 04:07 |
deweydb | not sure how long this *should* take | 04:07 |
deweydb | its been about 10 minutes now. | 04:07 |
deweydb | htop shows mysql jumping from 2% to 50% cpu, over and over again | 04:07 |
daftykins | and its' logs say? | 04:08 |
deweydb | nothing? they're both empty /var/log/mysql.log and /var/log/mysql.err | 04:08 |
deweydb | 0 bytes | 04:09 |
Athos999 | how does one run a program from terminal? | 04:09 |
spark010 | type the name of the program ;) | 04:09 |
daftykins | Athos999: which? | 04:10 |
Athos999 | google chrome. | 04:12 |
Athos999 | I had installed it | 04:12 |
Athos999 | and it told me to run from terminal. | 04:12 |
Athos999 | I just downloaded Ubuntu today for the first I'm still getting a hang of it all | 04:12 |
daftykins | that doesn't really make a lot of sense | 04:12 |
Athos999 | so far I love it | 04:12 |
Athos999 | Apparently, you have to run google-chrome in terminal | 04:13 |
Athos999 | then it installs the .deb package | 04:13 |
Athos999 | (once it's been downloaded in the software center) | 04:13 |
daftykins | no just find the downloaded .deb that installs the repo, then run that | 04:13 |
daftykins | spark010: btw if it's the first time you've tried to use MTP on a custom ROM, you might want to check MTP is enabled in the storage settings | 04:13 |
daftykins | Athos999: you can't get chrome from the standard repos | 04:13 |
=== castle_ is now known as castle_money | ||
Athos999 | what is standard repos? | 04:14 |
spark010 | <daftykins> the sad thing is that it is working on my dead laptop ... on this one it trow me a mount point error and I can't figure out why | 04:14 |
Bashing-om | !repository | Athos999 | 04:15 |
ubottu | Athos999: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at - See for the recommended way to set up your repositories. | 04:15 |
daftykins | Athos999: sources to get packages of software from, Chrome is proprietary software from Google... so they provide a .deb to download which enables *their* repo in order to download Chrome | 04:15 |
Athos999 | ahh | 04:15 |
Kinky_Kitty | So.. Uh. 14.04. I seem to be having network issues with BCM43224. Any possible fixes anyone can think of? | 04:19 |
Bashing-om | !bcm | Kinky_Kitty | 04:22 |
ubottu | Kinky_Kitty: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at | 04:22 |
Kinky_Kitty | I am a bit.. Worried of such help topics. This is a Macbook pro (Late 2008 model) I fear that what may work for a standard BCM43XX may not work for one custom built for apple? | 04:23 |
cfhowlett | !mac | Kinky_Kitty, mac channels would know more. | 04:24 |
ubottu | Kinky_Kitty, mac channels would know more.: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: | 04:24 |
Bashing-om | kimico: True and you are good to be prident . However, I have no experience with Macs . | 04:25 |
rizi | Hi i have folder with sub folders which have bunch of pdf files. i want to combine them all. I am using this pdftk `find . -name "*.pdf"` cat output newfile.pdf to compleshed it but i am getting error | 04:29 |
rizi | there are files with spaces as well which are causing this problem so how to fix it. | 04:30 |
=== Doonzy is now known as DOonz | ||
=== DOonz is now known as Doonz | ||
Kinky_Kitty | It appears that loading the b43 firmware modules did work. I suppose even custom made chips work the same? Or similar enough to make things work correctly? | 04:32 |
someguy_ | hello, is there anyone that cna help me with a bright adjustment issue? | 04:33 |
isReKT2000 | Kinky_Kitty, it is a bcm43 so it's normal. | 04:34 |
staticsn0w | hey guys | 04:35 |
limp | I see under /lib/modules/"kernelversion"/kernel/drivers you have all the kernel modules .ko | 04:37 |
staticsn0w | so, my ubuntu partition is running very low on storage (10-50mb left i think) and now, when i go in to ubuntu and try to log in to my account, it shows my wallpaper and mouse after putting in my passwd, do i need to transfer storage from my win partition to my ubuntu one? | 04:37 |
limp | but curious do you ever have to manually load any of these or does the os's have a process at boot up to detect and load the proper .ko it needs | 04:37 |
limp | reason why i ask is that psmouse seems to be loaded on most of the ubuntu os's i have used but never in uses if your using a usb mouse... so it seems to load default ones | 04:39 |
limp | that you don't even uses is there a specific way to tell the os's what .ko to load so when you lsmod you see those only ones | 04:39 |
wylem | Would anyone be willing to help me out with a semi-annoying questions? | 04:40 |
wylem | question* | 04:40 |
staticsn0w | hello? can anyone help me? ;-; | 04:40 |
limp | I know you can always write a startup script that removes them and adds the ones you want but was more wondering what process loads all the .ko and what determines which ones it is going to load | 04:40 |
cfhowlett | limp, spring cleaning time. echo "Cleaning Up" && sudo apt-get -f install && sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get -y autoclean && sudo apt-get -y clean | 04:40 |
cfhowlett | !ask | wylem | 04:41 |
ubottu | wylem: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 04:41 |
cfhowlett | limp, sorry, wrong nick. staticsn0w >>> spring cleaning time. echo "Cleaning Up" && sudo apt-get -f install && sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get -y autoclean && sudo apt-get -y clean | 04:42 |
daftykins | staticsn0w: show us a "df -h" at | 04:43 |
staticsn0w | cghowlett i cant get to terminal, i cant get past the lockscreen unless i go to guest mode | 04:44 |
daftykins | staticsn0w: no, press ctrl+alt+F1 then log in there | 04:44 |
staticsn0w | oh ok | 04:44 |
staticsn0w | time to reboot to ubuntu | 04:45 |
daftykins | so i suppose you don't have another device to be on here at the same time? | 04:45 |
laurus | I am trying to remap a key to make it have the same functionality as "Alt." However xmodmap does not seem to be working. What should I do? | 04:46 |
limp | anybody know what loads the .ko that you see in lsmod if you don't load them manual with insmod , modprobe ,..etc | 04:50 |
staticsn0w | so i tried the ctrl alt f1 thing but i couldnt do startx, it would just hang on a black screen | 04:51 |
staticsn0w | i am now in ubuntu guest mode | 04:51 |
staticsn0w | and i now have 0bytes disk space | 04:52 |
staticsn0w | how do i access terminal in guest mode? | 04:52 |
staticsn0w | it doesnt show up in the searh thing | 04:53 |
lu_tze | I'm ending up doing a compiz --replace ever week now. Ubunty with Unity on an old laptop is just not do-able. Switching to Gnome. | 04:53 |
staticsn0w | i really, REALLY dont want to go through the mess of uninstalling and then reinstalling, it will be too much of a pain in the ass and ill just abandon ubuntu | 04:55 |
staticsn0w | :/ | 04:55 |
staticsn0w | ill try again though, | 04:55 |
daftykins | staticsn0w: that's not the point, the idea is to run the commands from there to look at disk space... you likely made the problem worse by trying to startx if you used sudo. | 04:56 |
daftykins | staticsn0w: alternatively, do you have a live session boot media on DVD/USB you can come on IRC from and investigate this system? | 04:57 |
dontkillmeblabla | hallow | 05:09 |
bobdobbs | I've set up passwordless SSH login to a remote server using ssh-copy-id. So I can log in to remote without entering a password. I'd like to also log in to remote using filezilla | 05:22 |
bobdobbs | Presently filezilla requires a password. If I leave the password field empty then auth fails. | 05:23 |
djyellow | | 05:23 |
bobdobbs | Online docs say that I can import a key in to filezilla using it's graphic UI. | 05:24 |
bobdobbs | So, I have to go to settings->preferences... import key... | 05:25 |
bobdobbs | so filezilla gives me a file browser for me to locate the key with | 05:25 |
bobdobbs | However, the browser can't see dot directories. | 05:25 |
lotuspsychje | !ot | djyellow | 05:25 |
ubottu | djyellow: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 05:25 |
bobdobbs | I think that filezilla is using a component of gnome as a file browser | 05:26 |
bobdobbs | so, is there a way to configure the gnome component to view dot directories? | 05:26 |
hispeed67 | for some reason, my cpu util is constantly very high. no apps running and it sits at around 80%. intel i3-3110 / 2.4GHz | 05:26 |
lotuspsychje | hispeed67: tested with htop what goes up? | 05:27 |
hispeed67 | lotuspsychje, you mean what is the top of the list using htop? | 05:29 |
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lotuspsychje | hispeed67: yes | 05:30 |
hispeed67 | xfce4-taskmanager | 05:30 |
hispeed67 | there appears to be some things going on in the background.. | 05:30 |
hispeed67 | ninja | 05:30 |
hispeed67 | but it's the third.. | 05:30 |
lotuspsychje | !info ninja | 05:30 |
ubottu | ninja (source: ninja): Privilege escalation detection system for GNU/Linux. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.3-2 (wily), package size 19 kB, installed size 160 kB | 05:30 |
hispeed67 | and a python script seems to be related to updating.. | 05:31 |
hispeed67 | thanks for the htop ref. never used that before.. | 05:31 |
hispeed67 | it's nice.. | 05:31 |
lotuspsychje | hispeed67: the more services you install/setup the higher cpu will go | 05:31 |
lotuspsychje | hispeed67: detection or intrusion systems can be high cpu eating also | 05:32 |
lotuspsychje | hispeed67: you could also as the #xubuntu guys for the xfce-taskmanager | 05:32 |
lotuspsychje | hispeed67: wich xubuntu version are you on? | 05:32 |
hispeed67 | xenial | 05:33 |
hispeed67 | but it's been ongoing since 14.04 | 05:33 |
lotuspsychje | hispeed67: #ubuntu+1 for xenial issues | 05:34 |
hispeed67 | just tired of my fan spinning up and down.. and cpu always pegged.. don't remeber this being so bad on old pentium systems.. | 05:34 |
hispeed67 | ubuntu studio also.. | 05:34 |
rameme | fucking niggers up asshole jews did 911 aaaaaaaaaaaa | 05:56 |
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netameta | what packages do i need to be able to have ubuntu running on vmware full screen ? | 06:31 |
cheeky_monkey | dunno | 06:31 |
wks-zzf | ninini | 06:34 |
wks-zzf | hello | 06:34 |
wks-zzf | who are you? | 06:34 |
Juggie | netameta, install vmware tools | 06:36 |
netameta | juggie vmware tools ? | 06:36 |
netameta | what are those? | 06:36 |
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Juggie | google it :) | 06:36 |
Juggie | you can try open-vm-tools as well | 06:36 |
Juggie | which should be in ubuntu repo | 06:36 |
Juggie | or vmware tools from vmware direct | 06:36 |
Juggie | again google ;) | 06:36 |
lotuspsychje | netameta: try the #vbox guys | 06:38 |
KiwiKid | Hello, I installed ubuntu 15.10, then I got sophos antivirus for it. But I can't scan my home folder because it's encrypted: access denied. I even tried sudo. | 06:39 |
lotuspsychje | KiwiKid: un-encrypt and scan then? | 06:40 |
KiwiKid | right on | 06:41 |
TSS | Antivirus on Ubuntu? What is the point? | 06:42 |
KiwiKid | Really? lol | 06:42 |
KiwiKid | Do you not know what malware is? | 06:43 |
TSS | No one writes malware for linux | 06:43 |
KiwiKid | You're funny :) | 06:43 |
staticsn0w | anyone know a way that i can make it so that i dont have to type sudo in front of every apt related thing i do on ubuntu 14.04.3? | 06:44 |
TSS | Never ran antivirus on my machine since I built it, and I am doing fine | 06:44 |
lotuspsychje | !info clamav | KiwiKid try this | 06:44 |
ubottu | KiwiKid try this: clamav (source: clamav): anti-virus utility for Unix - command-line interface. In component main, is optional. Version 0.98.7+dfsg-0ubuntu4 (wily), package size 96 kB, installed size 718 kB | 06:44 |
batteronizer | staticsn0w: sudo -i | 06:44 |
KiwiKid | Good for you mate, better secure than not I guess.. | 06:44 |
TSS | type /sudo du | 06:44 |
batteronizer | needed only ones for a session | 06:44 |
TSS | type /sudo su | 06:44 |
KiwiKid | thank you | 06:44 |
lotuspsychje | TSS: there are rootkits out there for linux, be carefull what you suggest | 06:44 |
staticsn0w | batteronizer is there anyway i can have ubuntu run that command on startup? | 06:45 |
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TSS | I reccomend against. | 06:45 |
batteronizer | you basically have to be root for that | 06:46 |
staticsn0w | and have it auto authenticate when it runs the command | 06:46 |
staticsn0w | batteronizer i auto login as root | 06:46 |
ubuntu-mate | hi people is test hexchat | 06:46 |
alkisg | Hi, given a file (e.g. /boot/vmilnuz), how can I find out the name of the partition that it comes from (e.g. /dev/sda8), with some command like `stat`? | 06:46 |
ubuntu-mate | xD | 06:46 |
TSS | Auto login as root? And I am accused of being insecure? | 06:46 |
staticsn0w | noone touches my computer | 06:46 |
batteronizer | staticsn0w: not recommended, but you could enable the root account and login using that account | 06:47 |
batteronizer | google on how to enable root on Ubuntu | 06:47 |
lotuspsychje | TSS: nobody accuse you, just being prudent in some cases | 06:47 |
staticsn0w | my fam and friends know thata if they touch my shit, a hand it coming off. | 06:47 |
lotuspsychje | TSS: clamav's database show recent linux malware and rootkits | 06:47 |
ubuntu-mate | i say a cool news - intel gma 500 support in ubuntu mate 15.10 . nice!!!!! | 06:48 |
batteronizer | staticsn0w: one more solution | 06:48 |
KiwiKid | Thank you lotuspsychje, for shedding some light. | 06:48 |
batteronizer | you can put this at the end of your .bashrc file | 06:48 |
KiwiKid | Is Sophos okay to use? | 06:48 |
staticsn0w | ok | 06:48 |
TSS | using 15.10 is a mistake. Wait for 16.04 lts | 06:48 |
staticsn0w | send a pastebin link or something | 06:49 |
batteronizer | staticsn0w: alias apt-get="sudo apt-get" | 06:49 |
lotuspsychje | KiwiKid: sure but it all depends what you run as services, if you updated your system etc | 06:49 |
batteronizer | though you'll still need to enter the passwor | 06:49 |
batteronizer | *password | 06:49 |
lotuspsychje | TSS: please stop suggesting stuff liek that | 06:49 |
ubuntu-mate | glxgears say 38 fps on fulscren mode | 06:49 |
lotuspsychje | TSS: nothing wrong with 15.10 | 06:49 |
nbusrone | anyone know how to read a bash script ? if the script ends with ` .What does it mean ? | 06:49 |
KiwiKid | I just use it for daily email + media streaming etc simple stuff. Just want a bit of security. | 06:49 |
TSS | Different stroke I guess | 06:49 |
batteronizer | if you don't want to enter the password, then enabling root is the only way I know | 06:49 |
staticsn0w | where is .bashrc located? sorry im a linux noob | 06:49 |
batteronizer | in your home directory | 06:50 |
staticsn0w | ok | 06:50 |
batteronizer | /home//accountname | 06:50 |
batteronizer | remove the extra slash | 06:50 |
staticsn0w | it wont show me | 06:50 |
staticsn0w | it just shows my normal folders | 06:50 |
ubuntu-mate | 16.04 app to aipril i no beta tester | 06:50 |
batteronizer | The '.' means it is hidden | 06:50 |
ubuntu-mate | y))) | 06:51 |
batteronizer | Show hidden files | 06:51 |
staticsn0w | ok | 06:51 |
batteronizer | and read up on basics of Ubuntu /Linux somewhere | 06:51 |
staticsn0w | one more thing | 06:51 |
staticsn0w | how do i enable hidden files? xP | 06:51 |
KiwiKid | ctrl + H | 06:52 |
staticsn0w | ok thanks | 06:52 |
nbusrone | no one know about bash script ? | 06:52 |
KiwiKid | bashrc? | 06:52 |
batteronizer | staticsn0w: google these questions before asking | 06:52 |
staticsn0w | ok | 06:52 |
lotuspsychje | batteronizer: dont suggest google for regular ubuntu questions plz | 06:53 |
danes | hello, I am printing with lpr from the command line. Is there a way to know if the file I sent to print has been completed? | 06:53 |
lotuspsychje | !manual | staticsn0w start here | 06:53 |
ubottu | staticsn0w start here: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. | 06:53 |
nbusrone | KiwiKid : not sure but I copy the bash script code it's not working | 06:55 |
wildc4rd | I run a little ubuntu machine as a file server, what is the best/most problem free way of using it as a file server? | 06:56 |
wildc4rd | (over network, for windows machines) | 06:56 |
nbusrone | KiwiKid : it ends with $@` | 06:56 |
TSS | install Amahi | 06:57 |
ubuntu-mate | by people good day today for all by | 06:57 |
nbusrone | I am trying to fix the screenshot which always save as colon : which not working on back to NTFS | 06:57 |
nbusrone | no reply for me ? | 07:04 |
ovrflw0x | hey nbusrone how r ya buddy | 07:04 |
nbusrone | ovrflw0x : great at the moment | 07:05 |
nbusrone | :) | 07:05 |
ovrflw0x | good ;) | 07:05 |
nbusrone | ovrflw0x : Question , I wanted to fix printscreen rename option , which I am not sure which will work on 14.04 since the discussion is alread years old | 07:06 |
danes | hello, is there a way to find out from the command line if a job sent to a printer has been completed? I am executing a command from a python script to print a file but I need to know when the file has been printed so I can continue executing the script | 07:06 |
nbusrone | ovrflw0x : would you kindly have a look :) | 07:06 |
ovrflw0x | nbusrone, | 07:09 |
ubottu | Gnome bug 740520 in media-keys "screenshot-utils: don't use spaces or colons in filenames" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] | 07:09 |
nbusrone | ovrflw0x : how to fix it ? sorry newbie here | 07:10 |
nbusrone | ovrflw0x : how to put and update the fix patch ? since I am new on ubuntu linux | 07:11 |
ovrflw0x | nbusrone, why don't you join "gnome" channel? | 07:12 |
ovrflw0x | nbusrone, #gnome | 07:12 |
ovrflw0x | going for now bye | 07:12 |
nbusrone | ovrflw0x : i can get help there? thanks for the guide :) see you then :) | 07:13 |
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netameta | lotuspsychje, this is also a linux issue so your remark about try vbox guys.. isnt valid | 07:34 |
nbusrone | netameta : can help me a bit on the bug fix on printscreen ? | 07:35 |
netameta | no bug, just want to install the tools that make vmware run linux full screen | 07:35 |
netameta | there are also tools that does it for virtual box | 07:35 |
netameta | nbusrone, i remember there were tools to make it full screen for virtual box | 07:37 |
netameta | i assume same exists for vmware | 07:37 |
aliendude5300 | Hello, I recently purchased a laptop -- an ASUS K501UX. It works with the nomodeset option but two finger scrolling, wireless connectivity and resolutions greater than 800x600 are broken. Can someone help me with this? | 07:37 |
daftykins | aliendude5300: which version did you install? | 07:39 |
aliendude5300 | I'm running Ubuntu 15.10 off a Live DVD. Not ready to commit to an install until I can get it a bit more functional | 07:39 |
aliendude5300 | At the VERY least I need wireless, it's a laptop after all | 07:40 |
daftykins | aliendude5300: nothing can be resolved until installed really, plus there'd be no point putting the work in since on reboot it'd be all gone. | 07:40 |
nbusrone | daftykins : any help here ? :( | 07:40 |
aliendude5300 | I disagree with the no point thing -- if I learn valuable information, it's worth it for me to fix it and then reboot | 07:40 |
daftykins | nbusrone: with what | 07:41 |
aliendude5300 | I think the biggest issue is that my laptop is using a Sky Lake chip -- it's like really new. | 07:41 |
aliendude5300 | I'll grab an lshw output | 07:41 |
daftykins | aliendude5300: ok, well the problem is that you want someone elses time to do that... you need to identify the hardware in use first, can't do anything without that. "lspci | nc 9999" would help there | 07:41 |
daftykins | no | 07:41 |
daftykins | it's not inherently linked to skylake | 07:41 |
nbusrone | ovrflw0x : Question , I wanted to fix printscreen rename option , which I am not sure which will work on 14.04 since the discussion is alread years old | 07:42 |
nbusrone | daftykins : Question , I wanted to fix printscreen rename option , which I am not sure which will work on 14.04 since the discussion is alread years old | 07:42 |
knot | hello everyone | 07:42 |
aliendude5300 | | 07:42 |
knot | can someone give me a little help? | 07:42 |
daftykins | aliendude5300: not what i suggested | 07:42 |
daftykins | knot: no, not without a question :) | 07:42 |
daftykins | intel 7265 wireless there aliendude5300 - odd that wouldn't work out of the box. | 07:43 |
daftykins | in fact it claims to be disabled, perhaps your wireless switch is off | 07:43 |
daftykins | "rfkill list all" i think is helpful in those situations | 07:44 |
aliendude5300 | daftykins: | 07:44 |
daftykins | alright so you can do nothing with the graphics situation really until you've got an install | 07:44 |
aliendude5300 | daftykins, unfortunately there is no physical hardware switch | 07:44 |
daftykins | there often is an Fn+F# combo | 07:45 |
aliendude5300 | The best I've got is an airplane mode fn combo, which I tried a few times | 07:45 |
aliendude5300 | That did not work | 07:45 |
aliendude5300 | Hmm, screen brightness fn keys are broken as well. | 07:47 |
aliendude5300 | Touchpad disable combo does absolutely nothing but touchpad works minus two finger scrolling | 07:47 |
aliendude5300 | Not all fn keys are broken though -- keyboard backlight, calculator, volume, screen blank all work fine | 07:48 |
aliendude5300 | I think I'm going to install to a flash drive or something so I can test this out more. It's too broken to be my daily machine, unfortunately | 07:49 |
aliendude5300 | Might just stick with Windows 10 until I can get Ubuntu working a bit better | 07:49 |
Mike1 | aliendude5300: but Fn keys are usually quite fixable | 07:50 |
Mike1 | or just use a different combination for the same thing | 07:50 |
aliendude5300 | Mike1, sure, but there is a long list of things broken with this. | 07:51 |
aliendude5300 | 800x600 resolution is all that works, no hardware accelerated graphics, no wireless (thinks it's hw switch disabled with no way to turn it on), no way to change brightness at all, no two finger scrolling... it's quite broken :( | 07:51 |
Mike1 | wow | 07:52 |
emiliano_ | hi | 07:52 |
Mike1 | aliendude5300: what device is that? | 07:52 |
daftykins | aliendude5300: i did say what to run to check for more info... | 07:52 |
emiliano_ | i have a question about linux-image-4.2.0...-generic | 07:52 |
daftykins | and what is it? | 07:53 |
aliendude5300 | ASUS K501UX. | 07:53 |
emiliano_ | There's someone that can explain me why linux-image...4.2.0-generic has a few drivers? | 07:53 |
daftykins | emiliano_: what's the question? | 07:53 |
JuicyParsons | I used pip to install the latest version of ipython3, but now both ipython and ipython3 both point to the pip Python3 version ... how do I make it so that ipython refers to the Ubuntu package ipython again? | 07:53 |
daftykins | 'drivers' ? | 07:53 |
netameta | what does restart you x session means ? | 07:53 |
daftykins | netameta: stop and restart the GUI | 07:54 |
aliendude5300 | I ran your command you suggested, not sure if I missed something. | 07:54 |
daftykins | aliendude5300: the rfkill one also | 07:54 |
aliendude5300 | | 07:54 |
aliendude5300 | ah, I'll run that | 07:54 |
aliendude5300 | | 07:55 |
emiliano_ | why linux-image-4.2.0---generic has a few drivers? | 07:55 |
daftykins | aliendude5300: yep hard blocked wifi there | 07:55 |
daftykins | aliendude5300: i would ensure you tried booting into Windows, used the wifi... then reboot into the live session and try again - or you can try the unblock command with rfkill | 07:56 |
aliendude5300 | how can I use this unblock command | 07:56 |
daftykins | emiliano_: your question did not make sense the first time, so don't repeat - what do you think 'drivers' are? | 07:56 |
aliendude5300 | I was just in windows with wifi enabled, no issues at all | 07:56 |
nbusrone | daftykins : no hlep ? | 07:57 |
daftykins | nbusrone: nope sorry, too busy to look right now. | 07:57 |
emiliano_ | excuse me | 07:57 |
emiliano_ | i upgraded my workstation from 15.04 to 15.10 | 07:58 |
nbusrone | daftykins : thanks , but I guess i dont have option right now , haveto wait until someone willing help gtg then | 07:59 |
aliendude5300 | I'm going to look into this tomorrow, thanks for the suggestions. | 07:59 |
netameta | daftykins, well i am trying | 08:06 |
netameta | but this doesnt work | 08:07 |
netameta | daftykins, are you familar with the packages needed to be installed for virtualBox inorder to make it run full screen ? | 08:07 |
emiliano_ | after the upgrade my workstation starts with the kernel 4.2.0-generic but for example without keyboard drivers | 08:09 |
emiliano_ | i search for bugs but i doesn't find nothing | 08:09 |
emiliano_ | then i searched inside file list of 4.2.0-lowlatency package and find that this packages contains keyboard drivers | 08:10 |
akik | netameta: you probably need to install build-essential inside the linux vm for the guest tools to compile | 08:11 |
psj | ? | 08:12 |
asad_ | hey. how can I list all installed packages? | 08:12 |
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Guest40775 | i want the system to update firefox and flash whenever it has a new version | 08:12 |
Guest40775 | i'm using the latest version of lunbuntu | 08:12 |
akik | asad_: dpkg -l | 08:12 |
Guest40775 | do you know how to do that? | 08:12 |
asad_ | akik, can I do it using apt-get? | 08:12 |
akik | asad_: run that dpkg command | 08:13 |
emiliano_ | dpkg -l for the list of all installed packages | 08:13 |
asad_ | emiliano_, is there a way to list all packages using apt-get ? | 08:13 |
netameta | akik build-essential its called ? | 08:14 |
netameta | so apt-get install build-essential | 08:14 |
emiliano_ | asad_: i think apt list | 08:15 |
akik | netameta: yes, did you try to install build-essential? | 08:16 |
daftykins | netameta: i was under the impression you said 'vmware' earlier | 08:22 |
tlepes | can you run multiple brand video cards (nvidia and amd or intel) and run a seperate x server on each? | 08:28 |
daftykins | they tend to have conflicting libraries, between nvidia and AMD | 08:29 |
tlepes | what about an nvidia card and intel? i want to try multi-seat using mobo video and nvidia card | 08:34 |
hicoleri | How do I start an application in the terminal and then "return" to the terminal?(i.e. have the prompt available again?) | 08:35 |
EriC^^ | hicoleri: <program> & | 08:35 |
tlepes | thanks @daftykins | 08:35 |
daftykins | tlepes: i can't imagine there'd be much wrong with that | 08:35 |
EriC^^ | i like <program> & disown , hicoleri | 08:35 |
hicoleri | Eric^^: Thanks | 08:36 |
EriC^^ | with disown you can close the terminal and it keeps running | 08:37 |
hicoleri | EriC^^:Okay | 08:37 |
EriC^^ | no problem | 08:37 |
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JuicyParsons | I was using pip to install a variety of python packages, and it has basically borked my system ... what's the best way to "start from scratch", undo everything pip has done, and end up with a default Ubuntu python installation? | 08:50 |
baizon | JuicyParsons: remove the packages | 08:51 |
JuicyParsons | will pip also remove all of the libraries it built? | 08:51 |
baizon | JuicyParsons: | 08:51 |
JuicyParsons | baizon, Ah, thanks | 08:52 |
nbusrone | how to find a character with unknown name in it ? lets say 120.jpg to 129.jpg .I wanted to find them but how to list out all at once ? I type 12*.jpg doesn't show anything? | 08:52 |
baizon | nbusrone: | 08:54 |
nbusrone | baizon : I am using ctrl+F at folder screen. How to use them ? | 08:55 |
baizon | nbusrone: | 08:55 |
nbusrone | baizon : not working If I wanted to search 1_13_15.jpg to 1_31_15.jpg ? how ? _**.jpg not working | 09:01 |
saurabh | hi, I'm running Monodevelop 5.1 on my 14.04 x_64 system. It does not use *global menu*. | 09:01 |
saurabh | However, when I run it directly from /usr/lib/monodevelop/bin/MonoDevelop.exe, it *uses* global menu | 09:01 |
saurabh | where can I find the configuration to edit this behavior and get global menus | 09:02 |
OerHeks | saurabh, i think global menu is now hardcoded, even in unity tweak that option does not change | 09:03 |
saurabh | OerHeks, oh i see | 09:03 |
nbusrone | baizon : noting will search on _15.jpg ????? why is ubuntu search ? if 15.jpg will show but adding _ + the extension .jpg all not working | 09:03 |
badbodh | saurabh, look into /usr/share/applications for monodevelops's desktop file, open it in some text editor and check the "Exec=" line. | 09:03 |
nbusrone | baizon : I mean the * | 09:04 |
saurabh | badbodh, i'll try that now. | 09:04 |
OerHeks | saurabh, but chekc youself, install unity tweak, themes > window controls | 09:04 |
saurabh | OerHeks, global menus work for *all* other apps. Just monodevelop is a PITA | 09:05 |
saurabh | badbodh, it says Exec=monodevelop %F | 09:05 |
saurabh | should I add ubuntumenu proxy= 1 before the exec | 09:06 |
badbodh | saurabh, # that line, write a new one below it (in case you need to undo changes) Exec=/usr/lib/monodevelop/bin/MonoDevelop.exe | 09:06 |
saurabh | badbodh, i'll try that now | 09:07 |
xchatter | hi | 09:08 |
saurabh | badbodh, it worked :-) Thanks :-) | 09:08 |
badbodh | have fun | 09:08 |
saurabh | should I submit a bug report | 09:08 |
xchatter | I have an encrypted LVM Kubuntu on my USB stick and I want to open sdb3. | 09:08 |
saurabh | OerHeks, thanks. | 09:08 |
nbusrone | badbodh : hi , wanted to ask how to search a file with dash with extension on CTRL+F ? | 09:09 |
xchatter | I did: udisksctl unlock -b /dev/sdb3 | 09:09 |
xchatter | Then entered the password | 09:09 |
badbodh | nbusrone, please do not highlight individual nicks. ask the channel in general, allow everyone to participate | 09:09 |
xchatter | I get: Error unlocking /dev/sdb3: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.UDisks2.Error.Failed: Device /dev/sdb3 is already unlocked as /dev/dm-3 | 09:10 |
badbodh | i don't know unity particulars, i don;t even use ubuntu. sorry can;t help you with that. | 09:10 |
xchatter | I think the problem is that I am doing all of this from an the command line of an LVM encrypted Kubuntu: so there are 2 kubuntu-vg | 09:11 |
xchatter | Any idea? | 09:11 |
nbusrone | badbodh : ok sorry | 09:12 |
badbodh | nbusrone, repeat your question without nicks this time :) | 09:15 |
momo85 | !list | 09:18 |
ubottu | momo85: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 09:18 |
momo85 | ok | 09:18 |
Casper- | heyy, does anyone know how to make a shortcut for a program, in the menu, or desktop? | 09:37 |
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Casper- | it works if i type: sudo ./foo , but not if i double click on it | 09:37 |
daftykins | what is it? | 09:38 |
badbodh | Casper-, do not cross post please. asking in one channel is good enough | 09:38 |
OerHeks | yes, what program need sudo to run? | 09:38 |
Casper- | my VPN program, what do i enter in the "command box" when i create a launcher? | 09:39 |
Casper- | do i have to create a Bash script? | 09:39 |
OerHeks | Casper-, maybe this answer is any help, with this change, launching the icon will ask for your password >> | 09:40 |
Casper- | Also, trying to create a simple program to run: traceroute | 09:41 |
geirha | Casper-: you have to usea graphical sudo, since sudo can only retrieve the password via a terminal emulator | 09:41 |
OerHeks | and howto make a launcher > | 09:42 |
JuicyParsons | I installed the latest version of ipython3 with pip3, and instead of just replacing ipython3, it also makes 'ipython' run Python3.5/ipython4.0 ... how do I make it where ipython points to python2.7/ipython again? | 09:42 |
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JuicyParsons | I don't want to uninstall Python 3.5 though - I want ipython3 to run the pip installed version, and I want ipython to run the default ubuntu ipython install | 09:43 |
OerHeks | JuicyParsons, sudo update-alternatives --config python | 09:43 |
OerHeks | and select the python you need | 09:44 |
JuicyParsons | OerHeks, "update-alternatives: error: no alternatives for python" | 09:45 |
JuicyParsons | (same when I try for ipython) | 09:45 |
geirha | Mh, because you installed it with pip instead of apt | 09:46 |
utu8o | anyone here use ubuntu on a persistent USB flash drive? | 09:46 |
geirha | You'll have to tell pip which python to use. Maybe #python knows. | 09:46 |
OerHeks | geirha +1 | 09:47 |
JuicyParsons | I installed it with apt first | 09:47 |
JuicyParsons | the apt version is still installed. | 09:48 |
JuicyParsons | When I pip uninstall ipython3 (to remove the pip version) it goes back to using the Ubuntu default install | 09:48 |
geirha | pip probably installs it in /usr/local/bin, while apt's is in /usr/bin | 09:49 |
JuicyParsons | Yes, it does. | 09:49 |
geirha | doesn't pip let you install both versions? | 09:52 |
JuicyParsons | It seems to wipe out whatever other pip versions you have though. Originally, I installed the latest version (4.0) ... then I needed to downgrade to 3.1.0 for compatability reasons, and when I did pip install "ipython[all]=3.1.0" it made 3.1 the default ... I honestly have no idea how to have simultaneous installs (although that would be the ideal situation for me) | 09:54 |
JuicyParsons | I'm asking in #python as you suggested, but no luck... I'll go read up more and see if I can find anything. | 09:55 |
amnix | How can I change my cursor theme on ubuntu 15.10? unity-tweak-tool doesn't seem to do the job. | 10:00 |
blanko | hi all | 10:04 |
blanko | how to install comodo antivirus in ubuntu 15.10 | 10:05 |
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OerHeks | blanko, see there is an entry for comodo. | 10:07 |
OerHeks | amnix, did you logout/login again, to let the theme take effect? | 10:08 |
amnix | OerHeks, Yes it only works in firefox and doesn't work systemwide. | 10:08 |
xchatter | I need help. I am doing a checksum with md5 sha256 and I get different checksums for the same file each time. | 10:09 |
lrpolash | sudu | 10:10 |
lrpolash | hi | 10:10 |
lrpolash | hi all | 10:11 |
lrpolash | please help | 10:11 |
lotuspsychje | !ask | lrpolash | 10:11 |
ubottu | lrpolash: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 10:11 |
kunaaljain | !ask | 10:11 |
geirha | xchatter: Can you provide an example? | 10:12 |
blanko | OerHeks: thanks but comodo give error in 15.10 | 10:12 |
lrpolash | i can't setup any kind of windows software using windows runur .what should i do naw? | 10:13 |
xchatter | geirha, | 10:13 |
geirha | xchatter: Are you sure the file content isn't changing? maybe it's still downloading? | 10:13 |
xchatter | geirha, no, of course not | 10:14 |
xchatter | Finished the download a long time ago | 10:14 |
xchatter | It is an SSD drive. | 10:15 |
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geirha | xchatter: so fuser -v kubuntu-15.10-desktop-amd64.iso outputs nothing? | 10:15 |
xchatter | geirha, no output | 10:16 |
geirha | and ''type -a sha256sum'' doesn't show any aliases or functions left by your friends as a prank or anything? | 10:16 |
xchatter | bw@twister:~$ type -a sha256sum | 10:17 |
xchatter | sha256sum is /usr/bin/sha256sum | 10:17 |
JuicyParsons | geirha, btw - I figured out what I needed to do - I just have to install the different python versions in their own virtualenv ... just thought you might like to know in case you see a similar question in the future ... anyways, thanks for trying to help | 10:17 |
xchatter | Could it be possible that the SSD drive is defect? | 10:17 |
geirha | possibly. I'd try fsck on the filesystem | 10:18 |
xchatter | geirha, simply fsck without variables? | 10:19 |
geirha | No, you have to unmount the filesystem, then fsck /dev/sdb1 or whatever the device node is for that partition | 10:19 |
geirha | !fsck | 10:20 |
ubottu | fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot | 10:20 |
xchatter | geirha, so it can only be done from a live USB stick then? | 10:20 |
geirha | It's the filesystem mounted as / ? | 10:20 |
xchatter | geirha, I am using an encrypted LVM | 10:21 |
xchatter | yes / | 10:21 |
geirha | Oh. Don't know how to handle LVMs. | 10:21 |
xchatter | ok | 10:22 |
Rumbles | can anyone suggest how I would sandbox a rails process, so that a user can connect to a machine and have access to a rails console, but no system commands? I've posted in detail here: | 10:31 |
cfhowlett | Rumbles, ask #networking or #ubuntu-server perhaps? sounds like a topic more common over there | 10:32 |
Rumbles | thanks | 10:33 |
Casper- | for example this works: cd ~/Downloads/foo && sudo ./foo | 10:42 |
Casper- | but this doesnt work: .~/Dowloads/foo | 10:43 |
Casper- | what am i typing wrong? | 10:43 |
SeriouslyLaugh | ~/Downloads/.foo should work | 10:43 |
kkj | ~/Downloads/.foo ? :) | 10:44 |
Casper- | nope, error is: "No such file or directory" | 10:45 |
Casper- | u can try it, i'm trying it on cool chat program | 10:46 |
Casper- | | 10:47 |
Casper- | SeriouslyLaugh: does that command work for u? | 10:47 |
SeriouslyLaugh | what are you trying to do? | 10:47 |
Casper- | well, a bunch of diff things, i'm still learning. how do u combine this command into one? ^^ cd ~/Downloads/foo && sudo ./foo | 10:49 |
bittin | | | 10:49 |
SeriouslyLaugh | to what end? what are you trying to accomplish? installation of an application? | 10:49 |
Casper- | this doesnt work: sudo ~/Downloads/.foo | 10:49 |
SeriouslyLaugh | well .foo is a placeholder command | 10:50 |
SeriouslyLaugh | usually it'll be ~/Downloads/.filenamehere | 10:50 |
alessandro_ | ciao | 10:50 |
OerHeks | ugh, running an chat program as root is silly, Casper- | 10:51 |
OerHeks | !rootirc | 10:51 |
ubottu | It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet. | 10:51 |
Casper- | SeriouslyLaugh: well, the other thing is making launcher, but not sure what to put for the "Exec=APP_COMMAND" | 10:52 |
Casper- | OerHeks: there are a couple programs, i want to make launchers for. but i also just want to learn. (yes ricochet, doesnt need sudo. but my vpn does) | 10:52 |
Casper- | i'm trying to do learn a bunchof things at once. sorry. so the first question, is can u excute a program from not inside the directory i.e. ~/Downloads/.foo | 10:54 |
Casper- | or do u have to combine the 2 commands together with (&&)? | 10:54 |
Casper- | that seems inefficient :) | 10:54 |
Casper- | cd ~/Downloads/foo && ./foo | 10:55 |
SeriouslyLaugh | you don't need to cd in order to execute a program Casper- | 10:55 |
Casper- | SeriouslyLaugh: okay, but this doesnt work, u can try it urself? ~/Downloads/.foo | 10:56 |
Casper- | i'm trying it with the ricochet program | 10:56 |
kkj | Casper-: Whatabout just ~/Downloads/foo ? | 10:59 |
SeriouslyLaugh | | 11:00 |
nyloc | hi, is there an offical way on how to create a usb stick with persistence and a rw home partition. I would like to have a persistent xubuntu 15.11 with a home partition and I could only find old or incomplete descriptions on the web. | 11:00 |
Casper- | kkj: THat worked!!! (◔ ‿ ◔)o自*cheers*自o(◔ ‿ ◔)♫♪ | 11:01 |
cfhowlett | nyloc, | 11:01 |
OerHeks | nyloc, easy, make an usb with the iso, boot it, plug in a 2nd usb and install on that. | 11:01 |
kkj | Casper-: No problem. :-) | 11:02 |
Casper- | i though u needed the "." Man, that is confusing-- so u need the "./" when u in the correct directory, but not when u r in diff directry | 11:02 |
kkj | Casper-: ~/Downloads/.foo is a hidden file. | 11:03 |
Casper- | u guys should all try | 11:03 |
nyloc | OerHeks: If I install on the usb drive insted of using casper-rw or something will the stick still be portable? | 11:04 |
kkj | irssi works just fine. | 11:04 |
Casper- | SeriouslyLaugh: reading ur ricochet guide: why does he put it the ricohet foder in "/opt/" ? | 11:07 |
Casper- | SeriouslyLaugh: also, looks like he meant "ricochet" when he typed "firefox" right? | 11:07 |
SeriouslyLaugh | disregard that | 11:07 |
SeriouslyLaugh | optional applications for some distributions | 11:08 |
SeriouslyLaugh | | 11:08 |
Casper- | i heard ur supposed to put programs in ~/bin/ ? | 11:08 |
Casper- | SeriouslyLaugh: can u just put the program in "/usr/bin/" or do u have to make a symbolic link ? | 11:09 |
nyloc | cfhowlett: This wiki page seems to be quiet outdated and I couldn't find any information about home partition and the link for persistence is from 2007 | 11:09 |
cfhowlett | 2012? hardly dated | 11:09 |
SeriouslyLaugh | 9 times out of 10 you'll never have to install a program that way Casper- | 11:09 |
Casper- | SeriouslyLaugh: well, it seems my linux life is the 1 outta 10 lately :) | 11:10 |
SeriouslyLaugh | frankly i've never had to do that so i have no idea | 11:10 |
nyloc | cfhowlett: Three years and most things are still valid for 15.10? | 11:11 |
cfhowlett | nyloc, yes | 11:12 |
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nyloc | cfhowlett: ok lets say I use usb-creator-gtk would require me to use a second usb stick but thats ok, I couldn't find anything about a rw home partition any thoughts on that? | 11:13 |
cfhowlett | nyloc, sudo mkfs.ext2 -b 4096 -L casper-rw /dev/sdX2 | 11:15 |
cfhowlett | *ext4* | 11:15 |
nyloc | i guess journaling might be a good idea and is specifying the blocksize necessary? | 11:16 |
cfhowlett | nyloc, it's been so long since I tried this I don't recall details. but this was the wiki I employed | 11:17 |
Casper- | okay guys, i got it, i think. so this is the "correct" way to install programs (that arent in the Repos)? sudo ln -sf /path/to/foo /usr/bin/foo | 11:18 |
Casper- | so then if u do that, the "foo" program works just by typing foo, and it seems easier to create launcher | 11:19 |
nyloc | cfhowlett: Ok, I'll try with three partitions for now and lable one casper-rw and one home-rw and then copy the iso contens to the first bootable partition. Any idea if this will work with efi boots? If not never mind I will just try, thanks for the help | 11:19 |
cfhowlett | nyloc, happy2help! | 11:19 |
MonkeyDust | Casper- ln creates a link, it doesnt install | 11:19 |
lotuspsychje | hi MonkeyDust | 11:20 |
MonkeyDust | lotuspsychje | 11:20 |
Casper- | MonkeyDust: what is the diff? | 11:21 |
Casper- | MonkeyDust: how would i "install" ricochet then? | 11:21 |
MonkeyDust | !info ricochet | 11:21 |
ubottu | Package ricochet does not exist in wily | 11:21 |
MonkeyDust | Casper- find a .deb or a ppa and install it, but that's not supported here | 11:22 |
Casper- | MonkeyDust: it doesnt have a deb or ppa | 11:22 |
Casper- | MonkeyDust: many programs dont | 11:22 |
MonkeyDust | Casper- then you're out of luck, i guess | 11:22 |
Casper- | MonkeyDust: what does "installing" do? besides recieve automatic updates | 11:23 |
MonkeyDust | Casper- try the following, se what it does: sudo apt install gftp | 11:24 |
MonkeyDust | see* | 11:24 |
Casper- | The following NEW packages will be installed: | 11:25 |
Casper- | gftp gftp-common gftp-gtk gftp-text | 11:25 |
Casper- | Do you want to continue? [Y/n] | 11:25 |
Casper- | MonkeyDust: is gftp better than Filezilla? that's why i used before | 11:26 |
MonkeyDust | Casper- that's not the point, it's just to show you what 'install' does, as opposed to link | 11:27 |
Casper- | hmmm says: Latest Stable Version: 2.0.19 (11/30/2008) --that's old, no? | 11:27 |
Casper- | oh ok, so i should stick with FileZilla then? | 11:27 |
Casper- | what do u use for ftp? | 11:28 |
Casper- | oh yes, i was wondering the benefits of "install" is. i know it allows for "automatic updates" and i think "signing pkgs", anything else? | 11:29 |
OerHeks | Casper-, easy starter :-D | 11:29 |
MonkeyDust | Casper- once it's installed, you can use it... not sure what you mean by 'other benefit' | 11:30 |
Casper- | OerHeks: what do u mean 'easy starter'? | 11:30 |
OerHeks | starter/launcher/startmenu entry | 11:31 |
Casper- | MonkeyDust: oh the other benefit over "sudo ln -sf /path/to/foo /usr/bin/foo", is when u "install" it automagically adds Launcher :) anything else, i'm missing? i'm just trying to learn guy, thanks for helping | 11:31 |
MonkeyDust | Casper- ln can link to something that's already installed | 11:32 |
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Casper- | MonkeyDust: what would u use that link for? | 11:34 |
OerHeks | hehe, don't turn the question around, you are trying to run a non-linux chat something | 11:35 |
Casper- | i mean how would u use that, in example? | 11:35 |
Casper- | OerHeks: ricochet is linux, what do u mean? it is good | 11:35 |
SeriouslyLaugh | this channel is for people who need support with ubuntu specific questions -- let's move over to #ubuntu-discuss to keep this going | 11:36 |
nitish | i was downloading a package from terminal, my download terminated and now I am getting this error when I am trying to downloading again. E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 11:37 |
cfhowlett | !aptlock | nitish | 11:37 |
ubottu | nitish: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » | 11:37 |
MonkeyDust | Casper- what's ricochet? a game? | 11:38 |
Casper- | nitish: u probly have synaptic open, or the software center open | 11:38 |
cfhowlett | nitish, automatic updates ? | 11:38 |
mooncup | hi | 11:38 |
nitish | Capser- proplem has solved but what is synaptic? | 11:38 |
mooncup | when I run apt-get update I have a lot of errors similar to this: | 11:38 |
mooncup | W: Failed to fetch 404 Not Found [IP: 2001:67c:1562::17 80] | 11:39 |
Casper- | MonkeyDust: program | 11:39 |
OerHeks | mooncup, utopic? that version is dead, upgrade please | 11:40 |
mooncup | ah that could explain it | 11:40 |
mooncup | how would I go about doing that? | 11:40 |
cfhowlett | !eolupgrade | mooncup | 11:40 |
ubottu | mooncup: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See | 11:40 |
mooncup | thanks cfhowlett | 11:40 |
nyloc | cfhowlett: Ok, I tried and it did not work :) I get a xubuntu spash screen and then I'm droped to the initramfs console and from the casper.log it seems the system was unable to mount the /root filesystem, any idea how to fix this? | 11:40 |
cfhowlett | happy2help! mooncup | 11:40 |
cfhowlett | nyloc, sorry, no idea. | 11:41 |
nitish | cfhowlett: are you Vodafone? | 11:42 |
cfhowlett | nitish, ? no | 11:42 |
mooncup | so what would be the best CODENAME for me to upgrade to from my current version? | 11:42 |
MonkeyDust | mooncup trusty if you want long support, wily if you want the latest | 11:43 |
mooncup | trusty it is | 11:43 |
mooncup | thanks | 11:43 |
nitish | cfhowlett: oh, I thougt happy2help! tagline is releated to Vodafone. :) | 11:43 |
OerHeks | trusty would be a downgrade | 11:43 |
MonkeyDust | mooncup you'll have to backup fresh install, then | 11:44 |
MonkeyDust | backup and fresh install* | 11:44 |
mooncup | welp | 11:44 |
mooncup | well that is the last thing I want to do | 11:44 |
mooncup | there is 2TB of files on the server | 11:44 |
mooncup | can I upgrade to willy without doing a fresh install? | 11:44 |
OerHeks | mooncup read that eolupgrade url | 11:45 |
mooncup | sorry I understand now | 11:45 |
OerHeks | utopic > vivid > wily | 11:45 |
nitish | mooncup: download .iso file and do a fresh install | 11:45 |
mooncup | missed the line where you said trusty is a downgrade | 11:45 |
OerHeks | t came before the u | 11:45 |
OerHeks | trusty = 14.04 lts, you are on 14.10 | 11:46 |
mooncup | so upgrading to wily is the path of least resistance? | 11:46 |
cfhowlett | mooncup, followed by upgrade to 16.04 for LTS | 11:47 |
OerHeks | it will take several hours, and backup your data is advised | 11:47 |
mooncup | well it's not the end of the world if I lose the data | 11:47 |
mooncup | it's only *ahem* files I could get again | 11:48 |
mooncup | I'd just rather not | 11:48 |
jihan | good day | 11:55 |
jihan | i have a problem getting flash to work on latest ubuntu | 11:56 |
eaxxae | can you downgrade the kernel to 3.10 on 15.10 Ubuntu ? | 11:56 |
jihan | i installed the flash package from the store, that didnt work - i downloaded the tar.gz and moved the .so file to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins and still doesnt work | 11:56 |
Dreaman | jihan instal restricted extras | 11:56 |
jihan | roger | 11:57 |
Dreaman | install | 11:57 |
eaxxae | my new wireless card (ASUS AC56, external USB card) has a linux driver but the highest kernel it will run on 3.10 | 11:57 |
Dreaman | jihan install google chrome | 11:57 |
jihan | installing google chrome doesnt work - even though gtk2 is instaleld it still can't detect the engine it needs | 11:58 |
jihan | but im installing restricted extras, it might solve it the issue | 11:58 |
jjlx | Is there a way of enabling notifications for the completion of terminal commands? | 11:58 |
jjlx | Like in Gnome? | 11:58 |
daftykins | jihan: i really don't think so, it should install from Google's repo just fine | 11:58 |
MrElendig | jjlx: you should use chromium, not chrome | 11:59 |
jjlx | MrElendig: ? | 11:59 |
OerHeks | chrome is the only browser that supports DRM ootb | 11:59 |
MrElendig | jjlx: it is the free software codebase that chrome is based on | 11:59 |
jihan | trying to install it through the store failed repeatedly, i installed it manually using dpkg -i and got that error message when it tried to start | 11:59 |
jihan | it sort of started, but was headless | 11:59 |
MrElendig | jjlx: unlike chrome it doesn't spy on you etc | 11:59 |
jihan | im hoping restricted extras will resolve this now | 12:00 |
jjlx | How can I enable notifications for the completion of terminal commands? Is it possible? | 12:00 |
MrElendig | there really isn't any good reasons to run chrome instead of chromium | 12:00 |
OerHeks | jjlx, what do you mean with notification ? just use [tab] to complete | 12:02 |
OerHeks | MrElendig, yes there is, but the argument 'spying'.. | 12:02 |
jjlx | OerHeks: Notifications like: notify-send "command completed" | 12:02 |
OerHeks | jjlx, nope, there is not, i think you need to write it yourself, i don't know how btw | 12:03 |
MrElendig | OerHeks: what good arguments? | 12:04 |
OerHeks | netflix and such DRm content | 12:04 |
MrElendig | OerHeks: works in chromium too | 12:04 |
MrElendig | you just rip the drm handler out of chrome and use it in chromium | 12:04 |
SeriouslyLaugh | jjlx note i haven't tried this so i can't help you get it working | 12:05 |
SeriouslyLaugh | !ppa | 12:05 |
ubottu | A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge | 12:05 |
SeriouslyLaugh | oops sorry, that was not really required | 12:05 |
jjlx | SeriouslyLaugh: I'll just use somecommand && notify-send "foo" for the time being... | 12:06 |
SeriouslyLaugh | cool | 12:06 |
SeriouslyLaugh | i know some Ubuntu derivatives have notifications built in so it's definitely doable | 12:07 |
jjlx | SeriouslyLaugh: yeah I mean I can get it to work but there should be a way to choose what to receive notifications for in the settings. | 12:09 |
Bl4ckD34tH | hello | 12:10 |
Bl4ckD34tH | i need some help | 12:10 |
MonkeyDust | Bl4ckD34tH let's hear it, in one line | 12:11 |
jihan | just a side note; ubuntu is awesome - but i find it irritating that the adbobe website tries to force open the apt file with ubuntu's system installer - wherethen it fails to find the package | 12:12 |
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jihan | must say though, i am no linux wiz | 12:12 |
MrElendig | jihan: yet another reason to stop using adobe products | 12:12 |
jihan | the problem is i am setting the pc up for my aunt and her daughters | 12:13 |
jihan | they use websites - websites they've known and refuse to change to alternatives i suggest - and those websites require flash | 12:13 |
Grimm_ | I suggest GIMP! It has some similarities to photoshop | 12:13 |
jihan | thoguh i agree, flash is bad software | 12:14 |
MrElendig | jihan: install chromium and use pepper-flash | 12:14 |
MrElendig | jihan: it is the only maintained version of flash for gnu/linux | 12:14 |
jihan | i will give that a try - i already installed chromium-browser | 12:14 |
MrElendig | jihan: if they want to use some web browser that lives in the past, then there is a pepper api <-> npapi adapter that you can use | 12:14 |
Dreaman | jihan your system parameters | 12:15 |
Dreaman | evrithing is work for me | 12:15 |
jihan | latest ubuntu 14 | 12:16 |
jihan | nothing else beyond the basic install really | 12:16 |
Dreaman | pc parameters | 12:16 |
MrElendig | there is a ppa that has pepper flash | 12:17 |
jihan | it's an acer aspire timeline | 12:17 |
Dreaman | 4k work for me flash html | 12:17 |
Dreaman | evrithing | 12:17 |
MrElendig | jihan: which sites are these btw? | 12:17 |
jihan | has an i5, and a build in 5470 | 12:17 |
jihan | this one | 12:18 |
Dreaman | sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 12:18 |
Dreaman | jihan open the terminal and install | 12:18 |
jihan | ive done that - i woner if a restart is necessary | 12:18 |
jjlx | Will the default manager be mir in 16.04? | 12:18 |
jjlx | default window manager* | 12:19 |
Dreaman | jihan use 15.10 | 12:19 |
Dreaman | or | 12:19 |
jihan | as repo ? | 12:20 |
Dreaman | not repo ubuntu | 12:21 |
Dreaman | nikolov@ubuntu-ivan:~$ inxi -F | 12:21 |
Dreaman | System: Host: ubuntu-ivan Kernel: 4.3.0-040300-generic x86_64 (64 bit) | 12:21 |
Dreaman | Desktop: Unity Distro: Ubuntu 15.10 wily | 12:21 |
Dreaman | my | 12:21 |
Dreaman | ubuntu | 12:21 |
jihan | a reinstall atm is unlikely | 12:21 |
jihan | it can be that TLS is broken | 12:21 |
jihan | it cant* | 12:21 |
jihan | LTS* | 12:21 |
Dreaman | 14.04 | 12:21 |
Dreaman | is old | 12:21 |
Dreaman | try latest ubuntu | 12:22 |
Dreaman | 15.10 | 12:22 |
Dreaman | jihan ram | 12:22 |
Dreaman | laptop is | 12:22 |
Dreaman | 4 8 gb | 12:23 |
Grimm_ | is that 48 or 4 & 8? | 12:24 |
Dreaman | yes 4 or 8 | 12:24 |
Dreaman | or 12 or 24 or 32 | 12:24 |
jihan | 4 | 12:25 |
Dreaman | jihan in lapto onli ubuntu | 12:25 |
jihan | should be more than enough to browse the web and play youtube videos | 12:25 |
Dreaman | install | 12:25 |
Dreaman | onli ubuntu | 12:25 |
Dreaman | or win | 12:25 |
jihan | reinstall is sadly not an option | 12:25 |
Dreaman | my hdd is 250 gb | 12:26 |
Grimm_ | plus it will run just fine | 12:26 |
Dreaman | 50 ubuntu and 200 | 12:26 |
Dreaman | win 10 | 12:26 |
Dreaman | dual boot use | 12:26 |
slidinghorn | !flood | 12:26 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 12:26 |
Dreaman | jihan upgreat the ubuntu | 12:27 |
nyloc | Hi again, I trying to create a live usb stick with persistence and a persistent home. I managed to create a stick that I can boot in live mode and that has two additional partitions (ext4) labled casper-rw and home-rw, but if I add the persistent line to my kernel options in grub I get droped to the initramfs | 12:27 |
Grimm_ | is it possible to have ubuntu 15.04 & 15.10 as two separate OS on one laptop? | 12:27 |
Dreaman | lts in not this ubuntu | 12:27 |
Dreaman | 14.04 | 12:28 |
nyloc | in the casper.log I find lines like mounting /dev/sdc3 on /root/home failed no such file or directory | 12:28 |
mcphail | Grimm_: yes, of course. But 15.04 will be unsupported soon | 12:28 |
slidinghorn | Grimm_, I don't see why not. You can just set them up as dual boot. also, see ^^ | 12:28 |
nyloc | in the initramfs console I can do mount /dev/sdc3 /root/home without an error | 12:28 |
nyloc | any one an idea? | 12:28 |
jihan | Dreaman: ubuntu is upgraded | 12:29 |
jihan | update + dist-upgrade performed | 12:29 |
jihan | i will restart the machine and hope installing the extras needs it | 12:30 |
Grimm_ | OK. that means I'll only have to run it that way! I don't have enough disk space to backup my files in 15.04 | 12:30 |
Grimm_ | If I upgrade everything will be lost right? | 12:30 |
mcphail | Grimm_: upgrading _should_ not lose your files, but you should have a backup anyway | 12:31 |
mcphail | Grimm_: (unless your files are not importaant to you) | 12:32 |
Grimm_ | how about the apps I installed from the software center? | 12:32 |
mcphail | Grimm_: they should be upgraded too. But read the release notes for any issues | 12:33 |
Grimm_ | OK | 12:33 |
mcphail | Grimm_: | 12:34 |
Grimm_ | I'm there already thanks though :) | 12:36 |
Grimm_ | one more thing how about the apps I installed from outside the software center will they upgrade too? | 12:40 |
daftykins | you need to remove all PPAs and all proprietary drivers prior to upgrade | 12:42 |
Grimm_ | please how do I do that? | 12:42 |
daftykins | !ppapurge | 12:42 |
ubottu | To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see | 12:42 |
daftykins | check what you added first, ideally | 12:43 |
Grimm_ | OK | 12:43 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 12:46 |
Martijn-NL | Hi everyone - i get this message after a sudo apt-get update.. does anyone how to solve this? I tried already apt-get autoremove, apt-get clean, apt-get install -f etc. W: Ignoring Provides line with DepCompareOp for package libjpeg62 | 12:47 |
daftykins | something in your sources is wrong | 12:47 |
Martijn-NL | daftykins, Do you know how to solve? | 12:49 |
Martijn-NL | daftykins, My main goal is to install MonoDevelop. | 12:49 |
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daftykins | Martijn-NL: can you put "sudo apt-get update" into a ? | 12:51 |
Martijn-NL | daftykins, | 12:53 |
sorin-mihai | i'm having a problem with a server that had some, way too many, packages uninstalled by mistake. is there some step by step tutorial to get all the base packages + openssh, as if it where just installed? i still have remote acces, but don't know for how much longer... | 12:55 |
daftykins | Martijn-NL: what does "cat /etc/issue" give? | 12:55 |
daftykins | sorin-mihai: undo the content of the apt history.log which will list what was done last | 12:56 |
Martijn-NL | daftykins, Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS \n \l | 12:56 |
sorin-mihai | daftykins, so it's apt/history.log, not aptitude, right? | 12:57 |
daftykins | never aptitude | 12:57 |
sorin-mihai | and how do I do that? | 12:57 |
daftykins | !info apt precise | 12:57 |
ubottu | apt (source: apt): commandline package manager. In component main, is important. Version 0.8.16~exp12ubuntu10.26 (precise), package size 1081 kB, installed size 3115 kB | 12:57 |
daftykins | Martijn-NL: i think something in a PPA you've added offers a function that the version of APT within precise can't handle, you probably need a newer ubuntu | 12:58 |
daftykins | if you added one recently that caused this, perhaps consider removing it again? | 12:59 |
daftykins | /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ may contain a PPA that's causing this | 12:59 |
dote | I have a problem with my bios since i used a password for my HDD, BIOS, and UBUNTU partitions. Im not able to change anything at the bios menu, and want to ask how o can fix it :( | 13:01 |
daftykins | you usually have to unlock the BIOS by entering one of them before you can change items | 13:01 |
Martijn-NL | daftykins, That's not possible because the newer linux-kernel/header are not compatible with Virtualbox, so if I install that my screen resolution will be 800x600 pixels | 13:02 |
daftykins | that's 100% false | 13:02 |
dote | yes i did but im only able to change date/time changes. | 13:03 |
daftykins | remove them or perform a CMOS reset | 13:03 |
Martijn-NL | daftykins, I installed ubuntu version 14.04.3 as a VirtualMachine in VirtualBox and installing guest additions failed all the times I tried | 13:03 |
daftykins | you don't install the guest additions, works fine out of the box for me if you have the video hardware in the VM set right | 13:04 |
Martijn-NL | daftykins, I crawled the internet for days this week. Do you have a link where this is explained? | 13:05 |
daftykins | Martijn-NL: you just check the parameters on the graphics options within the created VM... | 13:09 |
hhee | guys | 13:10 |
Martijn-NL | daftykins, Looks ok, default settings. I see nothing about display resolution etc. | 13:11 |
daftykins | that's not what i mean | 13:11 |
hhee | which way more good to resize my ubuntu partition? (i have to reduce freebsd part and increase ubuntu partition and file system) | 13:12 |
MonkeyDust | hhee start with a pastebin of the current layout, so the channel can see | 13:13 |
hhee | MonkeyDust, ok. which commmand output i need to this? gpart? | 13:15 |
hhee | MonkeyDust, oh i found | 13:16 |
smackusrevival | hhee: you all good? | 13:20 |
Casper- | MrElendig: how do u auto-update pepperflash? | 13:21 |
BluesKaj | !u | 13:21 |
ubottu | Shortened English is difficult for some non-native English speakers to read. Please use full words instead. Thanks! | 13:21 |
hhee | MonkeyDust, | 13:21 |
Casper- | MrElendig: wait, which flash program do u use for chromium? | 13:21 |
hhee | smackusrevival, found command to view layout | 13:21 |
hhee | and i want to reduce ├─sda2 ufs 40G | 13:22 |
hhee | and increase ├─sda5 ext4 8,1G / | 13:22 |
Casper- | what is the Terminal command to paste the "middle mouse button clipboard"? | 13:23 |
boxbox | bonjour | 13:24 |
daftykins | no command, just maybe shift+insert or ctrl+shift+v | 13:26 |
smackusrevival | hhee: ok cool. np | 13:27 |
electroreactive | Any chance of you adding Krita to the live cd? | 13:29 |
Martijn-NL | daftykins, Thanks, you're right - i enabled 3d hardware accelleration and it worked :P | 13:30 |
rizi | can anyone help me out the , i am writing a script but the spaces in file name is causing problem. quoting is not helping | 13:32 |
ksft | I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but I wrote a server that uses a UNIX socket, and I don't think the error I'm getting is because of a bug in the server or the networking library. | 13:33 |
bekks | rizi: Then how are you quoting? | 13:33 |
ksft | "twisted.internet.error.CannotListenError: Couldn't listen on any:[UNIX socket address]: [Errno 98] Address already in use. | 13:33 |
ksft | " | 13:33 |
rizi | bekks, one min | 13:33 |
ksft | I ran lsof and netstat --unix --listen | 13:34 |
bekks | ksft: that socket is in use, already. | 13:34 |
ksft | neither one lists the socket | 13:34 |
ksft | nothing else would be using it | 13:34 |
ksft | the server isn't running | 13:34 |
anon__ | What is the best way and most stable to enter Japanese input on Kubuntu15.10? I can only find really old instructions. | 13:34 |
ksft | can you help me figure out what's using it? | 13:35 |
rizi | bekks, cp `cat list_pdf.txt` all_files/ this a simple command which i have the list contains path such as this | 13:35 |
bekks | rizi: That "example" doesnt contain spaces in filenames. | 13:36 |
rizi | bekks, ./COMPARATIVE A and B/Comparative A/References for Shahid Exam.pdf | 13:36 |
vooze | I'm trying to install some new fonts. I got them from here: (Apples's new San Francisco fonts) and I placed them in both /usr/share/fonts/truetype/apple-fonts and .fonts and did sudo fc-cache -f -v ... but they still don't show up in either Libre office or unity tweak tool > fonts... I can see they are being updates when running fc-cache but still nothing. | 13:36 |
bekks | rizi: can you provide a full, valid example please? | 13:36 |
rizi | i am refering it to a file which has the list of files to copy | 13:36 |
ioria | ksft, | 13:36 |
bekks | rizi: And as can be seen, you arent quoting at all. | 13:37 |
bekks | rizi: you need to quote in your source file. | 13:37 |
rizi | yes, but even if i munaully put quotes for two line to test it does not work. like this | 13:38 |
ksft | ioria: I think that's different | 13:38 |
ksft | I'm using a UNIX socket | 13:38 |
rizi | bekks, "./COMPARATIVE A and B/Comparative A/REFS for Shahid Exam Filled out.pdf" | 13:38 |
ksft | not just a port number that anything else could happen to be listening on | 13:38 |
nyloc | Ok, I give up I just tried to create a persistent live usb with the usb-creator-gtk and got the same drop to initramfs. So I guess there is a bug somewhere in 15.11 | 13:39 |
nyloc | 10 | 13:39 |
saurabh | nyloc, use unetbootin | 13:40 |
Hendrikto | Hi, I have a little problem: I wanted a new Ubuntu install but take my old home folder with me so I made a backup of the old home folder, reinstalled Ubuntu, and copied the content of my old home folder to my new home folder. After rebooting however I got stuck in a login loop and after googling I found that it's probably some rights error so I ch | 13:40 |
Hendrikto | owned and chmodded first specific files that were listed then my whole home folder recursiveley but it did not solve the problem.either. I am currently only able to log in with a guest account. | 13:40 |
rizi | bekks, i will trying using the single quotes as well to see if that makes a diffrence | 13:40 |
Hendrikto | I don't need a fix per se, I could just reinstall Ubuntu and do the home folder copying right this time since it's a fresh install anymay. | 13:41 |
bekks | rizi: They will not make any difference. | 13:41 |
bekks | rizi: And we havent seen any error message yet. | 13:41 |
=== Gallo_ is now known as Guest22122 | ||
rizi | bekks, okay i will past them cp: cannot stat ‘'./COMPARATIVE’: No such file or directory | 13:42 |
rizi | cp: cannot stat ‘A’: No such file or directory | 13:42 |
rizi | cp: cannot stat ‘and’: No such file or directory | 13:42 |
rizi | cp: cannot stat ‘B/Comparative’: No such file or directory | 13:42 |
rizi | cp: cannot stat ‘A/REFS’: No such file or directory | 13:42 |
rizi | cp: cannot stat ‘for’: No such file or directory | 13:42 |
rizi | cp: cannot stat ‘Shahid’: No such file or directory | 13:42 |
=== ananda- is now known as ananda | ||
SlidingHorn | !paste | rizi | 13:43 |
ubottu | rizi: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 13:43 |
=== DaveQB14 is now known as DaveQB | ||
=== Stmeter- is now known as Stmeter | ||
=== Tristan-Speccy is now known as Guest41262 | ||
=== ananda is now known as Guest87939 | ||
ksft | what is going on? | 13:43 |
bekks | rizi: USe a pastebin. | 13:43 |
=== NickG365_ is now known as NickG365 | ||
=== kevinsan_ is now known as kevinsan | ||
bekks | ksft: netsplit. | 13:43 |
ioria | ksft, it's said to remove /dev/log ... but idk | 13:43 |
ioria | ksft, don't use locval socket on python | 13:44 |
ioria | *local | 13:44 |
ksft | why did a bunch of people just timeout? | 13:44 |
ksft | ioria: why? | 13:44 |
nyloc | saurabh: Tried not even booting missing COM32 or something during boot | 13:44 |
=== _Kai__ is now known as _Kai_ | ||
ioria | ksft, i mean "I don't use local socket in python" | 13:44 |
ksft | ah | 13:44 |
ksft | bekks: what? | 13:44 |
ksft | bekks: what's "netsplit" and what about it? | 13:45 |
bekks | ksft: A netsplit. One server leaves the server collective. All people on that server are disconnected from the other servers. | 13:45 |
bekks | ksft: Nothing to worry about. | 13:45 |
ksft | bekks: ah, I thought that was an answer to my other question | 13:46 |
ksft | okay | 13:46 |
ksft | ioria: what removed /dev/log? | 13:46 |
ksft | ioria: what do you mean? | 13:46 |
ioria | ksft, take a look maybe | 13:47 |
electroreactive | I thought I'd just suggest this. Adding krita to the (or a) live DVD of Ubuntu would be epic. :) Especially since the application works poorly on Windows and the only alternatives are over $300. | 13:47 |
rizi | bekks, i pasted the like did you get a chance to view it | 13:47 |
bekks | rizi: No, since you did not tell us the URL. | 13:47 |
rizi | bekks, | 13:48 |
=== truexfan81_ is now known as truexfan81 | ||
bekks | rizi: And whats the content of your source file? | 13:48 |
rizi | bekks, | 13:50 |
ksft | ioria: which part of that? | 13:51 |
ksft | I understand how to write a basic server; I did. | 13:51 |
bekks | rizi: use double quotes, not single quotes. | 13:51 |
rizi | bekks, this is just two example i have may file like this | 13:51 |
=== marshal0605 is now known as marshal0505 | ||
rizi | bekks, still same error | 13:52 |
ioria | ksft, if you post the program, i can try it | 13:52 |
anon__ | Anybody uses Japanese input? | 13:52 |
ksft | ioria: it isn't very small | 13:52 |
ksft | oh, try the program | 13:52 |
=== NickG365_ is now known as NickG365 | ||
ioria | ksft, there is also #python | 13:53 |
ksft | tried there | 13:53 |
=== isReKT2000 is now known as Guest54322 | ||
ksft | they wanted me to go to #twisted, where everyone's afk | 13:53 |
ksft | I don't think it's a problem with my code, though | 13:53 |
ioria | ksft, i think is a bind problem ... | 13:54 |
ksft | oh, interesting | 13:55 |
rizi | bekks, i even tried using both double and single quotes together but still same error | 13:55 |
ksft | I changed the file socket thing | 13:55 |
ksft | it worked | 13:55 |
ksft | I can't figure out what could be using the other socket, though | 13:55 |
ioria | ksft, also in C can happen | 13:56 |
carolina | bonjour, je suis sous Lubuntu 15.10 j'ai une clef usb sandisk crypté pour le travail, et j'aimerais l'ouvrir je n'arrive à rien. (je suis novice et débutante sur ubuntu) utilisatrice de windows XP depuis (trop) longtemps d'avance merci | 13:56 |
ksft | is there a way to see what's using a socket file thing? | 13:56 |
ioria | ksft, it works the first time ... but if not removed , the second time it's not working | 13:56 |
daftykins | !fr | carolina | 13:56 |
ubottu | carolina: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 13:56 |
ksft | it's /tmp/<name of my program>.sock | 13:56 |
ksft | ioria: I changed the socket it listens on, started it, ended it, and started it again | 13:56 |
ksft | it worked both times | 13:56 |
ioria | ksft, if released, yes | 13:57 |
ioria | ksft, unlink | 13:57 |
ksft | ioria: so why didn't it release it before, and how do I make it? | 13:57 |
ksft | ioria: what's that? | 13:58 |
ioria | ksft, the relese function in c... i don't know the equivalent in python | 13:58 |
ksft | when I end the server with Ctrl-C, it seems to release the socket | 13:59 |
ksft | when I start it again, it works | 13:59 |
ksft | huh | 14:00 |
ksft | I ran the command "unlink" on the socket | 14:00 |
ksft | it now works | 14:00 |
ioria | ksft, ah, it's the same | 14:00 |
ksft | I don't think it's that simple | 14:00 |
ksft | I'm using Twisted | 14:00 |
hicoleri | When I try to run Geany, it shows: "Geany tried to access the Unix Domain socket of another instance running as another user.This is a fatal error and Geany will now quit." What should I do? | 14:01 |
daftykins | hicoleri: check for other open instances | 14:02 |
AATeam | hicoleri: cd ~/.config/geany/ and ls -la | 14:03 |
AATeam | see if there is a static link | 14:03 |
hicoleri | daftykins: THere was a running instance, I killed it. But it shows the same thing. | 14:04 |
daftykins | you probably forced it and prevented its' PID file from being removed | 14:04 |
ioria | ksft, seems a bug of twisted ... regarding unlink | 14:04 |
AATeam | hicoleri: you need to rm it "sudo rm geany_socket_*" | 14:05 |
hicoleri | AAteam: It worked. What was it anyway? | 14:06 |
hicoleri | AAteam: Thanks | 14:06 |
AATeam | it's a linked socket | 14:06 |
Searcher | Hi, I have a weird problem on a Ubuntu system. My Download folder is now suddenly owned by "Kernel Oops Tracking Daemon" | 14:07 |
Searcher | Meaning I can't write to it, but only read. I'm sure I could fix the permissions, what I'm wondering is: "WHAT THE FUCK" | 14:08 |
=== bleepy_ is now known as bleepy | ||
daftykins | Searcher: where are you seeing this? show an "ls -al ~/" in a pastebin | 14:08 |
daftykins | Searcher: don't use that language here. | 14:08 |
Searcher | daftykins, okay, no curing | 14:08 |
Searcher | *cursing | 14:08 |
HelloGoodbye | Hello I'm on Ubuntu 15.10 and would like to run Oblivion from my DVD. Is this possible? | 14:09 |
daftykins | the game? check the wine database / look up whether it has a Linux native installer | 14:09 |
daftykins | !appdb | 14:10 |
ubottu | The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: - Join #winehq for application help | 14:10 |
HelloGoodbye | yes the game | 14:10 |
HelloGoodbye | but I'm wondering if I can just pop in the dvd and run it | 14:10 |
AATeam | HelloGoodbye: use Wine | 14:10 |
HelloGoodbye | so I would have to use Wine? | 14:10 |
AATeam | there are other ways | 14:10 |
AATeam | you could use virtualbox and run the OS it's designed for | 14:11 |
Searcher | drwxr-xr-x 23 kernoops avahi-autoipd 12288 Nov 19 01:32 Downloads | 14:11 |
AATeam | but Wine should work fine | 14:11 |
HelloGoodbye | k thank you | 14:11 |
daftykins | AATeam: that's not apt for games. | 14:11 |
AATeam | daftykins: what do you mean? | 14:12 |
daftykins | Searcher: funky! no idea what could cause that. | 14:12 |
daftykins | AATeam: using a VM | 14:12 |
AATeam | oh | 14:12 |
Searcher | daftykins, yeah, I thought it was very weird | 14:12 |
Grimm_ | But using a VM can be a little bit boring | 14:12 |
AATeam | i have so many different OS's running with virtualbox i don't need emulation like Wine heh | 14:12 |
daftykins | Searcher: obviously as simple as "sudo chown -R username: /home/username/Downloads | 14:12 |
Searcher | yes, but I'm nervous about what caused it in the first place. | 14:13 |
daftykins | *shrug* | 14:13 |
Grimm_ | what does that mean? *shrug*?? | 14:14 |
daftykins | "i don't know" / "Beats me" | 14:15 |
Searcher | daftykins, Grimm_ Know which log file I need to take a look in? | 14:16 |
=== Guest54322 is now known as isReKT2000 | ||
Grimm_ | what exactly are you looking for | 14:17 |
daftykins | why not grep them all for doing something to your downloads folder... but i don't really think logs have anything to do with that one | 14:18 |
anon__ | What can I do that I don#t have to start the ibus daemon manually all the time? | 14:18 |
daftykins | what do you run? doesn't sound normal at all. | 14:18 |
Searcher | Grimm_, the reason my downloads folder would suddenly be owned by another user | 14:18 |
Hinnerk | Hi. I'm about to setup my home server with ubuntu. I want to use Software RAID1 and LVM. I'm not sure about a few points, so I thought I 'd better ask here than be sorry later and having to start over. Here is want I think I need to do. Please point out any issues. The server is empty, so no issue about backup... | 14:18 |
Hinnerk | 1. Create a physical partition on each of the 2 hdds for RAID. | 14:18 |
Hinnerk | 2. Create RAID1 | 14:18 |
Hinnerk | 3. Then I'm unsure how to proceed. I want boot outside lvm. So I think I need to create two partitions within the first one? One for boot and one for lvm? Not sure if this is right. | 14:18 |
Hinnerk | 4. Within LVM I need to create partitions for root, home,.... also not quite sure ho to do this. | 14:18 |
Mcl0vin_ | why i am seeing ens160 in my ifconfig -a output ? | 14:20 |
daftykins | new interface naming conventions | 14:20 |
daftykins | Hinnerk: you'll be happer in the long run having the OS on a disk separate to the RAID really :> | 14:20 |
Hinnerk | daftykins: Thatz's not really an option, as I have exactly the two drives :) | 14:21 |
Mcl0vin_ | ah okay , thank you daftykins | 14:21 |
daftykins | Hinnerk: mark my words :) | 14:22 |
daftykins | !raid | 14:22 |
ubottu | Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on and - For software RAID, see | 14:22 |
Grimm_ | what command should I write to install Ubuntu SDK pls | 14:26 |
Grimm_ | I tried sudo apt install bzr | 14:26 |
AATeam | has plenty of options | 14:27 |
AATeam | more than likely | 14:28 |
Hinnerk | I recently did a first try of installing ubuntu. Now I want to delete all partitions and start over. The installer offers my the choice to delete the data and overwrite it with zeroes. I don't see anything saying "delete partition". Is the data deletion the proper choice? And it takes very long - is there is way to speed it up? Again, there is no data on the server except a fresh install of... | 14:28 |
Hinnerk | ...ubuntu that needs to go. | 14:28 |
Grimm_ | I used sudo apt install -f | 14:29 |
Grimm_ | and now it's showing 'configuring macchanger' | 14:29 |
Grimm_ | It's asking if I'll want my MAC address to change when ever I attach the ethernet cable or reenable wifi | 14:31 |
daftykins | Hinnerk: "sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdaX bs=2M count=1" -> reboot; done | 14:31 |
Grimm_ | what should I do from here? <Yes> or <No> ? | 14:31 |
daftykins | what is? that does not sound like ubuntu | 14:32 |
vbotka | Grimm_, no, | 14:32 |
vbotka | Grimm_, I think you don't even want macchanger | 14:32 |
Hinnerk | daftykins: How do I get a console during installation to enter this command? | 14:33 |
vbotka | Grimm_, you might want to start here | 14:33 |
daftykins | Hinnerk: from a server ISO? ctrl+alt+F1 | 14:33 |
Grimm_ | vbotta: OK | 14:33 |
daftykins | Hinnerk: note sdX is obviously something you need to change to the actual disk(s) device nodes | 14:34 |
=== anonymous is now known as Guest1475 | ||
Hinnerk | daftykins: ctrl+alt+F1 does not work. When do I need to enter this? From the installer or at some other point of time? | 14:36 |
isReKT2000 | Hinnerk, only works on server installs | 14:37 |
Hinnerk | btw, I use IPMI for the installation - not sure if that makes a difference. | 14:37 |
Hinnerk | it is a server install. | 14:37 |
daftykins | should work just fine, or cycle through to F6 - Hinnerk | 14:37 |
isReKT2000 | huh. | 14:37 |
daftykins | yeah that probably has some bearing | 14:37 |
=== daniel is now known as Guest94539 | ||
Mendieta222 | Hi, tell me please do you know any Ubuntu app to download this episode please? ? Thank you | 14:39 |
Mendieta222 | If you access the link there are many domains from which I could watch and download the episode... | 14:40 |
=== devil is now known as Guest93309 | ||
=== Guest93309 is now known as chinese_devil | ||
r2rx | Hello. I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction, concerning configuring a Dual Shock 4 gamepad in Ubuntu 15.10 | 14:41 |
daftykins | Mendieta222: no and that's not appropriate to ask here as that's copyright infringement | 14:41 |
k1l | Mendieta222: that is not a really legal website | 14:41 |
netameta | how can i install java | 14:42 |
Mendieta222 | ups, ok, thank you, sorry | 14:42 |
netameta | its seems phpstorm need sit | 14:42 |
r2rx | With the kernel driver, how can one configure the button layout for a Dual Shock 4 pad? Specifically, changing the shoulder buttons from digital to analogue? | 14:42 |
chinese_devil | when i use my handset,Sound is very small after i use ubuntu 15.04 and 15.10? | 14:45 |
chinese_devil | it is normal when i use 14.10 | 14:46 |
r2rx | chinese_devil, have you checked the sound volume/settings? | 14:46 |
chinese_devil | i use alsamixer to make is bigger however it become small after restart | 14:47 |
atralheaven1 | hello | 14:47 |
daftykins | netameta: tonnes of guides online for how to get oracle java 7 or 8 installed | 14:47 |
atralheaven1 | my system doesn't recognize my externet hard drive | 14:48 |
atralheaven1 | it was ok before | 14:48 |
netameta | daftykins, i am reading one and it tells me to install apt-get install openjdk-8-jre | 14:49 |
netameta | however i get E: Unable to locate package openjdk-8-jre | 14:49 |
Hinnerk | still didn't manage to catch a console at any point. It is not reacting to CTRL-ALT-F1. | 14:49 |
atralheaven1 | light on the external hard drive is on, on windows it has the usb connected sound, but there is nothing on file manager or gparted | 14:51 |
atralheaven1 | what can I do? I don't mind formating it btw | 14:51 |
Nokaji | I'm wondering why it is that ubuntu 'greys out' occasionally and becomes unresponsive, during a certain process, in my instance it is often when I delete an album in RhythmBox, as if it struggled to find the resources | 14:52 |
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w9qbj | how do I mount fedora LVMs on 14.40 | 14:55 |
heedly | where is the package tetex? | 14:55 |
nictyson | hi! | 14:55 |
k1l | !find tetex | 14:56 |
ubottu | Found: tetex-brev | 14:56 |
heedly | the wiki says tetex-bin should also exist. | 14:56 |
daftykins | atralheaven1: run "sudo parted -l | nc 9999" | 14:57 |
k1l | which wiki? | 14:57 |
=== musca` is now known as musca | ||
atralheaven1 | daftykins: I can see it, but I can see it when its not connected too, here is the output: | 15:02 |
IndianArya | what if you don't have org > gtk > settings > debug in dconf-editor and you want to open gtkinspector | 15:03 |
IndianArya | ? | 15:03 |
k1l | <k1l> which wiki? are you sure its a ubuntu related wiki? | 15:03 |
daftykins | atralheaven1: err, what do you mean see it when not connected? | 15:03 |
atralheaven1 | daftykins: when external HD is not connected to the laptop, its still on the list, is this normal? | 15:04 |
IndianArya | what if you don't have org > gtk > settings > debug in dconf-editor and you want to open gtkinspector? How will you open GTK inspector? | 15:04 |
atralheaven1 | daftykins: I have 1t HHD which is for the laptop itself, and my external HHD is also 1t, I see them both on that list | 15:05 |
daftykins | *1TB | 15:05 |
daftykins | atralheaven1: what list? "sudo parted -l" ? | 15:05 |
atralheaven1 | right | 15:05 |
atralheaven1 | daftykins: yes | 15:05 |
daftykins | that seems unlikely | 15:05 |
atralheaven1 | daftykins: now im running that command again, it doesn't show anything... like its frozen | 15:07 |
daftykins | tell me what the end goal is here, atralheaven1 | 15:07 |
atralheaven1 | daftykins: to be able to reach to my external hard drive! I can't use it I don't know what happened for it, it was ok | 15:08 |
daftykins | atralheaven1: from what, Windows or Ubuntu? have you even tried mounting the partitions? | 15:08 |
atralheaven1 | daftykins: both, but im on ubuntu now and I want to solve it on ubuntu, I just tested it on windows. file manager doesn't show on the left side bar I couldn't mount it with file manager | 15:10 |
atralheaven1 | daftykins: that external hard drive is not listed on gparted too | 15:11 |
atralheaven1 | daftykins: also in "Disks" program I can't see it | 15:11 |
daftykins | oh actually you shared sda only in your past, so that was only the internal disk yep | 15:12 |
daftykins | this is a laptop you said? try other USB ports and run "dmesg | tail" after plugging into each, seeing if sdb appears | 15:12 |
BluesKaj | atralheaven1, make sure the power is on and the cable is properly connected...I have to tell you this | 15:12 |
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atralheaven1 | BlueKaj: its connected, its light is on, and when I tested it on windows, it has the sound of a connected usb, I also checked with another cable | 15:14 |
GearHead92 | Hello! Can anyone help me with an issue I am having during startup? I am running dual monitors with proprietary drivers and for some reason my keyboard won't work to unlock the encrypted sda | 15:14 |
atralheaven1 | BluesKaj: * | 15:14 |
GearHead92 | I have to restart and boot in recovery mode to unlock the disk, and then resume normal boot | 15:15 |
daftykins | GearHead92: AMD card? | 15:15 |
GearHead92 | Nvidia | 15:15 |
daftykins | yeah welcome to proprietary drivers and encryption! | 15:15 |
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atralheaven1 | daftykins: I can see sdb on the output | 15:16 |
daftykins | show it | 15:16 |
daftykins | !pm | 15:17 |
ubottu | Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. | 15:17 |
IndianArya | What if you don't have org > gtk > settings > debug inside dconf-editor and you want to open gtkinspector? How will you open gtkinspector? Anyone plz help..I am using elementary os freya based on 14.04 | 15:20 |
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k1l | IndianArya: please ask the elementary support for that specific issues on elementary | 15:21 |
k1l | !elementary | IndianArya | 15:21 |
ubottu | IndianArya: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on - for more information on this distribution. | 15:21 |
IndianArya | Thanks :) | 15:22 |
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atralheaven1 | daftykins: | 15:27 |
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Hinnerk | daftykins: After having waited for an hour, the deletion of data is at 17%... is there some other way to force my way to a console so that I can you your command to delete the partitions? | 15:31 |
MonkeyDust | Hinnerk lengthy actions are usually done at night, while you sleep | 15:33 |
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nefarious | hello | 15:33 |
Hinnerk | deleting a partition shouldn't be lengthy... | 15:33 |
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atralheaven1 | daftykins: 'fdisk -l' says 'Partition 4 does not start on physical sector boundary.' at the end of its output | 15:35 |
MonkeyDust | Hinnerk havent followed... how large is the partition and what's wrong with gparted | 15:35 |
Hinnerk | well, I'm using the ubuntu installer and trying to find my way around. | 15:36 |
Hinnerk | where would I start gparted? | 15:36 |
Hinnerk | the partition is 2tb. | 15:36 |
daftykins | Hinnerk: i believe i already said how | 15:40 |
Hinnerk | dafytskins: You did, but still the system isn't reacting to ctrl-alt-f1 | 15:41 |
daftykins | Hinnerk: i also then said F2 through F6 | 15:42 |
Hinnerk | F6 reboot. | 15:42 |
Hinnerk | the other display help etc. | 15:42 |
Hinnerk | or did you mean all at the same time??? | 15:42 |
daftykins | no, heh | 15:42 |
daftykins | what are you saying about reboot? | 15:42 |
MrFastDie | Does someone have an Idea if the ubuntu touch software center is offline? | 15:43 |
Hinnerk | pressing f6 reboots. | 15:43 |
MonkeyDust | !touch | MrFastDie | 15:43 |
ubottu | MrFastDie: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch | 15:43 |
stangeland | hi, on several occasions i have used the "erase everything and install ubuntu" easy option when installing ubuntu, which then results in boot error saying "attempt to read or write outside of disk 'hd0'" and then loading some grub rescue shell. How do i properly setup the partitioning scheme such that i will not encounter this problem? | 15:44 |
daftykins | Hinnerk: ctrl+alt+F6? no | 15:44 |
daftykins | starting to think we're talking about different things ;) | 15:45 |
MrFastDie | I know but no one is answering in ubuntu touch and touch is a part of ubuntu so I thought may someone can help me | 15:45 |
Hinnerk | ah. ctrl-alt-f6. will test that in a moment. | 15:45 |
stangeland | i am runnning on 4 3TB disks in a RAID5 configuration | 15:47 |
pa | hi, question: its already a few times (today the second) that ubuntu 15.10 restarts by itself without me doing anything. | 15:48 |
daftykins | stangeland: don't think you can use that, i'd just set it up properly from scratch... you solved imaging that fourth disk then? | 15:48 |
pa | it does a clean restart | 15:48 |
pa | this is what the syslog says before restart: | 15:48 |
pa | it seems it's systemd the author of the thing | 15:48 |
pa | but i don't understand why it does that | 15:48 |
pa | any idea? | 15:49 |
stangeland | daftykins, well, i finally got an IT supporter guy to fix that because i was unfortunately unable to...but now I need to run a setup on 4 new i want to run raid5. I try myself because it takes a long time to get hold of one of the IT supporters :/ | 15:50 |
daftykins | stangeland: err, what? why would you do their job? | 15:51 |
daftykins | they might not be happy with that... | 15:51 |
k1l | pa: looks like a typical kde5 thing. might ask in #kubuntu if they know about that and if they know a solution | 15:51 |
atralheaven1 | does anyone have any idea about my problem..? | 15:52 |
Hinnerk | ok. I finally got to a console using the "repair" option. Deleted all partitions. Installer looks good now (no partitions showing). Back to my original question: Is it correct to first create maximal physical partitions (ext4) for both hdd, then switch on raid1 and afterwards deal with lvm to create filesystems? | 15:52 |
stangeland | daftykins, well...I have responsibility over this box, so i decide what will be done with it. Furthermore i am in negotiation with another company to make IT support....a bigger company with more for now i am more or less on my own until that agreement is done...hence why i am trying myself rigt now :) | 15:53 |
pa | k1l, you mean it's kde's fault? | 15:53 |
pa | because i'm actually running gnome metacity, and no Kstuff atm | 15:53 |
daftykins | Hinnerk: no LVM is done first, use mdadm to setup RAID i think... it was in the links i had the bot tell you | 15:54 |
daftykins | !raid | Hinnerk | 15:54 |
ubottu | Hinnerk: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on and - For software RAID, see | 15:54 |
atralheaven1 | im going to reboot... | 15:56 |
pa | anyway, seems to be systemd's fault too | 15:57 |
pa | love that shit.. | 15:57 |
w9qbj | <ps> I once had that problem with a Fedora install, it turned out to be false signal coming from my UPS 'low battery' that shut down the system. Unplugged the USB from the UPS and never had the problem again. I fave to look into that. Only saw what was happening by a flash message on the screen | 15:57 |
daftykins | w9qbj: why did you paste that? | 15:58 |
w9qbj | an aswere to PSs problem | 15:58 |
w9qbj | Whoops should have been to PA | 15:59 |
daftykins | ah it looked like a quote the way you write highlights | 15:59 |
w9qbj | pa I once had that problem with a Fedora install, it turned out to be false signal coming from my UPS 'low battery' that shut down the system. Unplugged the USB from the UPS and never had the problem again. I fave to look into that. Only saw what was happening by a flash message on the screen | 15:59 |
w9qbj | daftykins I'mn a noob on xchat - sri | 16:00 |
EriC^^ | w9qbj: if you type the first few letters of the nickname and press <tab> it should highlight the nickname :) | 16:00 |
tieinv | da | 16:02 |
w9qbj | EriC^^, Thanks, that works as you said tnx | 16:03 |
EriC^^ | w9qbj: no problem | 16:03 |
=== NickG365_ is now known as NickG365 | ||
jpp | Hi there - I'm on Ubuntu 12.04. I have a USB flash drive with some data on it from Windows, that I would like to completely erase and re-format to be a Ubuntu encrypted drive. | 16:12 |
Hinnerk | ok, I found a manual on German ubunutusers about LVM and software raid (in the other manual I failed to find raid in the lvm manual and vice verse). I created a 150MB partition for boot of type "Physical volume for raid". But I can't set the boot flag. Is this normal? Can I change that later? | 16:12 |
jpp | In the Disk Utility, there's an option to format the Drive, and to format the Volume. Which do I want? | 16:12 |
heedly | k1l: the ubuntu wiki | 16:12 |
k1l | heedly: can you link it? | 16:12 |
pa | w9qbj, right.. but i have no ups either | 16:13 |
pa | and frankly it never happened to me that the pc would cleanly reboot "by itself" while i am working.. | 16:13 |
pa | if it's systemd, i repeat to systemd "no thanks" | 16:13 |
daftykins | jpp: just create a new partition table | 16:14 |
jpp | daftykins: thank you, is that an option in the Disk Utility? | 16:15 |
daftykins | maybe, gparted if not | 16:16 |
jpp | daftykins: Why would I need to create a new partition table, as opposed to creating a new Volume? | 16:17 |
heedly | k1l: | 16:20 |
daftykins | jpp: the use of the word 'volume' doesn't make a lot of sense to me | 16:20 |
daftykins | unless you're talking LVM it's not the appropriate parlance | 16:20 |
=== sins-_s is now known as sins- | ||
k1l | heedly: As of May 2006 teTeX was no longer actively maintained and its former maintainer Thomas Esser recommended TeX Live as the replacement. | 16:21 |
k1l | heedly: maybe it was in the repos at 2008 or such. | 16:22 |
heedly | yeah oops.. I was going from a different wiki | 16:22 |
heedly | ok thanks | 16:22 |
jpp | daftykins: Not sure how it doesn't make sense, since on almost every entry on Ask Ubuntu, the response is to use the Disk Utility, which suggests creating a new Volume. | 16:24 |
ioria | jpp do you see your usb in Disks ? if yes, go to More Actions , Format and choose Encryption | 16:24 |
daftykins | because i would never talk about 'volumes' :) | 16:25 |
daftykins | and disks is rubbish, imo | 16:25 |
motaka2 | ioria: Hello | 16:25 |
motaka2 | ioria: I have a problem, do you have time? | 16:25 |
ioria | motaka2, hi ... all well ? | 16:25 |
jpp | ioria: thanks, yes, I see it. But there are two options to format. One for the Drive, and one for the Volume. | 16:26 |
ioria | motaka2, sure | 16:26 |
ioria | jpp on second though, click the little icon under the partition scheme | 16:28 |
jpp | daftykins: Well that's the parlance that Ubuntu uses, and this is the Ubuntu support chat, so... | 16:28 |
daftykins | jpp: it's inaccurate imo, anyway i'd greatly appreciate if you dropped it now. | 16:29 |
daftykins | since you're just coming across quite rude and obnoxious | 16:29 |
jpp | daftykins: I came in here for an answer to a question, not for your personal views on nomenclature. So why don't you drop it, and let someone actually answer the question | 16:29 |
motaka2 | ioria: actually no, I installed a fresh version, but I had graphical issues like so I decided to run a command that it allowed me to change xserver to something else that had nvidia in it, on next restart I ended to a black page | 16:30 |
jpp | daftykins: No, just not backing down on some ridiculous answer you're posting to my very reasonable question. | 16:30 |
daftykins | jpp: wow, that is one serious attitude you have there... good luck with that | 16:30 |
daftykins | just pick one and you could've been done by now... | 16:30 |
jpp | daftykins: Looks like I'm handling it just fine. I don't need to back down because you think it's ok to harass people. | 16:30 |
ioria | motaka2, you need to boot your system and try to open console , if possible | 16:31 |
motaka2 | ioria: console is open | 16:32 |
ioria | motaka2, sudo lshw -c video | pastebinit | 16:32 |
jpp | ioria: thank you for your suggestion | 16:32 |
ioria | jpp np | 16:32 |
ioria | motaka2, sudo apt-get install pastebinit, first | 16:33 |
motaka2 | ioria: | 16:36 |
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ioria | motaka2, you said issued a command ... which is ? | 16:38 |
motaka2 | ioria: I dont get you | 16:39 |
daftykins | mmm turbocache card won't work with nouveau | 16:39 |
ioria | daftykins, but he's using nvidia... or you mean he needs to remove nouveau ? | 16:39 |
daftykins | needs to use the proprietary nvidia driver :) | 16:39 |
stangeland | When installing ubuntu, do i need to create anything else than a swap partition and an ext4 partition? | 16:40 |
ioria | daftykins, configuration: driver=nvidia latency=0 | 16:40 |
daftykins | oh yeah, good spot - hah | 16:40 |
k1l | stangeland: a swap is not requested. | 16:40 |
daftykins | likely it's game over for that card | 16:40 |
ioria | daftykins, | 16:41 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1266807 in xserver-xorg-video-nouveau (Ubuntu) "[NV44] Glitches in dash with GeForce 6200 SE TurboCache" [Low,Triaged] | 16:41 |
ioria | sorry | 16:41 |
k1l | i dont know from what cards on the nvidi-current now works. could be it dropped that old cards | 16:41 |
stangeland | k1l, if i just make one big ext4 partition and nothing else then ubuntu will be able to run? I dont need any grub or boot partition or anything? | 16:41 |
ioria | motaka2, | 16:41 |
ioria | motaka2, it was working before installing the nvidia driver ? | 16:42 |
k1l | stangeland: if you want a swap make one. but ubuntu can run without swap (with a good amount of ram). but grub needs to be installed into the MBR | 16:42 |
motaka2 | ioria: to some extent , it was working like the image I sent you | 16:42 |
k1l | stangeland: if you use lvm, or raid or encryption that all is a different matter, of course | 16:43 |
ioria | motaka2, so the answer is 'no' | 16:43 |
stangeland | k1l, if i do that it tells me i should create a separate partition for boot loader code - it should be marked for use as an "EFI boot partition" and should be at least 35MB. | 16:43 |
stangeland | k1l, i use a RAID5 | 16:43 |
motaka2 | ioria: i will be back in a minute | 16:44 |
k1l | ah efi. and raid. ok i am not familiar with that setup | 16:44 |
ioria | motaka2, ok, you need to purge nvidia for now | 16:44 |
therue | guys, are there any sites that reviews linux software/widgets? like how a lot of linux users loves to customize their box, and part of the research is finding the most functional and most aesthetically pleasing looking tools or customization. are there any sites that perhaps categorize software by categories to better help you compare? :P | 16:44 |
daftykins | therue: better question for ##linux and #ubuntu-offtopic - specific support only here | 16:45 |
k1l | therue: since that is a matter of taste, just look what you like and then see what they use | 16:45 |
stangeland | if i make an EFI, boot partition, should that be marked as primary or logical? | 16:46 |
neoach | Hello | 16:50 |
=== msjche is now known as msjche-away | ||
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Hinnerk | ok, I think I'm much further now. I created raid1, lvm volumes etc. | 16:52 |
Hinnerk | now I want to select filesystems. Is there a list of best practices which filesystem to use ansd which options (noatime,...) should be used? | 16:52 |
daftykins | ext4 will do you just fine | 16:52 |
Hinnerk | ok and which options? | 16:53 |
daftykins | can't help you there | 16:53 |
motaka2 | ioria: I am back | 16:57 |
motaka2 | ioria: What do you suggest ? | 16:58 |
ioria | motaka2, still in console ? | 16:58 |
motaka2 | ioria: I have a console | 16:59 |
ioria | motaka2, when exactly do you get the black screen ? first or after the login screen ? | 17:00 |
motaka2 | ioria: after the login screen | 17:00 |
ioria | motaka2, try sudo nvidia-xconfig and reboot | 17:02 |
motaka2 | ioria: | 17:02 |
motaka2 | donkarlo@donkarlo:~$ sudo nvidia-xconfig | 17:02 |
motaka2 | WARNING: Unable to locate/open X configuration file. | 17:02 |
motaka2 | New X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' | 17:02 |
daftykins | that's fine but please don't paste in future | 17:03 |
ioria | motaka2, reboot | 17:03 |
motaka2 | ioria: how to reboot? | 17:04 |
ioria | motaka2 sudo reboot | 17:04 |
metroins | Is there a way to launch nautilus as root without keeping terminal open? I tried nautilus & and it didn't work | 17:05 |
motaka2 | ioria: done | 17:05 |
daftykins | metroins: type 'gksu nautilus' in the dash i think | 17:05 |
daftykins | assuming you're using unity | 17:05 |
metroins | daftykins: thank you. I am using unity | 17:06 |
motaka2 | ioria: rebooted and no I see the login page | 17:06 |
ioria2 | motaka2 sorry lost connection | 17:07 |
motaka2 | ioria2: np | 17:07 |
ioria2 | motaka2 no avail ? | 17:07 |
SlidingHorn | metroins: the suggestion from daftykins should work, however, be sure that you exit that window as soon as you've done whatever you needed to do. It's highly discouraged to run graphical applications as a privileged user unless it's absolutely necessary, as you can really harm your system if you're not careful | 17:08 |
motaka2 | ioria2: I rebooted and I saw the login page and I gave my password and now I dont see anything but just the background of the desktop | 17:08 |
EriC^^ | motaka2: try the guest account | 17:08 |
metroins | SlidingHorn: thank you for the information, I do know that; I am using it to access a external hdd to transfer music | 17:08 |
motaka2 | EriC^^: Whats that ? | 17:08 |
metroins | SlidingHorn: it needed permissions to access the folders | 17:09 |
EriC^^ | motaka2: the account at the bottom below yours on the login page | 17:09 |
ioria2 | motaka2 at the login screen, under the paswd box, you hane 'Guest Account' | 17:09 |
ioria2 | *have | 17:09 |
motaka2 | ioria2: so I have to reboot again to see the login page? | 17:09 |
EriC^^ | motaka2: press ctrl+alt+f1 , type sudo service lightdm restart | 17:10 |
k1l | metroins: better set the proper permissions on the mountpoint then | 17:10 |
ioria2 | motaka2 you can restart lightdm | 17:10 |
metroins | k1l: I don't know how to do that. | 17:11 |
metroins | k1l: and this seemed like the fastest way to do it | 17:11 |
metroins | k1l: it's an hdd from my wifes old mac that died | 17:12 |
k1l | so its hfs on it? | 17:12 |
daftykins | mmm probably read only HFS+ then | 17:12 |
metroins | yesyes | 17:13 |
metroins | the music is already transferring, so I thinke verything is ok. I will google how to set permissions on a mountpoint for future endeavors though | 17:14 |
n7294 | . | 17:15 |
daftykins | metroins: typically adding -o uid=1000,gid=1000 to allow read+write of the current user (assuming it's the first created user and thus id 1000 being used), although HFS+ will be read only anyway, so yeah | 17:17 |
metroins | thank you | 17:19 |
cjohnson | What's the command for saving your ufw (iptables) rules when using ufw command line? | 17:22 |
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cjohnson | ufw allow 80 for instance adds the rule but how do I get the rule to persist? | 17:23 |
cjohnson | The wiki page doesn't seem to describe it | 17:23 |
ioria2 | cjohnson, sudo ufw status | 17:23 |
cjohnson | that reports the current rules ioria2 I'm trying to figure out how to get the current set of rules to be written to the config file | 17:23 |
cjohnson | so after reboot they are re-applied | 17:24 |
ioria2 | cjohnson, usually it persists.... | 17:24 |
cjohnson | ah, somebody else suggested I needed to save. thought they were talking about GUI so maybe the GUI provides some sort of middle layer | 17:24 |
cjohnson | I'll give it a try then and reboot | 17:24 |
ioria2 | cjohnson, i use ufw from cli... and the rules persist | 17:25 |
cjohnson | ioria2: another question is, I allowed all from 6379. I want to change my mind and only allow from certain IPs | 17:25 |
cjohnson | I know the command to specify which IP but how do I get it to override the "allow all" one? | 17:25 |
cjohnson | nevermind ufw delete. that one the wiki page did document :) | 17:25 |
ioria2 | cjohnson, yep... | 17:26 |
cjohnson | ioria2: thanks for your help | 17:28 |
ioria2 | cjohnson, you're welcome | 17:28 |
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Shulk | Hi! | 17:37 |
Shulk | I am running livecd and would like to know how I should partition my drive with gparted | 17:38 |
Shulk | For dual boot with Win7 | 17:38 |
emmanuel | Hello good morning! | 17:39 |
LtL | Shulk: are you going to use one or multiplle partitions? | 17:39 |
LtL | Shulk: *multiple | 17:40 |
Bashing-om | Shulk: As a new user .. what is wrong with using the install option " install along side " and let the install wizard set it up for you as standard defaults ? ( MBR has a 4 primary partition limit ) . | 17:40 |
emmanuel | someone speaks Spanish? | 17:41 |
LtL | Bashing-om: carry on | 17:41 |
Shulk | Oh wow sorry | 17:41 |
Shulk | Im back | 17:41 |
wakeatnight | why after creating a ln -s symlink the link says "no such file or directory" when trying to run it? | 17:41 |
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emmanuel | Linux distribution that you use? | 17:41 |
k1l | !es | emmanuel | 17:42 |
ubottu | emmanuel: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 17:42 |
Shulk | My problem was that it had many partitions already, I installed windows in the one where windows already was and it installed in the huge partition that I wanted to leave to exchange files between the two | 17:42 |
Shulk | it being ubuntu | 17:42 |
nuo | How much time does it take to upgrade to 15.10 , and can i run other applications when am upgrading ?? | 17:42 |
Shulk | Basically, I want to make a clean slate install | 17:42 |
Shulk | Make it all a huge unallocated space | 17:42 |
Shulk | Then | 17:42 |
Shulk | Should I make a 50gb ntfs partition for windows, leave the unallocated alone, install windows and then install ubuntu alongside? | 17:43 |
nuo | ? | 17:43 |
staticsn0w | hey guys, i want to completely delete my windows os and merge the free space with my ubuntu partition | 17:43 |
staticsn0w | can i just do that in the Disk program? | 17:43 |
staticsn0w | or do i have to use gparted? | 17:44 |
m3n3chm0 | staticsn0w use gparted ! | 17:44 |
Grimm_ | Shulk: what is your hard disk capacity | 17:44 |
staticsn0w | ok so i just delete the partition? | 17:44 |
staticsn0w | then how do i merge it with ubuntu? | 17:44 |
staticsn0w | cause windows is retarded and takes up too much space | 17:45 |
m3n3chm0 | staticsn0w once it's deleted you can mergue it from gparted | 17:45 |
jadi | staticsn0w, delete the partion and gparted will let you extend the one you have | 17:45 |
staticsn0w | ok cool | 17:45 |
staticsn0w | what do i format it as | 17:45 |
staticsn0w | what file format or whatever (fat, fat32, ext4) | 17:46 |
m3n3chm0 | ext4 | 17:46 |
staticsn0w | ok | 17:46 |
jadi | staticsn0w, one way is just deleting it and extending the one you have later. | 17:46 |
staticsn0w | ok | 17:46 |
Bashing-om | Shulk: With setting aside a partition for ubuntu, you will want to use the install option " something else" and point the installer to the desired partition(s) to install too . I do prefer a small swap partition IF you have 4 or more Gigs of ram . | 17:46 |
jadi | staticsn0w, but if you are formatting go for ext4 and then merge the two | 17:46 |
nuo__ | I asked a qs any answer when i got disconnected ? | 17:46 |
staticsn0w | i just formatted | 17:46 |
m3n3chm0 | staticsn0w you don't have to do nothing... just extend as jadi said | 17:46 |
staticsn0w | that was quick | 17:46 |
staticsn0w | ok | 17:46 |
m3n3chm0 | user gparted | 17:46 |
nuo__ | How much time does it take to upgrade to 15.10 , and can i run other applications when am upgrading ?? | 17:47 |
m3n3chm0 | nuo i upgraded recentrly to 15.10 it taken about 4 hours... | 17:47 |
jadi | nuo__, time highly depends on your net and disk speed. on a fast connection and ssd disks, a couple of hours I guess. | 17:47 |
emmanuel | I have a question about ubuntu | 17:47 |
staticsn0w | guys | 17:47 |
staticsn0w | i cant resize my ubuntu ext4 partition | 17:48 |
daftykins | staticsn0w: please reduce the enter presses. | 17:48 |
staticsn0w | sorry, | 17:48 |
emmanuel | this room is more active than its namesake in Spanish | 17:48 |
m3n3chm0 | staticsn0w take a screenshot.... from gparted | 17:48 |
staticsn0w | just did | 17:48 |
nuo__ | m3n3chm0 ; so i would better just leave the computer still untill it finishes upgrading | 17:49 |
staticsn0w | | 17:49 |
m3n3chm0 | nuo__ when it's upgrading better don't touch it :) | 17:49 |
Bashing-om | emmanuel: If you are comfortable with the English language, ask your question here . | 17:49 |
nuo__ | m3n3chm0 : yea thanks : ) | 17:50 |
jadi | nuo__, time highly depends on your net and disk speed. on a fast connection and ssd disks, a couple of hours I guess. | 17:50 |
staticsn0w | jadi wouldnt i just delete my windows partition all together? and then resize my ubuntu ext4 partition? | 17:50 |
nuo__ | jadi : yes i see , thanks ! | 17:50 |
emmanuel | thank you very much for that good dispocision | 17:50 |
staticsn0w | not format? | 17:51 |
emmanuel | :D | 17:51 |
staticsn0w | should i try that jadi? | 17:51 |
emmanuel | I wonder if anyone has had a problem with the screen tearing in ubuntu 14.04 ? | 17:51 |
Grimm_ | emmanuel: what do you mean by tearing? | 17:52 |
emmanuel | ie the tearing of the screen both wb reading a page as to watch videos | 17:53 |
jadi | staticsn0w, as much as I know if they are not "near" each other (say sda5 and sda6) you can not extend. | 17:53 |
jadi | staticsn0w, in your scren shot, which one is the deleted windows? sda5? | 17:53 |
jadi | staticsn0w, oh.. that should be sda2 . I'm not sure if you can add it to ext4. cehck the menus and see if you can find anything in the menus or right click (say merge). and take backups! | 17:53 |
staticsn0w | sda2 | 17:53 |
staticsn0w | and my ubuntu partition is sda3 | 17:54 |
jadi | emmanuel, have you tried "additional drivers" from the menu? | 17:54 |
Grimm_ | emmanuel: can you take a screen shot of it? | 17:54 |
staticsn0w | jadi if i make the partition just "free storage" couldnt i just extend my ubuntu partition> | 17:54 |
jadi | staticsn0w, your linux is sda5. sda3 is an extended partition which contain two other partitons | 17:54 |
staticsn0w | jadi yep | 17:55 |
jadi | staticsn0w, I dont think so because they are not connected to each other. I may be wrong. try it. | 17:55 |
staticsn0w | they are the same hdd | 17:55 |
staticsn0w | just btw | 17:55 |
staticsn0w | ssd* | 17:55 |
jadi | staticsn0w, try deleting the sda5 and see if you can add the space to sda3 | 17:56 |
staticsn0w | ok | 17:56 |
jadi | staticsn0w, sorry... sda2! | 17:56 |
staticsn0w | yeah ik | 17:56 |
staticsn0w | how do i do this? | 17:57 |
staticsn0w | so confused Dx | 17:57 |
staticsn0w | and i really dont want to brick my laptop :c | 17:57 |
jadi | staticsn0w, it seems you can not do it this way :( try and see if you can extend the sda3 | 17:58 |
staticsn0w | ok | 17:58 |
staticsn0w | nope | 17:58 |
jadi | staticsn0w, when touching partions there is always risk of data corruption. you have to have backup from important files | 17:58 |
staticsn0w | option is greyed out | 17:58 |
staticsn0w | jadi i dont care about my win stuff | 17:58 |
staticsn0w | only ubuntu | 17:58 |
jadi | staticsn0w, it is only 10GB partition. copy the important stuff to a usb disk and reinstall the ubuntu :) | 17:58 |
staticsn0w | er | 17:59 |
staticsn0w | i can reinstall everything | 17:59 |
staticsn0w | i installed it last night | 17:59 |
jadi | staticsn0w, sorry. I do not have more ideas on how to do this. | 17:59 |
staticsn0w | haha | 17:59 |
staticsn0w | but do i format my ext4 partition? or linux swap? or nothing? | 17:59 |
akik | staticsn0w: if you have nothing to save, just remove all the partitions and start up the ubuntu install | 18:00 |
staticsn0w | ok | 18:00 |
jadi | staticsn0w, when installing you have the option to format everything and let the installer decide what to do (install on the whole hard disk) | 18:00 |
staticsn0w | i should mke sure my live usb is working | 18:00 |
staticsn0w | ok | 18:00 |
jadi | staticsn0w, sure! test that first and then start the process. good luck! | 18:00 |
MattHolt | so i'm on lubuntu 14.04 lts and it seems the display is sleeping after i leave the system idle. i come back to the computer and the display refuses to wake up no matter what i do | 18:03 |
MattHolt | the gpu is an nvidia geforce 210 | 18:04 |
staticsn0w | fuckin hell | 18:05 |
staticsn0w | the file manager wont show my flashdrive | 18:06 |
utu8o | MattHolt, did you restart? | 18:06 |
MattHolt | staticsn0w please try to keep your language friendly. | 18:06 |
MattHolt | utu8o i have no choice. with no display i have to cold reboot | 18:06 |
MattHolt | i can't see the screen | 18:06 |
staticsn0w | MattHolt sorry | 18:06 |
utu8o | lubuntu is a good distro, but it is kinda buggy and lacks features | 18:07 |
jadi | staticsn0w, no problem. in worst case you can download a new ubuntu iso and dd it to the usb disk | 18:07 |
staticsn0w | dd? | 18:07 |
jadi | any method you use is fine. I use dd command on command line | 18:07 |
MattHolt | utu8o well, this is a fairly old gpu, and besides, i'm using the proprietary closed-source nvidia drivers | 18:07 |
utu8o | i have lubuntu running on a netbook and usually have 100 tabs in firefox if no script is turned on | 18:07 |
MattHolt | utu8o so the behavior is odd | 18:08 |
jadi | that is "sudo dd if=ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=4096" **if you only have 1 hard drive and sdb is your usb disk** | 18:08 |
staticsn0w | ok | 18:08 |
staticsn0w | cool | 18:08 |
OerHeks | after dd, sync | 18:08 |
staticsn0w | should i do 15.10 or 14.04.3? | 18:08 |
jadi | OerHeks, thank. sure. staticsn0w : as OerHeks says, you have to do a "sudo sync" after the dd and wait for it to finish | 18:09 |
utu8o | staticsn0w, so you want to reinstall in 6 months? | 18:09 |
staticsn0w | jadi ok | 18:09 |
jadi | staticsn0w, depends on your needs. 15.10 is the newer one but 14.04 is the older more stable one. I would go with 15.10 | 18:09 |
staticsn0w | utu8o id rather not | 18:09 |
utu8o | then 14.04 | 18:09 |
staticsn0w | 15.10 becuase i like newest features | 18:10 |
OerHeks | no need to reinstall, 15.10 will perfectly upgrade to 16.04 lts | 18:10 |
bekks | staticsn0w: And you like to have less support. | 18:10 |
staticsn0w | bekks meh, whatever | 18:10 |
utu8o | staticsn0w, if you install the newest Linux Mint which is based on 15.10 it will be supported for 3 years | 18:10 |
staticsn0w | but i like ubuntu better | 18:10 |
MattHolt | utu8o that's off topic here | 18:10 |
staticsn0w | "linux for humans" | 18:10 |
bekks | utu8o: If you are using Linux Mint, you have 0 seconds of support in here. | 18:11 |
staticsn0w | hahahaha | 18:11 |
utu8o | bekks, most people on here a running Mint :P | 18:11 |
staticsn0w | ugh my internet is being stupid | 18:11 |
staticsn0w | and slow | 18:11 |
MattHolt | utu8o they run a whole host of distros, doesn't make it on-topic here | 18:11 |
bekks | utu8o: Which can safely be considered as FUD an being entirely offtopic. | 18:12 |
audia5 | hey guys i downloaded ubuntu.iso i think its live version , i dont have a cd i have usb stick can i burn this ubuntu.iso to usb stick and start from there | 18:12 |
MattHolt | audia5 yes, if on linux, use dd | 18:12 |
bekks | audia5: Which version of Ubuntu did you download? | 18:12 |
jadi | audia5, yes sure. | 18:12 |
audia5 | ubuntu 13.10 desktop.iso | 18:13 |
staticsn0w | so does dd format or burn the iso? | 18:13 |
MattHolt | o.0 | 18:13 |
utu8o | audia5, it can even run on an SDcard | 18:13 |
bekks | staticsn0w: Neither nor. | 18:13 |
bekks | staticsn0w: dd is a tool for transferring data. | 18:13 |
daftykins | audia5: don't run 13.10, that's EOL. | 18:13 |
wakeatnight | why after creating a ln -s symlink the link says "no such file or directory" when trying to run it? | 18:13 |
jadi | audia5, if you only have one hard disk in your device (so the sdb is your usb disk) try "sudo dd if=your_ubuntu_iso_name.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=4096; sudo sync " | 18:13 |
utu8o | audia5, 14.04 version? | 18:13 |
MattHolt | staticsn0w the iso itself is left untouched, what it does is create a single partition in the usb flashdrive and makes it bootable | 18:13 |
daftykins | wakeatnight: wrong perms | 18:13 |
bekks | !13.10 | audia5 | 18:13 |
ubottu | audia5: Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) was the 19th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 17th, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and | 18:13 |
audia5 | jadi iam on windows now | 18:13 |
staticsn0w | MattHolt that makes more sense, thanks! | 18:13 |
wakeatnight | daftykins: which ones do they need? | 18:14 |
audia5 | iam not on ubuntu to do that dd if | 18:14 |
audia5 | how can i burn this iso file to usb | 18:14 |
bekks | audia5: Then use rufus. | 18:14 |
daftykins | wakeatnight: well tell us what you symlink'd first... | 18:14 |
jadi | audia5, you will be on ubuntu soon :) try this link | 18:14 |
MattHolt | audia5 rufus and unetbootin are two options worth exploring | 18:14 |
staticsn0w | im gonna use 14.04.3 actually cause its smaller | 18:15 |
wakeatnight | daftykins: it's a python program residing on my internal ntfs drive symlinked into home folder | 18:15 |
wakeatnight | gnome 3 mount | 18:15 |
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daftykins | wakeatnight: and what perms does it have right now, and how did you try to run it? | 18:15 |
audia5 | yes i think rufus is okish i used it some years ago | 18:15 |
MattHolt | so i'm on lubuntu 14.04 lts and it seems the display is sleeping after i leave the system idle. i come back to the computer and the display refuses to wake up no matter what i do | 18:15 |
MattHolt | the gpu is an nvidia geforce 210 | 18:15 |
wakeatnight | daftykins: on source it's everyone read and write and on destination also, i am trying to run it as ./ | 18:16 |
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daftykins | what about execute? | 18:17 |
wakeatnight | yep | 18:17 |
Hinnerk | hi, i'm back :) | 18:17 |
Hinnerk | During installation I get the following message (in german, but I'll translate as best as I can): busybox-initramfs can not be installed. While trying to install the package busybox-initramfs on the target system, an error occured. See in /var/log/syslog or on the fourth virtual console concering detailed information (back) (proceed). What to do? | 18:17 |
daftykins | i'm not too up on python, i'd expect the program to need to be called with the file for it to run. | 18:17 |
wakeatnight | you can set in the file so that you dont need "python" | 18:17 |
daftykins | hmm, ah well beyond me | 18:18 |
utu8o | Hinnerk, what are you using USB, CD.. etc? | 18:18 |
wakeatnight | ok :) | 18:18 |
Hinnerk | I mounted an iso image. I'm using IPMI. | 18:19 |
Hinnerk | could the error relate to my partioning which I just finished? | 18:19 |
staticsn0w | jadi so how do i use dd again? | 18:19 |
akik | wakeatnight: a symlink from ext3/ext4 to ntfs ? | 18:19 |
wakeatnight | akik: well the otehr way round | 18:20 |
wakeatnight | but yeah :) | 18:20 |
utu8o | Hinnerk, i think i got that error before you have to make the device bootable not just mount it | 18:20 |
akik | wakeatnight: you know that windows uses a different line ending than linux? \r\n instead of \n | 18:20 |
wakeatnight | oh | 18:20 |
Hinnerk | utu8o that sounds like an explanation. | 18:21 |
akik | wakeatnight: the first line of your .py file should tell you where your python binary is | 18:21 |
staticsn0w | uhhh | 18:21 |
utu8o | set up the MBR | 18:21 |
staticsn0w | i think im screwed | 18:21 |
staticsn0w | my terminl isnt working | 18:21 |
wakeatnight | ah thank you | 18:22 |
staticsn0w | when i type in a command it goes to a blank line and stays there | 18:22 |
akik | wakeatnight: i would be wary of crossing different file systems with sym links though | 18:22 |
audia5 | guys the file is ubuntu.iso bu when i see on download is rar file do i need to extract it or just burn as is | 18:22 |
utu8o | Hinnerk, if you are using gparted there is an option there to set the MBR, and if it is dual boot use boot repair to fix it... i'm not sure tho i'm not an expert | 18:22 |
SchrodingersScat | staticsn0w: dd gives no output until complete unless you run something along with it, is that what's happening? | 18:23 |
staticsn0w | let me see if dh -f works | 18:23 |
MattHolt | so i'm on lubuntu 14.04 lts and it seems the display is sleeping after i leave the system idle. i come back to the computer and the display refuses to wake up no matter what i do | 18:23 |
utu8o | Hinnerk, usually if you use a USB the app makes the image bootable, like Unetbootin | 18:23 |
MattHolt | the gpu is an nvidia geforce 210 | 18:23 |
staticsn0w | of good | 18:24 |
staticsn0w | my terminal is fine | 18:24 |
staticsn0w | so how would i type in the dd cmd? | 18:24 |
Hinnerk | utu8o: I did manual partitioning, with raid1 and lvm. | 18:25 |
staticsn0w | i think i know why my flashdrive wont show up | 18:25 |
DexterF | hi | 18:25 |
Hinnerk | I created three physcial volumes for raid on each hdd, the first for boot. I created the raid1 for this pair (and for the others as well) and have formatted it with ext4 and mounted boot. However, I could never switch on the boot flag. Where can I change this? | 18:25 |
staticsn0w | i think i actually broke the write chip thingy | 18:26 |
DexterF | what's by best shot at skype currently? empathy wont work, internal error, pidgin wont connect without any error msg at all, the native skype app from canonical partner on 15.04 does not work, has a missing dependency on and I cant figute out what package Im missing | 18:27 |
staticsn0w | and somehow my win partition remade itself in to ntfs | 18:28 |
utu8o | DexterF, maybe try Jitsi, or Linephone or something | 18:28 |
utu8o | Linphone* | 18:28 |
utu8o | their communications are at least encrypted | 18:28 |
DexterF | utu8o, linphone does not speak the skype protocol. cant tell everybody to switch software, the old story | 18:29 |
utu8o | true, Skype is good because a lot of people use it | 18:30 |
elithepc | hello | 18:31 |
elithepc | i am new to linux | 18:31 |
staticsn0w | should i delete the partition that says "system reserved"? | 18:31 |
akik | DexterF: on 14.04 lts 64-bit the 32-bit skype is looking for this file => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/mesa/ (0xf16c6000) | 18:31 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: what are you trying to do? | 18:31 |
bekks | staticsn0w: Doing so will mess up your system. | 18:31 |
akik | DexterF: libgl1-mesa-glx-lts-vivid:i386: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/mesa/ | 18:32 |
elithepc | with linux distro do you guys recommand? | 18:32 |
elithepc | i am a beginner | 18:32 |
staticsn0w | i deleted my win partition with my ubuntu, already formatted my win one | 18:32 |
DexterF | akik, should be libgl-mesa-glx then? | 18:32 |
DexterF | elithepc, suse or ubuntu | 18:32 |
utu8o | eliasps, how new or old is your pc | 18:32 |
elithepc | aha | 18:32 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: you want to just run ubuntu, without windows? | 18:32 |
elithepc | okay | 18:32 |
DexterF | elithepc, slackware if you want to go to the bottom of things and are not afraid of pain | 18:32 |
akik | DexterF: libgl1-mesa-glx-lts-vivid:i386 | 18:32 |
staticsn0w | EriC^^ yes, but i cant reinstall using a live usb because i broke my flashdrive | 18:32 |
utu8o | elithepc, , how new or old is your pc | 18:33 |
elithepc | new | 18:33 |
elithepc | intel core i5 | 18:33 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: so what are you in right now? | 18:33 |
elithepc | and that stuff | 18:33 |
Hinnerk | utu8o: Where can I set a partition to be bootable? I think I must have missed that. | 18:33 |
staticsn0w | EriC^^ ubuntu | 18:33 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: you already installed and still have the windows partition? | 18:33 |
eliasps | utu8o | 18:33 |
utu8o | well if you are a beginner coming from Mac then get Ubuntu, if you are coming from Windows get Linux Mint | 18:33 |
staticsn0w | EriC^^ deleted win partition | 18:33 |
elithepc | utu8o: new | 18:34 |
jtreminio | Hello! How do I get the *full* GPG fingerprint from something like `4F4EA0AAE5267A6C` ? | 18:34 |
k1l | no need for linux mint. | 18:34 |
elithepc | okay | 18:34 |
elithepc | why k1l? | 18:34 |
utu8o | Hinnerk, honestly, you are probably better off asking in #gparted than me | 18:35 |
k1l | elithepc: look here what desktop you like to look at at, then install that flavour: | 18:35 |
DexterF | elithepc, kll, well, mint *does* make a lot of thing right and easy from the start. especially when it comes to multimedia issues. | 18:35 |
elithepc | can i export all my current certificates and install them in linux? | 18:35 |
bekks | elithepc: certificates of what? | 18:35 |
elithepc | wifi | 18:36 |
elithepc | 802.xx | 18:36 |
elithepc | or somthing | 18:36 |
bekks | elithepc: You need to know exactly, not "or something". | 18:36 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: type sudo parted -l and pastebin it | 18:36 |
k1l | elithepc: you mean university or company vpn? that works with ubuntu | 18:36 |
elithepc | universoty | 18:37 |
staticsn0w | ok | 18:37 |
elithepc | _I <3 love channel_ | 18:37 |
elithepc | i will install ubuntu then | 18:37 |
k1l | elithepc: that works. most universities got proper "how to add vpn certificates to linux/ubuntu" on their websites | 18:37 |
elithepc | mine not :P | 18:38 |
staticsn0w | EriC^^ | 18:38 |
staticsn0w | | 18:39 |
staticsn0w | | 18:39 |
elithepc | uh? | 18:40 |
elithepc | i am now on linux mint | 18:40 |
Hinnerk | utu8o: the gparted channel doesn't seem to be the most active one... | 18:40 |
elithepc | but it is broken :P | 18:40 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: it's -l ( small L ) | 18:40 |
k1l | elithepc: well, then ask the mint guys to fix it | 18:40 |
staticsn0w | ohhhh | 18:40 |
k1l | !mint | elithepc | 18:40 |
ubottu | elithepc: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on | 18:40 |
utu8o | Hinnerk, try finding at article on the internet, that's what i followed in the past | 18:41 |
elithepc | aha | 18:41 |
sulfasal | new pc pre-installed w/ubuntu1510. Firefox freezing issues. Can close windows but must kill to get back to original site(s) on restart. Anybody else having this problem? | 18:41 |
Hinnerk | utu8o: working on that for a while now :) | 18:41 |
staticsn0w | EriC^^ | 18:41 |
=== kaspi is now known as casaper | ||
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: you still have a 103gb ntfs partition | 18:42 |
k1l | sulfasal: works here on 15.10. maybe try a clean profile without plugins and such | 18:42 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: you want them deleted? | 18:42 |
staticsn0w | EriC^^ yes, and i want to merge it wish my ubuntu ext4 | 18:42 |
sulfasal | haven't added a thing so far | 18:43 |
=== tinyhipp1 is now known as tinyhippo | ||
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: ok, i'd recommend you reinstall ubuntu | 18:43 |
elithepc | the linuxmint channel is really active! #not | 18:44 |
bekks | elithepc: Not our problem. ;) | 18:44 |
elithepc | hahaha | 18:44 |
k1l | elithepc: :/ choose a OS with support then | 18:44 |
akik | staticsn0w: didn't you plan on deleting all your partitions? | 18:44 |
staticsn0w | EriC^^ thats the problem, my usb flashdrive isnt detected by file manager | 18:44 |
elithepc | hahahahahahahah | 18:44 |
elithepc | with? | 18:44 |
elithepc | ubuntu? | 18:44 |
elithepc | suse? | 18:44 |
elithepc | NL! | 18:44 |
staticsn0w | akik no, just my win | 18:44 |
elithepc | eindelijk iemand van nederland | 18:44 |
utu8o | the official linux mint channel is on another network | 18:44 |
bekks | elithepc: Guess the answer, asking in an Ubuntu channel. | 18:44 |
bekks | !nl | elithepc | 18:45 |
elithepc | ahhahaha | 18:45 |
ubottu | elithepc: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl | 18:45 |
elithepc | lol | 18:45 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: do you still have the .iso you downloaded? on the windows partition maybe? | 18:45 |
elithepc | woow | 18:45 |
akik | staticsn0w: to merge the partitions in the beginning of the disk to the later linux partition is a no go | 18:45 |
k1l | elithepc: enough mint spam now in here | 18:45 |
elithepc | kun je nederlands? | 18:45 |
elithepc | help | 18:45 |
staticsn0w | EriC^^ i downloaded the iso again on my ubuntu partition | 18:45 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: you can make the windows partition as a separate /home partition, i have an idea | 18:45 |
akik | staticsn0w: the solution is to delete all the partitions (if you have nothing to save on them) | 18:45 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: it's ok, i've an idea | 18:45 |
staticsn0w | EriC^^ whatever it is tell me | 18:46 |
staticsn0w | im up for anything if it means more space | 18:46 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: you can delete the windows partitions, and make them a separate /home partition, and a swap, and you delete the swap , and merge the root "/" with it, so you end up with an acceptable 17gb "/" | 18:46 |
twocarlo | This has been my ninth year using ubuntu | 18:46 |
staticsn0w | EriC^^ wot | 18:47 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: ? | 18:47 |
motaka2 | TJ-: I have new problem | 18:47 |
staticsn0w | EriC^^ that made no sense to me lol | 18:47 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: so you're down for it? :D | 18:47 |
staticsn0w | EriC^^ will i have to reinstall ubuntu? :l | 18:48 |
EriC^^ | no | 18:48 |
staticsn0w | thank god | 18:48 |
staticsn0w | so how do i do it? | 18:48 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: ok, type sudo cfdisk /dev/sda | 18:48 |
staticsn0w | ok | 18:48 |
yungBLUD | Can anyone help please? I accidentally installed virtualbox guest addons into my non Virtualbox machine and I get the message "VboxClient: the VirtualBox kernal service is not running. Exiting.." | 18:48 |
motaka2 | ioria2: Are you there? | 18:49 |
ioria2 | motaka2, yep, did you try the Guest Account ? | 18:49 |
staticsn0w | now what EriC^^ | 18:49 |
motaka2 | ioria2: Yes I experienced the same problem | 18:49 |
k1l | yungBLUD: cna you "dpkg -l | grep virtualbox" and show the output? | 18:49 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: go to the first 2 partitions, the 300mb and 100gb one and highlight them and press delete at the bottom | 18:49 |
ioria2 | motaka2, Desktop load and nothing else ? | 18:49 |
ioria2 | *s | 18:50 |
motaka2 | ioria2: yes and after some seconds I see a black screen | 18:50 |
staticsn0w | EriC^^ wont deleting the 300 mb one delete my bootloader? | 18:50 |
yungBLUD | kil | 18:50 |
ELIubuntu | hello | 18:50 |
k1l | yungBLUD: well, they are not from the package system | 18:50 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: no, the bootloader is in the mbr, that's the windows loader i think | 18:50 |
staticsn0w | oh ok | 18:50 |
ELIubuntu | its me | 18:50 |
ELIubuntu | how to delete linux mint? | 18:51 |
k1l | ELIubuntu: just run the ubuntu iso and install it over that | 18:51 |
ioria2 | motaka2, have you rebooted ? are you in console now ? | 18:51 |
staticsn0w | done | 18:51 |
staticsn0w | now what | 18:51 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: ok, press on new partition | 18:51 |
staticsn0w | ok | 18:51 |
staticsn0w | logical? | 18:51 |
yungBLUD | k1l yeah i'm confused, it comes up everytime i boot now. It was meant for my virtual machine so I can change resolution | 18:51 |
EriC^^ | hit enter when it asks for the starting sector to choose the default | 18:51 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: primary | 18:52 |
motaka2 | ioria2: Yes i rebooted and I have access to terminal via putty | 18:52 |
staticsn0w | ok | 18:52 |
staticsn0w | done | 18:52 |
ELIubuntu | okay | 18:52 |
ELIubuntu | can i start windows still? | 18:52 |
staticsn0w | now what? | 18:52 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: ok, when it asks for the size, type "96G" | 18:52 |
ioria2 | motaka2, can you tell me why you can work on your ubuntu directly ? | 18:52 |
k1l | yungBLUD: is build-essential installed? | 18:52 |
ioria2 | *can't | 18:53 |
yungBLUD | k1l What is the easiest way for me to tell? | 18:53 |
motaka2 | ioria2: cause I have to type the info for you here. using putty I can just paste them here | 18:53 |
k1l | yungBLUD: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 18:53 |
yungBLUD | k1l and do this on my main machine? | 18:53 |
staticsn0w | EriC^^ whoops, i already created the partition | 18:53 |
Bashing-om | ELIubuntu: Depends on your end goal. If Ubuntu is to be the sole operating system ; boot the liveDVD(USB) choose " erase disk and install ubuntu " . Over and done with . | 18:53 |
staticsn0w | should i send screenshot | 18:53 |
ioria2 | motaka2, ok .... ls -al ~/Xauthority | 18:53 |
ioria2 | motaka2, ok .... ls -al ~/.Xauthority | 18:54 |
ELIubuntu | okay | 18:54 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: no, delete it again | 18:54 |
staticsn0w | ok | 18:54 |
yungBLUD | k1l yes already installed | 18:54 |
alex007 | Hello | 18:54 |
ELIubuntu | hi | 18:54 |
ioria2 | motaka2, and paste it | 18:54 |
ELIubuntu | hi | 18:54 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: press new > primary > if it asks "starting sector.." press enter, when it asks for size type 96G | 18:54 |
alex007 | where is nvidia graphic card driver ? | 18:54 |
staticsn0w | which one is the one i made? | 18:55 |
motaka2 | ioria2: -rw------- 1 donkarlo donkarlo 53 دسامب 6 22:14 /home/donkarlo/.Xauthority | 18:55 |
ioria2 | motaka2, you installed nvidia driver from Additional Driver ? | 18:55 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: i think it's the one on the bottom | 18:55 |
ELIubuntu | does ubuntu support wpa enterprise? | 18:55 |
ELIubuntu | with PEAP | 18:55 |
staticsn0w | EriC er, ok | 18:56 |
k1l | ELIubuntu: yes | 18:56 |
ELIubuntu | okay | 18:56 |
k1l | yungBLUD: "sudo apt-get install linux-generic" | 18:56 |
ELIubuntu | hmm | 18:56 |
alex007 | i am tired to install them on my laptop | 18:56 |
ELIubuntu | i am thinking | 18:56 |
ELIubuntu | (and downloading ubuntu) | 18:56 |
yungBLUD | k1l yes already installed | 18:56 |
staticsn0w | how much is 96GB in MB? | 18:56 |
EriC^^ | 96000 | 18:57 |
k1l | yungBLUD: hmm, dont know then. if there is no error i would just wait, | 18:57 |
staticsn0w | ok | 18:57 |
motaka2 | ioria2: i ran a command which brought me upa window in which I changed xServer to something like nvidia followed by a number | 18:57 |
staticsn0w | done | 18:57 |
staticsn0w | its called sda1 | 18:57 |
yungBLUD | K1L it just comes up in the top right when i boot, just annoying | 18:57 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: ok, with the remaining space create another partition | 18:57 |
Dumle29 | What is the reason that pulse audio goes past 100%, but doesn't allow you to set this with vol+ and vol-? | 18:57 |
staticsn0w | ok | 18:57 |
ioria2 | motaka2, why did you do that ? and can you remember the command ? | 18:57 |
ArchNoob | hello, i'm installing ncmpdcpp from github and while running "make" i get these warnings here Please help.. | 18:57 |
EriC^^ | it should be like 7-8GB just let it use the remaining free space staticsn0w | 18:57 |
staticsn0w | ok | 18:58 |
alex007 | there is anyone using graphic card ? | 18:58 |
staticsn0w | primary or logical | 18:58 |
EriC^^ | primary | 18:58 |
staticsn0w | ok | 18:58 |
ELIubuntu | where are all the certificates located in ubuntu? | 18:58 |
ioria2 | motaka2, nvidia drivers are installed via Additional Driver | 18:58 |
alex007 | no it not | 18:59 |
k1l | ELIubuntu: just load the certificate where you want it to in your home and then adress that certificate in the networkmanager vpn settings. | 18:59 |
ELIubuntu | but i dont have them | 19:00 |
ELIubuntu | and don't want to ask the system manager to install them again | 19:00 |
alex007 | i need a VPN | 19:00 |
k1l | your university needs to ship them | 19:00 |
motaka2 | ioria2: cause the my desctop worked like this I cant remeber, it brought up the dialog where in the first tab you can set software sources, I went to the fourth tab where I chenged from xserver(the last option) to the first option and I rebooted and this happened | 19:00 |
ELIubuntu | aha | 19:00 |
ELIubuntu | but i have them installed here | 19:01 |
staticsn0w | when i type in the rest of the space when making a new partition it just goes back to the menu | 19:01 |
staticsn0w | :C | 19:01 |
k1l | where? | 19:01 |
ioria2 | motaka2, ok... well it's not working .... so sudo apt-get purge nvidia* and reboot | 19:01 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: press enter when it asks for the space it'll just use it all i think | 19:01 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: what's the partition table look like right now? take a screenshot | 19:01 |
staticsn0w | oj | 19:01 |
staticsn0w | ok* | 19:01 |
fes | i want to compile pulseaudio 7 with and i have downloaded the dsc, packages files, etc... I not sure how I should configure to have soxr support though. anyone know? | 19:01 |
alex007 | Ubuntu is sucks | 19:02 |
fes | soxr | 19:02 |
staticsn0w | EriC^^ | 19:02 |
ELIubuntu | here on mint | 19:02 |
ioria2 | motaka2, and sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 19:03 |
k1l | ELIubuntu: see where you saved them. | 19:03 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: ok select it and press enter | 19:03 |
ELIubuntu | i clicked on next> | 19:03 |
ELIubuntu | next> | 19:03 |
ELIubuntu | next> | 19:03 |
ELIubuntu | and then done | 19:03 |
ELIubuntu | :P | 19:03 |
motaka2 | ioria2: done | 19:03 |
sarath | hey | 19:03 |
ELIubuntu | the standard is? | 19:03 |
ioria2 | motaka2, sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 19:03 |
k1l | ELIubuntu: then do the same on ubuntu. | 19:03 |
staticsn0w | EriC^^ ok | 19:04 |
ELIubuntu | but i dont have the files | 19:04 |
ELIubuntu | i installed them | 19:04 |
ArchNoob | hello, i'm installing ncmpdcpp from github and while running "make" i get these warnings here (Talking about AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE args being deprecated and subdir-objects -- which i added in but still)Please help.. | 19:04 |
staticsn0w | it worked | 19:04 |
ELIubuntu | and then gave the usb back to the system manager | 19:04 |
k1l | ELIubuntu: then go on the search for them | 19:04 |
ioria2 | motaka2, have you removed xorg.conf ? | 19:05 |
DarwinSurvivor | ArchNoob: is there a reason you are trying to compile from scratch instead of using the repo version? | 19:05 |
motaka2 | ioria2: Yupe | 19:05 |
ioria2 | motaka2, reboot | 19:05 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: ok, highlight the partition you just made, and select type at the bottom | 19:06 |
staticsn0w | ok | 19:06 |
EriC^^ | choose 82 as the type | 19:06 |
staticsn0w | ok | 19:06 |
motaka2 | ioria2: rebooted | 19:06 |
ioria2 | motaka2, can you log in via Gui ? | 19:07 |
staticsn0w | there | 19:07 |
staticsn0w | done | 19:07 |
ELIubuntu | k1l: but where? | 19:07 |
motaka2 | ioria2: I see the login page wait ... | 19:07 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: ok, delete the swap partition at the bottom, ( the one that says logical next to it ) | 19:07 |
ELIubuntu | can i just copy /usr/share/certificates ? | 19:07 |
staticsn0w | ok | 19:07 |
k1l | ELIubuntu: you can safe the certs litterally everywhere. how should we know | 19:07 |
staticsn0w | done | 19:08 |
ELIubuntu | uh | 19:08 |
motaka2 | ioria2: Yes back to normal | 19:08 |
ELIubuntu | okay | 19:08 |
ELIubuntu | i will copy them ove | 19:08 |
ELIubuntu | r | 19:08 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: ok, press write at the bottom | 19:08 |
ELIubuntu | OR | 19:08 |
ELIubuntu | install ubuntu first on an other partition | 19:08 |
beeswood | how do I uninstall an applicatin | 19:09 |
ELIubuntu | can i have 2 OS on 1 partition?? | 19:09 |
staticsn0w | EriC^^ ok | 19:09 |
beeswood | can anyone help me | 19:09 |
staticsn0w | say yes? | 19:09 |
ELIubuntu | my english is really good! :P | 19:09 |
ioria2 | motaka2, ok ... when exactly do you start to have issues ? | 19:09 |
EriC^^ | beeswood: sudo apt-get remove <package> ( or purge <package> to remove config files from /etc ... ) | 19:09 |
k1l | beeswood: "sudo apt-get remove -packagename-" | 19:09 |
k1l | ELIubuntu: not on one partition | 19:09 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: yes | 19:09 |
staticsn0w | ok | 19:09 |
motaka2 | ioria2: issues like distorted graphics? | 19:09 |
staticsn0w | done | 19:09 |
ioria2 | motaka2, yes | 19:10 |
staticsn0w | now cfdisk is saying that nothing is marked bootable | 19:10 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: ok, type sudo parted -l and paste it so we can see what it looks like now | 19:10 |
motaka2 | ioria2: I dont see them any more , wait ... | 19:10 |
ELIubuntu | ai | 19:10 |
k1l | ELIubuntu: you are making it way too complicated. get that .cert wherever you stored it to. or get it from your universities site. | 19:10 |
staticsn0w | ok | 19:10 |
ELIubuntu | i got the certificate from the system manager | 19:10 |
ELIubuntu | but then he deleted it | 19:10 |
ELIubuntu | but i imported it | 19:10 |
motaka2 | ioria2: for eaxample when I click on the ubuntu icon on the top left, I see distorted images | 19:11 |
Bashing-om | beeswood: The universal way is ' sudo apt-get remove <packagename> ' . To also remove the application's config files use ' sudo apt-get purge <package_name> ' . | 19:11 |
k1l | ELIubuntu: this is getting nowhere now. | 19:11 |
motaka2 | ioria2: Is there a light weight GUI better than unity I can use? | 19:11 |
staticsn0w |^^ | 19:11 |
staticsn0w | remove the EriC^^ at the end lol | 19:11 |
ELIubuntu | k1l: jupp | 19:11 |
ioria2 | motaka2, in the Dash , you mean ? yes .... lxde, or xfce | 19:12 |
EriC^^ | ok :D | 19:12 |
beeswood | how would I find the name of the app mozilla firefox | 19:12 |
ELIubuntu | i will install ubuntu | 19:12 |
motaka2 | ioria2: in the vertical bar on the left | 19:12 |
k1l | beeswood: its "firefox" | 19:12 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: type sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1 | 19:12 |
motaka2 | ioria2: Which one do you suggest? I dont need much graphics. I am a programmer. I use netbeans , gimp etc | 19:13 |
ioria2 | motaka2, you click on the 'Ubuntu Logo' icon ... | 19:13 |
staticsn0w | EriC^^ ok | 19:13 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: also, type sudo mkswap /dev/sda2 | 19:13 |
beeswood | awesome! you guys are the best! | 19:13 |
Hinnerk | Ok, so I'm back to partitioning... I deleted all logical volumes, the volume group, the software raid for boo and for the lvm partition. | 19:13 |
Hinnerk | I was unable to delete the raid for the swap partition, as it is in use somehow. | 19:13 |
Hinnerk | I also checked if I could mark the partition which contains the boot filesystem as bootable. But I can't. I see the option, but I can't toggle it. | 19:13 |
ioria2 | motaka2, sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop | 19:13 |
ioria2 | motaka2, but wait a sec ... | 19:13 |
ioria2 | motaka2, /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p | pastebinit | 19:14 |
staticsn0w | EriC^^ output: | 19:14 |
motaka2 | ioria2: | 19:15 |
ELIubuntu | ll | 19:15 |
ELIubuntu | zsh or bash or fish? | 19:15 |
ioria2 | motaka2, without sudo | 19:15 |
* ELIubuntu always wants zsh! | 19:15 | |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: ok, looks good | 19:15 |
staticsn0w | ok | 19:15 |
motaka2 | ioria2: It was without sudo | 19:15 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: now to copy your /home to the new partition | 19:15 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: first mount the partition, type sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt | 19:15 |
staticsn0w | ok | 19:15 |
staticsn0w | ok | 19:16 |
ioria2 | motaka2, are you root ? | 19:16 |
motaka2 | ioria2: I dont knoe | 19:16 |
staticsn0w | mounted | 19:16 |
ELIubuntu | who here uses zsh? | 19:16 |
ELIubuntu | me | 19:16 |
ioria2 | motaka2, id | 19:16 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: ok, type sudo cp -a /home/* /mnt | 19:16 |
motaka2 | ioria2: | 19:17 |
motaka2 | donkarlo@donkarlo:~$ id | 19:17 |
motaka2 | uid=1000(donkarlo) gid=1000(donkarlo) groups=1000(donkarlo),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),46(plugdev),108(lpadmin),124(sambashare) | 19:17 |
staticsn0w | ok | 19:17 |
k1l | ELIubuntu: seriously? wanting zsh but not knowing where you saved a .cert? | 19:17 |
ioria2 | motaka2, unity , in general, is working ? can you open nautilus and stuff ? | 19:18 |
staticsn0w | i dont think it worked EriC^^ | 19:18 |
staticsn0w | :/ | 19:18 |
motaka2 | ioria2: Yes, nautilus is the file manager righht ? | 19:18 |
ioria2 | motaka2, yup | 19:18 |
motaka2 | ioria2: I can open firefox etc | 19:18 |
ioria2 | motaka2, ok ... if i remember you hd is small 80 G , right ? | 19:19 |
motaka2 | ioria2: the hard? yes it is 80 G | 19:19 |
ELIubuntu | hahahahaha | 19:19 |
ELIubuntu | lol | 19:19 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: try mount and paste it | 19:20 |
staticsn0w | ? | 19:20 |
ELIubuntu | k1l: zsh is realy handy | 19:20 |
staticsn0w | just type mount? | 19:20 |
ELIubuntu | really* | 19:20 |
ioria2 | motaka2, ok ... if you're not interested in Unity you can install lxde ... sudo apt-get install lubuntu-dektop | 19:20 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: yeah | 19:20 |
ELIubuntu | screen or tmux? | 19:20 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: i think the kernel still thinks it's a 300mb partition maybe, something isn't right | 19:20 |
ioria2 | motaka2, sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop | 19:21 |
motaka2 | ioria2: is that light in download size? | 19:21 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: type df -Th also and paste | 19:21 |
ELIubuntu | *poll* Screen or Tmux | 19:21 |
staticsn0w | ok | 19:21 |
SchrodingersScat | !support | ELIubuntu this is ubunte support, not #polls | 19:21 |
ubottu | ELIubuntu this is ubunte support, not #polls: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see and and | 19:21 |
ioria2 | motaka2, well, so and so... yes :) | 19:21 |
ELIubuntu | oh okay | 19:21 |
motaka2 | ioria2: In 12.04 I was using unity2d , what about that ? | 19:21 |
ExeciN | I want to use zeromq using cppzmq bindings. Is /usr/local/include a good place to host it? | 19:21 |
staticsn0w | EriC^^ | 19:21 |
ioria2 | motaka2, idk if is still available on trusty .... | 19:22 |
akik | EriC^^: staticsn0w: if linux is running from a partition from the same disk, the partition table that kernel sees can't be updated | 19:22 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: try sudo partprobe | 19:22 |
staticsn0w | ok | 19:22 |
ioria2 | motaka2, is "transitional dummy package" | 19:22 |
motaka2 | ioria2: what is lubuntu-desktop ? do you know the size I should download? | 19:22 |
ioria2 | !info lubuntu-desktop | 19:23 |
ubottu | lubuntu-desktop (source: lubuntu-meta): Lubuntu Desktop environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.62 (wily), package size 2 kB, installed size 14 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; powerpc; armhf) | 19:23 |
ioria2 | motaka2, ^ | 19:23 |
YamakasY | I need some damn simple mailserver, only for receiving some log stuff, no difficult dovecot setup, etc... any idea ? | 19:23 |
staticsn0w | EriC^^ | 19:23 |
SchrodingersScat | !language YamakasY | 19:23 |
SchrodingersScat | !language | YamakasY | 19:24 |
ubottu | YamakasY: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit | 19:24 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: type sudo umount /mnt | 19:24 |
EriC^^ | then type sudo partprobe | 19:24 |
staticsn0w | ok | 19:24 |
YamakasY | SchrodingersScat: sjees, relax mate | 19:24 |
SchrodingersScat | !info ssmtp | YamakasY, ssmtp can send through something like a gmail account, if you need things sent to you | 19:24 |
ubottu | YamakasY, ssmtp can send through something like a gmail account, if you need things sent to you: ssmtp (source: ssmtp): extremely simple MTA to get mail off the system to a mail hub. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.64-8 (wily), package size 43 kB, installed size 8 kB | 19:24 |
akik | eliasps: use which ever tool that you feel fits your need | 19:24 |
staticsn0w | EriC^^ i get the same thing | 19:24 |
YamakasY | SchrodingersScat: smtp!=imap | 19:25 |
ioria2 | motaka2, it's like Windows Xp :þ | 19:25 |
akik | oh eliubuntu left | 19:25 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: type sudo swapoff -a | 19:25 |
staticsn0w | ok | 19:25 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: then try sudo partprobe | 19:25 |
motaka2 | ioria2: but you didnt tell me about the size I have to dl | 19:25 |
staticsn0w | sudo partprobe gives nothing | 19:25 |
ioria2 | motaka2, have you read the ubottu msg ? | 19:26 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: ok, type sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt | 19:26 |
SchrodingersScat | YamakasY: maybe I misunderstand your use case then, try !details and see if someone has any suggestions. | 19:26 |
ioria2 | !info lubuntu-desktop trusty | motaka2 | 19:26 |
ubottu | motaka2: lubuntu-desktop (source: lubuntu-meta): Lubuntu Desktop environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.55 (trusty), package size 2 kB, installed size 31 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; powerpc; armhf) | 19:26 |
staticsn0w | EriC^^ | 19:26 |
staticsn0w | ok | 19:26 |
EliKAAS | i have ssh! | 19:26 |
MattHolt | so i'm on lubuntu 14.04 lts and it seems the display is sleeping after i leave the system idle. i come back to the computer and the display refuses to wake up no matter what i do | 19:26 |
MattHolt | the gpu is an nvidia geforce 210 | 19:26 |
motaka2 | ioria2: just 2kb ? | 19:26 |
staticsn0w | i get "mount: you must specify the filesystem type | 19:26 |
YamakasY | SchrodingersScat: just don't respond when you don't have any idea what I'm talking about | 19:27 |
staticsn0w | " | 19:27 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: that sucks | 19:27 |
staticsn0w | is my computer broken? | 19:27 |
ioria2 | motaka2, 31 | 19:27 |
staticsn0w | is it safe to reboot? | 19:28 |
staticsn0w | :C | 19:28 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: no, it's ok | 19:28 |
staticsn0w | ok | 19:28 |
staticsn0w | so if i reboot, everything is peachy? | 19:28 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: yeah | 19:28 |
staticsn0w | but i dont have my bigger partition do i :/ | 19:28 |
ioria2 | motaka2, no, it's the meta-package .... i don't remember exactly , but it's not big | 19:28 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: try sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1 | 19:28 |
staticsn0w | ok | 19:28 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: then type sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt | 19:29 |
EliKAAS | anyone online? | 19:29 |
staticsn0w | it says "mkfs.ext4: Permission denied while trying to determine filesystem size" | 19:29 |
staticsn0w | oh wait | 19:29 |
staticsn0w | i forgot to type sudo lol | 19:29 |
EliKAAS | I hate gparted | 19:30 |
Hinnerk | I found a guide that says I should use expert installation mode so that I can select 'gpt' as partition table type during manual partition. Only, it doesn't show up for me. Am I doing something wrong? | 19:30 |
twocarlo | Cya later guys.nice channel | 19:30 |
EliKAAS | Hinnerk ubuntu installer? | 19:30 |
Hinnerk | yes. | 19:30 |
EliKAAS | hmm | 19:30 |
=== Cybert1nus is now known as Cybertinus | ||
EriC^^ | Hinnerk: you can use gparted to create a fresh table then launch the installer | 19:30 |
k1l | EliKAAS: what is your issue now? | 19:31 |
EliKAAS | but there is no eport installation | 19:31 |
EriC^^ | staticsn0w: :D | 19:31 |
EliKAAS | k1l: i am downloading ubuntu | 19:31 |
Hinnerk | How do I launch gparted? | 19:31 |
EriC^^ | Hinnerk: dash > gparted | 19:31 |
EliKAAS | from the installer? | 19:31 |
k1l | Hinnerk: use "gparted" on the live usb/dvd | 19:31 |
EriC^^ | it should be one of the icons in the launcher too, with a green icon and disk i think | 19:32 |
k1l | Hinnerk: are you sure you need a raid+lvm setup? | 19:32 |
EliKAAS | woow | 19:32 |
EliKAAS | my screen bugged | 19:32 |
k1l | Hinnerk: are you sure you can support that setup if something goes wrong? (and there will be issues) | 19:32 |
Hinnerk | k1l: Call it a learning experience :) | 19:32 |
regalchivas | help me please | 19:33 |
Bashing-om | !ask | regalchivas | 19:33 |
ubottu | regalchivas: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 19:33 |
k1l | Hinnerk: right now i dont see much learning on your side but us telling you what to do :) | 19:33 |
EliKAAS | who here is a moderator? | 19:34 |
regalchivas_ | help me please | 19:34 |
EliKAAS | what is yo probrem? | 19:35 |
k1l | regalchivas_: ask a specific ubuntu question and people will try to help | 19:35 |
Deep6 | anyone here know the best place to talk about gnome-ubuntu probs? | 19:35 |
Deep6 | the gnome-ubuntu channel is crickets | 19:35 |
Deep6 | sorry ubuntu-gnome | 19:35 |
EliKAAS | haha | 19:35 |
EliKAAS | uhm | 19:35 |
regalchivas_ | erroor gnome | 19:35 |
akik | :) | 19:35 |
EliKAAS | maybe #gnome? | 19:35 |
EliKAAS | hi | 19:35 |
k1l | Deep6: ask here | 19:36 |
regalchivas_ | yes | 19:36 |
exalt | hello i can do sudo apt-get remove linux-image-3.13.0-68-generic && sudo apt-get autoremove, can i merge these in 1 command | 19:36 |
EliKAAS | yeah ask here | 19:36 |
Deep6 | k1l: ok, a few problems, my bose bluetooth speaker connects ok, but it doesn't show up under sound settings :( | 19:36 |
regalchivas_ | good answer thanks guys | 19:36 |
Deep6 | works fine in ubuntu proper | 19:36 |
EliKAAS | exalt: it is already one command | 19:36 |
EliKAAS | not exactly :P | 19:37 |
exalt | something like sudo apt-get autoremove linux-image-3.13.0-68-generic | 19:37 |
EliKAAS | but with the && | 19:37 |
EliKAAS | hmm | 19:37 |
k1l | exalt: yes | 19:37 |
EliKAAS | maybe | 19:37 |
Deep6 | and......rhythmbox whilst listening to radioparadise everytime it parses a new stops playback | 19:37 |
EliKAAS | remove --purge --autoremove? | 19:37 |
Deep6 | :( | 19:37 |
exalt | im looking for the remove a package and all relative packages which are unessesarry | 19:37 |
EliKAAS | remove --purge --autoremove? | 19:37 |
OerHeks | exalt, i don't think so, you could remove multiple kernels like apt-get remove linux-image-3.13.0-{68,69,70}-generic | 19:38 |
exalt | dunno | 19:38 |
EliKAAS | sudo apt-get remove --purge --autoremove? | 19:38 |
EliKAAS | hmm | 19:38 |
MonsieurBon | Hi, I would like to install ibus version 1.5.11 but it is only available in xenial. Is it possible to install this version of ibus in ubuntu wily? | 19:38 |
EliKAAS | k1l? | 19:38 |
exalt | OerHeks: i know that one, but i'd like to merge them in a script so i dont have those ugly && | 19:38 |
mcphail | exalt: using aptitude (instead of apt-get) does this, but the packages have to have been installed by aptitude in the first place to be in its databse | 19:38 |
k1l | EliKAAS: "man apt-get" | 19:38 |
Bray90820 | Anyone here wanna help me write an Rsync script where my entire server gets backed up and put in a folder with the current date and when the drive is full it removes the oldest backup | 19:38 |
k1l | EliKAAS: since you are an expert that uses zsh | 19:38 |
OerHeks | autoremove should wipe all unnesassary kernels | 19:39 |
motaka2 | ioria2: hell, This is from ubuntu | 19:39 |
EliKAAS | oh | 19:39 |
bazhang | MonsieurBon, dont mix repos | 19:39 |
EliKAAS | lol | 19:39 |
EliKAAS | man? | 19:39 |
EliKAAS | what is that? | 19:39 |
ioria2 | motaka2, good ... | 19:39 |
regalchivas | you now carding ? | 19:39 |
k1l | EliKAAS: its called "manpages" its documentation for commands | 19:39 |
bazhang | MonsieurBon, either wait for the next release, complie or find a PPA | 19:39 |
regalchivas | lol | 19:40 |
regalchivas | you now carding ? | 19:40 |
bazhang | EliKAAS | 19:40 |
regalchivas | can you help me ? | 19:40 |
Hinnerk | k1l: Well, I think that often a good way to learn, right? Anyway, my target is that lvm should make my life easier in longterm, as I will have to mess less with partitions. RAID1 I definitely want. But I have to say, guides in this area are a bit confusing, as they often only cover parts of the problem. And then there are issues with the boot sections - e.g. here it says that the issue may... | 19:40 |
Hinnerk | related to large hdds: - but I can'T do the solution, I guess maybe the ubuntu installer has changed again since that solution? | 19:40 |
EliKAAS | ah | 19:40 |
bazhang | what is the question there regalchivas | 19:40 |
EliKAAS | rm -rf / | 19:41 |
ioria2 | motaka2, sudo lshw -c video | pastebinit | 19:41 |
EliKAAS | what will happen? | 19:41 |
bekks | EliKAAS: Stop that nonsense please. | 19:41 |
mcphail | EliKAAS: please stop that | 19:41 |
EliKAAS | okay okay | 19:41 |
bazhang | EliKAAS, dont ever do that | 19:41 |
EliKAAS | okay | 19:41 |
YamakasY | ok, it might want to find some opensource android app that can get the status from a remote DB, anyidea about that ? | 19:41 |
bazhang | #android YamakasY | 19:41 |
sjoshi | Hello, any command line utility to listen online free radio | 19:42 |
YamakasY | bazhang: it's linux monitoring :) | 19:42 |
YamakasY | or the app is just something extra ;) | 19:42 |
EliKAAS | sorry | 19:42 |
bazhang | YamakasY, apt-cache search android | 19:42 |
bazhang | sjoshi, icecast via command line? | 19:42 |
EliKAAS | how to close this server in irssi? | 19:42 |
k1l | Hinnerk: as an experience in here: raid and lvm are layers that add too much point of fail to setups. if you can handle that and are willing to read yourself into that topic (not only copy&paste howtos) then go for it. but for most users its just way too much overheat | 19:42 |
sjoshi | bazhang: ok let me try | 19:43 |
bazhang | sjoshi, search for it with apt-cache search radio or stream | 19:43 |
sjoshi | bazhang: its in repos? | 19:43 |
Hinnerk | k1l: I think I got it all configured already, but ran into this issue of large hdds, see my link in previous post. | 19:44 |
bazhang | !find icecast | 19:44 |
ubottu | Found: icecast2, liquidsoap-plugin-icecast | 19:44 |
bazhang | !info icecast2 | 19:44 |
ubottu | icecast2 (source: icecast2): streaming media server. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.2-1 (wily), package size 1283 kB, installed size 2088 kB | 19:44 |
=== d is now known as Guest88655 | ||
bazhang | vlc has a cli option iirc sjoshi | 19:44 |
SchrodingersScat | mpv is also an option if it works with the stream source | 19:45 |
motaka2 | ioria2: I stiil have problems with graphics, installing lubuntu will fix it ? | 19:45 |
sjoshi | bazhang: Can you help me with kind of internet link i need for those radio stations to work | 19:46 |
sjoshi | I am located in india | 19:46 |
SchrodingersScat | sjoshi: can you give an example? | 19:46 |
ioria2 | motaka2, have you installed lubuntu-desktop ? | 19:46 |
bazhang | sjoshi, thats easily found on the web, use terms icecast radio source as search | 19:46 |
motaka2 | ioria2: no not yet | 19:46 |
sjoshi | can i say this, if i am able to listen a radio on a browser. I should be able to play with cli as well | 19:46 |
ioria2 | motaka2, let's try it | 19:47 |
motaka2 | ioria2: should I? | 19:47 |
ioria2 | motaka2, why not ? | 19:47 |
motaka2 | could you please give me the command ? | 19:47 |
ioria2 | motaka2, sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop | 19:47 |
MonkeyDust | or apt install | 19:48 |
sjoshi | can i say this, if i am able to listen a radio on a browser. I should be able to play with cli as well bazhang | 19:48 |
motaka2 | ioria2: installing, if this fails I will install windows 7 !!! | 19:49 |
ioria2 | motaka2, relax... there are other solutions .... | 19:49 |
sjoshi | bazhang: SchrodingersScat example: | 19:49 |
ioria2 | motaka2, you can try some ppa like xorg-edgers ... | 19:50 |
bazhang | sjoshi, sure, but you have to do the searching for the source, thats nothing to do with ubuntu, use the terms I suggested to find some for yourself, we have given you all the tools to do so | 19:50 |
motaka2 | ioria2: I think the system is not using the full strengh of my graphic card | 19:50 |
bazhang | sjoshi, its up to You to use them now | 19:50 |
MonkeyDust | motaka2 why have you still not reinstalled ubuntu, started anew instead of struggling | 19:50 |
motaka2 | ioria2: How much is internet speed in your region ? | 19:50 |
sjoshi | bazhang: ok, let me try thanks | 19:50 |
motaka2 | MonkeyDust: I am struggeling with new ubuntu installation | 19:51 |
ioria2 | motaka2, depends .... :) | 19:51 |
MonkeyDust | motaka2 i wonder why you have to struggle so hard. | 19:52 |
motaka2 | MonkeyDust: me too | 19:52 |
motaka2 | MonkeyDust: god doesnt like me | 19:52 |
ioria2 | MonkeyDust, seems that is video card is a bit problematic ... NV44 [GeForce 6200 TurboCache] | 19:52 |
TSS | What is the issue? | 19:52 |
ioria2 | *his | 19:53 |
MonkeyDust | ioria2 that was not the initial problem, was it | 19:53 |
bekks | ioria2: whats the issue with it, besides you need an old driver for it? | 19:53 |
bazhang | motaka2, thats an ancient card | 19:53 |
bazhang | motaka2, theres not much more you could ever get out of it | 19:53 |
=== thiago_ is now known as Guest57062 | ||
ioria2 | MonkeyDust, no, the first one was solved erasing the hd fakeraid meta-data ... this is a new one | 19:53 |
motaka2 | bazhang: Thats all I have | 19:54 |
=== B is now known as Guest36365 | ||
bazhang | motaka2, accept its limitations then | 19:54 |
ioria2 | bekks, you know which is the correct driver ? | 19:54 |
motaka2 | ioria2: is this system stable enough so I can move my work to it ? or it might fail again ? | 19:54 |
motaka2 | bazhang: I am instaling lubuntu desktop | 19:54 |
bazhang | motaka2, no driver in the world will make it newer and more powerful | 19:54 |
motaka2 | bazhang: I dont need much graphics | 19:55 |
tux_rulez | Is there a way to ensure that certain directories are only mounted read only? | 19:55 |
bekks | ioria2: at least the 304 should work just fine. | 19:55 |
motaka2 | ioria2: what should I do after installation ? | 19:56 |
SchrodingersScat | sjoshi: found this link that works in vlc/mpv/etc, | 19:56 |
tux_rulez | or auto mounted read only? | 19:56 |
MonkeyDust | tux_rulez directories arent mounted, devices are | 19:56 |
ioria2 | motaka2, logout / login and select Lubuntu from login screen | 19:56 |
ioria2 | motaka2, wait a bit ... ubuntu driver list | pastebinit | 19:56 |
tux_rulez | I should have said partitions | 19:57 |
ioria2 | motaka2, ubuntu-drivers list | pastebinit | 19:57 |
SchrodingersScat | sjoshi: so you'd have to find each one for the stations on that page that you want to listen to. I used firefox's network tool to find that, it was the last thing called on the timeline | 19:57 |
MonkeyDust | !fstab | tux_rulez start here | 19:58 |
ubottu | tux_rulez start here: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See and and !Partitions | 19:58 |
tux_rulez | I"m an old-school /etc/fstabs user from gentoo | 19:58 |
motaka2 | ioria2: | 19:58 |
motaka2 | | 19:58 |
jtreminio | After an apt-get update, what would cause `software-properties-common` to not be found? | 19:58 |
ioria2 | motaka2, do you remember if you installed 173 or 304 ? | 19:59 |
motaka2 | ioria2: 304 | 19:59 |
ioria2 | motaka2, noway, then | 19:59 |
k1l | jtreminio: "lsb_release -d" is what? | 19:59 |
motaka2 | ioria2: ? | 19:59 |
sjoshi | SchrodingersScat: sounds cool, let me try that | 19:59 |
ioria2 | motaka2 no bother. when installation is complete , logout and login | 20:00 |
MonkeyDust | jtreminio does this show somethin (it does here) locate software-properties-common | 20:00 |
motaka2 | ioria2: I am hungry | 20:00 |
jtreminio | k1l: MonkeyDust: Looks like this is user error. Let me get back to you if still seein gissue. | 20:00 |
ioria2 | motaka2 me too | 20:00 |
motaka2 | ioria2: What time is it there? | 20:00 |
ioria2 | motaka2 9 pm | 20:01 |
motaka2 | ioria2: so we are not far away | 20:01 |
sjoshi | I am using mpg123 and its working fine there, let me see if i am able to find those URLs of channel i need :) | 20:01 |
sjoshi | thanks SchrodingersScat ! | 20:01 |
motaka2 | ioria2: I think just turkey is between us | 20:01 |
ioria2 | motaka2 ^_* | 20:01 |
SchrodingersScat | sjoshi: welcome, have fun. | 20:02 |
motaka2 | ioria2: this one is better. should I delete unity somehow? | 20:05 |
ioria2 | motaka2 no | 20:07 |
ioria2 | motaka2 but you can install Lubuntu directly | 20:07 |
ioria2 | motaka2 or better, replace your video card | 20:07 |
amateurbrainsurg | hi all, I have a question about the Files app; the bookmarks section is being populated with many lines of <lib>. how did this happen and what should I do to remove them? | 20:07 |
motaka2 | ioria2: I think my mother board doesnt support more modern video card | 20:08 |
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang | ||
BalTun | what buffer manager is better to use to have more than one buffer item ? | 20:08 |
bekks | motaka2: Why do you think that? | 20:08 |
ioria2 | motaka2 sudo dmidecode -t 2 | pastebinit | 20:09 |
OerHeks | amateurbrainsurg, ctrl + b # to edit them | 20:09 |
motaka2 | ioria2: | 20:09 |
motaka2 | | 20:09 |
OerHeks | amateurbrainsurg, maybe you have used ctrl+d repeatedly, that produces a bookmark | 20:10 |
bekks | motaka2: that board perfectly support more recent graphics cards than he Nvidia 6200. | 20:10 |
ioria2 | motaka2 ^ bekks | 20:11 |
motaka2 | bekks, ioria2: ok I will buy | 20:11 |
bekks | motaka2: Still, I dont see a reason for buying a new one. | 20:12 |
ioria2 | motaka2 i say that because you have more than 3G and a good dual core 64 bit cpu ... so Lubuntu is for poor hw | 20:12 |
amateurbrainsurg | OerHeks: I seemed to first appear after update, them the quantity increased again after an update | 20:12 |
ioria2 | bekks, Unity it's not working well | 20:12 |
motaka2 | bekks, ioria2: I dont understand | 20:12 |
bekks | ioria2: And? Not a reason for buying new hardware. | 20:13 |
bekks | ioria2: His Unity is lagging because he isnt using the correct driver, is he? | 20:13 |
ioria2 | bekks, i tried 304 and dash is not working | 20:13 |
bekks | ioria2: Define "dash is not working"? | 20:13 |
=== motaka2_ is now known as motaka2 | ||
ioria2 | motaka2 can you post again the screen ? | 20:14 |
motaka2 | ioria2: Which screen ? | 20:14 |
ioria2 | motaka2 wait .... | 20:14 |
bekks | motaka2: Did you try using another desktop environment, like lubuntu? | 20:15 |
ioria2 | bekks, now, yes | 20:15 |
jtreminio | Would you folks recommend I use anacron to run apt-get update daily, or is weekly enough? | 20:15 |
motaka2 | bekks: No I am using lubuntu-desktop | 20:15 |
tux_rulez | ubottu, I'm not fimular with the gnome auto mounter. Is it ok to create a permanent mount-point on the /media directory and add it to the /etc/fstab list? | 20:15 |
ubottu | tux_rulez: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 20:15 |
motaka2 | ioria2: I am happy with lubuntu | 20:15 |
christobal | hi i'm trying to use the ubuntu mingw-w64 package | 20:16 |
bekks | motaka2: good, so your issue is solved. | 20:16 |
ioria2 | motaka2 the dropbox pic .... | 20:16 |
christobal | it was recently changed | 20:16 |
MonkeyDust | !find | 20:16 |
MonkeyDust | !find mingw | 20:16 |
ubottu | Found: binutils-mingw-w64, binutils-mingw-w64-i686, binutils-mingw-w64-x86-64, g++-mingw-w64, g++-mingw-w64-i686, g++-mingw-w64-x86-64, gcc-mingw-w64, gcc-mingw-w64-base, gcc-mingw-w64-i686, gcc-mingw-w64-x86-64 (and 23 others)§ion=all | 20:16 |
christobal | it used to (ubuntu trusty) work with POSIX threads by default | 20:16 |
christobal | but recently they changed it to use Win32 threads | 20:16 |
ioria2 | bekks, | 20:16 |
christobal | there is a commit in the package that shows that they changed the default but i have no idea how to reconfigure it | 20:16 |
christobal | | 20:16 |
ubottu | Debian bug 750741 in gcc-mingw-w64-i686 "built DLL depending on libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll and libwinpthread-1.dll" [Normal,Fixed] | 20:16 |
ioria2 | motaka2 done, don't worry | 20:17 |
motaka2 | ioria2: I can give you the link if you want it ? | 20:17 |
christobal | does anyone know how i can try to reconfigure a package like that? | 20:17 |
bekks | ioria2: He solved his issue by using lubuntu. No need for buying new hardware. | 20:17 |
MonkeyDust | christobal is that a developer tool? | 20:17 |
christobal | its a cross-compiler for linux to windows | 20:17 |
ioria2 | bekks, right... but he has good hw... lubuntu is for hw not so good... just my opinion | 20:18 |
bekks | ioria2: And thats still not a reason for buying new hardware, just because you _think_ he could use another desktop environment. | 20:19 |
ioria2 | bekks, ok | 20:19 |
tux_rulez | MonkeyDust, Should I add my two new READ-ONLY /etc/ftab mountpoints to /media/Windows1 /media/Windows2 or /mnt/Windows1 /mnt/Windows2 | 20:19 |
k1l | tux_rulez: mnt | 20:20 |
tux_rulez | k1l, thankx | 20:20 |
k1l | tux_rulez: but if you want a symbol on the desktop/launcher use media | 20:21 |
ioria2 | motaka2 any help for installing development tools ? | 20:22 |
tux_rulez | k1l, Can I use /media without putting it under /media/username/ | 20:22 |
k1l | yes | 20:22 |
christobal | MonkeyDust: turns out my question was stupid, it is fully explained in the readme of the deb package | 20:22 |
k1l | medie/user is just used by gvfs for automount | 20:22 |
eelstrebor | why are there occassions where su <whatever> won't work but the <whatever> works if i use sudo su? | 20:23 |
MonkeyDust | christobal glad you learned something new | 20:23 |
motaka2 | ioria2: I installed netbeans , I am trying to find best tutorial to install LAMP | 20:23 |
motaka2 | ioria2: Do you know any ? | 20:23 |
Hinnerk | I ran parted and wrote an empty gpt table. WIll the ubuntu installer respect the type when partioning or will it change the type? That is, will it only change the content of the table, or the table itself? | 20:23 |
christobal | :) | 20:24 |
k1l | eelstrebor: that sounds like a good method to break the system :) | 20:25 |
ioria2 | motaka2 sure... i'm looking for a unixmen link that was good ... a secv | 20:26 |
bekks | !lamp | motaka2 | 20:26 |
ubottu | motaka2: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see - See also the Server CD installation process. | 20:26 |
motaka2 | ioria2: thank you very much | 20:26 |
eelstrebor | k1l, could, but this is something that TBS says to do when installing there linux drivers - sudo make doesn't work when building there drivers | 20:26 |
k1l | tbs? | 20:26 |
motaka2 | bekks: that link is very very detailed | 20:26 |
eelstrebor | but sudo su and then make builds the drivers | 20:27 |
bekks | motaka2: Yes. Thats why you should read it :) | 20:27 |
ioria2 | motaka2 | 20:27 |
motaka2 | bekks: I need a simple one | 20:27 |
eelstrebor | TBS is a DVB card manufacturer | 20:27 |
ioria2 | motaka2 is good also for 14.04 | 20:27 |
bekks | motaka2: No. You need to understand what you are doing, not just use copy & paste. | 20:27 |
k1l | eelstrebor: use "sudo -i" if you need a root shell | 20:27 |
eelstrebor | also, sudo echo options saa716x_tbs_dvb int_type=1 > /etc/modprobe.d/tbs.conf doesn't work but does execute if i go sudo su | 20:28 |
OerHeks | eelstrebor, what guide are you following? | 20:29 |
k1l | eelstrebor: stop sudo su | 20:29 |
motaka2 | ioria2: Thank you | 20:29 |
eelstrebor | k1l, i'll have to remember sudo -i for next time - sounds like the same as just sudo | 20:29 |
k1l | eelstrebor: that is the pure way to broken system. use sudo -i for a root shell | 20:29 |
bekks | eelstrebor: that will not work as expected. | 20:29 |
motaka2 | bekks: thank you. I hope to have time to read that | 20:29 |
bekks | eelstrebor: either do it from a root shell, or use echo ... | sudo tee -a ... | 20:30 |
k1l | eelstrebor: and the sudo is not carried to the | or > so that doesnt have the permissions then | 20:30 |
bekks | motaka2: If you want to have a LAMP server, you will have the time to read it. | 20:30 |
ioria2 | motaka2 no problem ... if you need gcc, g++ sudo apt-get install build-essential , for java is a bit more complicated, and python is built in | 20:30 |
motaka2 | ioria2: thank you for your great and kind help | 20:31 |
ioria2 | motaka2 you're welcome | 20:31 |
eelstrebor | i prefer sudo but a vendor said to use sudo su to build it's linux drivers | 20:33 |
dna | Hi! Has anything changed in the update policy in 15.10? I think I see much less updates now then there were with previous releases (even with proposed enabled)... Maybe the updates are comming more on a scheduled date now like windows does? | 20:33 |
eelstrebor | sudo wouldn't build the drivers | 20:33 |
eelstrebor | i need ONE version of sudo to do stuff | 20:33 |
bekks | eelstrebor: there is only one version of sudo. | 20:33 |
eelstrebor | if sudo -i gets the job done then that's what i'll use | 20:34 |
eelstrebor | bekks, i was referring to the switches | 20:34 |
=== sins-_s is now known as sins- | ||
eelstrebor | normally sudo <command> works just fine | 20:35 |
bekks | eelstrebor: sudo command works fine, and sudo -i gives you a root shell. | 20:35 |
finetundra2234 | Hey folks, I'm getting an error when trying to play a track through gmusicbrowser, "Playing error: Configured audiosink sink0 is not working. at /usr/bin/..share/gmusicbrowser/ line 137 | 20:37 |
fritionik | hello | 20:37 |
finetundra2234 | Anyone have any ideas? | 20:37 |
fritionik | привет | 20:38 |
fritionik | русские есть? | 20:38 |
MonkeyDust | !ru | 20:38 |
ubottu | Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. | 20:38 |
fritionik | !ru | 20:38 |
Bray90820 | What would I add to this rsync script to delete the backup with the oldest date | 20:42 |
Bray90820 | rsync -a /media/data/Homework /home/aaron/Desktop/$(date '+%m-%d-%y') | 20:42 |
SchrodingersScat | Bray90820: wouldn't you want year month day? | 20:45 |
Bray90820 | Why would I? | 20:45 |
SchrodingersScat | Bray90820: so it ls in the correct order? | 20:45 |
Bray90820 | SchrodingersScat: | 20:45 |
Bray90820 | What do you mean? | 20:46 |
SchrodingersScat | up to you, but your way would put a backup from january 2013 with january 2015 rather than having it separated by year first. | 20:47 |
Bray90820 | so ymd? | 20:48 |
MonkeyDust | Bray90820 --progress is a nice rsync option | 20:49 |
SchrodingersScat | Bray90820: date +%Y-%m-%d is one option | 20:50 |
Bray90820 | That's what i think I will do | 20:51 |
OerHeks | %j day of year | 20:51 |
Bray90820 | But how would I have it delete the folder with the oldest date? | 20:52 |
bekks | rsync isnt capable of doing that. | 20:52 |
bekks | you need to script that yourself. | 20:52 |
Bray90820 | Can someone help me then | 20:53 |
poolq | | 20:54 |
Mr_Cyclops | Bray90820, Shoot your question | 20:54 |
Bray90820 | When the drive gets full I want the oldest backup to be deleted | 20:54 |
Kardos | perhaps poolq's link ha sthe answer, it looks promising | 20:55 |
Mr_Cyclops | when you say backup, do you mean any particular kind of files? | 20:55 |
Mr_Cyclops | any regular filename pattern? | 20:55 |
MonkeyDust | Bray90820 maybe the people in #bash can help better with scripting | 20:55 |
Bray90820 | Is this a bash specific because they will refuse to help me if it's not | 20:56 |
Kardos | so pick the channel for your shell? | 20:56 |
Mr_Cyclops | I agree MonkeyDust . You can have a simple cron with a simple find and purge command to get rid of old files | 20:56 |
Hinnerk | ok, thanks everyone for now, will be back later. | 20:57 |
Mr_Cyclops | no harm in trying Bray90820 ... I suggest try the bash channel | 20:57 |
Casper- | Hello, how do u creae a second quotation-mark, when u are typing. Like OSX does? | 20:57 |
Casper- | i mean make it do it automatically, when u press: " | 20:57 |
k1l | Casper-: typing where? | 20:58 |
Casper- | k1l: i think OSX does it everywhere, at least in the text editor | 21:01 |
Casper- | k1l: it just places a second " after ur cursor, when u type the first " | 21:02 |
k1l | that is not a feature of the OS but form the program/editor you use | 21:02 |
OerHeks | alt-gr shift " | 21:03 |
Casper- | OerHeks: what is gr | 21:04 |
Casper- | OerHeks: did u get the automatic-2nd-quote to work? | 21:08 |
iceiceice_ | hi | 21:09 |
iceiceice_ | i just installed ubuntu wily, | 21:09 |
OerHeks | on a macbook or regular keyboard? | 21:09 |
iceiceice_ | how do i get my command shell to be colored? | 21:09 |
user1254 | MrElendig: found it , "gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout ':minimize,maximize,close'" fixed it | 21:09 |
Casper- | OerHeks: regular keyboard | 21:11 |
OerHeks | alt-gr is the alt key on the right side | 21:12 |
k1l | iceiceice_: | 21:12 |
Casper- | i tried out OSX in a VM--- a few things are cooler about it, i want to incorporate that stuff into Linux | 21:12 |
Casper- | OerHeks: tried it, doesnt work. does that work for u? | 21:13 |
binary01 | sudo blkid | 21:22 |
Casper- | iceiceice: | 21:25 |
iceiceice | thanks | 21:26 |
* m3n3chm0 nasZZ | 21:27 | |
k1l | m3n3chm0: could you stop that? | 21:28 |
Casper- | Did anyone get the automatic quotes to work? | 21:32 |
k1l | Casper-: that is a editor feature. kile can do that iirc | 21:34 |
k1l | for bash see | 21:35 |
Guest49418 | ciao | 21:39 |
Guest49418 | !lista | 21:41 |
ubottu | Guest49418: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 21:41 |
Casper- | k1l: thx, but did get it to work in Terminal? didnt work for me | 21:43 |
k1l | Casper-: did you restart the terminal afterwards? | 21:44 |
jessidvelez | hello. Has any one had troubles with the laptop fan? I own an old toshiba and almost always, fan is running at most speed. I cant controll it. Does any one could give any idea? thanks in advance | 21:44 |
k1l | i didnt test it because i dont want that sort of feature | 21:44 |
Casper- | k1l: i added that to my ~/.bashrc, then to reload it i typed: . ~/.bashrc | 21:45 |
k1l | use source or reopen a new one | 21:45 |
Casper- | k1l: then opened new terminal windows, and tried typing " but nothing new. did it work for u? | 21:45 |
Casper- | source ~/.bashrc | 21:46 |
Casper- | okay, did that | 21:46 |
TJ- | Casper-: do you have bash readline in 'vi' mode, or 'emacs' (the default) ? | 21:50 |
adrian_1908 | hello. The notebook I'm using cannot find a USB stick in pure UEFI mode, I have to activate Legacy mode to see it in the boot menu. Is this to be expected? (I used dd to copy the iso) | 21:50 |
Casper- | TJ-: default i guess, i never changed it, i dont even know how :) | 21:50 |
EriC^^ | adrian_1908: no, dd works with both for ubuntu .iso's | 21:51 |
Casper- | TJ-: sounds like i should: Remove -m vi-insert ? | 21:51 |
k1l | Casper-: read the text :) | 21:51 |
adrian_1908 | EriC^^: Any ideas if/how I might circumvent this? I will just install in legacy BIOS mode otherwise, I just has hoped to use UEFI if possible. | 21:53 |
TJ- | Casper-: switch to vi mode: "set -o vi" and test - it'll work | 21:53 |
EriC^^ | adrian_1908: make sure the usb is first in the boot order, disable secureboot, and if that doesn't work try pressing esc and see if you have boot options to get a uefi menu and choose UEFI USB | 21:54 |
adrian_1908 | The BIOS menu offers very limited options so I don't think there's something I can fix on that side. | 21:54 |
adrian_1908 | EriC^^: I'll try the last, so I need to know a certain terminology to boot it? | 21:54 |
EriC^^ | adrian_1908: did you disable secureboot? | 21:54 |
Casper- | k1l: TJ- got it to work by Remove -m vi-insert ! cool. thx. which mode do u guys use? vi or emacs? | 21:55 |
adrian_1908 | checking, one moment... | 21:55 |
Casper- | i use Gedit for Text editor, thats what i was trying to do the magic quotes for :) | 21:55 |
TJ- | Casper-: I used to use the default e emacs but as I use vim for editing, I switched. Still g getting used to it though :) | 21:55 |
TJ- | muscle memory can be very frustrating with the different editors | 21:56 |
Casper- | TJ-: thats why stick with Gedit :) | 21:57 |
Casper- | no memory needed :P | 21:57 |
Casper- | hey, what is the Terminal command to paste the "middle mouse button clipboard"? | 21:57 |
=== sins-_s is now known as sins- | ||
Casper- | i mean what can u press on the keyboard , while in the terminal, or Gedit, or browser? to paste the middle mouse clipboard | 21:58 |
imthenachoman | hey guys. any recommendations on a good cpu stress program for linux? i think my system freezes on high usage and want to test with some kind of stressing software | 21:59 |
EriC^^ | Casper-: shift+insert | 21:59 |
adrian_1908 | EriC^^: I just realized that what I assumed to be UEFI/Legacy BIOS appears to only relate to USB devices; I think this notebook has no UEFI support. It's not mine. | 21:59 |
k1l | ctrl+(shift+)v isnt working? | 21:59 |
k1l | then try ctrl+ins | 21:59 |
EriC^^ | adrian_1908: if it says uefi/legacy for usb i guess it has uefi | 22:00 |
EriC^^ | adrian_1908: boot the live usb a bit to check it out if you want | 22:00 |
noncom|2 | today suddenly my ubuntu server becomes very slow, sometime restarts itself and such. it started suddenly. when it's up and runninng, it is slow, and syslog writes down that ufw blocks some periodic incomming connections from some ips. can it be that the connections are the reason for the server being slower? | 22:01 |
adrian_1908 | EriC^^: It says something like USB Legacy BIOS, and it's about USB device recognition, I should have taken the time to read it more carefully. On my own desktop the "Legacy" toggle is indeed about UEFI. My mistake. | 22:02 |
Casper- | EriC^^: doesnt work, that works for u? | 22:02 |
k1l | noncom|2: ddos attack? try fail2ban then | 22:02 |
EriC^^ | Casper-: yeah | 22:02 |
Casper- | neither works, hmmmm, can u bind a key-combo, to the middle mouse button? | 22:04 |
EriC^^ | Casper-: yeah, xbindkeys | 22:05 |
EriC^^ | Casper-: shift+insert should work though, | 22:05 |
EriC^^ | Casper-: does ctrl+v work? | 22:05 |
Casper- | that just pastes regular clipboard | 22:05 |
Casper- | i want to paste the "middle-mouse-button's second clipboard" | 22:06 |
EriC^^ | yeah | 22:06 |
eperzhand | Hello, guys! Please, help me - I'm completely stucked how to startup gnome-keyring-daemon in Lubuntu correctly... | 22:06 |
Casper- | u know how there are 2 clipboards | 22:06 |
Casper- | ^V pastes the reguar clipboard | 22:06 |
eperzhand | I've edited /etc/pam.d/login and passwd - but no luck | 22:07 |
EriC^^ | Casper-: yeah, i know | 22:07 |
Casper- | but how to u paste the second clipboard without the mouse | 22:07 |
EriC^^ | did you try what k1l suggested? ctrl+insert? | 22:07 |
EriC^^ | Casper-: which de are you using btw? | 22:07 |
eperzhand | EriC, shift-insert? | 22:07 |
Casper- | EriC^^: hmmm, maybe shift+insert is not working, cuz my INSERT key is combined with my 0 key | 22:08 |
eperzhand | ctrl-insert is for copying | 22:08 |
iBurley | Hey guys. Anybody know if it's safe to install the proprietary AMD drivers in 15.10 yet? | 22:08 |
EriC^^ | eperzhand: ah i see | 22:08 |
EriC^^ | Casper-: yeah that'd be it.. | 22:09 |
Casper- | so when i press shift+insert, it types a 0 | 22:09 |
eperzhand | Casper, try to turn off numlock | 22:09 |
Casper- | i did turn off numlock | 22:09 |
eperzhand | Casper-, try press fn | 22:09 |
Casper- | i press insert, and it changes the cursor to Insert mode, so i know its workin | 22:10 |
k1l | Casper-: what hardware is that? what ubuntu and what desktop? | 22:10 |
Casper- | asus laptop | 22:10 |
k1l | and is it a terminal? or tty? | 22:10 |
Casper- | i'm trying both Terminal, and Gedit, same problem | 22:10 |
Loshki | noncom|2: start by running top I suppose. Unless you're being absolutely blitzed by packet storms, I wouldn't think it would be noticeable. Is it an LTS? Maybe your server is compromised? | 22:10 |
k1l | Casper-: which desktop? | 22:11 |
noncom|2 | Loshki: htop shows 1.5-5% load on CPU while there's compilation in progress! | 22:11 |
noncom|2 | the compilation runs veeery slow comparing to how it used to work before that | 22:11 |
eperzhand | Guys, how to startup Gnome-keyring-daemon correctly? Any link? | 22:11 |
noncom|2 | Loshki: it is an lts.. how can the sever be compromised? | 22:12 |
Casper- | k1l: what do u mean what desktop? | 22:12 |
noncom|2 | i am sorry if this is not the right channel, but i am so noob in all that | 22:12 |
bekks | noncom|2: using a gazilion of attack vectors. | 22:12 |
iBurley | Hey guys. Anybody know if it's safe to install the proprietary AMD drivers in 15.10 yet? | 22:13 |
noncom|2 | what puzzles, me, the compilation always used to take more than 50% of CPU | 22:13 |
bekks | noncom|2: And why does that puzzle you? | 22:13 |
k1l | Casper-: what desktop enviroment do you run on that ubuntu install? | 22:13 |
noncom|2 | bekks: because now it is dead slow and htop shows only ~5% load max | 22:13 |
EriC^^ | Casper-: unity xubuntu etc | 22:13 |
Casper- | oh, sorry, i thought u meant not my laptop, yes XFCE | 22:13 |
bekks | noncom|2: so pastebin "free -m" please. | 22:14 |
noncom|2 | bekks: but the syslog tail always shows UFW blocks conns | 22:14 |
noncom|2 | bekks: | 22:14 |
noncom|2 | how can compilation take 5% of CPU max../ | 22:15 |
noncom|2 | there's nothing else running on the pc | 22:15 |
Casper- | i would use Unity if u could put the bar at the bottom :P | 22:16 |
noncom|2 | why would anyone ddos? that's a very insignificant personal server... | 22:16 |
noncom|2 | bekks: does the free -m paste tell you something? | 22:17 |
Casper- | i think on my laptop the SHIFT, is acting like a Function key. that would explain it, it does the same thing for the other shared keys, (end, home, pgup, pgdown,): it reverts back to the number | 22:18 |
Casper- | k1l: EriC^^ what desktop environments do u guys use? | 22:19 |
noncom|2 | k1l: looking at fail2ban, it's a program, but it requires studying a huge manual to understand what and how it does.. it seems interesting, i will definitely study it, but the problems are there right *now*.. | 22:20 |
EriC^^ | Casper-: i use unity | 22:20 |
Casper- | EriC^^: is there any way to put the bar at the bottom? | 22:21 |
EriC^^ | Casper-: i dont think so | 22:21 |
Casper- | i guess that is fine for OSX refugees, it's copied off that | 22:22 |
noncom|2 | yeah, well, meanwhikle reading fail2ban man | 22:23 |
Hinnerk | question about ubuntu installer and gparted: If I create a partition table with gparted of type gpt and create 4 volumes there (grub_boot, boot, swap and one for lvm), then stop and go back to ubuntu installer to do manual partioning for lvm and mounting filesystems - will the ubuntu installer respect the gpt table or will it overwrite it with its own type? | 22:23 |
Casper- | is there a simple program like GTKHASH that does better key-stretching (bcrypt, PBKDF2, etc)? | 22:23 |
k1l | Casper-: EriC^^ seems like GTK is blocking the x11 clipboard keycombo shuft+insert | 22:24 |
bekks | noncom|2: It tells us that yu just have 1GB RAM, and 50% free. | 22:24 |
bekks | *you | 22:24 |
noncom|2 | yep | 22:24 |
noncom|2 | that's true | 22:24 |
noncom|2 | but does that mean something? | 22:24 |
Ben64 | noncom|2: is it a vps? | 22:24 |
noncom|2 | yes | 22:25 |
noncom|2 | VDS | 22:25 |
Ben64 | your provider might have some limiting thing on the cpu | 22:25 |
Casper- | k1l: but GTK is in unity too. so what do u mean? | 22:25 |
bekks | noncom|2: A VPS can be very slow for no reason visible inside the VPS. | 22:25 |
noncom|2 | Ben64: you mean that i might have possibly exceeded cpu limit for the period? | 22:25 |
noncom|2 | bekks: is it a common occasion? | 22:26 |
noncom|2 | did not see it in a couple of months that i had this server | 22:26 |
bekks | noncom|2: It may happen, so you have to talk to your hoster. | 22:26 |
Casper- | or is there any way to make GTKHASH do multiple rounds of hashing? | 22:26 |
noncom|2 | okay, nice one idea too | 22:26 |
Casper- | DOes anyone know how to get Color Emojis? like OSX does | 22:27 |
=== BoomerBile is now known as QuackingZebra | ||
Casper- | What is the best program to Mirror ur android phone's screen? | 22:28 |
iBurley | Anybody know if it's safe to install the proprietary AMD drivers in 15.10 yet? | 22:33 |
EriC^^ | iBurley: try it and see, use the recovery to purge if they dont work | 22:35 |
majnoon | kk i installed 32 bit ubuntu was wondering if there was an EASY to upgrade to 64 bit version ? | 22:35 |
majnoon | computer WILL run 64 bit | 22:35 |
iBurley | EriC^^: I'm actually running Fedora at the moment, just considering switching back for graphics driver reasons, but I heard 15.10 has issues with AMD drivers on release. | 22:35 |
EriC^^ | iBurley: o i c | 22:36 |
iBurley | EriC^^: is there any way I could test it in a virtual machine? Or would it just not apply because it isn't actually passing through the GPU? | 22:37 |
EriC^^ | iBurley: maybe you could boot a live usb and install the amd driver, and restart the xsession so it loads the new driver, not sure though | 22:38 |
=== cyphase_ is now known as cyphase | ||
Loshki | majnoon: | 22:44 |
=== thatosguy1 is now known as dhamone | ||
noncom|2 | how can i block all udp and tcp from all ports except 22 and 80 in fail2ban? | 23:03 |
noncom|2 | googling seems to only find how to block specific ports, not all but some | 23:04 |
bekks | noncom|2: thats not goign to work as expected. | 23:04 |
noncom|2 | eh | 23:04 |
noncom|2 | do i have other options? | 23:04 |
bekks | noncom|2: your concept is wrong. | 23:05 |
bekks | noncom|2: you want fails2ban on port 22, for reducing the noise on ports 22 failed logins. | 23:05 |
noncom|2 | it won't work for other network connections? | 23:05 |
bekks | noncom|2: if you want to block stuff entirely, like "dont let that network connect to my server", then you should be using iptables. | 23:05 |
noncom|2 | i see | 23:06 |
bekks | noncom|2: | 23:06 |
HelloGoodbye | Hello I'm wondering where I can get help with something called "Elementary OS." Obviously this is Ubuntu so I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction | 23:07 |
noncom|2 | bekks: is iptables better than ufw ? | 23:07 |
noncom|2 | HelloGoodbye: i recently saw them have a website | 23:08 |
bekks | noncom|2: first sentences from the article given, regarding ufw: "The default firewall configuration tool for Ubuntu is ufw. Developed to ease iptables firewall configuration, ufw provides a user friendly way to create an IPv4 or IPv6 host-based firewall." | 23:08 |
HelloGoodbye | Yes... But I'm wondering if someone in a live chat could help me | 23:08 |
bekks | !elementaryos | HelloGoodbye | 23:08 |
bekks | !elementary | HelloGoodbye | 23:08 |
ubottu | HelloGoodbye: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on - for more information on this distribution. | 23:08 |
noncom|2 | bekks: so then that's nothing really.. | 23:09 |
HelloGoodbye | thank you | 23:09 |
noncom|2 | eh, either my problem is not attacks or there's nothing i can do about this | 23:09 |
bekks | noncom|2: ufw is a configuration tool for iptables. | 23:09 |
noncom|2 | ok i see | 23:09 |
noncom|2 | i did setup ufw already | 23:09 |
bekks | noncom|2: First, you have to find out whats the problem, in fact. | 23:09 |
noncom|2 | yeah, and idk how to start even. those many UFW BLOCK things in syslog caught my attention | 23:10 |
noncom|2 | i thought that was it | 23:10 |
eperzhand | Guys, did anyone have problems with Gnome-Keyring-Daemon autostart? How to configure it correctly? | 23:10 |
bekks | noncom|2: so what do you worry about, on those blocks? You should be worrying about things that were not blocked. | 23:10 |
noncom|2 | okay then | 23:11 |
noncom|2 | then there's another cause for the server to be so sluggish | 23:11 |
bekks | noncom|2: Which one? | 23:12 |
noncom|2 | idk :) | 23:13 |
noncom|2 | no clue | 23:13 |
noncom|2 | all seems file and started by itself | 23:13 |
noncom|2 | probably vds host problems as someone suggested | 23:13 |
noncom|2 | s/file/fine | 23:14 |
bekks | noncom|2: It was me who suggested that. | 23:14 |
bekks | noncom|2: you should contact your hoster, in fact. | 23:14 |
noncom|2 | bekks: thank you, bekks! | 23:16 |
adrian_1908 | I have another problem with this notebook I'm setting up. The moment I unplug the power supply, the becomes sluggish to a degree that makes it unusable. Excessive power savings mode I reckon. This is a huge problem :/ | 23:17 |
HelloGoodbye | Hello how do I duel boot Ubuntu and Windows 8.1 | 23:20 |
HelloGoodbye | I would like someone to help me :) | 23:21 |
EriC^^ | is that where they take 10 steps turn around and throw shoes at eachother? | 23:21 |
isaiah22 | It's not that hard, just turn off fast boot and secure boot and create a partition for Ubuntu | 23:21 |
HelloGoodbye | So I'm on disk management and am going to shrink the volume. How many gigabytes do I need the shrunk volume to be? | 23:21 |
isaiah22 | How big is your hard drive? | 23:21 |
k1l_ | HelloGoodbye: please ask the elementary guys how much their OS needs :) | 23:22 |
HelloGoodbye | 599 | 23:22 |
HelloGoodbye | 500* | 23:22 |
HelloGoodbye | Elementary IRC is inactive, nobody has answered me yet | 23:22 |
isaiah22 | Ubuntu doesn't need much space to run. Anything from 5GB + should work | 23:22 |
HelloGoodbye | but since the process is the same as on ubuntu I'm wondering if you guys could help me | 23:22 |
k1l_ | well, try their forums or website then. | 23:22 |
isaiah22 | Oh I'm an elementary user | 23:22 |
k1l_ | !elementary | isaiah22 HelloGoodbye | 23:23 |
HelloGoodbye | GReat | 23:23 |
ubottu | isaiah22 HelloGoodbye: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on - for more information on this distribution. | 23:23 |
HelloGoodbye | isaiah22 PM maybe? | 23:23 |
isaiah22 | Alright, sure | 23:23 |
HelloGoodbye | How do I turn off secure boot and fast boot :D | 23:23 |
HelloGoodbye | thanks isaiah | 23:23 |
bekks | HelloGoodbye: Your Elementary OS issues are offtopic in here. | 23:24 |
HelloGoodbye | Which is why I'M PMing a user | 23:24 |
IngCr3at1on | I have 14.04 on a lenovo laptop, was trying to configure lm-sensors with sensors-detect, which seems to have worked as I sensors work but now my screen is pixelated | 23:26 |
IngCr3at1on | anyone know how to fix? lol | 23:26 |
=== l2ksolkov2 is now known as l2ksolkov | ||
adrian_1908 | I see a lot of advice to disable services in Ubuntu via update.rc... I thought current Ubuntu versions use systemd, no? | 23:30 |
IngCr3at1on | not last I checked | 23:31 |
IngCr3at1on | if it were I'd think systemctl would be present ;) | 23:31 |
k1l_ | adrian_1908: systemd is the init since 15.04. before it was upstart. the question is what your howto refers to | 23:33 |
adrian_1908 | Hmm, systemd appears to be running here on my Xubuntu 15.10. I would't expect the distro to diverge this much from vanilla Ubuntu. | 23:33 |
k1l_ | adrian_1908: actually that is plain vanilla then :) | 23:35 |
adrian_1908 | k1l_: The answer is an askubuntu one from this November and I see no (older) release version mentioned, that's why I had sudden doubts about what's usually running :) | 23:35 |
adrian_1908 | ah my bad, it mentions that. | 23:36 |
k1l_ | adrian_1908: there are still 12.04 and 14.04 supported which run upstart. | 23:36 |
IngCr3at1on | aye I can confirm 14.04 is definitely upstart | 23:36 |
adrian_1908 | The answered qualifies it as "if you're not running systemd", I missed that. | 23:36 |
adrian_1908 | problem solved then. | 23:36 |
IngCr3at1on | was aware they'd switched to systemd for 15.y | 23:37 |
k1l_ | yeah paying attention to the ubuntu version used is more important then ever :) | 23:37 |
IngCr3at1on | wasn't* | 23:37 |
IngCr3at1on | sounds like k1l_ lol | 23:37 |
IngCr3at1on | I generally only run LTS releases | 23:37 |
IngCr3at1on | this "pixelation" or whatever you want to call it is pissing me off though | 23:37 |
Enz0 | Hello is anybody around ? | 23:37 |
IngCr3at1on | bloody sensors-detect... | 23:38 |
IngCr3at1on | all I can find is people having black screen issues when I search | 23:38 |
IngCr3at1on | oh I lied | 23:39 |
IngCr3at1on | | 23:39 |
IngCr3at1on | same issue | 23:39 |
IngCr3at1on | same laptop | 23:39 |
IngCr3at1on | no answer, lovely | 23:39 |
helloitsme | Hello everyone | 23:41 |
helloitsme | I already asked this question in another channel | 23:41 |
helloitsme | | 23:41 |
helloitsme | I don't have the first option since i'm on windows 10 what happened? | 23:41 |
Enz0 | anybody know how to install popconr-time in ubuntu 14.04 ? | 23:42 |
k1l_ | helloitsme: what ubuntu exactly? | 23:43 |
helloitsme | k1l_: xubuntu 15 but i have the same problem with another distro i presume it's the same on ubuntu | 23:44 |
k1l_ | again the elementary support? | 23:44 |
helloitsme | what | 23:44 |
k1l_ | check how many partitions you already have. | 23:45 |
IngCr3at1on | aye I was going to say that sounds more like drive configuration than anything else | 23:45 |
IngCr3at1on | either way, what do you need windoze for anyway, just nuke it and install Ubuntu on the full drive :P | 23:47 |
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tsimonq2 | what DE does Ubuntu Studio use? | 23:47 |
helloitsme | here you go sir | 23:47 |
k1l_ | tsimonq2: xfce iirc | 23:48 |
tsimonq2 | ok, thanks | 23:48 |
adrian_1908 | Alright guys, fixed my problem. The "ondemand" service on that notebook was scaling down the CPU frequency too aggressively, making it unusable. The accepted answer here worked (, smooth as butter now, even when unplugged. Not ideal, but better than nothing. And yes, systemd it is on 15.10 :) | 23:49 |
helloitsme | and sorry it's in french but i think you will understand :) | 23:49 |
IngCr3at1on | unless the ubuntu installer resizes windows partitions which I don't believe it does helloitsme that's your problem | 23:49 |
IngCr3at1on | you could try manually resizing the main windows partition using something like gparted via a live iso but ntfs and resizing has never been extremely stable so I'd say "use at your own risk" ;) | 23:50 |
helloitsme | i tried the "something else" option but it is refusing to create other primary partitions | 23:50 |
helloitsme | it says "max 4 primary partition" if i remember well | 23:50 |
IngCr3at1on | right but you need unpartitioned space to do that helloitsme | 23:51 |
k1l_ | helloitsme: so it seems there are 4 main partitions already (windows is rubbish on showing them) | 23:51 |
IngCr3at1on | or k1l_ it's just the 3 but there's no unpartitioned space to add the 4th to | 23:51 |
IngCr3at1on | (most likely imho) | 23:51 |
IngCr3at1on | but I agree windows is terribad at showing that | 23:51 |
IngCr3at1on | best to use gparted on a live iso imho | 23:51 |
k1l_ | IngCr3at1on: in that case it would say to shrink windows | 23:52 |
IngCr3at1on | aye that's waht I was saying a moment ago | 23:52 |
IngCr3at1on | which again, gparted could do but as I mentioned ntfs and resizing is a little meh sometimes | 23:52 |
IngCr3at1on | hence my comment about "use at your own risk" | 23:52 |
k1l_ | use windows to shrink the windows. then boot live ubuntu and delete one unused partition, like a recovery one or such | 23:53 |
IngCr3at1on | it's been awhile since I personally used any of those tools lol. for my laptop I nuked windows entirely and my desktop is arch over zfs root | 23:53 |
helloitsme | i already tried the shrink option | 23:53 |
IngCr3at1on | (incidentally I wouldn't recommend the latter, it's handy but it's also a bitch lol) | 23:53 |
helloitsme | creating a free space | 23:54 |
IngCr3at1on | the windows shrink option is worse than gparteds last I used it | 23:54 |
helloitsme | it doesn't work i have the same problem | 23:54 |
k1l_ | let windows shrink windows. | 23:54 |
IngCr3at1on | though I can't speak for the windows 10 version | 23:54 |
IngCr3at1on | but you should be able to actually resize it to your own size via either tool | 23:54 |
helloitsme | it's windows 10 the problem | 23:55 |
k1l_ | helloitsme: either kill one partition or get another disk. | 23:55 |
IngCr3at1on | so it wouldn't be part of the "freeing up space" stuff | 23:55 |
k1l_ | but let windows shrink windows for making more space. but you need to kil one partition anyway since you cant have more than 4 prim partitions. | 23:55 |
helloitsme | kill which one | 23:55 |
IngCr3at1on | only option is the recovery partition | 23:56 |
IngCr3at1on | which means you'd lose the option to restore to factory defaults | 23:56 |
IngCr3at1on | you can't nuke the system reserve or the system partition itself ;) | 23:56 |
k1l_ | helloitsme: i dont know. boot a live uubuntu to see the real partiiton table | 23:56 |
IngCr3at1on | ^ | 23:56 |
JeffPoo | hello room hope im not butting in here but i have a question im running xfce and im seeing screen tearing in youtube videos. i looked it up and found post saying to uncheck "enable display compositing" ive done that but i am still getting screan tearing. any sugestions? thanks | 23:56 |
helloitsme | i'll use gparted to see more details | 23:56 |
IngCr3at1on | man... I really don't want to redo my OS on my laptop.... | 23:57 |
IngCr3at1on | but I'm not sure how else to fix this damn pixelation | 23:57 |
gambl0re | does redhat and ubuntu share the same terminal commands? | 23:58 |
IngCr3at1on | to an extent | 23:58 |
IngCr3at1on | bash is the same at least | 23:58 |
IngCr3at1on | but as for system binaries no | 23:58 |
IngCr3at1on | rpm has quite a few different binaries vs debian gambl0re | 23:58 |
gambl0re | i mean like cp, mv, ls, touch, cat etc... | 23:58 |
IngCr3at1on | though most can be installed | 23:58 |
gambl0re | basic stuff | 23:58 |
IngCr3at1on | aye | 23:59 |
IngCr3at1on | that's all the same yes | 23:59 |
IngCr3at1on | those are standard unix commands iirc | 23:59 |
k1l_ | gambl0re: that are the coreutils | 23:59 |
IngCr3at1on | even work on apple ;) | 23:59 |
IngCr3at1on | well at least most of them | 23:59 |
gambl0re | rm also? | 23:59 |
gambl0re | i use rm alot.. | 23:59 |
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