
=== NoklaM_ is now known as NoklaM
sakrecoer_hi !15:25
sakrecoer_i think i just assigned flocculant as reviewer for bug-118309615:25
sakrecoer_hi NoklaM :)15:26
NoklaMHow's it going sakrecoer_ 15:28
OvenWerksbug #118309615:28
ubottubug 1183096 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "Test Needed: Scribus" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118309615:28
NoklaMSpent half a night figuring out why the microphone wasn't working15:31
OvenWerksHmm there is no link from the bug to the testcase.15:31
NoklaMWasn't studios fault although before I realised what was wrong(loose cable) i reinstalled the system temporarly15:32
krytariksakrecoer_: https://code.launchpad.net/~sakrecoer/ubuntu-manual-tests/bug-1183096/+linkbug15:32
sakrecoer_krytarik: where do i find the link to that page...15:33
krytariksakrecoer_: "Link a bug report" on: https://code.launchpad.net/~sakrecoer/ubuntu-manual-tests/bug-118309615:34
NoklaMsakrecoer_:  if you check your personal launchpad it's there also15:34
NoklaMlinked in i think Code tab15:34
sakrecoer_ah :) of course :) :faceplaming myself:15:34
sakrecoer_i followed this template to bzr prush: bzr push lp:~username/ubuntu-manual-tests/bug-BUGNO15:35
NoklaMyup that should do it15:36
sakrecoer_if i would do that again, but with a different /bug-BUGNO, will it create a new branch? or does bzr... understand the bugnumber?15:36
sakrecoer_since i had to link the bug from the testcase, i assume it will create a new branch if i change the bug-BUGNO?15:37
OvenWerkssakrecoer_: the bugnumber becomes the name of your personal package15:37
OvenWerksor directory in this case15:38
krytariksakrecoer_: Funny commit log, btw. :P15:38
sakrecoer_why? :)15:38
sakrecoer_it is my first ever so i expect it to be funky :D15:39
krytariksakrecoer_: Generally you'd want the commit messages to reflect the actual changes - and having them all the same doesn't particularly help. :P15:39
OvenWerkshttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~sakrecoer/ubuntu-manual-tests/bug-1183096/files/head:/testcases/packages/Studio/ lists four test cases. scribuse is the only one with no number.15:40
OvenWerksIs that assigned later?15:41
NoklaMYup after review OvenWerks 15:41
* OvenWerks thought that might be the case15:41
NoklaMOvenWerks:  mind if i pm you about silly stuff I meant to ask you the other day?15:41
sakrecoer_krytarik: ok, i'll keep it in mind for next one :)15:41
sakrecoer_krytarik: if i make a new manual testcase, should i push it to the same branch althought the LP bug has a different number?15:44
sakrecoer_or does it matter if i have one brnach for each manual testcase?15:45
NoklaMI'd work on one file at a time sakrecoer_  , personal experience with bzr, if you work on more then one it gets messy 15:46
krytariksakrecoer_: Well, since you follow "bzr push lp:~username/ubuntu-manual-tests/bug-BUGNO", it'll be a different one, of course.15:46
sakrecoer_ok... i feel like i missing some part of the required informartion...15:47
krytarikNoklaM: That's not true though.15:47
sakrecoer_NoklaM: that is confusing,... i need to make one file for each testcase... and if i have to wait for reviewm i will never get them done..15:48
krytariksakrecoer_: That's why you push to different branches.15:49
NoklaMLast time i worked on 2 files with bzr it kept pushing commits to the 1st file where's the commit was 2nd file15:49
sakrecoer_krytarik: ok... i think i get it :)15:49
krytarikNoklaM: Because I think you did something wrong there. :P15:50
NoklaMkrytarik: ofc i did something wrong hehe :P15:50
sakrecoer_butso its perfectly fine to have one new branch for each manual testcase, althought they all are going to end up in the same branch?15:51
NoklaMbranch will be same ubuntu-manual-tests, but each one will have a seprate case15:52
krytariksakrecoer_: https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual-tests/+code?field.lifecycle=MERGED&field.lifecycle-empty-marker=1&field.sort_by=by+most+interesting&field.sort_by-empty-marker=115:54
krytarikIllustrates it very well.15:54
sakrecoer_ok :) now i feel my infor is integer again thanks! :)15:55
krytarikNoklaM: For example, this isn't right either: '<NoklaM> it's done by bzr commit -m "Text of what you did goes here" filename'.15:58
NoklaMIsn't it?15:58
NoklaMkrytarik: I'm preaty sure i got it of one of the ubuntu websites16:00
krytarikNoklaM: In fact, that's how you messed it up. :D16:00
sakrecoer_hmm... i also did bzr commit -m "lazytext of what i did"16:02
sakrecoer_krytarik: what should be done instead? 16:04
krytariksakrecoer_: No, that's the right, more usual way.16:04
sakrecoer_krytarik: hmm... i can't see the difference with what NoklaM wrote...16:05
krytarikThe file name specified.16:05
krytarikThat limits the commit to just that one file.16:05
sakrecoer_aah! of course hah :) tahnks for your patience krytarik :)16:05
krytariksakrecoer_: You're welcome, of course. :)16:08
sakrecoer_while writing a testcase for blender, some stuff didn't work...16:16
sakrecoer_krytarik: what should i do then? file a bug?16:16
krytariksakrecoer_: Of course.16:17
OvenWerkssakrecoer_: best to do a bit of checking first. does ubuntu have the latest that debian has?16:17
sakrecoer_blender is crashing when choosing jack as sound engine...16:18
OvenWerkssakrecoer_: that is: should bug report be the bug itself or pulling in the newer blender16:18
OvenWerkssakrecoer_: jack is running?16:18
OvenWerksThat should not be new code...16:19
sakrecoer_OvenWerks: jack is running, touching any of the options in audio makes blender freeze-16:19
OvenWerksThe jack API has not changed for a long time.16:20
sakrecoer_so what do you suggest i do? 16:24
* OvenWerks open blender16:27
* OvenWerks is now lost :P16:27
OvenWerksI don't have a clue how to even find how to set audio in blender16:27
sakrecoer_OvenWerks: file>user preferences> system tab16:30
NoklaMi didn't even know blender had audio settings i always thought it only did 3d modeling and such16:31
sakrecoer_blender is the perfect "blend" between 3d studio max, finalcut, after effects, z-brush, and photoshop16:32
NoklaMDidn't know that wow16:33
NoklaMI used it once tho and got lost in the UI16:33
OvenWerksYa the learning curve is high16:34
sakrecoer_check out this short made with it :) https://youtu.be/41hv2tW5Lc416:34
OvenWerksI don't have enough of a use for it to go there.16:34
NoklaMAre those actors or CGI?16:35
sakrecoer_the difficult part is to learn to 3d terminology, and the 3d "thinking" the UI is very unique and scary at first, but very soon it becomes just aweseom16:35
sakrecoer_the actors are humans..16:35
sakrecoer_its the first openmovie whree they mix 3d with real images... its gotten even better now, that was back in 2012 and lots has happened...16:35
sakrecoer_did i mention how much i love blender ? :D16:36
sakrecoer_OvenWerks: it works! but you have to set blender to use JACK before jack is started :)16:37
sakrecoer_then save user settings, quit blender, start jack, open blender and set AV-sync16:37
sakrecoer_so feature, not bug :D16:38
sakrecoer_i wish all blender build would come with jack, turns blender into a great VSE with ardour for the audio part :)16:38
NoklaMsakrecoer_:  that was one weird short, i have no idea what I've just watched, but it looks like blender capabilities are just wow16:43
sakrecoer_NoklaM: yeah... the scenarios of the openmovies are not always very good... i think they work on it collectively a bit like surrealist used to do: cadaver exquis :)16:51
sakrecoer_wb NoklaM :)16:54
sakrecoer_https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exquisite_corpse this is what the openmovie scenario remind me of... sorry for OT..16:55
krytarikzequence: So, let's have an offtopic channel, too! :P17:05
* sakrecoer_ puts on shamehat and walks over to corner17:06
krytariksakrecoer_: Like I indicated, no need to feel bad here. :)17:12
sakrecoer_krytarik: (^^,) thanks! 17:15
krytarikzequence: Ftm, is there a particular reason why this one has the 's' mode?  ("This channel will not appear on channel lists or WHO or WHOIS output unless you are on it.")17:19
OvenWerkskrytarik: becasue that way we don't get #ubuntustudio types of questions here17:34
OvenWerksor at least as many17:35
krytarikFtm, we don't have so many in #xubuntu-devel and #lubuntu-devel either.17:42
krytarik(And they aren't set to be secret.)17:43
OvenWerksnot my decision, Just a guess on my part as to why.17:44
flocculantsakrecoer_: thanks - seen your MPs - need a little bit of fixing then push again and I'll be happy20:16
flocculantas I say in comments any action is <dt> and the reaction <dd> :)20:17
krytariksakrecoer_: Also, the Scribus file shouldn't be in your Blender branch.21:22
sakrecoer_flocculant: ok :) cool! so... if the scribus file shouldn't be in the blender branch, should i pull a new clone of ubuntu.manual-tests for each testcase?21:36
sakrecoer_krytarik: 21:37
sakrecoer_how do i push the branch while ommitting all the other testcase files?21:38
sakrecoer_hmm... "bzr: ERROR: Permission denied: "~sakrecoer/ubuntu.manual/tests/bug-1183096/": : Cannot create branch at '/~sakrecoer/ubuntu.manual/tests/bug-1183096'21:49
sakrecoer_ah... osrry.. of course...21:49
sakrecoer_flocculant: i pushed the fixes, i hope that will make it... cant seem propose a merge, because the old one is still active..21:52
sakrecoer_(for scirbus) need to sleep, will look into the blender branche tomorrow...21:53
sakrecoer_thaks for your patience guys! read you soon!21:53
krytariksakrecoer_: "should i pull a new clone of ubuntu.manual-tests for each testcase?" - Yes, but in this case, it's better to just remove the Scribus file and commit that.22:20
krytariksakrecoer_: And with your latest push to the Scribus branch, you now mixed it up with Blender, too. :P22:28
krytarikNvm, I see you reverted that.22:29
krytariksakrecoer_: You didn't have to do a new MP either, btw.22:38

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