Nairwolf | hi guys | 15:38 |
Nairwolf | I've seen the mail of flocculant, if I want to test these packages, I need to do it with the daily distribution, right ? | 15:38 |
knome | Nairwolf, hang around and he'll give you more information | 16:33 |
Nairwolf | okay ;) | 16:35 |
Nairwolf | I've started to install the daily iso of xubuntu xeral | 16:35 |
knome | xenial you mean | 16:37 |
Nairwolf | oups | 16:37 |
Nairwolf | yes, of course ;) | 16:37 |
knome | pleia2, what's up with the server request? | 17:16 |
Unit193 | She's second guessing it, remembered how much effort it'll cost. | 17:59 |
pleia2 | knome: no news since the update flocculant shared during the meeting on friday | 18:20 |
knome | okay, can we pokey pokey people? :P | 18:22 |
pleia2 | yes, but jcastro had to email the partners, and wait for a response and it's only been 2 business days | 18:22 |
pleia2 | so I think I poke some time later next week :) | 18:22 |
knome | aha | 18:22 |
knome | then i just didn't read the update :P | 18:22 |
Nairwolf | I wasn't here for the last meeting. Where I can read a summary of the meeting ? | 18:22 |
knome | yep | 18:22 |
knome | !meetings | 18:22 |
ubottu | Team meetings are held in #ubuntu-meeting - See « /msg ubottu logs » for transcripts. | 18:22 |
knome | hmph | 18:22 |
knome | not there | 18:23 |
knome | !meetings-#xubuntu-devel is <reply> Xubuntu community meetings are held in #xubuntu-devel - See for meeting times, agenda and meeting archive | 18:23 |
ubottu | I'll remember that, knome | 18:23 |
knome | Nairwolf, ^ | 18:23 |
Nairwolf | oh, thanks | 18:25 |
knome | np | 18:25 |
Nairwolf | but with #ubuntu-meeting, I've found also logs, so it's also great ;) | 18:25 |
pleia2 | just not our logs | 18:26 |
Nairwolf | indeed | 18:27 |
knome | !meetings-#xubuntu-devel is <reply> Xubuntu community meetings are held in #xubuntu-devel - See for meeting times, agenda and meeting archive - Other team meetings are held in #ubuntu-meeting, see !logs for more | 18:27 |
ubottu | But meetings-#xubuntu-devel already means something else! | 18:27 |
knome | !no, meetings-#xubuntu-devel is <reply> Xubuntu community meetings are held in #xubuntu-devel - See for meeting times, agenda and meeting archive - Other team meetings are held in #ubuntu-meeting, see !logs for more | 18:27 |
ubottu | I'll remember that knome | 18:27 |
knome | there we go | 18:27 |
Unit193 | !meetings-#xubuntu is <alias> meetings-#xubuntu-devel | 18:28 |
Unit193 | ! meetings-#xubuntu-offtopic is <alias> meetings-#xubuntu-devel | 18:28 |
ubottu | I'll remember that, Unit193 | 18:28 |
ubottu | I'll remember that, Unit193 | 18:28 |
Nairwolf | I will probably give a help for the walppaper contest | 18:30 |
Nairwolf | It was for you knome | 18:30 |
knome | yes, noticed - thanks | 18:31 |
knome | let's see what kind of help we need - depends much on the features of the submission webapp bluesabre is putting up | 18:31 |
pleia2 | ooh, usb sticks | 18:31 |
Nairwolf | ok, I will wait your announce | 18:31 |
pleia2 | | 18:32 |
knome | pleia2, want to talk about issues related to gabor | 18:32 |
knome | ...'s last mail | 18:32 |
Nairwolf | pleia2 : Oh, that's so sexy ! I have one of this usb key, but it's so fragile... | 18:34 |
Nairwolf | I've put my usb key with my key ring, it was always with me. But, one day, I've discovered that the frame of my usb was broken. Now, I can't slot my usb on my computer... | 18:35 |
knome | usb keys are so last season | 18:35 |
Nairwolf | are you saying that cloud is more modern ? | 18:36 |
knome | i'm using sd cards myself | 18:36 |
Nairwolf | can you boot from sd card ? | 18:37 |
knome | at least with my laptop | 18:37 |
Nairwolf | I've never tried with my laptop | 18:38 |
Nairwolf | pleia2 : do you where is going the money of this usb stick ? | 18:39 |
pleia2 | knome: k, I have things to do today (husband is going on work trip, need to prepare) | 18:47 |
pleia2 | Nairwolf: just like the other xubuntu products, a percentage is set aside for us to redeem as goods for our community members and such | 18:48 |
* pleia2 back to pack things | 18:48 | |
Nairwolf | okay | 18:49 |
Nairwolf | I should probably buy one of this usb stick | 18:49 |
knome | pleia2, it can wait too | 18:53 |
Unit193 | What are all the plans for this, btw? | 18:54 |
knome | "this"? | 18:55 |
Unit193 | This = Xubuntu server. | 18:59 |
knome | docs. tracker. wiki. | 18:59 |
dennis_ | Good afternoon all! How do I put in a feature request ... or sorts? | 19:25 |
dennis_ | :) | 19:25 |
knome | dennis_, depends what the feature request is | 19:27 |
dennis_ | knome, I really enjoy the distro, but I would Like to see the desktop modernized with an updated default theme, wallpaper, and icon pack. | 19:31 |
knome | dennis_, aha... and what would the modernized theme look like? | 19:32 |
Unit193 | Hot Dog Stand. | 19:32 |
dennis_ | knome, I was thinking something along these lines : | 19:35 |
dennis_ | knome, a slightly updated layout as well | 19:35 |
knome | how is that more modern than what is in 15.10 (for example) currently? | 19:35 |
knome | i can see the panel layout is clearly different, and there is a different icon theme, but i can't see much difference on the theme or wallpaper | 19:36 |
knome | (and the logo colors used in that way... nope) | 19:37 |
dennis_ | logo was just an example, but I think the Icon theme and panel layout cleans it up a bit | 19:42 |
dennis_ | especially the panel | 19:42 |
dennis_ | I tried to keep the themeing similar to what existed so it was not a drastic change. | 19:43 |
knome | you can send a mail to the xubuntu-devel mailing list with your proposed changes so it can be discussed | 19:44 |
knome | i don't think the change will be made for 16.04 though (since we want to avoid unexpected regressions), but at least it's there then | 19:44 |
knome | for what it's worth, i don't completely agree on all changes there (and there isn't even too many of them) | 19:44 |
dennis_ | cool. That's fine. Just thought I would bring it up. I think the distro (as well as XFCE) gets a bad wrap for looking old. | 19:45 |
knome | i don't think the distro looks old. | 19:45 |
knome | while your proposal has some things that would probably appeal the wider audience, there's also much more potential that it starts looking much much older much much faster | 19:46 |
Unit193 | I thought boxy stuff was from the days of CDE or whatnot... | 19:48 |
Unit193 | dennis_: Well, to be fair yeah Xfce by default does look pretty bad, but IMO Xubuntu (and Manjaro, ftm) do a good job. | 19:49 |
knome | faenza-style icons or not is a matter of taste | 19:49 |
dennis_ | I would not be offended if it was rejected. I would always keep my personal theming the same. However, I just figured I would bring up. I just had a number of people slam XFCE (and Xubuntu) then show them what can be done to it (not just this theme, but a few others) and they tend to change their mind a bit. | 19:49 |
knome | dennis_, yes, we do realize people want different things; but xfce (and thus xubuntu) *is* customizable | 19:49 |
knome | we've even gone further and created more tools to customize more things than was previously possible | 19:50 |
dennis_ | knome, of course theming/icons is all a matter of taste. | 19:50 |
knome | deciding on default is a completely different thing than deciding on your own preferences | 19:50 |
knome | i would disagree that all design issues are subjective | 19:50 |
knome | it may sound harsh, but sometimes it's just best to decide for the user | 19:51 |
knome | design is not only guided by looks, it's guided by usability, accessibility, and more | 19:51 |
dennis_ | I will bring the proposal to the xubuntu-devel mailing list if it sticks great...if not... thats fine too | 19:53 |
dennis_ | Thanks for your help | 19:53 |
knome | np | 19:54 |
flocculant | Nairwolf: evening - if you can run tests with a xenial that's better | 20:16 |
flocculant | if not then wily with the dev ppas - depends on if you're using a vm or not | 20:25 |
flocculant | nvm - I see Nairwolf> I've started to install the daily iso now lol | 20:26 |
Nairwolf | hi flocculant, yes, that's what I've done : I'm using the daily iso | 21:17 |
knome | many fixes and updates pushed to the website branch, if there are anything else that bothers you with the website, ping me | 22:54 |
knome | bbl | 22:59 |
Nairwolf | ok knome ;) | 23:24 |
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