
* m3n3chm0 nasZ01:47
kapprican any one tell me how to enable hibernate in xubuntu 15.0406:15
kapprii tried this : http://askubuntu.com/questions/614662/how-to-enable-hibernation-in-15-0406:16
kappribut i am getting this error:06:16
kappriFailed to run action  "Hibernate"06:17
kappriDid not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.06:18
Casper-heyy, do u know how to make a shortcut for a program, in the menu, or desktop?09:35
Casper-it works if i type:  sudo ./foo09:35
Casper-but doesnt work, if double click on the file, or create a launcher.09:35
slidinghornCasper-, which particular program are you trying to add?  Also, which version of xubuntu are you using?09:41
Casper-14.04  , i'm just confused by when ur supposed to make a Bash script09:42
Casper-for example in the Terminal:  traceroute example.com09:42
Casper-how do u make a launcher for that ^^^ on the desktop or Menu?09:42
Casper-also, for my VPN, i want to make a launcher for it09:43
slidinghornCasper, This should be helpful: http://askubuntu.com/questions/475081/how-to-create-a-launcher-to-execute-a-terminal-command  -----   Also, for info on editing the menu, see: https://wiki.xfce.org/howto/customize-menu09:48
Casper-slidinghorn: thx! reading it now09:50
nkparadoxI have a problem on xubuntu 14.04 lts. When im trying to shutdown it shutdown system but it doesnt power off the machine. So i get to a state where there is still power (funs are running) but the screen is completely  off. Any helps?10:03
slidinghornnkparadox, are you shutting down from command line or by logging off using the GUI?10:08
nkparadoxslickymaster, GUI10:09
slidinghornnkparadox, have you come across this yet in your search? http://askubuntu.com/questions/125844/shutdown-does-not-power-off-computer10:11
slidinghornnkparadox, although, instead of steps 1 & 2, I'd simply advise sudo vi   or   sudo nano  (whichever you're more comfortable with)10:12
nkparadoxslidinghorn, yeah but i got ecrypted disk would i have any problem with acpi=force?10:12
Casper-slidinghorn: cool, is that better than making a Bash script:10:14
Casper-xterm -hold -e  traceroute example.com10:14
Casper-^^^ that works, but is that the "sloppy" or "elegant" way to do it??10:14
nkparadoxslidinghorn, done that restarting to see if it works10:16
slidinghornCasper-, honestly, I'd say it's a matter of your own preference.10:17
Casper-slidinghorn: which do u do?10:18
slidinghornCasper-, I typically don't keep anything on my desktop.  I've set up a panel with launchers10:19
nkparadoxi installed ati propriety drives through additional drivers . Do i have to use aticonfig -initial before restart?10:43
crittennHi All,  I've just done a clean install of Xubuntu 15.10, but having a problem gettibg to the desktop.    When it boots I get the login screen, enter user and pass, then I just get the blue background and the mouse cursor.  No menu bar, and right clicking the desktop does nothing.11:21
crittennI found http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2159679 which is for old version, and tells you to delete the sessions from ~/cache  tried doing that, but nothing in there to delete.11:22
crittennAny ideas?11:22
knomenote that it is ~/.cache with a dot11:23
crittennYeah, typo sorry I did check in there11:23
crittennust logrotate, motd.legal-displayed, upstart11:23
crittennAlso - I don't know if it's related - I tried to install SSH server (via console1), and got message "E: dpkg was interrupted"   I'll try fixing that first.11:25
crittennOK that's fixed.  i also did an apt-get update & upgrade and rebooted.  Same problem - blank desktop afetr11:33
crittenn*after login.11:33
xubuntu21iopened this channel while installing xubuntu and now it crashed with Bootloader install failed11:37
xubuntu21imight not be related, but oh well :)11:37
crittennxubuntu2li for that I would zero outthe first few megs of your drive then try again.11:43
beluga_can anyone reproduce this bug that was discovered using Xubuntu? https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9627213:25
ubottubugs.documentfoundation.org bug 96272 in graphics stack "ODG icon isn't displayed" [Minor,Unconfirmed]13:26
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martonhello, I tried upgrading the linux kernel from 4.2 to 4.3, but I get a kernel panic saying "no working init found"15:58
martoni've tried googling around a bit but haven't found much useful15:59
martoni can still boot fine with the 4.2 using the 'advanced options' in grub16:00
Nairwolfsorry marton, I can't help you...16:17
DexterFxub 15.04, fresh install, left the laptop alone for a moment, screen went dark, had to alt-ctrl-f1 to a tty and reboot from there. radeon hs 3650, free radeon driver19:08
DexterFcould light-locker have to do with that?19:08
Nairwolfthat's hard to say like that...19:09
DexterFwell, can i uninstall it and replace with something else?19:10
Nairwolfuninstall what ? light-locker ?19:10
Nairwolfsorry, I shouldn't start to answer because I'm not sure I can help you19:11
NairwolfI don't know what's happen if you uninstall it19:11
NairwolfBut, I doubt it the cause of you problem19:11
sjoshiHello, any command like utility to listen online free radio, I am using xubuntu15.1019:16
sjoshilike = line19:17
BalTunwhat buffer manager is better to use to have more than one buffer item ?20:08
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bazhangBalTun, dont crosspost please20:09
Unit193Ah, otherwise was going to say xfce4-clipman(-plugin)20:11
dnaHi! Has anything changed in the update policy in 15.10? I think I see much less updates now then there were with previous releases (even with proposed enabled)...20:28
dnaMaybe they are trying to keep releasing updates more on a scheduled date now like windows does?20:30
pleia2updates just tend to be less frequent in the end of Nov-December (holidays in the US, fewer people working)20:36
pleia2no policy change20:36
crittennHi All,  I've just done a clean install of Xubuntu 15.10, but having a problem gettibg to the desktop.    When it boots I get the login screen, enter user and pass, then I just get the blue background and the mouse cursor.  No menu bar, and right clicking the desktop does nothing.20:44
finetundra2234Anyone have any ideas?Hey folks, I'm getting an error when trying to play a  track through gmusicbrowser, "Playing error: Configured  audiosink sink0 is not working. at20:44
finetundra2234/usr/bin/..share/gmusicbrowser/gmusicbrowser_gstreamer-0.10.pm line 13720:44
crittennTried installing NVidea drivers via CLI, no difference (except it's messed up the Screen resolution on console screen from 1920x1080 down to VGA.20:45
dnapleia2, ah, ok :)21:12
* m3n3chm0 nasZZ21:27
knomem3n3chm0, please don't.21:38
knomem3n3chm0, you've been told before21:38
helloitsmehello everyone23:34
helloitsmei don't have the "dual boot" option when i want to install xubuntu23:35
helloitsmesince i installed windows 1023:35
helloitsmewhat's the problem?23:35
bekksbecause you need to install ubuntu in parallel, as well.23:35
helloitsmei don't have the option23:36
helloitsmei don't have the first option since i'm on win1023:38
helloitsmeand why something else i have partition problems win10 refusing to create new primary partitions23:40
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