gnuoy | jamespage, coreycb, fyi | 09:23 |
jamespage | gnuoy, urgh | 09:53 |
gnuoy | jamespage, does that address your concerns? | 09:56 |
jamespage | gnuoy, yes | 09:58 |
jamespage | gnuoy, newer odl versions appear to have a way to determine whether they are up or not | 10:50 |
jamespage | | 10:51 |
gnuoy | \o/ | 10:51 |
gnuoy | Christmas has come early | 10:51 |
gnuoy | jamespage, why wouldn't I put every possible key the service I'm joining with could throw back at me in auto_accessors ? | 12:44 |
gnuoy | "you would" being the reply I'm hoping for | 12:44 |
jamespage | probably | 12:47 |
jamespage | gnuoy, I'd put auto_accessors in for any key that will be eventually consistent across all remote units | 12:47 |
gnuoy | jamespage, so we should remove 'private-address' then I guess | 12:48 |
jamespage | gnuoy, yeah I guess so | 12:51 |
jamespage | gnuoy, and pick on from the list of hosts for 'host' in the adapter | 12:51 |
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gnuoy | jamespage, got a sec for ? | 15:24 |
jamespage | gnuoy, I'll peek in a bit | 15:29 |
lazypower | aisrael marcoceppi tvansteenburgh - i appear to have whiffed on making my module extension. Can I bother one of you for help debugging this? | 16:39 |
aisrael | lazypower: the magic is in charms/ | 16:40 |
lazypower | aisrael | 16:40 |
aisrael | and then your code in charms/docker/* will be properly namespaced | 16:40 |
aisrael | That's a bit odd, then. cory_fu might be better suited to help with this. He came up with the original pattern (I think) | 16:42 |
lazypower | aisrael: i'm not entirely convinced, that I have some hinky package setup in this module | 16:42 |
lazypower | fair, ta | 16:42 |
marcoceppi | lazypower: link to your | 16:42 |
lazypower | marcoceppi | 16:43 |
marcoceppi | lazypower: you're missing a packages declaration | 16:43 |
lazypower | Ah! | 16:44 |
lazypower | thanks :) | 16:44 |
lazypower | marcoceppi: I need to declare both 'charms' and 'charms.docker' corect? | 16:50 |
marcoceppi | lazypower: im not sure. it seems wrong, tbh | 16:50 |
lazypower | Declaring both packages in the setup.yaml? | 16:51 |
lazypower | er .py | 16:51 |
marcoceppi | lazypower: yes, seems wrong to me | 16:51 |
marcoceppi | does it work with just charms.docker as the package? | 16:52 |
lazypower | yep | 16:52 |
lazypower | i just veriified in a venv | 16:52 |
marcoceppi | you found your answer :) | 16:52 |
mbruzek | lazypower: and marcoceppi is this package declaration a pip thing, or a pypi thing? | 16:57 |
lazypower | Pip thing | 16:57 |
marcoceppi | It's a python thing. | 16:57 |
lazypower | ^ that | 16:57 |
mattyw | so In my charm's amulet test I do self.d.add("mycharm") | 17:17 |
mattyw | shouldn't that work out what charm it's in and use that? | 17:17 |
mattyw | because I'm getting charmworldlib.charm.CharmNotFound: API request failed: Request failed with: 404 | 17:18 |
mattyw | also - if it's using layers, do I have to build the charm first? | 17:18 |
marcoceppi | mattyw: yes you have to build the charm first, for now (?) we've not thought that far | 17:19 |
marcoceppi | mattyw: we'd need a full traceback and the version of amulet you're using | 17:19 |
mattyw | marcoceppi, ok, but there'll be spoilers | 17:20 |
marcoceppi | mattyw: spoilers? | 17:20 |
mattyw | marcoceppi, | 17:21 |
mattyw | marcoceppi, you'll know what charm I'm working on ;) | 17:21 |
marcoceppi | WELL NOW THIS LOOKS FAMILAR :) | 17:21 |
mattyw | lol | 17:22 |
mattyw | marcoceppi, 1.12.1 | 17:22 |
marcoceppi | mattyw: don't use the charm= commmand | 17:22 |
marcoceppi | mattyw: just d.add('minecraft') | 17:22 |
marcoceppi | charm= overrides the autodetection behaviour, since you've explicitly given it a charm to use | 17:22 |
mattyw | marcoceppi, nope, I get the same thing | 17:23 |
marcoceppi | mattyw: bleh | 17:23 |
mattyw | sorry :( | 17:23 |
marcoceppi | mattyw: Ah | 17:24 |
marcoceppi | have you tried tests/01-listening | 17:24 |
marcoceppi | instead of doing it from within the tests directory | 17:24 |
mattyw | that works | 17:24 |
mattyw | but unit: minecraft/0: machine: 1 agent-state: error details: hook failed: "leader-settings-changed" | 17:24 |
mattyw | is that the charm-tools bug? | 17:25 |
mattyw | actually | 17:25 |
mattyw | ignore me | 17:25 |
mattyw | actually yeah, that does seems like the problem I see now | 17:25 |
lazypower | cory_fu: ping for when you have a moment | 17:26 |
marcoceppi | mattyw: yeah, so amulet assumes the tests is executed from CHARM_DIR, since that's a requirement of all test runners | 17:28 |
marcoceppi | mattyw: what's the error for that say? | 17:28 |
mattyw | marcoceppi, nah - might be me actually | 17:30 |
bloodearnest | marcoceppi, hey there. My code in reactive/ cannot import code from reactive/, due I think it not being a normal import, rather using manual load_source | 17:38 |
bloodearnest | marcoceppi, if I have some library code for my charm's reactive hooks, where should that live in the charm? | 17:39 |
bloodearnest | fwiw, the code foo can import bar perfectly fine when running unit tests | 17:39 |
marcoceppi | bloodearnest: what are you trying to import? | 17:44 |
bloodearnest | marcoceppi, my own code, just in a different file in the charm | 17:45 |
cory_fu | lazypower: Ok, just finished. What's up? Hangout? | 17:45 |
bloodearnest | I can stick it all in the same file, but it would be nicer separate | 17:45 |
lazypower | cory_fu: sure, point the direction | 17:45 |
cory_fu | lazypower: | 17:46 |
marcoceppi | bloodearnest: well, we've adopted a convention of putting code you want shared between layers in lib/<module>.py | 17:46 |
marcoceppi | eg, the nginx layer produces a lib/, django has a lib/charms/, etc | 17:46 |
marcoceppi | lib is in the import path for charms, so it works around the entry_point issue | 17:47 |
bloodearnest | marcoceppi, right, sounds like that's what I want. My code is not really for sharing between layers, more for organisation with a layers (and testing usage) | 17:48 |
mbruzek | cory_fu: Getting an error with the wheelhouse, | 18:00 |
cory_fu | mbruzek: File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-k8s-0/charm/reactive/", line 44 | 18:00 |
cory_fu | def leader-settings-changed(): | 18:00 |
cory_fu | Can't use dashes in function names | 18:00 |
mbruzek | I fixed that in the code, and re-installed | 18:01 |
cory_fu | mbruzek: Also, the error at the bottom indicates that your wheelhouse still contains actual wheels. Are you on the newest charm-tools? | 18:01 |
mbruzek | cory_fu: possibly not | 18:02 |
cory_fu | marcoceppi: When will the point release of charm-tools be available? | 18:02 |
lazypower | mbruzek: which version of charm-tools are you using? | 18:02 |
mbruzek | charm-tools 1.10.0 | 18:07 |
cory_fu | mbruzek: You might need to rebuild your charm from the layer from scratch, or manually remove wheelhouse/*.whl | 18:11 |
marcoceppi | cory_fu: whenever you want me to cut it | 18:12 |
marcoceppi | I was going to wait until 3pm EST but can move to get it out before 2PM | 18:12 |
cory_fu | I think we should probably get it out, since charms being built now are broken because of the newline. | 18:13 |
marcoceppi | cory_fu: ack, will cut asap | 18:28 |
cory_fu | marcoceppi: You're the best. :) | 18:29 |
mattyw | marcoceppi, has there been a new release of charmhelpers over the past couple of days? install_remote keeps failing for me with TypeError: must be str, not bytes | 18:41 |
mattyw | wasn't doing that last week | 18:41 |
jrwren | mattyw: sounds like its python3 now when it was python2 before? | 18:44 |
mattyw | jrwren, could be - but the charm was working on friday | 18:45 |
mattyw | jrwren, and today it isn't | 18:45 |
jrwren | mattyw: oh, same charm. nevermind. | 18:45 |
=== scuttle` is now known as scuttle|afk | ||
lazypower | mattyw: charm-tools revved to 1.10.0 on Friday evening | 19:12 |
lazypower | mattyw: and the base layer was updated in sync w/ that charm tools rel, the hooks are now python3 by default | 19:12 |
mattyw | lazypower, makes sense | 19:16 |
mattyw | lazypower, might be a problem with install_remote then | 19:16 |
mattyw | lazypower, I'm cheating for now | 19:16 |
mbruzek | jcastro: Is the tag named "adoption" no other hyphens or prefix ? | 19:26 |
mbruzek | jcastro: | 19:27 |
mup | Bug #1495978: Juju does not deploy CentOS images in LXC <adoption> <centos> <containers> <juju> <lxc> <system> <juju-core:Triaged> <> | 19:27 |
jcastro | mbruzek: yeah | 19:42 |
mbruzek | jcastro: thanks | 19:42 |
jcastro | arosales: I need some graph help if you have a minute | 19:42 |
arosales | jcastro: yo, for sure | 19:44 |
jcastro | | 19:44 |
jcastro | arosales: ^^^ | 19:44 |
mbruzek | lazypower: cory_fu found an empty sections on the proposed docs. Should "Layer Encapsulation" have a paragraph describing that? | 20:11 |
lazypower | ah yeah, i didnt know what to put there | 20:11 |
lazypower | i forgot to remove the section title/link | 20:11 |
cory_fu | mbruzek: Which branch should I be using? developer-guide or mbruzek-developer-guide? | 20:13 |
mbruzek | developer-guide | 20:13 |
lazypower | Actually | 20:15 |
lazypower | i dont see encapsulation in the navigation.tpl | 20:15 |
lazypower | :-/ | 20:15 |
cory_fu | mbruzek: | 20:16 |
cory_fu | Hopefully that's on the righ tbranch now | 20:16 |
krondor | what's the story with charmhelpers.fetch.giturl? Was working earlier in the week, and now fails GitPython does not support Python 3. | 20:19 |
krondor | ahh nevermind I see mattyw seeing similar issues with python 2 to 3 switch. Any chance we'll see fetch git working again or should I work around? | 20:21 |
cory_fu | krondor: It looks like that assertion is no longer true and GitPython should work fine on Python 3 | 20:27 |
cory_fu | In fact, according to it's been supported for 2 years | 20:29 |
cory_fu | Sorry, 1 year | 20:29 |
krondor | cory_fu: That's the error that fetch threw, but I see now there is an new charm tools as of this afternoon for me. I'll update again and see if anything has changed. | 20:30 |
marcoceppi | cory_fu gnuoy cmars axw_: charm-tools 1.10.1 is out | 20:31 |
cmars | marcoceppi, thanks! | 20:31 |
marcoceppi | Thanks for the report! | 20:31 |
cory_fu | krondor: It won't have: | 20:31 |
cory_fu | marcoceppi: Thanks! | 20:31 |
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cory_fu | krondor (and also marcoceppi): | 20:51 |
krondor | cory_fu: Thank you, I'll test | 20:53 |
krondor | cory_fu: I think it's going to be more involved than that. giturl tries to apt install python-git which depends on 2.7. from git import Repo fails with No Module Named 'git' | 21:18 |
cory_fu | Ah. Shoot | 21:22 |
cory_fu | And there isn't a python3-git packages | 21:22 |
cory_fu | *package | 21:22 |
krondor | cory_fu, right kind of a bind | 21:23 |
bcsaller | iirc our deps on git stuff are very thin and could be handled with subprocess, we don't really inspect the data very much | 21:48 |
cory_fu | True. I was just hoping it would be a trivial change. But I guess not | 21:53 |
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krondor | bscaller: yeah I'm going back to subprocess at least for the interim | 21:56 |
marcoceppi | +1 on subprocess, the sooner we can drop bzrlib the closer we get to Python3 support | 21:57 |
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jrwren | charmers: kindly requeue please. | 22:35 |
jcastro | krondor: I ran into a snag in magento so you might end up beating me on this | 22:47 |
TheJeff | good day charmers! | 22:52 |
TheJeff | run into an issue deploying things, hopeing you can clarify | 22:52 |
TheJeff | ack in just a few minutes because fire. | 22:54 |
TheJeff | alright I'm back -- so I'm following this here guide: | 23:00 |
TheJeff | | 23:00 |
TheJeff | I'm at the point where I source novarc | 23:00 |
TheJeff | # nova endpoints <-- execute this, got Invalid Openstack Nova credentials | 23:01 |
TheJeff | now, I'm sure I need to change the novarc file - it's mostly autopoulated | 23:01 |
TheJeff | from that script | 23:01 |
TheJeff | assume its the OS_password variable | 23:01 |
mgz | TheJeff: if you add --debug you can see the actualy request json you send to keystone | 23:02 |
TheJeff | where would one obtain said password? Is it the one I set in the keystone portion of the openstack-config? Otherwise its all default afaik, and it's still not working | 23:02 |
mgz | password is what is set up for that user in keystone | 23:02 |
TheJeff | seems that throws the same error though | 23:03 |
TheJeff | assuming its what i set as admin-password: in my yaml when I spun it up | 23:04 |
mgz | nope | 23:04 |
mgz | hm, I can't remember all the details here, | 23:05 |
TheJeff | and nova endpoints --debug throws an error that --debug isnt a valid flag | 23:05 |
TheJeff | can I reset this somehow? | 23:06 |
TheJeff | I'm less concerned with where it went sideways than setting it right side up | 23:06 |
mgz | it's `nova --debug endpoints` | 23:07 |
TheJeff | Could not find user, admin.", "code": 401, "title": "Unauthorized" | 23:07 |
TheJeff | is this perhaps my maas user? | 23:08 |
mgz | TheJeff: see | 23:08 |
mup | Bug #1435906: provide stable mechanism to retrieve admin credentials <keystone (Juju Charms Collection):Triaged> <> | 23:09 |
mgz | look in that file for the real password, /var/lib/keystone/keystone.passwd | 23:09 |
mgz | and yeah, looks like you have the user name wrong too? | 23:09 |
mgz | that's `admin-user` in the charm config | 23:09 |
TheJeff | mgz: admin-user huh | 23:11 |
TheJeff | that's not anywhere in this yaml | 23:11 |
TheJeff | nor this doc :( | 23:12 |
TheJeff | and this workaround you linked states 'use juju-set' -- but that's not a command I've got | 23:12 |
mgz | the default should be 'admin''' | 23:13 |
mgz | TheJeff: it's `juju set` | 23:13 |
mgz | see the help for that, takes a service and config key/value pair | 23:13 |
TheJeff | aha | 23:14 |
TheJeff | so is it OS_PASSWORD I'm setting? | 23:15 |
TheJeff | as is in the nova.rc | 23:15 |
TheJeff | is that the key? can I list keys? | 23:15 |
TheJeff | juju list|grep user && juju set {} <password> | 23:16 |
TheJeff | ^some way of this??? | 23:16 |
marcoceppi | TheJeff: hey | 23:26 |
* marcoceppi reads scroll | 23:27 | |
marcoceppi | TheJeff: did you run the script here? | 23:30 |
TheJeff | marcoceppi: yep | 23:43 |
TheJeff | that populated nova.rc fine | 23:43 |
marcoceppi | TheJeff: does the .novarc file look right? | 23:43 |
marcoceppi | cool | 23:43 |
TheJeff | but it says invalid creds | 23:44 |
TheJeff | actually just sat back down nothing has changed since my last message above^ | 23:44 |
marcoceppi | still trying to read through the backlog | 23:44 |
adam_g | TheJeff, the keystone charm generates admin password for you, unless one is configured. try: juju set keystone admin-password=foo | 23:44 |
adam_g | let it run its config-changed hook and that should now be the admin password | 23:44 |
TheJeff | ooo | 23:44 |
TheJeff | ok | 23:44 |
adam_g | update OS_PASSWORD in your envirnment accordingly | 23:44 |
TheJeff | ok ok wait so i actually just ran that shell script again | 23:46 |
TheJeff | and it punched back keystone admin token | 23:46 |
TheJeff | is that it? | 23:46 |
TheJeff | yeah ok so thats a neat thing | 23:49 |
TheJeff | I ran juju set admin-user=admin | 23:49 |
TheJeff | warning: already set | 23:49 |
TheJeff | ran juju set admin-password=<password> | 23:49 |
TheJeff | warning already set (and matches | 23:49 |
TheJeff | source nova.rc | 23:49 |
TheJeff | nova endpoints | 23:49 |
TheJeff | invalid nova credentials :( | 23:49 |
TheJeff | oh. there's all kinds of bad looking stuff in my juju status | 23:51 |
TheJeff | keystone: message: 'Missing relations: database' | 23:51 |
TheJeff | rabbit saying message: 'hook failed: "shared-db-relation-changed" for mysql:shared-db' | 23:51 |
TheJeff | swift saying | 23:51 |
TheJeff | message: Not enough related storage nodes | 23:51 |
TheJeff | ugh | 23:52 |
TheJeff | related? | 23:52 |
TheJeff | yeah keystone saying message: 'hook failed: "shared-db-relation-changed" for mysql:shared-db' | 23:54 |
TheJeff | alright, I'm starting over. | 23:57 |
TheJeff | is there a doc that's up to date? The one I'm following (canonical) mentions deploying quantum-gateway, which juju states is end of life, and deploying openstack-dashboard for example complains there's no config | 23:59 |
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