
NoCodeHi, I just installed the latest realtime Linux-Image, while rebooting, I get a blank screen. Should I be using another dependency with another linux-image? Not sure what's going on. I just had a working image before I reformated.03:06
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_shaun_hi guys i have a massive image that ubuntu insists on printing to one page, how do i print this image to multiple pages?08:51
valoriesince it's an ubuntu problem, perhaps ask in #ubuntu ?08:54
_shaun_ok cool valorie i have posted there08:55
lordievaderGood morning.09:04
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Guest76868Sysinfo for 'kubuntu': Running inside KDE Plasma 5.4.2 on Ubuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) powered by Linux 4.2.0-16-generic, CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) II P320 Dual-Core Processor at 800-2100/2100 MHz, RAM: 2674/2751 MB, Storage: 2/2 GB, 166 procs, 0.39h up09:43
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AsachHello, I am on 15.10 and could you please tell me how do i see a file saved on desktop?09:44
valoriehmm, I think you right-click on the desktop and make it folder view09:46
valoriedesktop settings, yes09:47
valoriesorry, leaving....09:47
Asachbut it appears in a widget view. can we make it look like Windows Desktop icons? sorry, fairly new here09:52
lordievaderAsach: What valorie says achieves just that.09:53
Asachlordievader: thanks but I did just that... But there appears a widget like background behind the icons... I do not want it like that09:56
lordievaderHere it just displays the icons. You are sure you are not using the folder view widget?09:59
AsachIf I right click on the desktop, I see these options - run command, activities, unlock widgets, lock screen, leave, desktop settings10:03
lordievaderYeah, that sound like you added the folder view widget rather than setting the desktop mode to folder view.10:04
AsachI dont see an option to make it folder view :(10:06
lordievaderRight click on the desktop -> desktop settings -> Layout -> folderview -> apply.10:07
Asachha ha, I got my mistake, I had locked the widgets so couldn't enable folder view... Much thanks <Lordievader>10:09
BluesKajHey folks12:03
hazamonzoHi BluesKaj12:13
BluesKajHi hazamonzo12:16
JediMasterhi, I've got kubuntu 15.10 running fine on my laptop here (dell xps with intel + nvidia gpus), but I'm having problems with the login screen freezing after a few seconds on my desktop (nvidia gtx 970)12:24
JediMasterI've got the nvidia drivers installed, but when it switches to X, it shows the login screen, and for a few seconds the framerate is really slow (2-3 fps) then it freeze completely12:25
JediMasterthe mouse cursor vanishes, and I can't ctrl-alt-f1 etc to get to the console, but in the first few seconds I can still switch out to the console, after that I have to hit the reset button12:26
JediMasterif it makes any difference, this is with dual 4k UHD monitors on display port12:27
JediMasterthe odd thing is that occasically I've been able to log in, and as soon as it's logged in the weird framerate goes away and everything is fine, but now it's freezing so fast I can't log in12:27
JediMasterthe clock on the login screen is now 12 minutes behind when I tried to log in12:28
BluesKajJediMaster, install nvidia-prime12:28
JediMasterBluesKaj: this is on the desktop with a single GPU12:29
JediMasterIIRC prime is the bumblebee equivilant right?12:29
BluesKajsort of , JediMaster you just decscribed an Optimus dual gpu setup "dell xps with intel + nvidia gpus"12:31
JediMasteractually I said that I've got it working fine in that setup, it's the nvidia only desktop that's causing the issue12:32
JediMasternormally I'd expect laptop issues with *ubuntu rather than desktop =)12:32
JediMasterjust installing ssh server so I can see what's going on when it freezes12:33
BluesKajI guess too much info confused me, perhaps more direct info about desktop was in order12:36
BluesKajanyway recommend driver in system settings driver manager , if that's possible12:37
JediMasterBluesKaj: sorry got disconnected12:38
BluesKajI guess too much info confused me, perhaps more direct info about desktop was in order12:38
JediMasterinteresting, after swtiching from the console to X, 10 seconds later it froze completely (about 2fps before then), but so did SSH, I can no longer ping the iP of the machien12:38
BluesKajanyway recommend driver in system settings driver manager , if that's possible12:38
JediMasterfairly sure I used the propriatory driver from the driver manager12:39
JediMasterok, resetting again12:39
JediMasterif I switch into the console as soon as it goes into X, the machine doesn't crash12:40
JediMasterit's when I leave it on X for more than about 10 seconds the whole machine freezes up, no network response etc12:40
JediMastercan't even press the caps-lock button on the keyboard12:40
BluesKajwhich nvidia driver?12:40
JediMasterprime is also installed it seems12:41
JediMastermaybe I'll try 352 instead12:42
BluesKajJediMaster, don't use the updates, just the plain 35212:43
JediMasteryeah, doing it now12:44
JediMasterok, I've --purge removed 352-updates and instsalled 352, rebooted, and same thing =/12:46
JediMastercan't ping the machien12:46
JediMastershall I try 340 maybe?12:47
BluesKajJediMaster, check the nvidia site to see what they reommend as a linuc driver then choose that on efrom the repos if available, thnk the 356 is more like it12:47
JediMasterright, use their packages directly12:48
BluesKajnot the nvidia sitesd driver , I mean the ubuntu version from the deb repos12:48
JediMasteroh right, I couldn't see 356 from the official repos12:51
BluesKajwell if the 356 doesn't work the  drop to the 340, both from the repos12:51
JediMasterdo you mean 352?12:52
JediMasternvidia's site gives you 352 for linux12:52
BluesKajoops 34612:53
JediMasterno worries, going to try blacklisting the noveau drivers in modrpobe first12:55
BluesKajdon't think that's necessary, but that's your call12:56
JediMasteryeah, didn't help12:57
BluesKajthe 340 works fine on my entry level GT218, so it should work on your fancier gpu12:57
JediMasterwhat's the window manager for the login on kubuntu?12:59
JediMasteris it sddm?12:59
BluesKajif you're on 15.04 or later13:01
JediMastermeh, wireless =/ ok, now I'm connected via ethernet... I'm trying nvidia-34013:17
JediMasterwell that is interesting13:18
JediMasterwith nvidia-340 the console is now full screen, where as it was about 1/4 of the screen in the middle before (uhd monitors)13:18
JediMasterhowever, X doesn't want to start, it's just black13:18
akhtarHelo master how to install themes for kubuntu13:19
JediMasterBluesKaj: comes up in low graphics mode, I see on the console: modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'nvidia_340': No such device13:20
BluesKajakhtar, systemsettings>workspace theme13:20
JediMasterlots of Plasma crash dialogs, with a black screen behind13:21
BluesKajJediMaster, nvidia-34013:21
akhtarok thanks Blueskaj13:22
BluesKajno underscore13:22
JediMasterthat's the error that startx threw up13:23
JediMasternot me typing anything =)13:23
JediMasternvidia-340 is installed13:23
JediMasterno freeze, just a black screen now13:23
JediMasterI can switch to console13:24
akhtarHello I have two partition in my laptop Win and Ubuntu13:24
akhtarso every reboot ntfs drive not automatic mounting13:25
akhtarcan somebosy give solution13:25
BluesKajhave you updated and upgraded lately? it could be a kernel module problem JediMaster13:25
JediMasterBluesKaj: it's a fresh install of Kubuntu 15.1013:25
BluesKajakhtar, open a terminal, sudo update-grub13:26
JediMasterweird, X is moaning about not being able to load nouveau13:26
JediMasterI've got a USB stick with Kubuntu here, I'll try booting off that13:26
BluesKajfresh install, but it may need upa=dating and upgrading , JediMaster13:26
JediMasteryeah done update && upgrade13:27
BluesKajalso dist-upgradew13:27
JediMasteryeah, no outstanding packages13:27
JediMasterah yes, I seem to remember having problems with the usb stick too13:28
JediMasterthe monitor turns off when it starts x13:28
JediMasteractually not even the kubuntu logo, it's before X13:29
akhtarok I'll try Blueskaj13:31
hateballJediMaster: 340 driver has no 970 support13:35
JediMasterahh that probably doesn't help, thanks13:36
hateballJediMaster: I'd add this PPA https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa and grab the 355 driver13:36
akhtari havebeen reboot linux and try still show error13:36
akhtarerror mounting /dev/sda at /media....13:37
lordievaderWhat error?13:39
JediMasterok, trying nvidia-352, but going to tailf the xorg log file while it crashes on an ssh terminal13:39
BluesKajJediMaster, run mvidia=xconfig13:40
akhtarAn error occurred while accessing 'Data', the system responded: The requested operation has failed: Error mounting /dev/sda4 at /media/akhtar/Data: Command-line `mount -t "ntfs" -o "uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000,dmask=0077,fmask=0177" "/dev/sda4" "/media/akhtar/Data"' exited with non-zero exit status 14: The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0). Metadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount. Failed to mount '/dev/sda4': Operation13:41
akhtar not permitted The NTFS partition is in an unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown Windows fully (no hibernation or fast restarting), or mount the volume read-only with the 'ro' mount option.13:41
akhtarthat's error for mounting ntfs13:41
BluesKaj!paste > akhtar13:42
ubottuakhtar, please see my private message13:42
JediMasterok, this may not be gpu related13:42
JediMasterakhtar: that sounds like you suspended or hibernated windows, reboot, shut it down and try again13:42
BluesKajakhtar, you might need to disable sleep in your Windows install13:43
lordievaderakhtar: Did your Windows crash? Since this is a common error if an ntfs partition wasn't unmounted properly.13:43
BluesKajlordievader, hibernation takes over on some windows installs instead of shutdown, it has to ne disabled13:46
akhtarNo windows haad been shutdown13:47
akhtari have  OS13:47
akhtari have 2 OS13:47
akhtarWin and Ubuntu13:47
lordievaderBluesKaj: Same problem, hibernation/sleep doesn't unmount the partition.13:48
lordievaderakhtar: Reboot to Windows and cleanly shut it down again.13:48
JediMasterBluesKaj: this is what happens every time I reboot, go to the console (before X crashes), then from ssh tailf the syslog the instant I switch to ctrl-alt-f7: http://pastebin.com/VDAQ5UiH13:48
BluesKajakhtar,boot into windows and do this: http://pastebin.ca/327711413:50
JediMasterand running out of power on your laptop also doesn't help13:52
JediMasterso, I'm thinking this crash as X starts up is more likely USB or network related given the syslog entries as I ctrl-alt-f7 in13:53
JediMasterthe last entries straight before the crash are avahi-daemon, NetworkManager, dhclient13:54
lordievaderCorrelation does not indicate causality ;)13:55
BluesKajJediMaster, I'm nor seeing anything helpful in the pastebin13:55
JediMasterlordievader: true, and I've verified, that networkmanager is running and I have a network connection if I ctrl-alt-f1 very quickly at the start and it doesn't crash until I go back into X13:56
JediMasterdhclient, NetworkManager and avahi are all running13:57
lordievaderJediMaster: Have you already pasted an X log?13:57
JediMasternot yet, let me try13:57
JediMasterhttp://pastebin.com/v4qHk6b0 that is just now, I have ctrl-alt-f1'ed into the terminal, I can ssh into the machine, no problems13:58
JediMasteron ssh I'm going to tailf the log while I ctrl-alt-f7 in and see what comes up13:59
lordievaderJediMaster: Why is nomodeset set?13:59
JediMasterahh yes, that's because it won't boot at all without it14:00
JediMasterlet me turn it off and try again14:00
lordievaderThat setting usually creates a lot of problems with the closed source drivers.14:01
lordievaderX doesn't seem to crash by the way. Or at least not in that log.14:01
JediMasterok, without it it does seem to boot, then crashed again 5 seconds into the login screen14:02
JediMasterI had to set it to get the kubuntu usb stick to work14:02
JediMasterlordievader:  http://pastebin.com/NV7Hw9d1 this is post ctrl-alt-f714:03
JediMasterlordievader: also nice nick =)14:03
hateballJediMaster: did you try 355 yet14:04
JediMasterhateball: where can you get it from, I only see 350 in the official ubuntu repos and nvidia's own download is 35014:05
hateballJediMaster: I gave you a link to https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa14:05
JediMasterah thanks, sorry I got disconnected a few times earlier14:05
hateball352 is what is in 15.1014:05
hateballand it *should* work with 970, but you never know since it is quite a new card. also the fact you're on a hybrid setup14:06
JediMasterhateball: I'm actually on a single gpu 970 setup14:07
JediMasterI'm trying it now thanks14:07
hateballJediMaster: oh. maybe I misread something making me think you were on a hybrid setup14:10
hateballJediMaster: anyhow, 355 is flawless for me, so if things are still broken it is possible... it is something else :p14:10
BluesKajhateball, the 355 isn't in the repos14:13
JediMasterBluesKaj: ppa14:13
BluesKajwell , if the 352 won't run .....14:14
hateballThe whole point is the card is new, so 340 wont run it at all. 352 *should* work, but14:15
BluesKajthink it's his displayport to monitor connection14:15
BluesKajcan't hurt to try the ppa I guess14:16
hateballI use HDMI so I can't say anything about displayport related issues14:17
BluesKajyeah, I use dvi>hdmi cable14:19
JediMasterfingers crossed14:20
JediMaster352 installed and rebooting....14:20
JediMasterno, same freeze, 5 seconds into the login screen14:20
hateballThought it was 352 you already used?14:20
JediMasterduh, yeah, sorry I installed the wrong one, meh, it's a monday14:20
BluesKajJediMaster, maybe the 355/ppa is worth a try14:21
JediMasterI meant to =)14:21
JediMasterhateball: that's sorted it14:26
JediMaster355 doesn't crash, strangely I get around 1 fps on the login screen, then everything is fine14:27
JediMasterwhich I was getting before14:27
lordievaderNice ;)14:27
lordievaderToo new of a card thus?14:27
JediMasterI've had my 970 for quite a while14:28
JediMasterit worked on 14.0414:28
JediMastermaybe it's display port related (dual 4k UHD screens)14:28
JediMasteror the other quirk is they're G-Sync monitors14:29
lordievaderOhhh, nice :D14:29
JediMasterwhich I've seen strange refresh rate issues on windows in certain games with certain settings14:29
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rodrigomatiasI realized that there is not more updates on kde packages, there was a problem in packaging?14:51
rodrigomatiasI'm going out for lunch, if I can help with anything.14:52
lordievaderrodrigomatias: If you want to help out you should ask in #kubuntu-devel ;)14:53
fenyxHi, after fresh install the "kdesudo systemsettings5" command shows me this > http://img.pixady.com/2015/12/594881_snapshot1.png15:21
fenyxand "kdesudo dolphin" looks like this and seems to be not working at all for its main purpose (browsing files) > http://img.pixady.com/2015/12/353897_snapshot2.png15:22
fenyxWhat could I do to solve this?15:23
BluesKajfenyx, what about your /home/user?15:26
lordievaderfenyx: Is there any reason you need to run those things as root?15:27
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fenyx"fenyx, what about your /home/user" what do you mean? I didn't modify anything yet so my home folder is untouched yet15:34
fenyx"fenyx: Is there any reason you need to run those things as root?" thanks to answer a question to a question, lol. Yes there is some reasons. And above all I've always been able to start Dolphin as root from KDE, so why should it change? If I open any app as root like leafpad or Kate, I want to be able to set its appearence, just as an example.15:37
fenyxI understand why starting a session as root is bad, but why starting a root app occasionnally wouldn't be possible? Isn't Linux the freedom land anymore? :)15:39
fenyxI can open file manager as root in Gnome 3 so it is only a KDE related problem. I prefer KDE, that's my weakness15:42
fenyxSo what can i do? install a missing package or something?15:43
BluesKajfenyx, it is strange that your root  options are blocked tho15:43
lordievaderRunning gui applications as root is allways finnicky. What likely happens/happened is that the root session has a different configuration which sets icons that cannot be found.15:43
fenyxlordievader, that's why I've set breeze icons or different icon sets in systemsettings5 open as root, it usually solves appearence issues15:46
lordievaderYou could run an strace with the -e open option. Then you can see what it tries to open/what it fails to find.15:47
fenyxBluesKaj, yes appearence is a thing. But the fact that dolphin couldn't browse "/" is really weird15:47
fenyxlordievader, super! at least the beginning of something. Will try now15:48
BluesKajfenyx, so you have / and /home partitions15:48
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fenyxBluesKaj, no my home is not on a separate partition, only /boot is in its separate ext2 partition15:50
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fenyxlordievader, I've pasted the result of "strace -e open kdesudo dolphin" here > https://paste.kde.org/pffjxzab115:58
fenyxCould my problem be related to "QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to /tmp/runtime-root"?16:00
lordievaderfenyx: I was about to point to that line. Along with the null pixmap, that is why there are no icons.16:01
lordievaderThe XDG_RUNTIME_DIR should probably set to /run/user/0. This shows one of the pitfalls when running things as root ;)16:02
fenyxlordievader, Do you think that setting this XDG_RUNTIME_DIR could generate my problems than solutions?16:07
fenyx*more problems16:07
lordievaderIf set correctly it should do no harm. However I do not think that that is the acual problem, rather an indication of a problem.16:07
lordievaderThe problem lies, more likely, in the fact that whatever is responsible for setting those environment variables (most likely plasmashell) does not set them for the root user.16:08
fenyxlordievader, I've searched on the web and from what I've found I've started the "pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY dolphin" but even this way the result is exactly the same16:21
lordievaderI don't think that that command ever sets the XDG_RUNTIME_DIR...16:22
rattkingHi all.. Hows the stability of plasma 5 these days in kubuntu? I backed off to 4 around 15.04 ish due to plasma 5 being crashy.. but now my ssd is failing and I need to install a OS on a new one16:23
BluesKajrattking, plasma on 15.10 is relatively stable ..and how old is your ssd ? I just installed one a month ago .16:32
rattking3 years I think16:33
BluesKajrattking, hope mine lasts a ittle longer, but I had a hdd die after 3yrs, a WD 1TB HDD16:35
rattkingI hope soo too.. I do a lot of writing..  but now I am finding I often cant write to files.. and unexplained (no system crashes) FS corruption16:37
BluesKajrattking, have you run smart tools on the ssd?16:37
rattkingyep.. it 'passed' but that doesnt mean too much16:38
sjattahisn't KDE supposed to start .xprofile when I log in?16:38
NoCodewhat package is Raleigh in? GTK theme I guess.16:43
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fenyxlordievader, "I don't think that that command ever sets the XDG_RUNTIME_DIR.." yes but I'm searching the web again and again and find no solution. I see some tips about visudo and /etc/sudoers, and about removing the ~/.Xauthority file that will be regenerated. Does it look like serious tracks to a solution?17:18
fenyx(never had this issues with openSUSE KDE, I'm wasting my whole afternoon on a simple thing like this, never had to do that)17:19
fenyxPlease help17:19
fenyxecho $HOME as root returns '/root'17:20
fenyxecho $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR as root returns just an empty line, I understand better the original question about Home by BluesKaj17:22
fenyxecho $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR as normal user returns '/run/user/1000'17:23
fenyxsudo cat /etc/sudoers returns this: https://paste.kde.org/pee4lmdqc17:24
fenyxnobody with an idea?17:33
fenyxOk will go back to openSUSE or I may abandon KDE. Too much hours passed to make simple things work, KDE makes me so frustrated while I've never used another DE. I regret the incapibilities of KDE/Ubuntu teams to make things simple. Bye17:36
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SomeGuyHi. I'm looking for some basic advice about running Kubuntu on newer hardware. I'm not normally a Linux user, but come from an OSX background.19:30
SomeGuyNewer hardware meaning new laptops or ultrabooks.19:31
SomeGuyI've been dissapointed by Kubuntu on an older Lenovo IdeaPad S205 machine: EFI and grunt problems, video driver problems, screen flickering, had to disable composer, laptop cannot sleep, thinks like that.19:32
SomeGuyDo you think these would go away on a newer machine?19:32
BluesKajSomeGuy, which graphics first of all?19:34
BluesKaji have a Lenovo G500 with Kubuntu 15.10 using intel graphics and it runs fine.19:36
SomeGuyhi BluesKaj, it may be this particular model, but my experience was not very pleasant19:37
SomeGuyi think i have ati graphics19:37
BluesKajto make sure run, lspci | grep VGA19:38
SomeGuythe screen flickering and artefacts were a headache for a few days. disabling composer sort of fixed that, but plasma doesn't look as nice now19:38
SomeGuyi can't troubleshoot right now, i'm on a different laptop19:38
SomeGuywill try that19:38
SomeGuyi'm not good with linux, but i'm sort of a power user myself and usuly know my way around forums or troubleshooting guides19:39
SomeGuybut these few days drove me nuts... I was in here a couple of days ago asking about the "my laptop freezes instead of waking from sleep" problem. I think you were among the responders19:40
BluesKajSomeGuy, I'm not familiar with composer so i don't know how it may affect your graphics and my experience with ati/amd graphics is very limited19:43
SomeGuyok. is there any way i can check compatibility, are there lists somewhere or something like that? should i just watch reviews or kubuntu on youtube or what? i'm interested in understanding if kubuntu is mature enough to run almost out of the box on a new system i would buy. no brand preference or anything.19:44
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BluesKajthere are no particular brands that support linux unless you research system76, but iirc they run ubuntu with unity pre-installed , but there are ubuntu certified brands http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/19:53
BluesKajSomeGuy, and as far as kde is concerned , we're sort of on our own19:55
SomeGuywhat does that mean, "on our own"? I'm fond of the new KDE plasma, it's actually the reason i would give linux a try again, after trying ubuntu, which came close20:01
SomeGuyi always found the linux guis rather... ugly. but this one looks very close to what i imagine a desktop environment should look like. and the amount of configuration options, oh boy!20:02
BluesKajSomeGuy, it means the kubuntu community depends on a group of dedicated developers who are much smaller in number than those at ubuntu/canonical and are a separate group supported by Blue Systems20:07
SomeGuyi get it. i'm not making demans or anything :) so you're saying ubuntu would support a wider range of hardware configs?20:08
SomeGuyi'm just gonna shoot some questions at you. sorry if some of them seem dumb... but is KDE connected to kubuntu? can you run KDE on ubuntu?20:10
BluesKajnot necessarily20:10
BluesKajyes you can run KDE on Ubuntu, the default desktop is Unityl, but if you install kubuntu-desktop you can choose which desktop to use at the login page20:11
BluesKajand vice-versa20:11
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is an open community that creates and maintains software including the Plasma desktop.  To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install  kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See  http://kubuntu.org for more information.20:12
ubottuUnity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity20:12
SomeGuythank you, that make things more clear20:13
SomeGuyso can you run plasma kde on any other distros?20:13
lordievaderSomeGuy: I run Plasma5 on Gentoo. You should be able to compile Plasma on any (sane) distro.20:14
BluesKajyes kde is a dektop environment available on most linux distros , not all but quite a few20:14
SomeGuyhmm. so installing kubuntu-desktop on ubuntu would sort of look like kubuntu? what part of kubuntu would i loose?20:14
lordievaderSomeGuy: None. Installing that package installs, well, the Kubuntu desktop ;)20:15
SomeGuyok. so say i'm really font of plasma5. what would you recommend running it on? i need lamp to run on it and not much else except email and stuff20:16
SomeGuyor is that too much a matter of opinion?20:16
BluesKajkubuntu 14.04 LTS runs plasma4 and will do evrything you need as well20:17
SomeGuyis there any reason not to run the lates kubuntu?20:17
BluesKajit also has a more configurable desktop than plasma 5 IMO20:18
SomeGuyyeah, sorry if this sound strange, but does it look as good? :) i'm a web developer myself, i like nice things...20:19
BluesKajSomeGuy, well being a webdev then you know that looks are a matter of taste first of all20:19
SomeGuysure, sure. but come on, plasma 5 looks good. maybe it's got it's quirks, but most environments for linux are not famouse for their looks... or maybe i wasn't exposed to the right ones20:21
SomeGuyanyway, things are much clearer now. so i can run kde on something else and i need to decide on the distro20:22
SomeGuytell me again, why would anyone run an older version of kubuntu? any reason not to go with 15.10?20:22
BluesKajpersonally i prefer plasma4 , there are more "looks/themes" available20:22
BluesKajhave you tried 15.10 yet? I'm thinking of you gpu20:23
SomeGuythat;s what i'm on. 15.1020:23
BluesKajyou can burn the iso to a disk or to usb sticj a "try kubuntU"20:24
PyPieanyone here?20:25
SomeGuyok. thank you for the info, that was nice. and thanks everyone. i might be back for more in the next few days. see ya.20:25
BluesKajok, good luck20:25
PyPiehow do you guys enter an en dash by using a Compose Key?20:26
PyPiemy Compose Key is the Right Ctrl20:26
PyPiethen I press&hold Right Ctrl and type two hyphens and release the Right Ctrl20:27
PyPienothing happens20:27
PyPieif I press the hyšhen 3 times, I get an em dash, not what I want20:27
BluesKajuse the minus key on the numberpad with the right ctrl key20:27
BluesKajor justthe minus key to the left of the backaspace/delete without ctl20:28
PyPiethose are not en dashes20:29
PyPiewhat you just typed are hyphens20:29
PyPie- is a hyphen20:29
PyPie— is an en dash20:30
PyPie—— is an em dash20:30
BluesKajhephens dashes, it makes no difference in text20:30
PyPieYES IT DOES!20:30
BluesKajunless you're wring code I guess, but I wouldn't kno...I'm not a coder20:31
PyPiethat's why everything is fucked up because of guys like you don't give a shit about the distinction between these 3 marks20:31
BluesKajdon't blame me, if you kubuntu help that's fine , but otherwise you should ask elsewhere, like ##linux maybe20:33
=== heinkel_flying is now known as heinkel_111
keithzgLooks like the wrong dashes to me; – is an en dash, not —, which contrary to PyPie's claim is actually an em dash (PyPie's example of an em dash appears to just be two em dashes after eachother).21:10
BluesKajkeithzg, I sent him to ##linux and and he wouldn't acept their suggestions and made a fool of himself by yelling and using foul language and then he was banned21:12
BluesKajwe were spared the same behaviour21:13
BluesKajand those guys are lot more tolerant of bad behavoir than most chats21:15
keithzgBluesKaj: Fair enough. Yeah he seemed to already be verging that way here near the end. Wonder if his blatant misuse of the terms in question betrayed a troll-y agenda or just anger issues. Oh well, c'est la vie and das ist mir wurst and all that ;)21:15
BluesKajkeithzg, think he was already quite frustrated by the lack of answers, and making the wrond assumption about en dash21:17
BluesKajanyway it's been a long day again ...think I'm gonna close up shop for today....later21:20
keithzgBluesKaj: Take care21:20
mustangcan someone point me in, around, or about the genpmk package21:29
mustangim trying to crack my wifi password here at the office, just to see if I can, and I was going to use genpmk to generate a rainbow table for my ssid21:30
=== TheRedQueen is now known as Drone`

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