
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:58
lotuspsychjeplugged in 1.5 gig ram in the pentium and lubuntu rocknrolls now :p07:18
lotuspsychjeit had 2x 100 ram inside by default oO07:18
lordievaderGood morning.09:05
lotus|P4whats that package called again to see system specs09:23
lotus|P4from terminal09:24
lotus|P4hey cfhowlett09:32
cfhowlettgreetings lotus|P409:32
lotus|P4cfhowlett, you remember that packagename for showing system specs from terminal?09:32
lotus|P4kinda short name09:33
cfhowlettlotus|P4, not off-hand09:33
lotus|P4imxi or something09:33
lotus|P4no was installable09:33
lotus|P4i have to start writing things down lol09:36
=== lotus|P4 is now known as lotuspsychje
lotuspsychjenot what i was lookingo for but..09:47
lotuspsychje!info sysinfo09:47
ubot5sysinfo (source: sysinfo): display computer and system information. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7-9 (vivid), package size 105 kB, installed size 358 kB09:47
lordievaderThere are many, but you guys were talking about inxi.09:54
lordievader!info inxi09:54
ubot5inxi (source: inxi): full featured system information script. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.2.16-0ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 120 kB, installed size 564 kB09:54
daftykinsguys! i got a delivery! O_O10:27
OerHeksoh dear ..10:27
daftykinsbut it was the one placed after the SSD :(10:28
OerHeksthe smartphonescreen?10:29
daftykinsnah not even that :(10:29
daftykinsa nice Bluray set of Battlestar Galactica from amazon :D10:30
cfhowlettf/loss catfood?10:30
OerHekschewbacca in 4k?10:30
cfhowlettcatnip 2.010:31
OerHeksow no, that is starwars10:31
daftykinsi never was impressed by star wars ;)10:31
cfhowlettdude, you gotta be careful making such provocative statements in public!10:32
daftykinsi know :)10:32
daftykinshmm i'm checking out the internals of that cheap Lenovo i bought10:33
lotuspsychjebrb lunch :p10:36
lotuspsychje!info inxi10:37
ubot5inxi (source: inxi): full featured system information script. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.2.16-0ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 120 kB, installed size 564 kB10:37
lotuspsychjethats what i needed, tnx to history10:37
daftykinsaww you're too kind, what are we having? :)10:37
lordievaderdaftykins: Anything interesting in that Lenovo?11:05
daftykinsamusing combo of 1 x 4GB and 1 x 2GB modules for 6GB RAM, a low end basic intel 3xxx series wifi card that is only 1:1 stream11:06
daftykinsspotting the 1TB seagate HDD also11:07
lordievaderHow much was it?11:07
daftykins£200 delivered, a haswell i3 4030u is in there11:09
lordievaderNot much, indeed/11:13
lotuspsychje_hi lordievader11:15
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
lotuspsychjeinxi -F is nice11:25
daftykinswhat kind of format output do you get?11:25
lotuspsychjedaftykins: from terminal11:26
lotuspsychjewant a pastebin?11:26
daftykinsyes please11:26
lotuspsychjedaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13785125/11:27
lotuspsychjecolorized from terminal11:27
lordievaderlotuspsychje: Is that system idle?11:30
lotuspsychjelordievader: what you mean11:31
lordievader"System Temperatures: cpu: 68.0C mobo: N/A gpu: 69.0" if <-- is idle it is way high ;)11:32
lotuspsychjelordievader: its a netbook and doesnt feel very warm11:32
* lordievader wonders how hot it will get when stressed11:33
lotuspsychjeand im not gaming right now indeed11:33
daftykinshaha, even my amazon page now thinks "umm, something is wrong" about my SSD package :P11:46
daftykinsah well, people to see and places to go - catch you later folks :)11:47
lotuspsychjelaterz mate11:47
BluesKajHey folks12:03
lotuspsychjehey BluesKaj12:04
BluesKajHi lotuspsychje12:04
pauljwmorning everyone :)13:39
OerHeksYes, i was present when some devs dicussed the impotance of the headset plugged in as antenna13:55
OerHeks+r somewhere13:56
lotuspsychjeand the new libreoffice app on phones alive also13:56
OerHekslotuspsychje, >>DONT !! dont sudo apt-get install phlipple , it is a nasty addictive 3d puzzle game13:56
lotuspsychje!info phlipple13:56
ubot5phlipple (source: phlipple): reduce 3D shapes to a single square. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.5-2 (vivid), package size 35 kB, installed size 142 kB13:56
OerHeksi think that one should be ported to touch13:56
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: im still waiting until someone jails terminal use over the phone, so i can install terminal apps :p13:57
lotuspsychjeso many packages i would love to try13:58
BluesKajodd , I can't get excited over phone apps, some make sense like kde-connect and communication and wifi hotspts, but games and all that other silly stuff on a small screen doesn't do much for me .14:01
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: well im not a big fan of smartphones myself, but ubuntu-phone is very handy for me14:01
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: gmail, browse/lookup stuff,phone,gps14:02
BluesKajI have a cheap alctel , it works fine on the internet etc for info in a pinch, but otherwise it's just a cell phone14:03
BluesKajalcatel even14:03
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: cool@phlipple 3d flapping :p14:04
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: stuck!14:05
OerHeks... told ya, nasty14:06
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: the camera is pretty interesting too, always handy to carry where i go14:06
lotuspsychjefailed! mmmzz14:06
BluesKajyeah , the cameras are cool14:06
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: lol level6 and my head is turning already14:08
lotuspsychjexmass theme system76: https://system76.com/laptops/oryx14:13
OerHeksdoes it come with a floppydisc?14:14
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: maybe if you pay 500$14:14
ubot5Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.14:16
lotuspsychjehmm they stole an ubuntu releasename :p14:16
OerHeksi heard about unity before14:18
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: meaning?14:19
OerHekshelp, drabber attacked me .. get a piece of my apple14:21
* lotuspsychje calls steve jobs...14:22
OerHeksand he likes banana too ..14:23
lotuspsychjeweird dog eat banana14:24
lotuspsychjebut he has a weird boss too :p14:24
pauljwlotuspsychje, apparently they weren't the first to steal the name...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meerkat14:25
lotuspsychjepauljw: yeah no patents on species :p14:26
lotuspsychjelordievader: high loadin youtubing right now: Sensors:   System Temperatures: cpu: 74.0C mobo: N/A gpu: 74.014:55
lotuspsychjethink its not very accurate14:55
lotuspsychjewb :p14:58
daftykinsdoes lm-sensors output match that?14:58
lordievaderRun stress for half an hour or something if you really want to stress your machine ;)14:58
daftykinso hai!14:58
daftykinsnever thought i'd say this...14:58
daftykinsi have a bunch of opera CDs to rip for someone ¬_¬14:58
lotuspsychjelordievader: stress looks nice, didnt know that1 yet15:03
lordievaderThat combined with a 'watch -n 1 sensors' in a tmux is rather usefull ;)15:04
lotuspsychjelordievader: lol that shows 67 now15:05
lordievaderAll cores are at 100% utilization?15:06
lotuspsychjelordievader: no didnt start test yet15:06
daftykinsmy fave to watch dynamic clocks is similar; watch -n 0.1 'grep -i mhz /proc/cpuinfo'15:07
lotuspsychjelordievader: wich stresstest you reccomend15:07
lordievaderI usually use 'stress --cpu <number of cores>15:07
lotuspsychjestress: info: [2149] dispatching hogs: 2 cpu, 0 io, 0 vm, 0 hdd15:08
lotuspsychjehere we go15:08
daftykinshmm, i used to use cpuburn15:11
daftykinsbut you had to run each core instance yourself :(15:11
lotuspsychjenice trick watch sensors15:11
daftykinsso it's still showing you that high temp from sensors? that's definitely not good!15:12
lotuspsychjelordievader: does it stress 30min by default?15:12
lordievaderIt runs indefintely.15:12
lotuspsychjedaftykins: started at 67 idle15:12
lotuspsychjelordievader: until it explodes lol?15:12
daftykinsyeah that's bad too, though15:13
daftykinsit'll power off if it gets too serious ;)15:13
lotuspsychjecritical shows 120 here15:13
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: sattelite fixxed yet?15:14
lotuspsychjestress got it stable to 80°15:16
lotuspsychjenow dropping to 70° after stress15:16
lordievaderHmm, could be worse. I suppose.15:18
EriC^^lotuspsychje: nah we dont use it much anyways cause there's another one15:20
lotuspsychje#ubuntu rescue clinic :p15:28
Mr_CyclopsGreetings everyone. Any font lovers here? or may I say, anybody who is finicky for fonts on Ubuntu?15:59
lotuspsychjei love ubuntu in general :p15:59
lotuspsychjeMr_Cyclops: in wich way do you like to discuss about fonts?15:59
Mr_CyclopsUmm. Well I've  been on Ubuntu and Fedora desktops for 7 years or so, and never quite liked the way the default bundle comes in16:00
Mr_CyclopsI dont like the Sans fonts (old ubuntu distros), and not so much the Ubuntu fonts in the current ones16:01
Mr_Cyclopshave tried windows fonts, some from fontssquirrel n here n there, never actually got satisfied as I would on a Windows desktop16:01
Mr_Cyclopsand never want to go back to Windows for any reason16:01
Mr_Cyclopslong story short which ones do you guys use?16:02
lotuspsychjeMr_Cyclops: you know there is ubuntu-restricted-extras for extra fonts also right?16:02
Mr_Cyclopsthese days I am settling down with Liberation Sans, Luxi Sans and Dax Off Pro (windows)16:02
lotuspsychjei like the default ones allright16:02
Mr_CyclopsI know ubuntu-restricted-extras, and that repo is installed16:02
Mr_Cyclopsbut didnt know it has a gateway for fonts too?16:02
* lordievader uses Lucida.16:03
lotuspsychjeyeah some ppl need verdana on ubuntu16:03
Mr_Cyclopshmm did a quick aptitude search on fonts, too many results16:03
Mr_CyclopsCan you tell me is there a command to do a repo specific search?16:04
Mr_Cyclopsas in search for fonts but only by ubuntu-restricted-extras?16:04
lotuspsychjeMr_Cyclops: install it, and checkout wich fonts inside16:04
Mr_Cyclopsokie dokie my friend ... will do :)16:05
lotuspsychjeclosed source stuff inside16:05
lotuspsychjeMr_Cyclops: maybe the libreoffice guys know more font addons aswell?16:06
Mr_Cyclopsoh yes, I would agree with you16:06
Mr_Cyclopsand I guess there is a channel libreoffice?16:06
lotuspsychjeMr_Cyclops: certanly16:06
lotuspsychjeim happy with monspace 12 in hexchat16:08
OerHeksubuntu font is tretty for my eyes16:08
OerHekswh complains about too may fonts.. not so much the Ubuntu fonts in the current ones + a quick aptitude search on fonts, too many results  ... troll16:10
OerHeksnext complaint: they are free of charge?16:10
* OerHeks grumbles16:10
OerHeksoh no, this one:  i want to register16:11
lotuspsychjewho needs windows fonts on ubuntu16:11
lotuspsychjethats like a w10 theme on ubuntu16:11
OerHekssome crappy software wants it16:11
lotuspsychjeioria: 40 users!!! you have won the first price: http://static1.squarespace.com/static/52c4e8d4e4b0cf91c44b3511/t/54f8ae02e4b0ffd48a8308cf/1425583621258/?format=300w16:20
ioriaoh... that's wonderful !!!16:21
lotuspsychjeyou can carry it yourself also16:21
ioriamay i rotate it, so can be  a stool ?16:21
OerHeksand from me a free walking tour to the netherlands16:21
lotuspsychje2000km of fun!16:22
lotuspsychjeto a rainy country16:22
OerHeksincl free rain, lots of benches and if you are clever, go for ICT asylum with free house & pocketmoney16:22
ioriaVan G. , Rem, and many others ....16:22
iorialotuspsychje, you looks like him ? https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rembrandt#/media/File:Self-portrait_at_34_by_Rembrandt.jpg16:23
MonkeyDustone last vivid upgrade, before eol16:41
lotuspsychjeMonkeyDust:  40 users!!! you have won the first price: http://static1.squarespace.com/static/52c4e8d4e4b0cf91c44b3511/t/54f8ae02e4b0ffd48a8308cf/1425583621258/?format=300w16:42
lotuspsychjebbl guys movietime16:44
pauljwdinner time, biab...22:32

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