popey | wxl, seems -uk dropped off the verified teams? | 09:57 |
zequence | How would one go about creating a new official IRC channel for a flavor? | 10:00 |
zequence | ..like #ubuntustudio-offtopic | 10:08 |
czajkowski | Pici: ping when around please, we're having some issues with our CC channel it keeps kicking people and they have issues joining, thank you. | 15:44 |
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest31736 | ||
Fuchs | czajkowski: remove akick, probably. | 17:59 |
Fuchs | czajkowski: /msg chanserv AKICK #lolboontu LIST or if you tell us what channel, we can have a look at what else it might be | 18:00 |
Fuchs | (could also be RESTRICTED) | 18:00 |
czajkowski | Fuchs: 18:16 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- AKICK list for #ubuntu-communitycouncil: | 18:17 |
czajkowski | 18:16 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- Total of 0 entries in #ubuntu-communitycouncil's AKICK list. | 18:17 |
Fuchs | well, so it is +i, do the right people have +I and are they authenticated when they attempt to join? | 18:18 |
czajkowski | how do I check the +1 | 18:18 |
czajkowski | bah | 18:18 |
czajkowski | +I even | 18:18 |
Fuchs | also do make sure it is not restricted (/msg chanserv help set restricted), and if it is, ensure that people trying to join are on the access list | 18:18 |
Fuchs | op up, then /mode #ubuntu-communitycouncil +I | 18:18 |
czajkowski | ack | 18:19 |
Fuchs | (when it is +i, restricted is imo a bit pointless) | 18:19 |
czajkowski | the issue was when people left they couldnt get back in | 18:20 |
czajkowski | or were being kicked | 18:20 |
czajkowski | think we're good now | 18:20 |
czajkowski | Fuchs: thank you for your help | 18:20 |
Fuchs | being kicked would sound like restricted, not being able to join: +i with either a lack of +I or they are not identified when they tried to join | 18:21 |
Fuchs | in the latter case you want to recommend http://freenode.net/sasl/ to them | 18:21 |
czajkowski | nods | 18:21 |
Fuchs | you're welcome | 18:21 |
Unit193 | Pici, hggdh: Hi. So joejaxx used to be project lead for UbuntuStudio, now it is zequence. zequence decided to open up the offtopic channel again, but it's currently owned exclusivly by joejaxx. Can you reclaim this and give zequence flags? | 23:19 |
Unit193 | #ubuntustudio-offtopic, that is. | 23:19 |
Pici | Fuchs: thanks, work was extremely busy today | 23:28 |
Pici | Unit193: I'll take a look it a little bit | 23:30 |
Unit193 | Pici: Thanks! | 23:30 |
Unit193 | zequence: ↑ | 23:30 |
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