
=== michi is now known as Guest51444
=== michi is now known as Guest39346
xnoxPici, can acpid please be waived through autopkgtest, or rather nvidia-graphics-drivers-340[-updates] to be marked as bad on armhf. I'm not quite sure why armhf tests are failing for nvidia-graphics-drivers.10:06
xnoxPici, unping.10:06
apwthere is a qemu sitting in xenial-propsoed which is blocked by bugblock because it was not meant to go to there in the first place, is this something we can repair, or are we stuck with it14:33
apwoh ignore me, it may well have been, just b14:33
apwthe block isn't version specific, grr14:33
xnoxapw, anyone can remove the "block-proposed" tag from the bug... but e.g. talk to hallyn14:36
apwxnox, yeah, we're on that now, i thought the errant version was still there, but doh of course the block is wild14:36
=== jhodapp_ is now known as jhodapp
Mirvcould qt3d-opensource-src demoted to universe, please?17:15
MirvI realised it has a new build dependency libassimp-dev which is in universe. qt3d used to be required for building qtlocation but no more.17:16
Mirvand also for qtwebkit, but that is also no longer true (additionally, qtwebkit-opensource-src should be demoted before 16.04 LTS if possible)17:17
cjwatsonMirv: the whole source isn't being listed for demotion in component-mismatches{,-proposed}, so something must still need it17:36
cjwatsonMirv: checkbox apparently17:37
Mirvcjwatson: hmm, that looks like copy-pasted debian/control instead of a real dependency17:58
Mirvbut needs an upload at least. thanks.17:58
Mirv...but it ftbfs:s on xenial :(18:06
xnoxMirv, checkbox?18:08
xnoxi can apply appropriate hammer.18:08
Mirvxnox: yes, https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-032/+sourcepub/5755583/+listing-archive-extra18:11
* Mirv -> driving18:11
sil2100Hello guys! I'm disabling the system-image importer for a while20:02

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