=== Exagone314 is now known as Exagone313 | ||
regedit | hello | 02:50 |
regedit | desktop does not start up automatically anymore, i need to execute sudo systemctl restart sddm | 02:51 |
regedit | do any of these /var/log/syslog messages help? http://paste.ubuntu.com/13808520/ | 02:51 |
regedit | oh wow nevermind, i'm discovering that an earlier version of apt upgrade which included a kernel upgrade failed midway, i never patched things since O.O | 03:05 |
regedit | doing sudo dpkg --configure -a | 03:05 |
regedit | nope, did not work. my above issue stands http://paste.ubuntu.com/13808520/ | 03:18 |
=== lj50036_ is now known as lj50036 | ||
TNVonFan | Hey guys!! | 05:34 |
TNVonFan | Listen, I have this text dictionary file I am working with, converting it into a SSID rainbow table for WIFI password cracking here at my office. I was using genmuk to generate the table and it got to line number 9612421 out of 14344391 and quit, so I am assuming I hit some type of buffer in the genpmk program. Now I need to find out what the password text is on line number 9612421 in the file so I can split it. Any ideas on | 05:37 |
TNVonFan | how I can do that? I have no idea what the text is on that line number | 05:37 |
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lordievader | Good morning. | 08:44 |
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barbara | ciao | 10:20 |
BluesKaj | Howdy all | 12:10 |
=== manager_ is now known as andreyneshta | ||
Besi | hi can run kubuntu 64bit with a Intel i7 3770 processor | 12:47 |
BluesKaj | Besi, yes | 12:51 |
Besi | BluesKaj> thank you | 12:52 |
MrMick1e | Hi all and one! Do someone have a problem with booting from usb stick? Tryed almost every otion(advise) i could find on the web, but 0rezult. It realy looks like there is no boot sector on flash drive, but i tryed 5 different apps and none made any res.(from windows), got any ideas? | 13:26 |
Yossarianuk | hey everybody - are their plans for Plasma 5.5 to be in the backports PPA for 15.10 ? | 13:45 |
Yossarianuk | 5.5 was released today -> https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.5.0.php | 13:46 |
BluesKaj | Yossarianuk, good question. I haven't seen anything so far | 13:47 |
Yossarianuk | the last news post on kubuntu.org was Riddell leaving... | 13:47 |
BluesKaj | Yossarianuk, I read about the 5.5 release earlier, but kubuntu itself makes no mention of anything in the backports so far | 13:51 |
=== EvilRoey is now known as advRoey | ||
marus | why there is no psk here? sudo grep psk= /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/* | 14:39 |
=== soph is now known as RockyRoad | ||
lordievader | Probably because the passwords are saved in Kwallet? | 15:56 |
Alsxwre | Hey guys, pretty new to linux, would Kubuntu be a good first choice for a distro? | 16:40 |
BluesKaj | Alsxwre, which OS are you used to, Windows, Mac? | 16:41 |
lordievader | Definitely, Debian based distro's are relatively easy. | 16:41 |
lordievader | (K)Ubuntu is Debian based ;) | 16:42 |
Alsxwre | Windows, also I suppose IntelliJ IDEA and Clion will work on it | 16:42 |
BluesKaj | Alsxwre, I settled for Kubuntu since it was more familiar to me after using windows on the job for 13 yrs or so. | 16:42 |
Alsxwre | Thanks for the input. One more question, from what I read KDE was upgraded recently to 5.5, do I need to manually update it after I install kubuntu or is it included in the latest release? | 16:44 |
lordievader | For 5.5 you need to wait a bit. But if you keep your system up to date you should get it in due time. | 16:46 |
RockyRoad | Hi there, would somebody be able to help me configuring the elantech touchpad of a brand new Asus R516U on kubuntu 15.10 ? | 16:47 |
BluesKaj | Alsxwre, plasma 5.5 is scheduled for release in the next few days , i doubt it will be included in the latest release tho, you can get it when it's loaded into the reposistories by updating and upgrading | 16:47 |
Alsxwre | Ok, thanks again | 16:48 |
RockyRoad | ELAN1000:00 04F3:0401 | 16:48 |
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Suecs | hola | 18:40 |
denza242 | hola | 18:40 |
=== advRoey is now known as ComeWaltzWithRoe | ||
=== ComeWaltzWithRoe is now known as DanceWithRoey | ||
xero-chill | how to setup vhost? | 18:56 |
denza242 | xero-chill: irc vhost or webserver vhost? | 18:56 |
xero-chill | irc | 18:56 |
denza242 | xero-chill: Freenode doesn't have vhosts, instead it has cloaks | 19:00 |
denza242 | xero-chill: join #freenode and ask for a cloak | 19:00 |
xero-chill | ah ok. Thanks :] | 19:02 |
KNRO_ | so any news on 5.5 being available for 15.10 ? | 19:02 |
mparillo | Short version is no news. My understanding of the backports process is that it would need to land in Xenial first before it can be in the 15.10 official repos, and it has not. | 19:05 |
hudsonkem | hello, when kde 5.5 will be avaliable on repository? | 19:33 |
clivejo | hudsonkem: that could take a while | 19:40 |
hudsonkem | clivejo hm.. | 19:41 |
clivejo | Kubuntu devs are under pressure at the moment | 19:41 |
lordievader | mck182: http://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/journald.conf.html See the Storage= option ;) | 20:10 |
lordievader | But at any rate I'm interested in the logind log of your current boot. | 20:11 |
mck182 | sec | 20:11 |
mck182 | lordievader: https://paste.kde.org/p50u1eikk/ycejtq | 20:11 |
lordievader | Yeah, it is not logind... | 20:12 |
mck182 | for the record, stopping sddm makes my laptop displayed powered off and I dunno why, I believe it's systemd doing some magic, here's syslog: https://paste.kde.org/pjp10gyy2 | 20:12 |
mck182 | so if anyone has any idea, help appreciated .) | 20:12 |
mck182 | :) | 20:12 |
lordievader | Oeh, try: xset s off | 20:12 |
mck182 | I thought about that but...that's only when X is running no? | 20:14 |
mck182 | so killing X (sddm) this wouldn't have any effect | 20:14 |
mck182 | ...no? | 20:14 |
* mck182 tries anyway | 20:15 | |
mck182 | brb | 20:15 |
lordievader | I believe it also has effect without X running... not sure... | 20:17 |
mck182 | lordievader: also nope | 20:18 |
mck182 | screen still off | 20:18 |
lordievader | Hmmm.... | 20:18 |
lordievader | I'm out of ideas... | 20:18 |
mck182 | as an alternative, I tried booting to tty only, but appending "text" to kernel arg does not seem to work either | 20:19 |
mck182 | still starts sddm | 20:19 |
mck182 | unless the way changed with systemd | 20:19 |
* lordievader can't remember if text worked for him under systemd | 20:25 | |
mck182 | doesn't here...as well as holding shift during boot does not bring the menu | 20:26 |
mck182 | so many things just don't work ( ._.) | 20:27 |
=== toto is now known as Guest64221 | ||
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=== Guest75066 is now known as Catopett | ||
Catopett | Is there a game called DOOM for linux? | 23:07 |
Catopett | How can i restore sector 0 with linux? | 23:08 |
Catopett | There is a virus that destroy sector 0, but i have heared that with linux i can restore sector 0, howdo? | 23:10 |
valorie | !info doom | 23:12 |
ubottu | Package doom does not exist in wily | 23:12 |
valorie | we don't have that game in the archives, Catopett | 23:12 |
valorie | !repair | 23:12 |
valorie | hmmm | 23:12 |
Catopett | !repair | 23:13 |
valorie | there are linux repair OSs | 23:13 |
valorie | that you can burn onto a thumbdrive | 23:13 |
valorie | but virus? | 23:13 |
valorie | are you running linux? | 23:13 |
valorie | I've never heard of virus damage in linux | 23:13 |
valorie | !virus | 23:14 |
ubottu | Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using Samba). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus | 23:14 |
Catopett | I know about linux having no virus, but i allso know that FACEBOOK having virus that destroying sector 0 on harddrive | 23:15 |
valorie | this might help: http://www.pcworld.com/article/208720/how_to_fix_a_windows_infection_using_linux.html | 23:16 |
valorie | I use facebook sometimes with no problem -- but not from windows, since I don't have a win install any more | 23:17 |
Catopett | Why expensive WIN when FREE LINUX? | 23:18 |
Catopett | I run KUBUNTU LIVE CD | 23:26 |
Catopett | apt-get install zandronum ??? | 23:27 |
Catopett | sudo apt-get install zandronum does not work | 23:28 |
Catopett | howdo? | 23:28 |
valorie | !info zandronum | 23:31 |
ubottu | Package zandronum does not exist in wily | 23:31 |
valorie | I've not heard of it; what is it? | 23:31 |
valorie | Catopett: sorry, from your questions it seemed like you had win | 23:32 |
valorie | perhaps you just need to run `grub-repair` in the commandline | 23:32 |
valorie | maybe `sudo grub-repair` | 23:32 |
Catopett | I have both linux (kubuntu) and WINDOWS | 23:34 |
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