=== LarrySteeze|Away is now known as LarrySteeze | ||
=== LarrySteeze is now known as LarrySteeze|Away | ||
django_ | how do i enable wifi | 02:48 |
django_ | onlubuntu lol | 02:48 |
bdbg24 | hello I cannot put the "ISO" of lubuntu beacause the file is 744 Mo and my CD contains only 700 Mo How may I do ? | 09:38 |
bdbg24 | bonjour je ne peux pas graver l'image iso de Lubuntu car elle fait 744 Mo et mon graveur CD refuse plus de 700 Mo Comment faire Merci | 09:41 |
hateball | bdbg24: Use a larger CD or use a USB storage | 09:47 |
bdbg24 | hateball : thanks I dont'have larger CD but I will put it on USB (don't know it was possible !) | 09:51 |
hateball | bdbg24: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick | 09:52 |
bdbg24 | hateball : thanks again bye | 09:59 |
intx | the settings for weather on lubuntu/lxpanel do not save, anyone know why? | 13:27 |
intx | i set my location, click ok, it restarts and it's still unset | 13:28 |
fennesz | Hello ! Is there a way I can view the remaining space of a partition in lubuntu? | 19:25 |
bioterror | df -h | 19:25 |
fennesz | bioterror, Are you referring to my question? | 19:25 |
bioterror | yes | 19:25 |
bioterror | and if you want to go even more hifi way, you can configure conky for your desktop | 19:27 |
fennesz | bioterror, from the Disks utility I have 3 partitions listed: /dev/sda1 - filesystem , /dev/sda2 - extended partion , swap partition 5 | 19:29 |
fennesz | with df -h I have this output:http://pastebin.com/KXQBPHRk | 19:30 |
fennesz | on /dev/sda1 I have 3% free user space and I think this might cause problems . Should I go for gparted and extend this partition? | 19:32 |
fennesz | I don't know what /dev/sda2 partition is used for... This lubuntu machine is installed as a VM on vbox | 19:32 |
fennesz | this is the Disks utility http://imgur.com/cVvQXPK | 19:35 |
fennesz | any idea? | 19:35 |
bioterror | 'lsblk' prints you your drives | 19:36 |
bioterror | and what they might be | 19:36 |
fennesz | bioterror, http://pastebin.com/3RsWPt6j this is the output of lsblk | 19:37 |
fennesz | 4g for swap ? | 19:37 |
fennesz | Wouldnt 1g suffice? | 19:38 |
bioterror | it depends | 19:38 |
wxl | !swap | fennesz | 19:39 |
ubottu | fennesz: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info | 19:39 |
fennesz | I have given 4gb to this vm . I think this is far than enough for lubuntu isn't it? | 19:39 |
epictetus | 4gb is fine | 19:40 |
fennesz | for swap? | 19:40 |
epictetus | yeah. | 19:40 |
fennesz | ok | 19:41 |
fennesz | So I have to resize vm's hard disk ? | 19:41 |
bioterror | / could be a little biffer | 19:41 |
epictetus | i'm guessing if you use the system a lot and check swap usage with the "free" command you'll see it's using way way less than 4gb. Probably usually using 0GB or like, 100 megs | 19:41 |
epictetus | so you could go less than 4GB if you want. | 19:41 |
wxl | or use no swap if you want | 19:42 |
wxl | or use a swap file instead of a swap partition | 19:42 |
epictetus | there's this whole "Swap should be double RAM" rule that makes no sense, I think this rule started with like, Photoshop tech support telling people this in the 90s and it somehow getting applied to every other OS since then | 19:42 |
wxl | or, etc. etc. etc. | 19:42 |
bioterror | if you have enough of RAM, no need for swap | 19:42 |
bioterror | epictetus, it makes sense if you hibernate | 19:42 |
epictetus | I like to put a tiny swap in there cuz i've got this (possibly mistaken?) belief that the linux memory manager sometimes wants a little bit of swap for no reason | 19:43 |
epictetus | instead of 0 | 19:43 |
epictetus | bioterror: yeah but people are applying the rule to like, servers that never hibernate ever | 19:43 |
fennesz | Ok let's say I dont use swap or go with 1gb or so ,can I extend my filesystem partition with that additional (swap -3gb) space , and if yes how? | 19:43 |
epictetus | servers with 32GB of ram and applications that use like 4GB (so the other 28GB is being used as disk cache) | 19:43 |
epictetus | and they give it 64GB of swap, and during the life of the server the most that is ever used out of that 64GB swap is like, 8MB | 19:44 |
epictetus | fennesz: yeah nondestructive repartitioning tools can probably do that for you | 19:44 |
epictetus | fennesz: or you can use a destructive repartitioning method where you backup the data, fix the partitions, and restore the data from backup | 19:45 |
fennesz | I would like the nondestructive one :) | 19:45 |
fennesz | can you name one ? | 19:45 |
epictetus | well parted | 19:46 |
fennesz | gparted? | 19:46 |
epictetus | i think that's another ver of the same tool? | 19:46 |
epictetus | there's also some commercial ones like Acronis and Paragon | 19:47 |
fennesz | do you know if gparted is in lubuntu live cd included? | 19:47 |
bioterror | I would probably first swapoff and remove (outcomment) the swap line from /etc/fstab | 19:48 |
epictetus | fennesz: pretty sure it is? idk | 19:48 |
teward | fennesz: not sure if it is, I could check by dissecting the image, but if you go into the 'try lubuntu' option which I know exists, you can connect to the net, then run `sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install gparted` from the live cd terminal | 19:49 |
teward | it won't stay on the disk, but... | 19:49 |
teward | (you can run `apt-cache policy gparted` to see if it's installed though, before all that, in the Live session's terminal) | 19:49 |
fennesz | teward , correct | 19:49 |
fennesz | will do that now | 19:49 |
fennesz | its a vm after all :) | 19:49 |
fennesz | gparted is included in lubuntu live cd | 19:52 |
fennesz | Guys , I have resized the swap partition but it is on the dev/sda2 , can I move the free disk space to dev/sda1? | 19:58 |
epictetus | delete /dev/sda2 | 19:58 |
epictetus | resize sda1 to use the extra free space after deletign the entire sda2 partition | 19:58 |
fennesz | correct ~ | 19:58 |
fennesz | the new swap shall be primary partition / linux-swap ,right? | 20:00 |
epictetus | you don't need swap at all or you can use a swapfile (not a partition) | 20:00 |
fennesz | what is the difference ? | 20:00 |
epictetus | a swapfile is a file inside a filesystem that is used as swap (so instead of getting its own partition, it is just a file) | 20:01 |
epictetus | there may be minor performance implications of that but they are gonna be irrelevant in this case | 20:01 |
fennesz | ok , I read more about this . | 20:01 |
epictetus | or just not have any swap | 20:01 |
epictetus | like for instance if i did | 20:01 |
fennesz | is this automatically created ? | 20:01 |
epictetus | dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1M count=1024 | 20:02 |
epictetus | that would create a 1GB empty file | 20:02 |
epictetus | then i could run | 20:02 |
epictetus | mkswap /swapfile | 20:02 |
epictetus | which formats that file as a swapfile | 20:02 |
epictetus | then | 20:02 |
epictetus | swapon /swapfile | 20:02 |
epictetus | activates it | 20:02 |
epictetus | (or add it to /etc/fstab so it gets automatically activated during boot / by swapon -a ) | 20:02 |
fennesz | thank you ! | 20:03 |
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=== HairyFotr2 is now known as HairyFotr | ||
fennesz | i will try without any swap at first, then I will do this if I encounter any performance issues | 20:04 |
fennesz | thank you all guys , much appreciated ! | 20:04 |
fennesz | hmmm, the boot time is by far slower now ! | 20:08 |
epictetus | fennesz: you probably didn't delete the line in /etc/fstab pointing to the old swap partition so it hung up for a while looking for it | 20:10 |
fennesz | epictetus, ok let me check this | 20:11 |
Lokie | hey, how to add stuff to the startup items? | 20:12 |
fennesz | epictetus, http://pastebin.com/Lyv1s5QP this is the output of fstab | 20:12 |
fennesz | should I remove the line with swap ? | 20:12 |
epictetus | line 11 | 20:12 |
epictetus | is the swap line | 20:12 |
epictetus | remove that one | 20:12 |
fennesz | epictetus, win! | 20:14 |
fennesz | thank you very much ! | 20:14 |
n-iCe | Ok, now I am using lubuntu | 22:20 |
n-iCe | what a beast | 22:20 |
django_ | hey all | 23:53 |
django_ | how come my prtsc doesnt work | 23:53 |
genii | django_: Check your Pictures directory | 23:54 |
tsimonq2 | genii: it is stored in ~ | 23:54 |
django_ | oh | 23:54 |
django_ | genii, ty | 23:54 |
tsimonq2 | oh. | 23:55 |
* tsimonq2 relooks the docs | 23:55 |
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