Na3iL | o/ | 01:00 |
michi | robru: ping | 01:27 |
robru | michi: hi | 01:27 |
michi | Could you give me hand with my error? | 01:27 |
michi | silo 26 | 01:27 |
michi | All I’m trying to do is merge a branch into devel for testing. | 01:27 |
michi | I’m not sure what it means by “sync destination version" | 01:28 |
robru | michi: so there's a version of this package in the destination archive that is not in the trunk changelog you're trying to build. | 01:28 |
robru | michi: which means if you proceed with this build you will effectively regress whatever that release is | 01:28 |
michi | But I have no intention of merging anything into trunk. | 01:28 |
michi | The MR targets devel. | 01:28 |
michi | And merging trunk into devel correctly says “ nothing to do" | 01:29 |
robru | michi: then just use FORCE_REBUILD to ignore the issue and build anyway. | 01:29 |
michi | Ah, cool, thanks, that’s the bit I didn’t know about! :) | 01:29 |
robru | you're welcome | 01:30 |
michi | Thanks! | 01:30 |
robru | I'm off to the gym, will be back in ~2 hours in case anything explodes. | 02:28 |
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun | ||
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robru | ugh there hasn't been a single concurrent build yet since I rolled out that fix 12 hours ago | 09:26 |
sil2100 | People taking it slow it seems | 09:27 |
dbarth | ugh, i guess i need the help of a trainguard for that silo ^^ | 10:11 |
robru | sil2100: you around? ^ I'm not here and I don't have permission anyway | 10:18 |
sil2100 | robru, dbarth: sure, on it now | 10:18 |
robru | thanks | 10:18 |
dbarth | robru, sil2100: landing on xenial; vivid, we're not part of the hotfix release | 10:19 |
sil2100 | dbarth: we'll need a preNEW review for this one anyway - did you get an archive admin to look at it? | 10:19 |
dbarth | sil2100: nope, how can i do that? | 10:20 |
sil2100 | dbarth: let's just find some ubuntu archive admin that has a free cycle to check the package, since after publishing it goes straight to the overlay PPA | 10:20 |
sil2100 | (in xenial it's in the NEW queue, but we don't have a queue like that in the overlay) | 10:21 |
dbarth | ok | 10:21 |
sil2100 | I'll look at it first briefly, then we can poke seb128 or slangasek or pitti | 10:22 |
seb128 | I can have a look to a NEW package after lunch | 10:22 |
sil2100 | seb128: thanks :) | 10:23 |
sil2100 | I go prepare a quick breakfast and then take a look at it | 10:23 |
seb128 | yw! | 10:24 |
=== _salem is now known as salem_ | ||
diwic | trainguards: Please copy pulseaudio 1:6.0-0ubuntu9.10 from ppa:diwic/temp into silo 47 | 11:41 |
sil2100 | diwic: on it | 11:41 |
diwic | sil2100, thanks :-) | 11:42 |
sil2100 | diwic: copy done, builds should start in a moment | 11:44 |
sil2100 | diwic: hmmm | 11:59 |
sil2100 | diwic: a sticky situation: I'm reviewing now (packaging wise) silo 9 which has pulseaudio 1:6.0-0ubuntu9.11 | 12:00 |
sil2100 | diwic: once I release it, the 1:6.0-0ubuntu9.10 version will be too small | 12:00 |
sil2100 | And you'll need to re-base on top of morphis's changes | 12:01 |
diwic | sil2100, ok | 12:01 |
diwic | sil2100, is it about to be released? | 12:01 |
diwic | sil2100, I mean, is a matter of hours or weeks before silo 9 is in the overlay ppa? | 12:01 |
sil2100 | Yeah, looks good so far, if I find nothing then it should be released to the overlay in a few minutes | 12:01 |
diwic | sil2100, ok, then I can rebase on top of morphis changes | 12:01 |
sil2100 | (not sure why he vesioned it as 1:6.0-0ubuntu9.11 and not as 1:6.0-0ubuntu9.10 tho) | 12:02 |
diwic | probably .9 and .10 was internal testing stuff | 12:02 |
morphis | diwic: yes it was :) | 12:05 |
sil2100 | morphis: hey! I had some questions related to the bluez changelog :) | 12:06 |
diwic | morphis, anything else in the silos that I need to be aware of / rebase on ? | 12:06 |
morphis | sil2100: sure | 12:07 |
morphis | diwic: just the patches I added, both are mentioned in the changelog | 12:07 |
diwic | morphis, sure, I was asking if you had any other silos in the pipeline | 12:08 |
morphis | diwic: no | 12:08 |
diwic | good | 12:08 |
morphis | no other silos for pulseaudio :) | 12:08 |
sil2100 | morphis: so, I'm a bit worried when I see that some changelog entries are gettin reverted | 12:08 |
sil2100 | morphis: | 12:09 |
bzoltan_ | jibel: do you know who is going to play with the UITK in the silo31? | 12:09 |
sil2100 | morphis: is that intentional? | 12:09 |
jibel | bzoltan_, no, why? do you want someone in particular? | 12:11 |
bzoltan_ | jibel: i have no preference :) | 12:12 |
jibel | bzoltan_, good :) | 12:12 |
bzoltan_ | jibel: it is a big beast.. so the one who takes it should be prepared for all | 12:12 |
jibel | bzoltan_, if there are any specific points of attention, mention it on the card or in a comment in the silo | 12:12 |
jibel | bzoltan_, we've already tamed this kind of beast, thanks for the heads up | 12:15 |
morphis | sil2100: feel free to ask :) | 12:41 |
morphis | sil2100: btw are the device tarballs from rc-proposed released with ota 8.5 too? | 12:42 |
sil2100 | 13:08 < sil2100> morphis: so, I'm a bit worried when I see that some changelog entries are gettin reverted | 12:44 |
sil2100 | 13:09 < sil2100> morphis: is that intentional? | 12:44 |
sil2100 | morphis: | 12:44 |
morphis | sil2100: a bit yes, this is a merge with xenial and we want the same on both vivid and xenial soon (still some work needed etc) and cyphermox didn't really liked this funcy citrain based version number to appear there so I took the chance and overwrote what we have in the overlay with what we have in xenial to make sure they are and stay in sync | 12:49 |
sil2100 | morphis: ok, so cyphermox was ok with such changelog changes? | 12:53 |
morphis | sil2100: he didn't reviewed what is in the silo yet but I thought it is ok as we're now fully back in sync with what the changelog looks like in xenial | 12:53 |
anpok | trainguars: could you copy the libinput from silo-56 to silo-021 .. I will not be able to land usc/libinput without the mir hanges in silo-21 | 12:53 |
anpok | trainguards ^ | 12:53 |
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch | ||
morphis | sil2100: btw. will the device tarballs we pushed after ota8 in rc-proposed land with ota 8.5 too? | 13:09 |
sil2100 | morphis: no, no new tarballs | 13:47 |
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morphis | sil2100: good | 14:13 |
dbarth | mardy: | 14:16 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1512732 in Canonical System Image "Reply does not include OAuth1 ConsumerKey and ConsumerSecret" [Critical,In progress] | 14:16 |
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk | ||
boiko | robru: while stuff is in proposed we can't rebuild packages on other silos? | 15:03 |
boiko | robru: other silos touching the same packages | 15:03 |
anpok | ping trainguards | 15:25 |
=== fginther` is now known as fginther | ||
bfiller | popey: new camera-app in the store needs review when you have a chance | 15:52 |
popey | sure bfiller | 15:52 |
popey | bfiller, 'ubuntu-sdk-15.04.3' is not a supported framework | 15:53 |
popey | oh, that was intentional? | 15:54 |
bfiller | popey: I think sil2100 just added that fw to the store | 15:54 |
bfiller | popey: it is intentional, it's uploaded but won't be available until ota9 (but will be inclued in the rc-proposed image) | 15:54 |
sil2100 | popey, bfiller: yeah, I just now added that, it should be good now | 15:54 |
popey | is click-reviewers-tools updated too? | 15:54 |
* popey updates his machine to find out | 15:55 | |
pmcgowan | popey, that "should" pull from the store? | 15:55 |
* sil2100 knows nothing about click-reviewers-tools | 15:55 | |
sil2100 | ;) | 15:55 |
popey | Well, it's the sdk tool which checks clicks on build | 15:55 |
popey | it needs to be in sync | 15:55 |
popey | (and what I manually run to verify clicks) | 15:56 |
popey | hmmm | 15:57 |
* popey pokes it some more | 15:57 | |
diwic | trainguards: please copy pulseaudio 6:0-0ubuntu9.12 from ppa:diwic/temp to silo 47 | 15:57 |
sil2100 | diwic: on it! | 15:57 |
diwic | sil2100, I've rebased it on top of 9.11 which you released earlier | 15:58 |
diwic | today | 15:58 |
sil2100 | Yeah, +1 on that, copy in progress | 15:58 |
diwic | sil2100, thanks | 15:59 |
bfiller | popey: any luck on the click-reviewers-tool? | 16:11 |
popey | bfiller, no, updated... it still complains here. | 16:12 |
bfiller | popey: going to ask on sdk channel | 16:12 |
popey | I suspect jdstrand might be the one to ask | 16:13 |
popey | or beuno, they own that tool | 16:13 |
cyphermox | sil2100: morphis: fwiw, still fine for now, but we should try to keep bluez in the overlay a lower version than what's in xenial given that that distro isn't based on xenial. that way, you're sure you get the xenial version if you were ever to upgrade to xenial. | 16:15 |
popey | bfiller, aha, yes, the click-reviewers-tools looks at as pmcgowan suggested | 16:15 |
sil2100 | popey: yeah, and the API does have 15.04.3 | 16:16 |
bfiller | popey: seems it's there.. so should be working? | 16:16 |
sil2100 | So not sure what's happening | 16:16 |
bfiller | popey: maybe cached? | 16:16 |
popey | perhaps | 16:16 |
popey | yup! ./.cache/click-reviewers-tools/frameworks.json | 16:17 |
popey | deleted that file, great success! | 16:17 |
popey | approved bfiller ! | 16:17 |
* popey mutters about caching a 1.5KB file | 16:18 | |
pmcgowan | popey, yeah but then it can work offline, maybe needs a tweak to the logic | 16:19 |
popey | I guess I just used it during the sweet spot between a new one landing in the store and the cache expiring, no worries, learn something new :) | 16:21 |
morphis | cyphermox: isn't that what adding ~overlay1 allows us? | 16:26 |
cyphermox | morphis: not quite, right now you're lower than any new version | 16:26 |
cyphermox | but you'd probably want to upgrade to the "official" xenial version even if it's not different if you were to upgrade from a system with the overlay enabled | 16:27 |
cyphermox | so it's not exactly the same | 16:27 |
morphis | sure, so right now I have 5.36-0ubuntu2~overlay1 and if I upgrade to xenial which has 5.36-0ubuntu2 then I would get the xenial one, right? | 16:30 |
cyphermox | yes | 16:32 |
cyphermox | oh wait | 16:33 |
cyphermox | right, except xenial doesn't currently have 5.36-0ubuntu2 | 16:33 |
anpok | trainguards: please copy libinput from silo 56 to silo 21 | 16:37 |
sil2100 | anpok: on it! | 16:38 |
anpok | thx | 16:38 |
sil2100 | anpok: does it need a rebuild? | 16:39 |
sil2100 | anpok: or do you want the binaries to be copied as well? | 16:39 |
anpok | either way is fine, the binaries used to fine though | 16:40 |
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robru | boiko: you can FORCE_REBUILD to get around that | 19:12 |
boiko | robru: well, the silo merged already, so all fine, thanks :) | 19:14 |
robru | Yw | 19:15 |
=== salem_ is now known as _salem | ||
veebers | robru: Hi, you around? | 21:30 |
robru | veebers: hey what's up? | 21:36 |
veebers | robru: query, I'm pushing something to autopilot trunk to fix those issues, for my silo is it just a mater of rebuilding once those changes are there (then testing etc.) | 21:38 |
robru | veebers: sorry I didn't really understand. if you push commits to trunk you'll need to rebuild the silo, yes. | 21:44 |
veebers | robru: ok cool, makes sense. I'll probably bother you with a couple other questions once it's finally merged | 21:46 |
robru | veebers: ok I'm off sick today, please email unless it's urgent | 21:46 |
veebers | robru: ack will do. Get well soon! | 21:48 |
robru | thanks | 21:48 |
=== robru changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train trouble? ping trainguards | CI problems? ping cihelp | Train: | QA Signoffs: | Known Issues: jenkins offline for maintenance |
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