
xcubI have a question regarding ubuntu booting process00:03
xcubI tried to update to 15.04 from 14.04 by using "sudo  do-release-upgrade". Then I restarted the system and was met by the error message:00:06
xcub"Target filesystem doesn't have requested /sbin/init00:08
xcub"/sbin/sh: 0: can't access tty: job control turned off"00:08
Siciliansfor the task of organizing the youtube videos of these UOS events, how many should I put in my playlist and should i put in quick review videos of the event01:53
Sicilianswhats up raj02:07
Siciliansokey den02:07
McIntireEvanWhats up?02:07
ExplodingKittensEvening all02:10
ExplodingKittensInstalling Thunar from source, slowly and painfully. Yourself?02:13
McIntireEvanJust got my Ubuntu VM setup and fast enough to use, getting SSH details setup02:14
ExplodingKittensOh, very nice. What host OS are you using?02:17
frogerman1234Are you asking me?02:18
McIntireEvanWindows 10; I would have dual booted by now but my computer was having issues booting from usb, so I gave up on. How about yourself?02:18
ExplodingKittensfrogerman1234, oh no, sorry, I was asking McIntireEvan. That was my bad.02:18
frogerman1234Its ok i just logged in to ask a question and what you typed was the first to appear02:19
ExplodingKittensMcIntireEvan, I use Windows 8.1 as my host. I've got a working install of Ubuntu GNOME on another partition that I use for video editing, but I figured it was a bad idea to gunk it up with too much development stuff.02:20
McIntireEvanExplodingKittens, yeah, makes sense, I use a ubuntu vps but I I also need the GUI for all these tasks so I setup a VM02:22
ExplodingKittensMcIntireEvan, yeah, I got my VM (mostly) set up about a week ago, since downloading programs-- especially the Ubuntu SDK --takes ages on my internet. Then I realized that for most of the tasks, I need to download Ubuntu 16.04 anyways. Whoops.02:28
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darkxstExplodingKittens, there will be some Ubuntu GNOME tasks appearing over the next day if you are interested02:34
McIntireEvanExplodingKittens, ouch, what kind of internet speed do you have?02:35
ExplodingKittensdarkxst, I'll be keeping an eye out for those. Thanks for letting me know!02:36
ExplodingKittensMcIntireEvan, 0.5 mbps down/~0.25 mbps up.02:37
McIntireEvanExplodingKittens, jeez, that's awful. Im so sorry :(02:37
ExplodingKittensIt's not too terrible, it just makes installing and updating stuff last way longer than it really ought to. It's a good thing the tasks give plenty of time.02:42
David_GreyHi all02:42
ExplodingKittensSorry, forgot to append McIntireEvan to that last message (again).02:42
josehey everyone!02:42
joseExplodingKittens: just got here, you experiencing any problems?02:42
David_GreyI'm good02:43
joseDavid_Grey: glad to hear :) already grabbed a task?02:43
McIntireEvanExplodingKittens, it's cool, no worries :) I'm not sure my exact speeds, especially over wireless, but when I was torrenting the iso I was getting ~2mb/s02:43
ExplodingKittensjose, not at the moment, no. Thanks for asking though, and welcome! :)02:43
McIntireEvanYo, jose!02:43
josehey, McIntireEvan!02:43
David_Grey@jose Nope. Just browsing02:43
joseDavid_Grey: cool :) you should grab a task, though! :)02:44
joseExplodingKittens: cool, here to help if anything pops up!02:44
ExplodingKittensMcIntireEvan, oh wow, not bad! Yeah, I've found wired to be a bit quicker, but pretty inconvenient. I used to just plug my laptop into LAN and go that way, since the router was usually right next to me.02:46
darkxstjose can you add amjjawad as a mentor on https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/5908025948766208/02:48
josedarkxst: sure! gimme one sec, finishing up some stuff over here02:48
McIntireEvanExplodingKittens, yeah, I live near Washington DC so speeds tend to always be good. Our router is downstairs and I usually have my laptop in my room so it's slower, but the speeds are still good enough02:48
darkxstjose, I also added a couple of other tasks that need publishing, more to follow though02:49
josedarkxst: 10-4. let's check on that first task though02:50
ExplodingKittensMcIntireEvan, yeah, your location is definitely a good place for speedy internet. I live in the middle of the woods, almost literally, in Missouri, so the selection for ISPs is relatively sparce.02:50
josedarkxst: updated and published :)02:51
tsimonq2check 1 202:51
McIntireEvanExplodingKittens, jeesh, yeah, I can imagine02:51
tsimonq2jose: nope, I should have voice02:51
josetsimonq2: hey, is this your regular nick?02:51
tsimonq2jose: yep02:51
joseor is it without the 2?02:51
joseoh, unaffiliated/tsimonq202:51
tsimonq2jose: nope, just regular tsimonq202:52
josenp :)02:52
* tsimonq2 needs to set it up so he can idle here02:52
joseznc ftw02:52
tsimonq2no, I just need to get things set in irssi lol02:53
josetsimonq2: uh, irssi. port 22 blocked everywhere!02:53
josedarkxst: do you have links to the tasks you created so I can review them?02:53
darkxstjose, sure02:54
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theghostinthemacwhats up02:54
tsimonq2jose: the only thing is, as a mentor, I still need the parent form signed. I am working on that, but for now I am not "officially" a mentor02:54
McIntireEvantheghostinthemac, nothing much, just waiting for some installs to finish. How about you?02:55
tsimonq2jose: as I am 13 but I am already involved with Ubuntu02:55
josetsimonq2: I assume that's already on the works by now?02:55
theghostinthemacI am waiting for parental consent form approval02:55
josedarkxst: reviewed and published, both of them02:55
darkxstjose, thanks02:55
josetheghostinthemac: have you claimed a task already? you can start working on one in the meanwhile :)02:55
josedarkxst: no prob!02:55
theghostinthemacyeah, I have02:56
theghostinthemaci gtg02:56
josecool :)02:56
tsimonq2jose: just about to get it signed, actually03:01
josetsimonq2: great. glad to have you on board!03:01
tsimonq2jose: for the signature, does it have to be an actual signature, or can it just be a printed name?03:01
josetsimonq2: if the person's signature is their printed name (mine is, for example), then the printed name. but signature in general.03:02
tsimonq2ok, cool03:02
tsimonq2but can it be typed text, or does it have to be written?03:02
josesamsruti: I'll edit that a bit and change the topic, but gimme a couple mins03:02
josetsimonq2: written, as with a pen03:02
samsrutisure jose :D03:03
tsimonq2adueppen: hello :D03:03
=== jose changed the topic of #ubuntu-google to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Google Events Coordination channel! || Now running: Google Code-In || codein.withgoogle.com
adueppentsimonq2: hi03:04
josewho's using Slack? >.>03:05
tsimonq2jose: do I have to return the whole waiver or just page 2?03:05
tsimonq2not me <.< >.>03:05
josetsimonq2: the whole agreement, scanned and in one PDF file03:05
joseor at least that's how it was in my times03:05
SlackBridge<mike> I am... sorry. :(03:05
josewe prefer to use IRC instead of slack for various reasons. we'll have a discussion on that tomorrow on the mailing list, I suppose03:06
mynameismevin_that's unfortunate. I'll prolly be unreachable via working hours then. :(03:07
mynameismevin_we use slack at work, and my bot sits outside the network, so it forwards all the traffic.03:08
tsimonq2jose: can I literally have my mom read it, print out page 2, take a picture of it, then I just find a way to replace page 2 in the PDF with the picture, *then* send it?03:08
josemynameismevin_: have you tried irccloud.com?03:09
josetsimonq2: too much workaround for something so simple?03:09
tsimonq2jose: this would be so much easier if I couls just return page 2 :P03:10
josewell, again, I think you're trying to complicate yourself about something so simple. scanning a page doesn't take more than a minute :)03:11
tsimonq2so I would only need to scan page *2*?03:11
tsimonq2and then just send *that*?03:12
tsimonq2or do I need to find a way to work it into the PDF03:12
josescan both of them and send in both of them03:12
joseyou can even use 'convert *.jpg name.pdf' and that's it to turn it into a pdf03:12
tsimonq2both of them being?03:13
josepage one and two?03:13
tsimonq2I only need a signature on page 2 of 603:13
tsimonq2why should I go through the trouble of scanning all 6?03:13
josewell, you can do what you want, but I'm telling you what I did when I submitted my forms.03:14
joseyou're free to submit it as you wish03:14
* tsimonq2 is just gonna have his mom scan it then send the jpg :P03:14
darkxstjose, another https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/5949767225966592/03:18
josedarkxst: let's check!03:18
josedarkxst: fixed a grammar thingy but it's published now03:19
Luis_Hi, I need help with submitting a task. How do I submit a task when I have to attach (around 175 mb)?03:23
mynameismevin__Luis_: can you upload it to google drive, make it public, then share the link? that's always an option.03:24
samsrutiSince it was a channel for students and mentor so i got confused should i post in public :P03:24
samsrutiHi Luis_03:25
joseoh, it's a channel for everything GCI :)03:25
samsrutiCool :D03:25
joseLuis_: hey! the page doesn't allow you to attach such big files?03:25
joseLuis_: also, if you have a link at the task so I can double check we're on the same page03:25
AyushI have selected this job :) Build the calendar app and run all testsuites .. Need help . I am  13 years old . I am new to open source world. Can anybody please guide me if i need to install ubuntu for this task03:29
Luis_+mynameismevin: Mmm, that sounds like a good option. This is the first time I participate in this, could you please give me a quick tutorial to submit the task, I would really appreciate that!03:29
Luis_jose: this is the link https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/6276860962930688/03:29
Luis_Thanks for the help!03:29
joseLuis_: as mynameismevin__ suggested, you can always share a link. we can work on getting the source from you later :)03:31
AyushI have selected this job :) Build the calendar app and run all testsuites .. Need help . I am  13 years old . I am new to open source world. Can anybody please guide me if i need to install ubuntu for this task03:32
Luis_jose: Thank you, that´s very helpful. I´ll just figure out how to submit the task and do it that way03:33
joseAyush: yes, you are intended to use Ubuntu on all (or most) tasks03:33
AyushOk thanks.03:34
josemore information about how to do it can be found on the task itself03:34
AyushOk :) Will try that03:37
joseAyush: if you still need help after reading everything, let us know and we'll do our best03:39
AyushDefinitely . Will get back to this if i face any problem03:40
ahoneybunI has voice?04:23
Xyz-zyhi, I'm looking at the tasks and "What release of Ubuntu used ?" seems to be a common requirement, does this mean I need to install Ubuntu before doing any code-related tasks?04:38
Xyz-zyI have Linux Mint, which I think is based on Ubuntu, but I'm really new to it04:39
joseXyz-zy: I'd say you are better working with Ubuntu or any of the official flavors (Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu, Ubuntu MATE, Ubuntu GNOME, Mythbuntu)04:46
Xyz-zyjose: thanks! maybe I'll install Ubuntu as my first task then05:00
arekeHi! Is it possible to develop on osx, or should I try to dual boot into ubuntu/install a vm for development?05:34
MatthewAllenI'm not 100% sure, but I'm running Ubuntu in a Virtual Machine as I believe that quite a few of the tasks require Ubuntu05:37
arekeYeah I suppose Ubuntu is needed to test all of the code. I realized that right after I finished setting up bzr :P05:43
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darkxstjose, another add amjjawad on this one also: https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/4544892818685952/05:54
darkxstjose, popey, balloons: ^ : also see this which needs amjjawad as mod also https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/6590206979342336/06:23
AyushHow to do dual boot06:25
Ayushwith ubuntu06:25
AyushIts getting tough on my part :(06:26
amitojWhich Operating system you have already installed?06:28
AyushWindows 1006:28
Ayushamitoj: I have Windows 10 currently.06:30
amitojokay then Simply install ubuntu on another drive Like windows 10 is install in C drive then install Ubuntu in D or E drive06:31
Ayushok. Do I need something like Oracle Virtualbox ?06:34
amitojNo, For Dual Boot you don't need it.06:35
AyushOk But what i download is a file of .iso extension06:36
AyushI am not able to open06:36
amitojNo need to open it. Burn this file to pen drive or DVD.06:37
amitojBurn it to make it bootable don't copy paste it06:38
AyushOkay :)06:39
AyushI am trying06:39
hunar@amitoj,u r the mentor of ubuntu06:39
hunaractually i am thinking of designing a sticker for ubuntu06:40
amitojYes, Hunar06:40
hunarcould you please tell me that which software should i use06:40
amitojHave you aware of any? photoshop or GIMP06:41
* hunar slaps renatu around a bit with a large fishbot06:42
amitojokay Photoshop is nice you can use it and Gimp is open source software You can use it to which ever you like. :)06:42
hunaroh i'm sorry. this was done by mistake @Renatu06:42
amitojIts okay :)06:42
hunarok thanks amitoj06:42
amitojYour Welcome :)06:43
hunarhey amitoj, could you please guide me with some other beginners task, which are a bit easy to do!06:43
Ayushamitoj: please guide me step by step to work on Build the calendar app and run all testsuites06:45
amitojokay There are so many beginners task You can choose any we help you. As you choose to design a sticker its easy06:46
AyushThis is a beginner's task too.06:46
AyushBut its kind of taking a toll on me06:46
hunarhey ayush! where are you from?06:46
amitojWhat Problem you are facing Ayush?06:47
AyushI am not able to understand how to proceed .06:49
AyushI am asked to download ubuntu sdk06:49
hunaramitoj, i'm using photoshop. what should be the dimensions for the sticker?06:49
hunarheight width and resolution?06:49
AyushI will be able to do that as instructions are given06:50
AyushDo i have to fix bugs for a calendar app06:50
Ayushor write a code to create a calendar app?06:50
darkxstAyush, that task is just to build the source, and then run the test suites, there will be (likely) follow up tasks that involve fixing bugs etc06:51
amitoj@hunar dimensions any of your choice and make it in High resolution06:52
AyushSo I need to write code to make a calendar app.06:57
AyushCan anyone help me with initial steps06:57
darkxstAyush, no, you just download the existing source code and build it06:58
darkxstAll the instructions are on the page linked in the task06:58
AyushSo all i need to do this run it and submit the app ?07:02
AyushSubmit the working app07:02
AyushPlease tell me what I actually have to do in this task I have taken up to make a calendar app. I am highly interested into making this app. But I am afraid I wont be able to do .07:06
AyushSource code is already there . So what I should do next after just installing ubuntu and sdk ?07:07
AyushWhat actually I have to come out with at the end as a result to submit ?07:07
AyushI am a beginner failing to understand the instructions :(07:07
AyushProvided by ubuntu07:08
MatthewAllenAnyone else stuck still waiting for Parental Consent to be approved?07:13
hunarwhat should be the dimensions of the sticker07:13
hunaranyone please help me out07:14
hunaranyone up there?07:18
DanChapmanhunar, hi there! So i just looked at the description of the sticker task and it states "The size and the shape of the sticker is whatever you like." :-)07:19
hunarthank u sir07:20
tvoss_good morning :)07:20
DanChapmanhunar, your welcome :-)07:20
DanChapmanmorning tvoss_ :-)07:20
=== tvoss_ is now known as tvoss
tvossah, I see the channel has slightly grown since yesterday07:21
darkxstAyush, its an existing app, and the task says what info to submit07:26
gaurav_shuklahi popey I created a task to create promotional video, now the participant is asking if there are any legal complications if he tries to compare other os to ubuntu07:55
popeygaurav_shukla, hard to know without knowing what they are planning to say :)07:56
popeygaurav_shukla, fact is we can't possibly know the laws in every country, but I think typically common sense prevails07:56
gaurav_shuklaso what should I suggest ? although there are tons of videos already on the web comparing x os to y os or x thing to y thing so I don't think that should be an issue here07:58
popeyright, i agree07:58
gaurav_shuklaalso he's having trouble uploading the video for review on the code in website so he asked if he could submit a link to video and upload the video on youtube08:00
popeyseems sensible08:03
NuruddinjrHi there, i would love to take some Code In challenges but can't see any submit button,08:03
edoti have claimed the task for building terminal and run all testsuites08:07
edotand i couldn't understand where to start08:07
Nuruddinjrhow to claim a task08:07
edotcould any of you help me08:07
edotshould i just install sdk and fork the branch of terminal08:08
edotand run testsuites08:08
Nuruddinjredot> How to claim a task08:08
edotclick on the button #nuruddinjr08:08
gaurav_shuklaedot may be balloons o popey could help you with that08:08
popeyedot, which part are you stuck with?08:09
Nuruddinjrapparently i dont have  a button yet :-) I am getting a parental consent app error here08:09
Nuruddinjr** on gci web site08:09
edotnuruddin then you should click the link to verify08:10
edotand enter the details for your parent/guardian (email)08:10
edotpopey i stuck with how to start building the app08:10
NuruddinjrI am getting the app got an error"08:11
popeyedot, you have the SDK installed?08:11
edoti am using cygwin08:11
edotis it possible to install and run sdk using cygwin08:12
popeyYou need to install Ubuntu either on a machine, or in a virtual machine such as vmware or virtualbox08:12
edotso after installing sdk should i fork the repo from launchpad and run testsuites08:13
edotcould you tell me the sequence in which i should complete this task08:14
edotbeing a noob its kind of intimidating and i am uncertain of what i had to do08:14
popeyI appreciate the feedback edot :)08:16
gaurav_shuklaWhat to do If i suspect one of the participant has copied from some other source in order to complete the task08:24
MatthewAllenAnyone know if we're supposed to build and run the calendar app through the Ubuntu SDK or the terminal???09:08
DanChapmanMatthewAllen, I would say use which ever method you would prefer to use09:11
hunar@amitoj, pls check my task09:27
hunari have resubmitted it09:27
hunarplease review it09:27
* hunar slaps hunar around a bit with a large fishbot09:27
darkxsthunar, you probably don't want to slap mentors with fishbot's! ;)09:43
MatthewAllenCam someone give me a hand with the Calendar App task to build and run it, after building it using Cmake and attempting to execute it I am prompted with a file browser to select a QML file, what am I supposed to do???09:44
hunar@darkxst, u might see that i didnot slap mentors, i slapped myself.. :p lol09:44
DanChapmanMatthewAllen, what steps have you taken trying to run it?09:45
DanChapmanMatthewAllen, IIRC calendar is pure qml so you should be able to just use qmlscene. Have you read the README file?09:47
MatthewAllenDanChapman, Attempting to do it through the qmlscene command returns the error "module "QtOrganizer" is not installed"09:50
Sean64_homeHello World!09:52
DanChapmanMatthewAllen, Check you have "qtdeclarative5-qtorganizer-plugin" and "qtorganizer5-eds" packages installed09:53
Sean64_homeExcute me, I want to do GCI's Interview a Community Member Task, what can I do?09:53
DanChapmanSean64_home, Hi! The task description gives some good indicators of what to do and where to look. I would suggest you first start by learning what the various teams in Ubuntu do and go from there :-)09:58
darkxsthunar, well that is just as bad! your supposed to be having fun here ;)10:00
* vedk slaps vedk around a bit with a large fishbot10:01
hunarhahaha... lol yeah.. @darkxst10:01
Sean64_homehunar: @ is mean he is OP, you can direct call his nick name.10:08
Sean64_homebtw, OP is not part of IRC, it is a (optical) module of IRC.10:11
MatthewAllenDanChapman, I sorted out those missing packages however I'm now getting "module "Ubuntu.SyncMonitor" is not installed, I have installed SyncMonitor using apt-get and I'm still getting the issue.10:20
DanChapmanMatthewAllen, Hmmm have you installed the ubuntu-sdk?10:21
MatthewAllenDanChapman, Don't worry - fixed it! I needed to install the package "qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-syncmonitor0.1"10:22
MatthewAllenDanChapman, Thankyou for the help :)10:23
DanChapmanMatthewAllen, great! your welcome :)10:24
darkxsthunar, no one here is mean, I think all what Sean64_home meant is you don't need to use "@" when pinging people10:39
ArctosCan anyone help me with Ubuntu 15 problems?10:46
popeydidrocks, added all your desktop tasks, they need reviewing to put the right durations in them, and make sure categories are correct.11:06
popeydidrocks, can you see them? (I don't know if you can as they're not published)11:07
MatthewAllenCan someone please give me a hand, I'm attempting to run the Autopilot tests on the Ubuntu-Calendar-App, Autopilot is finding the test modules without issue but when I attempt to run any tests it returns the following error; "ERROR: unittest.loader.ModuleImportFailure.calendar_app.tests.test_weekview"11:16
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didrockspopey: yeah, I can I don't know how to ensure I can grab all of them though11:37
didrocksah, my tasks show them as well11:37
didrockspopey: good, putting duration and publishing them (this afternoon)11:37
popeyi made 20 instances of the "giant" one11:38
popeywe can always make more11:38
didrockspopey: yeah, saw that, sounds ok, I'll ensure we don't have too many of them in parallel to ensure we don't have overlaps :)11:39
didrockspopey: thanks!11:39
Ritz_How to find bugs11:55
didrockspopey: all done (changed time, category, number of instances for some…), they can be published I guess now (seems i can't do it myself)12:06
popeydidrocks, all published (assuming I pressed the buttons correctly)12:08
jun1707Hi, I need help... I'm trying to run tests on the calendar app, however, when I choose autopilot, no tests appear on the list.12:08
didrockspopey: you didn't push hard enough, some aren't :p12:09
didrocks(5 of them)12:10
popeyI need a new mouse button now12:10
didrockspopey: you're not lying this time \o/12:10
didrocksthanks ;)12:10
* didrocks hugs popey12:10
nuborohow are you12:27
nuboroin this https://codein.withgoogle.com/tasks/5878439395459072/?sp-organization=4568116747042816&sp-status=2&sp-is_exhausted=False you should test it but what should you do then12:44
DanChapmannuboro, I would have thought you would add your test results to the iso tracker http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/351/builds/108302/testcases but I would check with the mentor for that task first :-)12:50
nuboroyes ok12:51
jun1707Help please. When I run autopilot for the calendar app, it'll give an error. "ImportError: No module named ubuntuuitoolkit"12:53
jun1707How do I fix this?12:53
nuborothe same happend to me12:58
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paarthriTrying to use autopilot3 to run test scripts in the music-app touch app. All the tests fail and the exit code is -6. What should I do?13:18
=== paarthri_ is now known as paarthri
kenvandinehey xcub, glad you sorted out your upgrade issue13:27
kenvandinexcub, sorry I didn't respond earlier13:27
balloonsjun1707, nuboro, you need to install ubuntu-ui-toolkit-autopilot13:32
balloonspaarthri, can you post a log of what happened?13:32
balloonspaarthri, use pastebin or something similar :-)13:32
jun1707balloons, thanks. Will try that out. :D13:33
nuboroballoons thanks but i already have that13:33
jun1707Ooo, great, it works now after installing that and another dependency. Thanks a lot.13:41
balloonsjun1707, glad to hear it!13:41
jun1707Haha, well, after fixing that problem another problem appears.13:45
jun1707Starting /usr/bin/autopilot3-sandbox-run... E: Xephyr executable not found. Please install Xephyr /usr/bin/autopilot3-sandbox-run exited with code 113:45
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
balloonsjun1707, ahh. Anothe rpackage13:50
balloonsxserver-xephyr should do the trick13:51
balloonsor run with the -X13:51
Sean64_homeHi, I claimed the "Install Ubuntu" task, I need what? (Ex. Screenshot, installed iso file)13:51
Sean64_home(I am Debian user now)13:52
Sean64_homealan_g: You can use the command /away13:52
Sean64_homeI will install in gnome-boxes13:54
jun1707Okay, so I've run the tests, and it gave me 32/33 failures...13:57
jun1707What now?13:57
jun1707"Your task is to build the app and successfully run it and it's testsuites on your desktop." that was given.13:57
balloonsjun1707, that's alot of failure, but submit that screenshot / log and you should be good13:57
jun1707Hahaha alright then will do.13:58
balloonsSean64_home, yes, for install ubuntu task a screenshot and answer the couple questions about what you installed and why13:58
Sean64_homeballoons: Excute me, I don't know what is "installed and 'why'".13:59
McIntireEvanSean64_home, I think what flavor (Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Lububtu, etc.) and what version number (14.04, for example, it can be found by following instructions here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckingYourUbuntuVersion)14:02
McIntireEvanAnd then also talk about why you chose that one, like if you liked the UI in it more than the other ones, or even just if you didn't really know what to install14:02
nuboro_@balloons i have installed that but there is the same error14:06
Sean64_homeIn fact I just skimps for this task, because I was played (?) Ubuntu half year ago....14:06
balloonsnuboro_, posting a log will help out a lot. It's hard to know what's happening without being able to read what you are reading14:06
nuboro_@balloons i went to ~/ubuntu-calendar-app/tests/autopilot14:08
nuboro_then i tested   $ autopilot3 run calendar_app14:09
nuboro_the rest is at the screenshot for the task14:10
nuboro_sorry for the circumstances14:10
jun1707'module "Ubuntu.SyncMonitor" is not installed' Ahh... I see what's the problem now...14:13
balloonsnuboro_, have you used something like pastebin.com before? Copying and pasting the log from your terminal will help alot. Then just provide the link to it.14:13
balloonsnuboro_, I will look at the task screenshot in a moment14:13
jun1707this time install14:17
balloonsnuboro_, aha. So do you see 'ImportError: No module named 'address_book_service_testability'' ? That's the issue. You need to install address-book-service-testability14:18
jun1707'module "Ubuntu.SyncMonitor" is not installed' anyone knows how to fix this? sync-monitor is installed already though...14:19
balloonswe have a task to expand the README's for the core apps to make this easier. It's clearly a little difficut now14:19
balloonsjun1707, what's the context?14:20
jun1707Well, the first time I ran the calendar app, it showed up just fine. (forgot to screenshot) but now trying it again, that's the response.14:21
balloonssmajevicirfan, you about?14:22
smajevicirfan@balloons, you asked me about the error on the wiki14:23
balloonssmajevicirfan, yes, thank you. I've fixed it now.14:24
balloonssmajevicirfan, I was going to ask if you were going to go ahead and try fixing some qatracker issues now. If so, I'll make sure to get more added14:24
Sean64_homeExcute me, I done the task Install Ubuntu, please review, thanks.14:25
smajevicirfan@balloons, I actually was, but the one where the title had to be changed seems to be claimed :/14:26
balloonssmajevicirfan, ahh indeed so. Let me add another one for you14:26
balloonsjust a moment14:26
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balloonsjun1707, on your error, that seems really weird. I'm not sure14:30
=== [cAPSlOCK] is now known as Sean2147483647
jun1707balloons, the full error: http://pastebin.com/mQhSk12H14:33
DanChapmanjun1707, ahh that's because Ubuntu.SyncMonitor isn't yet included in the Ubuntu SDK desktop kit. Try running "qmlscene calendar.qml" in your terminal14:34
balloonsDanChapman, interesting.. is that filed somewhere?14:36
DanChapmanballoons, i believe zoltan is onto it. He said a week or 2 and the platform api's should be in the desktop kit it currently only has the uitk & qt modules. I haven't checked for a bug report though :-/14:37
balloonsok, no worries. If he knows about it, then :-)14:38
smajevicirfanballoons, the url on the wiki still isn't right, should be ?q not q?14:39
balloonssmajevicirfan, :-)14:39
smajevicirfanballoons, just saw it :-)14:40
jun1707Okay alright then thanks a lot.14:40
balloonssmajevicirfan, I created 'Change QATracker top 20 page to top 100'14:43
nuboro_balloons there is another error15:53
nuboro_and the calendar app opens many times15:56
balloonsnuboro_, I think you've got the tests to at least run16:05
nuboro_:) ok so wait a lot off time16:06
balloonsI understand it's been a little difficult in getting things setup. We've added a task in response to make it easier.16:06
balloonsanyways, I would approve this task now. I hope you at least figure out how all the tools for the core apps work now, so if you had to do it again, you could :-)_16:07
nuboro_yes then i could do it16:13
nuboro_balloons ^16:13
balloonsnuboro_, :-)16:14
nuboro_shall i send a screen shoot16:14
balloonsnuboro_, yes, please do. And feel free to send for review16:15
nuboro_but it failed16:15
balloonsohh.. I thought you said things ran.. I'm sorry16:16
ahayzenballoons, "PyGIWarning: UbuntuAppLaunch was imported without specifying a version first. Use gi.require_version('UbuntuAppLaunch', '2') before import to ensure that the right version gets loaded." is what Carla and Victor have been seeing with music on xenial btw16:16
balloonsok, do you have all the dependencies installed? I know you've been adding some16:16
balloonsahayzen, uh-oh16:16
nuboro_no the auto ran16:16
ahayzenballoons, i randomly saw in the desktop meeting... '<Laney> • New upstream of g-i, for some reason we have a delta now'16:17
ahayzenmaybe that has broken something as Victor said it *was* working16:17
ahayzenballoons, what Victor now gets if it helps http://paste.ubuntu.com/13824636/ ;-)16:18
nuboroi think i have all16:19
nuborothis error always come Binary content:   FailedTestScreenshot (image/png)16:19
balloonslet me try16:20
* ahayzen hugs vivid16:20
balloonshehe.. works for you on vivd?16:20
ahayzennot sure, i use adt-run on device :-)16:21
ahayzenand i have uc1.2 not uc1.3 so it won't work anyway ;-)16:21
ahayzenballoons, what are you guys recommending for the applicants to be running on? Wily?16:22
balloonsahayzen, nothing I suppose. But most are on trusty or vivid16:25
balloonswhoops.. looks like my dist-upgrade got cut off lastnight16:27
balloonsso my bzr is broken, amongst other things16:30
* balloons waits16:30
nuborohttp://pastebin.com/i1XCaYEK   how can you solve this problem16:31
balloonsnuboro, what version of ubuntu are you running on?16:31
balloonsit sounds like there may be a brand new bug preventing running these tests16:32
nuboro16.04 LTS16:32
nuboro@balloons ^^16:33
ahayzenyeah, seems anyone on Xenial has a broken G-I16:34
balloonsnuboro, right. So as ahayzen is saying, that's the issue.16:35
balloonsnuboro, that means I think you are ok. Explain the bug and submit the screenshot.16:35
hunaramitoj sir, i think i have deleted that file :'(16:36
balloons16.04 / xenial is a development version, and it can have bugs like this16:36
balloonsit's a work in progress, and not yet offfically released16:37
nuborowhere shall i explain it ? @balloons16:37
balloonsnuboro, in your submission for the task16:37
amitojoh hunar its okay no worry :)16:37
hunaramitoj sir, when will it be approved? the parental consent! this much long it takes!!16:40
amitoj@hunar it will be approved very soon. As it will be approved by Google itself. :)16:41
GirishHi! I'm working on the task to build the Ubuntu Calendar app. Do I need to install qt5 on my machine to build it? The README says that it needs qmlsceneviewer and qt5 to 'run' it. But I'm not sure whether running and building are the same thing. Thanks!16:45
popeyYou need to install it, yes.16:45
popeyWhich you will get if you install the SDK16:45
hunarthank u amitoj sir!16:46
GirishI installed the sdk but I'm not able to run it.16:46
hunarsir, can i get ur phone number or facebook ID?16:46
nuboro@balloons i have send the bug and the screenshot16:46
balloonsnuboro, just send for review then16:47
Anvith@girish this video may help you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNr3Y0kTSkI16:47
nuboroyes that i also did16:47
GirishMy machine says qmlscene: could not find a Qt installation of '' when I try the command qmlsceneviewer calendar.qml16:47
balloonsGirish, just run it as qmlscene16:48
GirishSame error. qmlscene: could not find a Qt installation of ''16:50
GirishI'm on Ubuntu 15.04 if that matters.16:51
kenvandineGirish, do you have the package qmlscene installed?16:52
kenvandine /usr/bin/qmlscene comes from qt-chooser16:53
kenvandineqtchooser rather16:53
kenvandineGirish, i suspect if you install qmlscene, you'll be good16:53
GirishOkay I'll install qmlscene and try again.16:54
nuboro.seen goal16:56
GirishI installed qmlscene and now I'm getting a different error16:56
Girishubuntu-calendar-app/calendar.qml:21 module "QtOrganizer" is not installed16:57
goal.hey nuboro16:57
goalhow does this google code-in thing work/nuboro16:57
nuborothere are tasks16:57
goali selected the task on making a calander16:57
nuboroyou can take one16:58
nuborook then were you on this website https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/community/core-apps/calendar/16:58
kenvandineGirish, progress :)16:58
goalbut how do u do it16:58
nuborogoal are you german16:58
goallike do u install the app16:59
goalto code it16:59
kenvandineGirish, install these packages: qtorganizer5-eds qtdeclarative5-qtorganizer-plugin qtdeclarative5-localstorage-plugin16:59
kenvandineGirish, not sure if that's all of them, but maybe :)16:59
nuborogoal have you got Ubuntu SDK17:00
GirishOkay, thanks!17:00
goali am new to this17:00
goalbut im a c++ programmer on netbeans17:00
goalalso i use linux17:00
nuborothen the first step is to install it17:00
goalill try and install it17:01
goalbut do i have to make the calender from start17:01
nuborono you have got the source17:01
goali'll come back again if i need something17:02
GirishNew errors: file:///home/girish/ubuntu-calendar-app/calendar.qml:320 Type EventActions unavailable ubuntu-calendar-app/EventActions.qml:21 module "Ubuntu.SyncMonitor" is not installed17:03
kenvandineGirish, install qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-syncmonitor0.117:04
GirishSyncMonitor and EventActions are unavailable17:04
kenvandineEventActions is part of calendar-app17:04
kenvandineyou just need SyncMonitor17:04
GirishI got an error but the calendar is running!17:06
GirishThe error is Fail to connect with sync monitor17:06
kenvandinei guess sync monitor isn't running17:06
kenvandinerenatu, ^^ does it matter?17:06
kenvandinei assume not17:06
kenvandinefor development17:06
GirishSo the calendar is built now?17:06
kenvandinenothing to build, you have all the dependencies installed now to run it17:07
* kenvandine doesn't know much about the calendar-app17:07
renatukenvandine, Girish, yes you do not need sync monitor running17:08
renatuGirish, I believe calendar app is only QML files, you do not need to build it :D17:08
GirishNow for running the tests part, I need to run the tests in Ubuntu SDK, right?17:09
GirishWell, the task described to 'build the calendar', so I got confused. I even tried to open the files in Ubuntu SDK to build it.17:10
nuborowho is Alan Pope17:13
nuboroCarla Sella17:14
ahayzennuboro, Alan Pope -> popey17:14
nuboro@popey can you please look at https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/4635551793676288/17:18
flocculantballoons: https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/6357871159672832/ please make sure you add you as a mentor please :)17:21
flocculantif that makes sense we can do the same for the package tracker too17:21
balloonsdone and published. The code should be the same between both17:22
ahayzenballoons, Carla has just reported, https://bugs.launchpad.net/music-app/+bug/1524000, which project should that be against? pygobject ?17:23
ahayzenballoons, ^^ also affects most other core apps (its the error we were just talking about)17:23
balloonsahayzen, pygobject indeed I guess17:24
ahayzenballoons, ok i'll mark as such :-)17:24
flocculantballoons: ack17:24
balloonsflocculant, perhaps you should edit the xubuntu test task to say the output should just be a link to your result17:25
ahayzenballoons, do you think i should add the uitk as well? as its when you import ubuntuuitoolkit ?17:26
flocculantballoons: did that to both mine17:31
balloonsahayzen, I'm not sure it makes sense to add it to all the imports. But perhaps I misunderstand the issue17:33
ahayzenballoons, when you do import ubuntuuitoolkit somewhere in their ap helper it does another import which then explodes with the GI error17:33
flocculantballoons: writing these tasks is a real pain here - can't actually see what I'm writing :(17:45
Girish_Hi, I'm trying to run the autopilot tests in the test directory and all of them are failing.17:49
Girish_First I changed to ubuntu_calendar_app/tests/autopilot/17:50
Girish_Then I ran the script autopilot3 run calendar_app17:51
Girish_I recieved Ran 9 tests in 0.002s FAILED (failures=9)17:51
Girish_I'm running the tests in the Ubuntu calendar app.17:52
Girish_Where am I going wrong?17:52
Girish_I'm also getting this error: ImportError: No module named 'ubuntuuitoolkit'17:53
nuborocan you send the hole thing17:54
nuborohttp://pastebin.com/ maybe17:54
nuboroGirish_ ^^^17:54
Girish_Yeah, sending. Just a sec17:54
balloonsflocculant, I write them somewhere else and paste them in most of the time17:55
Girish_Errors: http://pastebin.com/cY4H1ZMF17:55
balloonsGirish_, install ubuntu-ui-toolkit-autopilot17:55
malevasquezHey, I sent in a task for review yesterday and even though I got some good feedback, the mentor didn't mark it as complete. What can I do about this?17:57
malevasquezBecause I am trying to move on to a new task, but I can't claim one until this one is marked as 'complete' or just marked as something.17:58
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
Girish_The tests are running now(No import errors). The mouse is acting on its own and performing several tasks. But I'm getting tasks failed in my terminal.18:07
ultimamaxhey can someone help me get this infrastructure set up? i have git and an ubuntu one account and a launchpad account set up already18:11
balloonsmalevasquez, what task?18:13
balloonsGirish_, it's enough to have run them18:13
Girish_Oh okay thanks!18:14
balloonssounds like you were successful :-)18:14
Girish_I'm not able to run the qmltest runner18:21
Girish_I'm getting the error qmltestrunner: could not exec '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/qmltestrunner': No such file or directory18:21
Girish_Should I install qmltestrunner?18:22
balloonsGirish_, yes. If you install the metapackage ubuntu-sdk, you should have gotten all of this stuff18:22
Girish_I already installed the ubuntu-sdk. I wonder why I didn't get all these stuff18:23
balloonsweird.. well, install away I guess18:23
Girish_Do I need to install the Qt 5 test QML plugin?18:25
nuborocan someone please look at this https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/4635551793676288/18:28
nuboroso i can do another18:28
Girish_Which package is the qml test runner in? Which package do I download for getting the runner?18:30
DanChapmanballoons, note that installing ubuntu-sdk meta package now installs everything to /usr/ubuntu-sdk-dev/* this is why so many people are missing packages. installing ubuntu-sdk-libs should get most packages back in the correct place :-)18:31
malevasquezballoons, the task is 'review kubuntu manual'18:32
balloonsDanChapman, I was just going to have a look. It's likely we'll need to update docs for that change. Thanks!18:32
balloonsmalevasquez, ahh. Yes, ahoneybun is the mentor for that18:32
malevasquezballoons, and can you mark the task as 'complete' instead of him?18:33
malevasquezbecause I am waiting since yesterday afternoon and I would love to move on to another task18:33
malevasquezI would really appreciate it18:34
balloonsmalevasquez, yes, I will18:35
popeynuboro, looking18:35
malevasquezballoons, thank you so much!18:35
balloonsGirish_, as DanChapman said, install ubuntu-sdk-libs sounds like that should do the trick18:36
Girish_Installed the libs18:36
Girish_Still getting the same error18:36
nuborothank @popey  you must do a lot ;)18:36
Girish_qmltestrunner: could not exec '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/qmltestrunner': No such file or directory18:37
balloonsGirish_, :-( OK, let me get the package name you need18:37
popeynuboro, i think i might need balloons for this one, strange and interesting autopilot things, sorry.18:37
nuboro @popey shall i make a new with all the important18:38
balloonsnuboro, is this still for calendar?18:38
nuboroyes ;)18:38
balloonspopey, there's an issue with autopilot and xenial atm18:38
balloonsso I told him it was enough to show he ran things properly18:38
balloonsapparently pygi update broke things18:38
xcubI am doing the task where you write a  tutorial for Bacon 2D, and I was wondering what I should use in order to write the tutorial18:42
xcubShould i use the default wordprocessor and export what I write as a pdf, or is there a better option18:43
balloonskenvandine, ^^18:43
balloonsxcub, I would say use whatever you wish, but the ultimate goal of your output would end up on a web page or included in the source code I would think18:48
balloonsxcub, your mentor can answer you better18:48
balloonsGirish_, qtdeclarative5-dev-tools18:49
Girish_Okay, will try this18:49
xcubSo i would write it in html?18:49
Girish_SUCCESS! :D18:50
balloonsI would keep the text plain until you know more. Only your mentor can give you the proper answer, so to be safe, worry about formatting a little later until you get an answer18:50
balloonsxcub ^^18:50
nuboroi would like to do this https://codein.withgoogle.com/tasks/4858002477678592/?sp-organization=456811674704281618:55
nuboroi havent the parental consent approval nowso the task i am doing isn#t finished18:56
nuborocan i already start it ??18:56
balloonsnuboro, I'm not sure if google will let you officially start it or not18:59
nuboro@balloons officially not but we can make it unofficially :)19:01
balloonsnuboro, you are most certainly welcome to start working on it regardless19:03
nuborook thanks19:03
balloonsbut get that consent form going so you don't have this issue :-)19:03
nuboroi am just waiting for the rewie19:04
ExplodingKittensI'm going through the Thunar bug reports, and I've got one that is assigned to both "thunar" and "thunar (Ubuntu)". For "thunar", it's marked as an invalid duplicate of another bug (which it is, on the project's Bugzilla page). Should it marked as such on Launchpad as well, despite it not being a duplicate there?19:18
Girish_Submitted the calendar task. Thanks!19:18
nuboro@balloons  do i neeed ubuntu touch or does the normal also work19:22
balloonsnuboro, no you can run in on the desktop19:23
nuborook thanks19:23
kenvandineballoons, guess i missed xcub19:23
balloonskenvandine, yea, you can reply on the task instance, or even update the task to reflect his question19:23
balloonsExplodingKittens, I'm not sure19:24
balloonspresumably if there is an upstream bug, we can still have a thunar (ubuntu) bug. Only the thunar bug would be invalid i think19:25
ExplodingKittensballoons, that's what I'm figuring. There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of documentation on handling bug reports, it mostly just seems to be about reporting them.19:27
nuborohttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-terminal-app/+bug/1493786  @balloons that isnt really a bug right?19:31
flocculantExplodingKittens: if the bug is confirmed in thunar but New in thunar (Ubuntu) move on to the next one, we're mostly interested in bugs that are just orphan reports19:32
flocculantI'll try and make that more clear in the task19:33
ExplodingKittensflocculant, got ya. Thanks!19:34
flocculantExplodingKittens: does the task look detailed enough now?19:40
Girish_There is no team for Ubuntu Phone? I was looking in wiki.ubuntu.com/Teams and couldn't find any team for the Ubuntu Phone. Was looking to interview someone on the Phone team for the interviewing task. Can anyone connect me to somebody behind the Ubuntu Phone?19:40
kenvandineGirish_, quite a few of us are :)19:41
kenvandinethere are multiple teams19:41
ExplodingKittensflocculant, yes, definitely. Thanks for updating it!19:41
kenvandineGirish_, i'm on the system apps team, working on the phone19:41
Girish_Oh cool. :D Can I interview you?19:44
kenvandineGirish_, i'd be happy to19:44
Girish_Thanks! Can I get your email?19:45
Girish_Thanks! I'll email you when my current task is reviewed and I'm assigned the interviewing task.19:46
kenvandineGirish_, cool19:46
flocculantExplodingKittens: welcome - I guess you've done one now and finished :p19:47
ahoneybunsorry about that balloons19:49
ExplodingKittensflocculant, yeah, I need to link it upstream really quickly. After that, will I need to provide anything on the task page or just submit it as completed?19:51
flocculantExplodingKittens: submit the bug you confirmed as a link, I'll be able to grab your LP username then19:52
ExplodingKittensflocculant, okay. I'll get on that and have it submitted in the next few minutes.19:54
smajevicirfan@balloons, which of the packages that are installed for the qatracker include postfix?20:08
balloonssmajevicirfan, hmm20:15
balloonssmajevicirfan, drupal7 pulls it20:16
smajevicirfan@balloons, ok, thank you20:16
balloonssmajevicirfan, via default-mta: http://packages.ubuntu.com/vivid/drupal720:18
balloonsLetozaf_, hello20:20
Letozaf_Hi balloons :)20:20
Letozaf_balloons, did you see my email ?20:21
balloonsI did. I'm trying to get my bzr straightened out on my box20:21
balloonsso i can reproduce20:21
balloonsasking ahayzen is never a bad idea, as he knows both music and autopilot :-)20:21
Letozaf_balloons, I do not have that error, but the student working on the test is, anyway I will try to ask ahayzen20:22
HulkDo You Know Who The Mentor Alan Pope is????20:29
flocculantHulk: popey is Alan20:31
Hulkok popey can you help me with the calander app thing20:31
balloonsLetozaf_, ok, I can confirm I too don't get that error20:32
balloonstests run fine for me20:32
popeyHulk, hello!20:32
popeyHulk, is this the autopilot one? (I should re-assign balloons to that as he can answer it better than me) :)20:32
Hulk@ popey i do not know the answer to that20:33
popeyHulk, which task are you asking about?20:33
Hulk@popey Build the calendar app and run all testsuites20:34
Letozaf_balloons, are you running 15.10 or 16.04 ?20:34
balloonsLetozaf_, xenial20:34
Letozaf_balloons, same as me, but all the tests pass for you ?20:34
Letozaf_balloons, or only the one of the error20:35
balloonsLetozaf_, they are still running, but yea, seems fine20:35
popeyHulk, yes, that's one for balloons :)20:35
Letozaf_balloons, I have some issues on 10 or the tests: https://bugs.launchpad.net/music-app/+bug/152400020:36
balloonsLetozaf_, everything passed. Because, you know, ahayzen is a boss20:36
balloonsHulk, what's the issue?20:36
balloonsLetozaf_, ahh right. well, other than that bug it works20:37
Letozaf_balloons, ok thanks20:37
Superman_This is Hulk And I Do not know what to do20:37
balloonsI'm looking at the student's log20:37
balloonsSuperman_, with the task? you need to branch the code, run the app, and then run the tests for the app. It's should be an intro to developing for calendar app20:38
balloonsLetozaf_, ohh, you are running with -vv, hmm20:39
Letozaf_balloons, yes20:39
Superman_ok but i do not know how to code20:39
balloonslots of debugging info with that. Anyways, I don't see any issue. I guess make sure they have ubuntu-sdk-libs and the other music-app dependencies installed20:40
Letozaf_balloons, ok thanks20:40
balloonsI'm assuming it's a mediascanner issue? that's the db issue?20:41
Letozaf_balloons, yes20:41
Letozaf_balloons, at least I think so20:41
balloonsI actually don't have that package installed to be honest, so ...20:41
McIntireEvanSince I need to remake my VM anyway, should I go with 15.10 or 16.04?20:42
Superman_Where do i install ubuntu20:42
Letozaf_balloons, I have mediascanner but I do not have the students problem... I will tell him to check dependencies20:43
balloonsSorry for his troubles ;-(20:43
McIntireEvanSuperman_, you have to download it and then either install it onto a computer or a virtual machine using Virtualbox or similar sofrtware20:43
flocculantballoons: so what's the deal with the parental consent thing once you've approved a task?20:43
balloonsflocculant, some of the younger students have to fill that out I believe20:44
flocculantExplodingKittens: did one which I tried to approve20:44
McIntireEvanballoons, all students. Im 17 and had to do it20:44
balloonsI guess google doesn't prompt for it at registeration.. only after they complete the first task20:44
flocculantExplodingKittens: seems you need to deal with parental consent :)20:44
balloonsahh, thanks for the info McIntireEvan20:44
flocculantballoons McIntireEvan thanks :)20:44
Superman_I need the website for installation20:44
McIntireEvanSuperman_, http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop20:45
McIntireEvanballoons, flocculant, no problem :)20:45
ExplodingKittensflocculant, the website says my parental consent has been submitted and will be reviewed "after you submit your first task for review." I'm guessing we'll have to wait on Google to review that form before you can approve the task.20:46
theghostinthemacwhats up?20:46
Superman_Thank you20:47
McIntireEvantheghostinthemac, Nothing much, just making a virutal machine right now. How bout you?20:47
theghostinthemacIm building the calendar app20:47
theghostinthemacjust submitted the project20:48
McIntireEvanSuperman_, no problem, if you need anything else feel free to ask, someone in here will help you20:48
theghostinthemacwhat is going to be on the VM?20:48
McIntireEvanNice, my current task is to build the terminal app but I botched my Virtual machine so I have to make a new one20:48
theghostinthemacI was just working on the build the terminal project!!20:49
McIntireEvanUbuntu, my computer can't dual boot sadly, and I do need windows so :/20:49
theghostinthemac:( :( :(20:49
McIntireEvanYeah, building it is just opening the project in Ubuntu SDK, building it, and running the tests, right?20:49
* theghostinthemac hates windows20:49
theghostinthemacyeah, it is20:50
McIntireEvanI tend to like windows, though TBH if I was forced to swap over to linux I'd probably be mostly fine20:50
theghostinthemacthe test part isnt so easy tho20:50
theghostinthemacI tried to use python autopilot on the calendar app, and it completely crashed and burned20:51
theghostinthemacI had to go and use qmltestrunner to run the tests20:51
McIntireEvanJeesh. Thanks for the info, I'll keep it in mind20:51
McIntireEvanIs this your first year doing GCI?20:52
theghostinthemachow many years habe you benn doing the GCI?20:52
McIntireEvanCool! This is my third (and final) year, I was actually a finalist last year, Google Code In is great20:52
theghostinthemachow do you become a finalist?20:52
McIntireEvanYou get chosen by the organization as one of 5 finalists, 2 of which become winners20:53
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
theghostinthemacdo you have to complete a certain amount of projects?20:53
McIntireEvanThe top 10 task completers are the people they choose those 5 from20:54
theghostinthemacwhat happens to winners20:54
flocculantExplodingKittens: ack20:54
McIntireEvanThey get flown out to Google HQ in June and get a tour and everything there, 4 nights payed for in a hotel, plane tickets payed for, etc.20:55
McIntireEvanPretty awesome stuff20:55
theghostinthemacsounds AWESOME20:55
theghostinthemacdont you get a shirt or something for completeing three projects?20:56
McIntireEvanYup! You also get a hoodie if you're a finalist20:56
theghostinthemacthis just gets better and better20:56
McIntireEvanMy hope is to win this year, as it's my last chance, but it wouldn't be the end if I didn't20:56
theghostinthemacare you going to be a mentor when you age out?20:56
McIntireEvanProbably, we'll see how busy I am with college during this time next year20:57
theghostinthemachow long have you been with ubuntu? I have been using it and mostly breaking my installs for over 3 years now20:58
balloonsLetozaf_, I found the answer20:58
McIntireEvanIf I'm a finalist or a winner I'd feel pretty obligated to be a mentor xD I'll probably try and continue to contribute after GCI ends but we'll see what happens20:58
Letozaf_balloons, realy :)20:58
McIntireEvanThis is Ubuntu's first year with GCI, I was with Wikimedia last year. I use Ubuntu on my VPS though20:58
Letozaf_balloons, what is it ?20:58
balloonsLetozaf_, read the README.autopilot file, under "# Resolving mediascanner2 schema issues when tests fail"20:59
balloonssee, andrew already knew how to solve it and it's in the readme!20:59
theghostinthemaci mean how long have you benn using ubuntu20:59
Letozaf_balloons, great ! thanks21:00
McIntireEvanAh, I've had my server a little over a year, so that long21:00
Letozaf_balloons, andrew is really great too :D21:00
McIntireEvanI tinkered with it a bit before that though, but nothing too cool21:00
theghostinthemac@McIntireEvan: the first day I installed Ubuntu, I broke it 5 times trying to unlock the root user21:01
balloonsLetozaf_, indeed.. I just read his README.. RTFM, right?21:01
McIntireEvanHahaha wow, that's pretty fun21:01
theghostinthemac!!FUN!! (to all y'all DFer's)21:02
Letozaf_balloons, yes right, but I really never would have thought I would find the answer to this issue in the readme :O21:03
Letozaf_balloons, next time I will read it all, you never know21:03
theghostinthemac@Letazaf_: are you one of the ubuntu mentors?21:04
theghostinthemacmeat Letozaf_21:04
theghostinthemacmeant Letozaf_21:04
theghostinthemacI just cant get it right today21:04
McIntireEvanIt happens to the best of us :P21:05
flocculantstart with tab completing nicks :D21:05
Letozaf_theghostinthemac, yes :)21:05
theghostinthemacidk you could do that!!!!!21:05
theghostinthemactab complete is awesome21:05
flocculant/me is *you*21:06
theghostinthemaci knew that tho21:06
flocculant/you is *me*21:06
theghostinthemacima go look up irc commands....bye!21:07
ahayzenLetozaf_, regarding that music AP errors, looks like mediascanner2 is out of date and needs updating21:08
ahayzenor ms2 has been updated and the mocking eneds changing again...but it looked the other way around21:08
ahayzenballoons, i think it was the client that is out of date due to it saying "what():  Tried to open a db with schema version 10, while supported version is 9."21:10
balloonsahayzen, indeed. I found you describe the error and fix in your README.autopilot21:10
balloonsmajor kudos to you!21:10
ahayzenand victor wrote the help guide :-) I take no credit for the descriptions of the ms2 database creation21:10
Letozaf_ahayzen, o/21:10
balloonsohh.. team effort!21:10
ahayzenwas a joint idea, so i'll take that part ;-)21:10
* theghostinthemac im baaaaack21:10
McIntireEvanWelcome back :)21:11
ahayzenballoons, but that readme describes the problem the other way around ;-)21:12
ahayzenballoons, all they need todo is sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install mediascanner-2.0; restart mediascanner-2.021:12
ahayzen(as Victor just said in the email)21:12
balloonswell I suppose. But it was the key to understanding21:12
ahayzenthey day we don't have to manually inject databases will be a good one...21:13
ExplodingKittensflocculant, it looks like the form was just approved and the task was marked as completed. Thank you! :)21:14
flocculantExplodingKittens: thank you too :)21:15
Letozaf_balloons, ahayzen thanks for your help :D21:15
ahayzenLetozaf_, no problem, ping me if you have any further issues, I'll be about more next week if you want me to run through what needs doing for the library empty state AP test21:15
Letozaf_ahayzen, sure thanks21:16
Helen_i am doing the task: RUN AN IMAGE (ISO) TESTS AND REPORT YOUR RESULTS21:19
Helen_I installed the iso file on vmware work station it automatically working21:20
Helen_http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/351/builds/108340/testcases/1470/results said21:20
Helen_The system boots properly and loads the installer displaying Welcome dialog with language selection and 'Try Ubuntu' and 'Install Ubuntu' buttons21:21
Helen_i don't know if i misunderstood something,,Ծ‸Ծ,,21:21
flocculantHelen_: that seems right, are you having a problem somewhere?21:22
flocculantHelen_: though I assume that you've not logged in to the tracker and reported it yet as I can't see where you did it :)21:23
Helen_oh i don't know i just can't log on21:23
Helen_i will try again21:23
flocculantand you have sorted out your SSO login account or already had one?21:24
Helen_yes i created an account and confirmed my email address21:25
Helen_it keeps saying: Oops!  The resource you tried to access doesn't exist. This can happen because of an invalid link or because of a bug. π__π21:26
flocculantHelen_: ubuntu 64 bit?21:27
flocculantsame thing happens when you select from there?21:29
balloonswxl, I published your task on improving a lubuntu bug report, but please, we still need a link to the bugs to search through :-)21:29
flocculantHelen_: ok21:29
=== thomasokeeffe is now known as theghostinthemac
flocculantballoons: seems we're getting the can't login to tracker issue here :(21:30
balloonsflocculant, Helen_, weird. Helen_, did you signup on launchpad?21:30
darkxstballoons can you publish https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/6590206979342336/ and https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/4544892818685952/21:30
theghostinthemacis Nicholas Skaggs on this node?21:30
balloonsdarkxst, sure. I'm looking through unpublished stuff now21:31
darkxstballoons also add amjjawad as mentor on both21:31
flocculantballoons: do people need to signup on launchpad as well?21:31
balloonsflocculant, I think they might need to hit this link at least21:31
flocculantHelen_: go ^^ please21:32
balloonsHelen_, what happens if you go to https://launchpad.net/+login21:32
flocculantthere even21:32
balloonssorry, use the second link.. Not the first with my sso details, heh21:32
balloonsdarkxst, ack21:32
flocculantHelen_: if you can confirm that works I'll add it21:32
balloonsthose look good darkxst. All published and I added Ali21:33
balloonsflocculant, I believe the login issue is because you can have an SSO account, but not a launchpad account. The tracker uses Ubuntu SSO, but really it wants a laucnhpad account, which doesn't exist for everyone21:34
balloonsand indeed, if we confirm it, I guess we can make sure to ask folks to get an lp account too21:34
flocculantballoons: yep - I'll wait for Helen_ to ack, then add that to the guide21:35
Helen_i logged in to lauchpad, then how can i go to the tracker (●´ω`●)φ21:36
Helen_yes, it works~21:37
Helen_thank you~21:38
flocculantthanks for confirming that Helen_ :)21:38
Helen_not at all21:38
flocculantballoons: ok - updated StudentGuide with that LP step21:40
IRCUserHi, I'm participating in the GCI competiton and I would like to know what to do in one of the tasks21:41
flocculantIRCUser: you're going to need to be more specific so we can try to help you :)21:42
IRCUserSorry! I need to know how to "Triage Terminal app bugs for relevance21:43
balloonsflocculant, that mystery is solved! Magic!21:44
flocculantballoons: can you point IRCUser in the right direction21:44
balloonsIRCUser, you want to triage this list: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-terminal-app/21:45
balloonsso you'll need the terminal app, and then go through the bugs and see what's relevant and what's not21:45
IRCUserOk Thanks @ballon and +flooculant21:46
flocculantwelcome :)21:46
IRCUserSorry I meant @balloons and +flocculant21:46
flocculantyep :)21:46
smajevicirfanwhat do you recommend, juju/ansible or shell script for an automated installation of the qatracker dev environment?22:05
balloonssmajevicirfan, howdy. I think a juju charm would in theory be really easy to make, but I can't help you specifically. marcoceppi could though. You are free to do whatever is easiest for you22:11
balloonssmajevicirfan, did you try attempting any of the other tasks to improve the tracker?22:12
smajevicirfan@balloons, I wanted to try and do this first, but I've read the rest22:13
balloonssmajevicirfan, ack. Fixing the deve environment setup would be awesom22:14
smajevicirfan@balloons, that's exactly what I thought, yesterday I spent and hour to make it work22:15
smajevicirfanwhy would anyone else suffer22:16
tsimonq2balloons: should I actually do something like "get #1 on this ranking" for a task, or no?22:16
* tsimonq2 assumes not22:25
flocculanttsimonq2: I'd assume the same ;)22:26
tsimonq2flocculant: yeah, I figured :P22:27
* wxl is waiting for the first person to come on here and say they're having trouble using some google product on ubuntu22:27
wxlballoons: links coming soon22:28
tsimonq2wxl: can you *consider* adding me to this one? https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/5490678339469312/22:28
tsimonq2all I have are QA tasks to facilitate :P22:28
* tsimonq2 shares wxl excitement for someone coming here asking about a Google product on Ubuntu XD22:29
wxltsimonq2: i think as a mentor (not an admin) i can't add you, but maybe i'm wrong. do you know, flocculant ?22:29
ExplodingKittenswxl, or someone from Google coming here for problems using Ubuntu. That would be hilariously unfortunate.22:30
flocculantwxl: you're right - only admin can do that22:30
tsimonq2ExplodingKittens: yep XD22:30
tsimonq2flocculant: pretty please? :)22:30
flocculanthah - I'm not a mentor :)22:30
flocculantoh my22:30
* tsimonq2 facepalms at this task: https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/5284116048117760/22:31
flocculantyes I am - I'm not an admin :)22:31
wxlballoons: jose: popey: sorry for the mass ping but i believe you guys to be the admins. please add tsimonq2 to https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/5490678339469312/22:31
* ahoneybun can edit it22:31
wxlahoneybun: you're admin?22:32
popeyas a mentor?22:32
wxlpopey: yes please22:32
ahoneybunit was in edit mode22:32
balloonswxl, I will as soon as you edit it to include the link :-)22:32
wxlballoons: yes dear :/22:32
popeyi can't find him22:32
wxltsimonq2: go add some relevant links to it and you can be added XD22:32
popeyhave now22:33
ahoneybunno clue22:33
* wxl creates HOWTO on passing the buck22:33
popeywxl,  done22:33
tsimonq2balloons: wxl: sorry for the double ping, but maybe a consideration would be to add wxl to https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/5458583860805632/ as he is a LoCo Council member22:33
flocculantwxl: make it shareable :p22:33
balloonswxl, tsimonq2 you've been added22:33
tsimonq2because *sharing* is *caring* XD22:33
tsimonq2balloons: thanks :)22:33
ahoneybunwow 14 students: https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/4830110020534272/22:34
ahoneybun148 tasks22:34
tsimonq2wxl: should I formulate a task to grammar nazi the Lubuntu docs? (with better wording :P)22:35
balloonsahoneybun, want to help out on that task? Mike could use it I'll bet22:35
flocculantahoneybun: it took them a day to login to the wiki ...22:35
tsimonq2oh ha ha...it seems like https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/4830110020534272/22:35
tsimonq2...does it22:35
ahoneybunflocculant, that would be the bad backend I think22:35
tsimonq2wxl: but would it still be good to have a Lubuntu specific task?22:35
flocculantit's been bad for years :p22:35
* balloons does it anyway22:36
wxltsimonq2: for non-specific things, no i think22:36
tsimonq2wxl: oh ok22:36
ahoneybunballoons, why bother asking XD22:36
wxltsimonq2: seriously though, would you want to add some links to our task? balloons has been bugging me and i've been tied up with this whole /etc business22:36
tsimonq2wxl: sure!22:37
ahoneybunthat LoCo task is nice to have22:37
wxltsimonq2: don't forget lubuntu packages team lp link. thx a ton buddy22:37
* tsimonq2 pokes balloons back on behalf of wxl 22:37
balloonswxl,thank you. big hugs!22:38
* ahoneybun was added anyway lol22:38
tsimonq2wxl: there22:41
balloonsmarcoceppi, I added you to the simplify qatracker setup task. I think it'd make a great charm, and would appreciate your guidance to help mentor22:44
marcoceppiballoons: sounds great22:44
* ahoneybun drinks too much hard root beer22:45
fazerI'm trying to run a .qml app, the music-app qmlscene is telling me that I don't have the 'UserMetrics'  module.22:46
wxltsimonq2: we should talk to redwolf about artwork tasks22:46
marcoceppiballoons: could we scope it so it does use Juju and Charm Layers?22:46
wxltsimonq2: and maybe identify some of our big nasty bugs for improvement?22:46
marcoceppiballoons: since it's drupal it should only take a few hours to charm22:46
balloonsmarcoceppi, my juju knowledge feels so old nowadays. It's just a drupal module. I believe it should be a simple thing to ask to include it22:47
balloonsmarcoceppi, right. should be a standard setup22:47
balloonswhatever that means ;-)22:47
tsimonq2wxl: well it's linked there, right? can't they look through them?22:47
fazerHey, how can I install the 'UserMEtrics' Module for qmlscene so I can run qml apps22:47
tsimonq2flocculant: ping, permission to PM about a student?22:48
ahoneybunballoons, I'm open for this task: https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/4879798899834880/22:48
flocculanttsimonq2: quickly you can - I'm just about to afk22:48
marcoceppiballoons: right, but we have this new awesome charm layers thing22:50
marcoceppiballoons: so you wouldn't use the drupal charm, but you could write a charm for a drupal site in a few hours time. Jorge was able to write a charm, if you want a litmus test ;)22:50
balloonsmarcoceppi, ahh ,that's the name of it? jcastro was telling me about it, but I didn't catch the name22:50
balloonsmarcoceppi, LOL!22:50
marcoceppiballoons: yeah, charm layers/charm build/reactive charming are all synonyms for the same set of tools22:51
tsimonq2wxl: I am gonna make a task that does https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/5332896474726400/ but for Lubuntu23:09
tsimonq2unless anyone objects within the next 5 minutes23:09
wxlflocculant: balloons: is it wise that there be separate flavor tasks for all of the common activities like iso testing?23:17
wxlflocculant: fwiw i'm pinging you on that one because you're a mentor for one (for xubuntu)23:19
tsimonq2(just a note, f l o c c u l a n t is AFK)23:20
wxlso non-voiced nicks are students then, yes?23:21
tsimonq2wxl: yep23:21
darkxstwxl, does seem it would be possible to make a generic iso task that covers all flavors23:21
tsimonq2darkxst: IMHO it would be easier to have falvor by flavor, first of all, on a whoever needs it basis, and second, IMHO it would be too broad23:22
wxldarkxst: that certainly seems to make the most sense to me, so i'm just trying to come up with some sort of consensus here. surely that would mean less work overall for everyone. we could populate the description of the various flavors23:22
wxldarkxst: tsimonq2: on the other hand, it's hard to ensure full coverage unless there are separate tasks, so maybe i answered my own question23:22
* tsimonq2 stares at wxl :D :P23:22
tsimonq2balloons: can you add wxl to this? and how do I get it published? https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/6263832280301568/23:23
wxltsimonq2: want to make an iso testing task for lubuntu then?23:23
tsimonq2wxl: doing now23:23
wxltsimonq2: remember there are other admins too (ops)23:23
tsimonq2wxl: that is what https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/6263832280301568/23:23
tsimonq2and sure, any admin that wants to do that23:23
wxlhadn't seen that23:23
wxladd tags especially lubuntu tsimonq223:24
tsimonq2wxl: ohhh...tags?23:25
tsimonq2done XD23:25
tsimonq2lubuntu, iso, qa23:25
darkxstwxl, yeh I am not too fussed either way23:26
tsimonq2and any admin, how can this be published?23:26
wxlalso add image tsimonq223:26
wxland add xubuntu and qa to the xubuntu one23:26
* wxl shrugs23:26
wxli've seen it used in a couple places already23:26
tsimonq2no, I will add xubuntu, iso, qa :P23:27
adueppennot quite sure who would be the right person to ask, but does anyone have existing hi-res images of the terminal app in ubuntu touch?23:27
tsimonq2not just xubuntu, qa23:27
tsimonq2hey adueppen, who is the mentor for your task?23:27
tsimonq2adueppen: well ping him with that23:28
popeyadueppen, https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/community/core-apps/terminal/23:28
ExplodingKittensHey, on the topic of tags, there are a number of tasks (namely "Quitting Rythmbox", "Fix Packaging metadata on various packages through the ubuntu archive", and "Unity triangles fix") that have no tags.23:28
wxladueppen: you can also find the lead dev here https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/community/core-apps/terminal/23:28
adueppenpopey: thanks23:29
wxloh hahah gmta popey :)23:29
* tsimonq2 facepalms at the existance of https://codein.withgoogle.com/tasks/4544892818685952/23:31
smajevicirfanmarcoceppi, wait, so I shouldn't use the drupal charm, but write my own instead?23:32
wxltsimonq2: why?23:33
tsimonq2wxl: people have installed Ubuntu GNOME before :P23:33
* wxl shrugs23:33
adueppentsimonq2: it is for QA though23:33
tsimonq2oh...didn't see the last line23:33
wxltsimonq2: actually as a qa task it doesn't make sense, but for providing a real slice of life user experience (which is the real work to be done), it's interesting23:33
tsimonq2from doing Lubuntu QA, I now feel more confident reinstalling Lubuntu the 100th time over XD23:34
adueppenalso is there a way to take screenshots in the ubuntu touch emulator without adb? it's refusing to connect to adb for me23:34
popeynot easily23:35
popeyhave you switched on developer mode in the emulator?23:35
wxlpopey: is it possible to use desktop tools?23:35
popey(you need to)23:35
popeywell, yeah, that's the workaround23:35
popeyuse shutter or something like gnome-screenshot to just screenshot the entire emulator window23:36
popeythat's the least-hard way23:36
adueppenpopey: yeah I'll do that, it'll just be weird since I have to scale the emulator since my monitor is only 1600x90023:36
* tsimonq2 laughs at the fact that adueppen said only and looks at his 1280x1024 monitor23:37
adueppentsimonq2: yours is a taller monitor though23:38
adueppenpart of the bottom gets cropped off for me partially because the frame of the emulator has a giant top bezel23:39
adueppenat least it runs OK23:40
ExplodingKittensadueppen, if you're on Unity (and most other desktops), you can usually move the window by holding alt, then clicking and dragging from anywhere in the window.23:41
adueppenoh oops forgot about that23:41
Sean2147483647Excute me, I did The task Install 1604 Daily Updata, I don't know what is "link to the report on the iso tracker".23:41
fazerballoons, Can you direct me to the app specific modules for autopilot. Specifically for the music-app23:42
wxlSean2147483647: sorry for the elusive message23:43
wxlSean2147483647: i was referring to the latter part of the third step 3) Run the testcase and report your results23:43
tsimonq2Sean2147483647: can you link us to the test case page that you submitted?23:43
wxlSean2147483647: "reporting your results" means formally reporting it on the iso tracker (iso.qa.ubuntu.com)23:43
Sean2147483647Is it?  https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/6299391119851520/23:44
wxlSean2147483647: read here for full instructions (this is linked on the task page) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ISO/Walkthrough23:44
fazerCan I have some help, please?23:45
tsimonq2fazer: what do you need?23:45
wxlfazer: just go ahead and ask. letting us know your task and mentor would be helpful23:45
fazerI'm looking for the app specific modules for autopilot.23:46
fazertask: https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/5939784010694656/23:46
fazermentor: Nicholas Skaggs23:46
tsimonq2aww, why don't we have the bot? :P23:47
fazerI can't find the module API that provides certain functions that allows me to interact with the music app.23:47
tsimonq2fazer: ask on the task page and Nicholas will get back to you when he can23:49
fazerOk, thanks.23:49
wxlpopey: you know anything about autopilot tests for the music app?23:49
tsimonq2fazer: np :)23:49
popeywxl, uh.. specifically?23:50
wxlpopey: fazer thinks he needs a module to interact with the music app in order to create a test.23:50
tsimonq2popey: a student had the question23:50
wxlhe/she, sorry :)23:50
fazerhe is right23:51
wxlfazer: just don't want to make any assumptions about you or anyone!23:51
popeyI don't know much about that sorry23:51
fazerya, i know.23:51
wxlpopey: do you know if carla sella is around anywhere? she's the other mentor listed23:52
popeyshe's not here right now. Letozaf_ is her23:52

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