emiliano_ | hi | 04:11 |
pesari | hey, is there already a public development repository for 14.04.4 HWE? (wily kernel & stuff) I see that linux-generic-lts-wily is already available | 13:47 |
apw | pesari, yes that is in the trusty repository with all of teh others | 13:48 |
apw | pesari, the lts | 13:48 |
apw | pesari, the lts backport branches are kept with their parent lts kernel | 13:48 |
pesari | ok, just wondering if there's going to be an xserver-xorg-lts-wily and other graphics libraries as there are -vivid, and if they are available somewhere | 13:52 |
apw | pesari, that i do not know .... hmmm | 13:58 |
apw | they may know on #ubuntu-desktop | 13:58 |
pesari | apw: thanks | 14:13 |
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