
PrabachaHi Team, After deploying mariadb charm, i am not able to access the database running the below command.06:12
Prabachai ran "juju deploy mariadb" and sshd to the container06:12
Prabachaand ran mysql -u root -p$(sudo cat /var/lib/mysql/mysql.passwd)06:13
Prabachai was getting error statin "ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)"06:13
Prabachacould someone help me on this?06:13
PrabachaHi Team, After deploying mariadb charm, i am not able to access the database running the below command.06:49
Prabachaand ran mysql -u root -p$(sudo cat /var/lib/mysql/mysql.passwd), i was getting error statin "ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)". could someone help me on this?06:49
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jrwrencharmers: may I please have a rerun once the docker test env is fixed? "Error response from daemon: Unknown filesystem type on /dev/mapper/docker-253:16-9412611-76217dce5f7b552422b80917c9234a0da3415990afc0afb82c07b3c46c13865a-init  http://review.juju.solutions/review/235715:17
tvansteenburghjwren: queued15:40
jrwrentvansteenburgh: thanks!15:40
apuimedolazypower: is there a way to retrigger a hook afer doing "resolved" ?15:56
lazypowerapuimedo: juju resolved --retry16:01
lazypowerapuimedo that will re-execute the last failed hook, but if you've simply juju resolved, it will progress on16:01
lazypoweryou'll have to trigger the hook via conventional means, such as changing config or changing relations16:02
apuimedothat's what I usually do, use the conventional means16:04
apuimedolazypower: can I just do a suggestion for the cli team?16:23
apuimedoI don't know who's the right person16:23
apuimedobut basically16:23
apuimedojuju ssh name-of-the-charm should resolve when there is only one unit16:23
apuimedoinstead of complaining that the unit name does not exist16:23
apuimedoI can't typo anymore16:23
lazypowerapuimedo: protip: dhx solves that for you16:43
lazypowerbut a bug against that would be totally appreciated16:43
lazypowerthats a bite-sized bug16:43
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stokachuhi all, i wrote an email discussing ways to cater more to the application developer, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/juju/2015-December/006186.html17:40
stokachuplease have a look and provide your feedback17:40
beisnerhi marcoceppi, tvansteenburgh - can you re-trigger tests for this?  i get 404 for results.  or lmk if i can retrigger somehow via review.juju.solutions.   tia!   http://review.juju.solutions/review/234819:06
tvansteenburghbeisner: done19:07
beisnertvansteenburgh, thx!19:07
cory_fumbruzek, lazypower: So, bcsaller pointed out to me that there is a much simpler way to model your leader vs follower roles for the TLS layer19:19
lazypowercory_fu: we tried it that way19:20
lazypowertheres still no good way to hand back a CSR via just leadership19:20
lazypowerben and i had drinks over this in seattle19:20
cory_fulazypower: You don't need to pass CSRs around at all19:20
lazypowerhow else is the leader going to sign the services cert?19:21
* lazypower is not understanding19:21
cory_fulazypower: Just make the leader solely responsible for creating and signing CSRs and it only needs to send the signed cert over the relation19:21
lazypoweryou still need the server.key from that remote unit to generate a proper csr19:21
lazypowerif that were the case, you wouldn't ever need to submit a CSR to a commercial CA19:22
lazypoweryou would just buy, receive, and drop in apache19:22
cory_fulazypower: Except that in our case, we control both ends.  So the leader can create the server.key and send it along with the signed cert19:22
lazypoweri haven't tested that, but i' gonna say spidey sense says there be dragons there19:22
cory_fuObviously, it wouldn't work with if the leader were instead a public CA, but since it's just a unit of our service, then it can be in charge of both the server.keys and the signing.19:24
cory_fuLet's say the leader were sending out CSRs to a public CA instead of self-signing.  It can still create a server.key and CSR for each follower, send the CSR to the public CA, and then give the server.key and signed cert to the follower19:25
cory_fuI think the only case where that would break down is if you wanted to re-sign with the same server.key after a leader change19:26
cory_fuBut that's only an issue because "data sent from leader to follower" doesn't persist after a leader change.  You could work around that by storing the server.keys in the leader data, but you'd have to create your own mapping of followers to server.keys19:27
lazypowertbh, i dont think thats any simpler/easier19:28
lazypowerits not very redundant19:28
lazypowerthe fact we're generating csrs on the unit, and then shipping @ a leader, seems to me like its the 'right way' to do it19:28
lazypowerand as long as that CA cert doesnt expire/change, we're in the clear with what was prototyped19:28
cory_fuWhy does it need to be redundant?19:29
lazypoweri dont know, it sounded like a great supporting adjective?19:29
cory_fulazypower: I'm not saying that the way you have it now won't work, but I do think it would be simpler (at least in the interface layer) if it were just the leader telling the followers what they need to know (removes the back-and-forth aspect)19:29
cmarsspeaking of certs... is anyone working on a layer for let's encrypt yet? that would be *awesome*20:18
marcoceppicmars: not yet, but mbruzek and lazypower are working on a general TLS layer20:21
lazypowercmars: i'm willing to sponsor you with a pizza if you want to write that layer20:21
lazypowercmars: the catch is you have to consume the tls layer matt and I are writing....20:22
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marcoceppilazypower: no idea if there's a hostname charm-helper or not22:14
lazypowermarcoceppi: you read my mind22:15
jhobbswhen i deploy a charm on wily in an lxc, charms.reactive gets installed for python3.5, but my install hook from 'charm build' is using 'python3' in the shebang, which by default points to python3.4 on wily, causing it to not be able to find charms.reactive23:15
jhobbsis there a good way to fix this (better than hand editing my generated install hook)?23:16
jhobbsbug filed: https://github.com/juju/charm-tools/issues/7823:28

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