Mirv | yofel: Riddell: if not critical, please try to hold on any big kde updates as we're trying to get Qt 5.5 migrated to release pocket. the pkg-kde-tools update broke half of the autopkgtests and they're now slowly being re-run after the fixed upload. | 08:37 |
Mirv | last evening it was starting to look promising, as me and xnox fixed the last failing autopkgtests. the migration is however tangled a bit with poppler transition which is tangled a bit with s390x architecture but... let's see | 08:39 |
yofel | k | 08:51 |
clivejo | I assume, by the 376 of 376 broken packages that pkg-kde-tools is still broken? | 08:53 |
yofel | in the CI? yes | 08:54 |
yofel | clivejo: oh, I misread that. pkg-kde-tools is fixed, but the CI builds don't get auto-retried because of that. So unless they were part of the nightly re-run, they just need a retry or are broken for other reasons | 09:57 |
sitter | yofel: which ones? | 10:03 |
yofel | sitter: anything senile that failed with that undefined subroutine error | 10:05 |
sitter | well, I can retry everything senile that failed if that helps | 10:05 |
yofel | sure, not like anyone will get bothered by the wall of red | 10:05 |
sitter | perhpas more motivating to get all of them fixed ^^ | 10:06 |
sitter | if your's truly didn't forget to pause that would help | 10:07 |
sitter | should be all queued up momentarily | 10:11 |
sitter | except java is dying so I have no clue if they really are | 10:11 |
clivejo | what uses Java? | 10:21 |
yofel | jenkins | 10:21 |
* yofel is curious why it would die though | 10:21 | |
sitter | yofel: bottlenecking because of container windups I'd guess | 10:29 |
yofel | :S | 10:29 |
sitter | although I seem to recall jenkins not being very happy with getting 32 build requests at the same time | 10:29 |
sitter | like in general | 10:29 |
sitter | oohh shite | 10:31 |
yofel | heh | 10:33 |
clivejo | poor lemmings | 10:43 |
clivejo | I thought KCI was in ruby, cause sitter loves ruby | 10:44 |
sitter | clivejo: I also love java | 10:47 |
sitter | in fact, the only language I do not love is python | 10:48 |
clivejo | I thought you would be more comfortable in assembly! | 10:48 |
clivejo | or just reading pure machine code | 10:49 |
clivejo | one of my favourite sitter quotes "that person is gonna suffer, really really terribly" | 10:51 |
sitter | clivejo: you can't really do OOP in asm, so it's not really playing in the same league :P | 10:51 |
=== greyback__ is now known as greyback | ||
Yossarianuk | is plama 5.5 going to be backported to 15.10 ? | 12:03 |
Yossarianuk | *plasma* | 12:06 |
yofel | Yossarianuk: yes, without ETA. (The beta won't, that much I can say) | 12:30 |
Yossarianuk | yofel: cheers - looking forward to it, each version is better than the previous one. | 12:33 |
BluesKaj | Hey folks | 12:36 |
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BluesKaj | hey folks | 13:05 |
=== rdieter_work is now known as n | ||
=== n is now known as rdieter_work | ||
bshah | sgclark: your recent commit to kdeplasma-addons added git markers | 16:42 |
bshah | (debian packaging) | 16:42 |
bshah | bshah@archbox ..ea-tooling/git/plasma/kdeplasma-addons (git)-[kubuntu_unstable] % git grep HEAD | 16:42 |
bshah | debian/control:<<<<<<< HEAD | 16:42 |
bshah | debian/plasma-widgets-addons.install:<<<<<<< HEAD | 16:42 |
* bshah goes to bed for today | 16:44 | |
Riddell | clivejo: ping? | 17:08 |
BluesKaj | hmm, still no plasma 5.5 in the backports...guess it's going to take a while for Xenial | 17:15 |
clivejo | lots of lemmings saved! | 19:31 |
clivejo | ahoneybun ovidiu-florin is there a private telegram channel without porn spammers? | 19:32 |
clivejo | Riddell: pong | 19:33 |
clivejo | but not for long, got a meeting at 8pm | 19:33 |
clivejo | who fixed KCI? | 19:34 |
clivejo | ok, bored talking to myself, be back in couple of hours | 19:35 |
ovidiu-florin | sgclark: ping | 21:17 |
ovidiu-florin | yofel: ping | 21:17 |
ovidiu-florin | what is the status of plasma 5.5 in Kubuntu? | 21:17 |
ovidiu-florin | I understand it is not packaged | 21:17 |
ovidiu-florin | do you need someone to package it manually? | 21:18 |
ovidiu-florin | don't we have some sort of automation for this? | 21:18 |
ovidiu-florin | how can I help move this? | 21:18 |
BluesKaj | ovidiu-florin, yes, she asked if someone would package it since she was busy with family matters | 21:19 |
ovidiu-florin | clivejo: no. That's the only one. We're doing our best to kick them out in time | 21:19 |
ovidiu-florin | BluesKaj: I see | 21:19 |
BluesKaj | yesterday, you can check the logs if you wish | 21:20 |
ovidiu-florin | so it needs to be packeged manually? | 21:20 |
BluesKaj | i don't know , she didn't give any details | 21:20 |
ovidiu-florin | I'll wait for her or yofel 's input | 21:21 |
BluesKaj | yeah, probly a good idea | 21:21 |
BluesKaj | is it ready for Wily | 21:22 |
yofel | ovidiu-florin: from my part its stuck on ENOTIME as I wanted to look at it after getting the wily stuff out. To get plasma done, someone first has to do the frameworks update and then we can look at plasma | 21:27 |
yofel | we can scripts for that, but as the environments between CI and dev don't match there is still manual work involved | 21:28 |
yofel | s/can/have | 21:28 |
clivejo | KCI is looking good :) | 22:14 |
clivejo | spoke too soon | 22:18 |
yofel | well, seeing the fix count go down is certainly welcome | 22:31 |
clivejo | indeed, might be able to fix some of them now! | 22:31 |
valorie | yofel: did you see that Paulo Dias asked some good questions on the ML? | 22:32 |
valorie | I was hoping to see him here | 22:32 |
valorie | ooo, green | 22:33 |
valorie | nice to see | 22:33 |
yofel | no, looks like kmail refused to fetch mail yesterday. How nice of it to give me a break.. again... | 22:33 |
clivejo | my kmail is actting the buck again | 22:35 |
yofel | if that's the Paulo I remeber then his IRC nick was _Groo_ or so | 22:35 |
clivejo | cant connect to dbus errors | 22:35 |
vertago1 | it would be helpful to me to know what the workflow for a packager is like. I can understand the tools fairly easily, but if I were to jump into it I think I would be inefficient at packaging something like plasma or kde | 22:41 |
clivejo | hi vertago1 | 22:43 |
vertago1 | hi | 22:43 |
clivejo | well when everything is working right we have the Kubuntu Continuous Integration (KCI) | 22:45 |
clivejo | http://kci.pangea.pub/ | 22:45 |
clivejo | it takes the latest snapshot from KDE and packages it | 22:45 |
vertago1 | Is something wrong with it? | 22:46 |
clivejo | theres been a few issues recently | 22:48 |
vertago1 | Is the source code public? | 22:49 |
vertago1 | I could look into setting up a local test bed for it | 22:49 |
yofel | the CI is one half of our workflow, for it there's the ci-tooling somewhere on alioth under pkg-kde/ and the pangea tooling from blue systems on github. | 22:50 |
clivejo | vertago1: the packaging is here - http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-kde/ | 22:51 |
yofel | the other half is the kubuntu-automation tooling (on launchpad) which is used to generate the packages for the archive and PPAs, incorporating the work done in the CI | 22:51 |
vertago1 | I don't really understand all the terms yet so pretty much KCI is a set of scripts which add the packaging information to the kde projects so they can be packaged on launchpad? | 22:58 |
vertago1 | (the packaging information being the /debian folder) | 22:59 |
clivejo | yup | 23:00 |
vertago1 | so would I be looking at xenial? | 23:01 |
vertago1 | or would the backports be separate | 23:01 |
clivejo | nice video explaining what KCI is - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhJQSpy3Luc | 23:02 |
vertago1 | thanks | 23:02 |
vertago1 | that is a fairly recent video | 23:05 |
clivejo | yup | 23:06 |
clivejo | at the moment the packaging is falling to mainly yofel and sgclark | 23:08 |
clivejo | so they are under a lot of pressure :( | 23:08 |
clivejo | yippeee | 23:10 |
clivejo | yofel: cantor FTBFS - Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected! Skipping patch. | 23:15 |
clivejo | does that mean the patch is now upstream? | 23:15 |
yofel | do verify that it's true, but usually yes and the patch has to go. | 23:16 |
clivejo | just checking, Ill grab the packaging and test it | 23:16 |
vertago1 | So are the issues with KCI solved? (I am guessing because of those irc bot messages) | 23:41 |
valorie | vertago1: sitter paused CI last night and applied some fix | 23:54 |
valorie | so yes, much better health today! | 23:54 |
valorie | vertago1: are you Paulo Dias from the ML? | 23:56 |
vertago1 | No I am a long time kubuntu user. I was looking into what it would take for me to be able to help with stuff like packaging | 23:57 |
vertago1 | I just watched sitter's video on youtube about KCI | 23:57 |
vertago1 | so the people who work on packaging pretty much fix errors caught by KCI, and bug reports? | 23:59 |
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