wxl | anyone here? :) | 19:03 |
gsilvapt | I am | 19:03 |
wxl | goood to see you gsilvapt :) | 19:03 |
wxl | phillw: you joining us? | 19:03 |
gsilvapt | How's it going? | 19:03 |
wxl | i just got a message from gilir so perhaps he'll show up | 19:03 |
wxl | hanging in there, thanks | 19:03 |
wxl | gilir's going to be a bit late, as is nio | 19:04 |
gsilvapt | Everybody is getting here late :D | 19:04 |
wxl | so i think i'm going to just start the meeting and we'll do things a bit out of sequence | 19:04 |
wxl | #startmeeting Lubuntu monthly meeting | 19:05 |
wxl | argh where's meetingology | 19:05 |
wxl | argh where's meetingology | 19:05 |
wxl | ok i got to figure out how to get it here | 19:06 |
gsilvapt | tell me, this is going to be a tecnical one, right? | 19:06 |
wxl | not necessarily | 19:06 |
wxl | Unit193: can you get meetingology here? | 19:07 |
gsilvapt | They tend to be but okay | 19:07 |
wxl | krytarik: wrong channel :) | 19:07 |
wxl | once i can get meetingology here.. | 19:09 |
krytarik | wxl: Ask in #ubuntu-irc yourself? | 19:10 |
wxl | krytarik: already did | 19:10 |
krytarik | Good. | 19:10 |
wxl | it's ok as we are waiting on some other folks | 19:10 |
krytarik | At least ubuntulog is here anyway. :P | 19:11 |
wxl | yeah | 19:11 |
gilir | hi :-) Sorry got the wrong chan :-) | 19:16 |
wxl | np gilir. still waiting on nio and trying to get meetingology here | 19:16 |
wxl | ooook | 19:17 |
wxl | all set now | 19:17 |
wxl | we'll start the meeting and nio can join us later | 19:17 |
wxl | #startmeeting Lubuntu monthly meeting | 19:17 |
meetingology | Meeting started Wed Dec 9 19:17:35 2015 UTC. The chair is wxl. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. | 19:17 |
meetingology | Available commands: action commands idea info link nick | 19:17 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #lubuntu-devel to: Lubuntu QA/Development | Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/QA | Support: #lubuntu, Chat: #lubuntu-offtopic | new mailing list! http://lists.ubuntu.com/lubuntu-devel | Lubuntu monthly meeting | Current topic: | ||
wxl | so officially hello and welcome everyone to the December monthly meeting of the Lubuntu team | 19:18 |
gsilvapt | hi :) | 19:18 |
wxl | for those that don't already have it, here's the agenda https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/IRC%20Meetings/Agenda | 19:19 |
wxl | you can choose whether or not to raise your hand if you like. such formalities are lost on me XD | 19:19 |
wxl | the agenda is not necessarily in order, so i'll try to keep us on track | 19:19 |
wxl | #topic QA | 19:19 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #lubuntu-devel to: Lubuntu QA/Development | Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/QA | Support: #lubuntu, Chat: #lubuntu-offtopic | new mailing list! http://lists.ubuntu.com/lubuntu-devel | Lubuntu monthly meeting | Current topic: QA | ||
wxl | first i'd like to give a general update for QA | 19:20 |
wxl | unfortunately there's not much to tell :) | 19:20 |
wxl | the regular daily testing has been happening | 19:20 |
wxl | as usual, we need more help in the ppc area since the LTS releases (like xenial) are supposed to be our ppc releases | 19:21 |
wxl | it is still relatively early in the cycle, though and that's to be expected | 19:21 |
wxl | i still have some ppc machines to send out to folks, too | 19:22 |
wxl | been a bit behind myself | 19:22 |
wxl | i should point out that three of the top 5 testers are lubuntu folks (tsimonq2, ianorlin, and nio) http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/reports/testers | 19:23 |
wxl | well, for xenial | 19:23 |
wxl | fwiw both lars and ianorlin are in the top 20 of all time http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/reports/testers/top20 | 19:24 |
gilir | I never realise this, cool ! :-) Great job :-) | 19:24 |
wxl | so thank you very much lubuntu qa team! | 19:24 |
wxl | now, on a related note | 19:24 |
wxl | #topic Google Code-In | 19:24 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #lubuntu-devel to: Lubuntu QA/Development | Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/QA | Support: #lubuntu, Chat: #lubuntu-offtopic | new mailing list! http://lists.ubuntu.com/lubuntu-devel | Lubuntu monthly meeting | Current topic: Google Code-In | ||
wxl | you may know that ubuntu is a participant in this year's google code-in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GoogleCodeIn | 19:25 |
wxl | to be clear this is not the google summer of code, which is more like an internship working on major projects | 19:25 |
wxl | instead this is more like little tasks being done by teenagers | 19:26 |
wxl | i have been coerced into being a mentor | 19:26 |
wxl | well, actually, i rather enjoy it | 19:26 |
wxl | right now we have at least two lubuntu-specific tasks | 19:26 |
wxl | both are QA related | 19:26 |
wxl | the first is to have iso testing done | 19:26 |
wxl | the second is to help out with bug triage | 19:27 |
wxl | i'd send links but i don't think they're visable by non-participants | 19:27 |
wxl | there will be more tasks added throughout the week | 19:27 |
gilir | o/ | 19:27 |
wxl | that being said, as i emailed before, if anyone has any tasks that need to be done, speak up! | 19:27 |
wxl | gilir: question? | 19:27 |
gilir | the bug triage is focus on which packages ? | 19:28 |
wxl | gilir: i wrote the task to start with bugs listed in the lubuntu packages team. so it's basically everything. the goal i had was to make sure that bugs were getting confirmed and/or invalidated and that descriptions and such were clear. | 19:29 |
wxl | gilir: i can amend it to suggest particular packages as a starting point if you like | 19:30 |
gilir | wxl, ok, that's a good idea, and pretty doable for teenager | 19:30 |
gilir | at least, if we can close the old and invalid bug, I may be able to focus on really problem more easily | 19:31 |
gilir | I => We | 19:31 |
wxl | so other ideas for tasks might relate to marketing, evangelism, videos, documentation, artwork, etc. if there's ANYTHING you want done, let me know and i'll list it as a task. try to be specific. worst case scenario it just doesn't get done. which doesn't hurt. | 19:31 |
sudodus | Hi everybody | 19:32 |
wxl | gilir: that was my thinking, too | 19:32 |
wxl | hi sudodus | 19:32 |
wxl | Google Code-In does continue until January, so please continue to think about this (everyone) | 19:33 |
wxl | that's about all i have for QA. sudodus you wish to speak about mkusb or phillw about donations? | 19:34 |
sudodus | I can wait :_) | 19:34 |
wxl | oooook joern was going to talk about LXQt. you want to take that role gilir ? :) | 19:35 |
* phillw the paper work for donataions has been sent to Julien and Rafael. I need Rafael's back before I can send onto you, wxl | 19:35 | |
wxl | oh i guess we're talking about donations | 19:35 |
wxl | #topic donations | 19:35 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #lubuntu-devel to: Lubuntu QA/Development | Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/QA | Support: #lubuntu, Chat: #lubuntu-offtopic | new mailing list! http://lists.ubuntu.com/lubuntu-devel | Lubuntu monthly meeting | Current topic: donations | ||
gilir | wxl, I can do it after phillw and Nio topics :-) | 19:35 |
wxl | so to be clear, it's just a waiting game for paperwork and such before we have all the legal ramifications dealt with | 19:36 |
* phillw the paper work for donataions has been sent to Julien and Rafael. I need Rafael's back before I can send onto you, wxl | 19:36 | |
wxl | phillw: have we made any progress towards thinking about how we would make it possible on the website for a user to make a donation? | 19:36 |
phillw | the bank is ready to go as soon as they have the paperwork and corresponding documentary evidence they require under international money laundering regulations. | 19:37 |
phillw | wxl: I know Rafael has a had a play, paypal can API neatly into the bank account. | 19:37 |
wxl | phillw: oh i didn't realize we were using paypal. that makes a lot of since. their apis are darn easy to work with. | 19:38 |
wxl | great, we await the post then :) | 19:38 |
wxl | anything else on the subject, phillw ? | 19:38 |
phillw | wxl: we were not going to re-invent the wheel... Security of people's bank accounts are best looked after by paypal. They seem to be doing a better job than most banks :P | 19:39 |
phillw | Not from me, as soon as I have the forms all signed, we can move forward :) | 19:39 |
* phillw done | 19:40 | |
sudodus | should I start now? | 19:40 |
phillw | just waiting for wxl to set the topic :) | 19:41 |
wxl | oops sorry folks | 19:43 |
wxl | work called me away | 19:43 |
wxl | #topic Startup Disk Creator | 19:43 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #lubuntu-devel to: Lubuntu QA/Development | Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/QA | Support: #lubuntu, Chat: #lubuntu-offtopic | new mailing list! http://lists.ubuntu.com/lubuntu-devel | Lubuntu monthly meeting | Current topic: Startup Disk Creator | ||
wxl | off to you sudodus | 19:43 |
sudodus | I have been debugging mkusb (Cyrille, a French monk in the Congo found a bad one, and I have found a couple of minor bugs myself since our previous meeting) | 19:43 |
wxl | sudodus: have we made any progress towards getting it in debian/ubuntu repos? | 19:44 |
sudodus | but I have not yet done what was planned with Melodie to prepare to get a debian package accepted in a debian/ubuntu repo | 19:44 |
wxl | sudodus: i would think if you can get that ball rolling, that would be great. you can always go back to debugging while you wait for it to get accepted | 19:45 |
sudodus | I asked Melodie about it a couple of days ago (after debugging and uploading a debugged version), but she has not yet had time for it. | 19:46 |
wxl | sudodus: great, well keep working on it. anything else you need from the community? | 19:46 |
sudodus | Yes I agree. So I will try again to get help from Melodie | 19:46 |
sudodus | I think it would be good if you, who are active members, try to use mkusb and give feedback to me :-) | 19:47 |
wxl | maybe i'll make a task for this for the Google Code-In | 19:47 |
wxl | what's the suggested method for submitting bugs? | 19:48 |
sudodus | Yes, that is a good idea | 19:48 |
sudodus | email to nio dot wiklund at gmail dot com | 19:49 |
Vincrop | Hi ! | 19:49 |
wxl | #action wxl mkusb Google Code-In task | 19:49 |
meetingology | ACTION: wxl mkusb Google Code-In task | 19:49 |
gilir | sudodus, are you aware of the process to push new packages to debian / ubuntu ? I can give you some infos if you need | 19:49 |
Vincrop | #action wxl mkusb Google Code-In task | 19:49 |
meetingology | ACTION: wxl mkusb Google Code-In task | 19:49 |
wxl | Vincrop: ? | 19:50 |
* Vincrop feel alone, when nobody is responding :) | 19:50 | |
wxl | Vincrop: we're having a meeting here, so if you'd like to contribute, please wait until we get to the end where we take other agenda items. if you want to chat there's #lubuntu-offtopic | 19:50 |
sudodus | Yes please, gilir (I have read some tutorials about it, and it seems very complicated, so I need all help I can get :-) | 19:51 |
wxl | sudodus: is launchpad not the preferred way to deal with bugs so they're public? | 19:51 |
Vincrop | Hi I'll vait so thx | 19:51 |
Vincrop | wait* | 19:51 |
wxl | because if so perhaps i can ALSO make a task for triage | 19:51 |
wxl | #undo | 19:52 |
meetingology | Removing item from minutes: ACTION | 19:52 |
gilir | sudodus, first you need to do the packaging itself, but I after you need 1 Debian sponsor or 2 Ubuntu sponsor for pushing new packages | 19:52 |
sudodus | I'm learning gradually how to manage the mkusb package. Yes, you are right about the bug management. | 19:52 |
gilir | sudodus, also, ubuntu sponsors will prefer people to push stuff directly to debian | 19:53 |
gilir | sudodus, which mean you need a DD (debian dev), which can be hard to find sometimes ... | 19:53 |
gilir | sudodus, just to say that it could be a long process ... | 19:54 |
sudodus | I realize it can be a long process, but as long as things are progressing it is OK | 19:55 |
wxl | well thanks for the update, sudodus. anything else? | 19:55 |
sudodus | I have said what I intended to say. Any more questions or comments? | 19:56 |
wxl | i'll just mention for those that do not know, sudodus made mkusb as an alternative to the other startup disk solutions that seem to fail consistently. it's our hope that it will become a standard option for lubuntu. more info here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/mkusb | 19:57 |
phillw | sudodus: you can also ask bodhizazen on #phillw for assistance | 19:58 |
sudodus | Thanks phillw, I'll try to reach bodhizazen. | 19:59 |
wxl | that being said, you ready for lxqt, gilir? | 19:59 |
gilir | wxl, yes | 19:59 |
wxl | #topic LXQt | 20:00 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #lubuntu-devel to: Lubuntu QA/Development | Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/QA | Support: #lubuntu, Chat: #lubuntu-offtopic | new mailing list! http://lists.ubuntu.com/lubuntu-devel | Lubuntu monthly meeting | Current topic: LXQt | ||
wxl | off to you then gilir :) | 20:00 |
gilir | 0.10 of lxqt is now in xenial official repositories | 20:00 |
wxl | yay! | 20:00 |
gilir | so, people who are using xenial doesn't need the PPA :-) | 20:01 |
gilir | wel except of the meta-package which is not yet in xenial ... | 20:01 |
wxl | the meta package is fixed in the dev repo though, yes? | 20:01 |
gilir | I encourage people to test it, since the daily people may break at any time | 20:01 |
gilir | wxl, I think so, nobody complaint recently :-) | 20:02 |
wxl | yeah i see it :) | 20:02 |
gilir | Most of the PPA packaging was also migrated to the same packaging on xenial, which is close to the one in Debian | 20:03 |
gilir | that's all for the lxqt recent news :-) | 20:04 |
wxl | so if folks want to use the one out of the repos, they'll need to install all the packages defined by lxqt-metapackage then, yes? | 20:04 |
phillw | gilir: can you update the two sub sections on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/LXQt#LXQt for both adding to lubuntu and an install onto netboot iso. | 20:04 |
gilir | wxl, yes | 20:04 |
wxl | so everyone that's here https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lubuntu-dev/lxde/lxqt-metapackage/view/head:/debian/control | 20:04 |
phillw | They are the latest I had | 20:04 |
gilir | phillw, I just want to wait for the metapackage to it xenial, that will be easier to explain on the wiki | 20:05 |
phillw | great :) | 20:05 |
wxl | any ideas how long that will be, gilir? because i could make a google code-in task | 20:05 |
gilir | wxl, it still stuck in debian queue ... ETA is very variable with it comes to this | 20:06 |
wxl | right right, ok | 20:06 |
gilir | with => when | 20:06 |
wxl | then i'll maybe drum up a task with explicit instructions on the packages to install | 20:06 |
wxl | #action wxl Google Code-In task for installing lxqt with explicit instructions on packages to install | 20:07 |
meetingology | ACTION: wxl Google Code-In task for installing lxqt with explicit instructions on packages to install | 20:07 |
wxl | ok any questions regarding lxqt folks? | 20:07 |
sudodus | Is there something in particular that we should test or be aware of with lxqt? | 20:08 |
gilir | sudodus, nothing special, 0.10 is suppose to be stable :-) | 20:10 |
sudodus | :-) | 20:10 |
gilir | you can report any bug to ubuntu bug tracker is you are testing 0.10 | 20:11 |
gilir | you are using daily build, I suggest to check on #lxde first to see if it's not specific to daily build breakage | 20:11 |
gilir | nothing else come to my mind for now about this | 20:13 |
wxl | ok then | 20:14 |
wxl | #topic Any Other Business | 20:14 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #lubuntu-devel to: Lubuntu QA/Development | Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/QA | Support: #lubuntu, Chat: #lubuntu-offtopic | new mailing list! http://lists.ubuntu.com/lubuntu-devel | Lubuntu monthly meeting | Current topic: Any Other Business | ||
wxl | Vincrop: did you have something else you wish to bring up? | 20:14 |
wxl | or anyone else for that matter? | 20:14 |
gilir | o/ | 20:15 |
wxl | yes? | 20:15 |
gilir | just to announce that LSC was migrated to python 3 : lp:~lubuntu-dev/lubuntu-software-center/python3 | 20:16 |
wxl | oh wow! | 20:16 |
gilir | :-) | 20:16 |
wxl | another thing to test then! | 20:16 |
phillw | nice :) | 20:16 |
gilir | please test it :-) | 20:16 |
sudodus | :-) | 20:16 |
wxl | #agenda wxl add Google Code-In task for the new version of LSC | 20:16 |
wxl | do you have a direct link, gilir ? | 20:17 |
wxl | oops not agenda! | 20:17 |
wxl | #action wxl add Google Code-In task for the new version of LSC | 20:17 |
meetingology | ACTION: wxl add Google Code-In task for the new version of LSC | 20:17 |
gilir | https://code.launchpad.net/~lubuntu-dev/lubuntu-software-center/python3 | 20:17 |
gilir | I can't find the other bug report about the python3 progress on other packages of the seed :-/ | 20:17 |
wxl | thx | 20:18 |
wxl | hahahah i'll dig it up for you | 20:18 |
gilir | bug 1465313 | 20:18 |
ubot93 | bug 1465313 in lubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "[meta] Drop python2.7, port all to python3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1465313 | 20:18 |
wxl | oh there you go :) | 20:18 |
wxl | anyone else? | 20:20 |
gilir | nothing more on dev | 20:20 |
wxl | then i'm going to call an end to the meeting | 20:21 |
wxl | thanks to everyone for your contributions | 20:21 |
wxl | OH | 20:21 |
wxl | one last thing | 20:21 |
wxl | #topic mailing lists | 20:21 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #lubuntu-devel to: Lubuntu QA/Development | Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/QA | Support: #lubuntu, Chat: #lubuntu-offtopic | new mailing list! http://lists.ubuntu.com/lubuntu-devel | Lubuntu monthly meeting | Current topic: mailing lists | ||
phillw | just a reminder to have a good time and the Alpha1 is due out December 31st ... So don't forget to do some testing!! | 20:21 |
wxl | we've had lubuntu-qa on launchpad lingering around at the same time as lubuntu-devel | 20:21 |
wxl | on lists.ubuntu.com | 20:21 |
wxl | i'm going to get rid of the lubuntu-qa list at the start of the new year | 20:22 |
wxl | so if you haven't already updated your subscription, do it! | 20:22 |
wxl | ok, that's all | 20:22 |
sudodus | so far Lubuntu Xenial has been running well | 20:22 |
wxl | #endmeeting | 20:22 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #lubuntu-devel to: Lubuntu QA/Development | Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/QA | Support: #lubuntu, Chat: #lubuntu-offtopic | new mailing list! http://lists.ubuntu.com/lubuntu-devel | ||
meetingology | Meeting ended Wed Dec 9 20:22:47 2015 UTC. | 20:22 |
meetingology | Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/lubuntu-devel/2015/lubuntu-devel.2015-12-09-19.17.moin.txt | 20:22 |
gilir | thanks wxl :-) | 20:23 |
wxl | thanks gilir ! | 20:23 |
phillw | thanks for chairing, wxl | 20:23 |
wxl | now i'm going to go back to fixing windows virtual machines | 20:23 |
sudodus | thanks everybody | 20:23 |
* wxl grumbles angrily | 20:23 | |
tsimonq2 | wxl: hmm? | 21:30 |
tsimonq2 | XD | 21:30 |
wxl | tsimonq2: just giving you kudos for your testing efforts | 21:49 |
tsimonq2 | wxl: what do you mean? XD | 21:50 |
wxl | tsimonq2: that you're in the top 3 | 21:50 |
tsimonq2 | wxl: oh, just looked at that, but I meant the grumbling :P | 21:51 |
wxl | tsimonq2: windows virtual machine issues. i had to purge and reinstall virtualbox in order to get my guest to boot, even though it had been doing fine for months. weird. | 21:52 |
wxl | ok great | 21:53 |
wxl | so looks like you did everything you needed to | 21:54 |
wxl | i would leave a comment with the link | 21:54 |
wxl | argh wrong channel for god's sake | 21:55 |
tsimonq2 | wxl: oh | 21:56 |
wxl | anyone want a fun project? | 23:27 |
krytarik | wxl: Just tell us, alright? :P | 23:30 |
tsimonq2 | wxl: ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh...oh wait...NO NO NO NO NOOOOOOO...NOT LXQt :P | 23:31 |
tsimonq2 | XD | 23:31 |
wxl | supposedly lxqt is in the xenial repos. | 23:33 |
wxl | lxqt-metapackage is not. | 23:34 |
tsimonq2 | (LXQt isn't, but go on) | 23:34 |
wxl | so someone needs to use lxqt-metapackage as a guide to figure out how to properly install lxqt. | 23:34 |
wxl | don't listen to tsimonq2 | 23:34 |
* tsimonq2 grumbles | 23:34 | |
wxl | 1200 < gilir:#lubuntu-devel> 0.10 of lxqt is now in xenial official repositories | 23:35 |
tsimonq2 | hmph | 23:35 |
wxl | if you want to argue with the person who made that statement, knock yourself out tsimonq2 | 23:35 |
tsimonq2 | wxl: where is he? :P | 23:35 |
wxl | tsimonq2: in france | 23:36 |
tsimonq2 | wxl: where does he hide on the Internet | 23:36 |
tsimonq2 | ? | 23:36 |
wxl | tsimonq2: um, behind email. facebook sometimes. | 23:36 |
* tsimonq2 hunts gilir down | 23:36 | |
tsimonq2 | (not actually, scared of the boss :P) | 23:36 |
tsimonq2 | can someone confirm either way? | 23:37 |
tsimonq2 | krytarik: weren't you looking for something to do? :P | 23:37 |
krytarik | tsimonq2: I'm already at it. | 23:37 |
tsimonq2 | :D | 23:38 |
* tsimonq2 pats krytarik on the back | 23:38 | |
* krytarik just pats tsimonq2 | 23:38 | |
wxl | krytarik: you can find the lxqt-metapackage code in the lubuntu-dev lp team | 23:38 |
krytarik | Yep, there already. | 23:39 |
wxl | thanks, krytarik | 23:39 |
krytarik | So we want just all depends and recommends listed there? | 23:41 |
wxl | krytarik: depends for sure. unknown about the recommends. | 23:42 |
wxl | actually you probably do need the recommends | 23:42 |
tsimonq2 | +1 | 23:43 |
krytarik | "sudo apt-get install xorg xserver-xorg-video-all xserver-xorg-input-all dbus-x11 lxqt-common lxqt-session qterminal lxqt-panel lxqt-about pcmanfm-qt lxqt-globalkeys lxqt-policykit lxqt-powermanagement lxqt-openssh-askpass lxqt-runner lxqt-notificationd lxqt-config lxqt-qtplugin lxqt-admin lxqt-sudo lxqt-connman-applet lximage-qt oxygen-icon-theme juffed elementary-icon-theme kde-style-qtcurve li | 23:46 |
krytarik | ghtdm gvfs-backends ... | 23:46 |
krytarik | ... policykit-desktop-privileges" :P | 23:46 |
tsimonq2 | krytarik: does that work? | 23:47 |
tsimonq2 | krytarik: does LXQt install correctly? | 23:47 |
krytarik | tsimonq2: Your task! :P | 23:47 |
tsimonq2 | oh hell no... | 23:47 |
tsimonq2 | not mine | 23:47 |
tsimonq2 | no way | 23:47 |
tsimonq2 | no sirree | 23:47 |
krytarik | Ugh, my Split Long Messages script failed there though. >_< | 23:49 |
krytarik | And I don't get why. :P | 23:56 |
krytarik | wxl: ↑ | 23:59 |
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