Dsbeerf | Hello, someone can tell how i can change lubuntu runlevel so it boot in text console only and if i type startx it start lxde ? | 01:40 |
Unit193 | Won't set the same env vars if you use startx, but you can change /etc/default/grub adding 'text' to boot to a text console. | 01:44 |
Dsbeerf | Well what you sugest a the best option ? | 01:45 |
Unit193 | At the console you can start lightdm, or you create a script to set the right vars perhaps. | 01:46 |
Dsbeerf | Ok and there is a place that tell me what to do, to acheive that ? | 01:48 |
Unit193 | I'm not aware of any. DESKTOP_SESSION is one that'd be good as it sets a few different paths. | 01:50 |
tachibana | i love you lubuntu | 03:04 |
sebastian_ | is slackware lighter than lubuntu? | 15:41 |
teward | and that's on topic how/ | 15:42 |
sebastian_ | ok well where should I join to ask that question and get an answer? | 15:43 |
SlidingHorn | sebastian_: maybe one of the offtopic channels? #ubuntu-offtopic #lubuntu-offtopic These channels are just for support requests :) | 16:10 |
bioterror | sebastian_, slackware has i486 | 16:17 |
bioterror | sebastian_, you could try SalixOS with your desired WM/DE | 16:17 |
sebastian_ | bioterror, i am running a 64 bit but I want to use the minimum amount of resources possible while still being able to watch youtube, avi, skype,etc | 16:18 |
bioterror | lubuntu has wide ranger of different software ready packaged becouse of larger community, but otherwise you wont see much difference. apt-get / slapt-get and so on | 16:19 |
bioterror | biggest difference is that slackware is still using BSD style init system | 16:20 |
=== IdleOne- is now known as IdleOne | ||
n-iCe | Hello guys | 17:17 |
n-iCe | hi HairyFotr | 17:17 |
SlidingHorn | hi, n-iCe - do you have a support question? | 17:17 |
n-iCe | hello all | 17:18 |
n-iCe | SlidingHorn: not really. I just Installed lubuntu and so far, I'm happy with it, so fast and smooth, at least in my i3 intel 8GB laptop. | 17:18 |
n-iCe | SlidingHorn: thanks for asking though. | 17:18 |
n-iCe | So I guess, we have a non support chat channel, right? | 17:18 |
bioterror | yes | 17:18 |
bioterror | #lubuntu-offtopic | 17:18 |
SlidingHorn | Glad to hear it :) If you'd like to just chat, try #lubuntu-offtopic | 17:18 |
n-iCe | ok, I have a question | 17:28 |
n-iCe | volume control settings, just sends me to a terminal, why | 17:28 |
SlidingHorn | shoot | 17:28 |
n-iCe | and can't find sound settings in system tools or preferences | 17:29 |
SlidingHorn | !bug 1434774 | n-iCe sounds like this... | 17:30 |
ubottu | bug 1434774 in lxpanel (Ubuntu) "lxpanel volume applet settings opens empty terminal window" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1434774 | 17:30 |
n-iCe | ok, installing pauvcontrol | 17:32 |
n-iCe | weird, E: Unable to locate package pauvcontrol | 17:32 |
wxl | !info pavucontrol | n-iCe | 17:33 |
ubottu | n-iCe: pavucontrol (source: pavucontrol): PulseAudio Volume Control. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0-3build1 (wily), package size 111 kB, installed size 732 kB | 17:33 |
n-iCe | so they missspell it | 17:34 |
n-iCe | installing, let's see if that helps, I want to select my hdmi monitor to sound, instead of the built in laptop speakers | 17:34 |
n-iCe | ok, installed | 17:37 |
n-iCe | but can't send my audio to the hdmi | 17:37 |
n-iCe | yeah, can't do it | 17:44 |
bioterror | n-iCe, https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Advanced_Linux_Sound_Architecture#Select_the_default_PCM_via_environment_variable | 17:50 |
n-iCe | arch | 18:30 |
n-iCe | ? | 18:30 |
Lokie | how can I add stuff to the startup items? | 20:25 |
SlidingHorn | Lokie: look at ~/.config/openbox/autostart | 20:26 |
krytarik | - openbox | 20:26 |
SlidingHorn | Lokie: be sure to place an & at the end of each command, so that it won't hang up | 20:27 |
Lokie | what exactly am I looking for? | 20:33 |
Lokie | couldn't find anything that seems to do with autostart | 20:33 |
SlidingHorn | Lokie: here's mine as an example: # first is a comment - it is disregarded by openbox. after that, it's pretty self explanatory http://paste.ubuntu.com/13868805/ | 20:35 |
Lokie | so basically I throw "xscreensaver --nosplash" at the end of the rc ? | 20:36 |
Lokie | well with & at the end as you meantioned | 20:37 |
Lokie | mentioned* | 20:37 |
SlidingHorn | at the end of your autostart file | 20:38 |
krytarik | Lokie: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Boot_Install_Login#How_I_can_autostart_a_program_when_logging_into_Desktop | 20:39 |
Lokie | thx I did it through gnome-session-properties | 20:40 |
SlidingHorn | gnome? Are you using lubuntu? | 20:42 |
Lokie | yea in a weird way I guess. Only ubuntu 15.10 supported my notebooks gpu so I installed lubuntu-desktop on top | 20:47 |
Lokie | ubuntu LTS / lubuntu LTS, 15.10 / xubuntu LTS, 15.10 / LXLE etc didn't work properly | 20:47 |
Lokie | Power manager throws: gdbus.error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied: Permission denied when it tries to suspend after 30min of inactivity | 21:36 |
Lokie | any ideas? | 21:40 |
krytarik | Lokie: Does this, and the posted links, help?: https://askubuntu.com/questions/627356/xubuntu-15-04-cannot-suspend-when-inactive | 21:49 |
Lokie | tried something that doubt will do anything but after will try it! thx | 21:52 |
Lokie | ok did it hopefully it will work tomorrow, cheers krytarik again | 22:23 |
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