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=== salem_ is now known as _salem
=== _salem is now known as salem_
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
=== _salem is now known as salem_
WolfgangeI believe there's a word error on one of the Ubuntu webpages; where should I report it, the bug tracker?05:37
WolfgangeI have to leave however I'll check the irc logs later05:51
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
dholbachgood morning08:01
seb128popey, do you know if anybody is working on the clock application nowadays?10:08
popeyyeah, bartosz is. wassup?10:08
seb128I wonder if it's known that you can't edit alarm every other try10:09
seb128like have an alarm, edit it, validate it works10:09
seb128try to edit it again, you can't validate change10:09
seb128cancel, try again, it works10:09
seb128try again it fails, etc10:09
popeywe have had issues in the past with editing alarms10:13
popeynot seen this though10:13
seb128can you try if you can reproduce?10:14
popeyi am now10:14
popeyseb128, what channel you on?10:15
popeyi am testing on my retail stable e4.510:15
seb128my gf has a retail e5 with ota810:15
seb128and I see it on rc-proposed as well10:15
popeyi can't reproduce here10:16
popeyjust edited two alarms about 10 times10:16
seb128when I say "edit" is click on the alarm, change the minutes with the whell and try to validate10:16
popeyvalidate means...? wait for that time?10:16
seb128set an alarm for 10:1810:16
seb128click on it, change to :19 and validate10:16
seb128click on it try to change to :18 back or to something else10:17
seb128you don't even need to change the value10:19
seb128click on the alarm line and then on the top right "validate" button10:19
popeyseb128, am I doing something wrong here, I couldn't reproduce https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXKRiIiF-eY10:37
seb128popey, hummm10:43
seb128popey, in fact if I do it like you I can't reproduce10:43
seb128it seems like it gets confused if you click on it again before it does the toggle off/on animation10:43
seb128like validate and edit again in the second10:43
popeyyeah, toolkit issue10:44
seb128now I'm unsure what my gf is doing, she for sure doesn't edit in the second10:44
popeywell, maybe, i have seen people do that10:44
seb128but she might edit/lock the screen immediatly10:44
seb128and then when she tries again the next day it bugs10:45
seb128popey, is the toolkit issue reported? or you mean the animation?10:47
seb128popey, thanks, I'm going to keep investigating, I do hit it sometime as well but unsure how/when10:47
seb128the easy reproducer was by hitting edit again in the same second I think10:48
popeyseb128, I need to search, it's been there forever, can't recall the bug right now.10:51
seb128popey, don't worry, thanks10:51
dpmdavidcalle, it seems there is a Chinese section showing up in the header at: https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/apps/qml/tutorials/building-your-first-qml-app - any ideas how to fix it?11:02
dpmhi marco_, you pinged me earlier on. How is the experience of writing your first QML app so far?11:26
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Sleep_Walkerwhere I can locate ubuntu-emulator-runtime package?11:44
Sleep_Walkeroh, it is only as i386 arch? not amd64?11:56
brendandSleep_Walker, should be amd64 too11:59
brendandif it shows only an i386 .deb than it's probably arch: all11:59
=== greyback__ is now known as greyback
Sleep_Walkerso, let me ask silly question, how can I tell apt* tools to see that i386 package?12:00
brendandSleep_Walker, which release are you on?12:01
brendandSleep_Walker, doesn't it appear in apt-cache search?12:03
Sleep_Walkerbrendand: no12:03
* brendand has just installed it12:03
brendandon amd6412:04
brendandSleep_Walker, oh do you have multiverse enabled?12:04
Sleep_Walkerbrendand: and what does `apt-cache policy ubuntu-emulator-runtime' say about origin?12:04
Sleep_Walkeryes, this time yes12:04
brendandSleep_Walker, and you did apt-get update?12:05
Sleep_Walkerbrendand: or universe and multiverse in PPA as well?12:05
Sleep_Walkerbrendand: yes I did12:06
Sleep_Walkerbrendand: what does that command say about origin of the package?12:06
brendandhttp://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial/multiverse i386 Packages12:07
brendandrmadison says it's in wily as well12:07
Sleep_Walkerso it seems you have there i386 packages somehow allowed12:08
Sleep_WalkerOK, found https://superuser.com/questions/741380/how-to-install-i386-package-under-amd64-ubuntu-debian12:09
brendandSleep_Walker, yeah - you should too though12:09
brendandSleep_Walker, don't do that12:10
Sleep_Walkerbrendand: it really made ubuntu-emulator-runtime package available... how can I do that better?12:11
brendandSleep_Walker, do you have the multiarch-support package installed?12:12
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Sleep_Walkerbrendand: it seems so12:13
brendandSleep_Walker, i think you're ok, just strange it wasn't enabled by default12:13
Sleep_Walkerbrendand: It's probably consequence of installation using debootstrap12:14
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
mcphailSleep_Walker: I haven't looked at multiarch support in a chroot, but you'll probably have to add the i386 architecture12:51
Sleep_Walkermcphail: I already did, but I probably need some sort of virtualization anyway12:52
mcphailSleep_Walker: is it not working?12:52
Sleep_WalkerI'm trying to run web-app tutorial12:53
mcphailSleep_Walker: always diificult getting chrooted environments to play nicely with the display12:54
mcphailSleep_Walker: I'd been speakig to popey about this earlier. We need an easy way to run the SDK on non-Ubuntu machines12:55
Sleep_Walkermcphail: that would be great12:56
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Sleep_Walkermy original intention was to create RPM packages in OBS so at least RPM based distributions would be covered12:56
Sleep_Walkerbut we're missing _a lot_ of dependencies12:56
mcphailSleep_Walker: I suspect the answer will be a container, of whatever sort12:57
Sleep_Walkerand I wouldn't even get to tutorial for first application :b12:57
Sleep_Walkermcphail: I'm afraid you're right12:57
mcphailSleep_Walker: but the solution for getting a container to use the display would be the same as a solution for your debootstrapped chroot, I suspect12:58
Sleep_Walkerright now I'm not sure how fatal are the display messages13:00
mcphailSleep_Walker: I'm useless at debugging X things. Currently looking at  https://www.stgraber.org/2014/02/09/lxc-1-0-gui-in-containers/ to see if I can come up with a container solution13:00
mcphailSleep_Walker: anyway, got to go. Ping me if you find a solution :)13:01
Sleep_Walkerwell, I should be able to run qemu on top of my directory, or at least I hope13:01
Sleep_Walkermcphail: will do, thanks13:01
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
davidcalledpm: only when you are on draft mode, right? (https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/apps/qml/tutorials/building-your-first-qml-app )13:14
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=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
mcphailCan anyone explain to me what I would need to do to use the soft keyboard as an input method for a non-Qt app? Is it posiible? Do I have to wrap my app in a Qt blanket, and what would such a blanket look like?15:13
Sleep_Walkerit seems that libEGL errors are not fatal, 32bit chroot is doing better and I finally reached another problem - polkit authentication :b15:53
Sleep_Walkerand after 'crippling' pkexec it actually installs emulator :)16:12
mcphailBeyond SDL2 and Qt, what other toolkits do we have which target Mir?20:01
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