
dholbachgood morning08:01
davidcalleMorning o/08:31
dholbachsalut davidcalle08:32
davidcalleHey dholbach, how are things?08:33
dholbachgood good - how about you?08:39
davidcalledholbach, same :)08:49
* dholbach relocates to the office, brb10:51
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
mhall119pleia2: that is correct, but we are encouraging everybody to get a scale ticket anyway, both to support our host event and also to attend scale because it's worth attending14:01
czajkowskimhall119: but that can skew your metrics if you go down thet route XXXXX registered XX attended14:24
czajkowskilooks  liek a higher drop out14:24
mhall119czajkowski: I don't follow, are you saying we'll have people register for UbuCon but not attend because we're also encouraging them to attend scale?14:38
dholbachbelkinsa: you're not in the CC channel14:41
dholbachdavidcalle: how are things looking on staging? do you need help with anything?15:06
mhall119dpm: team call?16:02
dholbachdavidcalle: let me know if I can help with anything16:18
davidcalledholbach: I will certainly tomorrow, to test and review the menu thing16:19
dholbachdid you find anything which looked broken?16:23
dholbachor did you have an idea why the menu didn't show up?16:23
davidcalledholbach: not yet no, but that's my goal by tomorrow16:44
dholbachall right my friends - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow! :-)17:04
pleia2mhall119: thanks17:04
mhall119pleia2: would you be willing to write a blog post promoting your talk at UbuCon? It would help us grow interest and attendees17:10
pleia2mhall119: it's on my list :)17:10
mhall119thank you :)17:11
mhall119pleia2: do you have a timeframe for when you plan on publishing?17:11
mhall119so I can spread other posts out17:12
pleia2mhall119: not really, everything is chaos over here17:12
mhall119pleia2: no worries, it's not urgent to get it, I just want to make sure we don't have a whole bunch of posts next week, then nothing at all for two weeks after17:12
* pleia2 nods17:13
dpmpleia2, more ubucon questions :) do you happen to know if Scarlett has submitted the Kubuntu talk to the SCALE website?17:17
dpmactually, I can ping her myself on #ubuntu-devel17:17
pleia2dpm: I'm sure she has not17:17
pleia2dpm: but you should follow up directly17:17
dpmok, will do that17:17
pleia2can't make the time for the scale call today :(17:36
mhall119pleia2: no worries, anything you wanted brought up or questions asked?17:40
pleia2nope, I'm good17:41
mhall119dpm: the "Register for SCALE" button on http://ubucon.org/en/events/ubucon-summit-us/register/ points to the UbuCon meetup.com page17:43
pleia2amusingly, until last night the "register" for ubucon link on loco.ubuntu.com linked to scale registration17:44
mhall119heh, one way or another we'll like to all of the right places17:46
dpmoh man...17:48
dpmthat was me copying and pasting the button HTML code17:49
dpmsorry about that17:49
dpmyes, at least we'll all get together at the right venue!17:49
czajkowskiwhat is the difference in google code and google summer of code ?18:05
mhall119timeframe and who participates I think18:05
mhall119GCI is middle/highschoo, GSoC is college/university18:05
pleia2and summer of code is a much more involved internship type thing with a major project to work and report on18:22
pleia2code-in is a bunch of little tasks done over a few weeks18:23
czajkowskipleia2: ahh I see19:47

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