
GooeyABSis there anyting siginificant in 15.10 that would make one want to instlal it over 14.04 lts?04:01
sarnoldmaybe if you wanted to play around with systemd instead of upstart?04:05
sarnoldnewer packages all across the board, of course, but I figure that's not news :)04:06
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pittiBonjour !06:00
didrocksgood morning06:01
pittiça va didrocks ?06:02
hikikoHi pitti didrocks06:02
didrocksça va pitti, et toi ? :)06:03
didrockshey hikiko06:03
pittihey hikiko06:03
pittiLaney: just fixed the apt 404 errors, the images were using {archive,ports}.u.c. instead of ftpmaster.internal; argh07:47
PlizzoHi! I recently installed Ubuntu Desktop on my little brothers Thinkpad. Having little experience with LVM I chose to let LVM handle the disk partitioning as I was installing the system. But now I regret that choice, seeing as the system partition - ”/dev/sda1” now has 256MB of total space and the disk has a total of around 150GB.07:53
PlizzoHow can I reclaim this space and allocate it into /dev/sda1?07:53
PlizzoI read about LVM here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lvm07:53
PlizzoAlmost all of the space is in a partition called /dev/dm-0 which is mounted at /07:54
PlizzoSo I’m not even sure which is which.07:55
PlizzoHere is an image showing what the current disk state is: http://imgur.com/zaLw2Bf08:00
seb128good morning desktopers08:03
pittihey seb128 !08:04
seb128hey pitti! wie gehts? toujours à Lyon ?08:04
seb128wooot new plymouth by didrocks ;-)08:04
pittiseb128: oui, je quitte la maison de didrocks dans 20 minutes08:05
dufluPlizzo: Good news: You don't have any bug. The main drive is /dev/dm-0 (mounted at /) so you already have the whole disk to play with08:05
Plizzoduflu: That’s the logical conclusion that I jump to as well, but whenever he tries to install something, it complains that it’s out of disk space :/08:06
dufluIf you don't believe it, try:  df -h /home08:06
pittiLaney: can you have a look at the infra today? I'm travelling back home and will be offline until the afternoon08:07
Plizzoduflu: I think I’ll have to head over there and check. Thanks!08:07
dufluPlizzo: Although /run/user/1000 is a tmpfs and limited to 193MB. Maybe that's the problem. Are you logged in as a guest or something?08:08
dufluPlizzo: Oops, ignore my previous comment08:08
dufludf -h /home    should show you you have the whole disk to use08:08
didrocksseb128: yeah \o/08:08
dufluOh, what's new didrocks, seb128 ?08:09
Plizzoduflu: I’ll have to check either way. My little brother is eight and should probably not be fooling around in the terminal. But his user is the primary user and an administrator. I’ll drop by their house later and see what the error might be.08:09
PlizzoIf there even is one.08:09
didrocksduflu: nothing really noticeable :) However, it's our first merge with debian ever08:10
dufludidrocks: Nice08:10
dufludidrocks: I mean nice, not Nice08:10
didrocksduflu: moving from /lib/plymouth to /usr/share/plymouth required transitionning all flavors' theme08:11
didrocksduflu: otherwise, I tried to sum up in the changelog :p08:11
didrocksduflu: heh ;)08:11
* pitti waves and goes offline and trainwards, see you this afternoon!08:20
willcookemorning all08:55
seb128hey willcooke08:56
andyrockmorning all08:59
willcookehey andyrock, seb12809:00
andyrockwillcooke: the meeting is in one hour?09:00
seb128hey andyrock09:00
Laneypitti: sure09:02
seb128hey Laney09:03
Laneyahoy seb12809:03
Laneyhow are you?09:03
seb128had dinner outside + bowling yesterday09:05
seb128I'm a bit tired today :-)09:05
Laneydinner outside in december09:06
Laneywhat is the world coming to09:06
Laneygood, christmas pub quiz last night althought we didn't win any prizes :(09:06
seb128can't win every time, it wouldn't be special/something you enjoy if it was like that!09:09
seb128had fun at least? ;-)09:10
Laneythey have like 8 rounds instead of 2 at the christmas one :P09:10
Laneyyeah, it was fun09:10
seb128you were there all night then?!09:10
Laneypretty long!09:13
willcookeandyrock, yeah09:15
willcookehey Trevinho, how's London this morning?09:15
seb128hey Trevinho, had a good day off yesterday?09:16
andyrockit was national holiday yesterday in Italy09:16
andyrockand I think I forgot to report it in hr09:16
Trevinhowillcooke: still to discover... I'll work from home today.09:16
willcookeTrevinho, ahh09:16
seb128andyrock, and to send your status update for the meeting :p09:16
seb128Trevinho, coming to the office tomorrow?09:17
willcookeI've added the holiday to the calendar now, so we will know in the future09:17
* andyrock is also not sure how does it work with national holidays if you live in a different country09:17
Trevinhoseb128: hi, was good... Traveling day but I had good schedule, so I arrived here with no stress09:18
Trevinhoseb128: yes tomorrow I'll be in the office09:18
seb128andyrock, just follow rules from where is your work contract I guess09:19
seb128seems like mozilla stops doing firefoxos phones :-(09:19
andyrockalso because number_swedish_national_holidays <<<< number_italian_national_holidays09:20
Trevinhoandyrock: you know, they don't like to have fun there...09:21
willcookenational holidays apply to the county you are "normally" based in.  Like, if we went to a sprint in the USA and the Monday was a public holiday back home, then you'd get that day off in lieu.09:21
seb128no larsu today?09:22
willcookemaybe gyming09:22
seb128I guess09:22
larsugymming indeed!09:25
larsugood morning :)09:25
seb128hey larsu!09:25
larsuhow are you?09:25
seb128had a fun evening, including raclette and bowling09:26
seb128what about you?09:26
andyrockwell in that case starting from next year I'll move to swedish holidays09:27
larsuseb128: nice! Didn't have raclette in ages09:27
larsuseb128: I feel great after the gym :) Was out for some beers last night with Kay and David09:28
seb128I think I would feel better after some sport as well today09:28
seb128too much food and I'm a bit tired09:29
larsuhehe. tennis tonight?09:29
seb128probably not09:30
seb128day in London tomorrow and have to wake up early09:30
seb128but let's see, weather is nice to probably some jogging in the afternoon09:30
seb128larsu, can you rebase https://code.launchpad.net/~larsu/geonames/+git/geonames-1/+ref/debian on master?09:31
seb128https://git.launchpad.net/geonames?h=debian vs https://git.launchpad.net/geonames09:32
seb128seems you lack a bunch of commits09:32
seb128I want to upload that09:32
seb128did you see the ping yesterday about u-c-c/the other bits that need porting?09:32
seb128I was off before you came back09:32
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larsudo you want to upload it with the weird behaviour of the gtk completion?09:35
larsuit looks bad, but I haven't found a good solution for that yetr09:35
seb128what was the issue again? jumping UI?09:35
seb128I tried back then but it had been a while09:36
larsuseb128: pushed the branch09:37
willcookeTrevinho, hikiko - sprint planning meeting10:01
willcookeseb128, if you're interested ^10:01
hikikowillcooke, I am coming sorry10:01
Laneypitti: if you get online, any idea about the apport failures? or should I update the version in your hint?10:17
didrocksLaney: he talked about it this morning, he will be back online at ~1PM10:23
Laneyand hi didrocks!10:24
didrocksLaney: "apport"10:25
didrocksor them if you prefer "apport failures"10:25
didrocksand hey Laney ;)10:25
* didrocks didn't hear any cry yet on plymouth10:25
larsudidrocks: listen more carefully :P10:26
Laneybecause it didn't migrate?10:26
* didrocks has earplugs just in case :p10:26
didrocksyeah ;)10:26
Laneyis that going to fix itself?10:26
didrocksI didn't really follow, I guess apport can wait for an hour of half to get Martin online and see himself10:27
didrocksLaney: tests are still in progress, right?10:28
didrocks(I wonder if the valid candidate still considers it and why it shows that up)10:28
didrocksbecause they always failed, so tests, even in progress are not blocking?10:29
Laneylooks like just xubuntu-artwork10:29
didrocksinteresting that we have that optimization to go the second stage if tests always failed, nice, didn't know that!10:30
didrocksLaney: I don't get how you see that xubuntu-artwork is the guilty one10:30
Laneydidn't know it?10:30
Laneyyou updated the code path that I wrote to do that10:30
Laneyto change the names10:30
didrocksLaney: yeah, I thought it was always waiting on tests finishing first10:30
didrocksbut it didn't know that it had a "don't block even if tests are in progress"10:31
didrocksI was thinking it was just a cosmetic thingy10:31
Laneythat is exactly what it did10:31
Laneyanyway look for "Trying easy from autohinter: ubuntu-mate-artwork/15.12.1 plymouth/0.9.2-3ubuntu1 ubuntustudio-look/0.50 plymouth-theme-sabily/1.3 lubuntu-artwork/0.57 ubuntu-gnome-default-settings/16.04.1 edubuntu-artwork/15.12.1 kubuntu-settings/1:16.04ubuntu1"10:31
didrocksnice work Laney then ;)10:31
Laneyand you will see what it is waiting for10:31
didrocks    * arm64: xubuntu-core, xubuntu-desktop10:31
didrocksok, it wants to remove them I guess10:31
didrocksah, so still tests in progress for it10:32
didrocksso all is fine, it should migrate itself if I didn't do any typo in breaks and whatnot10:32
didrocks(and both tests in progress passed)10:33
Laneyyou can watch it in painful detail10:34
didrocksyeah ;)10:35
didrocksat least, amd64 done10:35
Laneydidrocks: I'm getting some mails about plymouth killing autopkgtest workers with a postinst problem11:02
* Laney fwds11:02
didrocksit's like the initramfs doesn't match properly11:08
didrocks(we tested this package with martin as well on qemu…)11:08
* didrocks looks11:08
didrocksI guess the issue is in update-alternatives: error: no alternatives for default.plymouth11:09
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didrocksoh I think I got it11:09
didrocksit configure -text before -logo11:09
didrocksand so, there is no alternative (yet)11:09
didrocksas it's a clean state11:10
didrocksand so, it can't create the initramf11:10
Laneyyou can see that it's an upgrade of plymouth from the top of the log11:10
didrocksLaney: mind blacklisting it for a little bit?11:10
didrocksLaney: yeah but dangling symlink with the rename11:10
Laneycan block, I'm not sure how the autopkgtest blacklists work11:11
didrocksyeah, please11:11
didrocksI think it's something we should push in debian as well11:12
didrocks(if the theme doesn't exist, basically, just don't try to copy it unconditionally)11:13
didrocksI'm puzzled why there is no .so in the error11:17
Laneydidrocks: I can reproduce this by dist-upgrading in a cloud vm if that helps11:27
didrocksLaney: ah nice, that will ensure I can test my fix then11:28
didrocks(working on protecting in a sensible way for this config order)11:29
didrocksthe weird part is that we tested with martin in a cloud VM, upgrading from my ppa11:29
Laneydidrocks: maybe remove from proposed meanwhile?11:34
Laneyto stop the autopkgtesticide11:34
didrocksyep, doing that11:35
didrocksand uploading from myppa11:35
Laneysorry for your pain11:36
Laneyrespect for stepping up!11:36
didrocksremoved :)11:37
didrockssorry for the failure11:37
didrocksstill weird we didn't get that in multiple scenarios11:37
didrocksbefore it's removed, let me start my cloud image11:38
didrocks(while the fix is building on my ppa)11:38
seb128didrocks, once you done with plymouth I would appreciate if you could NEW review geonames, I just uploaded it. It's a small package, larsu is upstream, should be easy to review11:39
seb128larsu, Laney, ^ fyi11:39
seb128larsu, would be nice if you could mp the u-c-c changes then, if that was ready11:39
LaneyI am sure the packaging is EXCELLENT11:39
seb128well, after whatever you are working on11:39
didrocksseb128: sure11:40
seb128Laney, let's see if didrocks agrees ;-)11:40
seb128didrocks, thanks11:40
didrockslet me just first reproduce the plymouth failure11:40
larsuI can assure you it is excellent, done by a professional11:40
didrocksthen add my ppa11:40
didrocksand check it's fixed :p11:40
Laneyhow come it has a dated version?11:40
seb128because today has a date :p11:40
larsuLaney: because that professional doesn't know wtf they are doing...11:40
larsuah, not my fault?11:41
seb128Laney, there is no official release and larsu would prefer not having some11:41
seb128and I wouldn't want to go through figuring out of CI train can build from git11:41
LaneyI thought the upload would be the official release11:41
seb128the instructions it has are for bzr11:41
Laneybut ok11:41
seb128I can rename it 0.1 without date if it makes you feel better11:41
seb128I don't really care either way11:41
seb128but then I guess we should publish the tarball on the launchpad project11:42
LaneyI'm asking a question not insisting on anything11:42
seb128so yeah, I'm unsure how the release cycle of that componenjt is11:42
seb128ideally it would be CI train handled11:42
seb128but it's in launchpad git and I don't think they handle that atm11:43
seb128I just picked an option and went with it ;-)11:43
LaneyI just thought it was going to be a real upstream project but no worries11:44
Laneyseems to fail to build for me though11:44
Laney./configure: line 12166: PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG: command not found11:44
* Laney tries adding the build dep11:45
larsumissing pkg-config?11:45
didrocksLaney: can't reproduce with my desktop image derived from the cloud one, let me rebuild a cloud adt image and check11:46
seb128shrug, I didn't check the build-depends11:46
Laneydidrocks: I used adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud -r xenial11:46
didrocksLaney: yeah, it's what I'm running right now to have a fresh cloud-only image :)11:46
seb128but yeah, needs glib as well11:46
Laneythen qemued into it as normal11:47
seb128Laney, ^ you are fixing that?11:47
seb128or should I11:47
Laneycould do11:47
Laneywhere's the branch?11:47
didrocksLaney: the "good" news is that it reenforce the fact that it's order-dependant :)11:47
seb128Laney, https://git.launchpad.net/geonames?h=debian but I didn't submit my tweaks yet11:47
seb128need to go for lunch though11:48
seb128I can do that after lunch11:48
didrocks(I still think the plymouth hook script can be enhanced in the long term, but my fix should be good enough for now)11:48
Laney You cannot push to this repository. Only Lars Uebernickel can push to this repository.11:48
didrocksthis Lars!11:48
seb128I guess it would need to be owned by a team created for the project or something11:49
* larsu looooooooves launchpad11:49
didrocksLaney: confirmed on the cloud image11:55
didrocksso, let me add the ppa (seems it's already built/published)11:56
Laneylarsu: git pull git+ssh://git.launchpad.net/~laney/geonames debian plz11:56
didrocksLaney: and fixed with it! uploading11:57
Laneydidrocks: neat11:57
didrockssorry for the trouble :/11:57
Laneyhappy the autopkgtest caught it!11:58
larsuLaney: doesn't work :/11:58
larsucouldn't fine remote ref HED11:58
Laneydid you copy the " debian" bit?11:58
didrocksindeed ;) (at least, it doesn't seem that it would have died on the desktop)11:58
Laneyit's that branch11:58
larsuoh I thought that means pull it into my local branch debian (which was already the current one for me)(11:59
larsuLaney: thanks, pushed12:00
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Laneyoh I don't know how to do that12:01
Laneymaybe like debian:debian or something12:02
didrocksok, working on the desktop still with initramfs containing expected bits12:02
* didrocks uploads12:02
didrocksdoes it still worth I have a look at the package in NEW? Maybe I should just wait for the next upload?12:03
Laneyprobably best12:07
didrocksok, keep me posted12:07
Laneylarsu: I just made a "~geonames-dev" team if you want to change the project owner/driver to that one12:07
didrocksremoving the one in the queue meanwhile12:08
Laneydid push --mirror to https://code.launchpad.net/~geonames-dev/geonames/+git/geonames too12:08
* Laney sees "Manage webhooks" and wants an irc commit bot12:08
larsuLaney: done :(12:08
didrocksyeah, that would be nice!12:08
larsuoops. Typo makes me look sad12:08
LaneyI thought you were sad about losing your iron grip12:09
larsuhaha no I can manage ;)12:09
* Laney is confused about the URL format12:10
Laneyseems the one I used isn't allowed for the canonical repository12:10
Laneyoh and now launchpad is OOPSing12:11
* Laney dies12:11
Laneyanyway update your origins to git+ssh://git.launchpad.net/~geonames-dev/geonames/+git/geonames please!12:16
larsuwill do thanks!12:17
Laneyneeds a few more geonames in that url I think12:18
larsuworks for me12:18
larsuafter adding my launchpad username@12:18
Sweet5hark ./configure --enable-python=fully-internal && make12:22
Sweet5harkme mumbles: snappy made me do this.12:22
* Laney screams12:25
larsuuh oh12:25
Sweet5harknote to self: still need to register issystemdasmallinternalpartoflibreofficealready.org ....12:29
xnoxSweet5hark, libreofficeasakdbusservice.io ?12:31
davmor2Sweet5hark: that's a url that just rolls off the tongue ;)12:31
TrevinhoLaney: about that pkg-config change, did you revert the commit causing troubles to us?12:31
Sweet5harkxnox: shouldnt be hard. we already implement the gmenumodel stuff and packagekit via dbus ...12:33
TrevinhoLaney: so... could we do it, now that we've a bug?12:41
TrevinhoLaney: as I'd like to land compiz...12:41
TrevinhoI can see if there's a solution at compiz level, but it would be wrong imho12:42
LaneyTrevinho: did you confirm that reverting this commit fixes the build?12:47
TrevinhoLaney: yep12:48
LaneyTrevinho: bleh this makes a test fail12:59
Laney../pkg-config --variable=pc_path pkg-config :13:00
Laney''/usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig:/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/share/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/share/pkgconfig'' != '/usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig:/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/share/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/share/pkgconfig'13:00
LaneyFAIL: check-path13:00
=== hikiko is now known as hikiko|ln
didrocksthanks xnox! I should delay replying more often :)13:16
xnoxdidrocks, ?! que?13:16
didrocksxnox: re: default language thread ;)13:17
TrevinhoLaney: wasn't there a test in the commit too?13:18
Trevinhooh, Laney I see that13:19
TrevinhoLaney: this might be related http://cgit.freedesktop.org/pkg-config/commit/?id=a6e8749ada5af1737b27f1eca1babe83e82af38c ?13:21
TrevinhoLaney: yep, reverting that commit fixes the test as well13:23
pittiyay, internet is back!13:23
pittiLaney: apport> I actually fixed them all yesterday, but it seems there's a new one; so for now, please update the hint, I'll look at it later13:25
desrtgood morning, ubupeeps13:28
desrt(and to the surprise visitors currently hovering 1m from me outside of my window)13:28
TrevinhoLaney: I've also a compiz workaround ready, let me know what you prefer13:43
seb128Trevinho, does that compiz update drops the gconf backend? ;-)13:43
Trevinhoseb128: nope... BUt it might be something I could do  now13:44
seb128Trevinho, let me know, otherwise I'm going to have a quick look to know if we can stop at least including it in the deb build13:47
seb128Laney, did you submit my geonames packaging fixes as well?13:48
seb128seems you did13:48
seb128oh, no13:49
* seb128 does that13:49
=== hikiko|ln is now known as hikiko
seb128larsu, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/tweak.patch14:07
Laneyseb128: no, didn't see them14:09
Laneybut you should be able to push to the new branch14:09
larsuseb128: warning: 1 line adds whitespace errors.14:09
seb128Laney, I did git format-patch, see ^14:09
larsuts ts ts14:09
seb128larsu, bless you14:10
Trevinhoseb128: so, there's also a configuration option to disable gconf a build time, but.... we do prefer to erase it at all, right?14:10
larsuseb128, Laney: pushing now14:10
seb128Trevinho, well, as long as it's out of the packaging I don't care much about the technical solution14:10
seb128larsu, what was your whitespace thing about?14:11
seb128I don't understand it14:11
Trevinhoseb128: I mean, I'm not sure if anyone really need it, but...14:11
seb128Trevinho, I doubt it14:11
seb128gconf is deprecated for years14:11
larsuseb128: libgeonames-dev.install had an empty line at the end14:11
seb128larsu, right, is that an issue?14:12
seb128and empty line != whitespace14:12
seb128but feel free to delete it14:12
seb128(the empty line)14:12
larsuI did and pushed it14:13
seb128(my git also doesn't complain about those)14:13
larsuthanks for the patch!14:13
seb128I've another one coming in some minutes14:13
seb128btw did you reply on the u-c-c branch status earlier?14:13
larsuseb128: mine did when applying the patch (thanks for format-patch by the way) and highlights it as an error in git show14:13
seb128I think I missed your reply if you did14:13
larsuI said "I don't know" depends on the completion thing14:14
seb128if I had the motivation I would report an upstream git bug that new lines shouldn't be flagged as "whitespace", I was looking for a trailing space issue :p14:14
LaneyTrevinho: what's your workaround?14:14
LaneyI'm a bit disturbed about adding many reverts I don't understand :/14:15
seb128larsu, ok, let me try again the branch to see how the completion is, but I would tend to say to land now so the feature gets feedback and we can deal with the weird UI as a bug later14:15
larsumakes sense14:15
larsuseb128: I agree, double-newline at end-of-file is questionable14:16
larsuon the other hand, whitespace at end-of-line clearly is an error14:16
seb128larsu, people.canonical.com/~seb128/0001-include-license-text.patch14:18
larsuseb128: btw, you should have push access yourself14:19
seb128yeah, I just don't like to push without a review14:19
larsumakes sense14:19
Laneymight be easier to review if you push to a branch or something14:20
Laneybut as you both prefer14:20
seb128larsu, Laney, do we need the autogen.sh ?14:20
larsupushed with slight change in commit message14:20
seb128Laney, I don't know how to do that on launchpad and https://help.launchpad.net/Code/Git is not very useful14:20
seb128larsu, danke14:20
larsuseb128: yes14:20
seb128larsu, can we get it disted then?14:21
seb128debian/rules has NO_CONFIGURE=1 dh_autoreconf ./autogen.sh14:21
seb128but that fails on a make dist tarball because the file is not there14:21
Laneygit remote set-url origin git+ssh://git.launchpad.net/~geonames-dev/geonames/+git/geonames and then git push as normal14:22
seb128Laney, shrug14:22
seb128no short command?14:22
xnoxseb128, in ~/.gitconfig14:22
xnox[url "git+ssh://xnox@git.launchpad.net/"]14:22
xnox        insteadof = lp:14:22
seb128xnox, I've that14:22
seb128xnox, I read https://help.launchpad.net/Code/Git14:22
xnoxand then you can like clone and push to lp: as usuall.14:22
seb128but that doesn't explain how to push14:23
xnoxgit push lp:~geonames..... HEAD:HEAD14:23
seb128well how to mp things14:23
xnoxgit push lp:~geonames..... master:master14:23
Laneyalright, this is turning into an Internet Git Tutoriakl14:23
xnoxLaney, that is scary thing. and can break stuff =)14:23
* Laney is gone14:23
Laneypeople always come out with their weird tricks14:23
larsuseb128: hm? Dist should have a proper configure and no need to run autogen14:23
larsuthat's for building from git14:23
seb128larsu, we do dh-autoreconf on package build because sometime we have a patch touching the build system14:24
seb128Laney, sorry about the git tutorial disussion, I'm just going to keep using format-patch, easier ;-)14:25
seb128larsu, what?14:26
larsudisting autogen14:26
seb128GNOME does it14:26
larsudoesn't make it less weird :D14:26
seb128EXTRA_DIST =14:27
seb128autogen.sh \14:27
seb128I guess?14:27
larsuyes adding that now14:27
Laneyseb128: np14:27
LaneyI was just suggesting that you push another branch to the same repository then people can merge that easily14:27
Laneyno need for merge proposal14:27
Laneyalthough you can do those, not exactly sure how on LP14:27
seb128but it doesn't feel  like a standard workflow14:28
seb128I would prefer to have only one workflow14:28
Laneysuggesting it as an alternative to passing patch files around14:28
seb128which doesn't rely on me being part of the team owning the branch I'm contributing to14:28
Laneyyou can push to ~seb128/geonames/+git/geonames too14:28
seb128like an equivalent to "bzr push lp:~/project/name"14:28
Laneywhich people can fetch from14:29
Laneythat is probably a thing which can have a merge proposal created14:29
seb128can I do it with a git push comment?14:29
seb128or do I need to change my origin?14:29
Laneygit push <url> works14:29
seb128where url is ~seb128/geonames/+git/geonames?14:29
Laneygit+ssh://git.launchpad.net/<that> or lp:<that> presumably14:30
Laneyassuming the lp: thing works, not got that set up :)14:30
seb128k, let me try14:30
Laneywould be good to figure it out14:31
Laneyman, I made some really horrible coffee14:31
seb128created with "git push lpme:geonames"14:31
seb128[url "git+ssh://USER@git.launchpad.net/~USER/+git/"]14:32
seb128        insteadof = lpme:14:32
seb128now unsure how to mp that14:32
seb128seems I can't14:33
seb128no clicky button on the webui at least14:33
LaneyI think you need to do lp:~seb128/geonames/+git/geonames or so14:33
Laneylpme: makes "personal" branches which can't be mped14:33
LaneyI remember asking about this a few weeks ago14:33
Laneyit's like +junk with the bzr branches14:34
seb128no button there either14:34
seb128I asked on #launchpad14:34
seb128let's see14:35
Laneyit's on https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/geonames/+git/tweaks/+ref/debian14:35
seb128cjwatson replied as well14:36
didrocksLaney: oh btw, do you mind removing your block request on plymouth?14:36
Laneymake sure you fix the target :/14:36
LaneyI couldn't change lp:geonames due to a bug in launchpad14:36
seb128as an example14:36
seb128Laney, ok, in any case larsu already merge the format-patch version so it was just to play with it14:37
Laneyat least we know how to get to it now14:38
LaneyI guess this is why github makes you fork it first14:38
seb128larsu, let me know when you have the license include and the autogen.sh dist in14:38
Laneyso you get forced to the right url14:38
larsuseb128: pushed this second ;)14:38
seb128larsu, great14:38
seb128hum, not there?14:39
larsuhm there's all the things missing14:40
larsuwhere did I push to all this time I wonder?14:40
didrocksLaney: did you see my gentle and small unblock request for plymouth? :) (didn't see any ack)14:41
Laneydidrocks: yes, will do in a minute14:41
didrocksLaney: britney bless you :)14:41
seb128didrocks, did you look at the package or rejected waiting for the fixes?14:42
didrocksseb128: rejected without looking as another package was on the way14:43
didrocksI can look at it before you upload if you want14:43
seb128didrocks, I'm going to reupload14:43
seb128just waiting for larsu to push14:43
didrocksas you prefer :)14:43
seb128larsu, https://code.launchpad.net/~larsu/+git doesn't have any recent push14:43
seb128unsure where it went14:43
didrocksseb128: you didn't receive the rejection rationale? (IIRC, I commented I didn't review it)14:44
didrocksI'm unsure everytime if those rationales are sent or not14:44
seb128didrocks, I saw it, delete it since but all I remember is that you said larsu was working on fixes14:45
didrocksyeah, that was the continuation of IRC discussion we had when you were lunching14:45
seb128no worry, well I'm ready to repackage/upload14:45
seb128just waiting on the git to be updated14:45
didrocksgood, just ping me, I'm doing nothing that can't be interrupted14:46
larsuseb128: it's here now: https://code.launchpad.net/~geonames-dev/geonames/+git/geonames14:46
seb128larsu, oh, right14:46
seb128sorry, I didn't follow up the ownership change14:47
seb128master is outdated right?14:48
seb128I wonder if it makes sense to have 2 branches14:49
seb128we should just have the debian/ in master14:49
seb128anyway I'm packaging from "debian" so it's fine for me14:49
=== xnox_ is now known as xnox
seb128didrocks, reuploaded so feel free to review when you have some spare cycle, there is no hurry14:53
didrockscan do now14:53
* didrocks looks14:53
didrocksno stable ABI yet! -> reject14:54
didrocksmore seriously, the -dev doesn't dep on the lib14:55
LaneyUnable to obtain lock  held by pitti@bazaar.launchpad.net on taotie (process #25565), acquired 6 minutes, 54 seconds ago.14:56
didrocksdebian/copyright: Files: data/* -> no Copyright stenza (I think that's "mandatory for the day we would have this parser if ever…")14:56
pittiLaney: sorry, bzr commit taking ages, spotty internet :/14:56
Laneypitti: no worries, just can't make didrocks happy!14:57
seb128bah gedit segfaulting!14:58
didrocksand no --fail-missing in debian/rules, why oh WHY?????? :p (ok, this one, not that important)14:58
seb128I've fixed the control one, doing the copyright next14:58
didrocksseb128: and --fail-missing then? (wink wink wink)14:58
didrocksI did notice the trailing comma though ;)14:59
seb128didrocks, yeah, one at time14:59
seb128didrocks, please reject and I'm going to reupload15:00
didrocksseb128: sure, just wait before reuploading15:00
didrocksI dump thoughts here15:00
didrocksjust so that I can accept right away afterwards15:00
seb128right, I'm not done fixing yet15:00
didrocksseb128: you don't want to build the demo I guess?15:01
pittiLaney: should be in now15:03
seb128didrocks, I was going to skip that for now, I don't think it's that useful15:04
didrocksmakes sense15:05
didrocksno autopkgtest? making Laney and pitti sad :p15:05
didrocksseb128: ah, license paragraph is required for cc-by-2.0 (we all love debian/copyright)15:06
seb128indeed, love it15:06
didrocksseb128: last thing… doc is shipped on -dev rather than a -doc, is it on purpose?15:09
seb128yes, I was too lazy to split in another -doc and -tools15:09
seb128so I batched things in there15:09
didrocksahah :)15:09
seb128it's small enough that I think it's not worth adding more binaries15:09
didrocksseb128: the only thing I can see of (with the binary being in -dev) is about multi-arch?15:10
didrocksif you have multiple -dev installed…15:10
didrocksor rather *want*15:11
seb128good point15:11
didrocksseb128: I don't think the generated doc would be arch-dependant, so this one is probably fine, but the binary…15:11
seb128the -dev has no multiarch flag  atm15:13
seb128let me check the documentation about that15:13
didrocksyeah, I saw it, it will need one (better to be future-proof right now)15:13
seb128Laney, didrocks, you would include /usr/bin/geonames-mkdb in a -bin then?15:20
didrocksseb128: -bin or -tools15:21
didrocksno strong opinion15:21
larsuwhy do we need to install that at all?15:21
Laneyor you could put it in a libexecdir15:21
Laneyor not install it15:21
seb128larsu, why do we have that util if it's not useful/to be installed?15:22
larsuit's used to make the database at build time15:22
larsubut noone should ever need to use it manually15:23
seb128so why is "make install" installing it? ;-)15:23
larsuuh oh15:23
larsuit is?15:23
larsuthat's a bug15:23
Laneyreview rules!15:24
larsuin der tat15:25
seb128larsu, are you fixing that or should I?15:26
larsutesting the fix right now15:28
larsuhm, noinst_ doesn't work for bin_PROGRAMS?15:28
seb128noinst_PROGRAMS = geonames-mkdb15:29
larsuah, of course15:29
larsuseb128: done15:32
seb128didrocks, larsu, https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/geonames/+git/reviewchanges/+merge/28004415:36
seb128didrocks, should address your comment but please check I might have overlooked something15:36
larsuyeah this is one for didrocks15:37
larsuglad to see mrs working for git branches though :)15:38
didrocksone sec :)15:38
didrocksseb128: lgtm, so, the generated docs are giving exactly the same files whatever arch they are?15:39
larsuI think they are15:39
seb128didrocks, I think they are, I grepped them for arch reference and it returns nothing15:41
didrocksgood, I was afraid that they will defer slightly and so Multi-Arch: same would cry15:42
didrocks(like only showing API that is available in one arch)15:42
seb128I think it's fine and other packges do that15:43
didrockswhich isn't the case here I guess15:43
didrocksgood then :)15:43
seb128but we can change if we ever get a report15:43
seb128didrocks, thanks again for the review!15:43
seb128larsu, Laney, and thanks for the fixes!15:43
didrocksyou're welcome! Thanks for the fixes :)15:43
seb128on that note away for some exercice, need to digest the raclette ;-)15:44
happyaronseb128: replied that MP, will upload tomorrow if nobody gets earlier15:44
seb128happyaron, thanks15:44
happyaronand for that fr.po, I've poked people to have a look15:44
seb128larsu, I'm going to try again u-c-c after the exercice15:44
seb128happyaron, thanks again ;-)15:44
didrocksseb128: enjoy!15:50
larsuseb128: have fun!15:53
qenghoIn X + unity, I have the keyboard settings "Alt+t" to launch a terminal. System Settings / Keyboard / Shortcuts / Launch terminal shows that.  But, it's not applied after booting and logging in. If I click to set a new shortcut, the same thing, it becomes set. Any idea what to debug?16:45
larsuqengho: alt+t could also be a menu shortcut...16:46
larsuhm but I guess these have priority16:46
larsuask the unity guys :)16:46
larsuTrevinho: ^16:46
Trevinhoqengho: is that what release?16:47
qengholarsu: yes, there's like one thing I rarely use that collides, like Gimp or something. No big deal. I re-program my fingers.16:48
qenghoI *can't*16:48
Trevinhoqengho: as that looks like an issue that has been fixed in late wily (I hope) and xenial16:51
qenghoTrevinho: Er,16:53
qenghounity-control-center 15.04.0+16.04.20151112-0ubuntu116:53
qenghounity-settings-daemon 15.04.1+16.04.20151118.1-0ubuntu116:53
qenghoTrevinho: I've never seen it before ~5 days ago.16:54
Trevinhou-s-d is the one, but...16:54
Trevinhonothing changed there I think16:55
qengho"never" meaning "not in the last year"16:55
qenghoTrevinho: So, for debugging, is there a logging location or way to query the current state that might give a hint of what it's doing?16:56
Trevinhoqengho: there have been some changes to u-s-d but I don't see anything related https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-settings-daemon-team/unity-settings-daemon/trunk16:56
Trevinhomhmh, not much16:57
Trevinhoqengho: but you can try to see if you get something from16:57
Trevinhodbus-monitor --session "interface='org.gnome.Shell'"16:58
Trevinhoso, if you do alt+t it should emit the AcceleratorActivated signal16:58
Trevinhoanother thing might be to run compiz with16:59
TrevinhoUNITY_LOG_SEVERITY="<root>error;unity.key.gnome.grabber=debug" compiz --replace&16:59
Trevinhoor, export UNITY_LOG_SEVERITY="<root>error;unity.key.gnome.grabber=debug" compiz --replace&16:59
Trevinhoin the unity7.conf upstart job, so that it runs with more logging16:59
Trevinhoand you might catch something16:59
Trevinhoqengho: ^16:59
qenghoTrevinho: thx.  I don't think "export" is necessary there, as no ";", but I will try.17:05
Trevinhoqengho: I meant export if you add that in the unity7.cinf17:09
Trevinhoupstart job17:09
* didrocks waves good evening!17:13
qenghoTrevinho: alt-t worked for 10 minutes, but just stopped. No additional lines in compiz stderr with those lines during that time. I still had keyboard config open, so I set alt-t again, and saw UngrabAccelerator, UnGrabDBusAccelerator, GrabAccelerator, GrabDBusAccelerator, AddAction -- and it works again.17:23
Trevinhoqengho: Mh, could be that the fact that Alt is  used by the hud might cause trobules to that?17:24
Trevinhoqengho: can you try with a different shortcut please?17:24
Trevinhoqengho: ahhhhhhhhhh17:24
Trevinhoqengho: no, I think it's another thing17:24
Trevinhoqengho: maybe you opened a terminal... And then Alt+T is mapped for "open Terminal menu"17:24
Trevinhoqengho: Alt+<letter> is the one for menu activations...17:25
qenghoTrevinho: no menu is activated, for what it's worth. But, I don't see any menu at all (and I think it's configured to have menu in-window). Not even an application name on top bar.17:28
larsuseb128: I've finally uploaded that gtk patch (waiting for benjamin to review)17:28
larsuseb128: I cannot reproduce the crasher though17:28
seb128larsu, great, thanks!17:28
seb128doesn't matter much if the previous patch was wrong anyway, no?17:29
larsuI just want to test if it happens with the new one as well17:29
seb128I'm trying to build ~larsu/unity-control-center/datetime-use-geonames but it fails to build17:29
qenghoTrevinho: but I get alt-foo menu activation in Pidgin at least.17:29
seb128datetime-prefs.c:690:8: error: too many arguments to function 'geonames_query_cities_finish'17:29
larsuoh? What's the problem?17:29
larsuah, I changed that17:29
larsulet me fix it17:29
qenghoTrevinho: Good news everyone! I can reproduce it again. And this may be a brainfsck, but seemingly exactly 10 minutes later.17:34
qengho"it" = alt+t no longer trapped to open a new terminal window. No relevant message in compiz stderr.17:34
larsuseb128: how can I build it without the .orig.tar.gz?17:35
larsuthe geonames package, I mean17:36
qenghoTrevinho: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13864189/17:36
seb128larsu, do you need a deb?17:36
larsuI want to make one17:36
larsuit worked before with `debuild -us -uc`17:37
seb128it should still17:37
seb128what's the error?17:37
seb128otherwise official ones are on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/geonames/0.1-0ubuntu1/+build/841526117:37
larsudpkg-source: error: can't build with source format '3.0 (quilt)': no upstream tarball found at ../geonames_0.1.orig.tar.{bz2,gz,lzma,xz}17:37
seb128you can change debian/source/format to include 1.017:38
larsuI guess this is why I had that before ;)17:38
seb128yeah, unsure how building from git is supposed to work17:38
seb128Laney or pitti might have suggestions on how the repo should be set up17:39
larsuah this works, thanks17:39
seb128there is probably an equivalent to bzr-builddeb17:39
larsuhm doesn't build17:45
larsu*install, actually17:45
larsuah, still /usr/bin in the .install17:48
bigonwould it help if I'm integrating apparmor and apport scripts in telepathy-mission-control pkg in debian?18:01
Laneyok, see you18:01
larsuseb128: updated18:01
Laneybigon: if you want them, that would be good18:02
Laneyseems from the changelog that you could in theory take all of the delta then18:02
Laneynot sure if kenvandine forwarded that patch18:02
Laneyokay, I've got to go18:03
Laneyxnox: come to the office tomorrow18:03
LaneyTrevinho: seb128: willcooke see you there18:03
xnoxLaney, i will.18:03
Laneyneat, see you too then!18:03
TrevinhoLaney: sure, see you!18:04
bigonLaney: well I don't want them myself (I'm more a SELinux guy myself :p) but I know that some people in debian are trying to have apparmor working, so...18:05
Trevinhoqengho: so, I think I understood the issue... Also if you don't activate a menu, the app might request to regrab that key18:05
Trevinhoand then it asks to ungrab it18:06
Trevinhoso we don't have any kind of ref-counting of the requests, thus the problem18:06
seb128Laney, see you!18:09
seb128larsu, thanks18:09
willcookesee ya Laney18:25
xnoxLaney, pitti, Mirv - so most of apt transition is done, or building. fixed packagekit, aptitude/ppc64el is outstanding which i've poked steve to look at / delegate. I'm end of day now.18:27
mvoxnox: let me know if the ppc thing needs a second look, I think this worked in debian18:46
xnoxmvo, i've handed over to slangasek =) maybe it's something obvious for you, then by all means poke it on a ppc64el canonical porter obx ;-)18:49
xnoxmvo, maybe merge from debian and throw it into xenial to check if new upstream release fixed everything?18:49
mvoxnox: hm, the error in the buildlog is very suspicious, it does not make much sense that it only failed on ppc18:50
mvoxnox: but yeah, tomorrow18:51
xnoxmvo, our ppc64el toolchain is special, unlike all other ports...18:53
mvoxnox: different from debian too?18:54
xnoxmvo, yes18:54
mvooh, ok18:54
mvoI was not aware of this18:54
=== bschaefer_ is now known as bschaefer
* Sweet5hark is utterly confused how stage-packages in snapcraft is even supposed to work ...22:15

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