tsimonq2 | popey: mind lending a hand in terms of https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/6263832280301568/? could you add sir wxl and make it public? | 00:02 |
* popey looks | 00:05 | |
popey | done | 00:07 |
tsimonq2 | popey: thanks! :) | 00:12 |
tsimonq2 | popey: oh wait...can you add wxl as well? | 00:12 |
popey | oh, sorry, missed that bit | 00:14 |
=== _salem is now known as salem_ | ||
popey | done | 00:15 |
adueppen | @popey Is it OK that this terminal app mockup I'm doing has a mixture of vector and raster elements? | 00:16 |
popey | sure | 00:16 |
adueppen | now that I think about it the final thing is going to be a png anyway | 00:16 |
tsimonq2 | popey: thank you :)\ | 00:17 |
wxl | Sean2147483647: did you get all the information you need to continue your task? | 00:26 |
jun1707 | 'Alan Pope' 'Samsruti' May I know if these people are in the IRC right now? | 00:44 |
wxl | jun1707: popey is alan pope | 00:44 |
popey | i should put it in the /topic | 00:45 |
jun1707 | Ahh okay | 00:45 |
wxl | popey: or just make your displayed name on code-in the same as your nick | 00:45 |
jun1707 | I submitted my work for a while and I wannna know if that's sufficient enough | 00:45 |
=== popey changed the topic of #ubuntu-google to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Google Events Coordination channel! || Now running: Google Code-In || codein.withgoogle.com || Organisation Admins:- Alan Pope (popey) & Nicholas Skaggs (balloons) & José Antonio Rey (jose) | ||
fazer | balloons: I'm working on this task: https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/5939784010694656/ and need some help. | 00:47 |
=== popey changed the topic of #ubuntu-google to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Google Events Coordination channel! || Now running: Google Code-In || codein.withgoogle.com || Organisation Admins:- Nicholas Skaggs (balloons) & Alan Pope (popey) & José Antonio Rey (jose) | ||
popey | ;) | 00:47 |
wxl | hahahah | 00:48 |
wxl | maybe it would be wise to add info about how voiced folks are mentors and ops are admins? | 00:49 |
ahoneybun | I don't have a pretty blue color lol | 01:12 |
wxl | ahoneybun: you're a mentor? if so, bug jose. he set up all the flags. | 01:12 |
ahoneybun | I am | 01:13 |
* ahoneybun goes back to video games | 01:13 | |
Girish | Can I reply to a particular person in the IRC webchat client? If so, how? | 01:23 |
wxl | Girish: assuming you know their nick, you just mention it, like i just did. if you want it to be private, use the form /msg <nick> <message> | 01:24 |
ahayzen | fazer, did you sort your music app issues? (i'm one of the music-app devs) | 01:25 |
fazer | ahayzen: yes, I think I found what I was looking for. I'll be back here looking for help if I still need it. | 01:26 |
ahayzen | fazer, ping me if you need anything :-) | 01:26 |
fazer | ahayzen: will do. | 01:26 |
Girish | +wxl Thanks! | 01:26 |
wxl | Girish: np. btw the + and the @ refer to different privledges we have on the channel, so no need to use them. | 01:27 |
Girish | wxl okay? ok! | 01:27 |
wxl | Girish: yep, that's right. :) | 01:27 |
wxl | Girish: also you can just google irc and you'll find a million and one pieces of information about it. it's a fairly common communication platform for, well, a long time. i've been using it over 20 years and i'm not super old. :) | 01:28 |
wxl | Girish: there's also clients you can use (e.g. hexchat, irssi, chatzilla if you use firefox, pidgin, etc) that will handle it as well | 01:29 |
Girish | wxl Cool thanks! | 01:29 |
wxl | Girish: here to help. let me know if you need anything else. | 01:29 |
fazer | ahayzen: would you reference an Item the same as a variable(from the qml source), in autopilot? | 01:40 |
* ahoneybun uses HexChat | 01:41 | |
ahayzen | fazer, potentially, depending what you mean? like if you had Rectangle { color: "red" } .. you could in the python go rectangle.color (assuming rectangle is the Rectangle) | 01:41 |
ahayzen | +1 for HexChat :-) | 01:41 |
ahoneybun | it has a windows port and it is not that bad so it has some bonus points from me | 01:42 |
ahayzen | fazer, maybe give an example, as i'm not perfectly sure what you mean, sorry | 01:42 |
McIntireEvan | I use hexchat too, I like it | 01:43 |
=== salem_ is now known as _salem | ||
=== _salem is now known as salem_ | ||
ahoneybun | Girish, good questions | 01:43 |
ahoneybun | damn balloons loves adding me to things | 01:44 |
ahoneybun | lol | 01:44 |
ahayzen | hah | 01:44 |
fazer | ahayzen: if I have an bool isEnabled in a class, I would access it with this command: className.isEnabled... But would this syntax hold for any Object? for example: a label in a qml file | 01:45 |
ahoneybun | mm ahayzen your busy lol | 01:45 |
fazer | a bool* | 01:45 |
ahayzen | ahoneybun, i have two exams on Saturday :'( | 01:45 |
ahoneybun | wow | 01:46 |
ahoneybun | good luck | 01:46 |
ahayzen | yeah thanks :-/ | 01:46 |
ahayzen | fazer, yes if you had a Label { text: "abc" } ... you could then go label.text | 01:46 |
adueppen | yeah I'm not quite sure I'll be able to finish my task since I claimed it on the day the contest opened and I have several things to do. | 01:46 |
tsimonq2 | adueppen: talk to the mentor | 01:47 |
fazer | ok thank you. | 01:47 |
adueppen | tsimonq2: as in comment on the task? | 01:47 |
ahayzen | fazer, you know how todo the select_single method? to get the label object for example? | 01:48 |
tsimonq2 | adueppen: that or ping him on IRC | 01:48 |
adueppen | OK | 01:48 |
tsimonq2 | or her | 01:48 |
ahayzen | fazer, eg http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~music-app-dev/music-app/trunk/view/head:/tests/autopilot/music_app/__init__.py#L341 | 01:48 |
fazer | ahayzen, no, no I do not. | 01:48 |
ahayzen | fazer, so what you would do is give the Label a name in the QML like Label { objectName: "myLabel" } ... then in the python you do .. label = self.select_single("UCLabel", objectName="myLabel") | 01:49 |
fazer | ahayzen: Thank you very much! I've been looking for something exactly like that for ages! | 01:50 |
fazer | ahayzen, you just saved me! Thanks! | 01:50 |
ahayzen | fazer, hah no problem :-) have a look through that file as that has most of the selectors and will probably be useful | 01:50 |
fazer | ahayzen, will do. | 01:51 |
ahayzen | fazer, https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/autopilot/python/1.5.0/ might be useful if you haven't seen it already, especially the writing ones | 01:51 |
ahayzen | fazer, have you got Autopilot Vis running as well? | 01:52 |
=== salem_ is now known as _salem | ||
tsimonq2 | balloons: I made this task, I would suggest adding yourself then making it public...but only if you feel the content of the task is good. https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/5352155007418368/ | 02:20 |
jun1707 | Hi, I've submitted my task for a few hours already and no one has yet to review it... Any update on it? | 02:23 |
adueppen | jum1707: many of the mentors are from the UK and it is the early morning there right now | 02:24 |
jun1707 | I see thanks . | 02:25 |
fazer | ahayzen, I've been looking through that API guide for a while, it proved pretty useful. Yes, I looked at vis, but it's a little too broad. Every single process running shows up on it. | 02:36 |
ahayzen | fazer, hah, yeah it is but its useful when you're wondering why you can't locate a label with 'Label' when its infact 'UCLabel' :-) | 02:37 |
fazer | ahayzen, I'll keep that in mind, thank you. | 02:37 |
ahayzen | no problem | 02:39 |
tsimonq2 | adueppen: what tasks have you done so far? | 02:39 |
adueppen | tsimonq2: I'm still on my first one, the mockup of the updated terminal app in Ubuntu touch. I have homework I'm finishing | 02:40 |
tsimonq2 | adueppen: ok | 02:41 |
tsimonq2 | adueppen: cool :) | 02:41 |
jun1707 | So apparently, autopilot test works better on terminal than the Ubuntu SDK | 02:45 |
samsruti | hey jun1707 | 02:45 |
jun1707 | hello | 02:46 |
samsruti | hows your work going on ? | 02:46 |
jun1707 | uploaded the screenshots already | 02:46 |
samsruti | the test was failed | 02:48 |
samsruti | failed 9 tests | 02:48 |
jun1707 | So, I'm supposed to make sure all the tests pass? | 02:51 |
fazer | ahayzen, the python test is trying to import the music_app module. Would this be qml project? If so, why exactly is python returning an ImportError: 'No Module name music_app'? | 02:54 |
ahayzen | fazer, where are you running it from? it should be from the directory "autopilot" as then music_app is the package name | 02:56 |
ahayzen | and how are you running it? | 02:56 |
fazer | if I try running it in the autopilot dir, it says there aren't any tests. Only when I run it from the autopilot/music-app dir does it run the test. | 02:57 |
ahayzen | fazer, can you pastebin what you are doing for me? | 02:57 |
fazer | ahayzen: autopilot3 run tests | 02:57 |
ahayzen | http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/ | 02:57 |
jun1707 | samsruti, I'll try and read through the logs and see what's causing the failures | 02:58 |
ahayzen | fazer, it'd be $ autopilot3 run music_app | 02:58 |
ahayzen | from the autopilot directory | 02:58 |
fazer | it doesn't work. | 02:58 |
ahayzen | what happens? | 02:58 |
fazer | ok, nevermind. It works now...... thats weird, because earlier it said it couldn't find any tests. | 02:59 |
ahayzen | fazer, also another hint you can use $ autopilot3-sandbox-run music_app .. to run in a hidden window so you can do other stuff | 03:00 |
fazer | ahayzen, if every single test in the class fails I'm doing something wrong right? | 03:01 |
fazer | oh ok that's handy | 03:01 |
ahayzen | possibly, possibly not as there is an issue if you're running on Xenial | 03:01 |
ahayzen | fazer, pastebin one of them and i'll have a look | 03:01 |
jun1707 | http://pastebin.com/Py4vWZb3 so this is the log of what happened for the autopilot calendar test | 03:02 |
fazer | ahayzen: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/13845168/ | 03:03 |
fazer | ahayzen, by xenial do you mean Ubuntu 16.xx? | 03:04 |
ahayzen | jun1707, things like "module "QtContacts" is not installed" maybe help if they are resolved | 03:04 |
ahayzen | fazer, yeah | 03:04 |
fazer | ok, no I'm not. I'm running 15.10 | 03:04 |
ahayzen | fazer, "Tried to open a db with schema version 10, while supported version is 9." means you have an old mediascanner2 version to what our mocked db (that is injected) is | 03:05 |
ahayzen | so you'll need to get a later version of that | 03:05 |
jun1707 | ahh I see | 03:05 |
ahayzen | jun1707, but some didn't fail with that error, but it should help some of them at least :-) | 03:05 |
McIntireEvan | ahayzen, Im running Xenial and once the SDK finishes installing I need to run some tests for the Terminal app, what kind of errors are 'normal' on Xenial? | 03:06 |
ahayzen | McIntireEvan, we were suffering this issue this morning https://bugs.launchpad.net/music-app/+bug/1524000 | 03:07 |
fazer | ahayzen, yeah I encountered that issue earlier, except I didn't have it at all, so installed it using: sudo apt-get install qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-mediascanner0.1 | 03:07 |
ahayzen | fazer, ok, i guess the one in wily is not the latest that is on the phone | 03:07 |
McIntireEvan | Okay cool, thanks ahayzen | 03:08 |
ahayzen | fazer, http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-mediascanner0.1&searchon=names&suite=all§ion=all shows there is a difference | 03:08 |
fazer | ahayzen, is there nothing I can do about then? would my task end there, if I can't test my test? | 03:08 |
fazer | oh ok | 03:09 |
ahayzen | fazer, the issue we have is the mocked db needs to be whatever the latest version of mediascanner2 is on the rc-proposed (so that it passed when QA test)... so yeah you may have to download the debs and manually install the packages :-/ | 03:09 |
ahayzen | unless you could get on the overlay PPA, but not sure if that is recommended for desktop users | 03:09 |
fazer | ahayzen, alright. I'll do that. Thanks for all of your help. :) | 03:10 |
ahayzen | fazer, it maybe better to wait until balloons or someone is around who could advise the best action here. it maybe as simple as just downloading the debs for all the mediascanner packages from xenial (assuming they won't break something on wily) or installing a PPA | 03:10 |
ahayzen | fazer, you'll likely need http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/qml-module-ubuntu-mediascanner0.1 http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/libmediascanner-2.0-4 http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/mediascanner2.0 | 03:12 |
ahayzen | fazer, the issue comes if they have been built with something else of a newer version than what is in Wily | 03:12 |
ahayzen | fazer, who is your mentor btw ? | 03:13 |
fazer | oh ok. so would you recommend I wait for balloons? | 03:13 |
fazer | balloons is. | 03:14 |
ahayzen | ah cool, yeah chat with balloons hopefully he'll look at ^^ and be able to advice | 03:14 |
fazer | ahayzen, ok I'll do that. | 03:14 |
jun1707 | So, I've ran the test after installing QtContacts, 7 failed this time. | 03:19 |
samsruti | can you show me the terminal output ? | 03:21 |
=== _salem is now known as salem_ | ||
jun1707 | http://pastebin.com/a4LekNzS | 03:24 |
tsimonq2 | (just a suggestion, in the future, pastebinit is an option) | 03:25 |
ExplodingKittens | I keep getting an error when trying to build using qmake from inside the Ubuntu SDK. I get three instances of the message "'autopilot3 list' command failed.", boiling down to the module 'ubuntuuitoolkit' not being installed. Has anyone else had this issue and been able to fix it? | 03:28 |
Girish | I had this issue. Instaledl ubuntu-ui-toolkit if I remember correctly. | 03:29 |
jun1707 | I think they mentioned once that ubuntu sdk doesnt support ubuntu-ui-toolkit yet | 03:30 |
jun1707 | try running your build through terminal | 03:30 |
Girish | I did the autopilot tests from the terminal and they ran. | 03:30 |
Girish | How does someone confirm a new bug in launchpad? | 03:31 |
ExplodingKittens | Okay, I'll give that a shot. Seems I also didn't have ubuntu-ui-toolkit-autopilot installed before, so I'l try again. Thanks! | 03:32 |
darkxst | balloons, jose, popey 3 more to publish and also need amjjawad added as mentor | 03:32 |
darkxst | https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/5060906429972480/ | 03:32 |
jose | darkxst: link me | 03:32 |
darkxst | https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/6042960365879296/ | 03:32 |
darkxst | https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/5717665985331200/ | 03:32 |
Girish | How do I confirm a new bug from launchpad? | 03:33 |
jose | darkxst: you're all set | 03:34 |
jose | Girish: click on "This bug affects me too" | 03:34 |
Girish | That's all? I don't have to email anything? | 03:35 |
jun1707 | So, can anyone tell me why are my tests failing? http://pastebin.com/a4LekNzS | 03:37 |
darkxst | thanks jose | 03:37 |
jose | Girish: that's all | 03:37 |
jose | darkxst: np | 03:37 |
ahayzen | ExplodingKittens, if you are on 16.04 could be https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1524000 | 03:42 |
ExplodingKittens | ahayzen, I'm on 15.04. Looks like I was just missing a couple packages. It looks like it's fixed now. Thanks! | 03:42 |
ahayzen | sweet :-) | 03:43 |
samsruti | jun1707 try running rhese : | 04:08 |
samsruti | sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install qtcreator-plugin-autopilot | 04:08 |
samsruti | sudo apt dist-upgrade | 04:09 |
samsruti | sudo apt-get install qtdeclarative5-dev-tools qtdeclarative5-test-plugin | 04:10 |
samsruti | sudo apt-get install qmlscene | 04:12 |
samsruti | now tell whether you are able to run your tests or not | 04:13 |
tsimonq2 | night all | 04:13 |
samsruti | Good night :D | 04:14 |
McIntireEvan | Night! | 04:14 |
samsruti | jun1707 ^^ | 04:14 |
ExplodingKittens | Good night! | 04:14 |
ExplodingKittens | I'm think I'm going to head that way as well, so good night everyone! :) | 04:15 |
McIntireEvan | Night :) | 04:15 |
jun1707 | samsruti, will run the tests now | 04:20 |
samsruti | cool :) | 04:21 |
gourab | actually i m not getting the calender project | 04:23 |
jun1707 | Tests gave back 6 failures this time | 04:51 |
jun1707 | samsruti^ | 04:51 |
=== vatika_ is now known as vatika | ||
jun1707 | samsruti http://pastebin.com/ZmnjDtLh any idea what could be wrong? | 05:03 |
pablo_ | hello | 05:41 |
pablo_ | how are yo?? | 05:41 |
darkxst | balloons, jose,popey: any of you around I need you to invite a new mentor? | 07:03 |
didrocks | darkxst: all those guys, slacking as usual ;) | 07:04 |
darkxst | didrocks, no idea, havent worked out their timezones as yet! | 07:04 |
jun1707 | Can anyone help me figure out what's wrong? http://pastebin.com/ZmnjDtLh | 07:05 |
darkxst | jun1707, looks like you are probably missing some dependency | 07:06 |
jun1707 | darkxst, which one to be exact? | 07:07 |
darkxst | jun1707, look through the log for a message about missing service | 07:08 |
jun1707 | Fail to connect with sync monitor: QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown", "The name com.canonical.SyncMonitor was not provided by any .service files") | 07:09 |
jun1707 | there's this line | 07:09 |
jun1707 | but I already have sync monitor | 07:09 |
flocculant | wxl darkxst - if we only have a generic iso test task then people will just do Ubuntu - if you don't want to do so then that's up to you - I'm happy to have a seperate one for us ;) | 07:46 |
DanChapman | morning all o/ | 07:53 |
flocculant | morning DanChapman :) | 07:53 |
jun1707 | DanChapman good morning | 07:54 |
jun1707 | this error is the most common error that popped up every time I run autopilot though | 07:55 |
jun1707 | Fail to connect with sync monitor: QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown", "The name com.canonical.SyncMonitor was not provided by any .service files") | 07:55 |
jun1707 | Tried searching around the internet.. no solution yet | 07:56 |
DanChapman | jun1707, do you have any issues running the application? I don't think that error is cause for concern as it's just telling you there is no syncmonitor service running. It shouldn't affect the application running though | 08:02 |
jun1707 | hmm | 08:02 |
jun1707 | no | 08:02 |
jun1707 | but like | 08:03 |
jun1707 | I still can't make clear of what's making the test fail | 08:03 |
DanChapman | ahh i see you posted a log. Let me just look | 08:03 |
DanChapman | jun1707, ok so 6 tests failed 27 passed. A few of the fails look like actual bugs in the tests like not selecting the correct day. | 08:09 |
DanChapman | jun1707, Are you doing the "Build calendar & run testsuite task?" | 08:09 |
jun1707 | DanChapman yes | 08:09 |
DanChapman | Right well in my opinion the task isn't to ensure all tests pass. You should attach that log file to your task instance and explain 6 tests were failing | 08:11 |
jun1707 | DanChapman, alright then. Thanks for the help. :D | 08:14 |
DanChapman | jun1707, your welcome :-) | 08:16 |
shreyas | i am new to Linux coding and cant figure out how to install all the required software and SDK to get going. can any one please help me with it. thank you | 08:31 |
popey | darkxst, who? | 09:38 |
darkxst | popey one of our QA guys, I'll pm you the email | 09:48 |
popey | ok | 09:49 |
cShubhamRao | hi! | 10:04 |
Samdipp | Hey, can someone please help me understand how to install the SDK? | 10:27 |
DanChapman | Samdipp, https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-sdk/installing-the-sdk/ should get you going | 10:28 |
Samdipp | Thanks. | 10:29 |
cshubhamrao | ?? there? | 10:44 |
cshubhamrao | Drupal setup problems | 10:45 |
Girish | What problem are you facing? | 11:00 |
cshubhamrao | unable to complete installation.php completely | 11:04 |
cshubhamrao | 500 on last page | 11:04 |
Girish | I'll try to reproduce the error. Which version of Ubuntu are you using? | 11:10 |
cshubhamrao | 14.04.1 | 11:11 |
Girish | Okay. Which task is this for? | 11:12 |
cshubhamrao | seting up dev environment for QATracker | 11:12 |
Girish | Okay. | 11:13 |
cshubhamrao | for the time being, trying to setup drupal with SQLite | 11:14 |
cshubhamrao | (how bad/slow can it go?) | 11:14 |
smajevicirfan | cshubhamrao, making an automated script for it as we speak | 11:16 |
smajevicirfan | the setup | 11:17 |
cshubhamrao | ??, didnt get you | 11:17 |
smajevicirfan | I'm making a script that will install the dependencies and setup the dev environment for the qatracker | 11:22 |
cshubhamrao | ohk | 11:23 |
cshubhamrao | meanwhile SQLite based Drupal website seems to be functional | 11:23 |
cshubhamrao | verry slow it seems | 11:24 |
smajevicirfan | well, at least it works | 11:25 |
cshubhamrao | yup | 11:28 |
Girish | cshubhamrao: How did you change to sqlite after initializing with psql? | 11:42 |
Girish | Did you reconfigure Drupal 7? | 11:43 |
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=== john is now known as Guest72558 | ||
Guest72558 | hi | 12:47 |
Guest72558 | i want to coding | 12:47 |
Guest72558 | what should i do | 12:47 |
Guest72558 | any answer | 12:48 |
tsimonq2 | darkxst: Alan Pope is in the UK, Balloons is in Florida, and AFAIK Jose is in California. | 12:52 |
tsimonq2 | darkxst: so Alan should probably be on first | 12:53 |
darkxst | tsimonq2, thanks, popey already sorted it and I am in Australia so need to sleep now! | 12:55 |
tsimonq2 | ok :D | 12:55 |
tsimonq2 | darkxst: sleep well :D | 12:56 |
=== _salem is now known as salem_ | ||
tsimonq2 | popey: permission to PM about an issue? | 12:56 |
cshubhamrao | @girish yup setup drupal with SQLite as DB | 13:00 |
ahoneybun | tsimonq2, jose is in Puru I think | 13:03 |
popey | tsimonq2, no need to ask permission, pm anytime | 13:04 |
ahoneybun | o/ popey | 13:04 |
onalpha_ | Hello Guys! | 13:04 |
=== popey changed the topic of #ubuntu-google to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Google Events Coordination channel! || Now running: Google Code-In || codein.withgoogle.com || Organisation Admins:- Nicholas Skaggs (balloons) [USA] ]& Alan Pope (popey) [UK] & José Antonio Rey (jose) [Peru] | ||
ahoneybun | we have a bot in our Kubuntu telegram group that tells timezones so you can see who is asleep | 13:05 |
ahoneybun | or should be lol | 13:05 |
ahoneybun | hey onalpha_ | 13:05 |
onalpha_ | i don't remember putting an underscore in my name, was that auto inserted? | 13:06 |
ahoneybun | if the name was already taken on freenode | 13:06 |
onalpha_ | ok | 13:06 |
ahoneybun | the _ is the second choice name it can use | 13:06 |
ahoneybun | are you alpha who claimed the interview task? | 13:07 |
onalpha_ | yeah | 13:07 |
ahoneybun | ok cool! | 13:07 |
onalpha_ | it seems you already know everything... | 13:07 |
ahoneybun | balloons and I are in the same timezone UTC4 | 13:07 |
onalpha_ | ok | 13:08 |
ahoneybun | for the inteview stuff | 13:08 |
ahoneybun | :) | 13:08 |
ahoneybun | and popey is around right now | 13:08 |
tsimonq2 | popey: k thx | 13:08 |
onalpha_ | utc+4 right? just to be sure | 13:08 |
ahoneybun | or tsimonq2 | 13:08 |
ahoneybun | lol | 13:08 |
cshubhamrao | Sorry to interrupt, for the "setup dev environment for QA Tracker" task, what is considered "complete" ? | 13:09 |
ahoneybun | I'm pretty sure onalpha_ XD | 13:09 |
ahoneybun | they are confusing no matter how many times you look and use them | 13:09 |
onalpha_ | ok | 13:09 |
* ahoneybun trys to find that website with timezones | 13:10 | |
ahoneybun | http://everytimezone.com/ | 13:10 |
ahoneybun | this is very helpful everyone! | 13:10 |
ahoneybun | opps we are in UTC-5 now | 13:11 |
ahoneybun | I guess daylight savings | 13:11 |
onalpha_ | ok | 13:11 |
onalpha_ | -5? that's a pretty big difference | 13:11 |
ahoneybun | we went forward 1 hour | 13:11 |
onalpha_ | I thought you said +4 my bad | 13:12 |
onalpha_ | popey: will you please agree for an interview? | 13:12 |
popey | Not sure I'm the best person to interview tbh :) | 13:13 |
ahoneybun | XD | 13:13 |
onalpha_ | popey:can i ask why? i am a bit curious. | 13:14 |
* ahoneybun flies out for work | 13:14 | |
onalpha_ | popey: are you out? | 13:16 |
tsimonq2 | !patience | 13:16 |
onalpha_ | ok so sorry! | 13:17 |
tsimonq2 | onalpha_: it's okay :) | 13:18 |
tsimonq2 | onalpha_: we all make mistakes ;) | 13:18 |
tsimonq2 | but don't make them again! :P | 13:18 |
* tsimonq2 cracks his whip | 13:18 | |
tsimonq2 | (joking of course) | 13:18 |
onalpha_ | lol | 13:19 |
onalpha_ | so what is this webchat.freenode.net? an online client for IRC? | 13:20 |
tsimonq2 | onalpha_: yep! :) | 13:20 |
tsimonq2 | onalpha_: I usually recommend Kiwi, but that was not my decision :P | 13:21 |
onalpha_ | a quick question, if i close this tab can i come back here? | 13:21 |
tsimonq2 | ahoneybun: just reading, I would love to be interviewed! do you want the 500 page essay or the 1000 page double-spaced essay? XD | 13:22 |
tsimonq2 | onalpha_: yep, but you should register with Freenode so nobody steals your nick | 13:22 |
popey | onalpha_, yeah, you can or you can use a "proper" irc client | 13:23 |
tsimonq2 | heyo | 13:23 |
popey | there's a lot of irc clients out there, but webchat works just fine (until you close your browser tab) :) | 13:23 |
tsimonq2 | I use irssi and tmux so I can idle | 13:23 |
tsimonq2 | onalpha_: more information on registration: https://plone.org/support/chat/how-to-register | 13:23 |
onalpha_ | thanks! | 13:23 |
onalpha_ | tsimonq2: i think it will be much shorter | 13:24 |
onalpha_ | msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER onalpha_ yfspmxrkqdpe | 13:27 |
onalpha_ | sorry about that | 13:27 |
cshubhamrao | For Drupal, can MySQL be used? | 13:30 |
onalpha | well i just got my preferred nick | 13:43 |
onalpha_ | that is me | 13:44 |
onalpha | so, anyone willing for an interview? | 13:47 |
jun1707 | I'm still waiting for someone to review my task. But it seems that samsruti is mia for a while... | 13:49 |
onalpha | jun1707: ok | 13:49 |
jun1707 | Goodnight | 14:02 |
onalpha1 | Hello! | 14:10 |
xcub | whois | 14:12 |
xcub | sorry, I was trying to do a command | 14:12 |
mcintireevan | Yo | 14:12 |
cshubhamrao | Hi1 | 14:14 |
Gilly15 | Is there any requirement of installing Ubuntu GNOME alongside any other OS ? | 14:19 |
theghostinthemac | has anyone here completed the "build the terminal app and run all the testsuites" task? | 14:42 |
theghostinthemac | anyone? | 14:43 |
cshubhamrao | Anyone done/in progress with the setup Dev environment for QA Tracker? | 14:46 |
xcub | xcub | 14:55 |
theghostinthemac | mcintireevan: are you on here? | 14:57 |
theghostinthemac | is anybody on here? | 14:58 |
theghostinthemac | balloons: are you on here? | 14:59 |
balloons | indeed I am | 15:00 |
balloons | cshubhamrao, yes, someone was working on making it easier to setup. Did you try? | 15:01 |
balloons | good day to everyone :-) | 15:02 |
onalpha | balloons: I am alpha, Hi | 15:03 |
cshubhamrao | Good day @balloons | 15:03 |
cshubhamrao | IDK I setup PostgreSQL myself :) | 15:03 |
cshubhamrao | Tracker up and running now, | 15:03 |
balloons | I see some folks had questions in the backlog, which I'm trying to parse through. Looks like everyone has been busy! | 15:04 |
balloons | cshubhamrao, did you get things setup for the dev environment for the qatracker? | 15:07 |
cshubhamrao | yup | 15:07 |
balloons | for completeness sake, a screenshot of the running install and a little description of how it went is what I'd like to see | 15:07 |
balloons | From there, you should be able to tackle adding features or fixing bugs in the qatracker. Take a look at the other tasks for it and try one ;) | 15:08 |
cshubhamrao | "running install" -> a screenshot of running instance on a browser? | 15:08 |
balloons | cshubhamrao, yes that would work | 15:09 |
balloons | I saw a mention in the backlog you tried it with sqlite, so please, give me details about that too :-) | 15:09 |
balloons | in the submission, not here | 15:09 |
Ana_ | hello! :) I am Ana and I have started to work on my first task, but I have a little problem | 15:11 |
Ana_ | Can anybody help me, please? :) | 15:11 |
balloons | tsimonq2, on your task, we're trying to add tasks that map to bugs on a 1 to 1 ratio. Also, 1 fixing one bug is enough to warrant a task. I don't think any are super trivial that you would need more than 1 to finish | 15:13 |
balloons | Ana_, what's your task and what's the problem? | 15:13 |
balloons | tsimonq2, does that make sense? | 15:13 |
Ana_ | I have to install Ubuntu. I created the virtual machine Ubuntu using VirtuaBox, but when I tried to start the installation, I received the error "This Kernel requires a x86-64 CPU, but only detected an i686" . I searched on google for solutions.The problem is that the virtual machine's architecture is not set to 64-bit. I've tried to do so, but I do not have the option in settings. | 15:21 |
Ana_ | Then I found out that in order to have that option available, I should enable the hardware virtualization in the computer BIOS | 15:21 |
Ana_ | and I found these instructions, an I think that this is the first thing I need to do, but I don't know how to do that - I've never done it before | 15:22 |
Ana_ | " 29 down vote Before changing BIOS settings we may want to see if hardware virtualization (VT-x for Intel, AMD-V for AMD processors) is supported by our CPU. From a terminal issue grep --color vmx /proc/cpuinfo ## for an Intel processor grep --color svm /proc/cpuinfo ## for an AMD processor If virtualization was supported the flag vmx (for Intel CPUs) or svm (for AMD CPUs) will be colored. | 15:23 |
Ana_ | In case the CPU supports hardware virtualization, we need to enable it in the computer BIOS to be able to use it." | 15:24 |
Ana_ | I really don't understand how to verify either hardware virtualization is supported by my CPU or not! | 15:25 |
tvoss | Ana_, hey there :) | 15:29 |
tvoss | Ana_, so you need to execute those commands in a terminal on your machine. Do you use windows? | 15:30 |
samsruti | https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/6454275290955776/ | 15:30 |
samsruti | can someone get to this task ? | 15:31 |
samsruti | i dont understand what kind of error jun1707 is getting | 15:31 |
Ana_ | yes | 15:31 |
tvoss | Ana_, let me find you instructions, I'm not too familiar with windows tbh :) | 15:35 |
Ana_ | All right :) | 15:35 |
Ana_ | I thought of skipping that step and just enabling the vizualization in the BIOS | 15:36 |
Ana_ | do you think that it could cause my computer problems or something? | 15:36 |
tvoss | Ana_, if you know how to do that, just enable it in the bios. | 15:36 |
tvoss | Ana_, unlikely, but again, I'm not too familiar with windows. | 15:37 |
Ana_ | I understand | 15:37 |
Ana_ | thank you | 15:37 |
tvoss | Ana_, https://powermore.dell.com/technology/windows-8-1-computer-support-hyper-v/ | 15:37 |
cshubhamrao | someone fill in the details, i may be of some help | 15:37 |
tvoss | Ana_, happy to help | 15:38 |
tvoss | have fun | 15:38 |
Ana_ | :) | 15:38 |
DanChapman | samsruti, a few of the autopilot tests were failing when jun1707 ran the testsuite. So i advised him to just add a comment those tests failed but the other 20 odd passed.. | 15:40 |
samsruti | so can i accept that task ? i wasnt sure of that so that why i asked | 15:41 |
Darshan | hello . I had to ask simple question | 15:41 |
DanChapman | IMO he fullfilled the requirements for that task as he ran the app and the testsuite :-) | 15:41 |
Darshan | Actualy What is GNOME Ubuntu ? | 15:41 |
samsruti | Cool :D | 15:42 |
Darshan | I am talking about the task of installing gnome ubuntu | 15:42 |
Darshan | i already have ubuntu installed , is it gnome | 15:42 |
cshubhamrao | darshan, Ubuntu GNOME is a "flavour" of Ubuntu which comes with GNOME3 Desktop environment by default | 15:44 |
Darshan | somebody there ? | 15:44 |
cshubhamrao | The plain Ubuntu which is available, comes with the Unity desktop environment | 15:45 |
Darshan | so if i have installed ubuntu , can i claim that task and submit it ? | 15:45 |
=== tvoss is now known as tvoss|dinner | ||
cshubhamrao | umm, i dont think so | 15:45 |
samsruti | balloons are you here ? | 15:46 |
dimitris__ | Darshan, you can install ubuntu gnome in a virtual machine like virtualbox | 15:47 |
cshubhamrao | Darshan, The installation process is quite similar to normal Ubuntu, | 15:47 |
cshubhamrao | Installing on VM is the best thing to do :) | 15:47 |
balloons | yes, trying to catch up on thigns | 15:48 |
balloons | samsruti, yes.. We just want them to run the tests; if they blow up, that's ok | 15:49 |
samsruti | nopes i didnt mean that | 15:49 |
samsruti | i saw one student is copying the same from another task | 15:49 |
samsruti | what should i do | 15:49 |
samsruti | should i complain it to gci support ? | 15:50 |
samsruti | but i dont want any student get rejected from the contest itself | 15:50 |
samsruti | ^balloons | 15:53 |
cshubhamrao | balloons, submitted my task, kindly review :) | 15:56 |
DanChapman | samsruti, I'd speak to the student first and explain this isn't a race and the tasks should be done correctly and not just copy from other tasks. They should get a chance to correct their mistakes :-) | 15:57 |
subin1 | I'm really glad that Ubuntu has joined Google Code In | 16:12 |
subin1 | Using Ubuntu since 10 years old, and now at 15 got the chance to contribute back | 16:12 |
subins2000 | I'm a participant of Google Code In | 16:14 |
balloons | :-) | 16:14 |
subins2000 | I have some doubts about task : https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/5131342014578688/ | 16:14 |
subins2000 | Where do I upload the patches ? | 16:14 |
subins2000 | Where's the git repo ? | 16:15 |
didrocks | subins2000: you would need to have some familiarities (or just start using it now!) launchpad, you would attach the patch to a bug you are opening on the related ubuntu package. Then, we can work together to figure out where is the upstream repository and forward it there as well | 16:16 |
subins2000 | Oh, ok | 16:16 |
didrocks | (unless you figure our yourself where the upstream repo is, which depends on each project of course ;)) | 16:17 |
subins2000 | So what exactly is the site for : | 16:18 |
didrocks | listing the packages/upstream projects that needs fix | 16:19 |
didrocks | with a description of each one | 16:19 |
didrocks | for instance, if you click on gnome-calculator | 16:19 |
subins2000 | Let's take an example | 16:19 |
didrocks | you end up on | 16:19 |
subins2000 | metacity | 16:19 |
subins2000 | k | 16:19 |
didrocks | metacity is fine as well :) | 16:19 |
didrocks | if you click on it: | 16:19 |
didrocks | gui-app-without-icon | 16:19 |
didrocks | and a description | 16:20 |
subins2000 | huh | 16:20 |
subins2000 | yeah | 16:20 |
didrocks | so, either, it doesn't make sense for the .desktop to have a Type=Application | 16:20 |
didrocks | either you need an icon :) | 16:20 |
subins2000 | Metacity is an application, so need an icon | 16:20 |
didrocks | well, it's a window manager, so hard to say it's an application :) | 16:21 |
didrocks | (the webpage is generated by a script, so there can be false errors as well) | 16:21 |
subins2000 | If it's a WM, would it need an icon ? | 16:21 |
didrocks | yeah, you can argue that (and others are doing the same, I just checked) | 16:22 |
didrocks | so yeah, in that case, you need to ship/add an icon reference to the desktop file | 16:22 |
subins2000 | Would an icon of a window be alright ? | 16:24 |
subins2000 | If I change the .dekstop file, where would I upload it ? | 16:25 |
subins2000 | in GCI, or add a new bug in Launchpad's metacity package and upload there as a patch ? | 16:25 |
didrocks | the second one first | 16:26 |
didrocks | we can then review | 16:26 |
didrocks | (ensure it's building in an ubuntu package) | 16:26 |
subins2000 | So file a new bug for .desktop file updation | 16:26 |
didrocks | and forward the part that makes sense for upstream to gnome bugzilla (for metacity) | 16:26 |
didrocks | yeah | 16:26 |
didrocks | and if you can make a debdiff against the ubuntu package, this is even better :) | 16:27 |
subins2000 | So, get the source code from Launchpad, update the file, compile and reupload ? | 16:28 |
didrocks | exactly! | 16:29 |
didrocks | (if you know how to upload that to your ppa, you can test easily that it compiles and works :)) | 16:29 |
subins2000 | How would I know which icons come builtin with Ubuntu ? | 16:29 |
didrocks | you should rather use/find an icon in the upstream project | 16:30 |
didrocks | for that particular case | 16:30 |
didrocks | so either upstream already ship one | 16:30 |
didrocks | and you just reference that one | 16:30 |
didrocks | either you can even maybe include one? | 16:30 |
didrocks | and we will propose this to GNOME | 16:30 |
subins2000 | Can I make one or borrow from other Window Managers like XFCE's ? | 16:30 |
didrocks | subins2000: I would say avoid borrowing one from other Window Managers because then it will be confusing if you have a choice between the two and you have the same icons | 16:32 |
subins2000 | Oh right ! Didn't think that | 16:33 |
subins2000 | So, I have full freedom to design a logo ? | 16:33 |
subins2000 | I mean icon ? | 16:33 |
xcub | Hi! | 16:33 |
didrocks | subins2000: or find one which is under a free software-compatible license like CC:BY-SA | 16:34 |
subins2000 | Ok | 16:34 |
didrocks | subins2000: but yeah, it will need to please upstream if there isn't any of course :) | 16:34 |
subins2000 | yeah ! :D Thanks | 16:35 |
didrocks | yw ;) | 16:36 |
onalpha_ | Hi I am tasked with interviewing someone, anyone willing? | 16:38 |
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Tim__ | What happened to the Rhythmbox-Task? | 16:40 |
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Guest39120 | What happened to the Rhythmbox-Task? | 16:41 |
onalpha_ | probably someone has already completed it | 16:42 |
Guest39120 | k, thx | 16:43 |
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theghostinthemac | is didrocks on? | 16:51 |
flocculant | balloons: wondering if we should do what gets done at UOS - if someone has an actual question [QUESTION] or something - easier to parse through reams and reams of chatting | 17:07 |
roberthebert | hello everyone, I am from Google Code-In, currently working on a task | 17:44 |
roberthebert | is there anyone here who could answer questions regarding the submission? | 17:45 |
mcintireevan | roberthebert: I have to go in a minute here but i can try | 17:45 |
roberthebert | ok, thx so i try the task Triage Terminal app bugs for relevance | 17:46 |
mcintireevan | and if I have to go by the time I finish helping, just ping one of the admins/mentors and they will help :) | 17:46 |
roberthebert | thank you :), so it asks me to review some bugs and mark them either as still relevant, or not | 17:47 |
mcintireevan | Yeah, I remember seeing that task | 17:47 |
roberthebert | so my question is how i should "submit" my results to the admins | 17:47 |
roberthebert | like, how will they see i did my work? | 17:48 |
mcintireevan | For submitting it, I'd guess you put the links in a document and upload it or submit them in comments on the tasks | 17:48 |
mcintireevan | Anyway, I gotta run, sorry, good luck! | 17:48 |
MatthewAllen | Anyone able to give me a hand with running the tests for the Ubuntu-Calendar-App, whenever I run it I fail 10 or the 33 tests and I can't work out how to resolve these failures | 17:49 |
MatthewAllen | Console output is here --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/13825846/ | 17:50 |
nuboro | is amjjawad sometimes online ? | 17:57 |
balloons | nuboro, not likely. he has a weird timezone | 17:59 |
balloons | flocculant, interesting.. I suppose a bot could collect things, but.. | 17:59 |
nuboro | @balloons ok thanks do you it ? | 17:59 |
balloons | have what exactly? | 18:00 |
flocculant | balloons: not so much bot - but mentors could at least search QUESTION | 18:10 |
=== Mohammed is now known as Guest40345 | ||
flocculant | so how does a student actually submit a task - I've got a confused student :) | 18:13 |
flocculant | if someone could screenshot perhaps - that would be helpful I suspect :) | 18:14 |
octoquad | popey, thanks for sending an invite to sign up as a mentor for Ubuntu GNOME. | 18:31 |
octoquad | could someone add me to all Ubuntu GNOME task, except for Vino when you get a chance. Not sure darkxst is around yet. | 18:32 |
flocculant | octoquad: you need balloons, popey or jose to do that | 18:35 |
octoquad | thanks flocculant | 18:39 |
Wunderhacker | Hello | 18:39 |
smajevicirfan | Wunderhacker, hello | 18:40 |
nuboro | in https://codein.withgoogle.com/tasks/5284116048117760/?sp-organization=4568116747042816 is it also ok that one of the 2 dont know how to do and i do it for him ? | 18:48 |
balloons | octoquad, what's your name? | 18:58 |
octoquad | Bruce Pieterse | 18:59 |
balloons | nvm, I found you, heh | 18:59 |
balloons | you are attached to those tasks | 19:00 |
octoquad | thanks balloons | 19:00 |
nuboro | in https://codein.withgoogle.com/tasks/5284116048117760/?sp-organization=4568116747042816 is it also ok if one of the 2 dont know how to do and i do it for him ? can you please answer because i cant contact amjjawad | 19:02 |
octoquad | Hi nuboro. Do you want to help one of the people to install Ubuntu? | 19:06 |
nuboro | octoquad yes he wants it but doesn't know how to | 19:07 |
nuboro | the other i convinced | 19:07 |
octoquad | nuboro, you have essentially convinced them to try and/or to install Ubuntu, so yes it would be ok. | 19:09 |
nuboro | octoquad , ok thanks for the answer | 19:09 |
octoquad | nuboro, no problem :) | 19:10 |
ahoneybun | it's hard to get in contact with amjawad as he does not seem to use IRC much | 19:40 |
nuboro | 2) What were the top concerns of the person you helped install Ubuntu? and 6) What were the users biggest fears to converting to Ubuntu? is tecnically the same right ? | 19:41 |
roberthebert | nuboro I'm not a mentor, but it seems so, yes | 19:54 |
nuboro | roberthebert to me it also seems so so i asked and thanks | 19:55 |
octoquad | nuboro, yes, I would agree they are both the same. I will speak to amjawad, maybe he wanted to ask something else. | 19:57 |
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octoquad | nuboro, I notified Ali. Hopefully he will remove or update question six for that task. Thanks for letting us know. | 20:07 |
nuboro | ok | 20:07 |
tsimonq2 | balloons: ok :P | 21:24 |
tsimonq2 | I meant :) | 21:25 |
uniqueid | test | 21:25 |
tsimonq2 | balloons: have you modified it yet, or should I? | 21:25 |
darkxst | balloons, can you please publish https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/5769359540617216/ | 21:41 |
Girish | balloons : Submitted the task for interviewing a community member. Thanks. | 21:42 |
fazer | balloons I need to know whether or not I should install the mediascanner packages for xenial, I'm running wily | 21:43 |
fazer | All of the tests failed and ahayzen pointed out that my mediascanner2 version is old, but its the latest one on wily. | 21:44 |
Miaomato | Basically i am doing the task which is on testing Ubuntu iso, what do i need to submit to let my mentor to review(●'◡'●) | 21:46 |
McIntireEvan | Miaomato, do they ask any questions in the task? | 21:47 |
Miaomato | it says run the testcase and report | 21:48 |
Miaomato | i reported on ubuntu website | 21:48 |
McIntireEvan | Then a link to that would probably be good, Im not 100% sure though | 21:48 |
McIntireEvan | You could try pinging an admin or mentor, or asking in the task | 21:49 |
wxl | Miaomato: coming in a bit late. could you link to the task? | 21:49 |
Miaomato | https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/6522900546846720/ | 21:49 |
wxl | link me to the report please, Miaomato | 21:51 |
Miaomato | http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/351/builds/108418/testcases/1302/results | 21:52 |
Miaomato | xuhairong1818 is me | 21:53 |
wxl | so looks like you did everything you needed to | 21:55 |
wxl | you might want to leave a comment with that link | 21:55 |
wxl | then click the "Submit Task" button | 21:55 |
Miaomato | oh thank you | 21:56 |
fazer | is balloons active on this channel? | 21:57 |
fazer | I haven't seen him yet. | 21:57 |
balloons | here now | 21:57 |
fazer | oh ok cool | 21:57 |
tsimonq2 | balloons: oh hai! | 21:57 |
* balloons is running again soon, lol | 21:57 | |
tsimonq2 | balloons: did you happen to edit the task, or should I? | 21:58 |
wxl | balloons: do you know of anywhere that shows screenshots of the workflow for students? | 21:58 |
balloons | wxl, tsimonq2 no to both ?'s | 21:58 |
fazer | balloons, I need to know if I should install the mediascanner2 packages for xenial onto my wily system. I'm unable to test the tests for the music-app | 21:58 |
fazer | I left a comment on the task page. | 21:58 |
balloons | fazer, ahh, I saw news of that :-( | 21:58 |
balloons | Are you running vivid? | 21:58 |
fazer | no, wily | 21:59 |
balloons | ohh.. right, I meant wily | 21:59 |
balloons | anyways, I think you simply need ppa:ci-train-ppa-service/stable-phone-overlay | 21:59 |
tsimonq2 | balloons: do YOU run wily? :P | 22:00 |
wxl | flocculant: your student just submitted her task :) | 22:00 |
balloons | no xenial | 22:00 |
balloons | well, devel actually | 22:00 |
balloons | fazer, trying using ppa:ci-train-ppa-service/stable-phone-overlay and doing a dist-upgrade | 22:00 |
balloons | it should pull the new stuff | 22:00 |
tsimonq2 | balloons: me too XD | 22:00 |
fazer | balloons, ok, I'll try | 22:00 |
tsimonq2 | balloons: I even get the apt ppa from Debian | 22:00 |
tsimonq2 | :D | 22:01 |
Girish | HI, I was looking at the task: Create a Testing Apps video. It says to Create a 5 minute video showing how to test applications developed with the Ubuntu SDK on the desktop, in an emulator and on a physical Ubuntu phone device. I dont have an Ubuntu phone. Can I build only for the first two? | 22:02 |
tsimonq2 | flocculant: I got the two students | 22:03 |
McIntireEvan | balloons, when doing my task I found a bug with the Ubuntu SDK in Xenia. Where do I report it? | 22:08 |
tsimonq2 | McIntireEvan: on the LP page for the SDK | 22:08 |
tsimonq2 | McIntireEvan: Click the File a bug button | 22:08 |
fazer | balloons, it updated but all my tests still fail, even the ones I didn't write, with this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13871193/ | 22:09 |
tsimonq2 | (If I remember correctly :P) | 22:09 |
balloons | McIntireEvan, indeed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-sdk-ide/+filebug | 22:09 |
McIntireEvan | Thanks balloons :) | 22:09 |
balloons | fazer, follow the info in the readme to do the conversion process. It seems some folks have trouble with this | 22:09 |
fazer | balloons, which reademe? | 22:10 |
fazer | readme* | 22:10 |
balloons | look at line 63: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~music-app-dev/music-app/trunk/view/head:/README.autopilot | 22:10 |
fazer | cool, thanks | 22:10 |
wxl | tsimonq2: based on today's lubuntu meeting, i'd like to add a task for lxqt. unfortunately, we don't have lxqt-metapackage in debian/ubuntu yet. want to help test explicitly installing all the necessary packages? | 22:14 |
tsimonq2 | wxl: I run regular Lubuntu, won't there be config conflicts? | 22:15 |
wxl | tsimonq2: among other things, that's what we'll need to test. shoudln't be though | 22:15 |
tsimonq2 | popey: aren't you involved with Ubuntu Touch? Can you help Girish? | 22:18 |
fazer | balloons, thanks for help. My tests run now. :) | 22:20 |
tsimonq2 | wxl: where are the packages I need to install? | 22:20 |
tsimonq2 | wxl: or the list? | 22:20 |
tsimonq2 | balloons: revised the task, wanna publish now? | 22:22 |
McIntireEvan | The tests are located in /tests/autopilot, right? | 22:36 |
McIntireEvan | (From the project dir) | 22:37 |
Girish | McIntireEvan: Yes. | 22:37 |
fazer | balloons, self.app is referring to music_app.qml right? Or is it a different class? | 22:37 |
jun1707 | Hi, I'm not doing the triage task, and I want to ask. | 22:38 |
jun1707 | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-terminal-app/+bug/1400285 isnt this already solved by https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-terminal-app/+bug/1401994 | 22:38 |
McIntireEvan | According to autopilot, the only test availible for the Terminal app is ubuntu_terminal_app.tests.test_terminal.DummyTest.test_dummy_true | 22:39 |
McIntireEvan | . Is that normal? | 22:39 |
McIntireEvan | ping popey ^ | 22:47 |
wxl | tsimonq2: here' | 22:50 |
wxl | tsimonq2: oops here's the metapackage list https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lubuntu-dev/lxde/lxqt-metapackage/view/head:/debian/control | 22:50 |
Girish | balloons: https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/4903731598458880/ Please review my task. Thanks! | 23:01 |
tsimonq2 | wxl: k thx | 23:02 |
tsimonq2 | wxl: the packages aren't in the official repos, installing Julien's ppa | 23:05 |
tsimonq2 | or adding rather | 23:05 |
wxl | tsimonq2: gilir said they were in the xenial repos | 23:06 |
wxl | e.g.: | 23:06 |
wxl | !info pcmanfm-qt xenial | 23:06 |
wxl | oh no bot | 23:06 |
wxl | well you get the idea | 23:07 |
wxl | balloons: jose: popey: needs publishing https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/5788843257102336/ | 23:07 |
tsimonq2 | wxl: well not all of them are there | 23:08 |
tsimonq2 | wxl: not even in the ppa | 23:08 |
tsimonq2 | I did sudo apt -y install lxqt-session lxqt-panel lxqt-globalkeys lxqt-policykit lxqt-powermanagement lxqt-openssh-askpass lxqt-runner lxqt-notificationd lxqt-config lxqt-qtplugin lxqt-admin lxqt-connman-applet lxqt-sudo cups-driver-gutenprint audacious-qt muon-installer cute-update and it gave me a lot of crap | 23:09 |
wxl | tsimonq2: try them one at a time then to be sure and i'll chat with gilir about it | 23:10 |
tsimonq2 | I did | 23:10 |
tsimonq2 | all have dependency errors | 23:10 |
ExplodingKittens | Has anybody here had any luck running the Touch emulator in VirtualBox? I keep getting thrown "libGL error: failed to get magic" whenever I try to boot it, and then it just hangs. | 23:12 |
tsimonq2 | ExplodingKittens: Googling for ya | 23:14 |
tsimonq2 | ExplodingKittens: maybe https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1332492 ? | 23:15 |
tsimonq2 | balloons, jose, popey: The Ubuntu bot would be awesome to have here. Any chance of getting it? | 23:16 |
ExplodingKittens | tsimonq2, I'll give it a shot and get back to you. Thanks! | 23:16 |
tsimonq2 | ExplodingKittens: yep! :) | 23:17 |
tsimonq2 | ExplodingKittens: and remember for next time, Google is your friend ;) | 23:17 |
tsimonq2 | ExplodingKittens: use us as a second option | 23:17 |
tsimonq2 | ExplodingKittens: and #ubuntu as a last resort | 23:17 |
ExplodingKittens | tsimonq2, yeah, I had tried searching "ubuntu emulator virtualbox" but that was mostly people looking to run the image itself in VirtualBox, not the emulator. | 23:18 |
tsimonq2 | ExplodingKittens: paste the error you pasted here next time ;) :P | 23:18 |
wxl | balloons: jose: popey: another one to get published https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/5912317124411392/ | 23:18 |
ExplodingKittens | tsimonq2, yeah, I'll give that a shot. Thanks! :) | 23:19 |
tsimonq2 | ExplodingKittens: no problem! :D | 23:19 |
balloons | tsimonq2, unlikely on the bot | 23:19 |
tsimonq2 | balloons: why not? | 23:20 |
krishna_ravi732 | Hi | 23:20 |
balloons | back for a moment fazer, how's it going | 23:20 |
krishna_ravi732 | i am planning on working on some ubuntu tasks for google code in | 23:20 |
krishna_ravi732 | and i was wondering, is it alright if installed ubuntu with another de, such as kubuntu? | 23:21 |
tsimonq2 | balloons: is there a specific reason for not having the bot, or is it just not being able to talk to the right people | 23:21 |
wxl | octoquad: shouldn't kubuntu be on https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/5723218203639808/ | 23:21 |
tsimonq2 | krishna_ravi732: absolutely! :) | 23:21 |
balloons | tsimonq2, I said unlikely because I've no idea how to make it happen anymore :-0 | 23:21 |
tsimonq2 | krishna_ravi732: I am using Lubuntu(LXDE) right now! :) | 23:21 |
tsimonq2 | balloons: oh | 23:21 |
wxl | tsimonq2: ask at #ubuntu-irc | 23:21 |
wxl | balloons: does inviting work? | 23:22 |
krishna_ravi732 | tsimonq2: awesome, so it would be alright if i used kubuntu or xubuntu for the dialer app tasks? or the beginner tasks like building the clock/calendar? | 23:22 |
balloons | wxl, supposedly yes. but i think it leaves | 23:22 |
tsimonq2 | wxl: could I just ask Anthony? :D | 23:22 |
wxl | balloons: also could you add tsimonq2 as a mentor on those tasks i just asked to be published? | 23:22 |
balloons | feel free to go wild | 23:22 |
balloons | wxl, I published them | 23:22 |
balloons | will do | 23:22 |
Girish | krishna_ravi732: Yep, it wont be a problem. | 23:22 |
krishna_ravi732 | Girish: awesome, thanks alot | 23:22 |
tsimonq2 | krishna_ravi732: if it is a DE specific task, then either use that for now or develop in a VM | 23:22 |
wxl | balloons: i'd go wild but i'm not op XD | 23:22 |
* tsimonq2 nominates wxl for GCI OP XD | 23:23 | |
wxl | naw | 23:23 |
wxl | i'm not an admin | 23:23 |
* tsimonq2 nominates wxl for GCI Admin XD | 23:23 | |
krishna_ravi732 | tsimonq2: the task doesnt explicitly say if it is DE specific or not | 23:23 |
krishna_ravi732 | so for instance: https://codein.withgoogle.com/tasks/5801254236192768/ | 23:23 |
krishna_ravi732 | would i need ubuntu with unity, or are other DEs allowed | 23:24 |
tsimonq2 | krishna_ravi732: uhhhh idk if this is a DE specific task | 23:24 |
tsimonq2 | would anyone else happen to know? | 23:24 |
krishna_ravi732 | i was wondering that too :( | 23:24 |
wxl | lemme look | 23:24 |
wxl | any de should do the trick krishna_ravi732 | 23:25 |
tsimonq2 | ohh gotcha, what he said krishna_ravi732 | 23:25 |
krishna_ravi732 | amazing, thanks alot wxl | 23:25 |
krishna_ravi732 | thank you too tsimonq2 | 23:25 |
wxl | np | 23:25 |
* tsimonq2 high-fives wxl | 23:25 | |
wxl | tsimonq2: ping me with what help you need on that task i suggested | 23:26 |
tsimonq2 | wxl: which one again? | 23:26 |
wxl | tsimonq2: using lxqt from the xenial repos | 23:26 |
tsimonq2 | wxl: I...I...I have never gotten it to work... | 23:27 |
tsimonq2 | wxl: never, not on Ubuntu, not on Debian, not on Arch | 23:27 |
tsimonq2 | wxl: so please don't torture me ;D | 23:27 |
wxl | k nm | 23:27 |
Girish | Who is the mentor amjjawad in this task https://codein.withgoogle.com/tasks/4762655445221376/ ? | 23:27 |
tsimonq2 | wxl: tag in ^ | 23:28 |
tsimonq2 | (tag team :P) | 23:28 |
balloons | Girish, he's not on IRC | 23:28 |
wxl | like he's NEVER on irc | 23:29 |
Girish | How can I contact him/her? Have a task related question. | 23:30 |
McIntireEvan | Girish, you could just leave a comment on the task | 23:30 |
McIntireEvan | Or try and find their email or something | 23:30 |
Girish | Oh yeah, that would work. | 23:31 |
adueppen | popey: Is it OK to provide the source material for the terminal mockup task as XCF? the description page says SVG/PSD. | 23:47 |
popey | thats fine. | 23:47 |
Girish | I would like to work on the 'Tabs lacking contrast; bug. https://codein.withgoogle.com/tasks/5419734572990464/ | 23:48 |
Girish | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-themes/+bug/762349 | 23:49 |
Girish | It says to work with the Design Team to ensure the change. How can I contact the design team? | 23:49 |
tsimonq2 | o/ adueppen | 23:50 |
balloons | Girish, perhaps a popey question. Or ask on the task. Mentor can help | 23:53 |
tsimonq2 | #popeyquestion | 23:53 |
Girish | My previous task is in review. So can't comment on the task. Will do once I am able to claim it. | 23:54 |
Girish | popey: In the meantime of you could help me get started with the bug, it would be great! | 23:56 |
Girish | if* | 23:56 |
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