
dufluRAOF: Is this up your alley? https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/152416102:59
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1524161 in Mir "[ FAILED ] ClientSurfaceEvents.surface_receives_output_event_on_creation " [Undecided,New]02:59
RAOFduflu: Sure, let me look at it.04:21
RAOFGood, good. Of course I can't cause that locally...04:51
RAOFduflu: Ah, yes. This is because Alan is wrong about not needing std::future<void> there :)04:54
dufluYou mean the thing that's about to land... :)04:59
RAOFWell, that isn't, because CI correctly failed the autolanding?04:59
dufluOh, right05:02
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
dufluanpok_: Did you notice (or did I imagine) that the touchscreen event rate on mako dropped from 96Hz to 60Hz in xenial (devel-proposed)?09:22
dufluIt's not a bad thing though. Keeps latency down.09:22
dufluMaybe Google did it in the kernel09:23
dufluAssuming we've upgraded09:23
dufluStill the 59Hz trick provides visibly much lower latency09:28
anpok_no I havent noticed that09:36
anpok_but we did switch to monotonic timestamps09:36
anpok_which means we are accounting touch events with the time stamp they occured on..09:37
anpok_this removes the time the server takes to catch up with the device..09:37
dufluanpok_: No I sanity checked and tried Mir 0.17 too. It also runs at 60Hz on xenial instead of the old 96Hz09:37
dufluSo the change happened in the OS and not Mir09:38
dufluAt least aliasing (and reprocessing) are both reduced now we're mapping 60Hz->59Hz vs the old 96Hz->59Hz09:39
dufluanpok_: Also the mako kernel is now from Sep 3 201509:40
anpok_well thats the old kernel + new bluetooth stack09:40
anpok_hm that happened in september already hmm09:41
dufluYeah still 3.4.009:41
dufluanpok_: It's a xenial (devel-proposed) image so possibly not in production09:42
anpok_hm mtk drivers really hated the image changes.. and caused a month full of ci problems09:43
=== greyback__ is now known as greyback
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jgdxgreyback, hey, who do I talk to about keyboard layouts?12:24
greybackjgdx: anpok_ probably to start with12:25
jgdxgreyback, thanks12:25
jgdxanpok_, let me know when you're back? I have some questions re: layout managing, specifically how to configure layouts, if it's through mir or with xkbcommon directly?12:27
jgdxand if mir, then I can't really find the api bits for it12:27
jgdxanpok_, aah, never mind. It's xkb_mapper's XKBMapper.set_rules I assume?12:33
anpok_jgdx: yes there12:46
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
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jgdxanpok_, and how do I get there from a mirconnection? /cc greyback14:59
anpok_jgdx: why would you want to get there?15:02
anpok_it is part of the input event processing15:03
anpok_you want to configure it yourself15:03
anpok_sorry did not read the backlog entirely15:03
anpok_jgdx: do you want to configure a clients keymap within the shell. or the shells own keymap from within the shell.. or the clients own keymap as a regular client?15:04
jgdxanpok_, yes15:04
jgdxwhatever the keyboard indicator does today, I want to replicate15:05
anpok_then you just have to send a keymap event with the xkb_rules to the focused client15:05
anpok_just kann surface->set_keymap(xkb_rule_names_thing);15:06
anpok_jgdx: let me guess.. the keyboard indicator is a client?15:07
anpok_greyback: or is it part of unity8?15:08
jgdxanpok_, it's not15:08
jgdx… a part of unity8, but it may be a client? Not sure of the definitions in the x world15:08
anpok_jgdx: ok, then you need to find a way to access the currently focused session and the focused surface.. and just set the keymap..15:09
anpok_or set the keymap for each surface of session.. not sure what behvior is preferred..15:09
jgdxanpok_, will setting the keymap for the shell set it for all surfaces?15:11
greybackanpok_: we've nothing implemented in unity8 for keymap support15:12
greybackI don't even know who is responsible for mapping the actual keys15:13
greybackafaict, all shell can do is send event to app telling it what keymapping it should perform15:13
anpok_jgdx, greyback: the current keymap is stored client side per surface, we only gurantee that we forward proper scancodes and alreayd interpreted modifier states.. so to control which keymap a client uses a shell just has to set the keymap through the Surface interface15:18
jgdxgreyback, could you communicate that ^ to your meeting tomorrow? :)15:19
anpok_greyback: all the indicator would need is access to the currently focused surface or session..15:19
jgdxif not, I will15:19
greybackjgdx: ack15:19
jgdxanpok_, configuration will be done via System Settings for now, the indicator hasn't been considered yet15:19
greybackjgdx: making an indicator for this is far more work than unity8 doing it internally.15:20
kenvandinegreyback, is the stake holders meeting you mentioned thursday the 17th?15:21
jgdxgreyback, right, I think an indicator is future, not for pd115:21
kenvandineif the work isn't even prioritized by then, there's really no chance any of it will land for ota915:21
greybackkenvandine: am afraid so15:21
kenvandinegreyback, ok, bfiller said he'd attend it15:23
jgdxanpok_, the indicator does pr window but also global keymap configuration, btw15:31
jgdxI think the default is global, which is what we want to do15:31
greybackanpok_: when an app creates a surface, what is the default keymap?15:33
greybackanpok_: the API only has a setter, no getter15:33
anpok_greyback: the universal default keymap ... en_us ..15:38
anpok_greyback: sounds like feature request? set the keymap on creation..15:39
anpok_hm I believe RAOF made an MP to allow that to work before any user input would be received15:39
=== tvoss is now known as tvoss|dinner
Saviqkdub, are you aware we've qtmir in flight in silo 22 already?16:14
Saviqkdub, also, according to https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/725 qtmir-gles needs a rebuild in your silo, there's a new commit in lp:qtmir/gles that has to deal with new Qt16:15
Saviqkdub, it also says mir needs a rebuild, you can see in https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-021-0-status/lastBuild/console why it thinks you need the rebuild16:19
kdubSaviq, will investigate shortly16:19
kdubthanks for the heads up16:19
ondrakdub let me know if you need more help16:59
kdubondra, i'm into the device, should be good for the first round17:00
kdubthanks !17:00
ondrakdub ok, you need to reboot it, and reboot, you are on computer connected to it, so should give you more freedom17:01
kdubondra, I need to reboot it now? or if i need to reboot it?17:01
ondrakdub if you need to reboot it:)17:02
ondrakdub you are in full control :)17:02
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=== bschaefer_ is now known as bschaefer
RAOFanpok: Indeed; any events you send to a surface *during* its construction are received immediately(ish).22:16
anpokalways odd when I see you leave and return on the same day :)22:19
bschaeferi think that means its time to EOD anpok :)22:20

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