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robin-herohey all, I removed my Camera app this morning by accident :) But I can't find it in the store now :( Any idea?07:56
dholbachgood morning08:01
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robin-herohey all, I removed my Camera app this morning by accident :) But I can't find it in the store now :( Any idea?08:53
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Wednesday, and happy International Anti-Corruption Day! 😃09:29
lotuspsychjestill alot of work then09:29
robin-heroMorning, Sorry for I know I've already asked this question, but I removed my Camera app this morning by accident :) But I can't find it in the store now :( Any idea?09:33
SaviqoSoMoN, hey, re: bug #1422523, any pointer which test I can use to verify the fix?10:32
ubot5bug 1422523 in qtubuntu "wrong object coordinates if the app goes fullscreen" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142252310:32
ogra_davmor2, is it known that currently the flash doesnt work and that the camera app cant focus ?10:38
ogra_(in rc-proposed that is)10:38
davmor2ogra_: it might still be broken, it was only partially uploaded due to a lack of space10:38
ogra_oh, ok10:39
ogra_i washoping to hear that :)10:39
davmor2ogra_: don't know if that got fixed one for sil2100 maybe10:39
ogra_"washoping" :)10:39
davmor2robin-hero: maybe mail the mailing list might be best  the dev might be able to throw you a click package you can install10:40
oSoMoNSaviq, the initial issue was worked around in gallery app, so I don’t really know how to test it, but IIRC it was recently affecting camera-app, kaleo would know how to test10:41
sil2100What was partially uploaded?10:43
SaviqoSoMoN, ktx10:43
ogra_sil2100, camera app vs camera api i guess10:43
sil2100hm, no one told me about issues with that, I mean, that one got published without the other10:43
ogra_sil2100, with yesterdays camera app update, my camera doesnt focus where i tap and the flash setting has no effect10:43
ogra_it still takes pictures though10:44
ogra_(did anything land over night ? i havent updated this morning yet)10:45
sil2100hm, yesterday's camera update? There was no update going through the train tho10:45
* ogra_ tries10:45
ogra_sil2100, app ...10:45
ogra_does that go through the train ?10:45
sil2100Yeah, it does, the deb goes and then Bill uploads the click10:45
ogra_well, i got a new camera app on both phones yesterday10:45
sil2100We had a camera-app + qtubuntu-camera last week10:46
sil2100Maybe it wasn't published to the store until recently10:46
sil2100bfiller: ping10:46
ogra_todays image fixes it10:47
ogra_it focuses fine and the flash goes off10:47
ogra_ignore me ... i did hit a small time gap here :)10:47
sil2100I know what happened10:48
sil2100It was published last week but they bumped the framework, and I only added the framework yesterday to rc-proposed10:48
davmor2sil2100: I fixed ogra_ for you, he should break again for while, the magic of duct tape :D10:48
robin-herosil2100, I think this is releated to my problem:  I removed my Camera app this morning by accident :) But I can't find it in the store now :( I'm on stable channel.10:57
robin-heroAny idea? Now i have a phone without a camera, and I use it every day :D11:06
mcphailrobin-hero: I don't think the internal apps are removed - they are merely hidden. must be a way to unhide...11:07
robin-heroand how? :D11:07
mcphailrobin-hero: stop asking difficult questions!! ;)11:08
robin-herobut the weird things is I don't find it in the store :)11:08
mcphailrobin-hero: I've got it in the store...11:08
robin-heroCan I download the released click package from somewhere? So  I can install it manually.11:08
mcphailrobin-hero: popey's mirror?11:09
robin-heroI also have it on my Nexus, but It disappears from BQ's store :)11:09
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popeyThe camera app bumped their framework11:09
robin-heroand where is popey's mirror? :D11:10
popeywhich is why you can no longer see it11:10
popeysil2100, ^ this is a problem (one for beuno really) - the fact that the store can't hold more than one version of an app with different frameworks11:10
popeyI've bleated on about this for 2 years.11:10
ogra_do clicks not yet have the channels concept in their web-form ?11:10
mcphailOh - I see I have an update pending for the camera11:11
ogra_for snaps in the store i can select a channel for a specific package version11:11
popeyif anyone on OTA8 (our current release) or below removes camera, they can't re-install it, because the framework was bumped to one which does not exist on older devices11:11
robin-heropopey, Yes, this is my problem :)11:11
popeyogra_, we're doing the "snaps fixes that" so so soon in this conversation?11:11
mcphailCan you install it if you select it in uappexplorer?11:11
robin-heromcphail, no11:11
popeymcphail, no11:11
popeythat will get the one from the store11:11
ogra_popey, i havent uploaded a click in a while, i thought the store treats all formats the same11:12
mcphailrobin-hero: If there is a way to pull the click from my phone, I could send it to you...11:12
ogra_i can upload two versions of a package here and pick a different channel for each of them11:12
mcphailrobin-hero: I haven't updated yet11:12
popeyyou can't with click11:12
ogra_(stable vs edge)11:12
popeyrobin-hero, http://popey.mooo.com/mirror/clicks/2015/12/2015-12-07-050001/com.ubuntu.camera_3.0.0.604_armhf.click11:12
popeymcphail, interesting idea, a script which makes a click out of the contents of /opt/click.ubuntu.com/foo11:14
popeyso you could install something from the store, re-create a click and share it :)11:14
mcphailpopey: was wondering if the clicks were cached, like apt does?11:14
* mcphail makes a plea that major version numbers get bumped when an app breaks backwards compatibility11:15
mcphailCurrent camera update is offering me Seems like a rather benign increment, given it will not work on older system iterations11:17
popeygood point11:18
sil2100popey: yeah, I know... the worst thing is that it's 'by design'11:24
popeyyou have mail :)11:25
robin-herothanks Popey! :)11:34
popeyrobin-hero, np11:35
robin-heroOK, I've just installed it, If I am right I won't get the newer version ( as an update on OTA-8. It will arrive with OTA-9, right?11:38
they_eye4robin-hero, or OTA-8.6?11:41
robin-herothey_eye4, I don't think so, but I am not the person who has the knowledge in this topic :D11:42
they_eye4robin-hero, all i know is that the next update is OTA-8.511:43
they_eye4and the next OTA9 if everything goes ok else OTA-8.7?11:44
robin-herothey_eye4, I know that too, but OTA-8.5 is a hotfix update, I don't think they release a new framework for a hotfix update11:44
they_eye4robin-hero, right11:44
robin-hero*for = in11:44
popeyyes, you wont get an OTA update for it11:45
popeythere is a new framework in ota-8.511:45
popeywhich is where we came in11:45
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d^_^b_i have a problem with my samsung tab p310012:18
d^_^b_i've installed ubuntu touch but there are account of developers when i try to login12:19
d^_^b_howcan i fix please? thank you12:19
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* mnbv slaps gihel around a bit with a large fishbot12:24
d^_^b_there is someoen who can help me?12:44
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dholbachd^_^b_: I would recommend you just ask your question, whatever it is13:10
dholbachd^_^b_: if somebody knows, they'll get back to you13:10
dholbachand if not, you can also try the mailing list13:11
d^_^b_ok thanks13:11
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rp87Hi all! I had a problem with my BQ phone's noise cancelling microphone, so sent it back to Spain for repair. My phone arrived last week but there is an interesting problem with it. If I start a call the other partner doesn't hear my voice. It looks like something wrong with the microphone. If I enabled the "speakerphone" they hear my voice. So is it use another microphone? Or why it is working? I try to investigate this is a hardw14:01
rp87If I record my voice with a sound recorder it works well14:01
rp87And I reflashed the phone two times.14:01
robin-hero*I try to investigate this is a hardware or a software related error14:04
robin-heroOh sorry, just realized I already logged in :D14:04
robin-heroSo can I somehow test my microphones?14:06
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mcphailrobin-hero: not sure, but I suspect it needs to go back to bq14:13
robin-heromcphail, I hope it's software releated, because I paid about a half price ot this phone for shipping. I could buy a new one If I need to pay again the shipping cost...14:15
mcphailrobin-hero: bq don't pay the shipping for a warrantied device?14:15
lotuspsychjerobin-hero: tried reset to defaults?14:15
robin-heromcphail, The first problem is caused by me, I dropped the phone, this is why I sent back to repair. And paid the shipping cost14:17
robin-herolotuspsychje, ofc, 2 times14:17
robin-heromcphail, But this microphone problem is a new one, so something went wrong with it in BQ's service facuality.14:18
mcphailrobin-hero: I would speak with them. Explain you have paid for a repair but your phone is not working correctly14:19
mcphailrobin-hero: tell them they will be paying the shipping this time14:19
mcphailrobin-hero: I presume you are in the EU?14:20
robin-heroI raised a ticket but no response14:20
robin-herowhen I first raised a ticket (about the repair) they answered about a day...14:20
MirvoSoMoN: hello! I've a stable phone that gives Network Error for a single site regardless of connection or private mode. any idea on what would be needed for debugging? and yes to me it sounds very funky problem.14:55
MirvoSoMoN: works for all other sites, and the site works on all other ubuntu phones, just not anymore on my daily use phone since a couple of days ago14:56
oSoMoNMirv, that sounds weird indeed, can you file a bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/webbrowser-app/+filebug and attach the browser’s log file (I don’t expect there’s gonna be much info there, but who knows…)14:58
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MirvoSoMoN: bug #152437615:00
ubot5bug 1524376 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "One site started giving standard "Network error" on a single phone" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/152437615:00
Mirvand yes, nothing15:01
Mirvthe weird thing is it happens also in private mode, which probably shouldn't care of existing cache etc even if corrupted15:02
Mirvmoving .cache/webbrowser-app away temporarily did not change anything15:02
oSoMoNMirv, can you try removing the cache under ~/.cache/webbrowser-app (after making a backup copy of it), and see if it improves things?15:02
MirvoSoMoN: see above15:03
MirvoSoMoN: however, .local/share/webbrowser-app does the trick15:03
MirvoSoMoN: so something in there causes it15:04
oSoMoNMirv, ha, that’s useful info15:04
MirvoSoMoN: I tried renaming cookies.sqlite and history.sqlite individually but no luck15:05
oSoMoNMirv, can you check by moving selectively the following folders under .local/share/webbrowser-app? "Application Cache", "databases", "IndexedDB", "Local Storage", "Service Worker"15:09
MirvoSoMoN: none of them, it's TransportSecurity15:14
oSoMoNMirv, good find, would you mind adding that info to the bug report, and attaching that file too?15:19
MirvoSoMoN: done15:34
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they_eye4i have a billion errors like this in syslog Dec  9 13:55:50 ubuntu-phablet kernel: [ 6313.161214] inv_mpu: error in header parsing=d50015:53
they_eye4what is this error about?15:53
jgdxseb128, hey, why is InputSources on the system bus (accountsservice), and _current_ on the session bus (gsettings)?16:04
jgdxyou use both to determine the keymap to use, hence the question16:06
jgdxdobey, thanks for the review, btw!16:07
dobeyjgdx: sure16:08
kenvandinebeuno, i have a question related to the metadata we get with click updates16:17
beunokenvandine, shoot16:17
kenvandinebeuno, the changelog provided there, is that just for the most current version?16:17
* kenvandine assumes16:18
beunokenvandine, yes16:18
kenvandinenewest designs show previous versions16:18
kenvandinebut not sure if that's important16:18
beunowell, there's no history atm16:19
kenvandinei'll let them know we can't do it16:19
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seb128jgdx, I don't think "current" is used on the greeter, it just uses the sorted list17:25
jgdxseb128, okay, thanks!17:29
sturmflutabeato: Ping, is there a way to dump all current SIM files/parameters using ofono?18:09
abeatosturmflut, you can do /usr/share/ofono/scripts/list-modems18:10
abeatosturmflut, but you cannot see all SIM files18:10
sturmflutabeato: Hm, would be nice if we could. I've been reading the standards to see how National Roaming is supposed to be implemented correctly, and it would be nice to see what the operators are actually doing and why Android is picking up the information and ofono isn't18:36
sturmflutabeato: Apparently here in Germany E-Plus/O2 send an EPLMN list update to the client after the location/route area update messages on the radio, so the phone should treat both networks as equal, but I don't know if this should all happen in the baseband or in ofono or if it's a combination of both18:40
jnis anyone online?19:54
k1l_we will never know :)19:54
jnI need help porting ubuntu touch to the s4 mini19:56
jndo you have any experience?19:56
jnI've already merged the cm10.1 git repos with the ubuntu one, but the system.img is only about 60mb19:57
jnand it won't even get past the samsung logo19:58
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Myself5heyho, is someone here building Ubuntu Touch on Arch Linux?20:06
Myself5I want to try porting Ubuntu Touch to some Sony devices, however I already fail at building a testbuild for hammerhead :/ http://hastebin.com/jopotufeme.lua20:08
stakewinner00Myself5, I tried to build some things for ubuntu from debian,20:09
Myself5what was the end of the story?20:09
stakewinner00I decided to use a ubuntu machine for this task.20:09
Myself5yay ...20:09
jnstakewinner00, can you help me build ubuntu touch?20:10
jnI'm on ubuntu aswell20:10
Myself5guess its installing Ubuntu then ...20:10
stakewinner00jn, I only wanted to play a little bit with my ubuntu phone, I don't developed anything serious for ubuntu phone.20:11
Myself5stakewinner00, what do you think, could Linux Mint work?20:11
OerHekswhy using a slow fork, it is not supported by ubuntu even.20:12
stakewinner00Myself5, My problem is that I was too lazy to install the dependencies and prefered to use ubuntu. At the end debian and ubuntu are similar. But I suppose you can get a developer environment on linux mint or arch linux.20:13
OerHeksif you *really* want the mate desktop, https://ubuntu-mate.org/20:13
Myself5guess I'll look into setting up an environment for Arch.20:14
Myself5don't want to install Ubuntu20:14
Myself5OerHeks, cause I still had a installation pendrive laying aroung ;)20:15
dobeyjust make a container with lxc and use that :)20:16
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luca__hi guys, i need some help for porting ubuntu touch20:18
luca__i have issues with ramdisk and init20:19
luca__the kernel cannot find init: "Kernel panic at boot: not syncing. No init found"20:19
luca__anyone i can talk with?20:19
Myself5dobey, what the hell is LXC?20:58
Myself5hey, that looks actually intresting, gonna try that before installing Ubuntu to a different HDD21:00
gQuigsjust curious - any idea when QT5.1 will move from -proposed to archive? (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/QtTesting)21:11
luca__guys, any ubuntu-touch-porting-ninja?21:31
luca__where can i ask for some help?21:31
lotuspsychjeluca__: maybe the XDA forums might help?21:32
luca__yep i can try that! thanks21:40
luca__do you think here on irc someone could help? or this channel is for non technical issues?21:41
lotuspsychjeluca__: many ubuntu touch devs here, but porting is bit advanced stuff not much users can help with21:42
lotuspsychjehope you understand luca__ its a very lonely path :p21:43
luca__ok ok i see21:44
luca__ahahha yes lotuspsychje, it's a great description!21:45
ExplodingKittensHey, does anybody know where ubuntu-emulator stores the downloaded Ubuntu Touch system images? I can't seem to find them in any of the directories in $XDG_DATA_DIRS, and I /really/ don't want to have to redownload them on my secondary machine.22:39
ExplodingKittensDisregard that last question. I found them hiding in ~/.cache/ubuntuimages/.22:49

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