
SaviqMirv, hey, any progress on Qt migration?08:40
MirvSaviq: a pkg-kde-tools upload from Kubuntu broke half of the autopkgtests, so the night was pretty much wasted. otherwise it was sounding promising yesterday evening with me and xnox removing possibly the last blockers - even though the Qt migration is now mixed with poppler transition and s390x architecture transitions08:41
MirvSaviq: unfortunately the xenial is ever moving target...08:41
SaviqMirv, ack08:43
SaviqMirv, silos 12+59 still good enough for testing things on top, though>08:50
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MirvSaviq: should be yes (for phone)10:04
MirvSaviq: latest qtbase changes are just test and s390x fixes10:05
Mirv(in proposed)10:05
SaviqMirv, why the qtmir-gles change btw? the added dependency on libqt5test5? plain qtmir doesn't have that?10:23
Saviqis it because of the -gles dependencies?10:24
MirvSaviq: some autopkgtest cmake error was seen that seemed like missing test library: https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-xenial/xenial/amd64/q/qtmir-gles/20151207_224906@/log.gz - even though it doesn't show up in normal recompilation10:25
MirvSaviq: so I did a blind upload based on that error and then it seemed fixed https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-xenial/xenial/amd64/q/qtmir-gles/20151208_213113@/log.gz (until this pkg-kde-tools broke it again but that's another story)10:25
MirvSaviq: not really sure of the real cause, but the failure was only seen with qtmir-gles. some of the -gles packages earlier have needed more hand-guiding apt than the normal packages.10:27
SaviqMirv, ack10:27
MirvSaviq: hey btw I'm not sure what's the level of interest but I'm quite far with Qt 5.5 backport to vivid-overlay at https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-028/+packages10:38
MirvSaviq: not for landing but if anyone is interest in even giving a thought if it's a possibility one day.10:38
SaviqMirv, ack10:39
Saviqtsdgeos, mzanetti, rc-proposed/silo22 has listviewforreviews, but Telegram preview still blocks for a long time when I first try to scroll... ideas?11:00
mzanettihmm, really11:01
mzanettiwas quite smooth for me when I tried in the review11:01
* mzanetti tries11:01
mzanettiSaviq, while you're on rc-proposed. is authenticator working for you?11:01
mzanettiit locks up for me when I click on the "generate pin" button11:02
mzanettiindeed, tg reviews locking up here too11:02
tsdgeosSaviq: no ideas11:02
mzanettimuch longer than when I tested that branch11:02
tsdgeoslet me flash it11:02
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, auth works11:04
mzanettiit happened to me already a month ago11:04
mzanettinoone else complained11:05
mzanettithen it recovered11:05
mzanettinow it locks up again for me11:05
Saviqtsdgeos, mzanetti, yeah when I tested the preview in silo 4 before, it was good, too11:06
Saviqit's like something else made it worse11:06
Saviqaaargh why do I have silo 411:07
Saviqtsdgeos, as you were, citrain'ed wrong silo11:08
Saviqmzanetti, ↑11:08
tsdgeosSaviq: and mzanetti?11:09
Saviqgood question, mzanetti, apt-cache policy unity8?11:09
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mzanettiupdate in the queue11:12
Saviqmzanetti, that's from silo 22?11:15
mzanettiI thought it would be in rc-proposed11:16
mzanettireleased already, I mean11:17
Saviqmzanetti, ok so yeah, as you were, my bad11:19
pete-woodsmzanetti / Saviq: hey. was hoping for some QML advice. I've cooked up a quick app to do VPN connection editing11:27
pete-woodsone of this things I want to do is have a (apparently complicated) combo box11:27
pete-woodsI can't get the ubuntu one to behave itself11:27
pete-woodsI've had no trouble with the QtQuick one11:27
mzanettihave a snippet of code I could test?11:28
pete-woodsmzanetti: is the full file http://paste.ubuntu.com/13856197/11:28
pete-woodsif I try and use Ubuntu's OptionSelector, the layouts don't work11:29
pete-woodsit stays 1 "widget" high11:29
pete-woodsinstead of expanding11:29
pete-woodstbh I don't really want it to expand the whole view at all11:29
pete-woodsI just want it to hover over the top11:29
pete-woodslike a normal combo box11:29
pete-woods(like the QtControls one does)11:29
mzanettiwe're talking about "Virtual device type" right?11:30
mzanettiack. gimme a few11:30
pete-woodsthere's other funky stuff like if you stick an OptionSelector in a Row element, you get an infinite loop11:32
pete-woodsbut it at least doesn't crash with RowLayout11:32
pete-woodsI'd be happy using QtQuick controls11:32
pete-woodsbut it's not installed on the phone11:32
pete-woodsapologies also that the connection object has an absolute crap ton of properties11:34
pete-woodsit seems like we avoid all these widgets in the ubuntu system settings app11:35
pete-woodsand have a whole page with a listview in it11:35
pete-woodsinstead of a combo box11:36
pete-woodsmaybe I need to do the same11:36
mzanettipete-woods, one option would be this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13856360/11:38
mzanetti(not sure if you have a design that says you need to use the other)11:38
pete-woodsmzanetti: no design here11:41
pete-woodsthis is just a hacked up thing to show my QML bindings work to QA11:41
pete-woods(and also to have a bit of a practise with QML)11:41
pete-woodsI have other combo boxes that have a lot of options in, btw11:42
pete-woodsthis one just happens to have two11:42
pete-woodsI think what I really need to do is make everything into clickable columns11:42
pete-woodslike they do in the settings app11:42
pete-woodsand stop the manual layout stuff11:43
pete-woodsoh, you've done something with z11:43
pete-woodsI guess that puts it on the top, or something11:43
mzanettipete-woods, this is with OptionSelector: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13856449/11:44
mzanettiI agree it's not nice... the OptionSelector is known to be quite bad11:44
mzanettipete-woods, well, I did use the z:2 because the popup for the combobox would otherwise be behind the items below11:45
mzanettiwhich I'd say is a bug in the SDK11:45
pete-woodsright now I don't have the experience with QML or the brain space to take on bugs like that11:45
pete-woodsbut if your fix works then that's fantastic :)11:45
mzanettiyeah, I guess a report for the SDK guys would be a good start :)11:45
mzanettiin your layout I think the ComboButton option looks better11:46
mzanettiyeah, you could also drop the manually added text11:47
mzanettiand put everything in a phone-style column11:47
pete-woodsif I'd known what I was doing, I've have used the phone style column from the start11:49
pete-woodshmm, combobox needs a lot of massaging11:56
pete-woodsit doesn't close when you pick an item11:56
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greybacktsdgeos: having network issues?13:33
tsdgeosgreyback: yeah :/13:40
mterryltinkl, are you using clang or something instead of gcc?   (am I?  /me checks)14:28
mterryJust curious why I didn't see the warnings14:28
ltinklmterry, it's OK, scratch that... I don't see any warnings14:29
mterryOh good14:29
ltinklmterry, I reverted the change14:29
mterryltinkl, about the translations in your diff -- did you say a bot did that automatically?  I didn't think the bot ran on non-trunk branches14:30
ltinklmterry, ye... it came as a surprise to me as well but it must have run somehow14:30
ltinklmterry, the updated PO files contain the newly added strings (which I reverted since then so it should return back to normal, hopefully)14:31
mterryrevno: 203514:31
mterrycommitter: Lukáš Tinkl <lukas.tinkl@canonical.com>14:31
mterrybranch nick: oobe14:31
mterrytimestamp: Mon 2015-12-07 15:14:40 +010014:31
mterry  update POT14:31
mterryltinkl, ^14:31
ltinklmterry, that's POT, not PO14:31
Saviqltinkl, ltinkl, we're updating .pot now in the train14:32
Saviq*translations* get pushed to trunk directly by LP14:32
ltinklmterry, I only updated the template so that the translators could do their work once this has been merged14:32
Saviqltinkl, no need to do that btw ↑14:32
ltinklSaviq, ye OK but still... how did the translations end up in a non-trunk branch?14:33
mterryltinkl, they come from your merges.  But you shouldn't have a diff from that14:33
ltinklSaviq, you still need to update the _template_ right?14:33
mterryltinkl, I'm doing (bzr log po/ia.po)14:33
Saviqltinkl, no, template is now updated automagically on release14:33
ltinklSaviq, that is too late14:34
Saviqltinkl, no it's not, people can't translate before anyway (not via LP at least)14:34
ltinklSaviq, it means the moment you release the stuff with new strings you still have not up-to-date translations14:34
mterryltinkl, translators aren't seeing your branch before it lands in trunk anyway...14:34
Saviqltinkl, and avoids conflicts14:34
mterryltinkl, we have a string freeze14:35
ltinklstill doesn't explain how the new translations landed in a non-trunk branch14:35
* ltinkl is puzzled14:35
mterryltinkl, also I still am not sure how you're out of sync with translations -- but maybe do a bzr pull in a trunk branch and copy all the po files over to get back in sync14:35
ltinklmterry, yeah, guess I'll do that... then we'll rely on the bot to do the merge again, once it lands in trunk14:36
mterryltinkl, or do a bzr revert -r for a trunk revision, if you can untangle the bzr mess14:36
Saviqltinkl, fwiw http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ci-train-bot/unity8/unity8-ubuntu-xenial-landing-022/revision/2096 this is what the bot does after it merges all branches and such14:36
ltinklSaviq, so it lands the translations and _then_ updates the POT file?14:37
mterryltinkl, no it updates POT file, we release14:37
ltinklah ok14:37
mterryltinkl, then a separate bot periodically updates translations14:37
Saviqltinkl, not translations, translations are put on top to trunk directly14:37
mterrydirectly to trunk14:37
ltinklI see, ok :)14:37
mterryltinkl, so can you ask the ofono folks if they know if that mcc table exists anywhere already, and if not, where might be a good place to add it?14:43
mterryI bet some other component will want it at some point14:44
mterrySystem Settings for example?14:44
ltinklmterry, sure, any idea who do I talk to?14:44
* mterry wracks his brain... tiagosh? I can't remember who all works on it today14:46
mterryltinkl, ^14:46
ltinklmterry, pushed the trunk translations, the diff now looks much better :)14:47
mterryLooked him up on directory, his title is "Telephony & Messaging Engineer" so that sounds right  :)14:47
mterryltinkl, nice14:47
ltinklmterry, still doesn't fit but well... half of the size gone14:47
mterryltinkl, hah, I'll take what I can get14:48
Saviqhmm hmm, greyback, dandrader, I've noticed a few times now with silo 22 that an app surface is all black until I interact with the phone, I'm thinking fillMode has an issue, wdyt?15:00
greybackSaviq: would be likely culprit. Anything printed in the unity8.log?15:00
Saviqqtmir.surfaces: MirSurface[0xc1bc68,"messaging-app"]::dropPendingBuffer() dropped=0 left=2 - failed to upate texture15:01
Saviqnot sure that's it though15:01
Saviqas it was dialer this time15:01
Saviqqtmir.surfaces: MirBufferSGTexture: bind() called but there's no mir buffer to bind to15:02
Saviqgreyback, how's that look ↑?15:03
* Saviq tries to repro15:05
greybackdandrader: ^^ you wrote that code, any ideas15:11
greybackI personally think it's a mir problem, there should never be a situation where there's no buffer available after first frame posted15:11
tsdgeosdandrader: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fixSwipeAreaPrivateLeak/+merge/28003915:16
Saviqgreyback, in other news, https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/qtubuntu/wrap-sort/+merge/279778 please?15:21
Saviqgreyback, and corresponding https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/qtubuntu/gles-sync/+merge/27977915:21
ltinkltsdgeos, why not make UCSwipeAreaPrivate a QScopedpointer instead?15:22
tsdgeosltinkl: why make it a QScopedPointer?15:22
ltinkltsdgeos, if it is already a QObject, then ye, it makes sense what you did; I thought it wasn't15:23
tsdgeosltinkl: if it wasn't a QObject I could not do what i did15:23
Saviqmzanetti, double-check https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/qtmir/surfaceItemFillMode/+merge/279757 for me please? it's just a resubmission15:25
Saviqgreyback, same for https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/qtmir/multiSurfaceApp/+merge/279759 please15:26
Saviqdandrader, don't see an approval on https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity8/multiSurfaceApp/+merge/279112 or the ones it supersedes?15:27
Saviqor https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity8/surfaceItemFillMode/+merge/27901015:27
Saviqtsdgeos, you were having a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/in-train-pot-update/+merge/279100 - others agree it's fine15:29
dandraderSaviq, how common is tha black window issue15:30
Saviqdandrader, seen it 3-4 times now15:31
tsdgeosSaviq: sure, want me to top approve¿?15:31
Saviqtsdgeos, yes please15:31
mzanettiSaviq, want me to test it again?15:33
Saviqmzanetti, no, rather just sanity-check the diff15:34
mzanettiSaviq, ok. done15:38
Saviqdandrader, so yeah, it does look like the bind() message is related, IIUC before we'd bind anyway, unless built with asserts?15:40
Saviqobviously no steps to repro :/15:40
Saviqgreyback, so wdyt ↑? while I understand it's a Mir issue, the result of https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/qtmir/surfaceItemFillMode/+merge/279757#diff-line-58 is that we're getting black15:43
dandraderSaviq, greyback I was getting this black frames issue all the time after merging trunk in fillModes weeks ago, after having that branch lying around for quite a long time. turned out to be a small detail in the merge (aka bad merge)15:44
Saviqwhere before we'd just go "meh, let's bind anyway"15:44
dandraderSaviq, greyback hopefully it's something similar again15:44
greybackdandrader: have you time to look into it? Or should I?15:44
dandradergreyback, you would be the safest option. I only have a couple of hours till EOW15:45
Saviqgreyback, thanks, IMO that's blocking silo 22 now15:45
greybackSaviq: what device you testing on, in case it's more easily repro-ed on that15:45
Saviqgreyback, only seen on krillin15:45
greybackSaviq: ok15:45
Saviqgreyback, will start AP on mako and monitor unity8.log15:45
Saviqoh fun, stopped unity8 mid-rotation :)15:46
Saviqgreyback, grepping through unity8.log I can see a few dozen of those messages on either krillin or mako15:48
greybackthis displeases me15:49
Saviqand yeah already got 3 of those after having started u8 ap tests15:50
Saviqcan't confirm it's ending up black, but reading the code it has to, doesn't it15:50
Saviqas the texture's bound to 015:50
Saviqso it's like hasBuffer() is lying?15:51
Saviqsince everything is fine if we ignore its output?15:51
dandraderSaviq, can't reproduce it on N716:59
Saviqdandrader, yeah I wasn't able to find steps to repro, but the bind() message gets printed relatively often17:03
Saviqgreyback, the app lifecycle ap tests seem to be a semi-reliable way to see the bind() msg, not necessarily black app, though17:04
Saviqbut that's likely because I don't notice it, not that it's not there17:05
greybackSaviq: ack, have got it myself17:06
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Saviqjosharenson, ok, so it seems to be as simple as that: cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release and it won't build23:00
Saviqjosharenson, we're building Debug by default23:01
josharensonSaviq: yup can confirm23:01
Saviqjosharenson, now that doesn't sound like a valid situation though23:01
josharensonit breaks23:01
Saviq/methinks it warrants a bug against the toolchain23:02
Saviqjosharenson, so according to doko (our toolchain expert) this might very well happen23:32
Saviqhmm clearing one thing up23:34
Saviqjosharenson, doko asked for us to file a bug anyway to clear this up, I'll try and create a minimal project that shows the issue tomorrow23:36

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