nhaines | pleia2: that's right! | 01:01 |
pleia2 | ok, thanks :) | 01:01 |
nhaines | Everyone was slightly uncomfortable about that, but SCALE refused to let us require SCALE admission as a condition of UbuCon attendance. :) | 01:02 |
nhaines | So we accepted it, even though no one can figure out why anyone would go to SCALE and not at least buy the $10 expo pass. | 01:03 |
pleia2 | nhaines: hm, where is the scale registration code (wiki says to be updated soon) | 01:03 |
pleia2 | hah | 01:03 |
nhaines | Oh, it's UBNTU. I could have sworn that I'd updated that. | 01:03 |
pleia2 | nhaines: should http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-california/3234-scale-14x-and-ubucon-summit/ be updated to registration on meetup.com? | 01:04 |
pleia2 | it's suggesting registration is to scale | 01:04 |
pleia2 | when you click the "Register" button | 01:04 |
pleia2 | trying to help one of our ubucon speakers, I hadn't actually looked at any of this until now ;) | 01:05 |
nhaines | Yes, that's on my todo list. I think I wasn't certain whether or not to split SCALE to its own event on the LoCo thing, so I didn't do it immediately. But now that we have the meetup thing it should still be updated. | 01:05 |
* pleia2 nods | 01:06 | |
pleia2 | I still haven't heard back about my main scale talk, so I haven't bought my ticket or reserved anything yet | 01:07 |
pleia2 | I emailed one of the organizers on saturday, said I should hear "in a couple days" so who knows | 01:08 |
nhaines | LoCo Directory is updated, thanks. :) | 01:09 |
pleia2 | thanks \o/ | 01:09 |
ianorlin | LAX was close enogh for me to easily drive | 03:35 |
ianorlin | Pasadena is quite a bit farther for me | 03:36 |
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