EriC^^ | Rene___: ok, that means it's a user config issue | 00:00 |
Bashing-om | system and 6 to reboot the system. See: . | 00:00 |
newb123 | hdon: I wrote an experimental virtio-blk driver. I'm trying to figure out what I did wrong, so I'm looking for clues. Yes. | 00:00 |
newb123 | hdon: it just says /dev/disk/by-uuid/495b... does not exist. Dropping to a shell! | 00:00 |
hdon_ | newb123: ah ok | 00:00 |
newb123 | hdon: I've checked using blkid that the uuid is correct. /dev/disk/by-id exists but not /dev/disk/by-uuid | 00:01 |
Catopett | What does this mean (reset by peer) ?? | 00:01 |
newb123 | hdon: I see a few partitions: /dev/vda /dev/vda1 and /dev/vda2 but I can't mount any of them | 00:01 |
hdon_ | newb123: can you read from them? | 00:02 |
Rene___ | eric^^: bashing-om: how do i fix it? | 00:02 |
hdon_ | newb123: i don't know much about kernel dev, but are these devices governed by your driver? | 00:02 |
EriC^^ | Rene___: can you get a terminal by pressing ctrl+alt+t ? | 00:03 |
newb123 | hdon: the device is just a block device. It's governed by my driver which is pretty close to the stock virtio driver. Hmm. | 00:03 |
Rene___ | eric^^: i can do anything | 00:03 |
Rene___ | guest is fully working | 00:03 |
EriC^^ | Rene___: press ctrl+alt+f1 | 00:03 |
EriC^^ | guest is useless Rene___ | 00:04 |
newb123 | hdon: thanks.. do you know where I can find some kernel devs.. it seems like a relatively trivial error.. but I'm a bit stuck | 00:04 |
Rene___ | eric^^ im in the tty again | 00:05 |
hdon_ | newb123: maybe #linux | 00:05 |
newb123 | hdon: thanks | 00:05 |
EriC^^ | Rene___: type rm ~/.compiz ~/.config/compiz-1 | 00:07 |
EriC^^ | Rene___: type rm -r ~/.compiz ~/.config/compiz-1 | 00:07 |
EriC^^ | Rene___: then sudo service lightdm restart | 00:07 |
=== hdon_ is now known as hdon | ||
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Rene___ | eric^^: first one says its not possible | 00:11 |
hdon | Jordan_U: which part of the boot process did you say had to go through the BIOS to access hdds? i'm wondering if it was foolish to put my swap at the end of my disks | 00:11 |
Rene___ | directory wasnt found | 00:12 |
Rene___ | eric^^: same for 2nd one | 00:13 |
alocompsci | hello... guys | 00:16 |
EriC^^ | Rene___: try mv ~/config ~/config.old | 00:16 |
alocompsci | I have a terrible problem... my ubuntu partition is not working. | 00:17 |
Rene___ | eric^^: directory not found | 00:17 |
alocompsci | I got the starting light display manager error.. | 00:17 |
k1l_ | which error? | 00:18 |
Skkarson | #/g/ | 00:18 |
EriC^^ | Rene___: are you sure you're typing ~/.config | 00:19 |
Chicken_Wrap | Hello. | 00:19 |
EriC^^ | Rene___: type ls -l ~/ | 00:19 |
alocompsci | not sure . the screen is all black. and the last lines are: Starting LSD: minidlna server. Starting Light displayManager | 00:19 |
Rene___ | eric^^ last time i did | 00:19 |
alocompsci | ... and deal with any system changes.signatures. | 00:19 |
Rene___ | eric^^ the mv one i didnt | 00:19 |
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k1l_ | alocompsci: what did you do before that happend? | 00:20 |
Rene___ | eric^^: hes showing my directorys | 00:20 |
alocompsci | I connected a HDMI monitor to my laptop. and | 00:20 |
alocompsci | changed the additional driver to the NVIDIA one. | 00:21 |
alocompsci | I've been trying these solutions:\ | 00:21 |
alocompsci | | 00:21 |
EriC^^ | Rene___: ok, try mv ~/.config ~/.config.old | 00:22 |
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Rene___ | eric^^: seems like this worked | 00:23 |
EriC^^ | Rene___: the desktop? | 00:24 |
Rene___ | eric^^: idk | 00:24 |
Rene___ | eric^^: was meaning the command | 00:24 |
Rene___ | eric^^: didnt respond with any errors | 00:24 |
EriC^^ | Rene___: ok, try sudo service lightdm restart | 00:24 |
kpwarr_ | Hey folks. I use setxkbmap to set my keyboard to colemak. I have recently started using a Japanese keyboard source via the Ubuntu system settings. If I switch to the Japanese keyboard source and back to English, the setxkbmap settings are reset to qwerty. Is there a good way to prevent this resetting? | 00:28 |
Rene___ | eric^^: desktop working again. When im opening system settings and looking at drivers i have a ton of possibilities. How do i know which one to choose? | 00:28 |
alocompsci | anyway to reinstall ubunty without losing your files? | 00:34 |
alocompsci | (sorta like windows repair?) | 00:34 |
k1l_ | alocompsci: maybe your card needs the nomodeset boot parameter. try it first before you make that change permanent | 00:36 |
k1l_ | !nomodeset | alocompsci | 00:36 |
ubottu | alocompsci: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See on how to use this parameter | 00:36 |
alocompsci | thank you k1l_ and ubottu | 00:36 |
kpwarr_ | found the solution: | 00:37 |
alocompsci | will try this | 00:37 |
danmulvey | anyone have a preference between fbreader and calibre (or an entirely different preference) ? | 00:37 |
danmulvey | or do they serve different purposes | 00:37 |
alocompsci | in the setparams 'Ubuntu', in the ro quiet splash I have: | 00:40 |
alocompsci | Ro quiet spalsh $vt-handooff. Should I put nomodeset instead of that? | 00:41 |
k1l_ | put nomodeset at the end. then try to boot. | 00:41 |
alocompsci | or something like: ro nomodeset quiet splash $vt_handoff | 00:41 |
alocompsci | ok | 00:41 |
k1l_ | if that doesnt work try instead of $vthandoff | 00:41 |
Jordan_U | hdon: Essentially, everything that needs to be read from at boot is in /boot/, the MBR, or the BIOS Boot Partition. Swap is read by the linux kernel, which has direct access to the hard drive and so isn't a problem. | 00:41 |
VFDPrim | EVENING ALL | 00:42 |
newb123 | Jordan_U: what determines if a block device can be mounted? | 00:43 |
VFDPrim | doing new ubuntu instull trying to figure out if i should add a partition in there for free space or not | 00:43 |
alocompsci | the screen went blank. and no errors.. Out of curiosity I went to ctrl alt f1, and typed startx | 00:45 |
alocompsci | and the desktop appeared but no side bar or top bar. | 00:45 |
Jordan_U | newb123: Do you have the kernel module for the filesystem in use on that device inserted? Any more detailed message about the problem in "dmesg"? | 00:45 |
k1l_ | alocompsci: in terminal do "sudo apt-get purge nvidia*" then restart | 00:46 |
alocompsci | will try it. I'm on lenovo yoga 15", so I think I have hd integrated graphics and NVidia 840 | 00:47 |
newb123 | Jordan_U: Basically when I boot I get the following panic: "/dev/disk/by-uuid/495bfba6-2afa-43ee-ab0c-eb7423ec9700 does not exist. Dropping to a shell!" I get sent to initramfs. | 00:47 |
newb123 | Jordan_U: I've checked the uuid. But according to initramfs /dev/disk only has by-id and no by-uuid. | 00:48 |
newb123 | Jordan_U: I've also tried mounting the partitions that I can see from initramfs, but mount just replies with an ambiguous "Invalid argument" reply. So I'm a bit stuck. | 00:48 |
alocompsci | k1l_, nothing happened after the purge nvidia*. Get to the same screen with several green [OK] | 00:49 |
k1l_ | alocompsci: did reboot? | 00:49 |
alocompsci | and gets stuck on Starting Light Display Manager ... and deal with any system changes.signature | 00:49 |
alocompsci | after it was done running the purge I typed restart. | 00:49 |
newb123 | Jordan_U: I'm using an experimental block device driver I've written, but I'm still trying to figure out what exactly is wrong with it. Thus this sluething. | 00:49 |
k1l_ | ok, did you install the nvidia driver from a website or from the ubuntu repos? | 00:49 |
Jordan_U | newb123: That's not a kernel panic by the way. | 00:50 |
newb123 | Jordan_U: It's not.. it's just a panic sent by the init scripts. | 00:50 |
alocompsci | I think through the repos. I didn't manually install them. I went to 'additional drivers' and chose the NVidia. but it was giving me errors , so the last change I made was selecting Xorg again | 00:51 |
Jordan_U | newb123: Can you read from the device at all? Does "dd if=/dev/vdXY of=/dev/null count=1" succeed? | 00:52 |
alocompsci | when I do control alt f2 I see a message saying 'System Runing in low graphics mode, your screen, graphics card, and input device settings could not be deteted coreclty | 00:52 |
Jordan_U | newb123: You still haven't answered if "dmesg" gives you a more helpful error message. | 00:53 |
newb123 | Jordan_U: no dmesg doesn't say anything about mounting nor the uuid issue. unfortunately | 00:53 |
newb123 | Jordan_U: dd (initramfs) doesn't seem to give a success reply. I've even copied a file init over to init3 and it jsut says 1+0 records in 1+0 records out. | 00:54 |
k1l_ | alocompsci: ah ok, so you already had issues installing the driver | 00:54 |
k1l_ | alocompsci: what gives you "uname -a" | 00:54 |
Jordan_U | newb123: If it doesn't give an error then it succeeded. | 00:54 |
Catopett | I need a music composer like musix, do anyone know about a good as sutch? | 00:55 |
alocompsci | Linux Alo 4.2.0-19-generic #23-Ubuntu SMP Wed Nov 11 | 00:55 |
newb123 | Jordan_U: Alright. I guess it succeeded then. So why do you think mount can't mount the partition it sees? Anyway to check that? | 00:55 |
Jordan_U | newb123: What is the exact dd command you used to check that you could read from the block device? | 00:55 |
bazhang | !equivalents | Catopett have a check | 00:56 |
ubottu | Catopett have a check: A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at and | 00:56 |
newb123 | Jordan_U: give me a second.. I'm just going to re-run it. | 00:56 |
k1l_ | alocompsci: "sudo apt-get install linux-generic" is that already installed? | 00:56 |
alocompsci | ERROR the master control interrupt lied (SDE)! | 00:57 |
danmulvey | sudo apt-get install friends | 00:57 |
danmulvey | oh wrong window | 00:57 |
danmulvey | :) | 00:57 |
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alocompsci | hahaha danmulvey funny | 00:58 |
alocompsci | k1l_, I did sudo apt-get autoremove, and tried apt-get linux-generic. | 00:59 |
alocompsci | it run that time, but when I rebooted, still stuck in the black screen | 00:59 |
danmulvey | alocompsci: thanks, ill be here all night. try the fish! | 00:59 |
k1l_ | alocompsci: did it install something? | 01:00 |
alocompsci | the first time it asked me to run autoremove, bc there was a lib that wasn't needed. the second time I run install linux-generic it worked. | 01:01 |
alocompsci | meaning it run without errors, but still get a black screen after restarting. | 01:01 |
k1l_ | alocompsci: the info i need is, did it install new kernel or headers when installing linux-generic (which could be an issue not having which leads to non working nvidia drivers) | 01:02 |
newb123 | Jordan_U: hmm hold up.. kernel reboot is having problems.. will have to fix this first | 01:02 |
alocompsci | I think so k1l_ , when I run it again I get: linux-generic is already the newest version. | 01:03 |
alocompsci | so that should mean it installed all the packages needed correct? | 01:04 |
Catopett | Is there a CUBASE or similary for LINUX? | 01:04 |
k1l_ | alocompsci: ok, then do a "sudo apt-get install nvidia-current". that should install nvidia-prime too and other nvidia related packages. | 01:05 |
k1l_ | alocompsci: important is now, that if there are any error messages in the stuff you see after the install, name them please. | 01:05 |
alocompsci | ok running the command now. | 01:06 |
alocompsci | ok I get one error after: Building initial module for 4.2.0-19-generic | 01:07 |
bensocket | hi i bought a lenov horizon 2s...i duel booted it with linux mint 17.. but i have no wifi can i install wifi drivers? thanks | 01:08 |
Jordan_U | !mint | bensocket | 01:08 |
bensocket | 02:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Qualcomm Atheros Device [168c:0041] (rev 20) | 01:08 |
ubottu | bensocket: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on | 01:08 |
alocompsci | the error is: [486.324808] [drm:gen8_irq_handler [i915] ERROR The master control interrut lied | 01:08 |
alocompsci | nvidia)304: Running module version sanity check (those error messages are funny) | 01:10 |
alocompsci | original module: No original module exists within this kernel | 01:10 |
k1l_ | alocompsci: hmm, it cant build the nvidia module for your kernel it seems. | 01:12 |
alocompsci | so I sort of broke ubuntu by chosing the wrong driver option in additional drivers? | 01:13 |
alocompsci | :( | 01:13 |
_nemesys | hi nerds | 01:13 |
k1l_ | alocompsci: for investigating what exactly is going wrong one need to get the logs like Xorg.log, syslog and apt/terminal.log from /var/log/ in a pastebin. but i need to go afk now for some time so others in here might help | 01:14 |
alocompsci | understood. Thanks for your time k1l_ | 01:15 |
ash_k | #wikimedia-dev | 01:18 |
=== root_ is now known as catopett | ||
scwizard | hello I am trying to download this file: | 01:20 |
scwizard | however I'm getting a very slow speed | 01:21 |
scwizard | does anyone know what's going on with those servers? or if there is any kind of mirror? | 01:21 |
scwizard | so disapointing... | 01:23 |
scwizard | it downloads fine if i download it from aws instance at least | 01:25 |
scwizard | so from there i can put it on to s3 | 01:25 |
carrera | Hi | 01:26 |
wonko | anyone have issues with apt-mirror lately? | 01:30 |
carrera | Can I do a text-based install of Ubuntu MATE 15.10? | 01:30 |
wonko | out of the blue it's stopped working | 01:30 |
wonko | it's been running fine for over a year | 01:30 |
wonko | now it says it has 2.3G to download and does it in under a second | 01:30 |
wonko | our internet isn't that fast. :) | 01:30 |
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carrera | Ubuntu MATE 15.10 installation keeps rebooting on me before it even reaches the language question | 01:31 |
carrera | I think it's the nouveau driver | 01:31 |
Wamphyri | anyone familiur with pureftpd? i can't connect to my server, and the transfer.log isn't showing anything neither is my ftp client | 01:32 |
lubuntu | | 01:38 |
Gallomimia | Wamphyri: you should double check for open ports in the server and server's firewall. netstat -at | 01:40 |
SentientTootsieR | Hey all, I need help with a bash script I'm trying to create. I need it to create a new folder or file depending on what the user chooses. However, I'm lost at where to go from here. Can someone please look at my script and tell me what I need to do next? | 01:41 |
Gallomimia | SentientTootsieR: shouldn't it be touch '$FILE' | 01:43 |
SentientTootsieR | oops let me look into that | 01:43 |
Dsbeerf | Hello, someone know how to change run level for text only on ubuntu 15.10 ? | 01:43 |
SentientTootsieR | i was playing around with the script, but the folder part doesnt work properly | 01:43 |
Dsbeerf | i did a search on google but i get awnser about ubuntu 10.x | 01:43 |
Gallomimia | yeah that command looks messed up | 01:43 |
Gallomimia | why is it in angle brackets? | 01:44 |
SentientTootsieR | i was just experimenting. im a noob with this stuff | 01:44 |
SentientTootsieR | let me try $FILE and $FOLDER | 01:44 |
Gallomimia | i also don't know what echo -e does. my man page doesn't have that option | 01:45 |
Gallomimia | your piping operators in the commands themselves look messed up. take them out. all of them, and change them to semicolons | 01:45 |
Bashing-om | Dsbeerf: Do you mean to be able to boot to terminal ? | 01:45 |
catopett | I get error (E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)) need help , how do i read errors? | 01:45 |
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Gallomimia | make them separate commands, the echo to tell the user what its doing, and the mkdir and touch to do the work | 01:46 |
Dsbeerf | Bashing-om: yeah | 01:46 |
Gallomimia | SentientTootsieR: it might be better to hang out in #bash for this. | 01:46 |
SentientTootsieR | ok, i will check them out. thanks a lot | 01:46 |
Walkerdine | What would be the best way to dual boot with windows? I used Grub last time and had problems when I tried to remove it | 01:47 |
catopett | Ther best way to dualboot with windows is to install ubuntu innto own partition | 01:48 |
Bashing-om | Dsbeerf: Boot parameter ' ' in grub's boot parameter screen . | 01:48 |
catopett | I use the (sudo apt-get -f install) and get error | 01:49 |
Dsbeerf | Bashing-om: and i add this to grub.conf ? | 01:49 |
Walkerdine | catopett: Yes I will be installing it onto its own partition. I didn't know it was possible to do it another way | 01:50 |
Bashing-om | Dsbeerf: No, at grub menu 'e' key for edit -> boot parameters screen , in the line starting with linux, replace "quiet splash and vr_hand0ff=7" with ' ' . key combo ctl+x to continue the boot process to the TTY1 terminal . | 01:52 |
Dsbeerf | Bashing-om: ok thanks | 01:52 |
Bashing-om | vt_handoff* | 01:52 |
catopett | I upgrade from ubuntu to kubuntu and getting error in: /var/cache/apt/archives/kde-config-telepathy-accounts_4%3a15.08.2-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb | 01:53 |
catopett | How do i read errorcodes in dpkg? | 01:54 |
alocompsci | so... I was reinstalling ubuntu from a live usb. and it got stuck during installation.. during: ubuntu wpa_suplicant[2736]: wlp4s0 WPA Group rekeying completed | 02:01 |
fooobarrr | recently amazon prime video stopped working in chrome on ubuntu 14.04 - anyone have a similar issue? | 02:02 |
fooobarrr | I think within the last two weeks it stopped working | 02:02 |
brodude | Hi bros! | 02:07 |
Walkerdine | Someone please tell me grub has gotten better in the last few years | 02:07 |
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Jordan_U | Walkerdine: Are you saying that you had trouble going back to only having Windows and its bootloader (Uninsalling Ubuntu)? | 02:19 |
Jordan_U | s/Uninsalling/uninstalling/ | 02:19 |
Walkerdine | Yeah back in like 2009 | 02:22 |
carrera | 15.10 desktop installation froze on "If you wish to install in UEFI mode" dialog box. How can I stop it? | 02:22 |
carrera | I went through "try ubuntu first" way | 02:23 |
cerealcable | So I'm having a fun time getting 15.10 on this laptop for some reason...its booting in efi mode and after install I get Invalid Parititon Table :-( Here's output from gdisk: | 02:23 |
Jordan_U | Walkerdine: For BIOS based systems just run "sudo apt-get install mbr && sudo install-mbr /dev/sdX" to install an MS style MBR. For UEFI, grub doesn't replace Windows' bootloader or its entry in the boot firmware, it just also installs its own (and makes it the default) so you can always directly select Windows via your boot firmware menus, and you can remove the Ubuntu entry entirely using efibootmgr. | 02:41 |
VFDPrim | any one ever see this pop up when restarting ubuntu after a convertion to ubuntu /dev/disk/by-uuid/14cf708b-68ef-4418-b9ea-471bad32a3a4%20(sda5_crypt)?? | 02:44 |
VFDPrim | it wants a password but yet wold let me enter one | 02:44 |
lotuspsychje | does the uninstall of seahorse automaticly disable gnome-keyring also, or am i seeing this wrong? | 02:58 |
VFDPrim | any one know what this means /dev/disk/by-uuid/14cf708b-68ef-4418-b9ea-471bad32a3a4%20(sda5_crypt)? | 03:03 |
lotuspsychje | !encrypt | VFDPrim | 03:04 |
ubottu | VFDPrim: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see | 03:04 |
tachibana | ? | 03:05 |
tachibana | im curious about that also | 03:05 |
tachibana | is that a crypted filename | 03:05 |
tachibana | codename alkjd4sfd-fsdgsd-3g1sd-g2dsgds3f(wlan1_mp3 | 03:06 |
tachibana | vlc launch pad docker | 03:06 |
* tachibana smokes meth | 03:07 | |
VFDPrim | ok so that comes up when i restart comp but wont let me put in the code | 03:08 |
lotuspsychje | tachibana: please keep those comments out the channel | 03:08 |
Jordan_U | VFDPrim: What version of Ubuntu are you using? Did you just install Ubuntu and select encryption be used? | 03:09 |
VFDPrim | yes in the second one and 14.4 i think | 03:10 |
VFDPrim | first time it asked for it it let me put in a password but this time it wont like its not blinking to let me know i can and when i type nothing comes up | 03:11 |
tachibana | u mad? | 03:12 |
lotuspsychje | tachibana: nobody is mad, just keep in mind this channel is familly friendly | 03:14 |
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yumprer | Why do Muslims want to force everybody to their faith. Couldn't their God do it if he wanted. Instead of all the killings. | 03:19 |
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lotuspsychje | !ot | yumprer not here please | 03:20 |
ubottu | yumprer not here please: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 03:20 |
=== Josh is now known as joshh20 | ||
VFDPrim | not about linux so i dont care lol | 03:20 |
VFDPrim | any one have an issue with not being able to type the enter passphrase on an encripted directory | 03:21 |
lotuspsychje | VFDPrim: got any error? | 03:21 |
VFDPrim | /dev/disk/by-uuid/14cf708b-68ef-4418-b9ea-471bad32a3a4%20(sda5_crypt) | 03:21 |
VFDPrim | thats all that comes up | 03:22 |
lotuspsychje | VFDPrim: and you have entered the right password? | 03:22 |
tachibana | >implying you are more family friendly than me | 03:22 |
lotuspsychje | VFDPrim: no caps or numlock on/off? | 03:22 |
VFDPrim | it wont let me enter one like no typing in the box | 03:22 |
tachibana | gee thanks for insulting | 03:22 |
tachibana | me | 03:22 |
Jordan_U | tachibana: This channel is for Ubuntu support only, please stick to the topic or leave. | 03:22 |
VFDPrim | its not thats its wrong its that it wond let me | 03:22 |
tachibana | what | 03:23 |
lotuspsychje | VFDPrim: so you have no space to enter it? | 03:23 |
Jordan_U | tachibana: Exactly what I said. Take the offtopic chatter elsewhere. This is your last warning. | 03:23 |
lotuspsychje | VFDPrim: wich ubuntu version si this mate? | 03:23 |
tachibana | someone was just talking about muslims, maybe, i think 10 lines up? | 03:23 |
VFDPrim | the box is there but it does not have the curser blink | 03:23 |
tachibana | check the logs | 03:23 |
tachibana | D: | 03:23 |
Jordan_U | tachibana: And I just banned them. Would you like to be next? | 03:23 |
tachibana | u mad? | 03:24 |
Jordan_U | tachibana: Please join #ubuntu-ops if you wish to discuss your ban. | 03:24 |
SeriouslyLaugh | thanks Jordan_U | 03:24 |
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Fawas | hello everyone | 03:28 |
VFDPrim | hello | 03:28 |
lotuspsychje | VFDPrim: ubuntu version? | 03:28 |
RoadRunner | been trying out Ubuntu 14.04LTS for a few days; suddenly the launch bar stoped sliding out on mouse contact or the cursor would get "stuck" behind the left screen border or the bar would slide out to hide immidiately; cairo dock stopped appearing all together. Reboots made no diff. Couldn't get into the system... Today back to normal. Any idea what happened? | 03:28 |
VFDPrim | 14.4 i think | 03:28 |
Fawas | Anyone knows, how to install packetfence on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS? | 03:28 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: wich grafix card do you have? | 03:29 |
lotuspsychje | Fawas: cant find in repos, where did you see it? | 03:29 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: Gigabyte Radeon HD 6870 | 03:30 |
VFDPrim | wonder if there is any way to just reinstull ubuntu but when i try to open from thumbdrive it still forces me to this enter password screen | 03:30 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: driver radeon? | 03:30 |
Fawas | not found in repos. not woring the method displayed in official page (for ubuntu 12.04) | 03:30 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: didn't install any custom drivers - whatever Ubuntu picked... | 03:30 |
Jordan_U | VFDPrim: How are you trying to boot from USB? | 03:31 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: can you check sudo lshw -C video for me? see whats behind driver= | 03:31 |
VFDPrim | live disk | 03:31 |
VFDPrim | from boot menue | 03:31 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: I am new to linux... does it matter from which dir I start terminal? | 03:32 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: no mate just enter that command | 03:32 |
lotuspsychje | Fawas: seems like packetfence needs ppa add, and we cant support this sorry | 03:32 |
Fawas | ok | 03:32 |
Fawas | where do i get suppport? | 03:32 |
lotuspsychje | Fawas: maybe we can suggest another alternative for you? | 03:33 |
Fawas | ok | 03:33 |
lotuspsychje | Fawas: whats your end goal? | 03:33 |
Fawas | i need to control local users to internet (bandwidth and filtering) | 03:33 |
lotuspsychje | Fawas: specific website blocking and such? surfing time? | 03:34 |
lotuspsychje | Fawas: kiosk style or for company? | 03:35 |
Fawas | need capitative portal to run | 03:35 |
Fawas | not company. For my neighbhours. | 03:36 |
lotuspsychje | Fawas: hmmm wait, your neighbours use your pc? | 03:37 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: what format? | 03:37 |
RedPenguin | hey all | 03:37 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: can you just tell whats behind driver= ? | 03:37 |
Fawas | no, i have broadband with wireless router | 03:37 |
lotuspsychje | Fawas: so you just want to prevent neighbours using your wifi, is that it? | 03:38 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: no, it just gives me command usage syntax | 03:38 |
Fawas | i will use the application on my pc and connect internet and router to it | 03:38 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: sudo lshw -C video | 03:38 |
Fawas | only users i allowed can use internet | 03:38 |
lotuspsychje | Fawas: i understand but please tell me over wifi or cable local? | 03:39 |
Fawas | wifi | 03:39 |
lotuspsychje | Fawas: turnoff your ssid? | 03:39 |
Fawas | hide ssid makes connecting difficult. because lack idea of other users(literacy bavkward). | 03:41 |
lotuspsychje | Fawas: there are ubuntu bandwith user limit packages out there, but thats for local users not outside wifi users | 03:41 |
VFDPrim | sweet finaly let me get past with a thumb drive live thing so now just going to reinstulle and not add the security thing lol | 03:41 |
lotuspsychje | !yay | VFDPrim fixxed how? | 03:42 |
ubottu | VFDPrim fixxed how?: Glad you made it! :-) | 03:42 |
VFDPrim | well i did till my cat jumped on the keyboard!! so lets try this again | 03:42 |
VFDPrim | love him to death but damn he can be a pain sometimes lol | 03:43 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: sorry, got it right this time; driver=radeon latency=0 | 03:43 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: updates system to latest? check lsb_release -a (from terminal) | 03:44 |
RedPenguin | I seem to have something causing Ethernet slow downs, to where YouTube buffers, Firefox takes a while to "Looking up", yet I get good speed/ results, tried different cable, card & switch port, not happening on other PCs | 03:44 |
lotuspsychje | RedPenguin: ubuntu version and eth card chipset please? | 03:45 |
Fawas | lotuspsychje : Can you suggest any native programs which fliter and block user based on mac address? | 03:45 |
lotuspsychje | Fawas: a router or iptables | 03:45 |
Fawas | iptables | 03:46 |
lotuspsychje | Fawas: maybe you should talk to the ##networking guys instead? | 03:46 |
Fawas | ok | 03:46 |
lotuspsychje | Fawas: explain them what you want exactly | 03:46 |
Fawas | ok | 03:46 |
Fawas | please give me direction | 03:46 |
RedPenguin | 14.04.3, originally nvidia MCP61 now a Tulip card both doing the same thing | 03:46 |
lotuspsychje | RedPenguin: hmm 2 different cards slow down, sounds like more an isp or router issue? | 03:47 |
Fawas | lotuspsychje: I want to join #which ? | 03:48 |
lotuspsychje | RedPenguin: doublecheck syslog and dmesg anyway | 03:48 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: "no LSB modules are available"; "Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS" | 03:48 |
lotuspsychje | Fawas: /join ##networking | 03:48 |
Fawas | ok | 03:48 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: ok good | 03:48 |
Fawas | thanks lotuspsychje | 03:48 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: "good" meaning... | 03:48 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: meaning your up to date, now try to check your syslog and dmesg | 03:49 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: to hunt for errors causing your freezes | 03:49 |
VFDPrim | any on have any favorite youtube channals for linux | 03:49 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: ok, how? | 03:49 |
lotuspsychje | !ot | VFDPrim | 03:49 |
ubottu | VFDPrim: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 03:49 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: dash/logviewer icon and browse | 03:50 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: or manually browse /var/log/syslog | 03:50 |
RedPenguin | I also have a bridge using bridge-utils, but afaik that should not cause extreme youtube buffering | 03:50 |
GooeyABS | hi, i am about to set up a fresh copy of ubuntu. i use it to run soem virtualbox vm's as well as some desktop use. .. does it make sense to go with 15.10 or 14.04 lts | 03:51 |
lotuspsychje | GooeyABS: depends what you need mate LTS or non-LTS? | 03:51 |
lotuspsychje | GooeyABS: want 5 years support or every 9 months reinstall | 03:51 |
GooeyABS | guess tht depends, if thres any dignificant upside to 15.10 | 03:52 |
VFDPrim | so i have to move files from one computer to another whats the easyest way to do that ? each has a 1T hard drive | 03:53 |
lotuspsychje | GooeyABS: by testing it on your system, is the only way to see | 03:53 |
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lotuspsychje | GooeyABS: every system reacts different on kernel/ubuntu version etc | 03:53 |
badcatalex | Help! Ubuntu with my radeon x1300 is SLOW! | 03:55 |
lotuspsychje | VFDPrim: rsync or clone? | 03:55 |
lotuspsychje | !clone | VFDPrim | 03:56 |
ubottu | VFDPrim: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can use the !software package "apt-clone" - See also !automate | 03:56 |
lotuspsychje | hmm | 03:56 |
lotuspsychje | !info clonezilla | VFDPrim | 03:56 |
ubottu | VFDPrim: clonezilla (source: clonezilla): bare metal backup and recovery of disk drives. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.10.11-1 (wily), package size 678 kB, installed size 2624 kB | 03:56 |
VFDPrim | that only works if there is an exact same spec computer correct? | 03:56 |
lotuspsychje | VFDPrim: all depends wich protocol you gonna transfer? usb? sata? network? | 03:57 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: these files are huge with more archived with .gz; what am I looking for? | 03:58 |
VFDPrim | oh ok hmmm going to have to look into those | 03:58 |
VFDPrim | is there one that does the programs i have added to the first computer as well as files? | 03:58 |
GooeyABS | just judging form the answers it dosnt sound like theres anyitng major that one would want to opt for 15.10 like any digificant perfomance or feature diffrences that make it overly attractive. | 03:59 |
lotuspsychje | VFDPrim: you mean clone the installed packages to the other pc? | 03:59 |
VFDPrim | um.. i guess | 03:59 |
lotuspsychje | !info aptoncd | VFDPrim very handy | 03:59 |
ubottu | VFDPrim very handy: aptoncd (source: aptoncd): Installation disc creator for packages downloaded via APT. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.98+bzr117-1.4 (wily), package size 213 kB, installed size 1561 kB | 03:59 |
lotuspsychje | GooeyABS: in most cases 14.04.3 LTS is a very stable choice | 04:00 |
lotuspsychje | GooeyABS: if you want rather latest and quicker ubuntu versions you can move to non-lts | 04:00 |
lotuspsychje | GooeyABS: the choice is yours mate | 04:01 |
RedPenguin | I think I figured it out, it seems for some reason my Ubuntu system isn't liking my SmartDNS service | 04:01 |
lotuspsychje | RedPenguin: maybe talk to the ##networking guys about this? | 04:01 |
RedPenguin | looks like I better ty | 04:01 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: anything showing errors, bugs,kernel panics,acpi errors,... | 04:02 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: if your system freezes, something must show there | 04:02 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: its just that both of these files are so long (with more files with same names archived 1 through 4) that I am overwhelmed... | 04:04 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: just check the most recent syslog file | 04:04 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: I believe the very first thing I see on the screen on booting is something about acpi probe failing | 04:05 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: maybe share it on pastebin to me? | 04:05 |
lotuspsychje | !paste | RoadRunner ill have a look | 04:05 |
ubottu | RoadRunner ill have a look: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 04:05 |
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RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: ubottu: ok guys let me start my irc client on my linux box; give me a few mins | 04:07 |
VFDPrim | than ks for the help tonight guys | 04:09 |
sam__ | im so glad i switched to ubuntu | 04:11 |
sam__ | god bless | 04:11 |
Wkk | What OS you've had before? | 04:11 |
sam__ | windows 7 | 04:11 |
lotuspsychje | !discuss | 04:11 |
ubottu | Want to talk about Ubuntu but don't have a support question. Join #ubuntu-discuss, for other non-support discussion not Ubuntu related you can also join #ubuntu-offtopic. Thank you. | 04:11 |
RoadRunner|2 | lotuspsychje: ubottu: ok, I am on my linux box now; sorry, but how do I paste directly from command line? | 04:14 |
lotuspsychje | !pastebinit | RoadRunner | 04:15 |
ubottu | RoadRunner: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b | 04:15 |
Quantos | I'm trying to delete a *.vdi file, but I keep getting the error that the trash is too full, delete it manually. How do I do that? I'm running KUbuntu 14.04 | 04:26 |
Quantos | I'm trying to delete a *.vdi file, but I keep getting the error that the trash is too full, delete it manually. How do I do that? I'm running KUbuntu 14.04 | 04:31 |
lotuspsychje | Quantos: gksu your filemanager and delete it from there | 04:33 |
Quantos | Dolphin won't delete it | 04:33 |
Quantos | I'm not sure what a gksu is | 04:33 |
lotuspsychje | Quantos: gksu dolphin | 04:34 |
RoadRunner|2 | ubottu: installed pastebin; usage: syslog pastebinit -b doesn't work; my syntax must be wrong | 04:35 |
ubottu | RoadRunner|2: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 04:35 |
Quantos | lotuspsychje, I really don't understand what you mean, can you clarify that for me? | 04:36 |
RoadRunner|2 | lotuspsychje: usage: syslog pastebinit -b doesn't work; my syntax must be wrong | 04:36 |
lotuspsychje | Quantos: try to gksu dolphin from terminal, to delete your file | 04:37 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: try to copy paste it to | 04:37 |
Quantos | Okay, how do I gksu it ? | 04:38 |
lotuspsychje | !gksu | Quantos | 04:38 |
ubottu | Quantos: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See to know why) | 04:38 |
=== Cecilia_ is now known as Ceciliia | ||
Quantos | I installed gksudo, ran dolphin that way and it still tells me that the trash has reached maximum size, delete it manually | 04:40 |
Ceciliia | Hello! How do I run a terminal command (from a .desktop file) and STOP the termial window from closing when done? :| | 04:41 |
Ceciliia | What is the command to keep the terminal window open? | 04:41 |
lotuspsychje | Quantos: dont send to trash, delete it bypassing trash | 04:42 |
Quantos | I don't see that option | 04:42 |
lotuspsychje | Quantos: maybe in dolphin properties? i use nautilus sorry | 04:43 |
Quantos | I'll try installing that | 04:43 |
RoadRunner|2 | lotuspsychje: ubottu: | 04:44 |
Quantos | LMAO lotuspsychje, I just found where to resize the trash can, now it worked | 04:45 |
Quantos | I never thought that would work in a million years, I'd have tried it yesterday | 04:45 |
lotuspsychje | !yay | Quantos | 04:45 |
ubottu | Quantos: Glad you made it! :-) | 04:45 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: you have 2 screens with xrandr? | 04:48 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: sorry don't know what that means | 04:49 |
Ceciliia | Oops. Wrong channel. XD | 04:49 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: do you have 2 monitors for your pc on ubuntu? | 04:49 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: got 1 monitor, 1 tv connected to that box (I guess that's what ubuntu may be calling a 2nd monitor) | 04:50 |
Quantos | Is there a support chat for VirtualBox? | 04:50 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: i see alot of issues in your log mate, radeon, pci,memory,... | 04:50 |
somsip | Quantos: possibly #virtualbox | 04:51 |
somsip | !alis | Quantos | 04:51 |
ubottu | Quantos: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http | 04:51 |
lotuspsychje | Quantos: #vbox | 04:51 |
Quantos | Thanks, I'll try that | 04:51 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: what may be causing them? | 04:51 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: not sure mate, i would investigate your hardware | 04:52 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: this box is a dual boot sys and worked fine under WinXP | 04:52 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: did you try ubuntu with 1 screen? | 04:52 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: I just left everything as it was under win without pulling any cables after install | 04:53 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: that doesnt mean nothings wrong | 04:53 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: i see floppy errors in there too, did you build own system? | 04:53 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: yes, but again, had no issues under win | 04:54 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: and again, that doesnt mean nothings wrong | 04:54 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: the logs dont lie in ubuntu | 04:55 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: would you like me to paste dmesg as well? | 04:55 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: no mate i see alot in syslog already | 04:55 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: ok, where do I go from here? | 04:56 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: many things you can tryout: check your ram one by one, try bios floppy disable,try amd drivers instead of radeon,try different ubuntu versions | 04:56 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: pci errors in your logs also, doublecheck that in bios also | 04:57 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: grub2 offers a mem test, would that be helpfull? | 04:57 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: everything can help test yes | 04:58 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: system wakeup issues in logs also | 04:58 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: how can a floppy drive trip me up if I am not using it? | 04:59 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: try disable in bios, if not using | 04:59 |
catopett | I cannot get linuxbox installed, need help | 05:00 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: can you recall what cards in your pci slots? | 05:00 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: no, I'd have to pop the hood... | 05:00 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: i reccomend you open the box, and test some stuff | 05:01 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: maybe the ##hardware guys can help along with you | 05:01 |
catopett | I cannot get linuxband installed, need help | 05:01 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: you mentioned amd drivers instead of radeon - isn't ubuntu loading the driver of its own choosing? | 05:01 |
lotuspsychje | catopett: not in the repos, where did you see that? | 05:02 |
catopett | | 05:02 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: yes, but in some cases radeon spits out errors like in your case | 05:02 |
lotuspsychje | catopett: we only support official ubuntu flavors mate | 05:02 |
Wkk | How do I set wintertime for ubuntu clock? So I'm not 1h+ ?? | 05:02 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: so where would I get another driver for ubuntu to try? | 05:03 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: amd website | 05:03 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: I am confused but Radeon driver is made by AMD - its their product | 05:04 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: no the radeon driver is opensource mate | 05:04 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: catalyst/amdgpu for official ati/amd | 05:05 |
Wkk | Aaaaanyone?? | 05:06 |
catopett | Why do i get this msg? Unknown media type in type 'all/all' | 05:06 |
catopett | Unknown media type in type 'all/allfiles' | 05:06 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: so you are saying what ubuntu ids as a Radeon driver is the open source one that comes in ubuntu package and you are recomending I get the proprietary one (Catalyst) from AMD directly, correct | 05:06 |
RoadRunner | ? | 05:06 |
DoYouKnow | did ubuntu 16.04 fix the nouveau driver issue yet with the DMIO copy error? | 05:07 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: if radeon has errors on your ubuntu version, you could try that yes | 05:07 |
lotuspsychje | DoYouKnow: #ubuntu+1 please | 05:07 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: another option is to test radeon driver on another ubuntu version | 05:07 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: regarding a diff ubuntu version: you mean a diff version, like 15 or a different flavour like lubuntu? | 05:08 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: different version like 15.10 yes | 05:08 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: do you think I may experience less conflicts with lubuntu since its less demanding on hardware? | 05:09 |
Wkk | lotuspsychje: I have problems with my radeon card too, but changing my driver from default toproprietary one, and restarting made Ubuntu go into low-graphic mode | 05:09 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: with your card, you should be able to run unity properly | 05:09 |
Wkk | to proprietary* | 05:09 |
lotuspsychje | Wkk: all depends on system/card chipset/kernel/ubuntu version mate | 05:10 |
catopett | Why do i get this msg? Unknown media type in type 'all/all' | 05:10 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: to be honest I am not crazy about Unity, so if I have to part with it and go with LXDE - suits me fine | 05:11 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: well lubuntu could also get radeon conflicts, depends really | 05:11 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: but sure, you can testout lubuntu-desktop from your current ubuntu | 05:11 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop logout and login to lubuntu | 05:12 |
lotuspsychje | catopett: we dont support linuxband, install an ubuntu version from topic please | 05:12 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: would I not have a more predictable result with a clean install (ie: in a new partition)? | 05:12 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: this is for testing only, if you like lubuntu/work good sure clean install | 05:13 |
ccag | Do you need to disable UEFI on newer laptops? I'm having a hell of time getting Ubuntu working on laptop with a clean install. | 05:13 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: just to know, did you install ubuntu with cable enabled/updates enabled during setup? | 05:14 |
ccag | My windows install was corrupted the other day so i just wiped my harddrive and have been trying to install ubuntu since | 05:14 |
catopett | For they who are willing to help on linuxband can join #linuxband | 05:14 |
lotuspsychje | ccag: singleboot or dualboot? | 05:14 |
ccag | singleboot | 05:14 |
lotuspsychje | catalase: please no advertising here | 05:14 |
lotuspsychje | ccag: disable fastboot and secureboot | 05:15 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: cable enabled? | 05:15 |
lotuspsychje | ccag: then you good to go | 05:15 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: cable internet yes | 05:15 |
ccag | I honestly don't see where to do that in my bios | 05:15 |
ccag | I'm looking right now | 05:15 |
lotuspsychje | ccag: you should dig deep in bios options, secureboot and fastboot off both | 05:16 |
lotuspsychje | !uefi | ccag this can help | 05:16 |
ubottu | ccag this can help: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read | 05:16 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: don't recall being asked that; the cable was connected then I just set up the static IP settings mannually... | 05:16 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: but you was connected to internet right? setup asked you if you wanted updates enabled during setup and thats very reccomended | 05:16 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: yes, I was connected to the internet; don't remmember about the rest, but updates happened after initial setup for sure, at least twice | 05:18 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: yes, but to choose best driver its reccomend you update during setup also | 05:19 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: but no sweat, you have lot to try now action! | 05:20 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: but did we not start this with you asking me if I was totaly up to date, and you said I was so how could my driver not be the latest then? | 05:20 |
ubuntu-mate | 'bluray:///dev/sr0' what does this mean im trying to play blu ray in vlc | 05:22 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: yes your up to date, but when you install ubuntu on an offline box ubuntu cant search for latest drivers right, and after that system updates the driver version it chose offline | 05:22 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: what can I do now to verify that the best driver was loaded by ubuntu? | 05:23 |
goddard | how do you copy text in tmux? | 05:24 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: out of the availbale proprietary ones? | 05:24 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: well in your case only can choose opensource or proprietary indeed | 05:24 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: anyway, start the hardware test first in your box, then clean install ubuntu or lubuntu | 05:25 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: with updates enabled | 05:25 |
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RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: I'll do that | 05:25 |
trixtator | ubuntu-mate: That is your drive. linux interprets everything as a file | 05:25 |
ubuntu-mate | how do you play blu ray in vlc i keep getting MRL'bluray:///dev/sr0' | 05:26 |
trixtator | where did you read that? | 05:26 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: I'd like to ask about package differences btw: ubuntu and lubuntu | 05:26 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: Why libre office on ubuntu and Abiword and Gnumeric on lubuntu? | 05:26 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: lightweight reasons | 05:27 |
trixtator | ubuntu-mate : it could mean that /dev/sr0 is not your bluray drive | 05:27 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: but with your system specs, you can install libreoffice on lubuntu aswell! | 05:27 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest79868 | ||
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: but are libre office apps functinally superior? | 05:27 |
trixtator | when you open media in vlc you can select a different Disc device | 05:28 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: depends on your needs really | 05:28 |
trixtator | Sorry. I have to leave. Drive to work | 05:29 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: I mean is it like deciding which race car to take for a drive today or is Abiword really truncated? | 05:29 |
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lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: depends on what you will be doing with text editors? | 05:30 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: writing letters mostly, maybe an occasional essay or a table... | 05:30 |
RoadRunner | would want to be able to read ms forrmats though | 05:31 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: i would go for libreoffice if your system can take it | 05:31 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: then you feel it is more capable? | 05:32 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: lol lets not compare things here...for my needs libreoffice does it! | 05:33 |
ubuntu-mate | when i put a blu ray in my drive the blu ray don't show up how do i get it to show so i can play it | 05:33 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: how about you start testing stuff now, instead of conversation :p | 05:33 |
user_ | i need help please | 05:34 |
Mneuro | user_ what's your issue? | 05:34 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: thank you for your help; sorry if app comparison is not best done here; could you suggest a better channel for that? | 05:35 |
user_ | i need to install programs but i cant bec i have to write password but i dont know it | 05:35 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: best way is to ask packages, for your specific needs so it wont need comparing | 05:35 |
user_ | please help me | 05:35 |
Mneuro | user_ it's the password you set up when you installed Ubuntu | 05:36 |
Mneuro | user_ unfortunately, if you do not know the password, you won't be able to install packages | 05:36 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: re the hardware channel you suggested earlier, do they specialize in linux incompatibilities specifically? | 05:36 |
user_ | i buy the pc from the the shop | 05:36 |
user_ | i dont know it | 05:37 |
Mneuro | user_ you bought it and it had Ubuntu on it already? | 05:37 |
lotuspsychje | RoadRunner: channel says it: hardware speciality | 05:37 |
user_ | how can i install | 05:37 |
RoadRunner | lotuspsychje: thanks again :) | 05:37 |
user_ | no ijust find it like this | 05:38 |
ubuntu-mate | how do i get my blu ray drive yo work with my blu ray it's not showing up | 05:39 |
lotuspsychje | !bluray | ubuntu-mate | 05:40 |
ubottu | ubuntu-mate: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 05:40 |
EMPHASIS | The weirdest thing has happened. My desktop (Gnome flashback(metacity)) is now displaying icons from my home directory! How do I stop this? | 05:42 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest8445 | ||
sheepdog | Suspend doesn't work for me, if I were to press up or something would that cause anything to happen while the terminal is running? | 05:46 |
EMPHASIS | test | 05:47 |
zykotick9 | EMPHASIS: test failed ;) | 05:47 |
EMPHASIS | My desktop (Gnome flashback(metacity)) is now displaying icons from my home directory! How do I stop this? | 05:47 |
badcatalex | Should I move from linux mint to ubuntu? | 05:58 |
robotics | yabadabadooo! | 06:00 |
Herp | hello everybody | 06:11 |
lotuspsychje | Herp: welcome, what can we do for you | 06:12 |
Herp | hello everybody :D | 06:12 |
robotics | Herp, privet negr | 06:12 |
Psykoraptor | Hi! I have a question: how would i go about updating a 10.04 command line ubuntu to 15.04? | 06:13 |
somsip | !eolupdate | Psykoraptor | 06:13 |
somsip | !eol | Psykoraptor (see the bit about updates at the end) | 06:14 |
ubottu | Psykoraptor (see the bit about updates at the end): End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See | 06:14 |
Herp | nothing, i just read a topic live | 06:14 |
Psykoraptor | Thank you! | 06:15 |
Herp | yes im privet | 06:16 |
badcatalex | I am about to install Ubuntu. Any help? | 06:24 |
robotics | yes | 06:24 |
robotics | please | 06:24 |
=== enchilado is now known as tinselchild | ||
badcatalex | I need to figure out if it is possible to a inplace upgrade from linux mint 17.3 to ubuntu 15.10? | 06:26 |
badcatalex | cause, linux mint is based off of ubuntu 14.04 | 06:26 |
k1l_ | make a clean new install of ubuntu | 06:27 |
badcatalex | D'oh! | 06:27 |
k1l_ | there might be stuff left from mint which can make trouble then. you can keep your /home in most times. | 06:27 |
badcatalex | what if i removed the mint stuff that will conflict | 06:28 |
badcatalex | prior | 06:28 |
badcatalex | via command line | 06:28 |
badcatalex | on a linux mint live cd | 06:28 |
badcatalex | or dvd | 06:28 |
badcatalex | We'll have to find out | 06:29 |
somsip | badcatalex: you;ll end up with a messed up install. As stated, reinstall from scratch | 06:29 |
badcatalex | I'll back up | 06:29 |
badcatalex | But, my a6100 wifi adapter won't work without the drivers | 06:30 |
badcatalex | NETGEAR A6100 | 06:30 |
badcatalex | Any good linux mint/ ubuntu backup software? | 06:33 |
lotuspsychje | !mint | badcatalex | 06:33 |
ubottu | badcatalex: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on | 06:33 |
somsip | !backup | badcatalex | 06:33 |
ubottu | badcatalex: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: , , , - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 06:33 |
lotuspsychje | badcatalex: choose an ubuntu version from topic mate | 06:33 |
badcatalex | i've been banned ftom #linuxmint-help | 06:34 |
badcatalex | *from | 06:34 |
claudio_ | is there anyone | 06:35 |
baizon | 30 sec, new record i guess | 06:35 |
beta_ | hole | 06:36 |
beta_ | hei | 06:36 |
beta_ | asl | 06:36 |
beta_ | he | 06:36 |
badcatalex | how do I back up my copy of (Linux mint) Ubuntu to a IMG file | 06:36 |
Ben64 | sorry, mint isn't supported here | 06:36 |
badcatalex | then how do i backup my copy of ubuntu to a img? | 06:37 |
Ben64 | mint isn't ubuntu | 06:37 |
badcatalex | i have a dual boot | 06:37 |
ubuntu-mate | i looked on the ubuntu system 76 nun of them have blu ray and that linux can never play blu ray it don't even se the blu ray only dvds i have tried for years to get it to work and still can't get it to work so far only windows or mac can play blu rays and i am a computer geek i can turn linux up side down and still won't work they need too make linux work blu ray to work out of the box but right now there behind they | 06:38 |
ubuntu-mate | need to grow up | 06:38 |
badcatalex | grt vlc | 06:38 |
badcatalex | *get | 06:38 |
badcatalex | should i use Déjà Dup Backup Tool? | 06:41 |
hateball | !clone | badcatalex | 06:41 |
ubottu | badcatalex: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can use the !software package "apt-clone" - See also !automate | 06:41 |
hateball | ugh, wrong | 06:41 |
hateball | !backup | 06:42 |
ubottu | There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: , , , - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 06:42 |
hateball | well whatever, check out Clonezilla for a full partition/disk clone | 06:42 |
badcatalex | well, Déjà Dup Backup Tool used the command | 06:42 |
* hateball prods ubottu | 06:42 | |
badcatalex | why not gparted | 06:42 |
badcatalex | installed clonezilla. Now what? | 06:45 |
=== mustang_ is now known as DustEater | ||
VFDPrim | any one ever have the issue when upgrading from 14.4 fo 15.10 ubuntu that it upgradeds for awhile then just shuts monitor off to sleep even thought its lold not to and unable to wake it back up? | 07:06 |
shurane1 | VFDPrim: is this a laptop you're talking about? | 07:08 |
thepeter | EriC^^: Hi, so I tryed your advice with ~/.profile but nothing seems to happen (but script probably went through) | 07:08 |
VFDPrim | nope desktop | 07:08 |
VFDPrim | screen is good | 07:08 |
VFDPrim | im making a bootable 10.10 right now see if that works | 07:08 |
VFDPrim | but this has happends to me sevaral times tonight and its not like anything is over heating or anything | 07:09 |
VFDPrim | grrr keeps taking me to xenial xerus (development branch) tty1 login | 07:17 |
VFDPrim | and just tryed the 10.10 boot drive and says there is a boot errer | 07:17 |
alk40 | vfdprim can you log in at all? | 07:18 |
Ben64 | VFDPrim: what are you trying to do | 07:18 |
VFDPrim | yea took me to some stuff i sure dont understand | 07:18 |
alk40 | vfdprim how did it all start? was it a fresh boot or have you been using your computer and then the error | 07:19 |
thepeter | EriC^^: so update ... no it won't run that script ... | 07:20 |
VFDPrim | it tells me when my last log in was and then does my user name @ computer name :~$ | 07:20 |
VFDPrim | it was a fresh 14.4 boot | 07:20 |
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gugurang | Hi, I have two network cards (eth0, eth1) but i can't ping using eth1. if i transferred eth1's cable to a laptop, it works flawlessly. Anyone? | 07:21 |
alk40 | what do you think ben64 ? sounds like a xorg issue with the video driver vfdprim | 07:22 |
VFDPrim | then up dated and all then did the upgrade release then it would run ask me if i wanted to id press y then run for a good long time then all of a sudden the screen would shut down even after i told it not to do anything and would not wake back up again | 07:22 |
gugurang | no problem with eth0 | 07:22 |
alk40 | gugurang eth0 is always default, eth1 may or may not need extra configuring | 07:23 |
alk40 | vfdprim sounds like your video driver isnt playing nice with xorg, what kind of video card do you have? | 07:24 |
VFDPrim | no idea new computer but it works fine up to that point | 07:25 |
Ben64 | why are you trying to upgrade from 14.04 anyway? | 07:26 |
VFDPrim | one sec and ill get the card info | 07:26 |
VFDPrim | because i always like to have that years latest update i dont like to wait and deal with any small bugs to not get fixed | 07:27 |
Ben64 | bugs get fixed in every version | 07:27 |
alk40 | thanks ben64 btw nice to see you on here still, you helped me with a network issue like 2 years ago when i was using 14.04 when it was a new release | 07:27 |
Ben64 | you're better off sticking with LTS if you don't want to deal with stuff changing / possibly breaking | 07:27 |
Ben64 | alk40: yeah, i'm here a lot :) | 07:27 |
VFDPrim | AMD Radeon HD 6770 1 GB | 07:28 |
Quantos | Dumb question I know, how do I determine which kernel I'm running? | 07:28 |
Ben64 | Quantos: uname -a | 07:28 |
Quantos | Okay, that seems pretty simple for me to have forgotten it - is there a really complex and vague way to find out? | 07:29 |
VFDPrim | well what i dont get is why its doin it on this new comp and not on my old one it was working fine (the monitor) when it was on my main set up (witch this computer is going to be on) | 07:29 |
Ben64 | Quantos: not really | 07:30 |
Quantos | Oh | 07:31 |
lazy8 | Can my computer run ubuntu | 07:31 |
Ben64 | yes | 07:31 |
alk40 | vfdprim ubuntu for the most part tries to work out the box like any OS but there is always bugs and such, even if you dont like it you can still log in and we can get things working for you | 07:31 |
maxtimbo | hey, so I would like to make a desktop launcher that when double clicked launches two programs simultaneously. Before it launches, however, I would like it to ask if I want to launch one app, the other app, or both. How can I make that happen? | 07:31 |
gugurang | alk40: i used eth1 to connect to a different network... | 07:32 |
gugurang | alk40: it won't work if connected to a different switch | 07:32 |
VFDPrim | thats the problem when i say it will let me log in its not into the actual program so right now im going to redownload 14.4 | 07:32 |
VFDPrim | and start this all over again.... | 07:32 |
Ben64 | VFDPrim: why not install 15.10 if thats what you want | 07:33 |
thepeter | so what can be the problem with the script if it runs when executed manually but won't go if executed by autostart / .profile or as service? | 07:33 |
Ben64 | thepeter: not enough information to determine answer | 07:33 |
VFDPrim | because for some reason when i make a boot drive and try to do that it says there is an errer for some reason | 07:33 |
Ben64 | VFDPrim: so lets fix that | 07:34 |
sam__ | anyone here ever have trouble with popcorn time? | 07:34 |
VFDPrim | sounds good | 07:34 |
VFDPrim | what you want me to do | 07:34 |
Ben64 | install 15.10 | 07:34 |
Ben64 | if you have an error, explain it here | 07:34 |
thepeter | Ben64: | 07:35 |
VFDPrim | ill put that drive in now then one min please | 07:35 |
Ben64 | thepeter: if you run xrandr not on your display, it won't know what to do | 07:36 |
alk40 | gugurang if the eht1 is down which can be an issue us "sudo ifconfig eth1 up" without quotes as a command and see if that helps | 07:36 |
thepeter | Ben64: this script just changes resolution since system won't recognize my monitor so I set it manually but when I try to run it automatically at login it doesn't work | 07:36 |
Ben64 | thepeter: thats something you should be able to add into xorg.conf though | 07:37 |
VFDPrim | well now with the 15.10 drive in it wont even take me to the bot menue | 07:38 |
VFDPrim | (head explodes) | 07:38 |
VFDPrim | just get that ubuntu xelial thing | 07:39 |
gugurang | alk40: both cards are up. actually i used eth1 on a different address and it works. when i changed the ip, it won't work anymore. when i also transferred the cable to a laptop using the same (new) ip, it works... so cable is not the problem | 07:39 |
Ben64 | VFDPrim: check the md5sum of the image you're using, and try rewriting it | 07:40 |
VFDPrim | no clue what that means | 07:40 |
Ben64 | !md5sum | VFDPrim | 07:41 |
ubottu | VFDPrim: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see or | 07:41 |
=== Dnm is now known as Guest10177 | ||
VFDPrim | so yea just restarted that comp and dried to see if i could even get to the boot menue and it wont let me even withought that drive in a slot | 07:42 |
Ben64 | so go into the bios and change the boot order | 07:43 |
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alk40 | gugurang ok that is good, trial and error to narrow the problem is always the hardest, are you changing the ip with a command or are you using gui | 07:43 |
=== Ceber is now known as [UPA]Stefan | ||
VFDPrim | i didnt use an iso file i made a boot disk with the boot disk creator | 07:43 |
Ben64 | well download the iso | 07:43 |
thepeter | Ben64: can you please be more precise? (I googled it but no success that way, that's why I decided to go for script in first-place) | 07:43 |
gugurang | alk40: i tried both, i even disabled eth0 temporarily just to nnarrow down the prob | 07:43 |
sam__ | well i had trouble isntalling popcorn time so i fixed that by installing libudev0 175-0ubuntu9 | 07:44 |
VFDPrim | funny when ever i hit the power on the comp it goes to the ubuntu load screen right before shut down never seen that before | 07:44 |
Ben64 | thepeter: | 07:44 |
sebastian_ | i cant get linux to print on my epson stylus tx130 | 07:44 |
sam__ | so after i installed it it let me open up popcorn-time.exe, but now I just get a black screen inside the program | 07:44 |
sebastian_ | might be a problem with the driver or something | 07:44 |
carrera | Hi | 07:45 |
carrera | Should I install grub on the EFI partition? | 07:46 |
sam__ | why noy? | 07:46 |
sebastian_ | will this work: ? | 07:46 |
alk40 | gugurang up vote 1 down vote accepted Based on follow-ups elsewhere, I found that Ubuntu will completely ignore changes in /etc/network/interfaces for a device which was previously defined and then changed. | 07:46 |
carrera | I'm trying to install 15.10 on a RAID volume made with Intel Storage Technology controller. | 07:47 |
carrera | I'm not sure where to install grub | 07:47 |
carrera | installing to /dev/sda failed | 07:48 |
carrera | should I install to the RAID volume or the EFI partition | 07:48 |
alk40 | gugurang sorry my keyboard has preset settings for forums, anywho the problem seems and i hope, that when you make a change it is not being registered so we need to run some commands to fix that | 07:48 |
alk40 | gugurang use the following command "sudo ifdown eth1 && sudo ifup -v eth1" without quotes and see if the changes were made, the "-v" will show the output | 07:51 |
VFDPrim | any one ahve a link for a good 15.10 ubuntu iso file | 07:52 |
VFDPrim | have | 07:52 |
VFDPrim | i wonder | 07:52 |
VFDPrim | i have been using a wirless keyboard could that have caused issues | 07:53 |
somsip | VFDPrim: | 07:53 |
alk40 | carrera if your going to install grub on UEFI grub2 would be the choice not sure if you are using this by default | 07:53 |
shahar188 | <VFDPrim> whats wrong with ubuntu main website? | 07:53 |
VFDPrim | thanks | 07:53 |
VFDPrim | it just wanted to keep sending me to the how to with disk boot maker | 07:54 |
Quantos | Okay, well, I'm at my wits end trying to access this USB thumb drive through VirtualBox. | 07:55 |
Quantos | Is there anything to do to 14.04 so that it will make the USB accesable to the guest OS? | 07:56 |
Fudge | attach it to the guest, and detach it from the host? | 07:56 |
alk40 | quantos how are you trying to access it? through the virtual box itself? | 07:56 |
Quantos | I'm trying to alk40 | 07:56 |
thepeter | Ben64: so i tried the ~/.xprofile file as wiki says but it seems there is more to it ... it gives me error and stays on basic resolution | 07:56 |
Quantos | The host OS sees it, but I can't get the guest to see it, and I'm running the latest VirtualBox | 07:57 |
Quantos | Version 5.0.1 or something like that | 07:57 |
Quantos | 5.0.10r104061 | 07:58 |
alk40 | quantos right click on VM and then USB, enable USB controller | 07:58 |
Quantos | I've tried mounted and unmounted in the host OS, I've installed extension packs and expansion packs until I'm blue ;) | 07:58 |
Quantos | It's enabled, and it gives me the option of USB 1,2 and 3 | 07:59 |
alk40 | quantos is there a plus sign next to 1? | 08:00 |
Quantos | I'm not sure what you mean, would you like a screen shot of what I'm seeing? | 08:00 |
alk40 | quantos yes please | 08:01 |
Quantos | Coming up | 08:01 |
Quantos | Here it is alk40 | 08:03 |
alk40 | quantos on the right side there is a cabel usb icon with a plus sign | 08:04 |
Quantos | Yeah, no matter which type of USB that I select that won't populate with a device at all | 08:05 |
shoma | hello | 08:05 |
Quantos | I've tried thumb drives, phones, docking stations... | 08:05 |
alk40 | quantos oh i see, ok lets try to give you permission see if that helps | 08:05 |
shoma | hello | 08:05 |
Quantos | Okay, I don't think I've tried that yet | 08:06 |
alk40 | quantos in order to enable access to these devices you'll need to add your username to the group vboxusers | 08:06 |
Quantos | Is that under user access? | 08:06 |
alk40 | quantos its a command your gonna type in terminal here it is, "sudo usermod -a -G vboxusers username" without quotes and where username is your username | 08:07 |
alk40 | hello shoma | 08:07 |
shoma | hello | 08:07 |
shoma | hello alk40 | 08:08 |
alk40 | shoma need some help? | 08:08 |
sam__ | is it bad to run everything as root | 08:08 |
alk40 | yes sam it is | 08:09 |
shoma | no sam it isnot | 08:09 |
alk40 | quantos after you run the command let me know and we can run another command to make sure you where added | 08:09 |
sam__ | if you know what you're doing | 08:09 |
Quantos | Alk40, it came up with what I think is verbosity for options for that command | 08:10 |
sam__ | okay i know why now | 08:10 |
Quantos | NVM, I'm a complete idiot | 08:10 |
kazakoff | hi | 08:10 |
shoma | hi | 08:11 |
kazakoff | Из России есть кто? | 08:11 |
=== ubik_ is now known as Guest38861 | ||
shoma | ? | 08:11 |
Quantos | Okay, what's the second command alk40? | 08:12 |
alk40 | quantos after you run the command type "groups username" without quotes and where username is your username of course and make sure vboxusers group | 08:12 |
VFDPrim | 15.10 boot disk just gave me syslinux 6.03 edd 20150813 copyright (c) 1994-2014 h Peter anvin e al boot error | 08:12 |
shoma | I do not know | 08:12 |
alk40 | quantos is listed** | 08:12 |
Quantos | I got it listed in there now alk40 | 08:13 |
Quantos | Going to unplug all of these devices and try again | 08:13 |
shoma | alk40? | 08:13 |
alk40 | quantos ok now you got to log out and log in so it can be picked up | 08:13 |
alk40 | shoma sorry whats up? | 08:14 |
VFDPrim | think its better if i call it a night thanks for the sugestions and im sure ill be on again tomorow | 08:14 |
shoma | Help | 08:14 |
alk40 | shoma what do you need help with? | 08:15 |
shoma | I do not know English | 08:15 |
alk40 | shoma sorry i only know English and Spanish | 08:16 |
shoma | oh | 08:16 |
sebastian_ | | 08:17 |
sebastian_ | there, that's the output from the package installer | 08:17 |
shoma | Really? | 08:17 |
sebastian_ | no!! | 08:17 |
sebastian_ | this! | 08:18 |
sebastian_ | | 08:18 |
zfsfiend | what's the best way to go from the zfsforlinux ppa to the 'official' zfs on 16.04? | 08:18 |
sebastian_ | so what's the problem? | 08:18 |
shoma | You are how old are you? | 08:18 |
somsip | zfsfiend: ppas are not supported, and discussion for 16.04 is in #ubuntu+1 | 08:18 |
shoma | hi | 08:19 |
alk40 | sebastian so what have you tried | 08:20 |
shoma | I do not know | 08:20 |
alk40 | shoma are you having an issue with ubuntu? | 08:21 |
shoma | umm | 08:22 |
sebastian_ | ubuntu doesnt recognize my printer | 08:22 |
alk40 | sebastian_ what epson model is it? | 08:23 |
shoma | My computeris lubuntu | 08:23 |
sebastian_ | epson stylus tx130 | 08:23 |
alk40 | shoma you cant just jump in here and chat off topic | 08:24 |
alk40 | sebastian_ type in stylus tx130 first one on search should be it | 08:26 |
tony | Hi guys | 08:27 |
sebastian_ | alk40, no no, it's installed | 08:27 |
* thepeter is there a simple way to set custom resolution in .xsession ? I've got closest to the goal by xrandr -s 1280x1024 when it really sets the resolution but then something reverts it back ... | 08:27 | |
sebastian_ | but it doesnt do anything | 08:27 |
alk40 | sebastian_ oh ok thats a whole different story | 08:27 |
sebastian_ | alk40, check out the output from installer; | 08:27 |
tx001 | I just installed 14.04 LTS (a clean install) and it's freezing up on boot up before it even gets to the Ubuntu logo. I used the Live CD to do a boot repair and got an error and a log url. If I post the url can somebody take a look and let me know what the issue might be? | 08:28 |
alk40 | sebastian_ your missing stuff E: epson-inkjet-printer-201101w: missing-dependency-on-libc needed by opt/epson-inkjet-printer-201101w/cups/lib/filter/epson_inkjet_printer_filter and 2 others | 08:29 |
thepeter | is there a simple way to set custom resolution in .xprofile? I've got closest to the goal by xrandr -s 1280x1024 when it really sets the resolution but then something reverts it back ... | 08:29 |
cfhowlett | tx001, less "if" more do will lead to answers. | 08:29 |
sebastian_ | alk40, how do i get it? | 08:29 |
tx001 | here is the log, | 08:30 |
sebastian_ | alk40, | 08:32 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1066529 in cups (Ubuntu) "All jobs stopped, epson_inkjet_printer_filter failed" [Medium,Confirmed] | 08:32 |
=== cpaelzer_afk is now known as cpaelzer | ||
alk40 | sebastian_ yeah thats brutal is your printer wifi accessible ? | 08:34 |
sebastian_ | no | 08:34 |
Alkaline40 | sebastian_ sorry got disconnected | 08:39 |
sebastian_ | no problem | 08:39 |
Alkaline40 | sebastian_ when you installed the driver did you download it from the epson website | 08:40 |
sam__ | fucking stupid popcorn time | 08:40 |
sebastian_ | Alkaline40, yep | 08:40 |
jatin | Hello Everyone | 08:41 |
jatin | Please review my task | 08:41 |
jatin | | 08:41 |
Alkaline40 | sebastian_ it looks like a bug but i think Ubuntu is identifying it as something else, where did you buy it? | 08:42 |
sebastian_ | the printer? my mom bought it | 08:42 |
sam__ | man | 08:42 |
sam__ | fuck | 08:42 |
Alkaline40 | Sebastian it's not a US printer is it? | 08:43 |
sebastian_ | Alkaline40, what do you mean? manufactured in the US? i dont think so, i am in Costa Rica | 08:44 |
=== farid is now known as Guest58510 | ||
Alkaline40 | sebastian_ i looked it up and its sold only in Latin America that could be a problem and Ubuntu thinks its a different printer | 08:46 |
sebastian_ | thats shit | 08:46 |
phiona | How do we take a snapshot in virtualbox 4.3.34? there is no "take snapshot" in the "machine" menu anymore. | 08:47 |
cfhowlett | phiona, false. "machine > take snapshot" | 08:48 |
=== Dnm is now known as Guest21580 | ||
Alkaline40 | Sebastian try running "sudo apt-get install lsb" without quotes and see if that helps with something | 08:49 |
phiona | cfhowlett: what do u mean? | 08:50 |
cfhowlett | phiona, want a snapshot in virtualbox? that's how ... | 08:50 |
phiona | cfhowlett: there is no "take snapshot" in the "machine" menu anymore. | 08:51 |
cfhowlett | phiona, there is in vbox 5, so sorry. I don't know why you are not seeing it. | 08:52 |
llutz | phiona: in a terminal "VBoxManage snapshot take ....." | 08:53 |
sebastian_ | Alkaline40, v | 08:53 |
sebastian_ | lsb is already the newest version. | 08:53 |
Alkaline40 | Sebastian_ im going to send you a link there's a post that should help you with your problem since i have to go now | 08:54 |
sebastian_ | Alkaline40, thanks | 08:55 |
phiona | llutz: what does the ellipsis mean? | 08:55 |
Alkaline40 | sebastian_ | 08:55 |
sebastian_ | Alkaline40, before you go, can you recommend a song? | 08:55 |
Alkaline40 | sebastian_ a song? What's the occasion? | 08:56 |
sebastian_ | fixing the printer...girlfriend of 7 years left me too | 08:56 |
sebastian_ | Alkaline40, | 08:56 |
baizon | !offtopic | 08:57 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 08:57 |
Alkaline40 | sebastian_ the 4th post on the link i sent you should help out, epsons have problems with Ubuntu despite being Linux ready | 08:59 |
phiona | cfhowlett: there only new. add. settings. clone. remove. group. | 08:59 |
sebastian_ | Alkaline40, but i am on 64bit | 09:00 |
phiona | in the "machine menu" | 09:00 |
tx001 | can somebody look at my boot repair log,, my ubuntu 14.04 install keeps freezing on boot up and hangs up before you ever see the ubuntu logo | 09:02 |
mpathy | Hi there.. I have problems with a dual monitor setup. But only on the laptop.. So I dont think its the monitor.. I have two monitors connected to two KVM switches (1x DP, 1xDVI) which are connected to two computers with Ubuntu (1x Tower 14.04 LTS with Radeon 5850, 1x Laptop 15.10 with Intel HD 4000 over Docking Station) - the DVI screen shuts down for a second from time to time while working.. Dont know why and whats the problem | 09:17 |
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest41866 | ||
lotuspsychje | !info arandr | mpathy can this help? | 09:19 |
ubottu | mpathy can this help?: arandr (source: arandr): Simple visual front end for XRandR. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.8-1 (wily), package size 49 kB, installed size 301 kB | 09:19 |
mpathy | Also, when being afk and it goes to blank screen and so on, when I come back only the other screen gets back. I have to switch back and forth with the KVM buttons to get it back again.. of course also the screen configuration gets lost and I have to put the windows back to the4 screen | 09:19 |
mpathy | lotuspsychje: who should it? it is a frontend for xrandr like the monitor config tool of unity.. the problem is deeper | 09:20 |
lotuspsychje | mpathy: did you try xrandr --auto? | 09:20 |
mpathy | btw it also shows not up in xrandr and the tools when come back from standby | 09:20 |
lotuspsychje | mpathy: wich grafix drivers are you using? | 09:21 |
mpathy | lotuspsychje: xrandr --auto cannot have any effect.. and if its there, it also has no effect.. but the DVI screen goes black for a second from time to time and doesnt come back from standby | 09:21 |
mpathy | lotuspsychje: its a Intel HD 4000 so there are no proprietary drivers only one option | 09:22 |
lotuspsychje | mpathy: did your layout work before, if yes when did it go wrong? | 09:22 |
mpathy | I added the docking station and the kvm switches.. and changed from DVI and VGA to DisplayPort and DVI, because of the docking station and the switches I got | 09:24 |
mpathy | The tower works without problems or flicker on the KVM switches so I would rule them out, also the monitors | 09:24 |
lotuspsychje | mpathy: and the screens work when you go back to windows? | 09:25 |
mpathy | Back to Windows? I use Ubuntu on both computers | 09:25 |
lotuspsychje | mpathy: oh right, so it could be a layout problem when you changed? | 09:26 |
mpathy | But I have an windows installation, but it doesnt matter because I want to use Ubuntu :) | 09:26 |
mpathy | I deleted monitors.xml and let it create new | 09:26 |
lotuspsychje | mpathy: you could testout a liveusb and see if they work on there? or create a new user on your system | 09:26 |
mpathy | but the flickering doesnt seem to be a layout problem, if only the "dont get back with DVI monitor from standby" would happen, I would thought of that too | 09:27 |
lotuspsychje | mpathy: could also try a 15.10 liveusb to test | 09:28 |
mpathy | but yes I can do.. I have a LTS maybe its because the other releases get more and more crappy over the years | 09:28 |
lotuspsychje | mpathy: lets not talk in general here :p | 09:29 |
mpathy | But I will stay on 16.04 LTS also on the laptop, thats for sure :/ | 09:29 |
mpathy | I get back after booting | 09:30 |
lotuspsychje | mpathy: would be usefull to findout, whats causing this | 09:30 |
data | Hi, I am trying to install ubuntu server with the full installation, but can't get past "Configure the network". I have two dual networking cards, but no matter which one I choose, it just puts me back to the main menu and I can't select any other | 09:32 |
lotuspsychje | data: maybe the #ubuntu-server guys might help you with this better? | 09:33 |
data | lotuspsychje: thanks | 09:33 |
huwjr | hi all, I have a script that needs to rm -rf in a directory - what failsafe can I use to check that a “cd /foo/bar/“ actually worked ? | 09:33 |
data | huwjr: pwd gives you the current path | 09:33 |
huwjr | so you’d just check pwd matches? | 09:34 |
huwjr | i thought that but it seems a bit too simple :D | 09:34 |
data | huwjr: but why do you even want to change the directory? | 09:34 |
huwjr | because I have to run a command from that directory after | 09:34 |
huwjr | it’s simpler to just cd there first | 09:34 |
data | I see | 09:34 |
huwjr | so you’d just match the pwd output to the path yeah? | 09:35 |
=== nudtrobert1 is now known as nudtrobert | ||
data | given all the good that can come from wrong spaces like rm -rf / foo, I'd be tempted to cd and still just the absolute path | 09:35 |
data | but yes, that is what I'd do | 09:35 |
huwjr | roger that | 09:35 |
huwjr | I’ll see if i can work it in. | 09:35 |
huwjr | appreciate teh help. noob question | 09:35 |
tyumper | I heard ubuntu is banned in iran | 09:41 |
lotuspsychje | !discuss | tyumper | 09:43 |
ubottu | tyumper: Want to talk about Ubuntu but don't have a support question. Join #ubuntu-discuss, for other non-support discussion not Ubuntu related you can also join #ubuntu-offtopic. Thank you. | 09:43 |
tyumper | That's support. | 09:45 |
sami0098 | hi | 09:55 |
sami0098 | i have new user of linux ubunto | 09:55 |
cfhowlett | !ask | sami0098 | 09:56 |
ubottu | sami0098: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 09:56 |
sami0098 | HOw can i check that which my driver are install or not? | 09:56 |
EriC^^ | sami0098: dash > additional drivers | 09:57 |
tdm4 | hi all.. anyone here runing 3.16.0-55-generic? It has a strange value for kernel.shmmax: 18446744073692774399 | 09:57 |
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sami0098 | <EriC^^> is not anuthing there | 09:57 |
sami0098 | just see graphical driver and ther isnt anything else | 09:57 |
EriC^^ | sami0098: yeah that's all usually | 09:58 |
EriC^^ | which driver do you want? | 09:58 |
sami0098 | <EriC^^>another monitor is 4K resolotion....and my font is very can i capitall them? | 09:59 |
EriC^^ | sami0098: try settings > accesibility maybe | 10:00 |
sami0098 | <EriC^ hummm whait to check it | 10:01 |
tdm4 | can anyone here tell me what kernel.shmmax is set to on 3.18 or higher kernel? | 10:02 |
sami0098 | eric its not usefull | 10:03 |
sami0098 | iwant large my font on title or menu or etc | 10:04 |
=== Dnm is now known as Guest93440 | ||
robaman | anyone know how to debug why a newer package from a custom apt repo doesn't "override" an older package from the ubuntu distribution? | 10:07 |
sami0098 | <EriC^^> i do that :D | 10:07 |
llutz | robaman: apt-cache policy packagename says what? | 10:08 |
sami0098 | How Can i change my panel place?... plz answer | 10:08 |
sami0098 | How Can i change my panel place?... plz answer | 10:08 |
EriC^^ | sami0098: i don't know, ask the channel about the fonts again | 10:08 |
lotuspsychje | !patience | sami0098 | 10:08 |
ubottu | sami0098: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching or or | 10:08 |
robaman | llutz: it says ubuntu's repos | 10:08 |
EriC^^ | sami0098: which panel? left one? in unity you can't change the top panel or left launcher | 10:08 |
robaman | llutz: the package in question is ceph-deploy, trying to use ceph's repos | 10:08 |
sami0098 | <EriC^^> u can do that in display for larger font :0 | 10:09 |
llutz | robaman: version table only shows the ubuntu one? | 10:09 |
robaman | llutz: should that list all alternatives? even if apt deems them "older"? | 10:09 |
sami0098 | EriC^^> top of the screen i wanna change to right | 10:09 |
robaman | llutz: yup | 10:09 |
EriC^^ | sami0098: i guess still it'll be small in some places though | 10:09 |
Math1eu | \ join #tls-sec | 10:09 |
llutz | robaman: different packagename? missing "apt-get update" after adding the repo? | 10:10 |
robaman | llutz: apt-get update done,, thats the package | 10:10 |
idriss | cc | 10:11 |
llutz | robaman: you added that a a repo to your sources.list? | 10:11 |
robaman | llutz: deb trusty main | 10:12 |
sami0098 | .<EriC^^>can i mov panell or not? | 10:12 |
EriC^^ | sami0098: move what where? | 10:12 |
sami0098 | <EriC^^> want move top panell to right | 10:13 |
EriC^^ | oh ok | 10:13 |
EriC^^ | you cant | 10:13 |
EriC^^ | lol | 10:13 |
daftykins | *facepalm* | 10:13 |
robaman | llutz: tried having it in file in sources.list.d and in main sources.list file, no diff. | 10:13 |
daftykins | tdm4: did you get an answer yet? are you using 14.10 or just the 3.16 utopic HWE on 14.04? | 10:14 |
llutz | robaman: any error related to that repo while running "apt-get update" | 10:14 |
llutz | ? | 10:14 |
sam9696 | <EriC^^> what about the left panell ...can i remove it? | 10:14 |
EriC^^ | sam9696: nope | 10:14 |
sam9696 | :\ | 10:14 |
EriC^^ | you can hide it | 10:14 |
sam9696 | <EriC^^>i dont like it :(( | 10:14 |
Andina_ | i can not install/remove any software. i tryed to use apt-get clea,autoclean,autoremove and comes an error. When i try to use -f install in comes an error like this | 10:15 |
lotuspsychje | !info docky | sam9696 | 10:15 |
ubottu | sam9696: docky (source: docky): Elegant, powerful, clean dock. In component universe, is optional. Version (wily), package size 609 kB, installed size 3329 kB | 10:15 |
robaman | llutz: Hit trusty InRelease <- from apt-get update | 10:15 |
tdm4 | daftykins: not yet.. I'm using 3.16 utopic kernel in 14.04.. seems 3.16.0-55 now has a massive value for kernel.shmmax? | 10:15 |
robaman | llutz: you know that InRelease stands for? :) | 10:15 |
EriC^^ | do you like the title bars style? | 10:15 |
daftykins | tdm4: how are you checking it? i can boot a 14.04 VM with 3.19 and compare | 10:15 |
cfhowlett | Andina_, df -h | nc 9999 | 10:15 |
sam9696 | <EriC^^> just want remove right panell.... | 10:16 |
tdm4 | daftykins: could it be due to this commit? ? | 10:16 |
Andina_ | copy paste? | 10:16 |
EriC^^ | sam9696: try settings > appearance > behavior > auto hide | 10:17 |
tdm4 | daftykins: sysctl kernel.shmmax; sysctl kernel.shmall; ipcs -lm | 10:17 |
llutz | robaman: "apt-cache policy" without packagename should list all repos apt will use/check | 10:17 |
robaman | llutz: it's there: 500 trusty/main i386 Packages | 10:18 |
daftykins | tdm4: yep i got 18446744073692774399 :D | 10:18 |
robaman | release o=RedHat,a=stable,n=trusty,c=main | 10:18 |
robaman | origin | 10:18 |
Andina_ | df -h | 10:18 |
llutz | robaman: and you're on i386? | 10:18 |
sam9696 | <EriC^^>so if i want use from my desktop how can i do? for exaple copy my application on dessktop | 10:18 |
lnxmen | Hi. Last time I has downgraded nvidia-358 to nvidia-355 and done little clean up. | 10:19 |
tdm4 | daftykins: interesting.. I guess that's the new default then. thanks for checking :) | 10:19 |
daftykins | tdm4: np :> | 10:19 |
arcsky | is not allowed to execute '/bin/bash' as root on srv | 10:19 |
arcsky | anyone know whats wrong? | 10:19 |
robaman | llutz: oh, pasted the wrong line, we have a similar line with amd64 | 10:19 |
lnxmen | Now, Plasma crashes. | 10:19 |
lnxmen | [ 13.164078] kactivitymanage[2664]: segfault at 7fe34a7c5cd0 ip 00007fe3306fb1b1 sp 00007ffd29bd2048 error 4 in[7fe3306e7000+3f000] | 10:19 |
lnxmen | Well, I am not sure what's wrong because it started occuring after reboot. | 10:20 |
llutz | robaman: sry no idea then | 10:20 |
lnxmen | What would I do to repair KDE? | 10:21 |
robaman | llutz: Packages file seems to be missing ceph-deploy package, that can't be good, don't you think? | 10:21 |
robaman | | 10:21 |
llutz | robaman: indeed, ask those guys to correct that | 10:23 |
lotuspsychje | lnxmen: reading few bugs on that error: | 10:23 |
ubottu | KDE bug 336079 in Desktop Containment "plasmashell desktop crash with kactivitymanager segfault message libQtCore" [Normal,Resolved: invalid] | 10:23 |
robaman | llutz: all right, thanks | 10:23 |
lnxmen | ubottu: I read that. There is no solution at all. | 10:24 |
lotuspsychje | lnxmen: nr #7 mentions a fix? | 10:25 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1450660 in kactivities-kf5 (Ubuntu) "Random crash with return to login page (kactivitymanagerd crashed with SIGSEGV in QSqlDatabase::close())" [Critical,Incomplete] | 10:26 |
lnxmen | lotuspsychje: It mentions a fix, but this fix doesn't work for me. | 10:29 |
lotuspsychje | lnxmen: ok, not sure either then mate | 10:29 |
lnxmen | lotuspsychje: okay... | 10:30 |
lotuspsychje | lnxmen: how about testing to create a new user and see if plasma works there? | 10:33 |
lnxmen | Good idea. | 10:34 |
lnxmen | No, it does not work. | 10:41 |
sam00 | how can i install kde ? | 10:42 |
marco_ | is there someone who can helpme? | 10:42 |
cfhowlett | !ask | marco_ | 10:42 |
ubottu | marco_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 10:42 |
vocx | !kde | 10:44 |
ubottu | KDE ( is an open community that creates and maintains software including the Plasma desktop. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see . See for more information. | 10:44 |
marco_ | i need to develop a simple app from skratch that use a form to input data inside mysqldb and get some pdf of report. Is a small app to manage taka away menu in my restaurant | 10:44 |
sam00 | how can i install kde for desktop? | 10:44 |
marco_ | i never program an UI in linux | 10:45 |
cfhowlett | marco_, this is UBUNTU support, not programming support. suggest you choose a programming language and use those resources | 10:45 |
vocx | marco_, that is more like a programming questions and not actually related to Ubuntu. You should probably ask that in a specific channel for SQL | 10:45 |
isaque | HexChat: 2.10.2 ** OS: Linux 4.2.0-19-generic x86_64 ** Distro: Ubuntu "wily" 15.10 ** CPU: 4 x Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5200U CPU @ 2.20GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 1,32GHz ** RAM: Physical: 7,7GiB, 91,3% free ** Disk: Total: 909,0GiB, 91,0% free ** VGA: Intel Corporation Broadwell-U Integrated Graphics ** Sound: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel HDMI1: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel PCH ** Ethernet: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. CIe Gigabit Ethernet ** | 10:46 |
isaque | Uptime: 43m 1s ** | 10:46 |
isaque | ops, sorry for that guys | 10:46 |
marco_ | ok thank you | 10:46 |
st-himik | pidarasy | 10:46 |
vocx | isaque, seems you have the Lenovo T450s. Those are my specs. | 10:47 |
st-himik | ti gandoun | 10:47 |
isaque | vocx: nope, Dell Inspire | 10:47 |
hateball | sam00: depending on how much of the software you want, there are different ways. "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" will give you the complete experience | 10:47 |
st-himik | че за нахуй | 10:47 |
sam00 | any on can install kde here? | 10:47 |
cfhowlett | !ru | st-himik | 10:47 |
ubottu | st-himik: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. | 10:47 |
vocx | isaque, works okay? I'm quite happy with my system. | 10:47 |
st-himik | идите нахуй пидарасы ебаные | 10:48 |
sam00 | <hateball> tnx | 10:48 |
hateball | sam00: It will still let you choose between Plasma and Unity at logon | 10:48 |
st-himik | сам ты сука Плазма | 10:48 |
isaque | vocx: yeah, it plays nice with whatever distro I've tried | 10:48 |
st-himik | Kiss my ass | 10:48 |
st-himik | Fuckk off nigga | 10:48 |
cfhowlett | !ops | st-himik | 10:48 |
ubottu | st-himik: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang | 10:48 |
=== cpaelzer is now known as cpaelzer_afk | ||
=== cpaelzer_afk is now known as cpaelzer | ||
Skyrider | Is there a way for me to set up a send-only mail on my domain that only submits emails if requests from that domain is being made. | 11:21 |
Skyrider | example.. if is sending an email (request password, for example), it should send an email from, but if user requests a password, it shouldn't use's email | 11:22 |
baizon | Skyrider: its possible, but you would have to ask this on the channel in which your email server is | 11:24 |
Skyrider | Don't have any atm, as far as I know. | 11:24 |
ikonia | postfix is default on ubuntu | 11:24 |
Skyrider | then postfix ^_^ | 11:25 |
Skyrider | But I shall try, thanks. | 11:25 |
RECA | SALVE | 11:29 |
RECA | A TUTTI | 11:30 |
baizon | !it | RECA | 11:30 |
ubottu | RECA: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) | 11:30 |
=== Dnm is now known as Guest98364 | ||
RECA | !LIST | 11:31 |
ubottu | RECA: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 11:31 |
RECA | !BOT | 11:31 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at | Usage info: | Bot channels and general info: | Make a clone of me: /msg ubottu botclone | 11:31 |
=== asad is now known as Guest28458 | ||
Guest28458 | I had screen tearing in chrome when watching full screen videos on youtube. I downloaded compiz settings manager and unchecked the option unredirect full screen windows and tearing has disappeared now. I want to know what that option is for and how it fixed my problem? | 11:37 |
Jordy_ | Hi everyone - can anyone help me to solve this error? monodevelop-database : Depends: libmono-npgsql4.0-cil (>= 1.0) but it is not going to be installed Depends: libmono-system-data2.0-cil (>= 3.12.0) but it is not going to be installed Depends: monodevelop (< but is to be installed | 11:38 |
baizon | Guest28458: it enables vsync | 11:38 |
Guest28458 | baizon, so I've disabled it by unchecking it? | 11:38 |
Jordy_ | I don't know how to fix it. I try to install monodevelop-database | 11:38 |
baizon | Guest28458: no, you enabled it globally | 11:38 |
Guest28458 | baizon, so is unchecking it safe as long as everything works now? | 11:39 |
baizon | Guest28458: yes | 11:40 |
baizon | Jordy_: from where? | 11:40 |
Guest28458 | baizon, why is vsync disabled by default? does it not causing tearing for everyone else too? or is it only my system? | 11:40 |
baizon | Guest28458: | 11:40 |
Guest28458 | baizon, the answer says having this option improves performance. but it was checked by default and I was experiencing a lot of tearing | 11:43 |
baizon | Guest28458: when its enabled the performance is better because its directed to the screen | 11:44 |
baizon | Guest28458: so now your performance can get worste, but no tearing | 11:44 |
Guest28458 | baizon, why is there tearing in the first place? the laptop I'm using is listed in ubuntu's certified laptops (main reason for buying it) | 11:46 |
baizon | Guest28458: its chrome and how it communicates with the drivers | 11:46 |
Guest28458 | baizon, in firefox i have tearing when scrolling but no tearing in video playback | 11:46 |
baizon | Guest28458: also you can read this | 11:46 |
baizon | Guest28458: i use firefox, this will solve scroll tearing: | 11:48 |
Guest28458 | baizon, is the fix in the chrome linux vsync article the same as my having unchecked the unredirect fullscreen option? | 11:51 |
baizon | Guest28458: yes but it disables it only for chrome | 11:52 |
Guest28458 | baizon, I was also having this tearing problem in VLC and unchecking it has also fixed it there. What do you suggest I do? Should I keep it unchecked ? | 11:54 |
baizon | Guest28458: yes, if you dont have pc problems then :) | 11:55 |
platzhirsch | Where can I look up the key for a custom ppa repostiory? | 11:58 |
platzhirsch | hfor instance | 11:58 |
cfhowlett | platzhirsch, see the ppa launchpad page | 11:58 |
platzhirsch | I must be blind *lookscloser* | 11:58 |
platzhirsch | ah | 11:59 |
daftykins | click the green line, "signing key" | 11:59 |
platzhirsch | found it! | 11:59 |
platzhirsch | sorry : ) thanks so much | 11:59 |
cfhowlett | happy2help! platzhirsch | 11:59 |
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wireshark | join #rubyonrails | 12:00 |
wireshark | sorry | 12:01 |
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bhuddah | when i use unattended-upgrades with automatic reboots it warns over 9 hours in advance of the reboot via wall message. how can i shorten that timeframe? | 12:07 |
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mohd-nor01 | hola | 12:25 |
wireshark | hi | 12:25 |
mohd-nor01 | where r u from | 12:26 |
baizon | !offtopic | 12:26 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 12:26 |
=== zhongfu_ is now known as zhongfu | ||
mohd-nor01 | question about command su | 12:27 |
akik | !ask | 12:29 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 12:29 |
hjjg | hi! | 12:29 |
pabed | is there any step by step manual for installing TASKWARRIOR | 12:30 |
wireshark | mohd-nor01: just ask the question, don't ask to ask | 12:30 |
hjjg | pabed: sudo apt-get install taskwarrior? | 12:31 |
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wireshark | pabed: hjjg: it's actually sudo apt-get install task | 12:32 |
pabed | but in its website said "$ ls | 12:34 |
pabed | task-2.5.0.tar.gz | 12:34 |
pabed | $ tar xzvf task-2.5.0.tar.gz | 12:34 |
pabed | $ cd task-2.5.0 | 12:34 |
pabed | $ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release . | 12:34 |
pabed | ... | 12:34 |
pabed | $ make | 12:34 |
daftykins | pabed: don't paste here, use :) | 12:34 |
hjjg | wireshark: task is a transitional package for taskwarrior. | 12:34 |
hjjg | pabed: just try sudo apt-get install task | 12:35 |
pabed | hijg: I tried but how could I use it | 12:36 |
BluesKaj | Hey folks | 12:36 |
hjjg | is there any way to determine wether my main memory is a bottleneck? | 12:36 |
pabed | when I did this sudo apt-get install task , installed but how could I use it after it | 12:37 |
hjjg | pabed: this tool is console based. | 12:37 |
pabed | Hjjg : how do I access to its consol | 12:38 |
somsip | pabed: | 12:38 |
daftykins | hjjg: bottleneck for what? kind of an odd query to be honest | 12:39 |
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akik | pabed: open a terminal emulator program, then "task" | 12:42 |
arkin | any plans for a PHP update on 14.04 or anyone know how I find out ? | 12:44 |
=== Quantos is now known as Quantos-Away | ||
rahuldev | hi, using transmission torrent, whenever I click on torrent file it doesn't open in it. | 12:49 |
rahuldev | anyone pls help me in this? | 12:49 |
fledfromnowhere | | 12:49 |
hateball | !behelpful | fledfromnowhere | 12:49 |
ubottu | fledfromnowhere: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes. | 12:49 |
hateball | rahuldev: Can you rightclick the file and choose Open with? | 12:49 |
baizon | arkin: | 12:50 |
rahuldev | hateball, I tried all this but didn't work | 12:50 |
arkin | baizon: thats a user maintained repo though ? | 12:50 |
rahuldev | hateball, I mean when I click on it, right click on it,,, it just shows loading circle. | 12:50 |
baizon | arkin: yes, you want an official? | 12:50 |
arkin | yea, ideally | 12:50 |
baizon | arkin: | 12:51 |
rahuldev | fledfromnowhere, I checked it on google, but didn't get exact solution | 12:51 |
arkin | baizon: nightmare lol | 12:51 |
rahuldev | hateball can u pls recommend me any other good torrent for ubuntu! | 12:51 |
arkin | thanks though | 12:51 |
hateball | rahuldev: Is it only torrent files that behaves like this? | 12:51 |
hateball | rahuldev: As in, can you right-click a text-document and open it and so on? | 12:52 |
baizon | arkin: no, that is LTS | 12:52 |
arkin | baizon: what by giving you no updates to apps ? | 12:52 |
arkin | only security | 12:52 |
rahuldev | hateball only torrent files, all torrent files... I mean it working fine yesterday... | 12:52 |
baizon | arkin: well yes, you can use a ppa, or compile it by yourself. That all can break stuff, thats why its not in | 12:53 |
rahuldev | hateball, today my harddisk fulled, so I can't put more stuff on it... but then I emptied it and now I got around 100 gb free space. | 12:53 |
rahuldev | It starts happening when I freed up space. | 12:53 |
hateball | rahuldev: Well, *how* did you free up space? Not by randomly deleting things I would hope | 12:54 |
=== Quantos-Away is now known as Quantos | ||
rahuldev | hateball, Shift Delete, | 12:55 |
=== alpha is now known as Guest84682 | ||
EriC^^ | rahuldev: what did you delete? | 12:58 |
EriC^^ | rahuldev: did you try restarting? | 12:58 |
rahuldev | EriC^^, Hi, all that file recovered by photorec! | 12:59 |
rahuldev | EriC^^, ASF files are recovering in good conditions. | 12:59 |
rahuldev | EriC^^, MOV files are recovering with its full size but Its video not working more than 1 or 2 minute! | 13:00 |
EriC^^ | rahuldev: great, try vlc to play them | 13:01 |
EriC^^ | and skip any corrupted parts | 13:01 |
rahuldev | EriC^^, I've tried but not worked with mov files! | 13:02 |
rahuldev | EriC^^, yesterday in windows I recovered, there ASF and MOV showing same problem. | 13:03 |
livcd | I have issue connecting to snappy box with private_network on Vagrant. Can anyone help ? | 13:04 |
rahuldev | EriC^^, ASF works great here, as you told me the way to recover file by photorec. | 13:04 |
=== vaishu is now known as vaishali | ||
ledil | hello how can I locally portforward ? I must forward :443 to :8000 | 13:05 |
BluesKaj | hey folks | 13:05 |
OerHeks | ledil, maybe this page is any help >> >> iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -o lo -p tcp --dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8000 | 13:07 |
OerHeks | *if* it is tcp | 13:08 |
ledil | yes it is | 13:08 |
rahuldev | EriC^^, pls again can you tell me the command to check head of file yesterday! | 13:08 |
nosuspendno | I have a freshly installed ubuntu 14.04 on a toshiba tecra laptop that won't suspend, how can I get suspend to work? | 13:09 |
EriC^^ | rahuldev: hexdump -C /path/to/file | head | 13:11 |
EriC^^ | rahuldev: and fidentify /path/to/file to see if photorec recognizes it | 13:11 |
rahuldev | EriC^^, thanks! | 13:11 |
Reginald1 | I installed ubuntu but as it seems that doesnt work a lot better for things i do, therefore i tried to reinstall w7 by booting from a windows dvd but even in safe mode it just stops at loading disk.sys. Does anyone know that error or can help to reinstall windows in another way? | 13:13 |
EriC^^ | Reginald1: /join ##windows | 13:14 |
nosuspendno | Reginald1: you should probably ask in #windows | 13:14 |
baizon | Reginald1: well this is a windows problem | 13:14 |
rahuldev | EriC^^, I think in NTFS and FAT file system are easier to recover data! | 13:14 |
EriC^^ | rahuldev: yeah | 13:15 |
nosuspendno | when I try to suspend with sudo pm-suspend, the screen goes to text mode for 25 seconds and then just returns to desktop. How can I fix this, suspend used to work fine | 13:15 |
EriC^^ | nosuspendno: check dmesg | 13:16 |
BluesKaj | Reginald1, you have to create a ntfs partition for windows at the beginning of the HDD | 13:17 |
nosuspendno | EriC^^: it does show nouveau suspend fails, so I guess it has to do with the graphics card not going to sleep, and then the whole system wakes up again. I'll try updating drivers | 13:19 |
marianne | hey guys -- anyone know why KTorrent isn't finding any of the search pages any more... I don't know how to change the URL to direct it to the right spot | 13:20 |
Reginald1 | blueskaj: not sure if you got me right, im trying to delete ubuntu on my hdd and just tried booting windows from the dvd, but that didnt work out | 13:21 |
Steven_ | hi, who should I contact about Ubuntu's vagrant boxes? | 13:21 |
BluesKaj | marianne, some of the urls have changed , kickass for example | 13:22 |
marianne | BluesKaj: any way to change it in the app? | 13:22 |
ioria | Settings -> Configure KTorrent -> Search | 13:23 |
rahuldev | EriC^^, can we check what kind hex header ASF is using in photorec, I googled it but giving me some c code! | 13:24 |
BluesKaj | marianne, do a search for torrent sitesd on your own and create a bookmark folder in your nrowser is prob ly better than relying on the ktorrent browser | 13:25 |
BluesKaj | nrowser=browser | 13:25 |
marianne | BluesKaj: yeah, been defaulting to transmission the past few days.... oh well, at least i have ability... going to uninstall ktorrent | 13:25 |
ricoalpha | hello, how do you list the summary of updates available for upgrade in Ubuntu? .i.e. the message you usually get when logging in first time | 13:27 |
ricoalpha | “apt-get update” list a number of packages, but would like to have the summary | 13:27 |
rory | ricoalpha: sudo apt-get -s upgrade | 13:28 |
rory | ricoalpha: the -s means --simulate or --dry-run, means it will show you what would be done, but won't actually do it | 13:28 |
BluesKaj | marianne, no matter which torrent client you use, keeping up with shifting urls of the torrent sites is not one their strong points..suggest you keep track of them manually on your browser | 13:29 |
marianne | BluesKaj: Will do, going forward. At least now I know i didn't hose something playing with my config files the other day | 13:30 |
sam00 | i install kde but now i wanna delet can i do? | 13:31 |
akik | marianne: did you try the suggestion ioria gave you? | 13:31 |
ricoalpha | rory: thanks, ut listed same as the “update” command but no summary | 13:31 |
daftykins | sam00: purge the packages | 13:31 |
sam00 | how? | 13:31 |
daftykins | well what did you install? kubuntu-desktop? | 13:32 |
marianne | akik: didn't see it... multitasking... going to look at it now | 13:32 |
sam00 | <daftykins> yeah | 13:32 |
daftykins | sam00: so look at the packages within kubuntu-desktop and purge them; use "apt-cache showpkg kubuntu-desktop" | 13:33 |
rory | ricoalpha: could you give an example of the summary you expect? | 13:33 |
ricoalpha | | 13:33 |
daftykins | however there may be some overlap with your existing DE, so you may want to be careful | 13:33 |
sam00 | tnx | 13:33 |
ricoalpha | rory: see last three lines here | 13:33 |
sam00 | <daftykins> dont ork | 13:33 |
sam00 | work* | 13:33 |
rory | ricoalpha: cat /etc/motd | 13:34 |
daftykins | sam00: yes it does. | 13:34 |
ricoalpha | rory: that prints only the message of the day, but how is it generated in first time, any idea? | 13:34 |
sam00 | <daftykins> dont work my friend :\ | 13:34 |
daftykins | sam00: give details, saying "don't work" which is poor english is useless. | 13:34 |
rory | ricoalpha: /usr/lib/update-notifier/update-motd-updates-available | 13:35 |
sam00 | XD | 13:35 |
sam00 | speak better than u | 13:35 |
sam00 | i saied yor mood dont work | 13:36 |
sam00 | ok? | 13:36 |
daftykins | ...what? | 13:36 |
daftykins | sam00: would you mind phrasing that one again in English? | 13:36 |
sam00 | <daftykins>your inteuction in terminal dont work ok/ | 13:36 |
sam00 | :| | 13:36 |
ricoalpha | rory: “ls: cannot access /usr/lib/update-notifier/update-motd-updates-available: No such file or directory" | 13:37 |
EriC^^ | rahuldev: i'm trying to see where it gets them from, there used to be a file i think, can't remember it though | 13:37 |
OerHeks | sudo apt-get purge kubuntu-dektop | 13:37 |
EriC^^ | rahuldev: strace fidentify /path/to/file |& grep open , isn't showing much | 13:37 |
daftykins | sam00: no, that's not enough detail. like i said you take the package names from the output of that command i gave. | 13:37 |
sam00 | sudo apt-get purge kubuntu-dektop | 13:37 |
sam00 | sudo apt-get purge kubuntu-dektop | 13:37 |
sam00 | [sudo] password for sam: | 13:37 |
sam00 | Reading package lists... Done | 13:37 |
sam00 | Building dependency tree | 13:37 |
sam00 | Reading state information... Done | 13:37 |
sam00 | E: Unable to locate package kubuntu-dektop | 13:37 |
daftykins | you might want to type that in the terminal... | 13:37 |
daftykins | !paste | sam00 DO NOT PASTE | 13:38 |
ubottu | sam00 DO NOT PASTE: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 13:38 |
OerHeks | sam00, time to find out how you installed kubuntu | 13:38 |
akik | sam00: you have a typo in your command, dektop instead of desktop | 13:38 |
OerHeks | * if you are on kubuntu, guess not. | 13:38 |
llutz | sam00: kubuntu-desktop not dektop | 13:39 |
OerHeks | oh good spot, llutz | 13:39 |
sam00 | <OerHeks use with apt-get install kubuntu=-desktop | 13:39 |
sam00 | <OerHeks use with apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 13:39 |
daftykins | please stop pasting. | 13:39 |
sam00 | <daftykins> look again... idont paste iam edirring it | 13:40 |
sam00 | ok? | 13:40 |
daftykins | i'm ignoring you now because your typing is offensive | 13:40 |
sam00 | <daftykins> other froums Can be answer very better | 13:42 |
sam00 | :) | 13:42 |
OerHeks | sam00, stop the rant, look at your typo ( see llutz ) | 13:42 |
sigvart | /t | 13:43 |
sam00 | <OerHeks> im french person and my second language is english... i speak with u vulgar...u dont have enough knowladge | 13:44 |
BluesKaj | !fr | sam00 | 13:44 |
ubottu | sam00: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 13:44 |
akik | what the.. | 13:44 |
sam00 | BluesKaj> tnx | 13:45 |
Guy1524 | hey guys, so for some reason starting monday on my school network my laptop has been unable to access the internet when connected to my school network, it assigns me an ipv4 address and an ipv6 and it looks connected but I am unable to access the internet. I booted back into my live usb and for some reason the school internet works. Any body have an idea why? | 13:48 |
OerHeks | Guy1524, check the dns: can you ping a website? ( | 13:49 |
Guy1524 | no I am unable to ping the website | 13:50 |
marianne | ioria: you are a GOD... thanks, i have ktorrent working as needed now | 13:50 |
Guy1524 | also, in order to test anything, I have to reboot | 13:50 |
Guy1524 | (im in my live usb) | 13:50 |
ioria | marianne, glad to hear that... have fun ^*^ | 13:50 |
Guy1524 | I tried pinging my ipv4 yesterday and that worked, but pinging a website didn't work | 13:50 |
trixtator | sounds like a dns problem | 13:51 |
OerHeks | Guy1524, oke, if that machine works flawlessly on an other wifi/lan, then something is changed at your school | 13:51 |
Guy1524 | yes, but it works on my live usb | 13:51 |
Guy1524 | so its my installation right | 13:51 |
ioria | Guy1524, now you are on live-ubs ? | 13:52 |
ioria | *usb | 13:52 |
Guy1524 | yes, the internet only works on my live usb | 13:52 |
Guy1524 | not my installation | 13:52 |
trixtator | have you checked your proxy conf on your installation? | 13:52 |
ioria | Guy1524, go in the upper panel , to the right, and right-click -> Connection Informatio | 13:54 |
ioria | Guy1524, right-click on Network icon | 13:54 |
Guy1524 | I am running the gnome variant | 13:54 |
Guy1524 | do you mean the Network Connections application | 13:55 |
Guy1524 | Also, I have to leave now, school is starting | 13:55 |
Guy1524 | sorry | 13:55 |
ioria | Guy1524, we need the settings that you're just using now ... | 13:55 |
ioria | Guy1524, idr on gnome, but should be the same ... looks for Connection Information | 13:56 |
BluesKaj | interesting how school gets in the way of the learning process :-) | 13:57 |
nosuspendno | EriC^^: installing all drivers with sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall fixed the suspend problem I had, thanks for the pointer | 14:00 |
EriC^^ | nosuspendno: great | 14:02 |
EriC^^ | :) | 14:02 |
Wagner_Ausgusto | Hi everone... I need help about Cluster HA on linux red Hat , using Luci and Ricci, | 14:07 |
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EriC^^ | Wagner_Ausgusto: /join ##linux | 14:08 |
lotuspsychje | Wagner_Ausgusto: this is an ubuntu support channel | 14:08 |
EriC^^ | or a red hat channel | 14:08 |
lotuspsychje | does the uninstall of seahorse automaticly disable gnome-keyring also? | 14:11 |
Rene1_ | I have a steelseries equipment (mouse,keyboard) and run ubuntu but the official site says the engine is only available as exe or for mac. Is it possible to still run it somehow and configure the settings? | 14:20 |
daftykins | Rene1_: highly doubt it. | 14:21 |
Ubuntu2330 | Can anyone help me with an audio problem? I'm trying to set up a Yeti microphone on Ubuntu 14 | 14:22 |
marianne | Rene1_: have you tried running it using Wine? might work | 14:22 |
daftykins | i seriously doubt it :) | 14:22 |
marianne | daftykins: never hurts to try... but you're right probably won't | 14:23 |
Rene1_ | marianne doesnt work :/ | 14:24 |
Rene1_ | no way to configure the mouse then? | 14:24 |
daftykins | not unless you do it from Windows then move it back | 14:24 |
lotuspsychje | Rene1_: there is a package gpointdevices to configure scroll mouse and such, maybe try that? | 14:24 |
JH151 | Hi, I'm looking to use PowerBroker Open Edition to connect my linux machines to a Windows AD, however the documentation looks to be really out of date, any ideas where I could find some more up to date? | 14:24 |
marianne | Rene1_: poo... sorry man | 14:25 |
lotuspsychje | !info gpointing-device-settings | Rene1_ try this perhaps | 14:26 |
ubottu | Rene1_ try this perhaps: gpointing-device-settings (source: gpointing-device-settings): configuration tool for pointing devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.1-6ubuntu2 (wily), package size 62 kB, installed size 504 kB | 14:26 |
daftykins | JH151: samba does that. | 14:26 |
akik | JH151: look into sssd and realmd | 14:26 |
JH151 | daftykins: I've tried using samba but there is a bug that means it crashes the server when the password has expired | 14:26 |
daftykins | really o0 | 14:26 |
JH151 | akik: Cheers, I'll check them out | 14:26 |
JH151 | daftykins: Unfortunately so, its a problem with winbind | 14:27 |
JH151 | daftykins: | 14:27 |
ubottu | bug 11038 in Winbind "Logging with an account which has the "User must change password on next logon" flag cause winbindd to use 100% cpu and stop answering request" [Regression,Resolved: fixed] | 14:27 |
daftykins | ah fix released | 14:27 |
daftykins | so just update? :) | 14:28 |
JH151 | It has, although I'm not sure when it will be pushed down into the ubuntu LTS repo | 14:28 |
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daftykins | !info samba trusty | 14:31 |
ubottu | samba (source: samba): SMB/CIFS file, print, and login server for Unix. In component main, is optional. Version 2:4.1.6+dfsg-1ubuntu2.14.04.9 (trusty), package size 821 kB, installed size 11092 kB | 14:31 |
daftykins | mmm i wonder | 14:32 |
daftykins | !info samba trusty-proposed | 14:32 |
ubottu | samba (source: samba): SMB/CIFS file, print, and login server for Unix. In component main, is optional. Version 2:4.1.6+dfsg-1ubuntu2.14.04.10 (trusty-proposed), package size 821 kB, installed size 11092 kB | 14:32 |
jerlique1 | HI, anyone know why the default route in doesnt get added on reboot, but if i type it in on the cmd line, it works | 14:32 |
daftykins | i don't think the same command line format can be used in the file | 14:33 |
jerlique1 | the first one works, just not the default route | 14:34 |
jerlique1 | how does the syntax vary? | 14:34 |
daftykins | well hang on, normally you use the network address for a route addition, so - not a specific IP | 14:35 |
daftykins | weird IP scheme regardless :> | 14:35 |
llutz | jerlique1: route add default gw | 14:35 |
daftykins | llutz: that omits an interface choice | 14:36 |
daftykins | which may or may not be relevant | 14:36 |
llutz | daftykins: then add it, if you want/need (man route) | 14:36 |
daftykins | not me asking, i'm just pointing out the futility of you sharing a command that doesn't include what is required. | 14:37 |
jerlique1 | llutz: that didnt help. | 14:38 |
dfg810 | my sound is working but the top bar symbol is not working | 14:39 |
dfg810 | please help me | 14:39 |
akik | /32 is a host route | 14:39 |
dfg810 | I need help | 14:39 |
lotuspsychje | !sound | dfg810 try this | 14:39 |
ubottu | dfg810 try this: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings. If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !players and !mp3. | 14:39 |
jerlique1 | akik: yes I know. thats what I want. | 14:40 |
dfg810 | nothing in the sound preferences are working | 14:40 |
jerlique1 | my point is it works in the cli, but not when programmed in the interfaces file. I can see why the syntax is not accepted | 14:41 |
akik | jerlique1: what is the syntax you use in the cli? | 14:41 |
chinesesausage | I have a MATE pic | 14:42 |
dfg810 | i have sound alright... It doesn't recognize the drivers anywhere | 14:43 |
dfg810 | possbly because I log in with wheel permissions | 14:43 |
dfg810 | but I have sound | 14:43 |
daftykins | 'wheel' ? | 14:43 |
dfg810 | root | 14:43 |
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jerlique1 | akik: ip route add default via dev eth0 | 14:43 |
llutz | jerlique1: your paste shows different ips | 14:44 |
jerlique1 | llutz: sorry thats a type in the cli command it should be .17 | 14:45 |
akik | jerlique1: is in the same network as your client machine? | 14:45 |
rahuldev | EriC^^, found it on register_header_check function | 14:45 |
jerlique1 | is the router | 14:46 |
rahuldev | EriC^^, the specific file I'm to recover is .ASF I mean in capital letter, as far as it recovering me file of .asf small letter! | 14:46 |
rahuldev | Eric^^, will it recover they .ASF file? I mean header .asf and .ASF are same! | 14:46 |
akik | jerlique1: why are you adding the host route? maybe that is unnecessary | 14:48 |
jerlique1 | when I make changes to the /etc/network/interfaces file, how can I apply them without reboot? services networking restart failes saying "job failed while stopping" | 14:48 |
jerlique1 | akik: no its correct. | 14:48 |
jerlique1 | akik: it works, i just need to get the startup files right, so the appropriate settings are implemented after reboot | 14:49 |
eurythmia | hey folks; I have vim-nox installed, and I am running it under tmux (with TERM=xterm-256color); I have "set syntax=on" in my vimrc, but I am getting no colors when I edit files with syntax highlighting. I know that this is a silly issue, and I have fixed it before, but I can't recall what the fix is. Any ideas? | 14:55 |
eurythmia | ... I know that the issue is not terminal support, because the line numbers are colored, and so is my powerline. | 14:56 |
fooobarrr | do you have a colorscheme set? | 14:56 |
eurythmia | ... hmm ... I don't think that I do. | 14:57 |
eurythmia | weird ... I don't even have any colorschemes installed! | 14:58 |
eurythmia | thanks fooobarrr | 14:58 |
John | It upsets me that there are over 1700 more people in #ubuntu than #unix :P | 14:58 |
daftykins | !ot | John | 14:59 |
ubottu | John: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 14:59 |
John | Whenever I want to ask a general-unix question, i think i have to come here, hehe | 14:59 |
John | right, thanks | 14:59 |
akik | jerlique1: can you try changing the line to "up route add default gw dev eth0" | 14:59 |
John | I'll keep my questions limited to all kinds of ubuntu, not unix ubuntu.. | 14:59 |
mdwd | :o | 15:00 |
mdwd | Hu | 15:00 |
ub_ubuntu | how to check battery capacity in 15.10 | 15:00 |
John | So on ubuntu, a process spawned by the shell gets a stdin, stdout and a stderr - all of which have the same path but different file descriptors | 15:00 |
jerlique1 | akik: you're a legnd! | 15:01 |
jerlique1 | legend even! | 15:01 |
mdwd | i am legend | 15:01 |
akik | jerlique1: it amazes me how many problems can be solved by a google search :) | 15:01 |
jerlique1 | akik: thank you so much | 15:01 |
John | Some processes check with isatty() to see if the stdout and stderr are ttys, before deciding to print status bars, etc, or just output for logfiles | 15:01 |
mdwd | lalalalalal | 15:01 |
mdwd | :D | 15:01 |
jerlique1 | akik: where you find that? all my search were saying to add to rc.local | 15:02 |
John | You can fool these programs with ptys, which is great - but some processes also seem to check if the file paths of the stdout and stderr are the same | 15:02 |
John | Which means that you have to have 1 pty for stdin, stdout and stderr | 15:02 |
daftykins | !who | John | 15:02 |
ubottu | John: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 15:02 |
John | The question I have today is - is it possible to log each kind of output sepurately if they all go through the same pty? | 15:03 |
John | daftykins: wat | 15:03 |
John | Im asking a question to everyone | 15:03 |
daftykins | John: can you maybe write it up in a pastebin instead of tens of spamming lines then? | 15:04 |
akik | jerlique1: | 15:04 |
John | You want me to ask my question in a paste bin and share the link? | 15:04 |
John | What is the point of IRC if we're going to pretend its a forum? | 15:04 |
daftykins | yes, since it seems to be an essay :) | 15:04 |
daftykins | John: for the sake of readability. | 15:04 |
lettuce45 | can I use remoteviewer to see a windows desktop? | 15:04 |
John | Righto, ok | 15:04 |
daftykins | lettuce45: rdesktop and remmina exist | 15:05 |
lettuce45 | daftykins, repo? | 15:05 |
teward | lettuce45: already in the repositories, you just need to install them | 15:06 |
daftykins | yes, they are | 15:06 |
lettuce45 | so remoteviewer works only with linux distros... | 15:07 |
ppf | why is there a difference between `test -f ~/F` and `test -f "~/F"`? | 15:07 |
daftykins | BASH will evaluate those differently | 15:07 |
ppf | in what way? | 15:08 |
daftykins | #bash might be helpful | 15:08 |
OerHeks | ppf, the use for " " i can explain like this > `test -f ~/my documents` and `test -f "~/my documents"` the 1st command will error 'not found ~/my' | 15:09 |
somsip | OerHeks: My\ Documents | 15:10 |
daftykins | no, it works encapsulated with double quotes too | 15:10 |
OerHeks | somsip, that would be also a trick to handle that space indeed | 15:10 |
somsip | OerHeks: you were ansering not asking werent you... | 15:10 |
ppf | hm i think i figured it out: | 15:11 |
ppf | bash man says: Enclosing characters in double quotes (‘"’) preserves the literal value of all characters | 15:11 |
ppf | meaning: "~" is a tilde character, whereas ~ is actually /home/pff | 15:11 |
OerHeks | i think "~/F" would be translated valid to ~/F | 15:12 |
OerHeks | yes ~= /home/$USER/ | 15:12 |
ppf | OerHeks: yes, but literally so | 15:12 |
ppf | so "~/F" is not a valid path | 15:12 |
ppf | try it: ls "~" | 15:13 |
OerHeks | ppf, yes, you are right | 15:14 |
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fes | is it possible to set a "universal" cflag when compiling with dpkg-source? | 15:26 |
akik | fes: does dpkg-source take CFLAGS into account? | 15:30 |
akik | never used dpkg-source but used CFLAGS when compiling other programs | 15:31 |
teward | akik: yes, but only to a point - it has its own set of flags, see `dpkg-buildflags` and look at CFLAGS. | 15:31 |
teward | at least, AFAIK | 15:31 |
Rene1_ | Really simple question, im running the ubuntu demo, started the "disks" application and want to unmount my hdd and turn partition type to nfts, how do i archieve this? | 15:32 |
Rene1_ | only see the option for the 2nd part | 15:32 |
=== ^CJ^ is now known as ^cj^ | ||
=== ^cj^ is now known as ^CJ^ | ||
MonkeyDust | Rene1_ delete partition, create new, select ntfs | 15:35 |
eurythmia | fooobarrr: I now have the solarized colorscheme enabled, and transparency working as I want, but still no syntax highlighting :-( | 15:35 |
eurythmia | (text is all the same color) | 15:35 |
fooobarrr | in your tmux configuration | 15:40 |
fooobarrr | set -g default-terminal "screen-256color" | 15:41 |
fooobarrr | without that I don't think the colors are properly supported | 15:41 |
Rene1_ | monkeydust: im at that point now but i have 3 ones, fat32, ext4 and linux-swap. My plan is to install windows after that. any idea which one i can delete? | 15:43 |
eurythmia | fooobarrr: it's already been done. | 15:44 |
MonkeyDust | Rene1_ fat32 is also for windows, methinks you can delete that one | 15:44 |
Guy1524 | hey guys, so I already asked this question this morning, but then school started, I am now in flex for 90 minutes so I have time. Anyway, I have a problem with the internet on my school network, when I connect to it I have access to the lan but whenever I try to request a resource in the internet the network does not respond, I do get assigned a local ip address and no errors it just doesn't work. The weird thing is through that | 15:45 |
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Guy1524 | e usb which I am using right now | 15:45 |
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fooobarrr | you're using gnome-terminal right | 15:45 |
Guy1524 | do any of you know how I can get it working on my main installation | 15:45 |
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MonkeyDust | Guy1524 have you contacted the schools IT admin? | 15:46 |
balazs | Does anyone how to allow pulseaudio for any local user to use it ? I'm running virtualbox as a different user, and sounds does not work. | 15:47 |
fooobarrr | I have TERM=screen-256color in my env | 15:47 |
W9QBJ | Guy1524, You have an IP address, do you have a Gateway and Nameservers (/etc/resolv.conf | 15:47 |
Guy1524 | yes, they are morons | 15:48 |
Guy1524 | will the data still be there if that system is not currently booted into? | 15:48 |
Guy1524 | (about the networks) | 15:48 |
Guy1524 | ok, Ill reboot and check | 15:49 |
Guy1524 | Ill be back in a few minutes | 15:49 |
zetheroo | On a fresh install of 14.04.3 and doing apt-get dist-upgrade I see this ( - not really sure what it's about or if it's critical | 15:51 |
MonkeyDust | zetheroo try sudo dpkg --configure -a; sudo apt -f install | 15:52 |
ioria | zetheroo, apt-get dist-upgrade or do-release-upgrade ? | 15:54 |
zetheroo | MonkeyDust: looks clean | 15:54 |
zetheroo | ioria: dist-upgrade | 15:54 |
Guy1524 | hey sorry, but by the time I rebooted back into my main os, I forgot the name of the file you wanted me to check | 15:55 |
MonkeyDust | zetheroo picked this up in this channel ... save as 'fixpackages', make executable ... then: sh fixpackages | 15:55 |
akik | zetheroo: you can install that binary from libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev | 15:56 |
zetheroo | MonkeyDust: Sorry, don't really know what that means | 15:56 |
akik | (gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders) | 15:56 |
Guy1524 | are the people who were answering my internet problem still there? | 15:56 |
zetheroo | MonkeyDust: what is this package for? | 15:57 |
ioria | Guy1524, cat /etc/resolv.conf ? | 15:57 |
Guy1524 | ok, thanks | 15:57 |
Guy1524 | does the information stay there when it shuts down or do I have to be connected? | 15:58 |
ioria | Guy1524, right... you're on usb .... | 15:58 |
akik | Guy1524: easiest way to know if your tcp/ip is ok is "ping". that's google's dns service | 15:58 |
ioria | Guy1524, can you ping it ? | 15:58 |
Guy1524 | I tried pinging, and that didn't work | 15:59 |
Guy1524 | Ill try | 15:59 |
Guy1524 | cya in a few minutes | 15:59 |
ioria | Guy1524, yes... but know on usb... does not count | 15:59 |
Guy1524 | ? | 15:59 |
ioria | Guy1524, you are from live now ? | 15:59 |
Guy1524 | im rebooting into hd install right now testing it | 16:00 |
Guy1524 | yes | 16:00 |
Guy1524 | I am from the live usb right now | 16:00 |
ioria | Guy1524, we should test the installation... | 16:00 |
Guy1524 | I am about to reboot do the command | 16:00 |
Guy1524 | *and do | 16:00 |
=== erwin_ is now known as easyOnMe | ||
eurythmia | fooobarrr: sorry, I got kicked off. I am using the default terminal ... I assume that this is gnome-terminal | 16:02 |
Guy1524_ | hey guys, Im backing, pinging works and I do recieve data | 16:03 |
MonkeyDust | zetheroo it's a script, not a package, it basically fixes packages | 16:03 |
eurythmia | ... I've tried with screen=256color, with the same result. I don't think that TERM is the issue, because I'm getting colors, just not syntax highlighting. | 16:03 |
Guy1524_ | *back | 16:03 |
ioria | Guy1524, dns then ,,, | 16:03 |
Guy1524_ | ? | 16:03 |
Guy1524_ | what do you mean? | 16:03 |
zetheroo | MonkeyDust: ok, so I should be fine then, yeah? :) | 16:03 |
Rene1_ | I know this may be the wrong place but the windows chat is dead. Anyone knows how to switch from ubuntu to windows again? | 16:03 |
ioria | Guy1524, you don't resolv the ip number in domain nmes | 16:04 |
ioria | *names | 16:04 |
balrogg_cs | hi for all | 16:04 |
MonkeyDust | zetheroo hope it helps | 16:04 |
balrogg_cs | i'm brazilian and i neep help | 16:04 |
Guy1524_ | so my dns is broken or something? | 16:04 |
eurythmia | fooobarrr: I've run :scriptnames ... it looks like vim is somehow resolving "ftoff" and nosyntax | 16:04 |
MonkeyDust | balrogg_cs let's hear it, in one line | 16:04 |
Guy1524_ | Ill reconnect to this chat with a school laptop so I can do things while in this chat | 16:05 |
ioria | Guy1524, can you tell us what dns are you using now ? | 16:05 |
Guy1524_ | I have no idea, I don't know that much about networking | 16:06 |
ioria | Guy1524, try nm-tool | grep DNS | 16:06 |
=== vaishu is now known as vaishali | ||
balrogg_cs | I'm setting up a server distribution based on ubuntu | 16:06 |
Guy1524_ | ok, it takes a very long time to log into the school laptop because their windows server is really slow | 16:06 |
eurythmia | ... which is weird because I have "filetype plugin indent on" in my ~/.vim/vimrx | 16:06 |
Guy1524_ | Ill be back on the irc in a few minutes | 16:06 |
eurythmia | * ~/.vim/vimrc | 16:07 |
balrogg_cs | but this remastersys not working | 16:07 |
Guy1524 | ok guys, Im back on the school laptop | 16:08 |
balrogg_cs | an alternative indication ? ubuntu -builder does not work too | 16:08 |
Guy1524 | so what do you want me to do? | 16:08 |
Guy1524 | how do I check my dns? | 16:08 |
Guy1524 | are the people who were helping my with my internet problem still there? | 16:09 |
akik | Guy1524: you can see your dns servers in /etc/resolv.conf | 16:09 |
Guy1524 | no | 16:10 |
akik | as it works in the live session and not in the hd installation maybe you have defined your network settings manually and not by dhcp? | 16:10 |
Guy1524 | all I see is # Generated by NetworkManager search home nameserver | 16:10 |
akik | Guy1524: there you have it: | 16:11 |
akik | Guy1524: you can make a dns query to it by "host" | 16:11 |
dick_ | your mom can make a dns query | 16:12 |
Guy1524 | no, it says ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached | 16:12 |
akik | Guy1524: try querying google's dns "host" | 16:12 |
Guy1524 | ok it worked I think | 16:13 |
akik | Guy1524: i think your problem is the dhcp server gives out the dns server and it's not serving dns | 16:13 |
Guy1524 | so if I change the to will it work? | 16:14 |
TJ- | akik: Guy1524 the contents of /etc/resolv.conf (which should be a symlink to ../run/resolvconf/resolv.conf) won't have been "Generated by NetworkManager" if it is set to "" - it should be set to "", so I'd check if the file is the correct symlink with "ls- l /etc/resolv.conf" | 16:14 |
TJ- | Guy1524: typo there; should be "ls -l /etc/resolv.conf" | 16:15 |
Guy1524 | TJ, I get -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 65 Dec 7 01:35 /etc/resolv.conf | 16:16 |
TJ- | Guy1524: you'd expect to see ".... /etc/resolv.conf -> ../run/resolvconf/resolv.conf " | 16:16 |
TJ- | Guy1524: now do "cat /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf" and check it has a line "nameserver" | 16:17 |
Guy1524 | the two uncommented lines are nameserver search | 16:18 |
TJ- | Guy1524: OK, it seems that something/someone has replaced the expected symbolic link from /etc/resolv.conf with a hard-coded file, so the PC never gets to use the values that Network Manager receives. To fix it do "sudo ln -sf ../run/resolvconf/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf" which will replace that hard-coded file with the expected sym-link | 16:19 |
=== arseny is now known as _nemesys | ||
Guy1524 | ok just did that | 16:21 |
Guy1524 | thanks! | 16:21 |
Guy1524 | it works! | 16:21 |
TJ- | Guy1524: name service should now work | 16:21 |
Guy1524 | you are awesome, I never would have guessed that (: | 16:21 |
Guy1524 | anything else I need to know, how do I prevent this from happening in the future | 16:21 |
TJ- | Guy1524: it's a pretty common problem we see; sometimes due to bad advice in forums, sometimes due to naughty software | 16:21 |
Guy1524 | ah, ok | 16:22 |
TJ- | Guy1524: just "don't touch" :D | 16:22 |
grimx | Had anybody been able to get swift to work? All I get is a blinking cursor. | 16:22 |
Guy1524 | ya, I don't know why that happened, I never touched the /etc folder | 16:22 |
Guy1524 | well thanks so much | 16:22 |
Guy1524 | cya | 16:22 |
TJ- | Guy1524: when Network Manager is 'managing' it runs a private instance of 'dnsmasq', a caching DNS server, which listens on (localhost). It writes that address to /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf each time NM receives DNS server names from DHCP servers | 16:23 |
MonkeyDust | !find swift | 16:25 |
ubottu | Found: python-swift, python-swiftclient, python-swiftclient-doc, python3-swiftclient, swift-account, swift-container, swift-doc, swift-object, swift-proxy, gnome-speech-swift (and 12 others)§ion=all | 16:25 |
grimx | I downloaded if from | 16:26 |
grimx | *it | 16:26 |
anabain | Does host go through in order to reach host | 16:26 |
grimx | The one Apple just open sourced. | 16:26 |
=== IdleOne- is now known as IdleOne | ||
anabain | I mean, does act as a gateway the same way as if the target host was, e.g., | 16:29 |
OerHeks | grimx, did you install correctly and did get the Active Signing Keys ? | 16:29 |
OerHeks | | 16:29 |
OerHeks | if not, nothing will happen likely | 16:30 |
MonkeyDust | grimx scroll down to 'linux' | 16:30 |
OerHeks | <> repo key | 16:31 |
grimx | MonkeyDust:okay | 16:31 |
OerHeks | err Active Signing Keys <> repo key | 16:31 |
=== cpaelzer is now known as cpaelzer_afk | ||
eelstrebor | this is kinda strange, when i use firefox to go to a particular website i don't get any ssl errors but if i use chrome to go to that website it reports that there's a problem with the cipher suite - according to there is a problem - i've reported the issue to the business but they don't seem to care | 16:36 |
MonkeyDust | eelstrebor sounds like it's chrome related, not ubuntu related | 16:38 |
OerHeks | more a firefox issue then | 16:39 |
lubuntu | server | 16:39 |
eelstrebor | i've been reading about the issue and it appears that "they" are suppose to abandon sha1 for sha2 | 16:40 |
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest99573 | ||
jpds | eelstrebor: Yes | 16:40 |
jpds | eelstrebor: Along with all the rest of the Internet | 16:41 |
eelstrebor | the browser test at ssl labs shows both browsers that have the same test results | 16:41 |
jpds | eelstrebor: This is not a new thing | 16:41 |
OerHeks | | 16:41 |
jpds | eelstrebor: | 16:41 |
rory | eelstrebor: Can you click the padlock in Chrome to view the cert info, and share a screenshot here? ( | 16:42 |
rory | eelstrebor: Maybe one of us can shed some light | 16:42 |
eelstrebor | give me a moment | 16:42 |
rory | padlock -> certificate -> connection information | 16:42 |
rory | or rather padlock -> connection -> certificate information | 16:43 |
eelstrebor | where should i post the image? | 16:43 |
jpds | eelstrebor: The business will eventually start to lose customers and that'll get them to switch | 16:43 |
OerHeks | | 16:43 |
eelstrebor | | 16:45 |
grimx | swift is still just giving me a blinking cursor and nothing else | 16:46 |
eelstrebor | jpds, not likely since it's a natural gas supplier | 16:46 |
OerHeks | lol@NOS niet 800.000, 'maar' 36.000 ... toch zit erin 11 miljoen VW's sjoemelsoftware | 16:46 |
OerHeks | oops wrong window | 16:47 |
someone__ | Hi, max screen brightness seems to be too low on ubuntu (lower than on windows). /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/max_brightness contains "10", can I increase that? | 16:47 |
jpds | eelstrebor: | 16:47 |
jpds | eelstrebor: "1 January 2016 – Microsoft: SHA1 certificates will no longer be accepted" | 16:47 |
eelstrebor | jpds, i guess i shouldn't complain too much since my openvpn server is using sha1 | 16:48 |
eelstrebor | always something with computers to keep us busy | 16:49 |
eelstrebor | | 16:50 |
jpds | eelstrebor: They're going to have to fix it eventually | 16:52 |
fep | i got this error when i try to download trough torrents in bittornado-gui Problem connecting to tracker - ('url error', 'unknown url type', 'udp', udp:tracker.urlname'). ... only answer i can found is "this is a dupclicate, have been answered before) | 16:52 |
Stabington | hai | 16:57 |
Stabington | I just installed ubuntu mini, and it just boots up to a black screen. ctrl-alt-F1 works to get a terminal | 16:58 |
Stabington | wat do | 16:58 |
hdon | hi all :) i'm in ubuntu 14.04.3 amd64 server installer. i was going through it yesterday, too, and i set up some partitions with RAID. i'm starting from scratch again today, and when i go to the partitioning step of the installer, i select a disk (not a partition!) and hit enter. "Create new empty partition table on this device?" <Yes> "Remove existing software RAID partitions?" <Yes> and i am then returned to the disk/partition listing, but al | 16:58 |
=== [UPA]Stefan is now known as Tronsha | ||
fep | please, somebody know where to find help for this? | 17:00 |
OerHeks | fep, if our *official* trackers work flawlesly, , i question your tracker. | 17:02 |
rory | eelstrebor: It's giving a warning because the certificate was signed using a hash algorithm called SHA-1 | 17:04 |
rory | eelstrebor: This is considered insecure by Google, who are trying to use their considerable influence in the browser market to drive forward better security standards | 17:04 |
rory | eelstrebor: You can read more here | 17:04 |
ioria | Stabington, did you install a DE ? | 17:04 |
fep | OerHeks, on those trackers i got this error, [Errno http error] 503: 'Service Unavailable' | 17:05 |
Stabington | ioria: I did install gnome-shell. and it looks like gdm tagged along | 17:05 |
Stabington | I tried to systemctl enable gdm, but it won't start | 17:05 |
fep | OerHeks, is it because of the proxy im running to get trough the firewall? | 17:05 |
OerHeks | fep, oh, you know the answer already .. nice to show up that info so late | 17:06 |
ioria | Stabington, sudo service gdm start (or restart) ? | 17:06 |
eelstrebor | rory, just what i need - more stuff to read - oh well, what else am i gonna do in retirement? | 17:07 |
user1_ | Heil Hitler | 17:07 |
fep | OerHeks, sorry, i tought since i could use my browser and download direct downloads i could also download torrents... any ideas/help where i can read about this? | 17:07 |
Stabington | ioria: oh is that the command ubuntu use. I've been using Arch for a while :P | 17:07 |
krabador | ioria, service start ---> upstart , not systemd | 17:08 |
ioria | krabador, yeah... | 17:08 |
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Stabington | ioria: that does nothing | 17:08 |
fooobarrr | i don't think I had any other variables set eurythmia | 17:08 |
krabador | Stabington, systemctl enable <stuff> and nothing at reboot? | 17:09 |
OerHeks | fep, dunno, maybe there is a setting in your torrent client? | 17:09 |
fooobarrr | I have vim running ok under tmux | 17:09 |
Stabington | krabador: indeed | 17:09 |
=== ^cj^ is now known as ^CJ^ | ||
krabador | Stabington, xorg? | 17:09 |
Stabington | krabador: isn't that a dependency? | 17:09 |
krabador | Stabington, can you control what's installed about ? | 17:10 |
Stabington | oh! xinit is not installed.. | 17:10 |
krabador | then. | 17:11 |
Stabington | That should be a dependency tbh :P | 17:11 |
scrabcakes | Why might my file manager give a different size for ~ than 'du' does? | 17:11 |
OerHeks | one of them counts hidden files too. | 17:12 |
Stabington | Alright, the screen is still black. But it says x is running when I startx | 17:13 |
ioria | Stabington, why don't you try with lxde ... sudo apt-get install lxde xinit lxdm xorg | 17:13 |
scrabcakes | OerHeks: doh. thanks! | 17:14 |
krabador | Stabington, have you installed a video driver? | 17:14 |
Stabington | Wait.. xorg is not installed either? geez | 17:15 |
krabador | xorg-xserver | 17:15 |
krabador | video driver | 17:15 |
krabador | a loooog road ;) | 17:15 |
ioria | Stabington, there is a reason because it's called mini.... :þ | 17:16 |
fep | OerHeks, ok thanks, ill check it out | 17:16 |
Stabington | Well yes, but shouldn't xorg be a dependency for gnome-shell.. | 17:16 |
ioria | Stabington, apt-cache depends gnome-shell | 17:18 |
sabhain | hello all. I'm looking for help in re-ordering a boot startup sequence. I have a PCI USB3 expansion card which is being loaded after the USB system. As a result, an external drive connected to the card does not get mounted at boot, only after a removal and reconnect. | 17:18 |
sabhain | I think if I can have the PCI system loaded before USB, the problem would solve itself .. but it might be because of mounting file systems is early in the process. | 17:19 |
sabhain | do I just run a script at the end of boot to remount / recheck USB devices? | 17:19 |
Stabington | ayy! I installed lightdm. it works | 17:20 |
__xvt | sabhain do you automatically mount and remount the device every time you boot :? | 17:20 |
ioria | Stabington, yay | 17:20 |
Stabington | kinda.. can't find gnome-shell though >.> | 17:21 |
sabhain | __xvt generally yes. We leave it plugged in to the system as a backup drive .. but it's on an older system with no onboard USB3 | 17:21 |
Stabington | I thought ubuntu was supposed to be easy to use. Arch is way easier :s | 17:22 |
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__xvt | sabhain ahhh right ok. Well one solution you could try would be to put unmount & mount commands into a script & then have the script run upon boot. | 17:22 |
sabhain | __xvt I'm seeing that if the system goes into suspend, it must power down PCI also, since the mounted drive doesn't come back after a restore. | 17:22 |
=== Jag is now known as Guest85061 | ||
__xvt | sabhain that is very strange. | 17:23 |
arkus | Heylaaaaa | 17:28 |
arber | hello from tthe other side | 17:28 |
arkus | J'ai un souci qui me rend fou | 17:28 |
arkus | $rsm = new ResultSetMapping(); | 17:28 |
arkus | $rsm->addEntityResult('EventBundle:Event', 'e'); | 17:28 |
arkus | $rsm->addFieldResult('e', 'name', 'name'); | 17:28 |
arkus | $sql = " SELECT * FROM events e"; | 17:28 |
arkus | $query = $this->getEntityManager()->createNativeQuery($sql, $rsm); | 17:28 |
arkus | $events = $query->getResult(); | 17:28 |
bazhang | !fr | arkus | 17:29 |
ubottu | arkus: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 17:29 |
SlidingHorn | !paste | arkus | 17:31 |
ubottu | arkus: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 17:31 |
__xvt | sabhain Just something that I done quickly. Create a bash script, save it, make it executiable & then add it to your start-up list. | 17:35 |
__xvt | Any anyone here used gnustep with ubuntu :? | 17:39 |
vicatcu | hey all i need some help with crontab... check out this gist for my crontab, script, and syslog | 17:42 |
vicatcu | the problem is I don't see any evidence that my script ran after restarting | 17:42 |
vicatcu | can anyone offer me some help? | 17:42 |
__xvt | Vicatcu not many people for talking in here tonight. Hope someone can help you with your problem. | 17:44 |
vicatcu | __xvt, thanks is there a better place to go for realtime help? | 17:44 |
daftykins | there are plenty, but you won't get a reply if nobody knows / is available | 17:44 |
__xvt | Not as far im aware. This is the best place for real time help but it can be slow sometimes. | 17:45 |
sabhain | __xvt : thanks for your help & suggestions. I'll try that out. | 17:46 |
hdon | is aptitude popular in the ubuntu community? | 17:46 |
daftykins | hdon: i see no point installing something when the default tools can handle the tasks of package management already | 17:46 |
hdon | daftykins: mm.. thanks | 17:46 |
hdon | how can i generate a dependency graph of packages? i want to see why one package is dragging in libxcb and other X stuff | 17:47 |
VFDPrim | hmmm this is odd doing upgrade to 15.10 the upgrade has compleated but there were errors during the upgrade process | 17:47 |
hdon | i hope it didn't install an X server, but i took for granted that it wouldn't | 17:47 |
hdon | brb | 17:47 |
VFDPrim | looks like it was with fontconfig | 17:47 |
daftykins | hdon: no need, either look at "apt-cache showpkg <packagename>" for what it depends on / visit as it might provide the same info | 17:47 |
daftykins | VFDPrim: pastebin any errors in the output | 17:48 |
Pici | vicatcu: your syslog says that the script ran. Why do you think it didnt... Also, I'm not familiar with that command, but you may want to specify absolute paths for those log files, they may be outputting themselves somewhere you don't want. | 17:48 |
VFDPrim | daftykins: no idea what that means | 17:48 |
daftykins | VFDPrim: share them via | 17:48 |
zykotick9 | daftykins: fyi, there is "apt-cache depends foo" as well as "apt-cache rdepends foo"... hdon | 17:49 |
vicatcu | ok Pici thanks, it's mysterious because the process forever is supposed to create isn't there | 17:49 |
VFDPrim | oh this is on another computer new upload | 17:49 |
vicatcu | i'm going to try something different pm2 | 17:49 |
olzhas | Xubuntu 14.04: Decrease in CPU performance upon charging a laptop. (On battery and after the charge, there is no problem.) What might be a problem? | 17:49 |
daftykins | zykotick9: neat, thanks | 17:49 |
__cyber | Hi, I'm seeing a somewhat older version of a package (redmine), is launchpad an appropriate place to request the maintainer update? | 17:50 |
daftykins | olzhas: i'd compare the CPU clocks during charge, could be a power management quirk. | 17:50 |
AniByte | Ok | 17:50 |
AniByte | I have this question | 17:50 |
AniByte | Say i got the /etc/apt directory of a previous install | 17:50 |
daftykins | AniByte: put it on one line to reduce spam please | 17:50 |
AniByte | How can i apt-get install all the packages that were installedo n that install. | 17:50 |
daftykins | AniByte: you wiped it already? would've been better to create a package list. | 17:51 |
Pici | vicatcu: also, you may want to ensure that PATH is setup properly for that task, since cron runs in a little bit of a weird environment, you may not actually be running that executable at all. Also consider adding a >/root/somelog.log 2>&1 to the end of the cron line to see if it is reporting anything to stderr or stdout. | 17:51 |
__xvt | _cyber launchpad should be fine to place a request, unless the maintainer has officially stated otherwise. | 17:51 |
AniByte | daftykins, Did not choose to wipe it | 17:51 |
OerHeks | __cyber, wily got the latest redmine 3 | 17:51 |
VFDPrim | | 17:51 |
AniByte | It crashed | 17:51 |
AniByte | Well i chrooted into the backup | 17:51 |
daftykins | AniByte: please reduce the enter key presses. | 17:51 |
vicatcu | Pici cool ty for the advice | 17:51 |
VFDPrim | | 17:51 |
VFDPrim | guess that didnt work | 17:52 |
VFDPrim | guess you will have to cut and paste first link | 17:52 |
VFDPrim | sorry about that | 17:52 |
daftykins | AniByte: in a chroot you can perform a "dpkg --get-selections > file" to get all the packages then restore them | 17:53 |
AniByte | daftykins, Was already ahead of ya ;) | 17:54 |
AniByte | This is why i love linux. | 17:54 |
AniByte | So easy to restore sheit, | 17:54 |
daftykins | AniByte: don't use that language in here and for the third time stop spamming with enter key presses. | 17:55 |
__cyber | OerHeks: I'm seeing version 3.0-20140825 there? am I looking in the right place? | 17:55 |
VFDPrim | deftykins: did you see my link | 17:55 |
daftykins | yep looking now | 17:56 |
VFDPrim | daftykins* thanks just wanted to make sure i know your helping others to | 17:56 |
OerHeks | __cyber, there are 4 supported versions, not sure how new you want it, | 17:56 |
__cyber | Yes, I see the versions.. I'm not seeing how they line up to actual apt packages.. | 17:57 |
daftykins | VFDPrim: so you haven't rebooted yet i take it? | 17:57 |
VFDPrim | nope its sitting right there as you saw it | 17:57 |
VFDPrim | yesterday it kept dropping the screen so i plugged in a actual mouse and keyboard (was using wirless) and retryed the update and thats what it came up with | 17:58 |
daftykins | !info lsb-base | 17:59 |
ubottu | lsb-base (source: lsb): Linux Standard Base 4.1 init script functionality. In component main, is required. Version 4.1+Debian11ubuntu8 (wily), package size 12 kB, installed size 83 kB | 17:59 |
Doonz | Hey everyone, how do i add a back up gateway to my ethernet config? | 17:59 |
daftykins | VFDPrim: hmm, did you follow standard advice and remove all PPAs + proprietary drivers before running the upgrade? | 18:00 |
VFDPrim | nope i just did the usual update | 18:00 |
VFDPrim | then released upgrade | 18:00 |
daftykins | what do you mean? i need to be sure what method you used... | 18:01 |
VFDPrim | sudo apt-get upgrade | 18:01 |
VFDPrim | do-release-upgrade | 18:01 |
littlebear | VFDPrim: hm. intereting, never used do-release-upgrade I've always sudo aptitude dist-upgrade -y | 18:02 |
daftykins | VFDPrim: hit enter then pastebin running "sudo apt-get -f install" | 18:02 |
VFDPrim | yea i went off the website | 18:02 |
VFDPrim | ok going to hit enter | 18:03 |
whitehat | hi group. trying to get a Digium TDM410 card to work. Results are here: No response from channel 1, i.e. FXS. Ideas? Thank you. | 18:03 |
VFDPrim | command line option f is not known | 18:04 |
VFDPrim | from (-f) | 18:04 |
daftykins | VFDPrim: shouldn't be anything wrong with it | 18:05 |
VFDPrim | ill retype it | 18:06 |
VFDPrim | | 18:08 |
VFDPrim | maybe you can see if i am typing something wrong | 18:08 |
teward | VFDPrim: you are | 18:08 |
whitehat_ | hi group. trying to get a Digium TDM410 card to work. Results are here: | 18:08 |
whitehat_ | No response from channel 1, i.e. FXS. | 18:08 |
whitehat_ | Ideas? Thank you | 18:08 |
teward | VFDPrim: note in daftykins's message there's a *space character* between apt-get and -f | 18:08 |
daftykins | VFDPrim: yeah you're failing pretty hard there: sudo apt-get -f install | 18:08 |
daftykins | note the spaces ;) | 18:08 |
SlidingHorn | VFDPrim: copy and paste this exactly, starting at sudo: sudo apt-get -f install | 18:09 |
teward | VFDPrim: and 'instull' is not 'install' | 18:09 |
VFDPrim | ok will try again | 18:09 |
SlidingHorn | sorry daftykins, you're apparently a lot faster than I am | 18:09 |
VFDPrim | i cant coppie and past sadly its on a difrent computer | 18:09 |
teward | VFDPrim: the EXACT thing you should type is this: sudo apt-get install -f\ | 18:09 |
teward | erm | 18:09 |
teward | VFDPrim: the EXACT thing you should type is this: sudo apt-get install -f | 18:09 |
teward | that, yeah. | 18:09 |
teward | VFDPrim: no variation, no deviation, starting at the 'sudo' and going to the end of the line. | 18:09 |
teward | well -f install will work too | 18:09 |
teward | either mine or daftykins commands should worl | 18:10 |
VFDPrim | ok after few more trys finaly got it lol one sec | 18:10 |
VFDPrim | | 18:11 |
daftykins | you need to press enter | 18:12 |
VFDPrim | enter is not a option its y/n lol | 18:12 |
daftykins | yes it is. | 18:12 |
VFDPrim | im guessing y | 18:13 |
VFDPrim | lol | 18:13 |
daftykins | see how 'Y' is capital? that's the default, so pressing just enter will say yes. | 18:13 |
VFDPrim | oh ok i did not know that | 18:13 |
VFDPrim | id rather have these problems then the ones i was having last night | 18:14 |
VFDPrim | oh and system program problem detected | 18:14 |
VFDPrim | yes i want to report it thanks for asking | 18:14 |
VFDPrim | | 18:15 |
scrabcakes | is it possible to store your home folder on an external disk e.g. usb? | 18:16 |
=== arun_ is now known as Guest47246 | ||
daftykins | VFDPrim: "sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /var/log/fontconfig.log" | 18:17 |
SlidingHorn | scrabcakes: I'm sure it's possible, but I personally wouldn't recommend it. Any particular reason you want to do that? | 18:18 |
daftykins | yeah that'd be ridiculously slow and bad | 18:18 |
scrabcakes | SlidingHorn: I'm running on chromebook so storage is very restricted | 18:18 |
VFDPrim | ok now what | 18:19 |
daftykins | VFDPrim: what i said above should've created a link to type here. | 18:19 |
VFDPrim | | 18:20 |
VFDPrim | i did not see a link so i made one of what happend | 18:21 |
daftykins | VFDPrim: you messed up again not putting spaces. | 18:21 |
daftykins | read what i say to do VERY carefully... | 18:21 |
SlidingHorn | scrabcakes: I think you'd be better served finding a cloud solution for storage. There are a lot of problems that could arise from such a setup. Speed *will* suffer, the drive couldn't be removed for any reason while running, you'd have to make sure your system wouldn't boot directly from it, and it'd have to power on before boot to be able to properly mount, etc. | 18:21 |
SlidingHorn | ^^ just a few things to worry about | 18:22 |
VFDPrim | its hard for me to tell where there is a space or not a space sorry | 18:22 |
daftykins | "pastebinit /var/log/fontconfig.log" | 18:22 |
scrabcakes | SlidingHorn: I already have the usb in all the time. Although cloud may be more appropriate. Two questions though: Firstly that will surely still use however much space for the files? E.g. dropbox syncs to local folder. Secondly do you know any recommended cloud services from here? Or perhaps a better question, if I continue to use dropbox but more extensively, will they reap my files and steal all my genius thoughts? I'm | 18:25 |
daftykins | we can't comment on what dropbox may or may not do. | 18:25 |
=== anonymous is now known as Guest64776 | ||
Guest64776 | p | 18:26 |
VFDPrim | ok its still not working for me so im going to make it so i can just coppie and past so ill brb | 18:26 |
Guest64776 | Do speak Russia ? | 18:27 |
SlidingHorn | scrabcakes: as daftykins said, we can't really say what dropbox will/won't do with your data, but for more info on some alternatives, etc. (a year-plus old, but the services still exist) check out this article: | 18:27 |
SlidingHorn | !ru | Guest64776 | 18:27 |
ubottu | Guest64776: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. | 18:27 |
akik | scrabcakes: do you have a usb 3 port in that chromebook? maybe a small usb stick would work for you | 18:27 |
scrabcakes | SlidingHorn: thank you. how about my first question though regarding sync to disk? | 18:28 |
Guest64776 | ludi est kto iz Russia??? | 18:29 |
scrabcakes | akik: I have C720, a quick google says it has both? haha. I also have SD slot | 18:29 |
SlidingHorn | scrabcakes: I believe the default behavior for DB is to sync, however, you could probably set it up so it doesn't store locally & just use the web interface. That's a little outside of this channel's jurisdiction though | 18:29 |
akik | scrabcakes: just saying that nothing stops you from putting $HOME on a usb storage | 18:29 |
daftykins | Guest64776: english only please. #ubuntu-ru otherwise. | 18:30 |
scrabcakes | akik: that was my original question. Is 3.0 good enough speed? | 18:30 |
VFDPrim1 | deftykins can you please retype what i needed to put in now that i can just cut n paste | 18:30 |
akik | scrabcakes: maybe you should test and see if it works? | 18:31 |
akik | scrabcakes: i ran kubuntu from a usb 2 stick and it worked, although a bit sluggish | 18:31 |
daftykins | VFDPrim1: pastebinit /var/log/fontconfig.log | 18:32 |
SlidingHorn | akik: they're looking to solely use the USB as the /home mount point, not the whole system | 18:32 |
scrabcakes | akik: that is an idea :P I have xubuntu on the SSD which runs nicely but I'm quickly running out of space. SlidingHorn is right in what they just said | 18:32 |
daftykins | i think it's a mistake | 18:32 |
VFDPrim1 | | 18:32 |
VFDPrim1 | ok this works soo much better lol | 18:32 |
SlidingHorn | agreed - I strongly suggest sticking to cloud storage | 18:33 |
scrabcakes | SlidingHorn: I'd then be limited by network speeds surely? | 18:33 |
daftykins | VFDPrim1: sudo apt-get install --reinstall --purge fontconfig-config | 18:33 |
VFDPrim1 | | 18:34 |
sruli | hi, i have a problem for a long time which i cannot take any longer, many times when connecting a USB drive system does not see the disk, lsusb & lsblk does see it, but can see it in disks or in Files, i have to reboot to get it to work, I can manually mount it but even after mounting Disks (gnome-disk-utility) does not see it, what can the the cause of this? | 18:36 |
oEfterdal | I have a VPC in AWS that has a VPN connection to a server that has a API I need to connect to. On my Ubntu instance I have a public subnet, the VPN subnet is on a private subnet. How could I make a connection from my server to the API and route the traffic over the VPN? Should I forward the traffic to the API on my instance or shuld I route the traffic on the AWS ? Sorry for a looong question. | 18:36 |
SlidingHorn | scrabcakes: you would, but you're also looking at what is likely a safer way to store your things. If that drive poops out on you, you're in trouble, whereas a cloud storage is far less likely to lose your data. (IMHO) I should say that we're veering off topic for the channel though...we could continue in #ubuntu-offtopic on this | 18:36 |
daftykins | VFDPrim1: and... sudo apt-get -f install | 18:36 |
SlidingHorn | sruli: which version & flavor of *buntu are you using? | 18:37 |
sruli | SlidingHorn: Ubuntu 14.04 | 18:37 |
VFDPrim1 | | 18:37 |
SlidingHorn | !info usbmount > sruli have you looked into this? | 18:39 |
Quantos | What is it SlidingHorn? | 18:39 |
SlidingHorn | !info usbmount | 18:39 |
ubottu | usbmount (source: usbmount): automatically mount and unmount USB mass storage devices. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.0.22 (wily), package size 14 kB, installed size 81 kB | 18:39 |
Quantos | I wonder if that's not what I'm missing for getting USB access on a VM | 18:40 |
* Quantos wanders off to play with the VM - Thanks SlidingHorn | 18:40 | |
SlidingHorn | Quantos: you've installed the guest-additions, right? | 18:40 |
sruli | SlidingHorn: that wouldn’t explain why sometimes it doesn’t work and other times it does, will check if i have the package | 18:40 |
Quantos | Yeah, and the extension or expansion pack or whatever it's called | 18:41 |
daftykins | VFDPrim1: that's the same link as before | 18:41 |
VFDPrim1 | | 18:42 |
VFDPrim1 | sorry about that the coppy must not have worked | 18:42 |
sruli | SlidingHorn: i installed the package, do i need to restart? trying to avoid taht | 18:42 |
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akik | sruli: you can check if you have /var/run/reboot-required* files | 18:43 |
VFDPrim1 | daftykins did that one show anything difrent | 18:44 |
xmj | Hi | 18:44 |
daftykins | VFDPrim1: it's the same number again | 18:44 |
xmj | can someone recommend a repo that contains openjdk 1.8 -- for precise 64bit? | 18:44 |
=== Ceber is now known as Tronsha | ||
VFDPrim1 | ok well thats the last one that came up not sure what i need to do now | 18:45 |
daftykins | VFDPrim1: well i assumed you were pasting "sudo apt-get -f install" again, but if it completes cleanly you can try a reboot now. | 18:46 |
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sruli | SlidingHorn: it started working after 2 minutes | 18:46 |
xmj | (found it) | 18:46 |
VFDPrim1 | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1372 not upgraded. | 18:46 |
VFDPrim1 | seems like an aufly lot not upgraded | 18:47 |
daftykins | VFDPrim1: haha, try "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" | 18:48 |
VFDPrim1 | ok | 18:48 |
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VFDPrim1 | now to sit here for a few hours lol | 18:49 |
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ubuntu991 | Is there a Linux distribution which comes by default with Linux Kernel 4.3? | 18:50 |
daftykins | ubuntu991: that'd be a question for ##linux - not here. | 18:50 |
scrabcakes | SlidingHorn: yes I'll carry on the convo in a little bit in that channel then :) | 18:50 |
rogerthat | hi guys, i have 2 ubuntu servers running 14.04.03 that were with a 3.13 kernel , if i run ‘apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get dist-upgrade -y ’ 1 of them upgrades to 3.19 and the other stays in 3.13 (upgrade to another minor revision), anyone knows a way to make the other machine upgrade its kernel to a more recent version ? | 18:51 |
ubuntu991 | daftykins Oh great you answered :D I was trying to remember your nickname | 18:51 |
* ubuntu991 slaps daftykins around a bit with a large fishbot | 18:51 | |
ubuntu991 | Sorry missclick | 18:51 |
daftykins | rogerthat: i wouldn't recommend you bother, there's nothing wrong with keeping 3.13 on 14.04 unless you want some newer hardware support - which shouldn't matter for servers. | 18:51 |
daftykins | rogerthat: you need to add the HWE stack for vivid to get 3.19 though, see... | 18:52 |
daftykins | !hwe | 18:52 |
ubottu | The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see | 18:52 |
VFDPrim1 | yup | 18:53 |
rogerthat | daftykins: thx for the tip | 18:53 |
rogerthat | daftykins: ill look at it now | 18:53 |
VFDPrim1 | sry about that yup was typing on the wrong keyboard hahaha | 18:53 |
rogerthat | cheerios | 18:53 |
julrom28 | hola | 18:58 |
=== Voltasalt is now known as Angrysalt | ||
VFDPrim1 | ok so now just hopping the screen dows not shut off again on me like it did yesterday | 18:58 |
axel_ | abend | 18:58 |
b3NES | Hey i ran into a critical problem | 18:59 |
VFDPrim1 | it just turned off aka sleep mode once even though i have comp set so it does not sleep and never turns off soooooo lets hope it actualy makes it through the full install this time because i really really dont want to do this again | 18:59 |
b3NES | I was restoring a backing and excidently restored a non LVM encrypted /etc/folder in my new instalation | 19:00 |
b3NES | Meaning it can no longer boot off the LVM Luks encrypted drive | 19:00 |
sruli | SlidingHorn: when mounted with usbmount i get write speeds of 5mb/sec normally i get 70-80 | 19:00 |
b3NES | How can i fix this without yet another reinstall | 19:00 |
HelloGoodbye | Hello I installed a game off a disc using WINE, but when I launch it it is not in the correct resolution | 19:00 |
HelloGoodbye | how would I fix this? | 19:00 |
daftykins | HelloGoodbye: if you consult wine's app database there may be some tricks as to how to improve it. | 19:01 |
daftykins | !appdb | 19:01 |
ubottu | The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: - Join #winehq for application help | 19:01 |
SlidingHorn | sruli: I'm looking at a somewhat old thread, but it looks like others were able to fix t his by disabling the safe sync option. It should be changeable by editing /etc/usbmount/usbmount.conf (source:" | 19:03 |
sruli | SlidingHorn: tnx, will read | 19:04 |
Kaliforniablue | hola | 19:06 |
Plone | hola | 19:06 |
Kaliforniablue | busco una sugerencia | 19:06 |
Plone | dime | 19:06 |
Kaliforniablue | podrian ayudarme? | 19:06 |
Plone | posible | 19:06 |
Kaliforniablue | pues instalé google earth en ubuntu 14.04 | 19:06 |
Bundestrojaner | good evening | 19:06 |
Kaliforniablue | la primera vez se abrio y navegue | 19:07 |
Kaliforniablue | Bundestrojaner, hello | 19:07 |
VFDPrim1 | google earth hase a down load for ubuntu | 19:07 |
SlidingHorn | !es | 19:07 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 19:07 |
Kaliforniablue | Plone, le molesta que le hable en español? | 19:07 |
Plone | @kaliforniablue a mi no | 19:08 |
Plone | pero…. | 19:08 |
Kaliforniablue | pues como le dije , lo instale y funciono, pero ahora no se abre | 19:08 |
Bundestrojaner | i have a problem with vbam-gtk on ubuntu 14.04-lts, installed from rep: the sound stutters all the time. | 19:08 |
Bundestrojaner | Some google-hits tell me to change the audio api, but i can't find an option in the gui... | 19:08 |
SlidingHorn | Plone: Kaliforniablue --- This channel is English only support...if you'd like to continue in Spanish, please /join #ubuntu-es | 19:09 |
Kaliforniablue | SlidingHorn, thank you | 19:09 |
Kaliforniablue | i have instaled google earth but now will not starting | 19:10 |
Kaliforniablue | what kann i do? | 19:10 |
Kaliforniablue | first was ok and started | 19:11 |
Kaliforniablue | because will not starting | 19:11 |
VFDPrim1 | i do beleive that you now need to go to the ubuntu store and down load it from there if i reamember correctly all you did was made it available in the store but i have not done that in a long time so i could be wrong | 19:11 |
SlidingHorn | Kaliforniablue: do you receive any error messages when you attempt to load it with the command line? If you do, could you please post them to a pastebin and give us the link? | 19:11 |
Kaliforniablue | SlidingHorn, ok , wat a minute | 19:12 |
BluesKaj | Kaliforniablue, install lsb-core to help google earth | 19:14 |
Kaliforniablue | | 19:14 |
Kaliforniablue | you kann see the post | 19:14 |
SlidingHorn | Kaliforniablue: run googleearth (no space) | 19:15 |
Kaliforniablue | how install lsb-core? | 19:15 |
Kaliforniablue | ah ok | 19:15 |
sruli | SlidingHorn: tnx, that solved it, however another problem i always have with usb sticks, it starts off the copy rate at ~150mb/sec goes down after some 10 sec to 80mb/sec, from there slows to 5mb/sec i am refering to large flies >1gb | 19:15 |
Kaliforniablue | sorry | 19:15 |
SlidingHorn | BluesKaj: no need for that suggestion just yet | 19:15 |
OerHeks | it ran, so no extra fix needed indeed | 19:15 |
Kaliforniablue | SlidingHorn, google earth is now started | 19:16 |
SlidingHorn | sruli: not sure about that problem....a bit above my head at that point | 19:16 |
Kaliforniablue | i tahnk you | 19:16 |
SlidingHorn | Kaliforniablue: YAY! Happy to help :) | 19:16 |
BluesKaj | well, it's best to install it first , looks like he needs to download the google-eartg deb file | 19:16 |
ikuria | still searching for a way to get ctrl-backspace to kill a word backwards in gnome-terminal, someone has an idea? | 19:16 |
Bundestrojaner | can anyone recommend a good emulator for GBA on Ubuntu? | 19:16 |
Kaliforniablue | Sil i m happy¡¡¡ | 19:17 |
SlidingHorn | BluesKaj: no...they were just running the wrong command - try not to suggest extraneous "fixes" without knowing the problem first. Could cause a lot of problems | 19:17 |
BluesKaj | ok my mistake | 19:17 |
Kaliforniablue | thank you werry much¡¡¡ | 19:17 |
BluesKaj | but it doesn't hurt anything to have lsb-core installed anyway | 19:17 |
sruli | SlidingHorn: searched google, full of it, tnx | 19:18 |
Kaliforniablue | good bye | 19:19 |
Kaliforniablue | have god fun | 19:19 |
Kaliforniablue | silverhom, :) | 19:19 |
BluesKaj | SlidingHorn, I wouldn't have suggested lsb-core unless I knew that it's needed | 19:19 |
BluesKaj | it could be part of the deb package noiw | 19:20 |
Kaliforniablue | thank you very much and happy night | 19:20 |
OerHeks | BluesKaj, google seems to update their stuff from time to time :-D | 19:21 |
BluesKaj | OerHeks, well , I recall google earth requiring that app for yrs, why they never included it was starnge | 19:23 |
slevux | load -e /media/paki/Dati1/Download/xdccMule/script1.mrc | 19:23 |
redalert | how can i switch the default display in ubuntu 15.10 with unity ? | 19:26 |
Ghqs | Please explain a bit more | 19:27 |
Ghqs | Default screen? | 19:27 |
Ghqs | Redalert | 19:27 |
sruli | anyone know how to resolve copying to usb slows down from 100mb/sec to 5mb/sec? | 19:29 |
redalert | i have 2 displays. samsung on hdmi, benq on display port. ubuntu thinks the benq is the default display. the samsung must be the default display. | 19:29 |
redalert | video card is an ati 6870 | 19:29 |
=== cpaelzer_afk is now known as cpaelzer | ||
carl_ | I'm trying to load netbeans 8.1 but it always gets stuck on loading modules, any idea on what to do? | 19:30 |
sruli | redalert: settings > screen Display, u can move around screens, | 19:30 |
VFDPrim1 | it did not sayanything about restarting the computer is it done upgrading? | 19:30 |
redalert | yes sure. hdmi-0 is set to default | 19:30 |
VFDPrim1 | its just waiting for a command now | 19:31 |
redalert | problem is, when i turn my pc on, the login screen appears on the displayport screen thats not set as default | 19:31 |
daftykins | vdc: still looks like the same paste | 19:32 |
SlidingHorn | VFDPrim1: what was the command you ran? | 19:32 |
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VFDPrim1 | daftykins really? thats odd | 19:33 |
VFDPrim1 | daftykins what was the last one you had me run to upgrade | 19:33 |
sruli | redalert: i also have sometimes on start it places login on second screen, never bothered me so didnt look into it, the menu (unity) always appears on default screen? | 19:33 |
redalert | menu is on hdmi-0. only login screen is on second screen. | 19:34 |
daftykins | VFDPrim1: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 19:34 |
sruli | redalert: login always appears on other screen? | 19:34 |
redalert | yes | 19:34 |
VFDPrim1 | | 19:34 |
sruli | are u using ati drivers? | 19:35 |
VFDPrim1 | kaftykins thanks | 19:35 |
redalert | no | 19:35 |
sruli | redalert: dont know | 19:36 |
redalert | i use xserver-xorg-video-ati | 19:36 |
VFDPrim1 | when upgrading from terminal does it not say that the computer needs a restart? (been awhile since i did it from the treminal) | 19:38 |
compdoc | VFDPrim1, usually not | 19:39 |
daftykins | though it did seem like yours said it was ready, earlier? | 19:39 |
compdoc | if you ssh into the machine, it migh say it needs a restart | 19:39 |
VFDPrim1 | ok well then ill shuut down and restart and hope its all good finaly eather way im sure ill be back on here be back shortly | 19:40 |
VFDPrim1 | well that had to be the fastest restart i have ever had lol | 19:44 |
=== nya is now known as Guest46762 | ||
VFDPrim1 | thanks a buunch for all the healp this morning and afternoon | 19:46 |
daftykins | hehe | 19:46 |
daftykins | np | 19:46 |
redalert | sruli: on mint this is no problem | 19:47 |
VFDPrim1 | now i have to figure out how to move over all my programs to this computer | 19:47 |
Wurmphlegm | could someone help me figure out why i can only connect to @ port 6667, but no other IRC servers? netstat -ntpl doesn't show any issues, and i have no firewall enabled on my Linux box or modem / router. | 19:48 |
BluesKaj | VFDPrim1, from ? | 19:48 |
carl_ | I tried downgrading to netbeans 8.0.2 but it didnt help a bit :( | 19:49 |
VFDPrim1 | froom my old computer to this one | 19:49 |
RandomNoob | VFDPrim1: replace hdd :D | 19:50 |
VFDPrim1 | ? | 19:50 |
VFDPrim1 | new hard ware and everything | 19:51 |
BluesKaj | Wurmphlegm, probly your irc.server settings in your client that need additional irc servers added | 19:51 |
VFDPrim1 | some one mentioned a program yesterday but it did not pick up all my programs like sweethom3d and many others | 19:52 |
RandomNoob | VFDPrim1: check this link | 19:52 |
BluesKaj | VFDPrim1, is your old pc on the same network and is it a linux OS ? | 19:52 |
Wurmphlegm | BluesKaj: i will try that, thank you. | 19:53 |
VFDPrim1 | yes it is blue | 19:53 |
daftykins | sounds like you use a lot of packages from PPAs, most methods won't work unless you have those PPAs already enabled on the other | 19:53 |
daftykins | those PPAs would need to have packages available for the new ubuntu version, too | 19:53 |
VFDPrim1 | so i will probably just have to go through the old comp and put each on manualy ha | 19:54 |
BluesKaj | scp them overt from the other pc | 19:54 |
VFDPrim1 | blue i have no idea what that means lol | 19:54 |
BluesKaj | !ssh | VFDPrim1 | 19:55 |
ubottu | VFDPrim1: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon) | 19:55 |
=== cpaelzer is now known as cpaelzer_afk | ||
=== cpaelzer_afk is now known as cpaelzer | ||
VFDPrim1 | the ssh looks like it would work for files but maybe not programs | 19:57 |
daftykins | did you get these programs from PPAs? | 19:57 |
=== cpaelzer is now known as cpaelzer_afk | ||
eelstrebor | VFDPrim1, you can execute programs but if it's something like vlc you'll see the video but not audio for movies | 19:58 |
BluesKaj | VFDPrim1, just install the same programs on the new pc like you did the old one | 19:58 |
VFDPrim1 | but that takes soo long lol i am lazy was hopping for an easy out but i guess there really is no such thng lol | 19:59 |
ioria | VFDPrim1, the app you used was aptoncd ? | 19:59 |
eelstrebor | how does one stream programming from a dvb card? i can put in the transponder freq and symbol rate but if there's several channels streamed over the sat on that transponder how do you select the program using vlc? | 20:00 |
zerowait1tate | VFDPrim1: you can find out which packages you installed by doing "dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall" | 20:00 |
daftykins | eelstrebor: i think most people would make use of something like mythtv as a backend then something like Kodi as a frontend for tuner usage. | 20:01 |
zerowait1tate | VFDPrim1: make sure your sources.list and sources.d match on both systems, then install the same packages on the new system | 20:01 |
eelstrebor | VFDPrim1, maybe tightvnc is what you need? | 20:01 |
daftykins | except they can't match if they're different ubuntu versions :> | 20:01 |
daftykins | eelstrebor: i think you misunderstand eelstrebor's original question :) | 20:02 |
=== intel is now known as Guest58419 | ||
zerowait1tate | VFDPrim1: if you need to know version numbers, etc, you can use "apt --installed list" | 20:02 |
eelstrebor | daftykins, i'll have to figure out why mythtv keeps giving me invalid password messages for mysql even though i know i entered the correct password | 20:03 |
eelstrebor | huh? eelstrebor: i think you misunderstand eelstrebor's original question :) | 20:03 |
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daftykins | eelstrebor: hmm, logs don't elaborate? | 20:03 |
daftykins | eelstrebor: my bad, tired eyes + brain now ;) i meant VFDPrim1's question | 20:04 |
eelstrebor | it's been awhile since i tried to use it - i tend to get frustrated and head out the door | 20:04 |
daftykins | mmm, not a friendly one so i hear | 20:05 |
eelstrebor | just like dvbv5-scan doesn't work right, IMHO - keep getting locks and then segmentation fault | 20:05 |
daftykins | eelstrebor: i believe they have a channel here on freenode though, so they might be of use | 20:05 |
eelstrebor | most of the time i can't find anyone with an answer so i spend a ridiculus amount of time trying to figure out some stuff - just like windows | 20:06 |
Wurmphlegm | BluesKaj: That didn't work | 20:08 |
Abe | is it normal that a laptop reaches 170 F while playing? | 20:14 |
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Abe | or about 80 Celsius | 20:14 |
OerHeks | Abe, depends on the cpu & videocard, but it is not unusual, seen that before. | 20:15 |
MrXXIV | Can Ubuntu Server, Nginx, PHP 7, etc. run on an ARM computer? | 20:16 |
OerHeks | MrXXIV, it can 'run'.. but is it 'workable'.. | 20:17 |
Abe | ok I thought it seems a little high | 20:17 |
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MrXXIV | Cause I'm curious to do something to this | 20:17 |
daftykins | Abe: if it's not new, it probably needs a disassembling and cleaning... possibly even new thermal paste applied | 20:18 |
OerHeks | Abe what cpu exactly? this is wild guessing | 20:18 |
daftykins | MrXXIV: the folks over in #ubuntu-arm may know more | 20:21 |
MrXXIV | gotchu | 20:21 |
BluesKaj | Wurmphlegm, which irc client are you using? | 20:21 |
ams_ | I want to make a boot usb drive but not having much luck with unetbooting or ubuntu boot disk creator. Are there any others out there? | 20:22 |
daftykins | what OS are you trying to put on one? | 20:22 |
ams_ | Xenserver 6.5 | 20:23 |
daftykins | so it's a Linux ISO? | 20:23 |
ams_ | Yes | 20:24 |
ams_ | | 20:24 |
daftykins | try "sudo dd if=/path/to/that.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=2M" | 20:24 |
shudon | hi all :) i've installed backuppc on a brand new ubuntu 14.04.3 server install, but when i access it via http, the server just sends backuppc's elf binary cgi program, instead of executing it as a cgi script. apache2 was installed automatically as a dependency of backuppc. apache2 has the cgid module enabled according to a2enmod. /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/backuppc.conf specifies "Options ExecCGI," and "AddHandler cgi-script .cgi." restarted | 20:24 |
shudon | apache2. still does this! | 20:24 |
daftykins | but you need to identify your flash drives' letter and put it in place of /dev/sdX | 20:24 |
pac1 | I'm trying to boot from usb and i keep getting "boot error" | 20:25 |
ams_ | When I did that I got a bunch of errors I think relating to syslinux | 20:25 |
ams_ | (when trying to boot from the drive) | 20:25 |
OerHeks | ams did you check that iso md5sum ? | 20:25 |
shudon | oh, nvm, it must have been my browser cache | 20:26 |
ams_ | OerHeks: They don't provide one on their site | 20:26 |
ams_ | .. but google checks out | 20:26 |
carl_ | is there any log that could give me an idea on why netbeans gets stuck on loading? | 20:27 |
ioria | ams_, are you sure is based on linux ? | 20:28 |
ams_ | ioria: Xensrver? I thought it was | 20:29 |
ioria | ams_, ok.... | 20:29 |
ams_ | ioria: | 20:29 |
akik | xenserver uses syslinux as a boot loader, and i guess it starts the dom0 xen kernel by default | 20:30 |
BluesKaj | ams_, did you delete the files on the usb stick before trying dd? I have to ask | 20:31 |
ams_ | BluesKaj: no, would that be important? Wouldn't dd do that for me? | 20:31 |
OerHeks | ams_, so it is maybe incompatible hardware, faulty iso, who can tell ? | 20:31 |
akik | BluesKaj: dd takes care of anything on the usb stick :) | 20:31 |
daftykins | ams_: you're definitely using sdX and not a partition number, right? | 20:32 |
daftykins | e.g. sdb1 would be wrong | 20:32 |
bekks | ams_: are you sure that it is supported at all to run xenserver off an usb boot drive? | 20:32 |
ams_ | daftykins: oh, no, i was using sdb1 | 20:32 |
* BluesKaj shrugs , it's always best to dd into a clean drive, but do what you want | 20:32 | |
daftykins | ams_: there you go, dd must be done upon the device and not a partition :) | 20:33 |
Wurmphlegm | BluesKaj: I am using Xchat, however i have smuxi, and bitchx. All three are a no go. | 20:33 |
ams_ | daftykins: aha, ok, progress! Where do I get that number? | 20:33 |
ams_ | BluesKaj: source? :) | 20:33 |
daftykins | ams_: no there is no number, you just use /dev/sdx | 20:34 |
akik | no, it doesn't matter what is on the usb stick before. dd will overwrite it | 20:34 |
Wurmphlegm | Blueskaj: Also, i just's anything having to do with port 6667. This server is obviously 8001 so it works | 20:34 |
BluesKaj | Wurmphlegm, xchat is depracated no longer supporte , switch to hexchat | 20:34 |
ams_ | daftykins: oh, sdb, gotcha | 20:34 |
Kardos | xchat is deprecated?? | 20:34 |
Wurmphlegm | BluesKaj: let me try Hexchat then | 20:34 |
ME2 | hello | 20:35 |
BluesKaj | !xchat | 20:35 |
ubottu | A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at - For a general list of !freenode channels, see - See also !Guidelines | 20:35 |
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ME2 | is there any threat if i uninstall unity on 15.10 ? | 20:35 |
ams_ | daftykins: Not happy still, "no boot device found" | 20:36 |
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daftykins | ams_: you can't have written it that fast. | 20:36 |
ams_ | daftykins: it did seem to complete rather quickly, it's only 500mb .. but still | 20:37 |
Wurmphlegm | BluesKaj: yeah it made no difference | 20:37 |
akik | ams_: did you check "the internet" | 20:37 |
BluesKaj | Kardos, from all reports xchat is no longer being developed, but it's still in the repos | 20:37 |
ams_ | akik: i've followed about 5 different tutorials from the internet. That particular one I haven't because it uses Windows. | 20:37 |
daftykins | ams_: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && sudo parted -l | pastebinit | 20:38 |
daftykins | i'd be a bit concerned you didn't just write that ISO to the wrong drive... | 20:38 |
Wurmphlegm | BluesKaj: i just got off the phone with my ISP, and they said that it's not a port that they normally block. So it's not on their end. I have no firewall running, and my routers have nothing blocking it | 20:38 |
BluesKaj | Wurmphlegm, so which servers are you adding to the client exactly | 20:38 |
akik | ams_: i'm sure you will find better info on the net. it's off topic for #ubuntu | 20:38 |
Wurmphlegm | anything in the default list when you first startup hexchat will not matter what | 20:38 |
Wurmphlegm | only one in the list that works is Freenode | 20:39 |
mindfield | hi | 20:39 |
Wurmphlegm | i am trying to connect to | 20:39 |
Wurmphlegm | @ port 6667 | 20:39 |
ams_ | daftykins: | 20:39 |
daftykins | ams_: looks like your flash drive is one of those U3 drives, as it has a virtual CD - probably ruining this task. | 20:41 |
bazhang | Wurmphlegm, ask in #hexchat | 20:41 |
ams_ | daftykins: yeah it does have that stupid crap, ok, i'll see if I can find another one. Thanks! | 20:41 |
daftykins | np | 20:41 |
ams_ | ..though this time the dd is taking quite a bit longer.. huh | 20:41 |
Wurmphlegm | bazhang: it's not a IRC client issue, i have tried pretty much every IRC client available for Linux. | 20:42 |
bazhang | Wurmphlegm, well they will know, and the hexchat developer is pretty much always around. your choice | 20:43 |
ams_ | Wurmphlegm: that sounds odd, can you connect to that socket using netcat? | 20:44 |
BluesKaj | Wurmphlegm, don't use @ in any of the server fields ...I'm able to connect to (port 6667) and the server autoconnects me to the #lobby chatroom | 20:44 |
zykotick9 | Wurmphlegm: fyi, bitchx is also deprecated... | 20:44 |
Wurmphlegm | BluesKaj: So this is in my server information for Evolve, which i created in the server list for Hexchat. | 20:46 |
Kardos | BluesKaj, heh cool, didn't realise it's stagnating, thanks for the tip | 20:46 |
aitar | hi, just a short question: which source do you recommend best to learn something about irc? | 20:46 |
BluesKaj | Wurmphlegm, i'm using Konversation irc client | 20:46 |
BluesKaj | Kardos, np :-0 | 20:47 |
OerHeks | Wurmphlegm is trying to connect to 2 servers with on the same port ? | 20:48 |
bazhang | looks like it | 20:48 |
renka | hello, i fail starting my mysql server. it tell me line 86: logger: command not found | 20:48 |
ams_ | daftykins: btw, same issue with a different drive .. which also wrote in a suspiciously quick time (84MB/s) | 20:49 |
Bashing-om | aitar: The #irssi channel is quite active in development of IRC clients, might ask there . | 20:49 |
rami_ | #kernel | 20:50 |
renka | anyone can help me pls? | 20:52 |
RingoMckraken | do you have mysql installed on the box or is it connecting remotely to another? | 20:52 |
rami_ | hello , anyone can help me in kernel customization ? | 20:53 |
renka | i have installed mysql-server | 20:53 |
Pici | renka: did you make any changes to your /etc/mysql/my.cnf file recently? | 20:53 |
renka | no | 20:53 |
renka | i just installed ubuntu 14.04 | 20:54 |
renka | fresh server | 20:54 |
Pici | renka: what exactly are you typing to start it?. | 20:54 |
ams_ | renka: Where are you seeing that error? | 20:54 |
renka | /etc/init.d/mysql start | 20:54 |
ams_ | And that's the output you see? | 20:55 |
renka | * starting myql.. blabla | 20:55 |
akik | renka: logger comes from the bsdutils package | 20:55 |
renka | then the error logger: command not found | 20:55 |
orange_ | Hi all | 20:55 |
orange_ | Anybody know how to remove a user on linux? | 20:55 |
orange_ | from the terminal | 20:55 |
ams_ | renka: someone on the internet says sudo apt-get install bsdutils –reinstall | 20:56 |
renka | do i need to install more packages? | 20:56 |
renka | i will try that | 20:56 |
Pici | or4n: take a look at the deluser command, you may want to read its manpage. | 20:57 |
renka | thanks ams_ and akik | 20:57 |
renka | worked :) | 20:57 |
ams_ | woohoo | 20:57 |
rami_ | anyone can help in customizing a kernel ? | 20:57 |
ams_ | (i just googled your error btw ;)) | 20:57 |
renka | i tried to find a solution by google also ^^ | 20:58 |
renka | i had bad links i think :P | 20:58 |
davidmichaelkarr | Question about "cryptsetup" and "crypttab", which is apparently not in Ubuntu 14.04. Before "crypttab" is available, how do you specify to require the passphrase at boot? | 21:09 |
Li | How to make all windows control buttons/icons either on the windows itself or on the top sideo of ubuntu near the dash | 21:10 |
lepepe | ++lepepe | 21:10 |
holucon | is there anything special I have to do to have another process be able to read or write to a fuse mounted folder? | 21:10 |
MonkeyDust | Li in Unity Tweak tool > Appearnace > window controls | 21:11 |
ams_ | daftykins: re-installing unetbootin fixed it .. :-) | 21:11 |
faLUCE | hello, both mouse and keyboard started without a reason to have strange behaviours (for example, i cant do long movements with mouse pointers without breaks, as well as if I press the same letter on the keyboard). I controlled with top, and there is not a process that hangs cpu. It is like when some process consumes lot of cpu (but in this case all the processes ar ok). what can I do? | 21:15 |
bazhang | what version of ubuntu faLUCE | 21:15 |
faLUCE | bazhang: how can I check? | 21:16 |
MonkeyDust | faLUCE cat /etc/issue | 21:16 |
bazhang | is this a wireless kb and mouse faLUCE | 21:16 |
faLUCE | bazhang: 14.04 (thanks MonkeyDust) | 21:17 |
faLUCE | bazhang: no, it's the touchpad but I have the same problem with a wired or wireless kb and mouse | 21:17 |
geremia | chi sei | 21:20 |
lepepe | hello, I'm able to access to microsoft sql from ubuntu using freetds, but I was wondering if is possible to create cron jobs to backup the data base? | 21:20 |
faLUCE | what can I do? | 21:21 |
geremia | lepre dove 6 | 21:21 |
lotuspsychje | !it | geremia | 21:21 |
ubottu | geremia: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) | 21:22 |
faLUCE | I'm seeing that the same problem appears when I see any video | 21:22 |
geremia | com'è il circuito | 21:22 |
faLUCE | without moving the mouse or pressing keys | 21:22 |
geremia | ok | 21:22 |
geremia | #ubuntu-it | 21:22 |
lotuspsychje | faLUCE: its best to re-ask your question in one line, once in a while | 21:23 |
faLUCE | well, it is like xorg has messed up | 21:23 |
geremia | ma che succede | 21:25 |
lotuspsychje | !english | geremia | 21:25 |
ubottu | geremia: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit | 21:25 |
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Mamba_2 | Hello | 21:26 |
geremia | ciao | 21:26 |
ubuntu-mate | hey why can't i play dvd's i need help | 21:30 |
lotuspsychje | !dvd | ubuntu-mate | 21:31 |
ubottu | ubuntu-mate: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of | 21:31 |
ubuntu-mate | im using ubuntu mate | 21:31 |
ubuntu-mate | all the command don't work | 21:33 |
ubuntu-mate | it keeps saying sudo apt-get install libdvdread4 | 21:34 |
ubuntu-mate | E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. | 21:34 |
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Guest1360 | hi guys, what should I use as a deja-dub alternative? | 21:35 |
lotuspsychje | !backup | Guest1360 | 21:36 |
ubottu | Guest1360: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: , , , - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 21:36 |
SchrodingersScat | Guest1360: I've been happy using duplicity directly | 21:38 |
Bashing-om | ubuntu-mate: So, what results when you foillow the package manager's advise ? | 21:38 |
n0p513d | ubuntu-mate: Did you run that command? | 21:39 |
lepepe | hello guys, there is a way to create microsoft sql backups form ubuntu? | 21:39 |
ubuntu-mate | I bought over 10.000 dollar system 76 computer i build and i changed the os from Ubuntu to Ubuntu Mate because i don't like unity and i can't get the dvd to work and yes i did the command and it didn't work | 21:40 |
Guest1360 | SchrodingersScat: thank you for your recommendation :-) | 21:40 |
faLUCE | hello, something has messed up suddenly with xorg, on ubuntu 14.04. Now I have bad resolution, bad mouse and keyboard responses... what can I do in order to reset xorg? | 21:41 |
Bashing-om | ubuntu-mate: Then, we need to see that errors in context . Pastenin the outputs of ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ' . | 21:41 |
n0p513d | ubuntu-mate: Now you have done that, try and install libdvdcss2 and libdvdread4 | 21:41 |
lotuspsychje | faLUCE: xorg doesnt need to be edited, are you on correct graphics driver? | 21:42 |
faLUCE | lotuspsychje: all worked good, since a crash (then I rebooted and all these issues started) | 21:42 |
Bashing-om | faLUCE: More likely a graphics driver issue, what returns for a driver from terminal command ' sudo lshw -C display ' ? | 21:43 |
Maxirus | Has anyone been able to get the Apple Magic Trackpad 2 to work? | 21:43 |
lotuspsychje | Maxirus: can this help? | 21:44 |
ubuntu-mate | i keep getting this ubuntu-mate@ubuntu-mate:~$ sudo apt-get install libdvdread4 | 21:44 |
ubuntu-mate | E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. | 21:44 |
faLUCE | Bashing-om: | 21:44 |
lotuspsychje | ubuntu-mate: did you add ppa's or .debs of any kind to your system? | 21:44 |
Maxirus | lotuspsychje, Nope, I've read every guide for the Apple Trackpad's however they all apply to the original version. | 21:45 |
Bashing-om | faLUCE: Look'n at your . | 21:45 |
faLUCE | Bashing-om: ? | 21:45 |
faLUCE | Bashing-om: thanks | 21:45 |
Bashing-om | faLUCE: Uh Huh .. " configuration: latency=0 " no graphic's driver loaded . So what is the hardware here ' lspci | grep "VGA\|3D" ' ? | 21:46 |
Maxirus | The MT2 is seen by Ubuntu as a evdev, basic mouse. My research is showing that it's not supported by the Kernel but I can't confirm this. | 21:46 |
faLUCE | Bashing-om: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (primary) (rev 0c | 21:47 |
frank23 | ciaooo | 21:48 |
frank23 | list | 21:48 |
lotuspsychje | !info automysqlbackup | lepepe can this help? | 21:48 |
ubottu | lepepe can this help?: automysqlbackup (source: automysqlbackup): daily, weekly and monthly backup for your MySQL database. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.6+debian.4-1 (wily), package size 13 kB, installed size 99 kB | 21:48 |
lotuspsychje | !it | frank23 | 21:48 |
ubottu | frank23: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) | 21:48 |
n0p513d | ubuntu-mate: That --configure -a has always worked for me, strange. | 21:48 |
=== faisal__ is now known as faisal | ||
faLUCE | in addition, mouse and keyboard movements are strange | 21:49 |
faLUCE | Bashing-om: | 21:49 |
faLUCE | in addition, mouse and keyboard movements are strange | 21:49 |
Bashing-om | faLUCE: Wow .. Intel .. what ever did you do to loose the driver ? We can put it back .. However ... is this a laptop with optimus technology for the graphics ? | 21:49 |
lotuspsychje | faLUCE: both cards say unclaimed, means you need correct driver for it | 21:50 |
n0p513d | ubuntu-mate I would try 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade' then try again. | 21:50 |
Bashing-om | faLUCE: Yeah ... all part of the X layr that the graphic's driver supports . | 21:50 |
lotuspsychje | n0p513d: good idea | 21:50 |
faLUCE | Bashing-om: I don't know about optimus technology | 21:50 |
faLUCE | so, what should I do? | 21:50 |
ubuntu-mate | i might put linux mint in it because it work out of the box | 21:50 |
lotuspsychje | ubuntu-mate: unwise decision | 21:51 |
n0p513d | Well, you can, but I think this would be worth a try first. | 21:51 |
Bashing-om | faLUCE: K. Pastebin please - lspci -k | grep -EA2 'VGA|3D' - maybe see if there is a secondary graphic's set . | 21:51 |
n0p513d | Maybe even do a reboot after the upgrade step | 21:51 |
n0p513d | then --configure -a | 21:52 |
faLUCE | Bashing-om: | 21:52 |
lepepe | lotuspsychjeubottu: At work we use microsoft sql because our erp software, I'm able to query the database with freetds but I would like to create a cron job to do the backups daily | 21:54 |
ekopc | gfjghkkh | 21:56 |
Bashing-om | faLUCE: Think what we see is dual heads on the graphic's card . Try ' sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel ' .. reboot to see the effect . | 21:57 |
lotuspsychje | !cron | lepepe | 21:58 |
ubottu | lepepe: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See | 21:58 |
faLUCE | Bashing-om: already the newest version | 21:58 |
VFDPrim | ok so now im getting really frustrated with this new computer | 21:58 |
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faLUCE | well let's reboot... | 21:59 |
VFDPrim | instulled 15.4 just fine but upgraded to 15.10 and that went fine made it to the restart needed i pressed yes it restarted and now it wont let me log in wont even let me go to a guest session! | 21:59 |
rumptes | VFDPrim: bummer | 22:00 |
VFDPrim | yea no kidding | 22:01 |
Bashing-om | VFDPrim: Proprietary graphics driver that got broke in the release upgrade process ? | 22:01 |
VFDPrim | have a feeling im screwed with it and will have to start all over | 22:02 |
VFDPrim | would that even bring it up to a login screan | 22:02 |
lepepe | lotuspsychje: schedule the executions with cron is not the problem, what I want is to schedule a microsoft sql dump from ubuntu | 22:03 |
VFDPrim | the screen flashes and says something but to fast to read it then it goes right back to the login screen | 22:03 |
rumptes | lepepe: yep | 22:03 |
VFDPrim | but yet it knows if i type the wrong password or not | 22:03 |
lotuspsychje | VFDPrim: graphics card chipset? | 22:04 |
VFDPrim | its got a graphics card | 22:04 |
Bashing-om | VFDPrim: Yeah , with a broke grahic's driver, that is a symptom . | 22:05 |
rumptes | VFDPrim: if you have amd proprietary card you might have to upgrade using apt-get | 22:05 |
rumptes | VFDPrim: do you know how to change to terminal prompt | 22:05 |
VFDPrim | AMD Radeon HD 6770 1 GB | 22:06 |
VFDPrim | rumptes no i do not | 22:06 |
VFDPrim | i dont know how to even get to a terminal on this screen | 22:07 |
Bashing-om | lotuspsychje: VFDPrim What is the current staus of the FGLRX driver in 15.10 ? Still with problems ?? | 22:07 |
Bashing-om | status* | 22:07 |
VFDPrim | no clue what you mean sorry not good with this stuff | 22:07 |
faLUCE | after rebooting the resolution is ok. but the keyboard and mouse problem remains. let me show an example: if I press the "t" key, it writes: tttttttttt (pause) tttttttttt (pause) ttttttt etc. The same occours if I see a video: I experience a small pause every 2 seconds | 22:07 |
Bashing-om | faLUCE: Say again what release you are on ? maybe try a later Intel graphos's driver ? | 22:08 |
faLUCE | Bashing-om: since one hour ago all worked good | 22:09 |
faLUCE | Bashing-om: 14.10 | 22:09 |
VFDPrim | | 22:09 |
VFDPrim | just found that and that is exactly what its doing | 22:10 |
rumptes | VFDPrim: you need to upgrade the hardware driver | 22:10 |
VFDPrim | and how do i do that | 22:10 |
Bashing-om | faLUCE: Ouch .. verify 14.10 and that release has no support -EOL . no access to the software repository . show ' lsb_release -a ' . | 22:12 |
io7 | Hi, is there any way that I can have iCloud running on Ubuntu? | 22:13 |
OerHeks | io7, olny trough the browser AFAIK | 22:14 |
rumptes | VFDPrim: drop down to terminal by pushing alt and f1 | 22:14 |
io7 | bummer. thanks | 22:14 |
rumptes | VFDPrim: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 22:14 |
faLUCE | Bashing-om: sorry, it is 14.04 | 22:15 |
rumptes | VFDPrim: login as your normal user then enter these commands in. | 22:15 |
rumptes | VFDPrim: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 22:15 |
VFDPrim | alt f1 didnt do anlything ctr alt one will though | 22:15 |
lotuspsychje | faLUCE: can you try the intel graphics installer from their website? | 22:15 |
rumptes | VFDPrim: login | 22:15 |
Protagonistics | did they change where logs are stored in ubuntu 15.10? I don't have a var/log/messages... | 22:16 |
faLUCE | lotuspsychje: it would be long | 22:16 |
lotuspsychje | Protagonistics: wich log are you trying to find? | 22:16 |
rumptes | VFDPrim: were you using AMD card | 22:16 |
Protagonistics | kernel related? | 22:16 |
lotuspsychje | Protagonistics: /var/log/syslog and dmesg | 22:17 |
Protagonistics | there is no /var/log/syslog though | 22:17 |
VFDPrim | rumptes its all uptodate | 22:17 |
lotuspsychje | Protagonistics: there should be, try a tail -f /var/log/syslog | 22:18 |
VFDPrim | and it is this card | 22:18 |
VFDPrim | AMD Radeon HD 6770 1 GB | 22:18 |
Protagonistics | yeah that gets me things | 22:18 |
rumptes | VFDPrim: have you entered those commands in one at a time | 22:18 |
lotuspsychje | Protagonistics: type dmesg in terminal is usefull too | 22:18 |
VFDPrim | i did i just updated all of those today | 22:18 |
Bashing-om | faLUCE: Well . let's see if there is now a graphic's driver loadd ' sudo lshw -C display ' . | 22:19 |
rumptes | VFDPrim: sudo apt-get install fglrx | 22:20 |
faLUCE | Bashing-om: | 22:21 |
Bashing-om | faLUCE: Yeah, the driver is leaded now . Maybe see what results ' sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ' ? | 22:22 |
faLUCE | Bashing-om: after executing sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg it returns nothing | 22:24 |
winem_ | good evening, are there any known issues with the german repositories? especially and | 22:24 |
lotuspsychje | winem_: ask in #ubuntu-mirror please | 22:24 |
k1l_ | winem_: what brings you "lsb_release -d"? | 22:24 |
lotuspsychje | winem_: #ubuntu-mirrors sorry | 22:24 |
winem_ | ok, thanks lotuspsychje | 22:24 |
faLUCE | Bashing-om: I can't see movies properly (files) ... it flicks | 22:25 |
lotuspsychje | winem_: also answer k1l_ please | 22:25 |
ubottu | MAZINGAGIOCLA: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 22:25 |
winem_ | k1l_: Description:Ubuntu 15.04 | 22:25 |
OerHeks | winem_, Six hours behind Up to date | 22:26 |
k1l_ | winem_: ok, that is still supported and the repos should work. actually my .de mirror works. so maybe its just your ISP with a bad routing | 22:26 |
OerHeks | | 22:26 |
winem_ | I'm confused because the domain is resolved by different IPs, which is fine, of course, but only works... but it's really really slow | 22:28 |
winem_ | ok, so I will doublecheck the routing even though everything else works. thanks guys | 22:28 |
k1l_ | winem_: that is a load balancer for several different servers. | 22:28 |
OerHeks | winem_, see, they are just 128 kbs | 22:28 |
OerHeks | choose a faster mirror then | 22:28 |
Bashing-om | faLUCE: I do not know . That was all I know to do . | 22:29 |
faLUCE | Bashing-om: thanks anyway | 22:29 |
lotuspsychje | does the uninstall of seahorse automaticly disable gnome-keyring, or do i see this wrongly? | 22:29 |
OerHeks | lotuspsychje, if it does, you cannot update anymore, or are you going to choose an other keyring? | 22:30 |
winem_ | oh ok, 128kbps explains a lot | 22:30 |
Jan\ | how do I make a command execute on boot ? | 22:30 |
k1l_ | Jan\: depends a bit on the command | 22:31 |
wehde | has anyone here got memory ballooning in linux guest machines to work properly? | 22:31 |
lotuspsychje | OerHeks: i dont want gnome-keyring, so thought to purge seahorse? | 22:31 |
Jan\ | k1l_: its a docker start command | 22:31 |
Jan\ | k1l_: i.e. docker start something | 22:32 |
OerHeks | seahorse & gnome keyring belong together AFAIK | 22:32 |
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Jan\ | k1l_: hello? | 22:35 |
k1l_ | Jan\: see the docker documentation: | 22:36 |
ExplodingKittens | Hey, does anybody know where ubuntu-emulator stores the downloaded Ubuntu Touch system images? I can't seem to find them in any of the directories in $XDG_DATA_DIRS, and I /really/ don't want to have to redownload them on my secondary machine. | 22:37 |
OerHeks | ExplodingKittens, you might want to reask in #ubuntu-touch | 22:38 |
ExplodingKittens | OerHeks, ah, thanks! Didn't know if there was a channel specifically for Touch. I'll ask there. | 22:39 |
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Bashing-om | ExplodingKittens: 'dpkg -L <packagename>' is good to see the full list of files a package installed . | 22:40 |
Opcode90 | I gotta say I love the look of the Ubunta interface. | 22:40 |
Opcode90 | THe prog loads quick. | 22:40 |
Opcode90 | All the normal browsing , copy and pasting and finding drives n such. | 22:40 |
Opcode90 | Was a bigger challenge with the Server. | 22:41 |
ExplodingKittens | Bashing-om, that only seems to show where the binaries for the program itself is stored. | 22:41 |
Opcode90 | all command line, in fact no GUI, for the layman no Graphical User Interface is advised ever installing. | 22:42 |
VFDPrim | how does one get rid of the fgrlx and replace it with radeon drivers instead | 22:42 |
Opcode90 | but im old school DOS very good at old school Dos. | 22:42 |
Opcode90 | so the commandline no stranger. | 22:42 |
Opcode90 | The commands however yes differ. | 22:42 |
VFDPrim | or better yet how do i down grade back to 15.4 | 22:43 |
Opcode90 | wow lotta help here needed, lets not put them in order | 22:44 |
Opcode90 | Smiles for now. I cant help any of you.. | 22:45 |
Opcode90 | perhaps an ubunta person might | 22:45 |
Bashing-om | VFDPrim: Might try ' sudo apt-get purge 'fglrx*' ; sudo update-alternatives --remove-all x86_64-linux-gnu_gl_conf ; sudo apt-get install --reinstall libgl1-mesa-dri libgl1-mesa-glx ' Should work, good in 14.04 not tested in 15.10 . | 22:45 |
k1l_ | VFDPrim: downgrade to 15.04 is not possible from 15.10 | 22:45 |
k1l_ | VFDPrim: to get rid of fglrx do "sudo apt-get purge fglrx*" | 22:46 |
lotuspsychje | !discuss | Opcode90 | 22:46 |
ubottu | Opcode90: Want to talk about Ubuntu but don't have a support question. Join #ubuntu-discuss, for other non-support discussion not Ubuntu related you can also join #ubuntu-offtopic. Thank you. | 22:46 |
Opcode90 | i will certainly add those channels thank you | 22:47 |
Opcode90 | ill do it now | 22:47 |
VFDPrim | ok its purged now what | 22:47 |
VFDPrim | how do i add radeon drivers | 22:48 |
Opcode90 | sorry disonnected, i got discuss added let me add the offtipic | 22:48 |
Opcode90 | offtopic | 22:48 |
VFDPrim | just sudo apt-get radeon? | 22:48 |
k1l_ | VFDPrim: no. it will use that as standard now after reboot | 22:49 |
VFDPrim | ok so radeon should already be on my comp | 22:49 |
VFDPrim | ? | 22:50 |
k1l_ | VFDPrim: if you did not remove any such things: yes. | 22:50 |
VFDPrim | ok so reboot it is | 22:50 |
VFDPrim | lest see how this goes lol | 22:50 |
Opcode90 | ty kindly Ubottu if you arent a bot | 22:51 |
Opcode90 | i add those 3 room | 22:51 |
Opcode90 | s | 22:51 |
lotuspsychje | Opcode90: please dont use this channel for chitchat | 22:51 |
Opcode90 | yes thats why he gave me the 3 addresses | 22:51 |
Opcode90 | that i added | 22:51 |
VFDPrim | ok its still got me in the infanat sigh in loop | 22:52 |
Opcode90 | so that i could leave and go speak there | 22:52 |
Opcode90 | lotuspsychje please dont be redundant | 22:52 |
VFDPrim | darn amd get your stuff together | 22:52 |
VFDPrim | so i found one site that some one did the sudo apt-get install linux-generic | 22:53 |
lotuspsychje | VFDPrim: try the crimson amd drivers | 22:53 |
VFDPrim | any thoughts on if i should try that | 22:53 |
lotuspsychje | VFDPrim: | 22:53 |
lotuspsychje | VFDPrim: youve tested radeon driver on many ubuntu versions now without success | 22:54 |
VFDPrim | oh ok and hello lotus | 22:54 |
VFDPrim | on the amd link i see the hd6000 but not a 6770 is the 6000 what mine would fall under | 22:56 |
faLUCE | Bashing-om: you know? the problem was OVERHEAT! | 22:56 |
lotuspsychje | VFDPrim: yes i think so | 22:59 |
VFDPrim | ok then in that case it does say that it works on 15.10 | 22:59 |
VFDPrim | so i guess i will try there install instructions | 23:00 |
lotuspsychje | VFDPrim: testout for us and let us know, youl be writing history here :p | 23:00 |
VFDPrim | yea right if i dont blow up my computer first | 23:00 |
lotuspsychje | lol | 23:00 |
brodude | Hey guys! I need advice... should I build a computer with AMD FX-8350/R9 390 or intel i7-6700/GTX 970? | 23:00 |
VFDPrim | i have no clue what i am doing when it comes to the terminal | 23:01 |
VFDPrim | im BOUT TO JUAT GO BACK TO 14.4 LOL | 23:01 |
lotuspsychje | brodude: you need the ##hardware channel mate | 23:01 |
brodude | Ok :) | 23:01 |
lotuspsychje | VFDPrim: not yet mate, your radeon got errors on 14.04 | 23:01 |
VFDPrim | oh did it ? at least it was working though and i could log in | 23:02 |
lotuspsychje | VFDPrim: you showed me syslog yesterday right | 23:02 |
VFDPrim | still wondering if this would work sudo apt-get install linux-generic | 23:02 |
VFDPrim | i beleive so yes | 23:02 |
lotuspsychje | VFDPrim: i think we need to focus on working driver first | 23:03 |
sruli | can anyone help me with virsh? i dont want the service to auto start i also made the localhost connection not auto start, how do i manually connec to local host from command line? | 23:03 |
VFDPrim | yea some one had said on a site that that actualy fixed it lol | 23:03 |
lotuspsychje | VFDPrim: if amd driver doesnt work out, you can play with kernels too indeed | 23:05 |
dbugger | Hey guys. When I do apt-get update, it gets hang midway. What is going on? | 23:06 |
VFDPrim | i dont even know what to look for on this contents apage for the right directions to try for the amd driver | 23:06 |
k1l_ | dbugger: could be an issue with the ISP or the german mirror. | 23:06 |
brodude | Would it be smart to install Ubuntu on mac? | 23:07 |
brodude | apt-get dist-upgrade is amazing! | 23:07 |
lotuspsychje | VFDPrim: | 23:08 |
dbugger | k1l_, any way to find out or solve it? | 23:09 |
lotuspsychje | !mac | brodude | 23:09 |
ubottu | brodude: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: | 23:09 |
k1l_ | dbugger: wait. or try to change to the main servers. | 23:09 |
VFDPrim | lotus thats where i am at already | 23:09 |
k1l_ | dbugger: but if it is a issue with your ISP routing you cant do anything but wait | 23:09 |
lotuspsychje | VFDPrim: download the zip and install | 23:09 |
Maxirus | In Ubuntu 14.04, are InputClasses supported in xorg.conf? | 23:10 |
brodude | lotuspsychje: But SHOULD I? :D | 23:10 |
inteus | !discuss | brodude | 23:10 |
ubottu | brodude: Want to talk about Ubuntu but don't have a support question. Join #ubuntu-discuss, for other non-support discussion not Ubuntu related you can also join #ubuntu-offtopic. Thank you. | 23:10 |
jost | Is there a problem with the update servers? I'm get some packages that can't be authenticated, and does not respond | 23:12 |
inteus | jost: the mirror might be having issues...Wait a while and try it again. | 23:13 |
k1l_ | seems to be a telekom issue? since its almost only telekom users asking here | 23:13 |
jost | inteus: ok... someting else I might do to avoid that mirror? | 23:13 |
jost | k1l_: yeah, they are known for not getting their stuff right | 23:14 |
jost | and taking horrendous sums for it | 23:14 |
inteus | jost: you could change the mirrors | 23:14 |
jost | inteus: how? | 23:14 |
jost | I'll google | 23:14 |
VFDPrim | :-X!(@*#&# | 23:15 |
inteus | jost: check out | 23:15 |
brodude | In general - What CPU/GPU brand is more stable with Ubuntu - Intel or AMD? | 23:15 |
nullbyte_ | i can't start gdm, autologin is disabled | 23:18 |
nullbyte_ | when i logout it logouts and prompts without login manager no gdm/kdm | 23:18 |
nullbyte_ | how can i go to login manager | 23:19 |
nullbyte_ | ... | 23:19 |
carrera | Hi | 23:19 |
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k1l_ | nullbyte_: is it gdm? or lightdm? what ubuntu is it exactly? | 23:20 |
VFDPrim | the amd site does not list how to get packages from command bar that i am seeing anyway | 23:20 |
nullbyte_ | ubuntu gnome | 23:20 |
nullbyte_ | gdm i sayed | 23:20 |
VFDPrim | but i could be blind | 23:20 |
carrera | Why does Ubuntu Desktop 15.10 crash before I even get to the Live session? | 23:20 |
carrera | it crashes at various points | 23:20 |
nullbyte_ | :) | 23:21 |
sruli | how do i make a service not start on boot ubuntu 14.04 | 23:21 |
nullbyte_ | i cannot start gdm, lightdm | 23:22 |
nullbyte_ | kil: you, can you support? | 23:24 |
nullbyte_ | k1l_, | 23:24 |
inteus | !patience | nullbyte_ | 23:24 |
ubottu | nullbyte_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching or or | 23:24 |
nullbyte_ | hmm | 23:24 |
nullbyte_ | ok | 23:25 |
regedit_ | how to tell which Nvidia Prime option is selected, the embedded or discrete GPU, from shell script? | 23:27 |
lis | hey guys! | 23:30 |
lis | which ubuntu version would you recommend a new linux user to install on dual boot gpt? | 23:31 |
dbugger | Guys, when my PC boots up, the GRUB screen draws quite slow... it takes about 2 - 3 seconds to draw everything. Why could this be? | 23:31 |
regedit_ | lis: using Kubuntu here, after sufficient tweaking & hacking it's not *too* bad | 23:32 |
Bashing-om | lis: A always say to a new user to install the Long Term Support release. Presently 14.04 . | 23:34 |
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regedit_ | Bashing-om: what is so good about LTS ? | 23:37 |
Bashing-om | regedit_: For me it is a stable system over a long period of time . | 23:38 |
inteus | and supported over a long period of time | 23:38 |
regedit_ | what does "supported" mean inteus | 23:38 |
regedit_ | is there a support line i can call | 23:39 |
VFDPrim | and i give up | 23:39 |
inteus | updates, fixes, etc | 23:39 |
regedit_ | i see | 23:39 |
regedit_ | inteus: whereas other non-LTS versions *don't* get updates & fixes? | 23:39 |
regedit_ | on the contrary, they get them more often | 23:39 |
inteus | the official support ends sooner than LTS versions | 23:40 |
RoadRunner | screwed up some setting, now desctop and apps look moved to the right with a white border - how to get it fixed? | 23:40 |
regedit_ | inteus: what does *official support* mean | 23:40 |
regedit_ | is there an official support line i can call? | 23:40 |
k1l_ | !releases | regedit_ | 23:41 |
ubottu | regedit_: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months to 5 years. More info at & | 23:41 |
regedit_ | supported... support... | 23:41 |
regedit_ | what does it all mean?... | 23:42 |
k1l_ | regedit_: LTS got 5 years support. which means it gets security updates for 5 years. others only have 9 months so you need to upgrade your system every 6 months in a row. if you miss one you dont get any updates | 23:42 |
inteus | I think enterprise support has telephone support... | 23:42 |
inteus | otherwise there's free community support by volunteers | 23:42 |
regedit_ | dont get any updates? really? they wont come up in apt-get update/upgrade ? | 23:42 |
k1l_ | regedit_: support means (besides the community support) you can install programs already made working with ubuntu and you get security updates | 23:42 |
k1l_ | regedit_: if you are past the lifespan of that release the servers get shut down | 23:43 |
k1l_ | so either LTS or you need to upgrade every 6 months. so as a beginner start with LTS. | 23:43 |
regedit_ | and if i stay on an earlier non-LTS release, it won't work to keep apt-getting latest updates from the next release repositories? | 23:44 |
k1l_ | regedit_: no | 23:44 |
k1l_ | you cant mix the releases. | 23:44 |
regedit_ | hm | 23:44 |
regedit_ | what does backports mean tho | 23:44 |
regedit_ | a future release can drink packages from an earlier release? | 23:45 |
k1l_ | regedit_: backports only work as long as the release gets support. | 23:45 |
k1l_ | scratch that "i use a non supported release". there is no chance | 23:45 |
regedit_ | so the backports package developers specifically had to have the future release in mind, otherwise the future release couldnt apt-get it? | 23:46 |
k1l_ | backports are stuff from a newer release backported to the older release. but that works only as long as that older release is in support still. | 23:46 |
iron883 | right now I am running 14.04. I will probably wait for the next LTS version before I upgrade | 23:46 |
k1l_ | regedit_: there are right now 14.04, 15.04 and 15.10 that are supported.14.04 get stuff backported from 15.04 and 15.10 | 23:47 |
RoadRunner | khm.. anybody | 23:47 |
regedit_ | k1l_: oh i thought *future* releases also get backports from *anterior* release | 23:48 |
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k1l_ | regedit_: no. that is the opposite of back | 23:48 |
k1l_ | regedit_: if you want older stuff use the older LTS. | 23:49 |
regedit_ | i know, but i thought i kept seeing that in my apt repositories about willy (or something) while i was on vivid | 23:49 |
k1l_ | o_O | 23:50 |
k1l_ | so you added other repos and PPAs not made for 15.04? | 23:50 |
regedit_ | er.... possibly?.... | 23:50 |
k1l_ | best way to make your system a mess | 23:50 |
compdoc | brodude, with cpu dont matter. Intel is faster, tho. GPU, maybe nVidia, if you want a gaming gpu | 23:51 |
regedit_ | i may have wanted to get some package installed, searched online for how to get it, and saw instructions (yes for 15.04!) about adding such repos | 23:51 |
VFDPrim | no the best way to do that is to upgrade to 15.10 with an amd card lol | 23:51 |
regedit_ | i may not be completely certain of what i'm talking about tho | 23:51 |
compdoc | or do you mean onboard gpu? | 23:51 |
k1l_ | regedit_: you need to upgrade to 15.10 anyway | 23:51 |
k1l_ | in january2016 15.04 will be EndOfLife. so you need to upgrade to 15.10 until then | 23:52 |
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regedit_ | hm right | 23:52 |
regedit_ | need to find an available time off my laptop to get that taken care of.. | 23:53 |
k1l_ | that is why you have the choice: either LTS (14.04) or you need to upgrade every 6 months in a row. | 23:53 |
regedit_ | i hate lagging behind in my version numbers, it's like not having the highest score | 23:53 |
regedit_ | :D | 23:53 |
regedit_ | if i get the latest version, I win the game of linux distros! (for a while) | 23:54 |
sam__ | okay so | 23:54 |
sam__ | im new to ubuntu and ive gotten to the magical place of a program freezing and now i think i need to find the job id and kill it | 23:55 |
iron883 | you can install xkill | 23:55 |
iron883 | it makes killing frozen programs really easy | 23:55 |
sam__ | how do i list the jobs "jobs -l" | 23:56 |
sam__ | and then what? | 23:56 |
sdk | ps aux | 23:56 |
sam__ | ps e | 23:57 |
sam__ | thank you | 23:58 |
snypzzx | anyone using ubuntu on chuwi hi8 ...? | 23:58 |
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