
krytarikzequence: What I mentioned yesterday, same with "https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntustudio-look/ubuntustudio-look".16:05
sakrecoer_is that the branch for desktop art and such krytarik 16:32
sakrecoer_also found https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-artwork pulling them both to snoop arround in them.16:40
sakrecoer_is there a team for the artwork? i see the ubuntustudio-look branch requires ubuntstudio-developer team memebership to contribute17:00
krytariksakrecoer_: Nope, there doesn't seem to be a specific artwork team, just that.17:05
flocculanto/ 17:08
krytarikHi flocculant.17:09
* krytarik laughs17:09
flocculantha ha 17:09
sakrecoer_long time not update in many of the look/artwork/icon branches..17:14
sakrecoer_many and many.... 2 out of 4...17:15
sakrecoer_are the artwork guys listed in the credits on IRC sometimes?17:15
OvenWerkssakrecoer_: yes, but not recently.17:23
OvenWerkssakrecoer_: there is and artwork team I think... just looking.17:24
OvenWerksmadeinkobaia is the lead it says17:25
OvenWerkssakrecoer_: As always you are welcome to to create a merge for any of these packages.17:27
sakrecoer_thanks OvenWerks its seems i have to be memeber of the developer team to contribute to the look branch.. but its fine each thing in its time :)17:36
sakrecoer_i pulled it all and am looking into it now :)17:37
OvenWerkssakrecoer_: I can finish a merge if required, then zequence can upload :)17:37
sakrecoer_perfect! :) defenitly joining the art team tho :)17:38
OvenWerksI know it seems more steps than should be needed. But more than one pair of eyes is good too.17:38
sakrecoer_i'm fine with taking the existing steps. :) i could however only help improve the process after aquiring experience with them :)17:39
krytarikAlright, me not finding that team was the result of inadvertently searching Google rather than LP directly, seeing it not linked on  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/ArtTeamPage , and nowhere else either. :P17:57
sakrecoer_hehe... first thing i will do is fix that hexter.png icon...18:01
sakrecoer_it looks good enough, but the size... hurts my nerve to see it bigger then everybody else in the list18:01
OvenWerkssakrecoer_: hexter and HDSPmixer too.19:01
sakrecoer_yes!!!! just saw it was there too :)19:02
sakrecoer_it's just a matter of resizing them :)19:02
OvenWerksXFCE seems to have changed. It used to be that a 48X48 was good enough. (1404 shows them both correct size)19:04
sakrecoer_i don't think i have seen them display correctly since 12.04... but i might be wrong. They are definitly wrong on my 14.0419:08
OvenWerksI may have fixed them locally... though I am generally too lazy for something like that.19:17
sakrecoer_is it 32x32 in use atm, OvenWerks ?19:19
sakrecoer_i mean... the correct size is 32x32?19:19
OvenWerkssakrecoer_: I think for menu it is supposed to be 20... but for whisker I don't know.19:39
sakrecoer_so several sizes is best?19:40
OvenWerkssakrecoer_: it may depend on the whiskermenu settings even. There is an icon size19:41
OvenWerkssakrecoer_: that would be a good question to ask the xubuntu guys.19:41
OvenWerkssakrecoer_: they would know what sizes should be available. If they are svg to begin with, it should be possible to just have one.19:42
OvenWerksSome people just have a link to that one in each size directory.19:43
sakrecoer_yeah... i was also wondering about svg... that is the optimal format for this kindof things..19:43
OvenWerksI am pretty sure the guys in xubuntu are involved with the whiskermenu development.19:44
OvenWerkssvg _should_ be smaller than png and clearer.19:44
sakrecoer_but, is svg at all accepted?19:47
OvenWerksI thought I had done hexter as svg.19:47
OvenWerksbut I can't find it.19:47
sakrecoer_its not to be found in the branch..19:47
sakrecoer_have a look maybe, otherwise i can redraw it... :) i think the look works. its just size...19:48
OvenWerkslook in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/ lots of svgs19:49
OvenWerkssakrecoer_: the old one we had was a screenshot of the one on their web page. It looked really bad.19:49
OvenWerkssakrecoer_: so I redrew it to a least be clean, but it is the same as their's19:50
OvenWerkssakrecoer_: the original is in the package, but it and the desktop file are not installed by default for some reason.19:51
sakrecoer_ok... :)19:51
sakrecoer_haha! darktable have a special xmas icon :D19:51
sakrecoer_sorry ot...19:52
OvenWerksnot really19:52
sakrecoer_:) try to see if you can find your svg version, otherwise i can redraw it no problem :)19:53
OvenWerkssakrecoer_: I can't find it. It is not in any of the palces I would normally put such things19:54
sakrecoer_ok :) i've been wanting to fix that for ages, so i will do it sometime this week :)19:56
OvenWerkssakrecoer_: you may wish to look at http://dssi.sourceforge.net/hexter.html 21:11
OvenWerkssakrecoer_: the github source code does not come with an icon at all: https://github.com/smbolton/hexter I think that was what I found out before.21:12
zequencekrytarik: sakrecoer_ : There is a an artwork team. Ot22:53
zequenceIt's called ubuntustudio-art22:53
zequenceYou can see all the teams here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/TeamStructure22:53
zequencekrytarik: Not sure what you feel is the problem with the repos.22:53
zequenceRight, Len already tolr you22:54
zequenceI'll be around a little more tomorrow hopefully22:55
krytarikzequence: Duplication of the package name in the URL, rather than just its series, "trunk".22:55
krytarikzequence: So, do you feel like adding the LP team URL to  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/ArtTeam , then? :P23:04

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