
Unit193bluesabre: Do we want to try and get micahg to slip xfdashboard directly into Ubuntu repos for now?01:34
bluesabreUnit193: is it stuck in NEW, or has it even been uploaded yet?03:38
bluesabreSome things just move... a... bit... slowwwwwer03:39
ochosievening all21:45
knomehello ochosi 22:54
ochosihey knome 22:58
ochosiwhat's new?22:58
* knome shrugs22:59
ochosiright :)23:03
bluesabreevening ochosi, knome 23:34
knomeheya bluesabre 23:40
ochosio hey bluesabre 23:42
ochosihow're things?23:43
* bluesabre shrugs23:44
bluesabredinner time, brb23:44
knomeso we have started shrugging to everything23:51
ochosibed time, "brb"23:54

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