
sleehello, trying to use an app(via wine), i need to connect to com1(my ttyS0), i set a link for com1 to ttyS0 for wine, but the program still doesn't acknowledge the com port, am i missing setting something up in xubuntu for this to work?01:40
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=== skribblezatcha is now known as pencilandpaper
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wiredfoolHi, I'm running xubuntu 14.04lts on a thinkpad t410 -- and I've got 138 copies of /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/indicator-sound/indicator-sound-service running, and a similar number of init --user --startup-event indicator-services-start running14:22
wiredfoolNot really using audio much, I'm not sure if I've even used gmusicbrowser or rhythmbox this boot.14:25
nomici know i can reassign keys with "window manager -> settings" ... I want to reassign a key temporarily using a program (or from command line) - not the GUI16:23
nomicanyone know how16:23
nomicie where are the window manager settings held (xfce)16:23
nomicok is easy16:27
nomiccos linux16:28
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nomichelp i disabled my keyboard16:35
jamesr_Just installed xubuntu 15.10 w/arc dark gtk theme, but I'm trying to launch firefox with a different gtk theme. Previous I've done this with 'GTK2_RC_FILES=/usr/share/themes/Raleigh/gtk-2.0/gtkrc firefox', but firefox is completely ignoring the spec and using the system theme. Any ideas?17:08
olzhasXubuntu 14.04: Decrease in CPU performance upon charging a laptop. (On battery and after the charge, there is no problem.) What might be a problem?17:46
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SlidingHornhi alvinflumox...have a xubuntu support question we can try to help with?20:25
alvinflumoxis there someone here ?20:25
alvinflumoxI'm trying to figure out what triggers xfce4-display-settings when I plug an external screen over VGA on my laptop20:27
SlidingHornyou mean it loads when you plug in the other screen?20:28
SlidingHorninteresting...not sure what would cause that, but I'm sure someone will be along soon that can help...just be patient :)20:29
alvinflumoxactually I would like to automatically switch to the external display when I plug it (and reverse)20:32
alvinflumoxI googled that and almost all the forums point to a udev event triggering a script with xrandr20:33
alvinflumoxthe problem is that no event appear on my system when I plug/unplug the screen (udevadm)20:34
SlidingHornalvinflumox: nothing shows in dmesg? (/var/log/dmesg)20:37
alvinflumoxI don't know exactly what  to search for but with grep VGA I get something like this20:51
alvinflumox[    2.634858] ACPI: Video Device [VGA] (multi-head: yes  rom: no  post: no)20:52
alvinflumox[    2.654459] ACPI: Video Device [VGA1] (multi-head: yes  rom: no  post: no)20:52
alvinflumox[    3.378118] [drm]   VGA-120:52
SlidingHornI have a stupid question:  When I originally installed Xubuntu 15.10, the installer picked up my home wifi network, and apparently saved its settings/key somewhere.  Where do I find this?  I want to see it so I can duplicate its results for another network at a friend's house20:54
krytarikSlidingHorn: The one is NetworkManager, the other Gnome Keyring.20:57
SlidingHornkrytarik: thanks...found it in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections  :)21:01
SlidingHornalvinflumox: try running:   tail -f /var/log/dmesg      and while you're looking at it, plug in the second monitor (please use a pastebin to post the results - http://paste.ubuntu.com)21:02
alvinflumoxSlidingHorn : tail gives me absolutely nothing.21:33

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