
OvenWerksplymouth-theme-ubuntu-text? we replace it anyway... Gaa. (ISO build fail)02:31
OvenWerksWell, that should effect vanilla, so I imagine it will not be a problem long.02:32
zequenceOnly about 1 1/2 months late, but hey, let's begin our feature definitioning!10:27
krytarikOvenWerks: "plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text? we replace it anyway... Gaa. (ISO build fail)" - just unlike build time there, it was fixed shortly after already. :P15:25
krytarik* unlucky15:25
OvenWerkskrytarik: No problem then we will have an ISO today.15:33
krytarikOvenWerks: Btw, you should soon notice them fiddling with your theme, too - for the same reason.15:44
krytarikLike here: https://code.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-art/xubuntu-artwork/xenial15:45
zequencekrytarik: On the repo names. I think that's a bzr/git naming clash. The repos I've named, I did so according to the package name16:13
zequenceOne of the names in the url is the project name, and the other the repo name, and from one perspective it makes sense if they match16:14
krytarikzequence: It's not here though, for example: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-art/ubuntustudio-artwork/trunk16:14
zequenceOk, could be I didn't name that repo16:14
zequenceIf I start renaming the repos after the convention: trunk, trusty, xenial, etc, it wouldn't be a big problem16:15
zequenceCould be some people would need to update their config for the remote address16:16
zequenceI can see why it makes more sense to use this convention with bzr16:16
OvenWerkszequence: When I do a push I always use the link from the web page for the package.16:17
OvenWerks I do for github too. It just seems to make sure.16:17
zequenceI can do some renaming for all our repos then, at the same time as I reorganize the blueprint stuff16:20
zequenceI suppose the name repo is wrong for bzr, since each "repo" is a branch16:21
OvenWerkskrytarik: Our phymouth theme is in our -look package.16:24
OvenWerkswe used to have a separate package for it.16:25
OvenWerksI guess we still do, but it comes from -look16:26
krytarikYep, source rather than binary package.16:27

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