
SnowhogJust ran another dist-upgrade. plymouth-theme-kubuntu-logo plymouth-theme-kubuntu-text were included in the upgraded packages. After the downloaded packages were unpacked and processed, this appears near the bottom of the output: W: plymouth: The plugin kubuntu-text.so is missing, the selected theme might not work as expected.00:12
SnowhogW: plymouth: You might want to install the plymouth-themes package to fix this.00:12
SnowhogAnd, during the dist-upgrade process, the /var/cache/apt/archives/partial directory ownership and attributes are being changed to this:  drwx------ 2 _apt root    4096 Dec 10 18:07 partial00:15
SnowhogI have to chown and chmod to fix this!00:16
valorieSnowhog: please send to the kubuntu-devel list so this doesn't get overlooked00:16
Snowhogvalorie: Which, the missing file or the changing of the directory?00:16
valorieScarlett's aunt just died, and yofel is overwhelmed right now00:16
valoriethe whole thing00:16
valorieyou can even just paste in the log here if you want00:17
Snowhogvalorie: Okay. I already sent an email on the first issue to the owner of the mailing list, as I'm not permitted to post to the list directly. I did that this afternoon.00:17
valoriehmmm, you tried to post "directly" and then what happened?00:18
* valorie is one of the listowners00:18
Snowhogvalorie: No, I tried to email the list.00:18
valorieand then what happened?00:18
Snowhogvalorie: Just a sec.00:18
clivejomy PPA is full00:19
Snowhogvalorie: If you don't mind, what is your email? I'll forward what I sent to you directly.00:19
Snowhogvalorie: Okay. Give me a sec.00:19
clivejolooks like calligra 2.9.10 isnt going to build tonight!00:19
valoriebut everyone should be able to post to that list, even if it is held for moderation00:19
valorieclivejo: :(00:20
Snowhogvalorie: just forwarded the email to you.00:20
valoriethank you00:20
valoriebut I've got to get that list working right00:20
Snowhogvalorie: I'm going to be going out for the evening shortly. I'll see about emailing you about the changing directory later this evening, if you don't mind.00:22
valoriethat's fine00:22
Snowhogvalorie: Thank you!00:22
* genii makes more coffee and passes the mugs around02:13
ovidiu-florinyofel: there's a person on the mail list asking for instructions on how to help package plasma 5.505:57
ovidiu-florinHe claims to have some experience with packaging 05:58
ovidiu-florinDo you think you can help him?05:58
soee_ovidiu-florin: we should invite him here08:37
yofeldangit, I forgot to reply to him again08:54
yofelovidiu-florin: FWIW, I know him. He was hanging around and doing random packaging stuff years ago. (You can find his name in like 2011 tomahawk changelogs)08:55
yofelhis old IRC nick was _Groo_ or something similiar. Haven't seen him on IRC for a long time08:56
sick_rimmitGood Morning09:12
valoriehow are ya, sick_rimmit?09:13
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
yofelvalorie: the 5.4.3 stuff is something I uploaded a long time ago, but was stuck in -proposed thanks to build failures and qt 5.510:04
yofelwith latter out of the way we can actually get back to doing something productive10:05
valorieoh cool!10:05
valoriethat's excellent10:05
* valorie heads to bed10:05
yofelnini :)10:05
=== greyback__ is now known as greyback
cortex_awesome work guys on the latest daily10:48
cortex_it works well :)10:48
BluesKajHiyas all12:09
BluesKajHi sgclark, just upgraded 16.04 to plasma 5.4.3, guess it's the upgrade to ramp up to 5.512:12
sgclarkI am here, but not here. just lost my aunt yesterday, spending a few days with family12:14
sgclarkcan't promise 5.5 yet12:14
BluesKajsgclark, my condolences , family comes first ...there's no rush for 5.5 12:16
sgclarkthank you12:17
geniiCool, I see a lot of "Yippee, build fixed!" :)15:38
BluesKajhey genii, yeah finally ;-)15:40
clivejositter: you start all these?19:40
clivejoanyone on vivid, wily or xenial want to test calligra 2.9.10, add my PPA - https://launchpad.net/~clivejo/+archive/ubuntu/calligra and let me know if there are any problems19:50
valoriehi sgclark22:15
valoriestill visiting family, or home?22:16
sgclarkI am in Phoenix with family22:16
valorieI'm glad you get to visit for the holidays, but so sorry about the circumstances22:17
sgclarkvalorie: well, I am going back home Tuesday, then I fly back again for holidays on 23rd. But it has been awhile since I have been here, so it is nice, though circumstances are terrible.22:19
valorieand so sorry for your loss22:20
valoriewe're facing it with my dad, who is forgetting how to swallow22:20
valorieso far it's ok, but getting more frequent22:20
sgclarkthank you, and sorry to hear that.22:22

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