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liuxg | has anyone done django on snappy ubuntu? I have a little problem in getting it to work. it seems that the urls is not working though it works well on the desktop environment. thanks | 03:35 |
liuxg | does anyone know what "build-packages: [libssl-dev]" means in the snapcraft.yaml syntax? | 03:53 |
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dholbach | good morning | 07:20 |
svij | morning dholbach | 07:22 |
dholbach | hi svij | 07:22 |
liuxg | dholbach, ping | 09:42 |
dholbach | liuxg: pong | 09:44 |
liuxg | dholbach, I just found the example snapcraft.yaml at the link https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/blob/master/examples/downloader-with-wiki-parts/snapcraft.yaml, what is the use of the "build-package"? | 09:45 |
liuxg | dholbach, it looks like that it installs the package for the project. However, if I remove it, the project still can be successfully compiled | 09:46 |
dholbach | liuxg: it's there, so somebody who tries to use your snapcraft.yaml locally has the required packages installed for the build | 09:47 |
liuxg | dholbach, oh right, it is used use to install to the host computer, right? then can we do the same for "curl" in the example? | 09:49 |
dholbach | yes, it should work for everything | 09:50 |
liuxg | dholbach, you are right. I previously installed the package for "libssl-dev", so now I do not need it, and I can still successfully compile it. | 09:50 |
dholbach | :) | 09:50 |
liuxg | dholbach, by the way, I have used your stage-packages method to install the django stuff, and I successfully compiled them into the project. However, the project does not run in the KVM. the project works well on desktop. | 09:52 |
dholbach | liuxg: did you find out why? | 09:53 |
dholbach | it would be really nice if you could write up your story and send it to snappy-app-devel@lists.u.c | 09:53 |
dholbach | others could start helping with your project | 09:53 |
dholbach | and learn from it | 09:53 |
dholbach | there is a lot to be learnt from your experience | 09:53 |
liuxg | dholbach, I do not know why it happens to be like that. the app is started, but the ulrs are not routed, so still something is wrong about it.. | 09:53 |
dholbach | ah... do you redirect the ports when using kvm? | 09:54 |
liuxg | dholbach, yes, I will do that for sure. yes, I redirect it to the port 8090 | 09:54 |
dholbach | ok | 09:54 |
liuxg | dholbach, this is a little bit frustrating since the debugging on snappy is limited, and sometimes is not so easy to spot the problems | 09:55 |
liuxg | dholbach, I have never received emails from snappy-app-devel@lists.u.c? | 10:03 |
dholbach | liuxg: are you signed up for it? https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/snappy-app-devel | 10:03 |
liuxg | dholbach, where to subscribe the mailing list?I only receive emails from snappy-app-devel-request@lists.ubuntu.com, are they the same? | 10:04 |
dholbach | snappy-app-devel-request is no mailing list - it's just the email you interact with to (un)subscribe | 10:04 |
liuxg | dholbach, ok. I got it. sorry for the confusion! | 10:05 |
dholbach | no worries | 10:05 |
JamesTait | Good morning all; happy Friday, and happy birthday to UNICEF! 😃 | 10:17 |
liuxg | dholbach, I am now trying to use snappy-app-devel@lists.u.c, but it complains that it it not recognized. | 10:17 |
dholbach | did you expand u.c to ubuntu.com? | 10:18 |
dholbach | sorry, I was just using a shortened version | 10:18 |
liuxg | dholbach, No, I did not, sorry | 10:19 |
liuxg | dholbach, I just sent one email for it. | 10:19 |
dholbach | ok cool | 10:19 |
liuxg | dholbach, yesterday, I sent one email, but I used the wrong email address :) I sent it to snappy-app-devel-request@lists.ubuntu.com | 10:20 |
dholbach | I'm glad we fixed this issue now too :-D | 10:21 |
liuxg | dholbach, yeah, it is true. I am going to have my dinner. Have a great weekend! | 10:21 |
dholbach | you too! have a good one! :) | 10:22 |
liuxg | dholbach, thanks! :) | 10:22 |
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ogra_ | GRRRR | 10:39 |
ogra_ | why has apt suddenly a system user ? | 10:39 |
xnox | "security" | 10:42 |
* ogra_ goes and fixes livecd-rootfs to respect that ... | 10:43 | |
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MikeB | QUESTION: How do I apply patches to pull'ed code before it is built? | 13:47 |
cyphermox | hi. is there a snap for unity? If I wanted to install snappy on my laptop but still have a graphical interface? | 13:47 |
kyrofa | cyphermox, not yet. We're still working on the graphical snap pieces | 13:48 |
cyphermox | kyrofa: ok, thanks | 13:48 |
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MikeB | In snapcraft, how does one apply local patches to pull'ed code before building? | 15:28 |
ogra_ | MikeB, i dont think there is a way yet despite pushing your while modiied tree to github or so | 15:29 |
ogra_ | *whole | 15:29 |
MikeB | ogra_, thanks. I'm surprised there's no such way to do that. | 15:31 |
ogra_ | i think it is planned ... sergiuens could tell, but he isnt around | 15:32 |
Chipaca | ogra_: yes, the don't-take-over-networking is landed | 16:54 |
Chipaca | ogra_: all the way to 15.04 even | 16:54 |
Chipaca | it's an oem snap option | 16:54 |
ogra_ | ah, i'll tell morphis (next week i guess) | 16:55 |
Chipaca | ogra_: something ridonculous like please-dont-use-networking-because-you-suck-ok: false | 16:55 |
Chipaca | ogra_: skip-ifup-provisioning | 16:56 |
ogra_ | neat | 16:56 |
Chipaca | under oem in the oem snap yaml | 16:57 |
ogra_ | k | 16:57 |
elopio | kyrofa: I almost made it with mailpile, but got stuck on apparmor denials... | 17:04 |
elopio | http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/13935183/ | 17:04 |
kyrofa | elopio, those are just the stupid .pyc ones though | 17:04 |
kyrofa | elopio, I think you can ignore those | 17:05 |
elopio | kyrofa: well, the server is not starting. I thought it was because of this. | 17:05 |
kyrofa | elopio, I doubt it. Sure there isn't a more meaningful denial in there? | 17:05 |
kyrofa | elopio, have you run it with snappy-debug? | 17:05 |
elopio | that's the only thing I see on dmesg, and on the service log it says it all went fine. | 17:06 |
elopio | I haven't tried snappy-debug before. /me tries. | 17:06 |
kyrofa | elopio, yeah snappy install snappy-debug, then sudo snappy-debug scanlog (IIRC) | 17:10 |
elopio | kyrofa: yes, just unlink and mknod on pyc files. Lots and lots of them. | 17:14 |
kyrofa | elopio, huh... I thought that wasn't a fatal python error? | 17:14 |
kyrofa | elopio, I just figure it's unable to save the compiled version so it has to do it everytime. Too bad | 17:15 |
kyrofa | elopio, maybe barry knows better? | 17:15 |
kyrofa | I wonder if there's a way to redirect where python tries to put those | 17:16 |
elopio | kyrofa: well, I'm not sure this is the cause. It's just the only output I get. | 17:16 |
kyrofa | elopio, good point. It may be the thing simply malfunctioning, external to apparmor all together | 17:17 |
elopio | or me doing something stupid. That's always an option :) | 17:18 |
elopio | anyway, context swtich now. | 17:18 |
barry | kyrofa: sorry, what's the issue? | 17:28 |
kyrofa | barry, when making a python .snap, we always see denials trying to create .pyc files | 17:28 |
barry | kyrofa: "denials"? write errors? | 17:29 |
kyrofa | barry, 1: Can that ever be a fatal error? 2: Is there any way to redirect where python tries to put those files? 3: Is there a big benefit to putting them somewhere else? | 17:29 |
kyrofa | barry, apparmor denials, although even if apparmor didn't get it the .snap's directory is read-only | 17:30 |
barry | kyrofa: technically, pyc files are just a cache of the compilation step. they aren't *required* but they are a very good idea if you want it to be fast. -B/PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1 can be used to disable writing pyc files, but you can't really put the pyc files in a different place by default (you could in py3 if you wrote a custom import hook). i don't think there's much benefit to the added complexity of putting them somewhere | 17:32 |
barry | else. this is also somewhat different between py2 and py3 (with the latter using __pycache__ directories next to the .py files) | 17:32 |
kyrofa | barry, ah, exactly the information I was looking for, thank you! | 17:33 |
kyrofa | elopio, perhaps you could try the above to reduce apparmor noise and see if you have any other errors you're missing? | 17:33 |
barry | np! | 17:34 |
elopio | kyrofa: I'll try that. Also it seems that the command line argument they give to just run the server doesn't work. | 17:34 |
elopio | and if I don't pass it, the service is not left running either, something kills it. | 17:34 |
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wililupy | Does anyone know of any documentation on what all options can go in the snapcraft.yaml file? | 19:05 |
kyrofa | elopio, https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/163 when you're able | 19:38 |
kyrofa | wililupy, sorry, I just saw your question | 19:38 |
kyrofa | wililupy, a PR is sitting to add just that-- you can likely learn from it if you like: https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/146 | 19:39 |
wililupy | kyrofa: excellent thank you. I'll look it over. My snap is "partially working" now, but I keep having permission issues for packet capturing, which I'm hopeing is something I can just add to the binaries: or services: section | 19:59 |
kyrofa | wililupy, alright, well come back if you continue to have troubles :) | 19:59 |
kyrofa | jdstrand, have we made any more progress on bug #1466234 ? | 20:47 |
ubottu | bug 1466234 in ubuntu-snappy (Ubuntu) "Apparmor denial for access to SNAP_APP_USER_DATA_PATH as root" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1466234 | 20:47 |
kyrofa | ogra_, I'm looking for some documentation on port negotiation | 21:01 |
kyrofa | ogra_, any pointers? | 21:01 |
ogra_ | negotziation ? no | 21:01 |
ogra_ | probably Chipaca has an idea | 21:02 |
kyrofa | ogra_, oh... the docs say "there is no implementation for this yet" :P | 21:05 |
ogra_ | heh, i have never needed it | 21:05 |
kyrofa | ogra_, yeah, I was trying to pave the way to having multiple ROS snaps installed | 21:05 |
* ogra_ has the ports in his snaps configurble via snappy config ;) | 21:05 | |
ogra_ | +a | 21:05 |
kyrofa | ogra_, how does that work? | 21:05 |
kyrofa | ogra_, perhaps I could make a workaround for now | 21:06 |
kyrofa | ogra_, https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/guides/config-command/ ? | 21:06 |
ogra_ | well, i'm pretty non-std and prefer to use shell for such stuff :) but have a look http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ogra/+junk/packageproxy/files | 21:07 |
ogra_ | snapcraft.yaml defines config.sh ... config.sh writes a yaml file as well as the actual confi for the app/service | 21:07 |
ogra_ | your config tool can indeed be a python script, go or C ... | 21:09 |
kyrofa | ogra_, nice, okay thanks! | 21:11 |
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