
_Ridgewingjono, ping00:05
mhall119thanks jono!00:31
dholbachgood morning07:20
DoubleTheFlavourhttp://www.jonobacon.org/2015/12/11/why-you-should-go-to-ubucon-in-los-angeles-in-january/    ,Great post Jono = keep going.07:38
davidcalleMorning dholbach o/08:56
dholbachsalut davidcalle08:56
dholbachcomment ça va?08:56
davidcallemorning popey o/08:56
davidcalleça va, et toi?08:56
dholbachtrès bien, merci :)08:58
popeydavidcalle, morning!09:18
dholbachI got my mx4 back from Meizu after repairs - they not even fixed the screen which was broken, but also the little camera glass thing which I broke when I dropped the phone once - and they made the phone really unique: the front is white and the back is gold - I'm sure I'm now the only one in the world world who has such a phone09:27
* popey tweets and plusses about django-cms now the case study is live on their site09:33
popeyhaha, they retweeted it too :)09:39
popeyThey're quick!09:39
dholbachpopey: did you know that Tom Berger (intellectronica) works for Divio too? He used to work on Launchpad. :-)09:49
dholbachor at least he's involved with Django CMS09:49
popeyI did not know that!09:49
dholbachyes, he works at Divio - just checked on linkedin09:50
dholbachdavidcalle: are you looking at any of the deployment issues right now... or is there anything I can help with?10:01
davidcalledholbach: I'm dealing with remote scopes right now, after that I wanted to deal with failing blog menus, but if you feel like starting on this, I wouldn't mind :)10:03
dholbachdavidcalle: ok... I'll start taking a look after lunch10:08
davidcalledholbach: I'm done with scopes, I'll start a branch after a coffee10:10
dholbachok, I'll ping you later on10:12
czajkowskiis the CLS website down for everyone?10:19
MooDooseems down here10:23
dholbachmaybe it's hosted on the same machine as jonobacon.com10:24
dholbachwhich would make sense10:24
dholbachit looks like the last post, which went on ubuntu.com's twitter/fb/g+ slashdotted it10:24
MooDoo1 and 1 by the look of it10:26
davidcalledholbach: hmm, when I'm doing a fresh local branch of our django1.8 one and try to add a new blog entry, I don't have a field to add the post content, have you seen this?11:29
dholbachit worked for me11:30
davidcalledholbach: and even with the english category, the post is not listed11:32
davidcalledholbach: when you tried yesterday, were you using a db dump?11:33
dholbachno, it was a fresh db with nothing in it11:42
davidcalledholbach: was there anything else to do for entries to show up, apart from the English category?11:51
dholbachdavidcalle: what's the slug of the category?11:51
davidcalledholbach: english11:52
dholbachset it to 'en'11:52
dholbachI was struggling with that yesterday11:52
davidcalledholbach: for some reason, the menu appears now11:58
dholbachI'll recreate it in a bit11:59
davidcalledholbach, after logging out and in, emptying the cache, the menu appears.12:00
davidcalleIn an unexpected turn of events, the bug has left the building.12:00
davidcalledholbach, I need lunch before deciding if it's a good or a bad thing :) Let's try together again in a moment12:02
* davidcalle lunch12:02
dholbachdavidcalle: so on/en/blog you have the "Start    Scopes   Web    Apps    Core    Publish    Community" menu?12:40
davidcalledholbach: using  lp:~developer-ubuntu-com-dev/developer-ubuntu-com/django-1.8-cms-2.3  , with no db, I've created /home, /community and /community/blog, I've added the en category, and a couple entries. I have: the main orange menu working normally, the second menu "Community > Blog  > Categories Tags Authors" working normally as well.12:44
davidcalledholbach: when I go to an entry page, the second menu changes to "Community > Blog > 2015 >".12:45
davidcalleAs a side note, the "2015" archives page is broken, but I have a fix for it.12:46
dholbachoh ... hang on12:46
dholbachnevermind - the bug is fixed - you are correct12:48
dholbachso that's 2 out of 3 working locally: http://pad.ubuntu.com/I52eWD9zXl12:49
davidcalledholbach: the publish button disappears when pressed locally as well12:50
davidcalle(disappears in a good way)12:50
dholbachyes, it's instantaneous - like I would expect it12:51
dholbachwhen editing a page and hitting the publish button on the page of the article I also don't get a notification12:51
davidcalledholbach: do you think it's postgre related?12:51
davidcalledholbach: same12:51
dholbachlet me try it12:51
dholbachwhen I publish from the Pages... page using the mouseover thing, I also don't get a notification12:54
dholbachbut the page is reloaded and it's obvious that something changed12:54
davidcalledholbach: ok12:55
dholbachand with postgres it works just fine12:55
dholbachjust the same as with sqlite12:55
dholbachdavidcalle: where's a 2015 link?13:04
dholbach/en/blog/2015/ gives me: get_dated_queryset() takes exactly 1 argument (4 given)13:05
davidcalledholbach: when you are viewing a blog entry, the breadcrumbs menu at the top has a link to view the yearly archive13:05
davidcalledholbach: exactly13:05
dholbachI think I fixed this already in some other branch13:05
dholbachlet me check13:05
davidcalledholbach: I've pushed my fix in a branch just in case: tell me if this change rings a bell http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~davidc3/developer-ubuntu-com/dj1.8-zinnia-yearly-archives-fix/revision/16213:09
dholbachor maybe like this?13:10
dholbach    def get_dated_queryset(self, ordering=None, **lookup):13:10
dholbach        if ordering:13:10
dholbach            return super(MultiLangEntryIndex, self).get_dated_queryset(**lookup).filter(categories__slug=self.language).order_by(ordering)13:10
dholbach        return super(MultiLangEntryIndex, self).get_dated_queryset(**lookup).filter(categories__slug=self.language)13:10
dholbachI see that I just fixed this for MultiLangEntryIndex and not the other classes13:11
davidcalledholbach: Oh? I had to fix it in MultiLangEntryYear for it to work, and now, calling [year]/[month]/ urls works as well13:13
dholbachI was wondering if we should add the ordering bit?13:16
dholbachdavidcalle: so maybe something like this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/13929575/13:19
dholbachor http://paste.ubuntu.com/13929590/13:19
dholbachand http://paste.ubuntu.com/13929617/ with a typo fixed :)13:20
dholbachnow it works for me13:21
davidcalledholbach: much better indeed13:25
* davidcalle tests13:25
mhall119davidcalle: dholbach: I'm wondering if devportal discussions would be better suited for #ubuntu-website or #ubuntu-app-devel13:29
davidcalle#ubuntu-website sounds good, I don't want to flood newcomers arriving in app-devel13:30
mhall119dpm: btw, I heard back from Ryan Sipes, looks like he's going to be at UbuCon and he's going to try and bring a Mycroft to display at the booth (may not be doing live demos though)13:36
mhall119I told him he could do an unconference talk too, if he wanted13:37
mhall119unfortunately, being a startup, they don't have much money to sponsor us with13:37
dpmmhall119, awesome. Yeah, I half expected them not sponsoring13:38
dpmmhall119, could you talk to him on whether he'd be up for writing a blog post about them showing a device at the booth?13:39
dpmexcellent, thanks13:39
mhall119it seems we killed jono's blog13:40
dpmit seems that upped up a bit the number of registrations, but it's still low13:42
svijit's correct that the meetup group is the registration for the summit?13:46
mhall119svij: yes13:53
svijok, thx13:53
* svij just needs to book his flight then.13:54
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
dpmmhall119, seems the call has been cancelled, I just noticed an e-mail from James15:01
dpmmhall119, replying and CC'ing you15:01
mhall119dpm: let's go over it the two of us at least15:01
dpmmhall119, sounds good. Give me 2 mins to reply and then I'll join15:02
dpmmhall119, ok, all set, joining...15:06
dholbachpopey: nice podcast15:37
popeyOMG! people listen to our nonsense? :)15:37
balloonslol.. and he listened even when he's not forced to (like during a meeting)15:42
balloonsyour voice really must be soothing15:43
dholbachlistening to podcast during meetings?15:43
dholbachI'm not sure if I could handle that much talking at the same time :)15:44
dpmdholbach, popey, balloons, mhall119, davidcalle, could you update the weekly update doc? I missed sending the last one (:/) and I want to make sure we go back to a cadence15:49
popeydpm, you gonna add last weeks content? Because I did quite a bulky update for last week, and have less this week.15:52
dpmpopey, no, I'm just going to pretend you were slacking of course15:52
popey\o/ WOOOOT15:52
popey<insert sticker here>15:52
popeyirc sucks15:52
dpmsure I'll add the previous week's content15:53
dpmbut in any case, I think this week is a good opportunity to let everyone know how google code-in is going15:53
balloonsdo we have a linky?16:00
balloonsnvm, got it16:01
popeyfwiw I put a link in everyone's calendar 14:30 UTC which has the link in it as a nice friday reminder :D16:28
pleia2dholbach: maybe time to rm old-CC from the mailing list?16:32
dholbachpleia2: ah yes, will do16:33
pleia2thanks :)16:33
dholbachall right everyone - I call it a day16:49
dholbachhave a great weekend! :)16:50
pleia2enjoy, dholbach16:51
popeyHah, i was adding stuff to the doc and dpm sent it already :(17:28
popey(so was balloons)17:28
balloonsI was afraid he'd done that17:29
balloonsShall we both add the addendum?17:29
dpmpopey, balloons, sorry, I need to run and I thought everyone was done. Would you mind replying to my e-mail as an addendum?17:29
popeyheh :)17:30
balloonsnot your fault dpm, I was slow getting it in there17:30
dpmnp, in any case others have added things in reply to the original e-mail in the past17:30
balloonspopey, I sent both ours over17:31
* popey hugs balloons 17:31
* dpm is in "do-all-things-before-weekend" mode17:31
* dpm hugs popey and balloons17:31
balloonsindeed. It's weekend enjoyment time for both of you!17:31
balloonsbah, that formatting. I blame TB17:32
dpmnice closing line with Google Code in stats balloons!17:33
balloonsyea, it's been a ride this week, but things are definitely happening!17:34
dpmok, I need to run now, teaching a Lindy Hop class and dj'ing for the evening. Have a great weekend everyone!17:54
mhall119jono: did we kill your server last night?18:38
jonomhall119, I think so :-)18:40
jonodid you put it on FB?18:40
mhall119yeah, and G+18:40
mhall119but probably it was FB that did it18:41
jonomhall119, awesome :-)18:43
mhall119jono: hey, for CLS keynotes, what would you think about me discussing what Ubuntu got out of last year's event, the things we implemented as a result and how they worked out?18:46
jonomhall119, I think that sounds awesome18:46
jonoparticularly if you share it as a reproducible methodology18:47
mhall119yeah, I think it can be generic enough18:47
jonocan you submit this?18:47
jonoso I assume you are doing CLS and OSCON?18:47
mhall119yeah, I'll do that over the weekend18:47
jonothanks, pal18:47
mhall119jono: I hope so, CLS anyway, but that's up to dpm :)18:48
jonomhall119, awesome!18:48
jonoI would argue it was clearly helpful to the team18:49
jonowould be great to get dholbach out too18:49
jonoand balloons :-)18:49
jonoand popey :-)18:49
popeylast as always :)18:49
jonopopey, always18:49
balloonslast is the most endearing!18:50
balloonstry being second to last18:50
balloonsIt will be nice to see you again jono btw @ ubucon. Should be fun!18:51
jonoballoons, can't wait, pal!18:53
jonois the whole team going to UbuCon?18:53
balloonsheck yea! It's been awhile since we've all been together anyway18:54
balloonsdpm is putting us to work though, so don't be too jealous18:54
jonooh wow, I didn't realize the team is all going18:55
mhall119popey: funny, you complain about being first in all of our team standups :-P18:55
jonowe will have to snap a picture :-)18:55
popeytrue dat18:55
jonoare you all sticking around for Bad Voltage Live on the Friday live?18:55
balloonsThat sounds like fun. We get to make fun of aquarius right?18:56
jonoof course!18:56

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