ahayzen | fazerlicourice, heh could be due to bug 1341671 | 00:01 |
ahayzen | hmm is there no bot in here? | 00:01 |
ahayzen | https://bugs.launchpad.net/autopilot-qt/+bug/1341671 | 00:01 |
ahayzen | fazerlicourice, so it'd probably appear as the type 'Page' unless you add an extra property like we have here http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~music-app-dev/music-app/trunk/view/head:/app/ui/Albums.qml#L47 | 00:02 |
fazerlicourice | ahayzen: the extra property being: objectName: "albumsPage" | 00:04 |
ahayzen | no... | 00:04 |
ahayzen | fazerlicourice, line50 'property bool bug1341671workaround: true' and the comment above | 00:05 |
fazerlicourice | ahayzen, oh oops should've taken a closer look. But what interacts with that bool? | 00:06 |
ahayzen | fazerlicourice, nothing, it just stops QML from optimising and then autopilot seeing it as the parent type | 00:07 |
ahayzen | as described in that bug | 00:07 |
fazerlicourice | ok | 00:07 |
ahayzen | fazerlicourice, how are you ensuring the app thinks its in an empty state while you are testing? | 00:10 |
fazerlicourice | I'm overriding the noMusic bool to true | 00:15 |
fazerlicourice | ahayzen ^^ | 00:15 |
ahayzen | ok | 00:15 |
ahayzen | fazerlicourice, you've checked its been shown when running $ qmlscene app/music-app.qml right? ;-) | 00:18 |
fazerlicourice | yup, wait you're talking about the LibraryEmptyState PAge right? | 00:19 |
ahayzen | yeah | 00:19 |
fazerlicourice | yes, that I have checked | 00:23 |
ahayzen | cool :-) | 00:23 |
ahayzen | otherwise AP wouldn't be able to find it :-) so just wanted to check | 00:23 |
krishna_ravi732 | for the "Build the clock app and run all testsuites (https://codein.withgoogle.com/tasks/6208643527606272/)" it refers to "documentation" | 00:25 |
krishna_ravi732 | is there any specific format the documentation must be in? | 00:26 |
wxl | no, krishna_ravi732 | 00:26 |
wxl | in fact you can just comment | 00:26 |
krishna_ravi732 | oh fantastic | 00:26 |
krishna_ravi732 | how detailed must i write the summary of steps? | 00:38 |
krishna_ravi732 | should i just describe the process in steps: "checkout source code from launchpad" | 00:38 |
krishna_ravi732 | or be more verbose: "checkout source code from launchpad by running `bzr branch lp:ubuntu-clock-app` in terminal" | 00:38 |
wxl | i don't think that repeating the instructions is necessarily helpful krishna_ravi732 but on the other hand verbosity is never going to be a bad thing XD | 00:39 |
krishna_ravi732 | so which one do i follow? :D | 00:39 |
wxl | well i intentionally left that to your discretion, but i would say go for the former | 00:40 |
krishna_ravi732 | ok, thanks alot | 00:41 |
wxl | no problem | 00:41 |
wxl | thank YOU | 00:41 |
xcub_ | kenvandine, whenever I try to assign the RectangleBoxBody component to the fixtures property of a physics entity, it gives me the error: Cannot assign object to list | 00:47 |
xcub_ | Circle, Edge, CircleBody work though | 00:48 |
xcub_ | and PolygonBody/Boundaries give me the same erros | 00:49 |
krishna_ravi732 | i am trying to follow the README.developers for the clock app, but there seems to be something wrong with my setup/paths | 01:13 |
krishna_ravi732 | and now i am stumped at the clock app needing a u1db module | 01:13 |
krishna_ravi732 | is there a package i must install that contains this module? | 01:14 |
krishna_ravi732 | Sorry, i have managed to solve it by installing qtdeclarative5-u1db1.0, but lots of modules are missing, i will further investigate this before bothering again. | 01:22 |
McIntireEvan | Good luck | 01:22 |
ExplodingKittens | Hey, I downloaded the latest image from the rc-proposed channel, and after logging in, all I'm greeted by is a black screen with the indicator bar (which is probably not what it's called) on top. I can interact with the indicators, but I cannot get to the left-side menu bar or get to the settings. Anybody else having this problem? | 01:24 |
ahayzen | krishna_ravi732, check in the debian/control for the modules required to be installed :-) | 01:27 |
krishna_ravi732 | Ok, i am terribly sorry for asking so many questions, but i have finally managed to build and run the clock app | 01:37 |
krishna_ravi732 | but is it normal for me to manually install all the necessary qml modules by myself? | 01:37 |
krishna_ravi732 | or have i misread (or completely skipped reading) some specific steps required to build the clock? | 01:38 |
adueppen | krishna_ravi732: It's fine to ask questions, we're all learning | 01:38 |
xcub | kenvandine, I need help again | 01:58 |
fazer | balloons, my task is to write a test case for the empty state in the music-app, I'm just checking if the LibraryEmptyState page is visible right? Under the circumstance that there aren't music file. | 02:31 |
samdcbu | I have a question in general about Google Code-in. If I've submitted my task, but it looks like my mentor won't review it before the deadline, what happens? | 02:43 |
adueppen | samdcbu: it'll still get reviewed, the deadline is just for submitting your work | 02:43 |
samdcbu | Okay thanks! | 02:44 |
fazer | does anybody know carla sella's user name> | 02:49 |
darkxst | jose, can you publish https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/6430616060952576 | 04:21 |
jose | darkxst: sure let's check | 04:21 |
jose | darkxst: good task - thanks! :) | 04:22 |
darkxst | jose, np, hopefully there are students that know what a PPA is ;) | 04:30 |
jose | good point, let's check | 04:31 |
jose | the task describes it and googling would give a result quickly | 04:31 |
darkxst | I suspect there will be some, we have had quite a few Ubuntu existing users completing our beginner tasks | 04:33 |
Tofite | Looking for pages on the wiki that are out of date | 07:25 |
Tofite | Best place to start the search? | 07:25 |
darkxst | Tofite, https://codein.withgoogle.com/tasks/6590206979342336/ | 07:26 |
Tofite | Thanks | 07:27 |
darkxst | not quite what you asked for, but a nice straightforward wiki task | 07:28 |
darkxst | try convert the multiple level of pages into one table! | 07:32 |
darkxst | Tofite, oh, you don't like that task? | 07:53 |
darkxst | Tofite, I am one of the mentors on that one fwiw | 07:57 |
Tofite | Sorry | 07:57 |
Tofite | Just accidentally clicked "claim task" | 07:58 |
Tofite | So I just decided I would abandon it | 07:58 |
darkxst | Tofite, you should fix the page and claim it! | 07:59 |
Tofite | Can I still do that if I've abandoned the task? | 08:03 |
darkxst | not 100% sure, but think you can reclaim abondoned tasks | 08:04 |
Tofite | Will try | 08:07 |
darkxst | has the entire world been brainwashed to only use LTS releases? | 11:46 |
=== _salem is now known as salem_ | ||
=== cytadela8|3 is now known as cytadela8 | ||
DanChapman | darkxst, pretty much :-) | 12:13 |
tsimonq2 | o/ | 12:29 |
tsimonq2 | jose: ping, permission to PM? | 12:29 |
flocculant | darkxst: it's also been brainwashed into believing that testing isn't important and the next LTS just happens to appear magically ;) | 12:32 |
tsimonq2 | +1 ;) | 12:40 |
tsimonq2 | (my first LTS that I have contributed to) | 12:40 |
=== tvoss_ is now known as tvoss|lunch | ||
nuboro | @popey i would like to work on https://codein.withgoogle.com/tasks/4911452473262080/?sp-organization=4568116747042816 | 13:25 |
popey | hi nuboro | 13:34 |
nuboro | hi popey | 13:35 |
popey | nuboro, https://github.com/halfsail/Ubuntu-UI-Toolkit is a good tool for doing that in inkscape | 13:35 |
popey | nuboro, but other tools like sketchup or something else is fine. | 13:35 |
dcode44 | i am new to source code building, where to get started.. | 13:43 |
dcode44 | any1 dere | 13:44 |
dcode44 | \JOIN | 13:45 |
dcode44 | JOIN | 13:45 |
dcode44 | RESET | 13:45 |
krishna_ravi73 | I have managed to build the clock app and run all the tests, however it fails all 5 tests | 13:53 |
krishna_ravi73 | Is this normal, or am I doing something wrong? :( | 13:54 |
krishna_ravi73 | I read the README.mergeproposal and it reads: "Note: As of vivid 15.04, Autopilot are broken in trunk. As such autopilot failures | 13:55 |
krishna_ravi73 | can be excused until they are fixed in trunk. | 13:55 |
krishna_ravi73 | " | 13:55 |
adueppen | popey: Have you had a chance to look over my task yet? (it's the tabbed terminal app UI one) | 14:02 |
popey | adueppen, heya, no, will do shortly, thanks | 14:02 |
adueppen | popey: OK thanks | 14:02 |
adueppen | popey: I probably won't be able to answer any comments you leave on my task until around 4PM CST since I have school | 14:08 |
popey | ok | 14:08 |
mandarj | anybody there? | 14:17 |
mandarj | ? | 14:21 |
nuboro | popey shall i make it for all mobiles ? | 14:33 |
popey | nuboro, Something which expands nicely for small form factor devices (like nexus 4), landscape tablets and desktops, sure. | 14:33 |
nuboro | and shall I make 3 of them ? | 14:35 |
nuboro | popey ^^ | 14:35 |
popey | 3 would be awesome! | 14:38 |
mandarj | anybody there? | 14:38 |
mandarj | I need a GCI task to work on | 14:39 |
mandarj | can somebody pls suggest one? | 14:39 |
mandarj | popey: ^^ | 14:41 |
popey | hi! | 14:42 |
mandarj | hi | 14:42 |
mandarj | I need a GCI task to work on | 14:42 |
popey | have you looked at the list? | 14:42 |
mandarj | yeah | 14:42 |
mandarj | am having a hard time deciding what I will be able to do | 14:42 |
mandarj | I was going to do the ubuntu touch music app test cases | 14:42 |
mandarj | but somebody else took it | 14:43 |
mandarj | popey: ^^ | 14:43 |
popey | okay, well there's quite a few others to pick from :) | 14:43 |
mandarj | yeah, but I can't decide which ones ill be able to do and which ones i wont | 14:44 |
mandarj | popey: what exactly will i have to do in https://codein.withgoogle.com/tasks/6101781956263936/ | 14:49 |
mandarj | ? | 14:50 |
popey | So, that's one of didrocks's ones. Basically the command "umake" has lots of options which you can see from "umake --help", but if you type "man umake" it says there is no "man page", so the goal of that one is to convert the help into a man page | 14:52 |
popey | and do so in a way that it gets updated every time umake is built | 14:52 |
popey | the source is at https://github.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-make | 14:52 |
popey | hope that helps, didrocks knows more :D | 14:52 |
mandarj | unmake or make? | 14:52 |
mandarj | also, what language do I have to write the script in> | 14:53 |
mandarj | \? | 14:53 |
mandarj | popey: ^^ | 14:53 |
popey | it's "umake" | 14:53 |
mandarj | oh k | 14:53 |
popey | short for "ubuntu-make" | 14:53 |
mandarj | and what language is the script supposed to be in | 14:53 |
mandarj | ? | 14:53 |
mandarj | popey: what language should the script be in? | 14:54 |
popey | well, umake is written in python | 14:54 |
mandarj | and will I have to clone the code for the whole OS to do this task? | 14:55 |
popey | might need a bit of knowledge of debian packaging for it too. | 14:55 |
popey | You'll need to ask didrocks for more details :) | 14:55 |
mandarj | k thanks :) | 14:56 |
* didrocks back | 15:04 | |
didrocks | thanks popey, good description :) | 15:04 |
popey | \o/ | 15:04 |
nuboro | popey i will take the task later so i can learn a bit about inkscape | 15:07 |
hiruandco | Hi, who do I talk to about the google code in tasks? | 15:23 |
hiru | hello? | 15:26 |
popey | hiru, ask away :) | 15:27 |
=== popey changed the topic of #ubuntu-google to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Google Events Coordination channel! || Now running: Google Code-In || codein.withgoogle.com || Organisation Admins:- Nicholas Skaggs (balloons) [USA] & Alan Pope (popey) [UK] & José Antonio Rey (jose) [Peru] || Tasks:- https://codein.withgoogle.com/tasks/?sp-organization=4568116747042816&sp-status=2&sp-is_exhausted=False | ||
xcub | kenvandine, I need help creating something | 15:29 |
xcub | It's with the scoring mechanism | 15:29 |
xcub | In Block.qml, I have created a box fixture and have it as a sensor. In onBeginContact, I want to send a signal to main.qml that a block has been hit so the score can be incremented | 15:32 |
kenvandine | hey xcub | 15:34 |
xcub | hello | 15:34 |
kenvandine | ah, i think what you want to do is create a score property in the Scene | 15:35 |
kenvandine | then bind to that in your Block | 15:35 |
kenvandine | so before you destroy it, increment | 15:35 |
xcub | So in the block component, I would create "property int score", then in main.qml I would bind it to main's score property? Would every component from then on be tied to main's score property? | 15:39 |
kenvandine | xcub, http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtqml-syntax-objectattributes.html | 15:39 |
kenvandine | other way around | 15:40 |
kenvandine | create the property in the Scene, which i think is in your main.qml | 15:40 |
kenvandine | then a property alias in Block.qml | 15:40 |
kenvandine | xcub, look at property aliases in the doc i sent you | 15:40 |
kenvandine | xcub, basically each Block created will reference the score defined in the Scene, and increment that single score property | 15:41 |
hiru | Hey Alan! I do not know where to start with my project | 15:45 |
hiru | Where do I aquire the music app | 15:45 |
xcub | kenvandine: this off topic of the score mechanism, but I just wanted to let you know that whenever I assign a fixture to the RectangleBoxBody, or Boundaries, or PolygonBody components, qmlscene gives the error "cannot assign object to list" | 15:48 |
kenvandine | oh | 15:48 |
kenvandine | i think fixtures is a list of fixtures | 15:48 |
xcub | The Box and Circle ones work fine | 15:48 |
kenvandine | so [ Fixture {} ] | 15:48 |
xcub | I tried to do that, but it gave the same error | 15:49 |
kenvandine | actually [ Circle {} ] | 15:49 |
kenvandine | hmm | 15:49 |
kenvandine | xcub, can you create a issue for that? https://github.com/Bacon2D/Bacon2D/issues | 15:52 |
xcub | sure | 15:54 |
kenvandine | xcub, thx | 16:00 |
hiru | hello? Please may I have some help with my task? | 16:04 |
darkxst | hiru, sure, but it would help if we knew what you need help with ;) | 16:04 |
hiru | https://bugs.launchpad.net/music-app/+bug/1261587 | 16:09 |
hiru | this is the bug that I'm trying to test | 16:09 |
hiru | I'm a beginner so I have no clue what to do | 16:09 |
darkxst | hiru, oh I can't help with autopilot, but there should be others around that can | 16:09 |
hiru | I am familiar with python unittesting as I did a task for copyleft gaming which included testing a function | 16:10 |
hiru | oh okay thanks for offering your help! | 16:10 |
darkxst | hiru, or you could ask your mentor via the task comments | 16:10 |
hiru | I tried. No reply since 8:00 am GMT | 16:10 |
darkxst | hiru, who is it? | 16:11 |
hiru | Carla Sella | 16:11 |
* hiru slaps popey around a bit with a large fishbot | 16:19 | |
* popey pokes balloons | 16:19 | |
popey | ^ | 16:19 |
hiru | @popey hello? | 16:19 |
popey | hello | 16:19 |
popey | I'm not an autopilot expert I'm afraid. Hence poking balloons :) | 16:20 |
hiru | Please may you help me with my task | 16:20 |
hiru | oh okay | 16:20 |
hiru | thanks | 16:20 |
* hiru slaps balloons around a bit with a large fishbot | 16:20 | |
* DanChapman really doesn't get this whole slapping with fishbot business | 16:20 | |
balloons | lol | 16:28 |
balloons | nonetheless, I'm here. What's up? | 16:28 |
hiru | hey | 16:39 |
hiru | I need help with my task | 16:39 |
hiru | https://bugs.launchpad.net/music-app/+bug/1261587 | 16:39 |
* hiru slaps balloons around a bit with a large fishbot | 16:39 | |
hiru | how do I actually do this? | 16:40 |
subins2000 | didrocks: I'm having trouble getting metacity branch from Bazaar | 16:41 |
subins2000 | didrocks: I'm reading section 3.2 http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/udd-intro.html#ubuntu-distributed-development | 16:41 |
didrocks | subins2000: ah, I told you yesterday to ignore that part and only reading 3.1 | 16:45 |
didrocks | and replace the apt-get source with the dget -x <link I gave> :) | 16:45 |
subins2000 | So no bazaar | 16:46 |
didrocks | (as you are not running xenial, apt-get source would download the metacity's wily version, not xenial) | 16:46 |
didrocks | yeah, branches are often not up to date | 16:46 |
didrocks | (the importers have issues) | 16:46 |
didrocks | so most of people are just using apt-get source | 16:46 |
* hiru slaps balloons around a bit with a large fishbot | 16:46 | |
didrocks | subins2000: same with 3.3 and 3.4, they are linked to "UDD" and bzr | 16:46 |
darkxst | didrocks, did you forget about pull-lp-source ;) | 16:47 |
didrocks | darkxst: hem, I'm probably too old to use it :p | 16:47 |
subins2000 | Okay | 16:47 |
didrocks | darkxst: it was only looking if debian/control has a Vcs-Bzr field though, right? | 16:48 |
didrocks | darkxst: that doesn't fix if the branch is outdated? | 16:48 |
didrocks | (but maybe it's checking it nowdays?) | 16:48 |
darkxst | didrocks, no it downloads that sources from the archive | 16:48 |
darkxst | pull-lp-source <package> <series> | 16:48 |
didrocks | oh, at some point in the past, it was switching to bzr if needed | 16:48 |
darkxst | I've never seen it pull a bzr branch | 16:49 |
didrocks | subins2000: so yeah, you can replace my dget -x command with pull-lp-source ^ (but the result will be the same) | 16:49 |
subins2000 | didrocks: So, I used dget got the source code | 16:49 |
didrocks | good :) | 16:49 |
subins2000 | So, now I make the changes in code ? | 16:49 |
subins2000 | or use edit-patch command as in http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/fixing-a-bug.html | 16:49 |
didrocks | subins2000: yeah! you need to use a patch system for this, the next chapters in the packaging guide explains a little bit about it | 16:50 |
didrocks | subins2000: basically, you never do inline changes (it's a bad practice), so yeah, using patches as with the link you provided :) | 16:50 |
subins2000 | Ok | 16:50 |
didrocks | subins2000: if you did it right, you will see your patch (once refreshed) in debian/patches/ directory (which doesn't exist right now in metacity) | 16:51 |
subins2000 | Hope I get it right | 16:53 |
didrocks | subins2000: http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/patches-to-packages.html is mostly a reashing of what you should do | 16:54 |
didrocks | (your package is using quilt, which is now dominating most of the other patch systems we had to learn some years ago :)) | 16:54 |
subins2000 | didrocks: What would I use instead of bzr builddeb -- -S -us -uc | 16:57 |
subins2000 | Since, I'm not using bzr branch, how would I build a test package | 16:57 |
darkxst | debuild -S -us -uc | 16:59 |
didrocks | (it's from the devscripts package) | 16:59 |
didrocks | subins2000: so bzr bd/builddeb -> debuild | 17:00 |
didrocks | (that will build the binary package, to ensure things build right, you can even install them on your system!) | 17:00 |
didrocks | and yeah, all other options after -- are passed to "debuild" anyway | 17:00 |
didrocks | -S is to build a source package | 17:00 |
didrocks | that you can send to a ppa for instance (builders on launchpad, with your own private repository) | 17:01 |
subins2000 | It says "dpkg-source: error: aborting due to unexpected upstream changes, see /tmp/metacity_3.18.1-1ubuntu2.diff.hCUiWV | 17:02 |
subins2000 | dpkg-source: info: you can integrate the local changes with dpkg-source --commit" | 17:02 |
didrocks | subins2000: so, it seems you didn't use quilt properly | 17:03 |
didrocks | subins2000: it presents you doing inline changes | 17:03 |
didrocks | prevents* | 17:03 |
didrocks | (what it has detected here) | 17:03 |
subins2000 | I called edit-patch before editing | 17:03 |
subins2000 | *used edit-patch | 17:03 |
subins2000 | and no patches folder in debian | 17:04 |
didrocks | been long I didn't try edit-patch, I hope it's still working (it's a wrapper) | 17:04 |
* didrocks tries | 17:04 | |
didrocks | subins2000: the "real way" to do it is to follow the chapter I pointed you at: http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/patches-to-packages.html | 17:04 |
didrocks | this is using quilt directory | 17:04 |
didrocks | directly* | 17:05 |
didrocks | man, Friday evening, can't type! :) | 17:05 |
didrocks | edit-patch returned an error here (because of no existing debian/patches/series file) | 17:05 |
didrocks | I guess you had that error but didn't notice :) | 17:05 |
didrocks | subins2000: my advice is really to follow 8.2. Adding a New Patch | 17:06 |
subins2000 | huh | 17:06 |
didrocks | ensure you run export QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches | 17:06 |
subins2000 | okay, will use quilt | 17:06 |
didrocks | that way, you are doing the "real thing" | 17:06 |
didrocks | and don't rely on a wrapper which may fail (like in that case ;)) | 17:07 |
didrocks | subins2000: you need to start afresh | 17:07 |
didrocks | remove the directory, dget -x again or pull-lp-source | 17:07 |
subins2000 | Let me click my refresh button :P | 17:07 |
didrocks | ahah :) | 17:07 |
Dacian | Hello, I have to do this task https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/4829562378649600/ and my question is if I can make a powerpoint with description of instalation | 17:08 |
didrocks | subins2000: so, I need to leave shortly, if you need any help, I'm sure some other people can answer here, otherwise, we can check again together next week! I think what you should do once you get your patch applied is: 1. build the binary package (debuild) 2. if everything goes well, build a source package (debuild -S) 3. try to setup and upload that to a ppa 4. if you rock that far, attach a debdiff | 17:11 |
didrocks | (look for debdiff!) to your launchpad bug report! | 17:11 |
didrocks | subins2000: then, it will be a way for me to sponsor your first ever package to ubuntu ;) | 17:12 |
didrocks | (and that's a really tear tour of fixing a bug and basic packaging practice!) | 17:12 |
subins2000 | WOW. Can't wait for my first ever package | 17:13 |
subins2000 | :-) Thanks | 17:13 |
didrocks | yw! keep me posted :-) | 17:13 |
didrocks | and good luck | 17:13 |
subins2000 | Thanks | 17:14 |
balloons | hiru, what task is this for? | 17:17 |
balloons | I thought fazer was working on https://bugs.launchpad.net/music-app/+bug/1261587 | 17:17 |
balloons | regardless, you need to add a testcase to the existing autopilot test suite | 17:17 |
ahayzen | balloons, note that test will likely be in a new file, due to it requiring different mocking | 17:18 |
ahayzen | or at least a different test case class as it'll use a different test case mocking | 17:19 |
balloons | hiru, for help on autopilot, what it is, etc, see https://developer.ubuntu.com/start/quality | 17:22 |
samsruti | balloon can you suggest me any good free web hosting service | 17:28 |
samsruti | ^balloons | 17:28 |
balloons | weird, no highlighting | 17:35 |
balloons | free web hosting.. bah, that's a loaded question. I don't think I can | 17:36 |
samsruti | its ok | 17:41 |
=== shubham is now known as cshubhamrao | ||
teddy74eva | Hello! Could anyone explain to me how to do a header on a wiki site? | 18:33 |
Girish | What is a hardware profile on the QA website while performing tests on the Daily builds? | 18:49 |
Girish | tsimonq2 ^ | 18:51 |
balloons | Girish, see the link at the top of the isotracker | 18:52 |
balloons | it's an OPTIONAL thing you can do | 18:52 |
balloons | "Click here for help on generating a hardware profile" https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Hardware | 18:52 |
Girish | Okay thanks. | 18:53 |
=== tvoss|lunch is now known as tvoss | ||
balloons | that might be a good task for someone to do on the tracker -- make that field clearer. You are NOT the first to ask Girish :-) | 18:55 |
Girish | Yeah will be helpful if the link is provided on the same page. | 18:56 |
Girish | Better user experience lead to more user engagement. | 18:57 |
balloons | thanks for the feedback. I'll make sure a task gets written for it | 18:58 |
Girish | And I'll make sure to take up the task haha | 18:58 |
=== salem_ is now known as _salem | ||
tsimonq2 | Girish: balloons is head master QA guy, so feel free to ask him about that if I am not around. ;) | 20:52 |
adueppen | balloons: I saw that you sent my task back? What work do I need to do on it? | 22:13 |
fazer | Does anyone know which part of the music-app tests load the db's? | 22:32 |
fazer | somewhere in this dir:http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~music-app-dev/music-app/trunk/files/head:/tests/autopilot/ | 22:32 |
fazer | somewhere in this dir: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~music-app-dev/music-app/trunk/files/head:/tests/autopilot/ | 22:32 |
fazer | nevermind, found it | 22:54 |
robbert | hello there, can anyone tell me the nickname of Tim Lunn? :) | 23:23 |
Girish | tsimonq2 : balloons : I am not able to boot into the Ubuntu GNOME ISO Xenial Daily. I'm using Virtual Box. When I load the ISO it asks for ubuntu-gnome login. Also, the screen constantly flickers. It doesn't show the menu where we can select to start the live session or to install it. | 23:29 |
tsimonq2 | file a bug? | 23:29 |
tsimonq2 | balloons: what do you think? | 23:29 |
wxl | did you try just hitting enter, Girish ? :) | 23:30 |
Girish | How am I supposed to run all the test cases if I'm not able to get the initial boot screen? | 23:30 |
robbert | hello there, can anyone tell me the nickname of Tim Lunn? :) | 23:31 |
adueppen | does anyone know where balloons might be? I need some feedback from him | 23:31 |
wxl | robbert: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimLunn | 23:31 |
tsimonq2 | adueppen: nope, he doesn't seem to be present | 23:32 |
Girish | wxl: Yep.. Doesn't do anything. I can't get past the screen. | 23:32 |
robbert | wxl: thank you! :) | 23:32 |
adueppen | tsimonq2: have any idea when he'll be available again? | 23:32 |
tsimonq2 | adueppen: no clue whatsoever | 23:32 |
wxl | Girish: is that the case with all of the images of ubuntu gnome? also are you sure you checked the md5 and such? | 23:32 |
wxl | adueppen: he's usually on rather early | 23:32 |
tsimonq2 | adueppen: sorry | 23:32 |
tsimonq2 | +1 | 23:33 |
darkxst | robbert, its me! | 23:33 |
* tsimonq2 gasps | 23:33 | |
wxl | darkxst: btw Girish seems to be having some problems with his GNOME images. | 23:33 |
robbert | darkxst: hey Tim, and sorry again for the delay | 23:34 |
adueppen | tsimonq2: what do you mean by rather early | 23:34 |
tsimonq2 | adueppen: in the day | 23:35 |
wxl | adueppen: like he's usually been at it for a while when i wake up at 630 pacific | 23:35 |
darkxst | Girish, what is you host system? | 23:35 |
adueppen | tsimonq2 wxl: OK | 23:35 |
darkxst | robbert, no problem, whenever you are ready | 23:36 |
tsimonq2 | ? | 23:36 |
Girish | darkxst: OS X. Should I try it in a different OS? | 23:37 |
wxl | Girish: did you check the md5 of the iso? | 23:38 |
Girish | wxl : Nope. What is md5? | 23:38 |
wxl | !md5 | 23:39 |
tsimonq2 | wxl: no. bot. | 23:39 |
tsimonq2 | :( | 23:39 |
tsimonq2 | wxl: do you know how we could get a bot? | 23:39 |
adueppen | Girish: it's a type of hashing that is often used to make sure something downloaded correctly | 23:39 |
tsimonq2 | Girish: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows | 23:40 |
tsimonq2 | that is what the bot would say | 23:40 |
Girish | tsimonq2: Okay thanks. Let me give it a look. | 23:40 |
darkxst | Girish, try that ^ first, but it possibly sounds like a graphics issue | 23:41 |
wxl | darkxst: vm tho | 23:42 |
darkxst | wxl, vbox has rubbish graphics drivers | 23:42 |
* wxl shrugs | 23:43 | |
darkxst | (well when 3D is enabled) | 23:43 |
wxl | i never had an issue | 23:43 |
tsimonq2 | me neither | 23:43 |
darkxst | wxl, tsimonq2 ubuntu GNOME uses openGL for both the greeter and gnome-shell | 23:44 |
Girish | Where can I find the md5 value for this ISO? I've calculated the md5 of my file. | 23:48 |
wxl | Girish: link me to the page you got the image from | 23:49 |
Girish | Yep, just a sec | 23:49 |
darkxst | http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-gnome/daily-live/current/ | 23:49 |
Girish | http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/351/builds/108521/downloads | 23:49 |
wxl | great | 23:50 |
wxl | see the link that says MD5 checksums? | 23:50 |
darkxst | Girish there is an md5 file in that folder above, look in that | 23:50 |
Girish | Yea, the MD5 is correct on my side. | 23:51 |
darkxst | There is something weird with the current daily image, its booting straight into the Live session here (No Try Ubuntu GNOMES screen) | 23:56 |
Girish | It's stuck at this screen: http://postimg.org/image/mjrzq6eqv/ | 23:58 |
wxl | looks like this is a problem lubuntu is having, too | 23:58 |
darkxst | Girish, is 3D accelleration enabled in the VM settings? | 23:58 |
darkxst | wxl, ubiquity is crashing | 23:59 |
wxl | there have been lots of bugs with plymouth themes; maybe related? | 23:59 |
xcub | hi kenvandine | 23:59 |
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