
=== lilstevie_ is now known as lilstevie
henrixcmagina: hi! are you able to verify bug #1514971 ?13:46
ubot5bug 1514971 in linux (Ubuntu Trusty) "[SRU trusty] arm64 USB support not enabled for APM Mustang" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/151497113:46
henrixsbeattie: same question for you re. bug #1518483 :-)13:47
ubot5bug 1518483 in linux (Ubuntu Vivid) "problem with PIE binaries and kernels <= 3.19" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/151848313:47
rtghenrix, I think sbeattie said it was working: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1518483/comments/413:48
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1518483 in linux (Ubuntu Vivid) "problem with PIE binaries and kernels <= 3.19" [Undecided,Fix committed]13:48
rtgoh, nm. that was on my test kernel.13:49
henrixrtg: yup :)13:49
rtghenrix, its a little early for him. only 5:50AM where he lives.13:50
henrixrtg: well, hopefully he'll read that first thing in the morning heh13:51
rtghenrix, he's not on IRC, so I doubt he'll see it. might have to bug him later in the day.13:52
rtgwe can sic ogasawara on him. they live in the same town.13:52
ogasawarayah, I'd give him a few more hours till he's on13:53
henrixoh, i thought i saw his nick on the channel... i guess i was wrong13:53
henrixogasawara: thanks btw 13:54
cmaginahenrix: yes, sorry. i'll go do that14:21
henrixcmagina: great, thanks14:21
* xnox carefully shuffles into the room15:37
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1525297 in linux (Ubuntu) "nic-modules udeb missing s390 modules" [Undecided,New]15:37
xnoxapw, ^15:37
xnoxplease don't hate me... i know there was just a kernel upload an hour ago15:38

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