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dufluRAOF (I know you're away right now): Is this also your domain? - https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/149922903:15
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1499229 in Mir "[regression] [testsfail] failure in CI on ThreadedDispatcherSignalTest.keeps_dispatching_after_signal_interruption" [High,Triaged]03:15
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RAOFduflu: Yeah, it is.04:20
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maikeulHello, I have a very basic question regarding running Xmir on an ubuntu phone (meizu), the connection is rejected by the server and I just cannot find a log or indications on how to allow this.10:52
anpokmaikeul: you have to add a parameter --desktop_file_hint= iirc that tells unity8 which application it is dealing with10:53
anpokit otherwise tries to figure out the app id.. and that will fail10:53
maikeulha thanks i will investigate this, i did not understood it was required10:53
maikeulundertand sorry10:53
anpokhm people at #ubuntu-unity shoud know more details10:54
maikeulthanks a lot10:54
anpokthe parameter needs just one valid .desktop file..10:54
maikeuli'll just investigate this and eventually ask on the unity channel, thanks, so far i still get rejected10:58
anpokwhat parameter do you supply for mirSocket?10:59
anpokoh logs say rejcted..11:00
anpoknm, then it is the right one already..11:00
maikeulthe one in /var/run11:00
sturmflutDoes anybody know if GTK has a Mir backend? I think I read about it being patched for Mir, but that was a long time ago.11:22
anpokgtk3 has11:29
anpokyes and it is upstream11:29
anpokbut on ubuntu-touch devices there are problems with the supported pixel formats.. none match the ones that cairo currently supports.. (I believe the backend currently tries to use software rendering)11:31
anpokor the opposite and that turns out to be a problem.. I havent looked in detail11:32
sturmflutanpok: Thanks for the detailed reply!12:07
mcphailsturmflut: if you get this working, can you let me know?12:07
anpoksturmflut: oh things have changed:12:12
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maikeulis there a repo/ppa where to get the latest builds for Xmir ?16:19
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bregmamaikeul, the latest version should be available in the vivid+overlay PPA, which should be in the sources on your device already19:45
bregmamaikeul, just be aware there is no official support for running X11 apps directly on your phone19:47
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