
* xnox ponders if fsharp is what i think it is01:55
Mirvok click is published to xenial which should make ubuntu-app-launch installable on s390x which should fix xenial finally for good14:08
Mirvxnox: ^14:08
slangasekcjwatson, infinity: what am I missing that pushing to lp:~ubuntu-cdimage/debian-cd/ubuntu fails for me with a 'readonly transport' error?16:48
ogra_slangasek, did you follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/CDImageSetup ?16:52
slangasekogra_: ...no, why would I push to nusakan before pushing to LP and why would anything described there prevent me from pushing to LP?16:55
ogra_well, thats a cjwatson question then :)16:55
ogra_there is some binding magic going on16:56
xnoxslangasek, lp is a mirror from people.canonical.com =)17:02
xnoxThis branch is an import of the Bazaar branch at http://people.canonical.com/~cjwatson/bzr/debian-cd/ubuntu.17:02
slangasekxnox: hmm ok17:03
slangasekin that case it sounds like I do need to push straight to nusakan17:03
xnoxplease remove mono/powerpc binaries from xenial-release18:09
xnoxslangasek, ^18:09
dokoxnox, doesn't it build anymore?18:11
xnoxdoko, debian maintainer remove powerpc architecture...18:27
dokoxnox, debian *never* had powerpc binaries18:27
xnoxalso, please build on z13-008 builder with a fixed kernel.18:27
xnoxdoko, i believe it was enabled in experimental for a while for 4.x series18:27
xnoxslangasek, wgrant, cjwatson - mono did build correctly on a "good" kernel, could you please retry it on z13-008?18:29
* xnox ponders if -no-pie is not needed at all, just a fixed kernel needed.18:29
* xnox rebuilds18:30
slangasekxnox: surely all of the lp builders have "good" kernels at this point, don't they?18:33
xnoxslangasek, nope.18:33
slangasekwhat's the difference between them?18:34
xnoxKernel version: Linux z13-009 4.3.0-0-generic #9 SMP Tue Dec 1 18:12:15 CET 2015 s390x18:34
slangasekthey must all have the basic PIE fixes18:34
xnoxKernel version: Linux z13-008 4.3.0-1-generic #10+wgrant+s390x.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 3 23:39:27 UTC 2015 s390x18:34
xnoxslangasek, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/4.3.0-2.11 is the first good one or better. wgrant prebuilt the cherrypick and deployed it to z13-008.18:37
slangasekxnox: non-trivial arch-dep reverse-dependencies of mono on powerpc; please iterate through these for a clean removal before we drop mono itself:18:39
slangasek$ reverse-depends -a powerpc src:mono | awk '{ print $2 }' | sort -u | xargs apt-cache show | grep-dctrl -FArchitecture amd64 -sPackage | wc -l18:39
* xnox hands over `--list' to slangasek, and takes away | awk '{ print $2 }'18:40
slangasekuseful, thanks ;)18:42
slangasek(also makes the sort -u go away)18:42
xnoxright so -fno-pie upload is not needed at all. as building on a good kernel is sufficient.18:44
xnoxmy build on ibm vpn was done noopt, rather than just on a fixed kernel.19:32
xnoxmono is crazy and kernel has nothing to do with it.19:59
infinitydoko: Eh?  Debian definitely used to have powerpc mono with 3.x, it was dropped with 4.x20:20
dokoinfinity, hmm, I thought we were patching that ...20:21
infinitydoko: No, we patched for ppc64el.20:21
dokoright, I remember, the suse patches ...20:26
infinitydoko: Speaking of compilers, have you managed to hunt down why arm64 suddenly hates the kernel source?20:30
dokoinfinity, yes it succeeds with an assembler test testing ARMv8.1 instructions and succeeds, while the compiler doesn't yet support them20:31
infinityAhh, so it was actually the new binutils that upset it slightly?20:32
dokothat's what will appear with the Linaro branch in Jan/Feb20:32
infinityOkay, we can't wait until January to have a buildable kernel.  So, where do you proposed we fix this for now?20:32
dokotold apw to disable these checks for now20:32
infinity(Normally wouldn't care, but we still have linux/meta skew issues on s390x until this is all resolved, and we need to have sane s390x kernels for the upcoming milestone)20:33
dokoand ubuntu-toolchain-r/test now has the first gcc-6 packages ...20:34
infinityI saw that, yeah.20:34
infinityI assume that's for xenial+1?20:34
dokoyes, and for test rebuilds over the holidays20:34
dokoinfinity, can you prepare gibc 2.22 for the end of next for the test rebuilds? or is it to busy?20:35
dokoinfinity, how many cpu's have the s390x buildds?20:36
infinitydoko: It's the top of my list to get done before holidays.  Should be there before the 17th.20:36
infinity@z13-001:~$ nproc20:37
infinitydoko: 4 cores, 8G, 2G/core.20:37
doko1h 10 is not bad for the gcc-6 build on s390x20:37
doko(with tests)20:37
infinitys390x is pretty speedy.20:38
infinityIt better be for the price. :P20:38
infinityAnd it screams at pure integer stuff, since the clock speeds are insanely high.20:38
dokoI thought it would scream at decimal stuff ...20:40
infinityFloat performance is good too, don't get me wrong, but float insns imply pipe bubbles, generally, so you don't see the same pure linear increase from clock speeds going up.20:41
infinityPure integer == full pipes == "whoah, dude".20:41
slangasekxnox: s390x debian-cd branch merged and deployed on nusakan20:46
slangasekkicking off an extra ubuntu-server daily build to see what explodes20:47
infinityIt'll be less than ideal while the kernel/meta situation is still borked.20:48
infinityBut it still might build, just won't install.20:48
slangaseklast time it failed at "can I make it bootable"20:48
slangaseklet's see if we cleanly get past that now20:49
slangasekif we do, we can always kick off an s390x-only build with -proposed enabled20:49
infinityWe can, yeah.  But I intend to get with the kernel team to sort the kernels ASAP.20:50
slangasekgenisoimage: No such file or directory. cannot read from MD5 list file '/srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/scratch/ubuntu-server/xenial/daily/tmp/xenial-s390x/md5-check'21:27
slangasekalso, /srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/debian-cd/tools/boot/xenial/common.sh: line 88: MANIFEST.udebs: No such file or directory21:27
slangasekinfinity: any idea about bug #1525393? xnox was mentioning a similar thing this morning21:34
ubot5bug 1525393 in Ubuntu CD Images "xenial secureboot images not signed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/152539321:34
slangaseknot sure at what point this may have regressed21:34
infinityslangasek: No idea.  I guess we'd need to trace where that comes from.21:35
* infinity hunts a bit.21:35
slangasekI would have assumed debian-cd was to blame, but no recent changes there21:35
slangasekah... one thing that changed was that cjwatson un-stuck the ftp mirror, I wonder if that would be related21:37
slangasek20151209 image was grub +2.02~beta2-31, which dated from 19Nov.  20151210 image is grub +2.02~beta2-32ubuntu121:40
infinityI'm not entirely convinced I understand where efi.img comes from in the first place...21:43
slangasekalso, old logs: touch /srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/scratch/ubuntu/xenial/daily-live/tmp/xenial-amd64/CD1/.disk/base_installable21:43
slangaseknew logs: Linking /srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/scratch/ubuntu/xenial/daily-live/tmp/xenial-amd64/CD1/./.disk/base_installable to /srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/scratch/ubuntu/xenial/daily-live/tmp/xenial-amd64/CD1/./EFI/BOOT/grubx64.efi21:43
infinityYeah, grubx64.efi being 0 length doesn't inspire confidence.21:46
infinityI suspect this is one of those things Colin would give us on answer on in 2 minutes. :P21:47
slangasekright the 'Linking' is because they're both empty files and so their md5sums match; not the root cause21:49
slangasekefi.img isn't the issue, either; it's wherever it's getting bootx64.efi and grubx64.efi21:50
infinitySo, bootx64.efi comes from d-i.21:57
slangasekah. who broke d-i?22:08
slangasekinfinity: ok.  where does it copy it out of d-i?22:09
infinityTrying to figure that out.22:10
slangasek(and how do you know it's from d-i? I don't see this in the build log)22:10
infinityOh.  Maybe it doesn't come from d-i.  That might just be for mini.iso22:10
slangasekright, the bootx64.efi file is supposed to be a copy of what's in the shim-signed package22:11
slangasekand grubx64.efi from grub-efi-amd64-signed22:11
slangasekit's the how-they-get-there that's opaque22:11
slangasekwhat happens if we nuke scratch/ubuntu/xenial/daily-live/tmp/xenial-amd64 and rebuild...22:12
infinityNuking it should happen before every build anyway.22:13
xnoxslangasek, i suspect that i didn't git something right. MANIFEST.udebs should have been retrievied among the d-i kernel/initramfs/paramfile not sure what md5-check is. Thanks for this, will toy with it. I wonder if I can run debian-cd stage locally myself...22:14
slangasekmcopy -i boot$N/isolinux/grub/efi.img ::EFI/BOOT/BOOTx64.EFI $CDDIR/EFI/BOOT/BOOTx64.EFI22:14
slangasekmcopy -i boot$N/isolinux/grub/efi.img ::EFI/BOOT/grubx64.efi $CDDIR/EFI/BOOT/grubx64.efi22:14
slangasekso that is actually coming from grub/efi.img22:14
xnoxboot-* scripts usually do the "find latest d-i and download/copy things from it"22:15
slangasekinfinity: so that file is scratch/ubuntu/xenial/daily-live/tmp/xenial-amd64/CD1/boot/grub/efi.img, which is extracted from scratch/ubuntu/xenial/daily-live/tmp/xenial-amd64/cdrom/debian-cd_info.tar.gz22:19
infinityYeahp, found it.22:19
infinityCertainly seems a bit suspect. :P22:20
slangasekwhat are "new" and "old" here?22:20
infinity404 and 40222:21
infinitytotal 38422:23
infinity-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 391680 Dec  5 00:51 bootx64.efi22:23
infinity-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root      0 Dec  5 00:51 grubx64.efi22:23
infinitytotal 223022:23
infinity-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1289424 Nov 24 07:00 bootx64.efi22:23
infinity-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  991608 Nov 24 07:00 grubx64.efi22:23
xnoxmake[1]: Leaving directory `/srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/debian-cd'22:23
xnox ... checking your mirror22:23
xnoxrm -f /srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/scratch/ubuntu-server/xenial/daily/tmp/xenial-s390x/md5-check22:23
xnoxUnknown arch/source s390x!22:23
xnoxmake: *** [mirrorcheck-binary] Error 122:23
infinityslangasek: It's possible a rebuild of d-i would "fix" it, but I'd kinda like to know why it exploded...22:24
xnoxslangasek, https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/debian-cd/s390x/+merge/28036922:26
slangasekxnox: looking.  btw, did you catch the fix-up commits I did to make bzr-builddeb plugin not fall over on dpkg-parsechangelog?22:27
infinityOh, bah.22:28
xnoxslangasek, hm?22:28
slangasekxnox: looks like the answer to this is 'no' ;) please merge from trunk22:28
slangasekxnox: the branch has debian packaging in it, the debian/changelog has garbage at the top that makes it unparseable; if bzr-builddeb is installed you can't merge22:28
slangasekinfinity: ?22:29
xnoxslangasek, done.22:29
* xnox goes back to adult size LEGO, IKEA series...22:30
infinityslangasek: The code in d-i kinda relies on wget actually working.  A network blip would have caused this mess.22:30
infinityslangasek: So, yeah, a rebuild will fix it.22:30
infinityI'll just release cyphermox's findutils fix for now, and build against the old kernel ABI so it doesn't get stuck.22:31
slangasekxnox: merged, pushed, retrying build22:33
infinityslangasek: Hah, you added that d-i task half a second before I tried. :P22:34
infinityslangasek: Alright, tiny brain dump done in the bug.22:38
slangasekexcellent, thanks22:38
infinityThat build also broke.22:43
* infinity investigates harder.22:43
infinityAnd, of course, it works from home.  Grr.22:49
infinityslangasek: Okay, no, there's a real bug here.  Sorting it out now.23:08
xnoxstgraber, we need Ubuntu Server s390x product in the iso tracker?23:17
xnoxstgraber, can you create s390x server image there and mark me as the "manager for it" i guess i will be doing qa for it, at least for the initial few milestones23:19
xnox    raise KeyError("Product '%s' not found" % product)23:19
xnoxKeyError: "Product 'Ubuntu Server s390x' not found"23:19
stgraberxnox: done23:22
xnoxstgraber, merci beaucoup23:22
xnoxlater we will add testcase specific to that image, but the defaults look good for now.23:24
cyphermoxhow do the sections work in our archive? would it be very complicated to add a Section: tasks ?23:49
infinitycyphermox: Err, why?23:50
cyphermoxlooking at tasksel merge, seems like the source in there in Debian23:51
infinitycyphermox: We don't do tasks as metapackages.23:52
cyphermoxso you think I should just revert that section change for us?23:53
infinityI think there's probably more to it than that.23:53
infinityAnd it's entirely possible we don't want to merge at all.23:53
infinitytasksel 3.00 is when metapackage tasks happened, which is why we're forked from 2.8823:54
cyphermoxI'd be tempted to think it just happens that the timing fits, other things haven't been merged in a while.23:55
infinityThat one's quite deliberate.23:55
infinityTasks in Ubuntu come from the Task: header in Packages, which comes from seeds.23:56
cyphermoxoh, I know23:56
infinityWhich is entirely different from what tasksel >= 3.0 expects.23:56
cyphermoxwe have delta to handle this23:56
cyphermoxI'm not saying you're wrong, just trying to get a clear picture of things23:56
cyphermoxand I feel like it probably wouldn't hurt to merge anyway, provided it's done correctly23:57
infinityIt's possibly mergable, by dropping all the debian metapackages, keeping our update magic, etc.23:58
infinityAnd yes, keeping our Sections.23:59

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