
Syntheadis there a way to do a network install from the generic ubuntu server cd (14.04 LTS)?00:31
Syntheadwell, I ended posting it on askubuntu anyway http://askubuntu.com/questions/708356/how-can-i-install-from-network-sources-using-the-generic-ubuntu-server-cd01:08
roaksoax3/win 301:46
naccSynthead: do you mean making sure you're up to date during the install? or do you mean loading hte installer components over the network?02:10
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=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
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Voyage_http://oi65.tinypic.com/r8s2ux.jpg  I have enabled headers and getting correct CORS in headers (access-control-allow-orig...*) but still I cannot access the inner dome or page height of an iframe in side  a parent page. It says "Error: Permission denied to access property "document"" any clue?09:52
=== cpaelzer is now known as cpaelzer_afk
=== cpaelzer_afk is now known as cpaelzer
jak2000hi all i have a crontab task (with mysqldump command) when run the task thhe backup was generated in 0 bytes, but when run same command manually it generate the correct backup, any advice how to know why? thanks12:01
andoljak2000: Any stderr output, captured by mail? Perhaps some PATH or other environment issue?12:08
andoljak2000: Unless you have a local MTA setup, perhaps you can modify the script to write STDERR to a separate file?12:10
roaksoaxq/win 1312:34
koolhead17hello world12:37
jak2000i have full paths13:25
jak2000see please: http://pastie.org/1062527013:27
LzrdKinghow can i determine why a 12.04 server spontaneously rebooted?15:44
LzrdKinglogs look normal one moment, and then everything is starting up the next15:44
lordievaderDisk failure?15:49
LzrdKingwould that be logged anywhere?15:50
lordievaderWell that might be a problem ;) Suppose you want to write to the disk, but the disk failed...15:51
LzrdKingthe logging volume didn't fail15:51
lordievaderHmm, I'd check SMART anyways.15:52
LzrdKingyes, thats a good idea, thank you15:52
TJ-power-loss would be the obvious candidate15:53
LzrdKingTJ-: yes, but to only one server of many in a rack?15:53
LzrdKingi'm not sure how the rack is powered, but i'd thikn there would be other issues too15:54
LzrdKingi'll keep that in mind15:54
LzrdKingbut how could i tell if that was the issue?15:55
TJ-LzrdKing: local PSU issues possibly. Does the server have IPMI? could remote-hands of accidentially nudged cables on that rack - or is it caged? etc16:03
LzrdKinglordievader: Device does not support SMART16:03
LzrdKingTJ-: yes it does16:04
TJ-LzrdKing: anything in the logs of the *other* servers at the time that server died?16:04
LzrdKingi'll look16:04
jgegood morning guys, happy friday. I have a question, I have a VM that takes long to boot up. It hangs saying the following: Waiting for network configuration, Up to 60 more seconds for network configuration .."16:04
jgeI use /etc/network/interfaces to configure networking16:05
LzrdKingTJ-: IPMI might be able to indicate better what happened?16:05
lordievaderLzrdKing: Huh? Is it a non-standard disk?16:05
jgenot sure what could be causing this, Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS16:05
TJ-lordievader: could be behind RAID controller16:06
naccjge: so eventually it does come up w/ networking?16:06
TJ-jge: that times out if the network isn't available; check the config, are you trying to automount remote network file-systems?16:07
LzrdKingyes, its an SMC RAID16:07
lordievaderAh, that explains it indeed.16:08
jgenacc: yep it comes up fine16:09
jgeTJ-: nope16:09
jgethis is what my /etc/network/interfaces looks like:http://pastie.org/private/jcat5qnhb3debzh4fodxuw16:11
jgevery simple, I'm wondering if it's because the next hop for that static route is on a different subnet16:11
jgeI'll remove it and test16:12
jgeha, that did it!16:13
jgefreaking booted in seconds :D16:13
LzrdKingi have a laptop that hangs there for a while too, i should look at that16:16
TJ-jge for the reasoning of that message see /etc/init/failsafe.conf16:18
jgeTJ-: will do, thank you.16:25
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pod_When ever I try to boot into ubuntu I keep getting this error http://postimg.org/image/yi2biav9n/17:11
naccpod_: and it doesn't boot? or do some devices not work? do you have a USB hub?17:12
pod_I am using a desktop and only using the usb ports that are on my motherboard.17:13
pod_Ubuntu is already installed on my hard drive17:14
naccpod_: is your concern the messages themselves, or is something specifically not working?17:14
pod_I am just trying to fix the error17:16
naccpod_: I believe that is indicating an issue with a USB hub, including possibly the one on your mobo. Could be insufficient power (if it was external, e.g.) for the load, etc. Does it happen w/o anything plugged into the USB ports on the motherboard? Do any of the USB ports on your machine work?17:18
pod_Yeah I tried booting back into Ubuntu when only the keyboard plugged in and still get the same error.17:19
pod_When ever I use debian all the ports work fine17:20
naccpod_: ok, and do your devices work? e.g., your usb keyboard?17:20
naccpod_: what version of Ubuntu and what version of Debian?17:20
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pod_ubuntu 14.04 and debian 8.117:21
naccpod_: 14.04.3 or 14.04.0? that is, which kernel probably matters, as 8.1 uses 3.16.7 (I think) and 14.04.0 used 13.13 (and each .x update has bumped that, so for instance, 14.04.3 is on 3.1917:25
naccif Debian 8.1 worked without the errors, I would guess it's just a kernel fix and I'd try the latest 14.04.3 release17:25
naccif possible17:25
pod_Okay I'll wipe the older ubuntu and install newer ubuntu17:26
naccpod_: so you were on an older ubuntu before? shouldn't be ncessary to wipe it, just boot the live image and see if it works?17:27
LzrdKingTJ-: ilo has nothing useful logged either17:27
pod_I upgraded from 12.0417:28
patdk-wknacc, it only bumped it if you started with 14.04.2 as the install base17:29
patdk-wknot if you upgraded to 14.04.317:29
LzrdKingis there a way to run a raid utility without rebooting?17:29
naccpatdk-wk: good point, sorry17:29
patdk-wknot sure why a raid utility would needa reboot17:31
patdk-wkunless it requires dos/windows17:31
pod_Software raid17:31
naccpatdk-wk: my understanding was that 14.04(.0) was 3.13 based, 14.04.2 was 3.16 based, 14.04.3 was 3.19 based, and 14.04.4 will be 4.2 based? although those may be specific packages you pick to install from the HWE stack17:32
LzrdKingi don't know, i've only ever seen raid info come up during a boot when it says siomehting like "press F2 to configure"17:33
patdk-wknacc, that is true17:34
patdk-wkbut you have to INSTALL 14.04.2 from a iso for HWE to be enabled17:34
naccpatdk-wk: ah i see what you're saying17:34
naccpatdk-wk: yep, makes sense17:34
patdk-wkor enable it yourself17:35
patdk-wkfor me personally, hwe has been nothing but problems17:35
naccpatdk-wk: like what?17:35
patdk-wkdue to kernel dmks build issues17:35
naccexternal modules?17:35
patdk-wkexternal to the kernel17:35
naccyeah, sorry, that's what i meant17:35
patdk-wkthe packages dkms packages don't maintain kernel compatability with HWE kernels17:35
patdk-wkso using open-vm-tools, xtables, ..., can cause you lots of issues17:36
patdk-wkthough, open-vm-tools is better lately though17:36
naccwell, the (upstream) kernel doesn't guarantee API or ABI compatability release-to-release; that's probably the biggest issue?17:36
pod_I had to fix a broken part of the kernel from a old verison of ubuntu to fix error 7117:36
patdk-wkand I had an issue with libc and hwe kernel17:38
patdk-wkbut that is so esoteric, I didn't dig into it much, once I found it was a libc issue17:38
patdk-wkbut that is the other kernel api/abi problem17:39
naccpatdk-wk: interesting, i haven't personally seen those problems, but i bet a bug would be appreciated :)17:40
patdk-wkI thought about it, but reproducing it, by not me, would be impossible :)17:41
patdk-wkso I didn't bother17:41
patdk-wkit's a closed source binary, that I have heavily hacked17:42
patdk-wkand is failing on an exec call to run sendmail17:42
patdk-wkor rather, it works, but stdin isn't working right17:42
patdk-wkbut in all other cases, it works17:42
=== sarnold_ is now known as sarnold
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
Razvahey folks! I would like to test the Unbuntu Cloud (MAAS, Juju, Landscape etc) on a couple of lased bare-metal servers. note that these servers don't offer a vlan, so all I have is external IPv4 IPs. can I work this out, or do I need to have everything in the same place? I'm reading about MAAS right now, and from my understanding it needs to be all in the same network, as MAAS is basically19:14
Razvasetting up LAN IPs via DHCP?19:14
sarnoldRazva: indeed, maas does pxe via dhcp. probably your ISP won't be impressed if you start offering dhcp over the internet :)19:15
Razvasarnold yyyup. :) ok, so what's the solution in my case?19:16
RazvaI really don't have 5 PCs at home in order to test it out, nor a powerful PC to install/run eveyrthing virtualized.19:16
Razvaso I was thinking to buy 5 cheap (kimsufi) bare-metal servers and start playing19:17
dlbcan someone help me with kvm?  I have a 64 bit 14.04.3 install but kvm keeps making 32 bit vms. --arch is set for amd64. Any thoughts on what to look at?19:17
sarnolddlb: are you perchance running 32bit guests by accident?19:18
dlbI am trying to build the guests.  When I build them, they are 32 bit.  I expected 64 bit.19:19
sarnoldRazva: you may wish to try in #maas .. my best guess is something like set up an openvpn or ipsec vpn over your five cheap hosts, and virtualize a machine on each or something. it's not a great idea. hehe.19:19
dlbThe host is 64 bit19:19
Razvasarnold already did, nobody is replying right now. :|19:20
Razvais MAAS mandatory?19:21
sarnoldRazva: no19:21
sarnoldRazva: maas can make deploying openstack more convenient, since you can use juju to deploy the openstack software to the hardware; but you can certainly install openstack by hand on the machines19:22
sarnoldRazva: I hope kimsufi has some way to firewall those machines off from the internet; I slightly doubt openstack services are intended to be exposed on the public routable internet :)19:23
Razvasarnold it's just some test machines, I won't store any data19:24
Razvayeah so the whole idea was to use ubuntu cloud as I'm an OpenStack newb :|19:25
sarnoldRazva: good start; I'm just not convinced thta the services are sufficiently defensive about their inputs :/19:25
Razvawill Autopilot work, or is that MAAS dependant?19:26
sarnoldI think it requires maas19:28
Razvaso at this point basically ubuntu cloud is "useless" in my case?19:32
Razvabecause Autopilot is the main reason to use the ubuntu cloud vs "standard openstack"19:32
sarnoldRazva: that might be the case. perhaps you can still use e.g. juju with the charms to deploy openstack if you use the ssh provider to juju..19:40
sarnoldautopilot may not work for you but you might still be spared the difficulty of setting up openstack services manually :)19:42
Razvasarnold true... is there any manual of some sort, that will spare me of setting up?19:51
sarnoldRazva: not that I know of; I think it's mostly assumed that if you're interested in openstack, you've got the hardware on site to make it happen :/19:53
sarnoldRazva: so putting together something a bit piecemeal out of cheap servers already on a cloud provider is a bit off the well-worn path.19:54
sarnoldRazva: this looks like The Guide for using juju with the ssh provider: https://jujucharms.com/docs/1.24/config-manual19:54
sarnoldRazva: you may need to read the autopilot script to figure out which specific settings it's using for which services, and you can find the service charms at e.g. https://jujucharms.com/q/?tags=openstack19:55
RazvaI'm curious, how do you handle mutiple physical locations in this case?19:57
sarnoldyou'd define different availability zones19:57
Razvaok, but how can MAAS allocate IPs into a totally different physical location?19:58
Razvayou need to have vlans between physical locations or...?19:58
sarnoldI think each availability zone would have its own MAAS configurations; if one is flooded or vaporized or whatever, you wouldn't want services in the others to die as a result19:59
Razvaaha, so you have more MAAS configs into the same Landscape/Autopilot?19:59
sarnoldhmmmmm, I wonder, I forgot that autopilot is now integrated into landscape. :/  I wonder if I've been on the wrong foot this whole conversation. (I'm sorry, it'd been ~six months since I last looked into autopilot...)20:01
sarnoldI wonder if the "new" autopilot still requires brand new machines or if you can use landscape to add existing machines into a cloud..20:02
Razvaany idea where should I ask?20:04
sarnoldjcastro_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/708608/playing-with-ubuntu-cloud-on-different-machines-without-vlan  ^^^20:05
Razvaoh, so I can run it in vSphere locally on my "medium-sized i7 PC"?20:14
jcastro_on it20:15
Razvayeah, on it20:15
Razvajust installed vSphere (free) so brb reboot20:16
sarnoldmaybe; I saw int eh virtualized bit that there's a 8gigs memory suggestion/requirement for the machines.. and while that probably doesn't actually mean 40 gigs, it might not run great if you've only got e.g. 16 available ..20:16
Razvasarnold I just want to see how it works...that's all...20:16
jcastro_I think these days we can smoosh it onto like three servers20:22
jcastro_zul: heya, is all your lxd/openstack stuff landed somewhere? That might be an interesting option20:28
jcastro_sarnold: wow, you're not going to believe how simple the answer is20:32
sarnoldjcastro_: dude.20:39
geetarCan someone help me determine why I cannot set up a print server on a ubuntu server?  "nmap" from a wireless laptop does not see the open 631 port but "nmap" from the server itself reports that the port is open.20:39
jcastro_sarnold: I know right, dude look at the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eUoamVBzFI20:40
sarnoldgeetar: check netstat -lntp, make sure it's bound to a public IP address or *20:40
jcastro_openstack on a nuc20:40
sarnoldjcastro_: I just watched the w hole thing. insane.20:40
sarnoldany idea how much RAM's in that?20:40
naccsarnold: quick googling indicate some models have capacity up to 16G, the latest ones seem expandable to 32G20:42
sarnoldnacc: it feels like a lot to ask of an 8gig machine but 16.. maybe. hehe. :)20:43
naccsarnold: yeah :)20:43
naccmight try that out when I reinstall my 32G box at home20:44
geetarsarnold: I guess I am doing it wrong, what do you mean "bound" to a public ip address?20:54
geetarsarnold:  otherwise I do not understand the output.20:55
sarnoldgeetar: sockets are 'bound' to an <IP,port> pair; that lets you run one webserver locally on but a different webserver on and a third on
sarnoldgeetar: so this is checking if cups is configured to only listen on e.g., in which case it won't be visible off the machine, or if it is bound toa specific IP that you're not talking with, or if it is bound to that port on any IP..20:58
sarnoldgeetar: this lets you know if you need to fix the firewall configuration on a machine or router or if you need to fix the daemon configuration20:58
geetarsarnold: ah, so I don't understand the output.  The result of "netstat -lntp" on the server is at http://paste.ubuntu.com/13942789/.  Note I can ping the server from the laptop.21:07
sarnoldgeetar: on my system cups is listening on 631, it looks like the same for yours, lines 14 and 2721:08
geetarsarnold:  Same for mine.  So, could it be the router is blocking 631 traffic?21:09
sarnoldgeetar: is your router perhaps forbidding wireless connections from communicating with wired? try connecting to port 22 or port 80 to see if this is unique to this service or computer..21:09
sarnoldgeetar: are you using iptables or ufw or similar firewall on this system?21:10
geetarsarnold: port 80 works, I have a wiki on the server.21:11
geetarsarnold: that I can access from wireless.21:11
geetarsarnold: I will see if it is iptables or ufw.  I was thinking it was the router, but it should not be if I can access the wiki.  Thanks for helping me think it through.21:13
zuljcastro_, yes we have bundles for them21:13
sarnoldgeetar: it might still be the router.. hehe. lots of fun places for a firewall to live. ;)21:13
geetarsarnold: drats.21:14
jcastro_zul: I found the single node installer, I'm good21:31
jcastro_zul: that thing is brilliant btw21:31
geetarsarnold:  The first problem was the firewall as you suspected.  I fixed that and got into the CUPS webpage.  Still not printing because no admin access through browser but I think I can fix that.  Why did nmap run on the server report that its 631 port was open if it was blocked by its firewall?21:35
sarnoldgeetar: the firewall probably only blocked packets coming into the ethernet cards or leaving via the ethernet cards; when run locally, they go over the lo interface, which is only rarely firewalled21:36
geetarsarnold: thanks again21:36
sarnold(well, I don't think I've _ever_ seen lo firewalled; it's possible, though. :)21:37
soahcccwhen I install fail2ban does it do something out of the box? I only want it to do something custom not SSH, etc.21:51
RoyKsoahccc: iirc it does ssh out of the box - but it's easy to configure it to do whatever you want21:53
patdk-wkwell, it will detect21:53
patdk-wkbut if it blocks properly, based on whatever firewall your using21:53
patdk-wkyou might need to adjust it21:53
soahcccRoyK: yeah if you know regex :) I'm afraid I ban all requests21:54
RoyKsoahccc: then learn regex ;)21:54
RoyKsoahccc: it's not too hard21:54
RoyKsoahccc: setup a VM first and try a bit before you go in production21:55
soahcccRoyK: where is the fun in that ;) nginx + path + status code, can't be that hard21:56
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
soahcccI hope fail2ban tails the file after reading it once :S It takes forever to parse my little 4 GB access log22:38

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