diddledan_ | does anyone know of any write-up as to the thinking behind ubuntu moving to qt? | 02:22 |
diddledan_ | i.e. for unity8 | 02:23 |
diddledan_ | and phone/converged apps | 02:23 |
zmoylan-pi | well qt has a long history of been solid and reliable, no? | 02:27 |
diddledan_ | well yes, but I want a more thought-out answer than that :-p | 02:27 |
zmoylan-pi | ok.... just because :-) | 02:27 |
diddledan_ | hence why I asked for a write-up that I can study :-) | 02:28 |
diddledan_ | ideally I'd like a breakdown as to what qt provides that "insert random toolkit here" doesn't | 02:29 |
zmoylan-pi | is there ever a well explained reason for the decisions made by ubuntu team? | 02:29 |
diddledan_ | lol | 02:29 |
diddledan_ | I'm wondering if it's a simple as licensing | 02:30 |
xnox | diddledan_, at the time, qt/qml was the only touch friendly and resolution independant toolkit. | 02:31 |
xnox | in to some degree remains as such. | 02:32 |
diddledan_ | hmm | 02:32 |
xnox | jolla uses it too | 02:32 |
xnox | ditto webOS | 02:32 |
diddledan_ | is the units.gu thingy in qml an ubuntuism? | 02:35 |
diddledan_ | I can't find very much info about it | 02:35 |
diddledan_ | other than ubuntu guides saying "use gu" | 02:36 |
diddledan_ | I guess I should join #ubuntu-app-dev | 02:37 |
diddledan_ | (or is there an S on app?) | 02:37 |
* diddledan_ runs /list | 02:37 | |
diddledan_ | hmm, neither? | 02:39 |
diddledan_ | where's that gone? | 02:39 |
xnox | gu - is a fixed, resolution independant unit, which relates to the ubuntu grid & app layout & text/font. | 02:43 |
xnox | unlike all other mobile platforms, ubuntu phones actually have a regular sized and consistent everything. | 02:44 |
diddledan_ | aha | 02:44 |
diddledan_ | danke | 02:44 |
diddledan_ | hmm. ubuntu sdk seems to dislike ecryptfs encrypted home directory | 03:22 |
diddledan_ | keeps unmounting it | 03:22 |
diddledan_ | it might be click rather than the ide itsel | 03:23 |
diddledan_ | itself | 03:23 |
m0nkey_ | diddledan_, your plex broke. tried to watch Ep4. | 03:51 |
MooDoo | morning all | 08:08 |
davmor2 | Morning all | 09:05 |
MooDoo | morning davmor2 | 09:10 |
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte | ||
JamesTait | Good morning all; happy Friday, and happy birthday to UNICEF! 😃 | 10:16 |
MooDoo | morning james | 10:24 |
MooDoo | morning JamesTait | 10:24 |
JamesTait | 👋 MooDoo | 10:26 |
MooDoo | :) | 10:32 |
brobostigon | morning boys and girls. | 10:42 |
MooDoo | morning brobostigon hope you're well | 10:59 |
brobostigon | MooDoo: other than my eczema, not bad, and you? | 11:00 |
davmor2 | JamesTait: so still not the uk bans trump day 515,299 and counting | 11:00 |
davmor2 | JamesTait: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TlFjZXcZro | 11:02 |
MooDoo | brobostigon: yeah ok thanks, glad it's friday | 11:05 |
brobostigon | :) | 11:06 |
davmor2 | MooDoo: You're only glad it's friday because it means it is nearly Monday again admit it you workaholic ;) | 11:46 |
MooDoo | davmor2: I've a weekend helping looking after 10/15 beaver scouts, so roll on monday | 11:53 |
davmor2 | MooDoo: see I know you too well, I know you love Mondays ;) | 11:54 |
MooDoo | It's a nother day :) | 11:54 |
daftykins | hi all o/ | 12:29 |
MooDoo | howdy daftykins | 12:56 |
daftykins | aaah solid rain here on the rock | 12:57 |
davmor2 | so it official twice as many people are opposed to trump coming into the country as they accepting more immigrants I think that says a lot really | 12:57 |
foobarry | it says that twitter liberals are not in fact liberal | 12:58 |
ali1234 | but we already knew that | 13:17 |
ali1234 | they're not exclusively on twitter either | 13:19 |
MooDoo | 4 months off being a 10 year registered on launchpad user :) | 13:54 |
MooDoo | is there a group for that? lol | 13:54 |
davmor2 | MooDoo: 2005-09-12 is when I joined LP | 13:56 |
MooDoo | nice i suspect a lot of us oldies are around 05/06 | 13:59 |
bashrc_ | member since 2007. I havn't done much in LP for a while, being mostly a git user | 14:02 |
davmor2 | MooDoo: yeah not sure when LP was actually opened | 14:02 |
diddledan_ | merry christmas - my boss doesn't have enough work longterm so he's told me to start looking for work elsewhere | 14:19 |
diddledan_ | \o/ | 14:19 |
* diddledan_ goes "proper" freelance | 14:20 | |
davmor2 | diddledan_: that or he means you're fired ;) | 14:21 |
MooDoo | diddledan_: well that sucks :( | 14:21 |
diddledan_ | MooDoo: ho hum :-/ | 14:22 |
davmor2 | diddledan_: chin up chap at least you are good enough to get some more work fairly quickly | 14:22 |
SuperEngineer | diddledan, I hear this bloke Trump will be available for work soon... | 14:23 |
SuperEngineer | maybe you could use Trump Employment Services [guarenteed open minded thinking] | 14:23 |
diddledan_ | lol | 14:23 |
diddledan_ | is it called that because I trump everyone else and win the job by "de fault" | 14:23 |
SuperEngineer | derrr... | 14:24 |
diddledan_ | my favourite two words, those, de fault | 14:24 |
diddledan_ | I like when people say "well I guess you win by de fault" | 14:24 |
diddledan_ | ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhvIISDoarU | 14:25 |
SuperEngineer | poor ol De Fault, always getting the blame! | 14:25 |
zmoylan-pi | no no de blame gets de blame... | 14:53 |
davmor2 | and everyone fires at Will he's the one we should really feel sorry for | 15:18 |
MooDoo | lol | 15:18 |
bashrc_ | diddledan_: that sounds like bad news | 15:27 |
davmor2 | bashrc_: no that's the wrong view on life, it means he has the potential to make more money \o/ | 15:43 |
bashrc_ | well perhaps, depends how it goes | 15:51 |
davmor2 | bashrc_: again with the pessimism, way to bolster diddledan_ confidence :P | 15:54 |
zmoylan-pi | always with the negative waves moriarity... :-) | 15:56 |
SuperEngineer | Can you drive diddledan? I know a few people looking for a driver for some "one off jobs, ability to drive at speed preferred, ability to keep secrets afterwards essential" | 15:57 |
SuperEngineer | ..& yes, you guessed... it's being a chauffeur for FIFA president! ;-) | 15:59 |
diddledan_ | I can't drive :-( | 16:02 |
SuperEngineer | that could be a "slight" problem ;-) | 16:03 |
davmor2 | diddledan_: can you rikshaw at speed? | 16:03 |
SuperEngineer | lol | 16:04 |
Myrtti | I'm sure Blatter wouldn't notice the missing attributes if you shove a bit of money his way | 16:04 |
SuperEngineer | lol x 2 | 16:04 |
Myrtti | learn on the job and all that | 16:04 |
Myrtti | after a while you'll be rolling in money | 16:05 |
diddledan_ | isn't the money supposed to be flowing into my pockets, not the other way about?! | 16:05 |
Myrtti | a bit of investment is needed first | 16:05 |
davmor2 | diddledan_: you can syphon more off the payouts than you'll lose initially ;) | 16:05 |
Myrtti | you can start by sending some to SuperEngineer's account, for his expenses you know, after that you'll get your job and profit | 16:06 |
SuperEngineer | Myrtti, definitely agrred on *your* plan! | 16:06 |
Myrtti | I wonder if there are 419 generators | 16:08 |
zmoylan-pi | send 1 dollar to happy dude... | 16:08 |
daftykins | :O i had to double take | 16:08 |
SuperEngineer | In fact, if you *all* sent me some money... | 16:08 |
Myrtti | http://www.scamgen.com/ | 16:08 |
daftykins | SuperEngineer: you'd have money? :) | 16:09 |
diddledan_ | mmm, money | 16:09 |
SuperEngineer | hmmmm??? that *could* be result, yes. I was thinking more along the lines of making people feel good. There was nothing else on my mind whatsover | 16:10 |
SuperEngineer | except for finding a cure for my nose... which is growing longer as I speak | 16:10 |
zmoylan-pi | that's a lie... | 16:11 |
zmoylan-pi | oh wait... | 16:11 |
SuperEngineer | :-) | 16:18 |
SuperEngineer | Anybody here follow Bad Voltage? It seems to be in a "spot of bother" at the mo... all links failing! | 16:28 |
bittin_US | i do | 16:29 |
SuperEngineer | bittin_US, can you contact a podcast feed at all? id web site slow/stopped for you? | 16:35 |
SuperEngineer | *is | 16:35 |
bittin_US | havent checked busy with other stuff atm | 16:35 |
SuperEngineer | tut tut ;-) | 16:36 |
Myrtti | https://imgur.com/gallery/TrN2oW9 | 17:06 |
* zmoylan-pi suspects it's better without sound... :-) | 17:09 | |
Myrtti | he's pretty good tho | 17:10 |
Myrtti | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marco_Hietala | 17:10 |
daftykins | zmoylan-pi: newp ;x | 17:16 |
daftykins | it just becomes a mystery! | 17:17 |
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away | ||
m0nkey_ | Evening all | 21:24 |
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte | ||
diddledan_ | css and javascript in the same file?! http://codepen.io/geelen/pen/VLbpXw | 23:42 |
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