
traccartum.. last update removed unity8-desktop-session-mir package08:54
traccart^^ 16.0409:04
duflutraccart: What happens if you try to put it back?    sudo apt-get install unity8-desktop-session-mir09:07
tsdgeostraccart: xenial?09:12
tsdgeosyeah the current status is a bit borked09:12
tsdgeosthe new toolkit hasn't landed yet09:13
tsdgeosso stuff is a bit "on the edge"09:13
tsdgeosapt wants me to remove unity8 too :D09:14
dufluSuch is the dependency graph09:14
dufluGets out of hand some times09:14
dufluSadly lots of large package dependency graphs are probably avoidable. One or two removals from them can make a dramatic difference. So developers really should treat package dependencies with more caution09:21
traccartduflu, tsdgeos yep 16.04 if i add unity8 session it removes something else :))09:48
traccarteither way i get a broken unity809:49
Saviqtraccart, yes, you'll need to wait some time for this to get resolved or get a package or two from proposed09:49
traccarti'll wait :D09:50
traccartfor snappy muhahaha09:50
Saviqtraccart, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/771 this is where the underlying cause is being handled09:50
traccarti see, thanks Saviq09:51
tsdgeoscimi: the bug in vivid-overlay preventing the filters stuff seems to have landed, could you give it a final review?10:17
tsdgeoscimi: it just landed, so you'll need a dist-upgrade, is not in the image yet10:17
cimitsdgeos, ok10:19
=== greyback__ is now known as greyback
cimitsdgeos, can I use silo 54?10:38
tsdgeoscimi: i think it should be fine, anything wrong?10:39
tsdgeospstolowski: ↑↑10:39
pstolowskicimi, sure you can. no promise though about it, we were not able to test end-to-end yet10:41
maikeuli have issue running Xmir on an ubuntu phone, the mir connection is rejected by the server and I just cannot find a log or indications on how to allow this.12:14
sil2100Trevinho: hey!12:23
Trevinhosil2100: hi12:23
sil2100Trevinho: I was looking at publishing silo 11 for you, but I would like for a small change before we go on that would require a rebuild12:24
sil2100*like to ask12:24
Trevinhosil2100: ok, sure12:24
sil2100Trevinho: so, the thing that worried me is this merge - not content wise, but how the train handled it:12:25
sil2100Trevinho: because you touched the changelog, the train basically did not include the commit message of this change in the end changelog12:25
sil2100Trevinho: meaning there's an undocumented change now12:26
sil2100Trevinho: could you take this branch, do a dch -i in it, paste the commit-message as part of the new changelog entry and try to rebuild unity?12:26
sil2100Trevinho: since in cases where you touch the changelog, you need to explicitly write the commit message for the merge inside the changelog12:27
sil2100Otherwise the train assumes you did that and doesn't really do it for you12:27
Trevinhosil2100: what's12:27
Trevinhosil2100: sorrry it was a mistake that "what's"... :-D12:27
sil2100https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-011-2-publish/1/artifact/unity_xenial_packaging_changes.diff <- and in the end package you can see that the mention of changing to python312:28
sil2100Is missing12:28
sil2100(damn, I have issues typing today)12:28
sil2100Another issue, but that's a nitpick and I guess we can ignore it, is in bamf:12:28
greybackMirv: hey, I'm getting a qtcreator crash on startup on vivid+overlay, here's a backtrace: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/13927939/12:28
sil2100Trevinho: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-011-2-publish/1/artifact/bamf_xenial_packaging_changes.diff <- the train suddenly decided to change the 0replaceme in the changelog to a version number ;p ;p12:29
Trevinhooh, nice :-D...12:29
Trevinhomh, I guess I can fix both12:30
sil2100Trevinho: would be nice to fix that but not required, it's just a nitpick12:30
sil2100I'm more concerned with the unity one :)12:30
sil2100Trevinho: just remember that to fix it in bamf, you need to modify the changelog and remove the 0replaceme (or rename to something like 0-replaceme etc.) and then add the commit message to the changelog manually12:31
sil2100Trevinho: but as I said, this is something we can even fix later12:31
Trevinhooh.... well, no ok I'll fix it later then :-D12:31
Mirvgreyback: it's the same that kenvandine reported for system-settings. not deeemed critical as it's desktop only, and started with OTA 8.5 hotfix. you can install https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/761 for a fix.12:37
greybackMirv: perfect, thanks12:38
sil2100Trevinho: anyway, thanks!12:55
Trevinhosil2100: thank you!12:55
Trevinhosil2100: poackage is building,,..12:55
bregmamaikeul, you will need to add '-mir APPID' to the XMir command line or else the Mir server will reject the connection12:59
bregmaAPPID is a valid app-id12:59
maikeulthanks, how do you know about APP-Ids ?13:02
bregmamaikeul, the app-id generally matches the .desktop file name of an application13:03
tsdgeoscimi: dednick: what do you think of https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/ubuntu-settings-components/standarizeImports/+merge/280303 ?14:03
cimitsdgeos, we should indeed now14:13
cimitsdgeos, however we need to update the APIs if there are ubuntushape and such...14:13
tsdgeoscimi: do we really need to update the APIs? there otld ones also work, no?14:16
cimitsdgeos, it works even without updating I think, but we should anyway...14:17
tsdgeoscimi: i see tst_ files14:17
tsdgeosbut how do i run them?14:17
cimiif there is a button and we bump to uitk 1.3 and such, we can14:17
tsdgeosmake check and make test do not do much14:17
tsdgeoscimi: also if you see i have not chagned any ubuntu.components14:25
tsdgeosjust qtquick and ubuntu.compoonets.listitem14:25
tsdgeosso any ubuntushape is not changed14:25
cimitsdgeos, yeah, I would change it though too14:25
cimisince we use 1.3 in shell14:25
cimiand everywhere else14:25
tsdgeosyou would change what?14:25
cimiuitk to 1.314:25
tsdgeosit is already there14:25
cimiah cool14:26
tsdgeosit can not be changed to itself :D14:26
cimimust forgot we did update months ago maybe :)14:26
cimiok so it's a no brainer for me14:26
cimitsdgeos, we need the checklist in the description14:27
tsdgeoscimi: which checlist?14:27
tsdgeosunity8's? or there's one for ubuntu-settings-componetnts?14:28
cimitsdgeos, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/Checklists/Ubuntu-Settings-Components14:28
tsdgeosk tx14:28
tsdgeoscimi: i only need to test the indicators, right? or there's something else i need to test?14:29
cimijust indicators I think14:29
cimithere is a test file14:29
cimiqmlscene something.qml in the tree14:30
cimior unity8 indicators14:30
Trevinhosil2100: I think you can publish that now :-)14:47
ChrisTownsendHey guys, any guesses when things will be straight in the archive so apt will no longer want to remove unity8 in xenial?14:54
tsdgeosChrisTownsend: i think https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/771is it15:08
ChrisTownsendtsdgeos: Ah, ok, that's the culprit.  Thanks!15:10
SaviqChrisTownsend, oh, was it you that unity8 locked up for without gstreamer registry?15:13
* Saviq vaguely remembers trying to debug that with someone... and it could've been you15:14
ChrisTownsendSaviq: I think that was me.15:14
SaviqChrisTownsend, good news: not just you15:14
ChrisTownsendSaviq: lol, good15:15
maikeulbregma: thanks, I still had the issue and i finally found out that the issue was with the default software of the phone. I reflashed it and now everything works fine15:16
SaviqChrisTownsend, it seems today it's 100% reproducible: delete the registry file, you're stuck15:17
SaviqChrisTownsend, so that's actually a good thing :)15:17
* Saviq in the process of filing bug15:17
ChrisTownsendSaviq: My question is, why is the registry file being removed????15:18
SaviqChrisTownsend, it might never have been there15:18
SaviqChrisTownsend, or needs updating15:18
SaviqChrisTownsend, something of the sort15:18
bregmait shouldn't need to be there, it's just a cache15:19
ChrisTownsendSaviq: Hmm, ok.  Well, it seems if there is a bug in the Unity8 desktop, I'll find it:)15:19
SaviqChrisTownsend, good going!15:19
bregmaChrisTownsend is *the* unity 8 desktop usere15:19
ChrisTownsendbregma: The only one, right?:)15:19
bregmaI suspect15:20
bregmaeveryone else just install it, brings it up, says "OK, cool" and moves on15:20
SaviqChrisTownsend, bug #152528515:20
ubot5bug 1525285 in qtmultimedia-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "/usr/bin/unity8:6:__GI_ppoll:ppoll:gst_poll_wait:exchange_packets:plugin_loader_free" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/152528515:20
ChrisTownsendSaviq: Thanks, that is indeed the issue I ran into back when.15:21
SaviqChrisTownsend, do you recall when that was? like 2 weeks ago at least, right?15:21
SaviqChrisTownsend, and you didn't, by any chance, have the Qt 5.5 packages installed? :)15:22
Saviqwas that even xenial?15:22
ChrisTownsendSaviq: Hmm, seemed longer than that.  I'll look through my chat logs.15:22
ChrisTownsendSaviq: Oct. 2615:23
SaviqChrisTownsend, ack, almost two months, then15:23
ChrisTownsendSaviq: Yep, and I'm pretty sure I had Wily on that machine then.15:24
Saviqjhodapp, it was ChrisTownsend back then ↑, almost two months, likely with wily still15:24
jhodappSaviq, ok, I do remember discussing something about a deadlocked Unity8 on startup...seems this is the same thing and person15:41
Saviqjhodapp, might very well be, a bit more detail hopefully15:42
Saviqjhodapp, I wonder if this is specific to a certain plugin15:42
* Saviq tries to remove gst-plugins.* packages one by one15:42
jhodappSaviq, I believe it was if I remember correctly, but my memory is hazy on this15:42
Saviqor would you say not worth it?15:42
Saviqjhodapp, ok, trying15:42
jhodappno I think it would be worth trying15:42
sil2100Trevinho: thanks, let me take a look agian :)15:51
maikeuldoes this error rings a bell for you : 'error securing buffer...' when running an X11 app (see http://pastie.org/private/n1gdprpgngyaoqhowfdzla )15:51
maikeulsame with -mir or -desktop_file_hint when running Xmir15:52
Saviqjhodapp, down to good and base, still hanging15:54
Saviqnot gonna remove those, might not recover ;P15:55
Saviqowait, dpkg -r to the rescue15:57
Saviqjhodapp, no plugins, still hanging15:59
jhodappSaviq, wow15:59
jhodappSaviq, it might very well be the QtMultimedia and GStreamer integration16:00
Saviqjhodapp, well, ok, there's still some plugins that are not gstreamer1.0-plugins*16:00
Saviqjhodapp, trying to get rid of those too16:00
Saviq! progress16:06
Saviqjhodapp, hah! clutter plugin seems to be the culprit16:13
jhodappSaviq, oh wow16:15
jhodappSaviq, did it change recently then?16:15
jhodappwe should file that upstream then16:15
Saviqjhodapp, only we'd have to convince them that's their issue ;)16:19
Saviqjhodapp, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/clutter-gst-3.0 not much going on16:20
Saviqjhodapp, but it's difficult to say when this happened, since the registry updates fine outside of the unity8 session, at which point unity8 session won't hang either16:20
Saviqsince the registry won't need updating16:21
jhodappSaviq, yeah16:21
jhodappSaviq, looks like this was the latest gst related source file to change: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/wily/clutter-gst-3.0/wily/view/head:/clutter-gst/clutter-gst-video-sink.c16:23
jhodappSaviq, it's possible the regression is in this change: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/wily/clutter-gst-3.0/wily/revision/7#clutter-gst/clutter-gst-video-sink.c16:24
Saviqjhodapp, /me installing wily version16:24
Saviqjhodapp, hangs as well16:28
Saviqjhodapp, I'll try the other wily versions16:29
jhodappSaviq, ok, I wonder if Unity8 creates just the right scenario for clutter to hang that maybe upstream has never seen16:29
Saviqjhodapp, we're not using clutter at all, that might be it :D16:29
Saviqjhodapp, even the earliest wily version has the same issue16:32
* Saviq checks clutter 2.016:34
jhodappSaviq, that was quite a large change to clutter for that first version16:35
Saviqjhodapp, well, we'd have to compare with 2.016:35
Saviqbut that's no longer there in xenial16:35
jhodappSaviq, look at line 53: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/wily/clutter-gst-3.0/wily/revision/1#clutter-gst/clutter-gst-plugin.c16:37
jhodappSaviq, this would happen when the plugin is loaded via the registry16:37
Saviqnice one16:38
jhodappthanks, there's a good chance that's it16:38
Saviqjhodapp, let me compile without that def16:38
Saviqjhodapp, check out line 2093 http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/wily/clutter-gst-3.0/wily/revision/1/clutter-gst/clutter-gst-playback.c#clutter-gst/clutter-gst-playback.c16:45
* Saviq says the threads call should be protected with that16:46
jhodappSaviq, yeah16:47
Saviqthere's more instances like that16:47
jhodappSaviq, so we would no longer have CLUTTER_WINDOWING_X11 be true with Unity8 right?16:48
Saviqjhodapp, that's my thinking16:48
Saviqjhodapp, I mean, we don't16:48
jhodappSaviq, can you put a #error in there to double check?16:49
Saviqjhodapp, but it's only the _check_windowing... that checks runtime16:49
Saviqthe other is build time16:49
Saviqwhich is obviously wrong16:49
Saviqbecause it goes "if built with X11 support, means you're running under X11"16:49
jhodappwhat if we still had the build time requirements satisfied16:50
jhodappfor X1116:50
Saviqjhodapp, that's where the additional check comes in16:57
Saviqjhodapp, http://paste.ubuntu.com/13935011/16:57
jhodappSaviq, what's that from?16:58
jhodappSaviq, are we missing that?16:59
Saviqjhodapp, that's my patch... unfortunately not enough it seems16:59
Saviqit might be we're actually passing that runtime check, too16:59
jhodappyou already tried commenting out XInitThreads() completely?17:00
Saviqnot yet17:00
Saviqtrying that now17:02
Saviqjhodapp, hmm that this code was wrong I've almost no question, but that doesn't seem to be enough unfortunately17:07
jhodappSaviq, that sucks17:07
jhodappI think we're on the right trail though17:07
Saviqjhodapp, FWIW we have a bug that they might actually accept... running gst-inspect-1.0 hangs in vt (without X11)17:09
jhodappSaviq, ah a very good point17:09
sil2100Saviq: hey! A quick question - do you have any knowledge about the ubuntu-application-api3-examples package?17:09
Saviqsil2100, little, greyback might be better, but let's try17:11
greybackDepends on the question :)17:12
sil2100greyback: so my question is very simple - do we need it in our images? Since the xenial touch seeds have it included17:12
greybacksil2100: no reason that I can think of17:13
sil2100I'm doing some minor cleanup removing some api2 leftovers, was wondering if I should add it to vivid as well17:13
sil2100greyback: thanks, good enough for me ;)17:13
Saviqjhodapp, can you confirm these steps please17:17
Saviq- log in on vt (with no graphical session)17:17
Saviq- rm ~/.cache/gstreamer-1.0/registry.x86_64.bin17:17
Saviq- gst-inspect-1.017:17
Saviq- behold17:17
* Saviq can't store in LP for some reason17:17
jhodappSaviq, sure17:19
jhodappSaviq, seems to have completed successfully for me17:20
Saviqjhodapp, oh hm, wonder if there's something else that makes this go wrong17:21
jhodappSaviq, might be, I'm running wily17:21
SaviqChrisTownsend, ltinklcan you guys check those steps ↑?17:21
Saviqthat's enough to exercise the deadlock (which happens in the clutter gst plugin for me)17:22
Saviqjhodapp, OTOH http://tronche.com/gui/x/xlib/display/XInitThreads.html says it will go ack/nack, maybe it doesn't need the wrapping check17:25
Saviqwhich would ~explain that it doesn't help us17:26
jhodappSaviq, yeah, the compile time check is practically worthless as well17:26
Saviqjhodapp, it is, on WIN32 ;)17:26
a1fais it me, or is unity blocking arbitrary mutli touch?18:01
a1fa"Unity reserves to itself gestures with 3 and 4 gestures making impossible to Touchégg make use of it.18:03
a1fais there a config toggle to disable unity gestures, or are we still stuck having to compile it/remove it from source?18:10
greybacka1fa: you referring to unity7? If so, I don't know how to turn that off, aside from not using the unity plugin in compiz18:31
a1fathe only thing i am missing from unity at this point is "swipe left, swipe right" integration with chrome19:18
traccartah unity719:25
a1falooks like touchegg can takeover 2 finger gestures19:27
a1faif you disable all synclient options19:27
a1fa but then you loose ability to scroll in unity19:59

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