
phillwNa3iL: add this channel as auto join.. wxl will be happy to allocate tasks for you to help with. With lubuntu 16.04 being an LTS things must be tested to the n'th degree.01:21
Na3iLsure phillw01:22
* Na3iL added #lubuntu-devel to his fav channels.01:22
phillwNa3iL: we also have the not so small matter of getting lxqt up and running :)01:23
Na3iLI'll take look on that too.01:24
phillwthe LTS has to take priority, for lxqt with qt applications being new there is the not so small matter of doing all the translations... That is being discussed as to the best route forward.01:29
Na3iLAwesome! I can help a lot with that task.01:32
phillwNa3iL: I think all on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Global#Members are volunteered as Rafael is liasing on this area along with his doing the artwork stuff that he does for every lubuntu area.01:37
Na3iLRoger that phillw01:39
tsimonq2I DID IT02:47
tsimonq2sorry for the caps02:47
tsimonq2I *finally* got an instance of LXQt02:47
tsimonq2I used the Xenial netboot02:48
tsimonq2and I installed the needed packages and lightdm as well as openbox02:48
tsimonq2and it worked fine!02:48
tsimonq2and all of the amd64 test cases are done for build 2015121103:07

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