
tarpmansetting a password (passwd as root) is probably all you need to do, then00:02
grendal_primeguys i got this situation where one of my linux guests locks up...takes up an entire processor.00:03
Tsutsukakushitarpman: this has to be non-interactive...00:03
tarpmanTsutsukakushi: man 8 chpasswd00:03
grendal_primeits used as a wedge device to connect users of on a smart phone to a java application Linux mint desktop.00:04
Tsutsukakushiapparently --delete should remove any value... maybe this includes the lock too00:04
Tsutsukakushii'll try tat00:04
grendal_primeit just decides...bam...00:04
grendal_primewhere are the log files for individual guests stored again?00:07
grendal_primenevermind i found them00:08
grendal_primei never seen anything in these logs that seem to help.00:47
=== Monthrect is now known as Piper-Off
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phi0xzhey guys, trying to figure out how to make a folder location such as /downloads/ be really a combination of two different folder paths, /downloads/ and /home/downloads/. my drives are split up so that / is one drive and /home/ is another, however my /downloads/ folder is now getting full on / and i want to take the space from /home/downloads/ and link it up to /downloads/ so that files i write to /downloads/ actually write to /home/03:17
phi0xzdownloads/ if /downloads/ is full.03:17
andolphi0xz: Wouldn't you rather solve this at a lower level, combining buth those drives using say LVM?03:19
phi0xzsure. what happened was i have a rental server which was pre configured. they have a default system partition setup which i couldn't choose my own. didnt know if i could alter it easily?03:20
phi0xzi've never altered partition tables in linux after a install has already been done.03:20
phi0xzi've added drives but never altered.03:20
phi0xzis there a guilde you could point me to which may help accomplish this?03:21
phi0xzthey also did software raid1 which i honestly dont need..03:21
phi0xzbut its preconfigured03:21
hipitihop I have installed LXD on my 14.04 desktop as per https://linuxcontainers.org/lxd/getting-started-cli/ and imported ubuntu via lxd-images but during launch apparmor complains "Incomplete AppArmor support in your kernel...lxc.aa_allow_incomplete = 1..."04:01
hipitihopFor the benefit of others I ended up adding `lxc.aa_allow_incomplete = 1` to  /usr/share/lxc/config/ubuntu.common.conf07:18
jvwjgamesMy sftp is copying files but for some reason won't copy folders07:45
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jvwjgamesI need help08:50
jvwjgamesI can't get past a server error 50008:51
lordievaderGood morning.10:01
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SagarHello, can anyone help us, our server is getting mad, not sure what is the issue and where it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/13990037/15:15
Sagar It says We have detected that load average of your VPS  is above the allowed limit.15:15
SagarOur vps was suspended, they said us to look into our VPS. Any help appriciated, SMTP and php fpm is getting made, not sure, why15:16
patdk-lapsagar, well, you are infected with a vaunerable php program16:03
patdk-lapand are sending spam16:03
=== Wamphyri_ is now known as Wamphyri
Wamphyriis there a way to find out if php is lagging or if its mysql?16:42
CapprenticeHow to implement a spam filtering server?16:43
CapprenticeIt has to be transparent :(16:43
Capprenticeand must have capasity to filter mails from gmail, hotmail etc.16:43
Paaltomoi'm trying to connect to an openvpn server i just set up on ubuntu16:46
Paaltomobut the tls key negotiation is failing to occur / handshake is failing16:46
Paaltomowhat do16:46
Paaltomoubuntu 14.10 afaik and antergos16:46
Paaltomois it a port thing?16:49
RoyKWamphyri: usually, just use top16:59
RoyKWamphyri: large db?16:59
Wamphyrinope not at all16:59
RoyKWamphyri: also, don't use mysql unless you really need to16:59
Wamphyrimysql using 1.7% but php-cgi jumps between 5% to 70%17:00
RoyKWamphyri: install sysstat, enable it, install munin, watch the graphs or just use sysstat/sar17:00
qman__Paaltomo: that usually means you cannot establish a connection, check firewall settings and make sure you can route traffic to the server properly17:00
RoyKWamphyri: it can be anything, you need to monitor things to see what's hanging17:00
Paaltomoqman_ thanks17:00
WamphyriRoyK, thanks17:01
Wamphyrii've been watching top, just php/mysql running stupid slow lol17:01
RoyKWamphyri: install the named tools17:03
RoyKWamphyri: it'll tell you if it's i/o or cpu17:03
Wamphyrialso enabled logging :)17:03
RoyKgood, even17:03
Wamphyrii'm beginign to get this feeling its i/o based17:06
Wamphyrimind you sar just blew up php-cgi17:07
Wamphyriused to be only one instance now i got about 30 of em17:07
WamphyriRoyK, ok that app sucks nuggets, almost made my machine unusable17:11
WamphyriRoyK, lmao 5 minutes trying to uninstall sysstat.. still sitting at building dependency tree17:18
RoyKWamphyri: something must be messed up, hten17:25
RoyKWamphyri: probably i/o fsckup17:26
RoyKWamphyri: what does 'uptime' say about the load?17:26
RoyKWamphyri: or what about a ps axf|grep D # ?17:27
Wamphyristill at the same spot17:27
RoyKWamphyri: probably a lot of processes in D state17:27
RoyKperhaps swapping?17:27
Wamphyrips aux returned apache2 and php-cgi and a huge list of em17:27
RoyKWamphyri: did you pipe it through | grep D ?17:28
Wamphyrina just ps aux then restarted apache217:28
Wamphyriwhich helpped17:28
RoyKWamphyri: pastebin output of 'free'17:29
Wamphyrialot, everything is moving again17:29
Wamphyrifirst time running sysstat, is it going to use all resources pretty much?17:33
bekksWamphyri: Even without sysstat, your computer will use all available resources, when running linux.17:34
Wamphyrii ment will it hog them all17:35
bekksWhich resources in particular do you talk about?17:35
Wamphyriany / all of them, i installed sysstat and my system turned into a turtle, 14 minutes to uninstall sysstat17:36
bekksWhich resources in particular do you talk about?17:36
bekksDo you know which resources sysstat is showing you?17:36
Wamphyrialright, i'll rephrase. i installed sysstat, system became almost completly unusable, took 14 minutes to uninstall sysstat. (no point trying to run sysstat because system was virtually unusable)17:38
bekksThen look at free -m, top, ps -ef, vmstat and see whats hogging your box.17:40
Wamphyrihere is the output of free http://pastebin.com/1TZ1R8v817:40
bekksLooks fine.17:41
Wamphyrivmstat http://pastebin.com/KvfjPhu617:42
bekksJust one line from vmstat is pointless.17:42
bekksLet it run for a minute, and post all of the output.17:42
Wamphyriit stopped itself17:43
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bekksBecause you did not tell it to run for a minute.17:43
bekksDoesnt look like your system is "unusable".17:49
Wamphyrilmao, ok, i installed sysstat, apache2 / php-cgi usage when insane (ps aux to list it) so i tried to uninstall sysstat, after 5+ minutes of it sitting there building database 0% i ran service apache2 restart, that took 4 minutes to run. afterwards system managed to uninstall sysstat in a more "timely" manor17:52
bekksWamphyri: Sounds like you should investigate your apache/php setup then.18:04
Wamphyriphp-cgi runs between 5% to 70%18:10
bekksDoesnt mean anything.18:10
bekksCheck the apache/php logs for whats happening, actually.18:11
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Wamphyriwould MaxRequestWorkers make it run slow?18:14
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bekksWamphyri: Depends on the value and the rest of the setup.18:15
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Wamphyribekks, php-cgi just exploded again, is there i can restore the system to original without direct access to it (through ssh preferable)18:22
bekksYou cant do anything without having access to the system.18:22
Wamphyriphysicial access?18:23
bekks"access to the system" means either physical access or access by ssh.18:23
Wamphyrijesus buddy do you not read my entire sentence?18:23
bekksI answered your question. I'm not responsible for you not wanting to hear specific things.18:24
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jelly"exploded" is a bit nonspecific, best correlate whatever symptoms you're seeing with access.log18:40
jvwjgames2I am trying to solve a 500 server error18:55
bekks500 server error on which server?18:55
bekkswebserver, mailserver, etc.?18:56
bekksAnd running which Ubuntu?18:56
jvwjgames2Yes Ubuntu18:56
tewardjvwjgames2: 500 means nothing without details on the software you're using that's generating it, the version of Ubuntu, etc.18:57
tewardjvwjgames2: is it Apache?  NGINX?  Postfix?  PHP?18:57
tewardwhat's generating the 500 error?18:57
bekksfirefox :P18:57
jvwjgames2Here is the error log http://tfdatabase.net18:57
bekksError log of WHAT?18:57
tewardjvwjgames2: that's not useful18:57
bekksjvwjgames2: Start answering my questions please.18:58
tewardjvwjgames2: the question at hand: What software generated that error.log, and are you seeing the 500 error when you navigate to a web site or what?18:58
tewardjvwjgames2: if you want help, answer questions18:58
tewardif you don't want help, don't answer questions, and continue to have the problem.18:58
jvwjgames2OK sorry it is Ubuntu server 14.04 LTS running Apache218:58
bekksjvwjgames2: Fix all those "file not found" errors first.18:59
jvwjgames2I did18:59
bekksYou didnt. They are in the log.19:00
jvwjgames2The error is at the bottom19:00
bekksFix the "permission denied" error then.19:00
* teward thinks he knows the next question from jvwjgames219:01
jvwjgames2I cleared out the error.log but when I get the 500 error nothing generated19:06
jvwjgames2Only in access.lo19:06
bekksAnd the access.log is what you posted.19:07
jvwjgames2Just reposted error and access.logs19:10
jvwjgames2Did you recheck cause I just reposted them19:18
BrianBlaze420once I make my rules for ufw and then reload it is it saved on reboot?21:48
geetarI can't print to a usb printer from a headless, non-gui ubuntu server using "lpr file-to-print.txt".  I *can* print from "cat file-to-print.txt > /dev/usb/lp0".  Any ideas what I can check?22:09
geetarNow, I *can* print from  "lpr file-to-print.txt", but not printing from remote laptop.22:22
geetareven  "lpr file-to-print.txt" using ssh is very slow though.22:22
geetarshould I install full gui on the server to print with this machine or has anyone else been able to print with a headless gui-less ubuntu server?22:40
geetarI can print with the same printer on my ubuntu laptop flawlessly, but cant get the server to print22:41
geetaror at least can get it to print-serve properly22:41
geetarjust now got it to print a test pdf through "lpr"22:42
JanCdid you look for errors in the logs?22:45
geetarJanC: yes, but looking again ..22:45
geetarJanC: I have a thousand "Unable to create SSL server key file "/etc/cups/ssl/server.key" - No such file or directory" entries in error_log .  I thought I avoided that problem by re-installing cups.  But that gave me other problems that I thought were resolved.  I cannot find on google or duckduck any other problems with cups and SSL.22:51
JanCand logs or verbose errors on the laptop when you try to print from it?22:52
JanCand I'm sure you don't need a GUI to print, but maybe you need some configuration change (permissions? is it listening "on the outside" or only on localhost? etc.)22:53
geetarThe SSL issue I think was why I could not get into this machine and manage the printers with the browser through  I kept getting permissions errors.22:53
geetarJanC: I am about to get into the server through now.  After reinstalling CUPS.22:54
geetarJanC: but I assume that the long delay I am getting it the server writing a thousand ""Unable to create SSL server key file "/etc/cups/ssl/server.key" - No such file or directory" in the error logs.  As I said, I uninstalled cups.  Re-installation did not re-create the config files.  I put them back and then it worked.  I got into the cups through the browser.22:57
geetarThe SSL folder in /etc/cups/ had links to ssl keys but they would not let me through the browser.  I can find nothing on the web about when or why or how the SSL certificates are created and how to fix this issue.23:00
geetarThey were not re-created when I uninstalled and then re-installed CUPS.  In fact, the default config files were not re-created when I re-installed CUPS.  Why is that?23:01
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geetarBTW it is still creating "Unable to create SSL server key file "/etc/cups/ssl/server.key" - No such file or directory" entries in the error log23:03
geetarCan someone verify that in /etc/cups/ssl they have links to SSL certificates?23:04
geetarDoes anyone know how or why the ssl folder in /etc/cups/ssl gets created?23:04
OerHeksgeetar, mine during fresh install, http://paste.ubuntu.com/13999403/23:09
tarpmangeetar: how -> see /var/lib/dpkg/info/cups.postinst23:10
tarpmangeetar: why -> to provide a default self-signed server cert so that you can use cups securely without having to buy a certificate23:10
tarpmangeetar: if you delete a config file, dpkg respects your wish to have it gone and does not bring it back if you remove and reinstall a package. if you *purge* and reinstall the package, the default configs will come back23:11
tarpmangeetar: or reinstall the package using dpkg --force-confnew23:11
geetarOerHeks: thanks, helpful, similar to mine before.  I will restore.23:11
tarpmanpardon me, --force-confmiss23:12
geetartarpman: thanks.  I "apt-get --purge" cups.  Which I thought would make it start over when I re-installed, but it did not re-create any config files when I re-installed.  Thanks, too, trying --force-confnew23:18
tarpmangeetar: pardon me, the package that sets up the certs (and some other configs) is cups-daemon, not cups itself23:22
geetartarpman: "sudo apt-get install cups-daemon" claims I am at the newest version.23:24
tarpmangeetar: I meant cups-daemon is the package you need to purge and reinstall if you want the configs re-created23:25
geetarah, k23:25

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