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MarconM | sturmflut: waitin for ubuntu 16.04 mir 8 | 01:30 |
MarconM | its possible get the new one ? | 01:30 |
sturmflut | MarconM: You probably mean Unity8? | 01:32 |
MarconM | Yes | 01:32 |
MarconM | sorry | 01:32 |
MarconM | xD | 01:32 |
MarconM | do u have a ubuntu phone or using nexus 4 ? | 01:32 |
sturmflut | MarconM: The phone is already running Unity8, and you can install unity8 as a package on Ubuntu 15.10 | 01:33 |
MarconM | hunm | 01:33 |
MarconM | good to know | 01:33 |
MarconM | install ubuntu on notebook | 01:33 |
sturmflut | MarconM: I have an Aquaris E4.5, a Meizu MX4 and a Nexus 4 | 01:33 |
MarconM | i ll try | 01:33 |
MarconM | Nexus 4 .. here on brazil the smarthphone are too expensives | 01:33 |
MarconM | T.T | 01:33 |
MarconM | i ll buy a nexus 4 too | 01:33 |
sturmflut | The Nexus 4 is currently still the safest bet because it runs well and it's the only phone that can do convergence | 01:35 |
MarconM | good | 01:36 |
MarconM | sturmflut: do u use telegram ? | 01:41 |
sturmflut | MarconM: Yes, I use Telegram for everything | 01:45 |
MarconM | good | 01:46 |
MarconM | MarconM | 01:46 |
MarconM | add there | 01:46 |
sturmflut | MarconM: We have several Telegram channels for Ubuntu, I'll send you the links in private | 01:48 |
Fludge | Hello. | 02:56 |
Fludge | Whenever I try to interact with my device through ADB in the terminal, it can't find it. However, if I open Cydia Impactor and restart the bridge, it works perfectly fine until it close Cydia. What's going on in Cydia and how could I replicate it? | 02:57 |
dobey | Fludge: you're asking about an ubuntu phone? or what? i don't know what cydia is. ubuntu phones have to be unlocked before you can connect to them with adb. if screen is off, it won't connect | 03:13 |
Fludge | Sorry, no, I'm trying to connect via ADB before Ubuntu Touch is installed. | 03:13 |
dobey | what device? | 03:15 |
Fludge | A VisualLand Prestige Pro7D. | 03:17 |
dobey | you are trying to port ubuntu to it? it's not a currently supported device | 03:18 |
dobey | !devices | Fludge | 03:18 |
ubot5 | Fludge: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices | 03:18 |
robjh | hi all. im trying to checkout a directory from launch pad. but im not even sure what tool i should be using. the directory is at: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mir-team/mir/development-branch/files/head:/examples/ | 08:58 |
robjh | i'd like to faff about a bit with egl :3 | 08:59 |
Marc_ | Let's ask BQ some info about the convergent phone, retweet https://twitter.com/K_Peignot/status/675776844390670336 | 09:43 |
robjh | actually. is it possible to make the MX4's root partition bigger? | 09:55 |
xxvirusxx | hello all | 11:34 |
xxvirusxx | who know if is a firmware for mtk6582 ubuntu-touch | 11:35 |
xxvirusxx | ? | 11:35 |
sturmflut | I wonder if the bq firmware would work on other MT6582 based devices. Probably a few of the peripherals would be different, like the display, but there's a chance the kernel can be tweaked to fit that. | 13:41 |
Dragonkeeper | anyone else get a battery read bug on bq 4.5 ota-8 <_< | 13:51 |
Dragonkeeper | http://i.imgur.com/lOq4RVS.png | 13:52 |
Dragonkeeper | here is a screen shot of it ,, this was idling on the lock screen for a while, no activity , reading from 100 - 90 % then instantly dropped | 13:53 |
sturmflut | Dragonkeeper: It's a known bug on all of our MediaTek devices, and every time I want to squash it I can't trigger it for days | 13:56 |
sturmflut | Dragonkeeper: https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image/+bug/1471913 | 13:56 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1471913 in Canonical System Image "Battery statistics are incorrect on MTK based devices" [High,Confirmed] | 13:56 |
Dragonkeeper | huh , mine seens to update fine charging , not discharging | 13:57 |
sturmflut | Usually things get back to normal when you reboot, but there was one case where the phone had to be turned off and then on again after a couple of minutes | 13:57 |
sturmflut | Dragonkeeper: It can happen either way. The indicator can get "stuck" at a level forever or just for some time, or the level can suddenly drop. | 13:59 |
Dragonkeeper | do we know why it gets 'stuck'? | 14:00 |
sturmflut | Nope, the manufacturer says it's a hardware problem, but I don't believe that because the data in the first comment to the bug report indicates something else. | 14:02 |
sturmflut | The problem is that we don't know of a way to reliably trigger this bug. I'm running a patched kernel on my Aquaris E4.5 phone and a script in the background collects data, but in the last five days I haven't been able to trigger the bug even once. | 14:03 |
sturmflut | The MX4 seems to be affected more often, but it's the same for my MX4, no problems in the last week | 14:05 |
Dragonkeeper | huh , is weird , i wouldnt say ive been watching for it but i do get the bug quite alot , the other day i couldnt even turn the phone on because the battery was at 90% then suddenly was 0% | 14:05 |
Dragonkeeper | ths wasnt a problem in all revsions ive used tho | 14:06 |
sturmflut | Yeah, I also don't remember this problem appearing this often back when the first phones were released, it seems like it got worse with more recent kernels | 14:06 |
Dragonkeeper | where should i look if i want to find out if im getting errors or any other info when this bug occurs ? | 14:10 |
sturmflut | Dragonkeeper: The production kernels don't have the necessary debugging enabled I think. At least I added a lot of additional debugging to my patched version | 14:16 |
Dragonkeeper | ah ok i see, well i hope this bug gets found + squished soon :P | 14:19 |
Dragonkeeper | also i tried a mhl cable with bq 4.5 but it didnt seem to register to charge to screen .. i was wondering if this was software or hardware ? | 14:21 |
Dragonkeeper | s/'to s'/'or s'/ | 14:21 |
sturmflut | None of the commercially sold phones supports an external display | 14:24 |
sturmflut | Only the Nexus devices | 14:24 |
Dragonkeeper | ah ok so hardware, thanks :) | 14:25 |
robjh | I've managed to compile the egltriangle example on my phone. however, i cant launch it :s | 14:43 |
robjh | does anyone know how to launch graphical applications on a ubuntu handset from the command line? | 14:44 |
robjh | the error it says is; Can't get connection | 14:46 |
robjh | I'm able to run the program if i do export MIR_SOCKET=/run/mir_socket. but no extra panes appear | 14:58 |
sturmflut | Dragonkeeper: Hm going through all my logs I might have found something interesting, https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image/+bug/1471913/comments/49 | 15:22 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1471913 in Canonical System Image "Battery statistics are incorrect on MTK based devices" [High,Confirmed] | 15:22 |
sturmflut | This is what I have been suspecting for quite a while, I knew that at least parts of the hardware still reported battery data correctly when the indicator reported it incorrectly, so it can't be a hardware failure alone and in all cases | 15:25 |
Dragonkeeper | hmm thats interesting n sounds like a jump point | 15:26 |
Dragonkeeper | attached log file? | 15:27 |
sturmflut | Uploading right now | 15:28 |
lotuspsychje | the gmail app sorts serveral mails togheter on different persons, anyone knows why? | 15:36 |
lotuspsychje | i disabled sorting in normal gmail | 15:37 |
sturmflut | Isn't it just a webapp? | 15:37 |
lotuspsychje | sturmflut: yeah but i wanna know why it puts mail togheter | 15:38 |
lotuspsychje | hmmm seems like conversation view cannot be turned off | 15:41 |
Dragonkeeper | 1st world problems XD | 15:43 |
Dragonkeeper | ah okay i see you log :) | 15:48 |
Dragonkeeper | sturmflur is there a way you know of to update the battery status with a script ? | 16:03 |
sturmflut | Dragonkeeper: No, the data is processed inside the kernel | 17:48 |
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scientes | is there any way I can get X11? | 20:42 |
scientes | on nexus 4 | 20:42 |
Myself5 | ondra, you there? | 21:05 |
Myself5 | please tell me you are ... | 21:05 |
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bregma | scientes, yes, there is a way to get X11 on the N4, but official support is not ready yet | 22:24 |
talonz1 | whats the benifits of running x11 on a mobile device ? | 22:46 |
ljp | probably mainly the ability to use legacy apps | 22:55 |
talonz1 | makes sense | 23:11 |
RAOF | Particularly if you've plugged in an external display, bluetooth keyboard, and mouse. | 23:21 |
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