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craigbass76 | I used to use acid, the audio program, and am wondering if there is a similar app in ubuntu studio. I had like a kick drum track where I could use a sampled kick drum over and over, and do the same for other samples. Kind of like hydrogen, but it looked more like ardour | 04:09 |
craigbass76 | Oh, you know what? It looks like I can do this in ardour | 04:12 |
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dmbaturin | Hi everyone! Is there a more complete list of supported USB audio interfaces anywhere? | 13:53 |
zequence | dmbaturin: You mean, more than this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/SupportedHardware#USB | 14:05 |
zequence | There's also this http://wiki.linuxaudio.org/wiki/hardware_matrix | 14:06 |
dmbaturin | zequence: Yes, by "more complete" I meant "more complete than the one in the docs". :) | 14:07 |
zequence | I don't know of any, but generally usb devices aren't very well supported | 14:07 |
zequence | There are a few devices that are solid | 14:07 |
dmbaturin | Is it recommended to use a PCI-e (or 1394) devices instead? | 14:08 |
zequence | Any stereo device should work with usb 1.1 specification | 14:08 |
zequence | I wouldn't say recommended. Firewire works well for a lot of people, but it's not as veritile | 14:08 |
zequence | pci is probably what works best | 14:08 |
zequence | Don't know about pci-e | 14:09 |
zequence | I have a couple of M-Audio Delta cards. Only problem with those is no mic preamps. Otherwise, they are truly well performing | 14:09 |
dmbaturin | So you are using external preamps? | 14:10 |
zequence | I also have a Focusrite Sapphire Pro 40, which is what I'm using at the moment | 14:10 |
zequence | I have a problem with the first channel, which I know others have had too. The gain drops after a while, and I need to start/stop phantom power for channels 1-4 in order to be able to raise the gain again | 14:11 |
zequence | Are you looking for 2 channels, or more? | 14:11 |
dmbaturin | Two channels is fine for the start I guess. I'm still very new to sound recording. | 14:13 |
zequence | Are you using a laptop? | 14:13 |
dmbaturin | Most of the time I'm using a mac mini (odd choice of hardware to run linux on, but it works perfectly). | 14:14 |
zequence | Laptop + USB will probably always give you ground noise in the monitors, though it doesn't affect the in signal | 14:15 |
zequence | Workaround is disconnecting the power supply, or getting a power supply without ground. Don't think any stationary machines will ahve this problem, like the mini | 14:15 |
zequence | I would probably look at usb devices, just for the fact that it'll work with any OS and any machine. But, if that's not important, firewire works just as well | 14:16 |
zequence | If you don't find the information on those links enough, I would recommend asking around on #opensourcemusicians, the Linux Audio User mail list, or perhaps the linuxmusicians forum? | 14:19 |
dmbaturin | zequence: Thanks for the tip! | 14:20 |
zequence | dmbaturin: When it comes to firewire devices, only a few are supported by ALSA. If no ALSA support, the only way to route desktop audio to the device is using jack + a pulseaudio bridge | 14:21 |
zequence | Not a big deal using jack + a PA bridge, just that it | 14:21 |
zequence | it's not as intuitive | 14:21 |
dmbaturin | zequence: Do all multi-channel audio interfaces allow recording every channel into its own track? Do all audio editors that can work with multiple track support it too? | 14:32 |
zequence | dmbaturin: Yes, but some multichannel interfaces may have a restriction for the number of channels used at higher sample rates | 14:45 |
zequence | Not so common any more. On Linux, with the focusrite, I can only run it as high as 88.2,kHz, which is more than enough for me | 14:45 |
zequence | Audio editors are not really meant for multitrack recording. Like Audacity. But, yes, you can do that | 14:46 |
zequence | For multitracking, use something like ardour, or the very leas something like qtractor | 14:46 |
dmbaturin | I was going to look into ardour. | 14:47 |
zequence | I use ardour only. I don't use a lot of midi. If I do, I do prefer jack midi, and with a firewire card you can use jack midi with the firewire in/outs | 14:48 |
zequence | jack midi is a lot more reliable than alsa midi | 14:48 |
zequence | alsa midi is probably better supported in applications though | 14:49 |
zequence | Probably a bit confusing with all these different audio and midi systems | 14:49 |
zequence | But, on Linux, one has to live with this for a while longer at least | 14:50 |
danne2611 | are you here zeq | 16:18 |
jeremy | noob here | 16:51 |
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Guest52843 | hello all. can anyone help? | 16:52 |
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JermBeatz | hi all. noob here. anyone willing to help a bit? | 17:39 |
krytarik | JermBeatz: Just ask. | 17:49 |
JermBeatz | used terminal to try and get ubuntustudio used "apt-get install ubuntustudio-desktop" and "ubuntustudio-audio" and i cant seem to find or get it to run. also, this all happened an hour ago, after the commands went through, it was done, and then the UOS had an update, that is very different from what it was, makin it a lil bit harder to find stuff. | 17:52 |
JermBeatz | wanting to try it, since i cannot purchase ableton live 9, to use for live performance with apc20, so if it's a lost cause, the saved trouble i'd be gratious for | 17:53 |
krytarik | JermBeatz: Can't you choose it on the login screen? | 17:54 |
JermBeatz | login screen? | 17:55 |
sakrecoer_ | JermBeatz: when you boot up, in the right hand top corner, you should be able to chose which desktio to use | 18:27 |
sakrecoer_ | i got weird grub error on latest apt-get upgrade on 14.04... | 18:28 |
sakrecoer_ | grub-install: warning: File system `ext2' doesn't support embedding. | 18:28 |
sakrecoer_ | grub-install: warning: Embedding is not possible. GRUB can only be installed in this setup by using blocklists. However, blocklists are UNRELIABLE and their use is discouraged.. | 18:29 |
sakrecoer_ | well... warning, not error.. | 18:29 |
sakrecoer_ | thing is, as far as i can tell, i have no ext2 partition.. | 18:30 |
JermBeatz | should i restart the comp to see? im not partitioned | 18:35 |
sakrecoer_ | JermBeatz: try just logging out and login in again | 18:35 |
sakrecoer_ | (never mind my chats about partitions, thats was my own problem, nothing to do with yours, sorry for confusion) | 18:36 |
JermBeatz | lol i had asked a ? earlier | 18:37 |
sakrecoer_ | JermBeatz: i know, read your uestion :) i answer it in my chat from 19:27 | 18:38 |
sakrecoer_ | then i advanced my own problem, should have made it more clear it was distinct, sorry about that | 18:38 |
sakrecoer_ | JermBeatz: when you log out, you get to a the login dialogue, and in the top right corner you should find a menu where you will find ubuntustudio desktop | 18:39 |
JermBeatz | ok i will try that | 18:39 |
JermBeatz | im back | 18:45 |
sakrecoer_ | did it work? | 18:48 |
sakrecoer_ | JermBeatz | 18:48 |
JermBeatz | when i logged out, in the right hand corner i clicked and there were 3 different ubuntu things. one was ubuntustudio which was already highlighted, so i went to the top one which just said "ubuntu" and it loaded and desktop looked like it did before i tried this whole thing. so maybe my understanding of what ubuntustudio actually is is probably a bit cloudy. is it like a DAW (something like ableton or logic is what im looking for) | 18:49 |
JermBeatz | or is it something way more advanced then that. as far as trying to find ubuntu studio after i logged back in, it seems i have all files except a .dll/.exe file | 18:49 |
sakrecoer_ | JermBeatz: Ubuntustudio is not a DAW | 18:49 |
sakrecoer_ | ubuntustudio is falvour of ubuntu, that is: an os | 18:50 |
JermBeatz | oh ok. makes a lot more since. | 18:50 |
JermBeatz | a friend was tryin to help me find a program like that for my sys, but i guess it was just a misunderstanding on what i was looking for lol | 18:50 |
sakrecoer_ | it comes with ardour, LMMS, qtractor etc... which are DAW | 18:50 |
sakrecoer_ | most DAW installed in ubuntustudio, use JACK to route audio in the system | 18:51 |
sakrecoer_ | if you log back in to your ubuntustudio session, you will find an app in the application menu, that is called qJackCtl | 18:51 |
JermBeatz | so that explains what all the other stuff was, it's kinda like a DAW appstore and you just kinda use what you need? | 18:52 |
JermBeatz | i remember seeing that. | 18:52 |
sakrecoer_ | this is the GUI for jack | 18:52 |
sakrecoer_ | sort of yes, except most of those DAW are installed for you when you pull in the ubuntustudio packages. | 18:52 |
JermBeatz | ok cool. | 18:53 |
JermBeatz | next ? i guess would be which is most like ableton? or better yet, which would be most efficient for moving things over from fl studio to use for live performance on ubu system? | 18:54 |
sakrecoer_ | if you are fmailiar with fruityloops, you will find it easy to orientate yourself in LMMS | 18:54 |
JermBeatz | yea fl studio power user since 06 XD | 18:55 |
sakrecoer_ | there is bitwig, but it is not a freesoftware, hence you wont find it in the software center | 18:55 |
JermBeatz | they got too fancy and are killin my pc. i also tried looking up bitwig, that day i officially gave up trying to use software cracks lol | 18:56 |
sakrecoer_ | this is pretty nice http://openavproductions.com/luppp/ | 18:56 |
sakrecoer_ | you will however have to readapt your workflow, comming from ableton or fruityloops.. | 18:58 |
sakrecoer_ | if i was you, i would look up tutorials for ardour or qtractor, try yourself out, and subsrcibe to ubuntustudio mailing-list | 18:59 |
sakrecoer_ | https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-studio-users | 18:59 |
sakrecoer_ | ardour, which is packed in ubuntustudio is very nice, you can route luppp into it... | 19:00 |
sakrecoer_ | ardour is very much like freespeech version of pro-tools | 19:00 |
JermBeatz | yea that lupp looked pretty cool. as far as workflow i have an apc20 that im dying to use live, having issues deciding how i want to break up the parts of my songs in order to do clip triggering/automation and whatnot | 19:01 |
sakrecoer_ | isn't apc20 exclusively for ableton live? | 19:01 |
JermBeatz | i was reading that its a bit more functional with bitwig, it worked with fl studio pretty great too, and i can kinda write templates for it | 19:02 |
JermBeatz | but yes, and i was ashamed after i bought it and realized it was more worth it if i had ableton | 19:03 |
sakrecoer_ | JermBeatz: just read that it should work fine on linux with renoise | 19:04 |
JermBeatz | lol more software i gotta learn | 19:04 |
sakrecoer_ | http://forum.renoise.com/index.php/topic/32539-choosing-a-live-performance-midi-controller-under-linux-os/#entry256222 | 19:04 |
sakrecoer_ | JermBeatz: welcome to the jungle! :) | 19:05 |
sakrecoer_ | anyways, while the workflow may differe a lot from app to app, all audio software are based on the same principle: sound and rythmic... learning manny will broaden your competences | 19:06 |
sakrecoer_ | many *different apps* will broaden your comptetences | 19:07 |
JermBeatz | lol holy crap that link is great. i definitely agree....been playing more instruments than computing, so the rest of my life is playing catch up XD | 19:07 |
sakrecoer_ | learning a workflow based on user respect and freedom is great way to remain productive no matter how the economy looks... | 19:07 |
JermBeatz | so much truth it hurts lol | 19:08 |
sakrecoer_ | :) | 19:09 |
JermBeatz | imma log back out and get into the stu and see what i can figure out. u been a big help man | 19:09 |
JermBeatz | prolly open this channel back up too, its in the faves | 19:09 |
sakrecoer_ | no problem! | 19:11 |
sakrecoer_ | if you ever get stuck and find no one here, don't forget the amiling list :) | 19:11 |
sakrecoer_ | Best of luck out there in the production jungle! | 19:11 |
sakrecoer_ | *mailing-list | 19:12 |
=== dell is now known as Guest14111 | ||
JermBeatz | is hydrogen as wonderful as it seems? or is it just me? also, does anyone kno any programs that work amazingly with an apc20? | 19:44 |
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sakrecoer_ | JermBeatz: Hydrogene is very wonderfull! | 20:28 |
sakrecoer_ | i don't know much about about apc20 and how it integrates with various DAW, except for that link in the bitwig forum | 20:29 |
sakrecoer_ | gotta logg off... read ya later! | 20:30 |
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