
galeidoHi, I have a small issue with my new MAAS installation. For some reason, I can't see any "Connected network interface cards" on Networks -> interface -> Connected network interfaces cards section. Any ideas?13:22
galeidoI already figured out. There was some temp glitch on MAAS. AFter reboot the host everything seems to work correctly.13:28
Xat`hi guys14:29
Xat`anyone could just confirm my guess : is maas not providing the compute part, right ?14:30
Xat`"compute" term relating to openstack14:34
Xat`what is the purpose of virsh power type when MaaS is designed to deploy physical servers ?14:41
mupBug #1524925 changed: Auto-enlist not working for power8 <MAAS:Invalid by newell-jensen> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1524925>15:12
koapsI'm trying to see if there's a way to have MAAS use a url like https://USER:PASS@URL for the Ubuntu main archive and ports archive, we need to auth to our artifactory repos. The WebUI rejects the url as not valid, but I can use apt-get or curl against the urls so I know they are right, anyone have have suggestions?21:42
rbasakkoaps: how are you using MAAS? From Juju or something else? If you only need your extra repos at deployment time, then can you use cloud-init userdata to add the apt repositories instead?21:44
koapsmaas has urls it uses to pull images from21:46
koapsI wanted to change those21:46
koapswe have restricted networks21:46
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rbasakAh, sorry. I thought you meant "use a url like (...) for the Ubuntu main archive and ports archive" rather than "use a url like (... for the Ubuntu main archive and ports archive". English should use brackets more :-)22:11
rbasak(I don't know the answer to your question in that case, sorry, but maybe someone else will come along)22:12
mupBug #1522910 opened: Default Flat partition scheme fails on efi - lacks /boot/efi <MAAS:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1522910>23:31

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